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[–]▶ 000000 (1) No.40999>>42721 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Just arrived? Read this
Just arrived?
Suspended? Refugee? Looking for Anons & Patriots?
Grab a rope and sail with us.
If you don't know where to go or how to navigate / post, read this thread.
Welcome newfag (that's a term of endearment).
Here's how to navigate and some tips so you can hit the ground running.
Go to the lastest General Thread. That's where everybody's at 24/7
Here's how to find it -
- Go to the Catalog at
- Look at the top for the current General thread.
- They're numbered and all have the same image.
- Threads are closed at 200 posts and we move to a fresh one.
Post your research, diggz, news, habbenings in the General threads
Please don't make new threads in the catalog unless you're going to maintain it.
You'll get all eyes on your research and posts in the General.
Sauce = Source
- Please add your source/s to your report posts.
- Sauce is a link to where you found the info.
- If you don't add sauce then your news and diggz won't be shared as much.
- Posts with sauce can be added to the 'Notable Posts' section.
- Anons and Patriots then share them.
Honored have you sailing with us.
Feel free to ask if you're unsure of anything.
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▶ 8ba7fb (1) No.41019
Welcome newcomers
Below is an overview of /mnr/, ways to access it, and how to post and convo with other anons.
You can also ask questions, we drop by pretty often. You can also ask questions in the main (General) thread.
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42050
>>42052 Quickstart Guide
>>42055 Board Overview
>>42057 The Dough
>>42058 Ways to Access MNR Board
>>42059 TOR via Brave Browser
>>42060 Catalog vs Index View
>>42718 Board Roles
>>42720 Postings Tips
>>42721, >>42722 Linking
>>42723 Who's Who on an Anon Board?
>>42724 Ways to Contribute
>>42725 Tips for Note-taking
>>42858 Bringing over posts from other boards
>>43871, >>43872, >>43936 Where to Post: the GENERAL Thread (don't make new threads plz)
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42052 >>42050
Quickstart Guide for Newfags
A smart anon made a great guide for newfags (we're all fags here, no offense intended). But it was dated - is now updated. CAP 1
1. Avoiding self-doxxing
2. Filtering
3. Reporting CP, etc.
4. Responding to a post
5. Personalizing with Options
6. Posting images and video
7. Other useful info
Formatting Codes for Newfags
Most can be combined, see below. CAP 2
bold italics
red text
small purple text
>quoted text
2 asterisks either side yields spoiler
bold italics
bold underline
small purple underline
red text underlined
Use the Pass the Exam practice thread to practice posting and formatting: >>>/midnightriders/25
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42055 >>42050 >>43871 >>43872 >>43936
Board Overview
The /MNR/ Catalog looks like this: CAP 1
From the CATALOG, you can easily get into threads
- There are two kinds of threads: GENERAL and SUBJECT threads.
- The General (main) thread is the one most newcomers seek.
- All the General threads have a blue Punisher image - just like the one in this thread.
- The "live" one will have less than 200 posts ("R") & no lock icon.
The General Thread
- By tradition, we call each General thread a BREAD and the anon who manages (bakes) it a BAKER.
- That's why the top section is called the DOUGH.
- The dough contains news & resources; it's followed by the area where anons post.
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42057 >>42050
The Dough
The dough is the heart of the bread.
It contains Q drops, notables & resources useful for diggs & memes making.
It also reminds us of why we came and what we are here for: the championing of liberty, justice, and truth.
Staff, bakers and anons protect the dough and the traditions that have shaped it.
We understand that it symbolizes the larger cause for which we came.
Thus, we do not alter it lightly.
Our respect for the dough is reflected in our respect for those who post here.
We all have a contribution to make, whether as an observant lurqer or in some other role.
We welcome all who share our values and support the cause of liberty.
Shadilay, anons!!
The dough has a lot to it; anons come to know it over time.
Dough Basics
- first 5 or 6 posts in the bread
- posted by the baker on duty
- passed by uploading to an online 'bin' - we have our own 'qbin':
Anyone can look at it or download a copy
- posting begins AFTER the dough is posted, not during. (Those who forget are breadshitters.)
Dough Pages
Page 1 - Q posts & other Q-info
Page 2 - Notable posts by anons for recent breads
Page 3 - Memo resources & highlighted subject threads
Page 4 - Q graphics & other tools, baking instructions
Page 5 - Dough post plus qbin ( link
After the dough is posted, anons can commence to dig-meme-pray and shitpost.
Breads are currently about 200 posts long; after that, the bread is 'baked' (packaged for upload and then uploaded to and a new bread is created.
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42058 >>42050
Ways to Access 8kun MNR Board
Clearnet access:
TOR access:
Clearnet is best but is not always available. If it's down, try TOR. CAP 1
Tor Browser isolates each website you visit so third-party trackers and ads can't follow you. Any cookies automatically clear when you're done browsing. So will your browsing history."
When accessing 8kun boards in TOR, anons
- must fill out more captchas than usual
- may not post images (except for YT videos).
- TOR is slow than clearnet.
Download full version of TOR here:
Got q's on TOR? Try the TOR thread: >>41524
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42059 >>42050 >>42718
TOR via Brave Browser
''not the "full" version, but sufficient for our purposes*
1. Download & install Brave browser: CAP 1
2. Open Brave browser and hit CONTRL-SHIFT-N to open a New Private Window in TOR. CAP 2
3. Copy paste this into address bar: http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/midnightriders/catalog.html
This takes you to the Catalog.*
There are sometimes problems with the Catalog - missing threads, etc.
IF SO, use the INDEX to access threads. Address:
http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/midnightriders/index. html
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42060 >>42050
Catalog vs Index View
Catalog view
like a SPREADSHEET of threads
SELECT a thread by clicking on the image.
Index view
SEQUENTIAL list of threads
SELECT a thread by finding the thread (going down the list) and then clicking on the post number of any post that's visible.
Catalog vs. Index
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42718 >>42050
Board Roles
Board Owner - (BO) owns the board and has control of its settings. BOs may be either handsoff or participatory. MNR Board OwnerTom is a baker and active participant.
Board Volunteer(s) - (BV) can do many of the same function as BO (edit posts, delete illegal posts or images)
Reporter(s) - has limited power to change anything but can sign in as staff - which turns out to have value when the board cannot be accessed via Clearnet, see >>42059.
Baker(s) - copypaste's ("copy pasta's") the old dough, coordinates the bake, collect notables, updates the dough, bakes the bread, and posts the new dough at the start of next bread. Generally works with staff and non-baking anons to ensure the board functions smoothly.
Note-takers - collect notable posts from anons for bakers, especially during nighttime and slow shifts.
Diggers, specialized diggers (planefags, boatfags, etc.), memers, prayers, lurqers - all of us play our roles, everyone on this board has a contribution to make.
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42719
Anatomy of a Post
Here is the post, in case you wanna look it up: >>>/mnr/41565
Just picked a random post to demonstrate how they work. CAP 1
Line 1 = Date, day, tie, UID (user id for this thread only), number of posts by this user, post id, two respondent post numbers CAP 2
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42720 >>42050
Posting Tips
- ARTICLES: include the title, date, and source - text and images add interest. CAP 1
- TWEETS: include entire tweet & screenshot if possible (good to include the text not just the cap if not phonefagging CAPs 2 & 3
- VIDEOS: include the title, length, and at least a short description (baker usually will not watch vids wo/any description unless the content is obvious & valued) CAP 4
- DIGS: include main idea or short description along with the details. If it's an anon analysis, try to include sauce to support your ideas or links to past diggs. CAP 5
- Don't forget the SAUCE (source info) including a DATE
- Usered textor bold (etc) to highight titles and key ideas
SEE ALSO Nine Tips for Note-taking on MNR to see what get's notabled.
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42721 >>42050 >>42858
Image boards make it easy to post both text and images.
But also to convo with one or more other users so cooperative projects are possible (along with shitposting, kek).
It can be confusing at first, here's some info and examples.
How to Link on 8kun
Same board, same bread: >>40999 (OP)
Same board, previous bread: >>41795 PB [this example from MR Gen'l thread]
Same board, different bread: >>41524 (TOR thread)
Different board on 8kun: >>>/comms/7366, >>>/qrmemes/3337, >>>/qresearch/12527286, >>>/qrb/10890
Non-8kun image board:
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42722 >>42050
LINKING, con't.
Convo between two anons CAP 1
Post with many responses CAP 2
Post responding to two different posts CAP 3
Q & A post CAP 4
A multi-page post CAP 5
Post size is limited but post can be connected.
Outer limits:
- 4700-5000 chars
- 5 images
- mp4s smaller than 16megs
Practice linking HERE: >>>/midnightriders/25 (Pass the Exam thread)
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42723 >>42050
Who's Who on an Anon Board?
On an anonymous board, how to do convo with other users?
Thru UIDs - Unique IDentifyers = the numbers at the top of each post that look like this: ID: 55364f CAP 1
If you have COLORED ID's turned on, they look more distinctive - that really helps.
To turn it on, go to the Options menu (upper right hand of screen) and select Color IDs. CAP 2
You can also identify all the posts by one user by selecting and HOLDING the UID. CAP 3
You can also search for any string (include an UID number) with F3 or Control-F. CAP 4
Green YOUs - these show when YOU are making a post or receiving a response. Helps attract the eye so you don't miss returned messages. CAP 5
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42724 >>42050
Ways to Contribute
Digging - start with to find out what's already been dug on (18mil+ posts) CAP 1
Meming - check out /qrmemes/ for 8kun meming resources: CAP 2
Praying - No pray instructions needed, but here's some heavenly inspiration. CAP 3
Other ways:
- collect missing sauce for articles, digs (source links)
- add more or better sauce (articles, images, etc.)
- add videos (from Twitter, YT, mp4s too)
- add missing info or notes for videos
- proof notables (bakers will really appreciate)
- take notes for baker (valuable work that really helps)
If you're looking, there's always something to do.
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42725 >>42050
Tips for Note-taking on MNR
1. Use plain text file for taking notes.
Avoid Word or other word processors, plain text is better for chan markup.
2. Post notes at least 3 to 4 times during the bread, including a semi-final @170 and final @185+.
Don't stick anything iffy in at the last moment, make sure anons can vet it first.
3. Make notes easy to find with RED TEXT or BOLD.
Also tag to DOUGH post.
4. On MNR, most newsy posts are notable (relevant and sauce)
But it's easy to miss things like anon analyses or stuff wo/formatting - eyez on.
5. For noms wo/a description (usually anon diagrams, etc.), ask for one.
It's anons' responsibility to summarize a main point.'
6. For biased or wordy MSM headlines, feel free to do 'damage control'
If necessary, edit the title to be more neutral (not insulting) or shorter if wordy (or add important details if missing).
7. Look for special reports: planefags, boatfags, Resignations in the News, etc.
Anons seldom nom these, except for RA's stuff if they don't see it in Notes.
8. If there is too much news & bred is fast…
…focus mainly on nommed posts, breaking news (if verified), news re Q concerns (CP, etc.).
Not a problem til now, but bread speeds are increasing - good to know what's priority.
9. Check for two things: dates and whether it's been notabled (in
Easy during slow breads, hard during fast ones. Dates take priority. If you forget, anons or shills will always let you know.
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42727
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42730
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▶ bdca8f (18) No.42858 >>42050
Bringing over posts from other boards
The poster suggests providing a link to original source.
(see >>42721 for how to link to off-board posts)
- Giving credit where credit is due.
- Also allows access to comments on the original post.
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▶ e4caeb (1) No.43152 >>43329
Very noice SFox
expected no less
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▶ 287d46 (5) No.43329
Welcome back
Got anything to add on memes/meme resources?
(or anything else)
Got a contents post above, will add links for additional resource posts
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▶ e30439 (2) No.43871 >>42050 >>43936 >>50890
I'd add to this part:
Noobs, DO NOT make a new thread/post (the button that says "New Thread" when you are on the index or catalog pages).
Instead, you need to look for the latest "General" thread and post there. That button will change to "New Reply" once you're on a thread.
The General threads fill up every so often (200 posts here, and 750 on the main >>>/qresearch/ board). When that happens you can either follow the "FRESH BREAD" link at the end of the thread (if there is one), or go back to the index or catalog and look for the latest "General" thread.
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▶ e30439 (2) No.43872 >>42050 >>43936
Concise guidelines for 8kun newbies
Here are the steps for posting on the Q boards correctly.
- Go to (fast-paced, this is where Q posts, lots of shills and general unpleasantness) or (slower and more comfy)
- Find the latest "General" thread (Ctrl+F for General)
- Click the title to load that thread
- Post a reply there (the button you click to post should say "New Reply") instead of making a new thread. (If the thread already has more than 750 posts for qresearch, or about 200 posts for midnightriders, then that means you picked an old thread and you need to go back to the index page and try again.)
- You can also use the catalog instead of the index page. or
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▶ 287d46 (5) No.43936 >>42050
>>43871, >>43872
tx much for the input.
If newbies are thinking they have to make threads in order to post?
Gonna fill up the Catalog fast!! KEK.
Please don't make a New Thread in the Catalog to post a message.
Nobody will see it and Board Owner will likely delete.
Instead, post in the GENERAL thread for whatever board you're on.
Where to Post: the GENERAL thread
(Don't make new threads with Create a Thread)
The GENERAL thread is where anons post news, memes, and prayers.
CAP 1 = General thread for Midnight Riders board
There are 3 Q-related boards on 8kun that have GENERAL threads:
- Midnight Riders (this board)
- QResearch (where Q posts but chaotic)
- QRB (seldom used)
The current GENERAL thread is the one that's open for posting.
In the Catalog view, look at the R[eply] tally to see if it's likely open. Boards vary in how many posts make up a thread.
Another way to find the GENERAL thread: it's usually right AFTER the PINNED threads.
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▶ 287d46 (5) No.45435
if you want to post something and aren't sure the formatting is ok, post it in "Pass the Exam" thread first to check it out:
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▶ a497fe (1) No.46195
purged edition, Anons dealt the final blow
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▶ d880cc (1) No.50890 >>52172
is it the same
for /qresearch?
Are we supposed to find a subtopic for our posts
rather than start new threads?
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▶ 287d46 (5) No.52172
Better to ask in the General thread about whether a new thread is needed.
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▶ 287d46 (5) No.52480
This thread has been replaced by an updated thread with a new image and (somewhat) more info.
Please post your questions and comments there or in the MNR General thread.
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