Personally, I find the greatest reason to support just the smallest form of monarchy, e.g. a figurehead, is that it reinforces the truth that there is no such thing as equality. I believe that equality is a notion that will devolve into such demagoguery that even to have it attacked at a symbolic level is a worthwhile thing to have.
>This is like, your opinion man. You cannot tell what is better unless you state what goals you want to reach.
Agreed. Please state yours.
>And for your information, Chinese communism in the 5°-60's unfucked the Chinese society, removed the traditionalist thinking, gave it a fast forward industrial revolution and get the country ready for capitalism. Today China is big, powerful and may become the next superpower.
To clarify. Are you defending the cultural revolution?
>This is an excellent reason to be against monarchy. Read it again.
We're not seeing what you are. Explain.
>What about 12 year old kings? What about weak kings? What about powerful kings that does not care about the country?
At this point I believe it is necessary to distinguish between the absolute monarchists and the constitutional monarchists and the aristocrats (fwiw, the degeneration of the ancien regime from an aristocracy to "L'etat, c'est moi" is it's downfall, IMO, but I believe others here will disagree with me) and the mere figurehead monarchists.
>A good democracy can exist, but it require actual informations, not a media cast, actual concerned citizens, not consumerist zombies and political debates, not closed echoes chambers on the internet.
I believe I will depart ways from others here, but democracies will necessarily devolve into ochlocracies just like monarchies can devolve into tyrannies.
I think others here might argue about one being more stable over the long run or less likely to happen than the other, but for my part, I do not mind taking to your Montesquieu and requisitioning a balance of power even in a monarchy.
>We have cars for less than a century. Are you riding a horse?
With all due respect, I think his point still stands. The benefit of traditionalism is the same as relying on evolutionary methods to solve problems. They utilize the dispersed local knowledge (in the political case, through multiple generations) that may not be available to a singular person or to a singular generation of peoples. C.f., Hayek. Admittedly, this is not an argument meant to convince people one way or the other, it is a mere heuristic.