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File: 22bae576a9e1645⋯.jpeg (7.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Bread_Title_Midnight_Ride….jpeg)

70b68a No.200461 [View All]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.





Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.27.2022

@ QR >>17830226 ————————————–——– Be aware of false prophets..

@ QR >>17830253 ————————————–——– Q & A ? In time.

@ QR >>17830238 ————————————–——– What is coded in your DNA?

Wednesday 11.18.22

@ QR >>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.2022

@ QR >>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.8.2022

@ QR >>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control..

Monday 11.7.2022

@ QR >>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.6.2022

@ QR >>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

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b670c1 No.200558

File: c076ed7716f5f17⋯.jpg (293.24 KB,734x828,367:414,Screenshot_20240828_104435….jpg)

RTN (T.me) NEW: Jack Smith Accused of Election Interference for Filing Fresh 'Conspiracy' Indictments Against Donald Trump

“It is DOJ policy that the Department of Justice should not take any action that will influence an election within 60 days of that election"…



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b670c1 No.200559

File: 572a001a13361a0⋯.jpg (153.92 KB,805x470,161:94,Screenshot_20240828_104617….jpg)

TVF (T.me) You’re being POISONED.

The American food supply has been tainted with over 1,000 toxic ingredients that are banned across Europe.

Not just that, but there are over 10,000 chemicals that are labeled “GRAS” to circumvent human testing.

How do you avoid all this toxicity?

Dr. Joseph Mercola says it’s simply: “Eat REAL food.”

That's unprocessed, organic foods, devoid of all the harmful substances like seed oils, food coloring, natural flavors, and more.

Want to see more? Check out the groundbreaking new docuseries that’s dropping tomorrow in the link below.



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b670c1 No.200560

File: 8f441969dd65de3⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB,640x512,5:4,1_5071333551589295209.MP4)

BC (T.me) When’s the last time you heard the Dems mention child trafficking?

When’s the last time you heard the Dems talk about children’s health?

They said child trafficking was a QAnon conspiracy theory, and their idea of children’s health is hormone blockers and genital mutilation.

Trump and RFK Jr. want to save the children, while the Dems want to brainwash, sexualize, and poison them.

If you cannot recognize the difference, you are either brainwashed, or you are evil.


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b670c1 No.200561

File: 0c16ed8a376580e⋯.jpg (103.71 KB,968x1149,968:1149,IMG_20240828_105127_940.jpg)

BC (T.me) One thing is for certain… Trump and his team have a plan.

Trump and RFK Jr. timed their announcement to steal the spotlight from the Dems right after the DNC, and now RFK Jr. will be joining the campaign, with more announcements to come.

This rollout was coordinated. As for how long it’s been in the works, that’s up for debate, but there is no doubt that Trump and his team are deploying some pretty savvy political maneuvers.

Trump eliminated Biden in the debate, forced the Dems to play their hand with the Kamala rollout/honeymoon, and then stole all the momentum with a historic and unprecedented alliance. Now the Dems are scrambling for a solution, with only 10 weeks to go.

You’re watching a game of chess.


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b670c1 No.200562

File: 619d61ca3edd31a⋯.jpg (86.09 KB,968x924,22:21,IMG_20240828_105439_088.jpg)

BC (T.me) The political landscape has transformed.

The people who call themselves “Liberals” are not liberal at all.

“Democrats” are no longer Democratic.

The Right are now the side of anti-war and free speech.

It’s a new world you’re living in.

Adapt accordingly.


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b670c1 No.200563

File: 2ca8bc0d66f0ec1⋯.jpg (353.94 KB,806x1051,806:1051,Screenshot_20240828_201538….jpg)

NB (T.me) Just think how far behind the normies are…

They think that Zuckerturd is just now being caught…

This is an article from 2021 that I have in the documents.

Naw… this dude dropped $350 million a month in stock daily for 8 months starting November 9, 2020.

November 12, 2020, 45 signed Executive Order 13959 and declared a National Emergency for all those funding the Chinese Communist Military.

That EO specifically says effective: January 11, 2021, at 9:30 AM EST.

Which was also why Warren Buffett left the Bill Gates foundation.

Bill Gates and his wife announced divorce.

Jeff Bezos “stepped down” from Amazon for “philanthropy” reasons. 💩

Amongst many more. As the SEC dot Gov pages are as full as a tick.

We know what’s happened to ole Zuck.


👉🏻 45–47

All of it was placed in a strategic plan in a strategic order for a strategic public demise.

Let’s gooooo! 🐂🇺🇸



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b670c1 No.200564

File: 64739b08867e8f0⋯.jpg (133.64 KB,791x377,791:377,Screenshot_20240828_201759….jpg)

NB (T.me) Oh look, more Muslim Genocide

More Jews killing children

If You See a Jew, Punch Them in the Face.

It’s Time We Start Our Own Holy War.

No more pussy shit, lets fucking roll



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b670c1 No.200565

File: c2d8022ecb7193d⋯.jpg (311.22 KB,800x754,400:377,Screenshot_20240828_202055….jpg)

CIG (T.me) 🇫🇷🇪🇺❌✉️ French authorities issued arrest warrants for Telegram CEO Pavel Durov and his co-founder brother Nikolai in March, according to a French administrative document

The document indicates the French undercover investigation into Telegram is wider and began months earlier than previously known. The case revolves around Telegram’s refusal to cooperate with a French police enquiry into child sex abuse.

⚠️ The arrest warrants were issued after the messaging platform gave "no answer" to an earlier judicial request to identify a Telegram user, according to the document, which was shared with POLITICO by a person directly involved in the case.

The document also stresses "Telegram's almost non-existent cooperation" with both French and European authorities in other cases.

The warrants were issued after an undercover investigation into Telegram led by the cybercrime branch of the Paris prosecutor's office, during which a suspect discussed luring underaged girls into sending "self-produced child pornography," and then threatening to release it on social media.

The suspect also told the investigators he had raped a young child, according to the document. Telegram did not respond to the French authorities’ request to identify the suspect.

There’s no suggestion either of the Durov brothers were directly involved in any of the illegal activities identified by the investigation.

📝: From the horse's mouth: a French investigator admits that the whole charges brought on Durov are made up and are revenge because Durov refused to doxx European telegram users under the EU's information requests.

🔗 https://www.politico.eu/article/exclusive-telegram-ceo-brother-nikolai-durov-wanted-france-authorities-pavel-durov/


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b670c1 No.200566

File: 32f6a7a41afbc6f⋯.jpg (287.49 KB,748x810,374:405,Screenshot_20240828_202815….jpg)

CIG (T.me) 🇺🇸🚀 Donald Trump Vows to Create 'Space National Guard'

"One of my proudest achievements in my first term was to create Space Force, the first new branch of the Armed Forces in over 70 years…Now that Space Force is up and running, I agree with your leadership that the time has come to create a Space National Guard as the primary combat reserve of the U.S. Space Force," Trump said during his remarks.

The Space Force was formed in response to the growing recognition that space is a critical domain for national security. Its mission is to protect U.S. and allied interests in space, deter aggression, and conduct space operations. As of Fiscal Year 2023, the Space Force has more than 14,000 military and civilian Guardians.

The Space Force consolidates various space-related functions from across the Department of Defense into a unified service. This includes satellite acquisition, budget management and workforce organization.

Beyond its military role, the Space Force also plays a part in everyday civilian life. Space capabilities, such as satellite communications and GPS, are integral to global financial networks, international commerce and critical infrastructure systems. The Space Force seeks to ensure that these capabilities remain secure and accessible, safeguarding both national security and economic prosperity. As potential adversaries develop more sophisticated threats to space assets, the Space Force plays an increasingly key role in protecting and defending American interests in space.

China, for example, has added over 400 satellites in the past two years, from which more than half have the capability to track objects on Earth, Major General Gregory J. Gagnon, the Space Force's deputy chief of space operations for intelligence, said at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies on May 2.

"They will now—in a way that we're not comfortable talking about in America—they will be inside a rapidly expanding weapons engagement zone," Gagnon added.

Gagnon explained that China can now track U.S. military assets even when they are mobile, challenging U.S. monopoly on long-range targeting. The data collected by China's satellites can provide a precise location of military vessels on the move at sea, making their subsequent targeting during conflict easier, according to Gagnon.

🔗 https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-space-national-guard-2024-election-1944547


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b670c1 No.200567

File: 7e8ae4d0f1bd8d5⋯.jpg (116.22 KB,642x509,642:509,IMG_20240828_202906_169.jpg)

>>200566 CIG (T.me) 🚀 The U.S. Space Force is working on building and launching stealth satellites, hyper-maneuverable spacecraft and an orbital supremacy doctrine for the Earth and the Moon.

🔗 https://www.sbir.gov/topics/11201


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b670c1 No.200568

File: f4c640d8a7bfdc0⋯.jpg (372.03 KB,782x943,34:41,Screenshot_20240828_203242….jpg)

CR (T.me) Supreme Court Rejects Biden Admin’s Latest Student Loan Debt Cancellation Plan 


The Supreme Court has declined to reinstate the Biden Administration’s latest announced plan to cancel student loan debt.


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b670c1 No.200569

File: 95855ac2e37e259⋯.jpg (83.5 KB,1280x891,1280:891,IMG_20240828_203548_018.jpg)

C (T.me) North Korea sent containers presumably to Russia that could contain as many as more than 6 million artillery shells, Yonhap reported on Aug. 27, citing a South Korean military intelligence report.

With Russian ammunition stocks running low due to extensive use in Ukraine, North Korea has been shaping up as Russia's leading outside weapons supplier.



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b670c1 No.200570

File: 977b5df2b79007b⋯.mp4 (5.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,1_5080540484003169260.mp4)

C (T.me) Pope on a rope talking out his ass. What a clown and devil.



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b670c1 No.200571

File: 558c2f516585121⋯.jpg (188.62 KB,997x1280,997:1280,IMG_20240828_204516_147.jpg)

RTM (T.me) 🚨Breaking: House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan, issued a subpoena for information on the political work conducted by the daughter of New York State Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan.

Jordan sent a letter to Michael Nellis, the founder and CEO of Authentic Campaigns – a company that's done political work for top Democratic clients like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris – accusing him of failing to comply with House investigators' demands for any and all documents related to the prosecution of President Trump.

The committee wrote to Loren Merchan, the company's president and Judge Merchan's daughter, earlier this month requesting documents in its probe into Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's case against Trump.


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b670c1 No.200572

File: 08d0a10cc6bf2e6⋯.mp4 (8.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,1_5077960943825061165.mp4)

RTM (T.me) Black American Women Are Starting A Movement Called

"I'M NOT WITH HER". And Are Proudly Showing Support For President Trump And Will Be Voting For Him This November…🗳 💪🏻🇺🇸



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b670c1 No.200573

File: e698b448b13de9f⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB,640x360,16:9,4_5944961046698530024.mp4)

RTM (T.me) JD Vance: "To have those 13 Americans lose their lives and not fire a single person is disgraceful. Kamala Harris is disgraceful. Kamala Harris is so asleep at the wheel that she won't even do an investigation into what happened but wants to yell at Donald Trump for showing up. She can go to HELL!"


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b670c1 No.200574

File: 6c6f450b4714e46⋯.jpg (227 KB,795x528,265:176,Screenshot_20240828_205303….jpg)

NBSN (T.me) If not for lies, they'd have nothing to say. Samaria separated Judea from Galilee. Separate and distinct.



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b670c1 No.200575

File: 9cfda4d2193a9eb⋯.mp4 (767.5 KB,640x360,16:9,VID_20240828_205905_199.mp4)

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b670c1 No.200576

File: 733e80bfbbbfc9a⋯.jpg (68.49 KB,1212x659,1212:659,IMG_20240828_210135_748.jpg)

MP (T.me) MORE: Special counsel Jack Smith brought a superseding indictment against Donald Trump in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, charging the same four felonies he did one year ago over allegations the former president illegally attempted to overturn the 2020 election.

The indictment is slightly shorter than the previous one Smith brought last August, as the special counsel excised portions of it after the Supreme Court ruled in July that some of the initial indictment included activity protected by presidential immunity.

The move by Smith is a sign that the special counsel is not backing down from criminally charging Trump in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision, which legal experts have widely suspected will derail Smith’s case


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b670c1 No.200577

File: b31e62d13549b33⋯.jpg (75.99 KB,1200x675,16:9,IMG_20240828_210648_695.jpg)

GL (T.me) Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman exposes fake "aid" from Kiev regime to civilians in Kursk region

Kiev is actively spreading fakes about the Ukrainian military helping civilians in the Kursk region, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. She pointed out that captured Ukrainian soldiers told how their commanders ordered them to kill civilians and engage in looting.

"Against this background, the attempts of Ukrainian propaganda to make fakes about supposedly harmless, attentive, as they present it, to the needs of the civilian population, invaders who attacked our land look absolutely cynical", Zakharova said.


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b670c1 No.200578

File: 9c699cdd9371dd9⋯.jpg (50.81 KB,760x450,76:45,IMG_20240828_210846_246.jpg)

GL (T.me) Math prodigy in the shadows: Who's Pavel Durov's brother Nikolai and why are the French after him?

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's elder brother Nikolai is also a target of the French authorities. An arrest warrant for both brothers was issued in March.

What is known about Nikolai, who Pavel called a mathematics prodigy while speaking to Tucker Carlson in April?

🌏 Pavel noted in his April 2024 interview with Tucker Calrson that Nikolai has two PhDs in mathematics and is an expert in cryptography. He was able to solve cubic equations at the age of 10 and won several gold medals at the International Math Olympiad between 1996 and 1998.

🌏 It was Nikolai Durov, 44, who created the encryption standard for Telegram in 2013. The messenger was originally only used by the brothers to avoid surveillance by intelligence agencies, but later evolved into a full-fledged app.

🌏 Nikolai also developed the Telegram Open Network (TON), a decentralized computer network consisting of a layer-1 blockchain, the basis for their cryptocurrency.

🌏 In 2006, Nikolai and Pavel launched their social network VKontakte (VK) a Russian analogue of Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook*. According to some reports, Pavel Durov wrote the first PHP code and the initial version of the working platform, while Nikolai later helped develop VK's data storage systems.

🌏 As Pavel left Russia in 2014 selling his stake in VK, Nikolai stepped down as the technical director and lead developer at VK that same year, but stayed in Russia.

🌏 As of August 2024, Nikolai is listed as a senior research fellow at the S. Petersburg branch of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


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b670c1 No.200579

File: d5692ffa6aa33c9⋯.jpg (67.58 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_20240828_211021_499.jpg)

GL (T.me) Donald Trump warns Ukraine’s incursion could trigger World War III: check out the latest news from Russia's Kursk region

🌏Ukraine's culpability in escalating the nuclear threat is evident, although the IAEA, "for obvious reasons," cannot officially place the blame, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said after Russian troops defused an unexploded cluster munition from the Kiev regime 5 km away from the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant.

🌏Russia seeks a more objective and clear expression of the IAEA’s position, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, commenting on the visit to the Kursk faculty by agency chief Rafael Grossi.

🌏 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump warned that Ukraine’s incursion into Russia’s Kursk region could trigger “World War 3.” He made the statement after attending a memorial service at Arlington National Cemetery.

🌏 Russia’s Armed Forces thwarted attempts by the Ukrainian military to attack three settlements in the Kursk region, the Ministry of Defense stated.

🌏 A Russian Tornado-S multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) wiped out more hostile personnel in the border area.

🌏 Russian air defenses shot down a Ukrainian missile and two guided bombs over the Kursk region, according to acting Governor Alexey Smirnov.

🌏 Ukraine lost up to 380 militants and 30 armored vehicles in the border area of the Kursk region, the MoD stated.


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b670c1 No.200580

File: fcab4beb3168833⋯.jpg (117.71 KB,1080x1196,270:299,IMG_20240828_211806_760.jpg)

Qtm (T.me) France officially indicts Telegram founder Pavel Durov, places him under supervised release.

The Russian-born billionaire has been placed under judicial supervision, with a bail set at $5.56 million (5 million euros), and will be required to report to the French police station twice a week and is forbidden from leaving leave French territory.



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b670c1 No.200581

File: 8d14acdb1b2a68a⋯.jpg (165.01 KB,836x454,418:227,Screenshot_20240828_212030….jpg)

Qtm (T.me) RFK Jr. reveals that 37 hours after Kamala and Biden were installed into the White House, they opened an illegal portal between social media giants and the FBI, CIA, CDC, etc, to begin the rampant censorship of Americans

Platforms were THREATENED to comply, or else "their section 230 immunity was in jeopardy."



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b670c1 No.200582

File: a01312c9115cab7⋯.jpg (74.56 KB,1179x642,393:214,IMG_20240828_212227_444.jpg)

CR (T.me) Massie on Snowbird


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b670c1 No.200583

File: e675e66232b6f79⋯.jpg (265.94 KB,823x858,823:858,Screenshot_20240828_212552….jpg)

CIG (T.me) 🇫🇷❌✉️ Telegram messages are not encrypted.

France is trying to arrest the CEO of a Russian team that has plaintext access to every message the French president has ever sent or received..

Telegram messages aren't e2e encrypted. It is also a "cloud messenger," meaning that all messages live on Telegram's servers rather than the user's device.

With one query, the Russian Telegram team can get every message the French president has ever sent or received to his contacts, every message those contacts have ever sent or received to their contacts, every message those contacts' contacts have ever sent or received, etc.

It's just plaintext, there are no limits to what they can do, like use an LLM to help go through all that material and pull out the dirt, map the relationships, figure out who's keeping secrets from who, etc.

For the French politicians and cabinet members, it is kind of too late to do anything. Even if they try to delete all their messages now, the Telegram team can just mark the messages as "deleted" so that they no longer display to the user – but not actually delete the data they retain access to.

🔗 https://www.politico.eu/article/telegram-pavel-durov-arrest-emmanuel-macron-france-social-media/


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b670c1 No.200584

File: 00dc721502d07ae⋯.jpg (348.85 KB,763x907,763:907,Screenshot_20240828_212748….jpg)

CIG (T.me) 🇺🇸 Proof-of-citizenship voting bill push could threaten government shutdown

A conservative-backed push for stricter proof-of-citizenship requirements for voting could complicate efforts to avert a government shutdown next month.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have acknowledged a stopgap of some kind, also known as a continuing resolution (CR), will be necessary to keep the government funded past Sept. 30.

But calls are growing among House conservatives to use that must-pass measure to force consideration of a partisan bill aimed at barring noncitizens from voting — laying the groundwork for a clash with the Democratic-led Senate, which would likely reject such a package.

Advocates of pushing the SAVE Act say the legislation would ensure that only citizens can vote in federal elections, partly by making it mandatory for states to obtain proof of citizenship to register voters and also requiring states to purge noncitizens from voter rolls.

However, most Democrats have pushed back strongly against the measure. The Biden administration vowed to veto it when the House considered it last month, noting it is already a crime for noncitizens to vote in federal elections. The White House also argued the bill would make it more difficult for eligible voters to register and increase “the risk that eligible voters are purged from voter rolls.”

📝Carolina Lion: The fact the Democrats are willing to shut down the government over a bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote in an election tells you that illegals already vote in elections for one specific party and are the party's voter base.

🔗 https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4850815-proof-of-citizenship-voting-bill-government-shutdown/


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b670c1 No.200585

File: 261e106d0ea00e2⋯.mp4 (8.87 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5935955123049075560.mp4)

SNN (T.me) NEW: 11-year-old boy admits to luring 8-year-old Noah Bush to clay pits in Georgia & drowning him in what attorneys are saying is a "racially motivated" attack.

Police initially claimed that there was no foul play, saying Bush was wandering in a no-trespassing area.

It wasn't until the family hired lawyers to investigate that they discovered what really happened.

"This 11-year-old admitted under oath he, in fact, led Noah Bush down to the clay pits, pushed him into the water and ultimately held his head under the water until he drowned," the Bush family lawyer said.

In July, another boy, aged 10, was sentenced to two years of confinement on charges of concealing the de*th of another.

The 11-year-old was sentenced to two years in a detention facility after he admitted in court to "playing a role" in Bush's de*th.

Absolutely horrific


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b670c1 No.200586

File: 827bb70d31103f0⋯.jpg (52.98 KB,634x422,317:211,IMG_20240828_213356_151.jpg)


The Attorney General's Office has filed a new contempt of court application against Tommy Robinson, accusing him of violating a 2021 High Court order.

The order, issued after Robinson lost a libel case to a Syrian refugee, Jamal Hijazi, barred him from repeating certain allegations.

Robinson allegedly breached this order multiple times between June and July by making prohibited statements and showing a banned film at a public protest.

Robinson's supporters argue that the legal actions against him are attempts to silence his voice and limit free speech.

Despite the court's restrictions, Robinson remains defiant, highlighting what he views as judicial overreach and the suppression of important issues.

The court will hear the new charges on October 28.


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b670c1 No.200587

File: f4cff3526d5eeb4⋯.mp4 (10.14 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5942637237463163559.mp4)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️BREAKING - The U.S. State Department “accidentally” gave $239 MILLION to the Taliban following the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

This news comes shortly after the Pentagon admitted to an accounting error that resulted in an extra $6.2 BILLION being provided for Ukraine military aid.


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b670c1 No.200588

File: 5e2eae0aec66eb4⋯.jpg (95.18 KB,1122x1280,561:640,IMG_20240828_214033_844.jpg)

DMP (T.me) Special counsel Jack Smith filed a superseding indictment in the same DC case, showing how desperate the Democrats are to stop Trump from winning the White House, for he and RFK would shut down the Neocons who are taking us into World War III. Smith is outright seeking to Interfere in the 2024 Election. Smith was also never appointed or approved by Congress.

While we have the diehard Democrats who do not care about the Constitution or the rule of law, they spell “justice” using two words: “JUST US” and do not care about the future. The Supreme Court also held that prosecutors have ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY and judges, but the President should not be above the law? Why? They are? . . 😡



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b670c1 No.200589

File: 5400902caa8ff67⋯.jpg (432.21 KB,762x986,381:493,Screenshot_20240828_214413….jpg)

DMP (T.me) Russians Record Highest Ever Contentment with Life Despite Sanctions and War, Survey Finds

So much For the sanctions ! That the west thought would cripple Russia .


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b670c1 No.200590

File: d843a3b88c1df06⋯.jpg (91.97 KB,1280x1200,16:15,IMG_20240828_214805_801.jpg)

MRC (T.me) Why did Trump retruth this?


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b670c1 No.200591

File: 595f67347c4bd29⋯.jpg (313.88 KB,776x846,388:423,Screenshot_20240828_215101….jpg)

GP (T.me) THE FIX IS IN! MI Dem SOS Benson Makes THREATENING Video Warning Election Officials Not To Question The Next Cheat…If You Don’t Certify The Election Results…”We will come for you!” (VIDEO)



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b670c1 No.200592

File: 9192066d33eda75⋯.jpg (362.8 KB,738x860,369:430,Screenshot_20240828_215602….jpg)

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b670c1 No.200593

File: 62ebf3b47a95047⋯.jpg (361.9 KB,817x969,43:51,Screenshot_20240828_220026….jpg)

GP (T.me) JUST IN: FBI Releases Photos of Thomas Crooks’ Rifle and Explosive Devices – Claims Would-Be Trump Assassin Had “Mixture of Ideologies” – But Motive Unknown



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b670c1 No.200594

File: 208dc59ada61661⋯.jpg (328.58 KB,741x956,741:956,Screenshot_20240828_220321….jpg)

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b670c1 No.200595

File: e40a64b07559e94⋯.jpg (221.44 KB,825x611,825:611,Screenshot_20240828_221656….jpg)

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b670c1 No.200596

File: 09b046412a068ba⋯.jpg (250.12 KB,764x729,764:729,Screenshot_20240828_222021….jpg)

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b670c1 No.200597

File: 3b265b37f8051f8⋯.jpg (199.04 KB,794x617,794:617,Screenshot_20240828_222236….jpg)

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b670c1 No.200598

File: 29209ef1dbc0b3b⋯.mp4 (378.49 KB,718x336,359:168,VID_20240828_232315_255.mp4)


A large fire broke out in an industrial area near New Haven Avenue and Wayne Trace in Fort Wayne, Indiana, with smoke visible for miles.

Fort Wayne is the second-largest city in Indiana, near the larger city of Indianapolis.

Residents are advised to avoid the area due to significant traffic delays.

Over 400 power outages have been reported, though it's unclear if they are related to the fire.


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b670c1 No.200599

File: 5a6ab2f20c9195a⋯.jpg (73.22 KB,828x1035,4:5,IMG_20240828_232953_540.jpg)

MJT (T.me) Silly rabbit, there’s no such thing as QAnon 🤣😂


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b670c1 No.200600

File: ce42cf1d5f8f785⋯.jpg (253.47 KB,796x711,796:711,Screenshot_20240828_235227….jpg)

AN (T.me) Ngo: 'Sinister' that the Biden Harris administration tried to circumvent first amendment rights of Americans



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b670c1 No.200601

File: 1dbc31a551e5e9d⋯.jpg (128.1 KB,960x956,240:239,IMG_20240829_001546_626.jpg)

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b670c1 No.200602

File: 88b38b4707c2261⋯.jpg (34.12 KB,767x1280,767:1280,IMG_20240829_001843_263.jpg)

CR (T.me) Reddit experiencing issues? First it was X last night, now Reddit?


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b670c1 No.200603

File: e1c5184e743caef⋯.jpg (6.71 KB,275x183,275:183,IMG_20240829_003021_786.jpg)


Robert Telles, a former Clark County official in Nevada, has been convicted of the premeditated murder of journalist Jeff German.

Prosecutors argued Telles was enraged by German's investigative articles that exposed his misconduct and ultimately led to his election loss.

German was fatally stabbed outside his home in September 2022.

The verdict highlights ongoing concerns about the safety of journalists in the United States.

Telles now faces a possible sentence of 50 years to life in prison.


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b670c1 No.200604

File: e50bfed6eeed244⋯.jpg (130.63 KB,932x1280,233:320,IMG_20240829_003219_923.jpg)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️President Trump warns Mark Zuckerberg could ‘spend the rest of his life in prison’ if Meta ‘cheats’ in election

“We are watching him closely, and if he does anything illegal this time he will spend the rest of his life in prison — as will others who cheat in the 2024 Presidential Election,” Trump wrote in the book, per a preview obtained by Politico


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b670c1 No.200605

File: 486c28514acf1c3⋯.jpg (27.13 KB,900x506,450:253,IMG_20240829_003408_534.jpg)


Yelp filed a federal lawsuit against Google, alleging that the tech giant uses its monopoly in general search to dominate local search markets.

Yelp claims Google manipulates search results to favor its own local search products, degrading quality and sidelining rivals like Yelp.

The lawsuit argues this self-preferencing harms competition, drives up advertising costs, and limits consumer choice, as nearly half of all mobile searches have local intent.


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70b68a No.200606

File: 93848fe236419bd⋯.jpg (112.29 KB,750x500,3:2,83gecs_2.jpg)




Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)


@ Bacon


>>200488, >>200489 TPV (T.me) The BEST thing we can do is to get involved at EVERY level we can during this election to ensure that Trump DOMINATES on election night.

>>200490 TPV (T.me) There is a STARK difference in the way that MAGA approach elections, vs the way that Democrats approach elections…

>>200491 TPV (T.me) I’m telling you right now that they have already well thought out, and planned the STEAL not only on a Federal level, but also at the STATE level…

>>200492 UL's (TwiX) NEW: Mother left with ‘catastrophic brain injury, a broken skull, and a brain bleed’ after Venezuelan ILLEGAL Amazon driver hits her and her 4-month-old baby, then flees the scene

>>200494 IP (T.me) JUST IN - Texas judge suspends Biden immigration reform policy

>>200495 IP (T.me) JUST IN - Trump statement after Mark Zuckerberg said Biden-Harris admin pressured Facebook to censor content

>>200496 MJT (T.me) How do you get a message out to everyone, when they control it all?

>>200497 MJT (T.me) Donald Trump Reacts to the Assassination Attempt

>>200498 MJT (T.me) Trump hints that he has People on the Inside of the Democrat Party who Told him about the Decision to Remove Joe Biden

>>200499 MJT (T.me) Did you miss Trumps Interview with Dr Phil? Here you go, Will notable clips. 🙏

>>200500 MelaniaTrump (TwiX) New York City captivated my heart the moment I arrived, 28 years ago today. This electrifying town isn't just my home; it's a colorful canvas where dreams come alive. New York’s iconic skyline and vibrant culture inspire me every day.

>>200501 ElonMusk (TwiX) This is a tough call and will make some people upset, but, all things considered, I think California should probably pass the SB 1047 AI safety bill.

>>200502, >>200503, >>200504, >>200505, >>200506, >>200507, >>200509, >>200511, >>200512, >>200513, >>200514, >>200515, >>200516, >>200517, >>200518, >>200519, >>200520, >>200521, >>200522, PapiTrumpo (8/27/2024)

>>200525 OD (T.me) Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is now trying to save himself from the controversial relationship between his company and the Biden-Harris regime.

>>200526 OD (T.me) Mpox warning: Vaccines might not protect against deadly new viral strain spreading rapidly, say experts

>>200527 OD (T.me) Real estate developer Sergio Pino, one of the country’s largest Hispanic residential builders, died by suicide Tuesday morning after FBI agents arrived at his Cocoplum home amid what the bureau called a “murder for hire” investigation related to threats made against his estranged wife, Tatiana Pino.

>>200528 OD (T.me) Despite California pouring $24 billion into the homeless crisis, the number of people experiencing homelessness has jumped by 50%.

>>200529 OD (T.me) Government reviewing immigration streams amid spike in newcomer unemployment

>>200530 EB (T.me) Russia's Kursk Nuclear Power Plant is at risk of a potential nuclear incident - Rafael Grossi

>>200531 EB (T.me) American belief that WWIII would only affect Europe shows their mentality – Lavrov

>>200532 EB (T.me) ⚡️ Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of Russia Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov regarding the violation by Ukraine and the United States of international treaties banning chemical and biological weapons (August 26, 2024)

>>200533 D.b (T.me) Ukraine has received from the United States an exclusive version of an electronic warfare system that turns F-16s into real "invisible" for Russian radars, Defense Express reports.

>>200534 D.b (T.me) BREAKING Britain backs Kiev's use of Storm Shadow missiles to strike Russia, but will not publicly call for the move over concerns it would provoke a row with the US - Telegraph

>>200535 D.b (T.me) The US Ambassador to Japan wrote: — "There’s little “love thy neighbor” in China’s “good neighbor” policy.

>>200536 WW3 (T.me) BREAKING 🇨🇳⚡🇵🇭 The Philippine Coast Guard reported that 40 Chinese vessels, including six Coast Guard ships and three Navy vessels, blocked two Philippine ships conducting a humanitarian mission to the BRP Teresa Magbanua area near Escoda Shoal.

>>200537 WW3 (T.me) ‼️🚨BREAKING ⚖️🇺🇸📉 WEF Says The World Must Brace For A Series Of Massive Unknown Crises Big problems

>>200538 WW3 (T.me) 🔊NOW – ✊ Anti-regime protesters took this morning to the streets of Tel Aviv and blocked the Ayalon Street to demand a prisoner swap deal.

>>200539 WW3 (T.me) BREAKING – A Russian oil depot in the Rostov region is on fire. The facility was attacked by Ukrainian drones.

>>200540 WW3 (T.me) ⚠️ Terror Alert is emerging in the Middle East, as the Tel Aviv regime is starting all-out war against Palestinians

>>200541 RGS (T.me) 🔴PLA soldiers spotted using Flying Grenades

>>200542 RGS (T.me) 🤔 Trump blames Biden for Oct 7 - vows ‘unyielding strength against evil’

>>200543 RGS (T.me) ⚠️ Haditha Massacre: Photos the US Marines Didn’t Want the World to See Have Been Released after FOI Request

>>200544 RGS (T.me) 🚨 🇮🇱🇵🇸Just in: Binance Seizes Palestinian Crypto Wallets After Israeli Government Demand

>>200546 BI (T.me) 🇦🇲⚔️🇦🇿 BREAKING – New Battlefield: Armenian servicemen allegedly fired at Azerbaijani army positions in Nakhchivan, according to the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan statement:

>>200547 TAS (T.me) Minnesota, North America

>>200548 GL (T.me) UK, Germany to conclude new bilateral defense agreement

>>200549 SUTB (T.me) Labour leader is accused of cronyism that is 'rotting politics to its core' after millionaire TV mogul, Lord Alli given 'unrestricted' access to Downing Street

>>200550 SUTB (T.me) London fire live: Second tower block in capital ablaze - this one is in Canary Wharf.

>>200551 SUTB (T.me) According to UK deepstate dictator Kier Starmer tough sanctions are needed for Telegram because it is the app of choice for extremists & cheerleads for terrorists

>>200552 SUTB (T.me) October's Budget will be "painful" and the government will have to make "big asks" of the public, Sir Keir Starmer has warned.

>>200553 KL (T.me) 320,000 unaccompanied migrant children have gone missing.

>>200554 KL (T.me) The public is on to the fake news media.

>>200555 TET (T.me) "If that hand was being extended to you with the blood on it, of someone that just took out somebody's organs, someone that was unwilling to give those organs up and lost their life because of their belief, would you be so willing to extend your hand in friendship or in business partnership, or even in diplomatic partnership?"

>>200556 CR (T.me) 🚨#BREAKING: 𝕏/Twitter is reportedly experiencing major disruptions outages, as multiple users report technical issues on the social platform, with messages stating ‘Posts aren’t loading right now'

>>200557 CR (T.me) DTE reporting hundreds of thousands without power following Tuesday storms

>>200558 RTN (T.me) NEW: Jack Smith Accused of Election Interference for Filing Fresh 'Conspiracy' Indictments Against Donald Trump

>>200559 TVF (T.me) You’re being POISONED.

>>200560 BC (T.me) When’s the last time you heard the Dems mention child trafficking?

>>200561 BC (T.me) One thing is for certain… Trump and his team have a plan.

>>200562 BC (T.me) The political landscape has transformed.

>>200563 NB (T.me) Just think how far behind the normies are…

>>200564 NB (T.me) Oh look, more Muslim Genocide

>>200565 CIG (T.me) 🇫🇷🇪🇺❌✉️ French authorities issued arrest warrants for Telegram CEO Pavel Durov and his co-founder brother Nikolai in March, according to a French administrative document

>>200566, >>200567 CIG (T.me) 🇺🇸🚀 Donald Trump Vows to Create 'Space National Guard'

>>200568 CR (T.me) Supreme Court Rejects Biden Admin’s Latest Student Loan Debt Cancellation Plan 

>>200569 C (T.me) North Korea sent containers presumably to Russia that could contain as many as more than 6 million artillery shells, Yonhap reported on Aug. 27, citing a South Korean military intelligence report.

>>200570 C (T.me) Pope on a rope talking out his ass. What a clown and devil.

>>200571 RTM (T.me) 🚨Breaking: House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan, issued a subpoena for information on the political work conducted by the daughter of New York State Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan.

>>200572 RTM (T.me) Black American Women Are Starting A Movement Called "I'M NOT WITH HER"

>>200573 RTM (T.me) JD Vance: "To have those 13 Americans lose their lives and not fire a single person is disgraceful. Kamala Harris is disgraceful.

>>200574 NBSN (T.me) If not for lies, they'd have nothing to say. Samaria separated Judea from Galilee. Separate and distinct.

>>200576 MP (T.me) MORE: Special counsel Jack Smith brought a superseding indictment against Donald Trump in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, charging the same four felonies he did one year ago over allegations the former president illegally attempted to overturn the 2020 election.

>>200576 MP (T.me) MORE: Special counsel Jack Smith brought a superseding indictment against Donald Trump in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, charging the same four felonies he did one year ago over allegations the former president illegally attempted to overturn the 2020 election.

>>200577 GL (T.me) Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman exposes fake "aid" from Kiev regime to civilians in Kursk region

>>200578 GL (T.me) Math prodigy in the shadows: Who's Pavel Durov's brother Nikolai and why are the French after him?

>>200579 GL (T.me) Donald Trump warns Ukraine’s incursion could trigger World War III: check out the latest news from Russia's Kursk region

>>200580 Qtm (T.me) France officially indicts Telegram founder Pavel Durov, places him under supervised release.

>>200581 Qtm (T.me) RFK Jr. reveals that 37 hours after Kamala and Biden were installed into the White House, they opened an illegal portal between social media giants and the FBI, CIA, CDC, etc, to begin the rampant censorship of Americans

>>200582 CR (T.me) Massie on Snowbird

>>200583 CIG (T.me) 🇫🇷❌✉️ Telegram messages are not encrypted.

>>200584 CIG (T.me) 🇺🇸 Proof-of-citizenship voting bill push could threaten government shutdown

>>200585 SNN (T.me) NEW: 11-year-old boy admits to luring 8-year-old Noah Bush to clay pits in Georgia & drowning him in what attorneys are saying is a "racially motivated" attack.


>>200587 SNN (T.me) ⚠️BREAKING - The U.S. State Department “accidentally” gave $239 MILLION to the Taliban following the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

>>200588 DMP (T.me) Special counsel Jack Smith filed a superseding indictment in the same DC case, showing how desperate the Democrats are to stop Trump from winning the White House,

>>200589 DMP (T.me) Russians Record Highest Ever Contentment with Life Despite Sanctions and War, Survey Finds

>>200590 MRC (T.me) Why did Trump retruth this?

>>200591 GP (T.me) THE FIX IS IN! MI Dem SOS Benson Makes THREATENING Video Warning Election Officials Not To Question The Next Cheat…If You Don’t Certify The Election Results…”We will come for you!” (VIDEO)

>>200592 GP (T.me) Disabled Veteran Cited for ‘Liquid Littering’ After Blowing Bubbles in California

>>200593 GP (T.me) JUST IN: FBI Releases Photos of Thomas Crooks’ Rifle and Explosive Devices – Claims Would-Be Trump Assassin Had “Mixture of Ideologies” – But Motive Unknown

>>200594 GP (T.me) Clinton Appointed Judge Rules Military Can’t Deny HIV-Positive Enlistees

>>200595 Rtm (T.me) 🔴 Former Biden Official Arrested in Bizarre Twist

>>200596 Rtm (T.me) 🔴 Explosive Reaction: Jesse Watters Makes Controversial Kamala Harris Comment Leading to Calls of Resignation

>>200597 Rtm (T.me) 🔴 WEF Warns of Three Looming 'Shock Events' That Could Reshape Our World


>>200599 MJT (T.me) Silly rabbit, there’s no such thing as QAnon 🤣😂

>>200600 AN (T.me) Ngo: 'Sinister' that the Biden Harris administration tried to circumvent first amendment rights of Americans

>>200602 CR (T.me) Reddit experiencing issues? First it was X last night, now Reddit?


>>200604 SNN (T.me) ⚠️President Trump warns Mark Zuckerberg could ‘spend the rest of his life in prison’ if Meta ‘cheats’ in election


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Post last edited at

70b68a No.200608

File: ee756ff12a38ee2⋯.jpeg (360.3 KB,1000x962,500:481,E_RmIbuX0AkAbXw.jpeg)


There is a REASON that Telegram was busted, crypto scammers, blocking patriots like ZeroHedge, and Tommy Robinson.. [they] are compromised, plus so much moar







Locked & Loaded

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