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File: 22bae576a9e1645⋯.jpeg (7.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Bread_Title_Midnight_Ride….jpeg)

821b90 No.201898 [View All]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.





Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.27.2022

@ QR >>17830226 ————————————–——– Be aware of false prophets..

@ QR >>17830253 ————————————–——– Q & A ? In time.

@ QR >>17830238 ————————————–——– What is coded in your DNA?

Wednesday 11.18.22

@ QR >>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.2022

@ QR >>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.8.2022

@ QR >>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control..

Monday 11.7.2022

@ QR >>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.6.2022

@ QR >>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

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146 posts and 186 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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24eb12 No.202045

File: a70b9caf1a13451⋯.jpg (352.5 KB,814x817,814:817,Screenshot_20240909_212431….jpg)

GP (T.me) BREAKING: Michigan Supreme Court REVERSES Lower Court Ruling, Sides With Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Rules RFK Jr. Must Stay on Ballot



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24eb12 No.202046

File: 31be9136dc3ca23⋯.jpg (373.11 KB,758x958,379:479,Screenshot_20240909_212751….jpg)

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24eb12 No.202047

File: dbce84677302833⋯.jpg (405.49 KB,764x869,764:869,Screenshot_20240909_213026….jpg)

GP (T.me) WATCH: Princess Kate Announces in Moving Video That She Completed Tough Chemotherapy Treatment, Says ‘Path To Healing and Full Recovery Is Long’



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b99ec1 No.202048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: The Wallflowers - One Headlight (Official Music Video) (YouTube)

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24eb12 No.202049

File: dbce84677302833⋯.jpg (405.49 KB,764x869,764:869,Screenshot_20240909_213026….jpg)

GP (T.me) WATCH: Kamala Harris Brags About Allowing Tens of Thousands of Haitians *Who Are Now Eating People’s Pets, Decapitating Ducks* to Flood Into US



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24eb12 No.202050

File: bc101bc3a15ca24⋯.jpg (380.75 KB,744x881,744:881,Screenshot_20240909_213638….jpg)

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24eb12 No.202051

File: a2801e4b6b584e3⋯.jpg (357.66 KB,726x985,726:985,Screenshot_20240909_213919….jpg)

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24eb12 No.202052

File: 4da61bb96677f5c⋯.jpg (114.74 KB,843x782,843:782,IMG_20240909_215125_956.jpg)

FTWR (T.me) So they can Cheat. All by design.


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24eb12 No.202053

File: 3388bc45f81ce6a⋯.jpg (75.64 KB,828x926,414:463,IMG_20240909_215916_375.jpg)

MJT (T.me) The DOJ Charged 2 men with using Telegram to Incite violence, Promote "white supremacy", and to “incite a race war”.

How are they going to spin this so they can take away more Americans rights? — that was my FIRST thought…

🔴What the DOJ Said

The Justice Department announced today that Dallas Humber, 34, of Elk Grove, California, and Matthew Allison, 37, of Boise, Idaho — leaders of the Terrorgram Collective, a transnational terrorist group — were charged with a 15-count indictment for soliciting hate crimes, soliciting the murder of federal officials, and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists. Humber and Allison were arrested on Friday by law enforcement officials.

“Today’s indictment charges the defendants with leading a transnational terrorist group dedicated to attacking America’s critical infrastructure, targeting a hit list of our country’s public officials, and carrying out deadly hate crimes – all in the name of violent white supremacist ideology,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “Today’s arrests are a warning that committing hate-fueled crimes in the darkest corners of the internet will not hide you, and soliciting terrorist attacks from behind a screen will not protect you. The United States Department of Justice will find you, and we will hold you accountable.”

“The defendants solicited murders and hate crimes based on the race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, and gender identity of others,” said U.S. Attorney Phillip A. Talbert.

“They also doxed and solicited the murder of federal officials, conspired to provide material support to terrorists, and distributed information about explosives that they intended to be used in committing crimes of violence. My office will continue to work tirelessly with our partners in law enforcement and in the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate and prosecute those who commit such violations of federal criminal law. I would like to thank the FBI and the U.S.

Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and National Security Division for their partnership in support of the common mission to keep our people and public officials safe from hate-fueled crimes of violence.”



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24eb12 No.202054

File: 2764ff93b36b9c1⋯.mp4 (6.69 MB,640x352,20:11,1_5114075923657786459.MP4)

MJT (T.me) Wow…

J6 Political Prisoners were Given "ReEducation Courses" in the DC Gulag

• Just some of the material

— Trumps big lie

— the election wasn’t rigged

— Trumps crimes before he called for an attack on our democracy (negligence obstruction, rape, tax evasion)

They even had a section on Big Mike not having a sausage.

—— I made the last one up, but you get the idea.

These people are CRAZY!



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24eb12 No.202055

File: 9963814e3684dcf⋯.mp4 (10.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,1_5114075923657786457.MP4)

MJT (T.me) 🚨 Harford County, Maryland

MS-13 Gang Member was Allowed to Attend School while being a Suspect in the Murder of a Young Girl

“She was sleeping in her bed, he broke into her room and strangled her, and he left her on the floor, like trash,” the victims mother explained.

• On the day Kayla died, Aberdeen Police quickly identified Walter Martinez — 16-year-old MS-13 gang member from El Salvador who was in United States illegally — as a primary suspect, according to charging documents, which showed Martinez was detained by police and questioned.

• Detectives had surveillance video and an audio recording that placed Martinez at the scene of the crime.

• When police sent out Martinez’s DNA, it took SIX MONTHS to process. And after Kayla was murdered, and while police were waiting for the DNA results, Martinez was allowed to enroll as a student and was attending Edgewood High School in Harford County.

He just plead guilty to murder and was sentenced to 70 years in jail..

• In March 2022, Martinez entered the United States illegally through Texas as an unaccompanied minor. He was apprehended by Border Patrol and sent to live with a sponsor in Maryland.




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24eb12 No.202056

File: f78a7d569dcb4d2⋯.jpg (9.94 KB,320x266,160:133,IMG_20240909_220440_818.jpg)

MJT (T.me) Harvey Weinstein rushed to hospital from Rikers Island for emergency heart surgery…

Is it a coincidence Weinstein is due in court this week… where prosecutors had been presenting evidence to a grand jury as they work to secure a new indictment against Weinstein on sex crimes charges?


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24eb12 No.202057

File: 1831c34c41ad29e⋯.jpg (95.87 KB,1024x768,4:3,IMG_20240909_220829_714.jpg)

MJT (T.me) BREAKING: Donald Trump announces he will Sign an Executive Order Protecting all Ducks and Kittens from being Eaten by Illegal Alien Haitians

The Fraternity of Ducks and Kitten Alliance wholeheartedly endorse Donald Trump as President.


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24eb12 No.202058

File: 20b6c7154415b8e⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,640x360,16:9,2_5402630561250433783.mp4)

D.tv (T.me) NEW - ABC on "cloud seeding" boom: "We've been doing this since the 1940s. We've been manipulating weather for a very long time."


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24eb12 No.202059

File: 5649ec8da4921a1⋯.jpg (240.07 KB,778x684,389:342,Screenshot_20240909_222519….jpg)

D.tv (T.me) NEW - Americans lost $5.6 billion last year in cryptocurrency fraud scams, the FBI says.


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24eb12 No.202060

File: 49fe60abff093ad⋯.jpg (262.56 KB,742x724,371:362,Screenshot_20240909_223016….jpg)

D.tv (T.me) NEW - FDD, a neoconservative think tank, calls on Biden to declassify all Iran nuclear intelligence and deploy troops: "Iran could complete a crude nuclear bomb before the next U.S. president is inaugurated."


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24eb12 No.202061

File: a1b0292d0cd5a69⋯.jpg (62.56 KB,592x487,592:487,IMG_20240909_223305_923.jpg)

D.tv (T.me) JUST IN - Atlanta FBI confirms the Apalachee school shooter in Georgia was monitored, visited and questioned by the FBI in 2023.


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24eb12 No.202062

File: 1b291350359af80⋯.mp4 (5.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,5_6267006374681515057.mp4)

OD (T.me) Mayor of Springfield Ohio, with a population of 58,082, is dealing with 20,000 new Illegals from Haiti, who are overwhelming the city.


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24eb12 No.202063

File: 62c89b360bd6bff⋯.jpg (121.66 KB,1280x972,320:243,IMG_20240909_223808_438.jpg)

>>202062 OD (T.me) Recently, Springfield residents slammed the local City Council for the large influx of Haitian immigrants stating that they have become the occupiers and have been replacing the native population in Springfield. Notably, Springfield, Ohio is a small city in the USA with a population of less than 60,000. However, it has been overwhelmed by roughly 20,000 Haitian immigrants in the last three to four years.

While the US media and concerned officials say that the Haitians have come to the US legally for jobs, locals have alleged corruption in allowing illegal immigration. According to them, ‘Illegal Haitians’ have been harassing them, occupying their properties, forcing them out of their houses, and eating their pets and wildlife adding that they “can’t take it anymore”.



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24eb12 No.202064

File: 08317fec5e5845b⋯.mp4 (949.01 KB,720x406,360:203,5_6269256748566057229.mp4)

>>202062 OD (T.me) While 20,000 non-citizen Haitians wreak havoc in an Ohio town, reportedly killing and eating pets, Border Czar Kamala Harris is proudly talking about how she’s opened the doors for them to pour into the country.

"We extended Temporary Protected Status to over 100,000 Haitian Migrants…They need support"


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24eb12 No.202065

File: 49afbea53f48c05⋯.mp4 (353.67 KB,540x540,1:1,VID_20240909_224229_098.mp4)

OD (T.me) This mind-blowing electron microscope footage shows nanobots capturing cells and assembling into a cyborg-like creature.


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24eb12 No.202066

File: 41d83585d58b38e⋯.jpg (120.91 KB,1212x966,202:161,IMG_20240909_224448_164.jpg)

OD (T.me) A newly discovered COVID-19 subvariant, known as XEC, is quickly spreading throughout Europe, prompting health authorities to closely monitor its development. First identified in Germany, XEC has now been detected in other parts of Western Europe, including the Netherlands. Scientists and physicians are concerned that this subvariant could soon overtake the current dominant strain, KP.3.1.1, which remains the most prevalent variant in the United States.

Experts believe that XEC is still in its early stages and may take several weeks or even months to significantly impact global case numbers. According to a California-based physician, who spoke to the Los Angeles Times, XEC is “just getting started.” Although it appears to be gaining momentum, experts warn that it could take time before it reaches high levels of transmission and prevalence.



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24eb12 No.202067

File: 91af234b1af5892⋯.jpg (285.61 KB,784x873,784:873,Screenshot_20240909_224752….jpg)

FTW (T.me) NYC mayor Eric Adams tests positive for COVID a day after asking for church's prayers amid mounting 'corruption' scandal



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24eb12 No.202068

File: dbbaee0e300b7f6⋯.jpg (317.94 KB,802x782,401:391,Screenshot_20240909_225319….jpg)

FTW (T.me) Major US banks closed 42 branches in just two weeks - is YOURS affected?

Major banks have shuttered more than 40 locations in just two weeks as the local branch bloodbath continues.

Chase, Wells Fargo and Santander were among the banks who closed locations between August 4 and August 18.

Bank of America led they way, notifying the regulator that they would be removing 12 of their local branches from use.

Wells Fargo followed closely by closing eight of its locations, while the rest were shut by Fulton Bank, Chase, First National Bank of Long Island, Flagstar, Moody, Santander and Zions Bancorporation.



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24eb12 No.202069

File: 7873331bf0eef5f⋯.jpg (135.79 KB,728x1280,91:160,IMG_20240909_225748_853.jpg)

TH (T.me) The Uniparty has utterly violated the pact that brought our states together.



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24eb12 No.202070

File: 939bbc61f680a6c⋯.mp4 (4.04 MB,832x848,52:53,VID_20240909_225954_161.mp4)

RT (T.me) On a scale of 10 to 10, how naive are Americans? 🎯💯🔥 #12


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24eb12 No.202071

File: 3636c67b0d23759⋯.jpg (68.77 KB,680x510,4:3,IMG_20240909_215625_109.jpg)

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24eb12 No.202072

File: ed4ea818869ee81⋯.mp4 (11.96 MB,576x1280,9:20,4_5904348153775134813.mp4)



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24eb12 No.202073

File: e06f45c7142bf8f⋯.mp4 (8.65 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5977484879821014609.mp4)

WTM (T.me) Nikki Haley claims the FBI told her during her presidential campaign that Iran was meddling in the election to hurt her bid for President. She says later she was named in Iranian assassination plots, which also targeted Biden and President Donald Trump.

She says several foreign adversaries have been running campaigns for years to "divide Americans and cause chaos."


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24eb12 No.202074

File: 52815632d169e13⋯.jpg (111.05 KB,1280x1148,320:287,IMG_20240909_231300_404.jpg)

WTM (T.me) Nothing is real.

Biden was just a pretend President … oops, I mean is just a … wait … what’s he doing?

I keep forgetting that Biden is still technically in charge of the country 😂

- Elon Musk


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24eb12 No.202075

File: ad5bf0a9ea7907f⋯.jpg (274.14 KB,826x809,826:809,Screenshot_20240909_232252….jpg)

TF (T.me) Grassley Demands FBI Answer Why Agency Has Allowed Sex Crimes Go ‘Uninvestigated’

READ: https://thefederalist.com/2024/09/09/grassley-demands-fbi-answer-why-agency-has-allowed-sex-crimes-go-uninvestigated/


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24eb12 No.202076

File: fc25f08cf96985d⋯.jpg (114.42 KB,1140x570,2:1,IMG_20240909_232601_844.jpg)

Qtm (T.me) Billion-Dollar Bank Accused of Secretly Sending Customers’ Personal and Financial Information to Facebook, Google and Microsoft.

A new class-action lawsuit alleges Capital One engaged in an “outrageous, illegal, and widespread practice of disclosing – without consent – the Nonpublic Personal Information and Personally Identifiable Financial Information” of its customers, sharing it with third parties including Facebook, Google and Microsoft.



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24eb12 No.202077

File: d3ae3e611ce344d⋯.jpg (19.95 KB,680x340,2:1,IMG_20240909_232901_456.jpg)

IP (T.me) BREAKING: Apple announces new iPhone built for Artificial Intelligence - #AppleEvent #iPhone16


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24eb12 No.202078

File: 984292bc4b5db03⋯.jpg (124.13 KB,884x1280,221:320,IMG_20240909_233239_878.jpg)

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24eb12 No.202079

File: dfc3a858b32f277⋯.mp4 (6.56 MB,720x1280,9:16,1_5116361932885984113.mp4)

FTWR (T.me) ⬛️🔺NWO Hidden Truth :: We've Been Lied to & Indoctrinated by the New World Order Billionaires


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24eb12 No.202080

File: 1227ff510ba1373⋯.mp4 (678.33 KB,360x638,180:319,1_5116361932885984118.mp4)

FTWR (T.me) ⬛️🔺NWO Billionaires have been Poisoning our Air through Chemicals in the Sky. How long has this been going on❓


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24eb12 No.202081

File: 1c679deb8e5c31e⋯.jpg (153.63 KB,800x800,1:1,IMG_20240909_234921_512.jpg)

CVV (T.me) Understanding Smart Cities, 15-Minute Cities, and How We Win.

"While these technocrats meet night and day to plan out their near-future dystopia for humanity, we need to ask ourselves what we are doing to plan out our future. If humanity is to chart our own course, we must stop allowing these criminals to slow walk us into techno-tyranny."

Explore the full details here👇



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24eb12 No.202082

File: a1ec16e3bc9aee1⋯.jpg (300.46 KB,779x790,779:790,Screenshot_20240910_001115….jpg)

SUTB (T.me) Shoppers are being warned after major supermarkets including Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury’s have stopped accepting cash payments in a number of stores. 😒

Asda has also gone cash-free in nearly 270 petrol stations, where customers can only pay by card at the pumps to fill up.

In August, Tesco announced it would be going cashless at 40 UK cafe sites.

Sainsbury’s says that the vast majority of its stores and petrol stations still accept cash, although the number which do not is not currently known.



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24eb12 No.202083

File: c291a78b1e95061⋯.jpg (328.45 KB,784x853,784:853,Screenshot_20240910_001535….jpg)

Sutb (T.me) 135 “high-risk” contracts with at least three red flags - warning signs of a risk of corruption - were identified by Transparency International UK. 🤨

The anti-corruption charity, says it has identified significant concerns in contracts worth over £15.3bn awarded by the Conservative government. during the Covid pandemic, equivalent to one in every £3 spent.

Of a total of £48.1bn of public money spent on private sector contracts related to the Covid-19 pandemic, £14.9bn was written off by the Department of Health & Social Care.

So a 1/3 of contracts written off, and a 1/3 were doggy🤯🤪🤔



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24eb12 No.202084

File: a88d090f61eed18⋯.jpg (274.52 KB,732x724,183:181,Screenshot_20240910_002029….jpg)

SUTB (T.me) Kate says she has completed chemotherapy treatment in a highly personal video released by Kensington Palace.



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24eb12 No.202085

File: b67471e48699910⋯.jpg (84.8 KB,1280x853,1280:853,IMG_20240910_002308_203.jpg)

BC (T.me) We are just waiting for the debate at this point.

It all comes down to whether or not Kamala can put on a decent performance and generate some sort of momentum for the Dems.

If she has a bad performance, I wouldn’t be surprised if the media turns on Kamala like they did Biden, and we see a new candidate placed at the top of the ticket, after Kamala is told to step down.

Kamala is fighting for her political life tomorrow night, and she’s going into a cage match with the most experienced Presidential debater in US history, Donald J. Trump.

The Dems won’t admit it, but they are terrified.


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24eb12 No.202086

File: 2525034839a544d⋯.jpg (205.67 KB,859x455,859:455,Screenshot_20240910_002850….jpg)

PAIC (T.me) General Flynn agrees with Kash Patel that we could potentially see a power grid takedown before the Election.

He says the US Government has the ability to take the entire grid down and take control of the entire communication system.

Flynn also cautions that a foreign adversary could become involved in order to prevent Trump from becoming President.


Full General Flynn Q & A: https://rumble.com/v5e90nd-patriot.tv-q-and-a-with-general-flynn.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp


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24eb12 No.202087

File: 574602aa0fe84de⋯.jpg (63.59 KB,1116x969,372:323,IMG_20240910_003241_633.jpg)


Did you know that mammogram scans use a type of radiation THAT CAN CAUSE CANCER⁉️


Massive profits for the elites while millions of women suffer unnecessarily and a huge strain is put on the economy.

For more information, check out Ty and Charlene Bollinger’s groundbreaking cancer docuseries that they are continuing to get death threats for.

Only hours left to watch it for free. Click the link in the first comment below quickly so you don’t miss that window.


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24eb12 No.202088

File: 0799c6942a325af⋯.jpg (145.75 KB,1029x1280,1029:1280,IMG_20240910_003439_581.jpg)

TA (T.me) LMAO this is going to make them FREAK OUT‼️ Taylor Swift spotted hugging Brittany Mahomes only days after they tried to CANCEL her for publicly supporting Donald Trump :)


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24eb12 No.202089

File: 2f1a6e50d4e9dc4⋯.jpg (147.4 KB,1116x1208,279:302,IMG_20240910_003626_066.jpg)



▪️ Create an UNSTOPPABLE WAVE of African migrants/“refugees”

▪️ Launder TRILLIONS of dollars on a new front

▪️ Test highly deadly diseases with little to no resistance




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24eb12 No.202090

File: 9846cdcc25cc429⋯.mp4 (6.01 MB,480x848,30:53,4_5978989737577288936.MP4)



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24eb12 No.202091

File: b74efea1bb543d5⋯.jpg (264.89 KB,830x821,830:821,Screenshot_20240910_004658….jpg)

CIG (T.me) 🇮🇳🇷🇺🇨🇳 India, China, Russia to jointly build massive nuclear power plant on moon to establish a future human lunar colony

India and China, two historically rival nations, are set to collaborate with Russia in establishing a nuclear power plant on the Moon. This development, reported by EurAsian Times and sourced from Russia’s state-owned news agency Tass, was announced by Alexey Likhachev, head of Rosatom, Russia’s state nuclear energy corporation. The initiative aligns with India’s plans for a manned lunar mission by 2040 and the establishment of a lunar base.

According to Tass, the lunar power project, led by Rosatom, aims to build a small nuclear power plant capable of generating up to half a megawatt of energy. This output is expected to support the operations of a lunar base. Likhachev confirmed that both China and India are eager to participate in developing this innovative lunar energy solution.

🔗 https://archive.ph/GUD67


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24eb12 No.202092

File: 433ecabcaa545d9⋯.jpg (61.24 KB,680x670,68:67,IMG_20240910_005219_114.jpg)

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b99ec1 No.202106

File: c21d0e6d6210334⋯.jpg (152.01 KB,1024x768,4:3,34b6ed3a55917210.jpg)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)




>>201910, >>201911, >>201912 Why The World Trade Towers­.. the buildings were designed with a flaw, and needed tore down. It was PERFECT scenario to use "Muh Terror attacks against" to take away our freedoms, start and endle$$ war on "terror", destabilize Middle East to allow terrorism to grow.. to return back to US/Western culture to defeat us. SICK FUCKS.

>>201915 GP(T.me) Gun Laws Have Changed – Do You Have The Updated Reciprocity Map?

>>201916 USArmy (TwiX) Fort Campbell opened its newest barracks, replacing the Volunteer Army, or VOLAR, barracks constructed decades ago.

>>201917 (TwiX) Chinese AI powered smart car goes out of control after being rear ended

>>201918 WSA (TwiX) WOW 🚨

>>201919 SoE (TwiX) Disturbing reports are surfacing from Springfield, Ohio, where locals claim illegal Haitian immigrants are hunting and eating their pets, along with wildlife like ducks and geese.

>>201920 TPV (T.me) The RNC has had MANY MONTHS to “activate”.

>>201921 QtM (T.me) President Trump Pauses Speech at Wisconsin Rally and Thanks Doctors for Helping Patriot Who Collapsed (VIDEO)

>>201922 Qtm (T.me) Bullets that killed UPS driver and bystander linked to four Miami-Dade cops, report says.

>>201923 BC(T.me) Trump says he wants to: -end the forever wars

>>201925 Qtm (T.me) From Kelly Brady's live yesterday. The wall is being completed.

>>201926 Qtm (T.me) ICYMI - China implemented this.

>>201927 Qtm (T.me) Cases of salmonella have been traced to nine states including Wisconsin, California, Utah, Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan and Virginia, the FDA noted.

>>201928 MRC (T.me) DJT thanking Malik Obama for enforcement

>>201929 MRC (T.me) Biden-Harris 'dereliction of duty' in Afghanistan led directly to chaotic withdrawal and loss of 13 American lives, according to damning catalogue of missed warnings and complacency revealed by Republican inquiry

>>201931 GP (T.me) Kash Patel Believes Kamala Harris Will Be Installed as President Before Election

>>201932 GP (T.me) Grandfather of Georgia School Shooter Colt Gray Says Boy’s Father Deserves Death Penalty: ‘I Hope He Rot in Hell’

>>201933 GP (T.me) Gavin Newsom’s Relatives to Host Fundraiser for Trump in California

>>201934 GP (T.me) Republican Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Trump’s Debate Prep-“He’ll Go in Game Time Ready Just as he Does for Every Interview, Every Rally That He Does. This is Not Something That is a Heavy Lift for Him.” (VIDEO)

>>201935 GP (T.me) RFK Jr. Says Trump’s GOP Has Become Party of ‘Working People’ and ‘The Common Man’ (VIDEO)

>>201936 GP (T.me) Trump Attorney Alina Habba-“The DOJ is Absolutely Interfering in The Election, This is not the First or Last Time We Will See It” (VIDEO)


>>201939 GL (T.me) What’s known about the JASSM long-range missile the US may soon provide to Ukraine

>>201940 GL (T.me) Demonstrators took to the streets of Paris after Macron's decision to appoint a representative of the right wing, Michel Barnier, as prime minister, when the left won the parliamentary elections.

>>201941 GL (T.me) 🇺🇲🇺🇦🇷🇺 The American Washington Post demonstrated the seriousness of the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces with a video from a cemetery in Kharkov.

>>201942 GL (T.me) The Houthis shot down US-made drone MQ-9 Reaper in northwestern Yemen, which was carrying out reconnaissance over Marib province, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saria announced.

>>201943 GL (T.me) Western media suffers from never-ending paranoia over purported Russian meddling in US election

>>201944 BLM (T.me) It will not be easy to be loud and stand up for what you believe in.

>>201945 BLM (T.me) You can’t imagine what’s next…

>>201946 CR (T.me) Overlooked OSINT in the U.S. Court System

>>201947 CR (T.me) Whatever happens next, Do not comply

>>201949, >>201953, >>201959, >>201962, >>201963, >>201967, >>201970, >>201971, >>201974, >>201985, >>201987, >>201988, >>201989, >>201991, >>201993, >>201994, >>201996, >>201997, >>202001, >>202002, >>202006, >>202007, PapiTrumpo (9/08/2024)

>>201950 CR (T.me) Another angle of the Capital One Tower that was imploded after damage sustained from Hurricane Laura…

>>201951 CR (T.me) Drones are changing the game…

>>201952 CR (T.me) Of all the people called to testify before congress on the Trump assassination attempt the two folks that haven't been called, but absolutely should be, are officer Greg Nicol and officer Murcko.

>>201953 VIDEO: This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected (YouTube)

>>201954, >>201955, >>201956 CR (T.me) Dan the Man pinned X post

>>201957 CR (T.me) J6 Political Prisoner Will Watson is Finally Home and With the Daughter He Had Never Held

>>201960 AT(T.me) Syria: The number of dead in the Israeli attack tonight rose to 14, and the number of wounded rose to 43

>>201961 AT (T.me) Israel hits Syrian facility used by Iran for chemical arms production

>>201968 TVL (T.me) SHOCKING REPORT: Digital IDs ARE Coming to America

>>201969 TVF (T.me) 3 Surprising Cancer-Fighting Foods the Corrupt Medical System Will Never Promote

>>201973 H (T.me) Did you know that in the 1951 Masonic Bible it describes the Earth as a disc shape and that the heavens were divided by the Jews into three parts: The atmosphere, the firmament and the god head.

>>201975 PM (T.me) "She's so lucky"

>>201976 C (T.me) “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said,

>>201977 C (T.me) “Working together is like dancing together: if you keep in step you become indispensable to one another.”

>>201978 C (T.me) ⚡️- The head of the Pentagon promised Zelensky an additional $250 million in aid for Ukraine 🇺🇦.

>>201979 C (T.me) 📖 Former teacher found guilty after duct taping a student with Down Syndrome to a chair and laughing at him.

>>201980 C (T.me) When this election is over you are going to see an entire wave of people who aren’t speaking the truth suddenly wake up and send the noticing into warp speed. Mark my words.

>>201981 C (T.me) At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.”

>>201982 S (T.me) [MIRROR] 1989 - Secret Wars Of The CIA > We Must Know The Past To Understand The Present

>>201983 S (T.me) RFK Jr: “What Donald Trump calls the ‘Deep State’… it's a conspiracy of self-interests that functions together in tandem to shift wealth upward, to clamp down totalitarian controls, and to transform this country from the world's exemplary democracy into a corporate kleptocracy and a very, very oppressive oligarchical system.

>>201984 TPM (T.me) ​Starships could launch toward Mars in 2 years: SpaceX's Elon Musk

>>201986 OD (T.me) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is exposing the Covid vaccines, questioning stating that they are actually a bioweapon, and claiming they were developed as part of a military project


>>201992 CV(T.me) The WEF: “The Netherlands is building a neighbourhood where every car must be shared. There'll be one vehicle for every three homes, and no space for privately owned cars."

>>201995 CIG (T.me) 🇺🇸☢️🏭 Small nuclear reactors could power the future — the challenge is building the first one in the U.S.

>>201998 CIG (T.me) ❌🚀 Elon Musk: The first Starships to Mars will launch in 2 years when the next Earth-Mars transfer window opens.

>>201999 FTW (T.me) Happy Birthday Mary! TrUmp Truth

>>202000 FTW (T.me) Comrade Kamala Harris “is completely hiding from the press. She’s not even taking short, quick questions at the plane

>>202003 SG (T.me) MSM. Enemy of the People. Enemy of Humanity.

>>202004 SGA (T.me) 3 letter agencies are the Devil

>>202005 SGA (T.me) 5D Chess. Coordinated Military_Operations. Continuity-of-Government Irregular counterinsurgency warfare.

>>202008 SUTB (T.me) Former prime minister, Tony Blair lambasts Boris Johnson for promising to ‘take back control’ of migration but instead ‘replacing young Europeans with older immigrants from Africa and Asia’ – as he urges Keir Starmer to repair ties with the EU.

>>202009 (TwiX) Today marks two years since Queen Elizabeth's passing, but an eerie moment during her funeral still lingers.

>>202010 A (T.me) 🇺🇸⚡️2 DAYS TO GO!

>>202011 THC (T.me) A unique natural phenomenon on the Qiantang River, China

>>202012 D (T.me) Obama is the man behind the scenes pushing countries to censor and ban X.

>>202013 AO (T.me) Wait, wait, wait, wait… Hold up. Did you hear that? 👀👀👀👀

>>202014 AO (T.me) Who knows what drop 1630 is about?

>>202015 OKMG (T.me) Google Tomorrow👀

>>202016 OKMG (T.me) See below the U.S. Army Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) documents highlighting the growing threat of Tren de Aragua, one of Venezuela’s largest criminal organizations in the U.S.:

>>202019 VIDEO: $5 Smoked Burgers. How Much Did I Make? (YouTubeShorts)

>>202020 Benny (TwiX) 🚨 Woman arrested in Ohio for eating a neighbor’s pet cat — WHAT?!

>>202021 VIDEO: Megyn Kelly - The End of Mainstream Media | SRS #129 (YouTube)

>>202022 DJT (TwiX) Happy Birthday Mary!

>>202023 TVF (T.me) Leaked U.S. Army Documents: Thousands of Violent Venezuelan Prison Gang Members Run Amok Across America

>>202024 SoE (TwiX) Diddy is officially selling his crime filled mansion in Los Angeles, which was raided by Homeland Security raided in March.

>>202026 WTM (T.me) American Red Cross volunteers status REVOKED due to having a conservative viewpoint.

>>202027 WTM (T.me) An influential evangelist preacher from the Philippines accused of sex trafficking and sexual abuse has been arrested, the interior minister said on Sunday.

>>202028 WTM (T.me) A new film in the "God's Not Dead" film franchise encourages Christians not to be afraid to stand up for their beliefs and to exercise their influence in politics.

>>202029 WTM (T.me) Illegal immigrant to plead guilty to stealing US citizen's identity to vote in elections, DOJ

>>202030 WTM (T.me) Coming to Netflix🙄: ‘What's Next? The Future’ with Bill Gates premieres September 18.

>>202031 WTM (T.me) UPDATE-Georgia School Shooting: It was previously reported the shooter’s mom warned the school earlier that day.

>>202032 WTM (T.me) John Legend Opens Up About 6-Year-Old Son’s Diabetes Diagnosis

>>202033 FBI (T.me) As I have previously stated, I believe it is time to end needless arrests and incarcerations of adults for small amounts of marijuana for personal use.


>>202035 FTW (T.me) The whole World is on fire under these clowns!

>>202036 FTW (T.me) Horrifying moment 12 vehicles plunge into a river as Vietnamese bridge collapses

>>202037 Clinton's Royal Bloodline (web) Clinton's Family Tree (Realnews247.com)

>>202038 SNN (T.me) Elton John says Trump's "Rocket Man" nickname for Kim Jong Un was "brilliant" after an interviewer appeared to try to set him up with an opportunity to slam Trump.


>>202040 SNN (T.me) 🇨🇦This is an absolute travesty.

>>202041 SNN (T.me) Kash Patel predicts an October Surprise is in the works and Joe Biden will deliver it with the stoke of his pen.

>>202042 SNN (T.me) RFK Jr. EXPOSES the TRUTH that our Government DON’T want us to know about the War in Ukraine.

>>202043 NBSN (T.me) 🇮🇪 In Ireland, people are using drones to disable traffic cameras.

>>202045 GP (T.me) BREAKING: Michigan Supreme Court REVERSES Lower Court Ruling, Sides With Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Rules RFK Jr. Must Stay on Ballot

>>202046 GP (T.me) What Do They Know? Russia Increases Daily Gold Purchases by 700%

>>202047 GP (T.me) WATCH: Princess Kate Announces in Moving Video That She Completed Tough Chemotherapy Treatment, Says ‘Path To Healing and Full Recovery Is Long’

>>202049 GP (T.me) WATCH: Kamala Harris Brags About Allowing Tens of Thousands of Haitians *Who Are Now Eating People’s Pets, Decapitating Ducks* to Flood Into US

>>202050 GP (T.me) Apparent Spy Whale Found Dead Under Mysterious Circumstances

>>202051 FTWR (T.me) 🔵🇺🇸 Tomorrow: The Rules for Harris and Trump’s ABC Presidential Debate

>>202052 FTWR (T.me) So they can Cheat. All by design.

>>202053 MJT (T.me) The DOJ Charged 2 men with using Telegram to Incite violence, Promote "white supremacy", and to “incite a race war”.

>>202054 MJT (T.me) Wow… J6 Political Prisoners were Given "ReEducation Courses" in the DC Gulag

>>202055 MJT (T.me) 🚨 Harford County, Maryland

>>202056 MJT (T.me) Harvey Weinstein rushed to hospital from Rikers Island for emergency heart surgery…

>>202057 MJT (T.me) BREAKING: Donald Trump announces he will Sign an Executive Order Protecting all Ducks and Kittens from being Eaten by Illegal Alien Haitians

>>202058 D.tv (T.me) NEW - ABC on "cloud seeding" boom: "We've been doing this since the 1940s. We've been manipulating weather for a very long time."

>>202059 D.tv (T.me) NEW - Americans lost $5.6 billion last year in cryptocurrency fraud scams, the FBI says.

>>202060 D.tv (T.me) NEW - FDD, a neoconservative think tank, calls on Biden to declassify all Iran nuclear intelligence and deploy troops: "Iran could complete a crude nuclear bomb before the next U.S. president is inaugurated."

>>202061 D.tv (T.me) JUST IN - Atlanta FBI confirms the Apalachee school shooter in Georgia was monitored, visited and questioned by the FBI in 2023.

>>202062, >>202063, >>202064 OD (T.me) Mayor of Springfield Ohio, with a population of 58,082, is dealing with 20,000 new Illegals from Haiti, who are overwhelming the city.

>>202065 OD (T.me) This mind-blowing electron microscope footage shows nanobots capturing cells and assembling into a cyborg-like creature.

>>202066 OD (T.me) A newly discovered COVID-19 subvariant, known as XEC, is quickly spreading throughout Europe, prompting health authorities to closely monitor its development.

>>202067 FTW (T.me) NYC mayor Eric Adams tests positive for COVID a day after asking for church's prayers amid mounting 'corruption' scandal

>>202068 FTW (T.me) Major US banks closed 42 branches in just two weeks - is YOURS affected?

>>202069 TH (T.me) The Uniparty has utterly violated the pact that brought our states together.

>>202070 RT (T.me) On a scale of 10 to 10, how naive are Americans? 🎯💯🔥 #12


>>202073 WTM (T.me) Nikki Haley claims the FBI told her during her presidential campaign that Iran was meddling in the election to hurt her bid for President.

>>202074 WTM (T.me) Nothing is real.

>>202075 TF (T.me) Grassley Demands FBI Answer Why Agency Has Allowed Sex Crimes Go ‘Uninvestigated’

>>202076 Qtm (T.me) Billion-Dollar Bank Accused of Secretly Sending Customers’ Personal and Financial Information to Facebook, Google and Microsoft.

>>202077 IP (T.me) BREAKING: Apple announces new iPhone built for Artificial Intelligence - #AppleEvent #iPhone16

>>202078 Qtm (T.me) Save our children🙏

>>202079 FTWR (T.me) ⬛️🔺NWO Hidden Truth :: We've Been Lied to & Indoctrinated by the New World Order Billionaires

>>202080 FTWR (T.me) ⬛️🔺NWO Billionaires have been Poisoning our Air through Chemicals in the Sky. How long has this been going on❓

>>202081 CVV (T.me) Understanding Smart Cities, 15-Minute Cities, and How We Win.

>>202082 SUTB (T.me) Shoppers are being warned after major supermarkets including Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury’s have stopped accepting cash payments in a number of stores. 😒

>>202083 Sutb (T.me) 135 “high-risk” contracts with at least three red flags - warning signs of a risk of corruption - were identified by Transparency International UK. 🤨

>>202084 SUTB (T.me) Kate says she has completed chemotherapy treatment in a highly personal video released by Kensington Palace.

>>202085 BC (T.me) We are just waiting for the debate at this point.

>>202086 PAIC (T.me) General Flynn agrees with Kash Patel that we could potentially see a power grid takedown before the Election.


>>202088 TA (T.me) LMAO this is going to make them FREAK OUT‼️ Taylor Swift spotted hugging Brittany Mahomes only days after they tried to CANCEL her for publicly supporting Donald Trump :)



>>202091 CIG (T.me) 🇮🇳🇷🇺🇨🇳 India, China, Russia to jointly build massive nuclear power plant on moon to establish a future human lunar colony

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Post last edited at

b99ec1 No.202107

File: ed6fa8a9e2af794⋯.jpg (183.43 KB,600x900,2:3,ddc437dc58b275b6.jpg)


Who knew those sweet strips of meat would make the world better again?







Locked & Loaded

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