While looking into middle east and its history, its best to take all information, put it in the middle and by NOT taking 1 side, and excluding Israeli from the equation.. (because they just fuck it all up..) you can see the story. I say that because they want their side heard above all else, and that isn't right, there are more people in the middle east than just Israel, and each person needs representation, like in the United States, not everyone is Republican, Democrat, or?? whatever else there is and there is a slant depending on each side.. By being non-biased, and look to historic events you can see history as it really was.
The [CIA] was the force that was in the middle east because [they] knew that with the black money (war on drugs fund$$ /looting the American taxpayer $$) could be used to destabilize the middle east and create an enemy that would allow the military industrial complex to profit, and ultimately take down the United States through infiltration exploiting the secular beliefs and the militarized ignorance of the US populace through Operation Mockingbird etc.
This, the [PLAN] was/is the 4th Reich in part, or part of the 4th Reich's plan to explit the western world through the hate of Islam for the Western World via Jihaad.
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