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File: 22bae576a9e1645⋯.jpeg (7.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Bread_Title_Midnight_Ride….jpeg)

79f531 No.200354 [View All]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.





Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.27.2022

@ QR >>17830226 ————————————–——– Be aware of false prophets..

@ QR >>17830253 ————————————–——– Q & A ? In time.

@ QR >>17830238 ————————————–——– What is coded in your DNA?

Wednesday 11.18.22

@ QR >>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.2022

@ QR >>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.8.2022

@ QR >>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control..

Monday 11.7.2022

@ QR >>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.6.2022

@ QR >>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

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67 posts and 90 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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fe0591 No.200424

File: 17a7c8cbe2fb1b4⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB,464x848,29:53,1_5075569669243405582.MP4)

MJT (T.me) Kamala Harris says she’d take executive action to confiscate guns

“If Congress doesn’t act within the first 100 days I’m going to take executive action.”

First it’s free speech… Then it’s your guns… Then… well… Use your imagination….



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fe0591 No.200425

File: 7a24a2253eb58d6⋯.jpg (164.15 KB,875x483,125:69,Screenshot_20240828_003153….jpg)

MJT (T.me) Trump says People are Going to be Held Accountable — and says he Beat out the Bush’s, the Clinton’s, Obama, and Biden

“The answer is yes.. they’re gonna be held accountable. They’ve got to be held accountable for what they’re doing; they’re destroying this country. They’re crooked people. They’re dishonest people, they’re going to be held accountable”

Trump goes on to say he was an outsider who only visited Washington 17 times… and he made some mistakes, but now knows everybody.

He then says he took out the Bush family, the Clinton family, and Biden… and now has to beat the marxist Kamala Harris.



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fe0591 No.200426

File: a147a7b2d91d879⋯.jpg (124.66 KB,1280x960,4:3,IMG_20240828_003410_183.jpg)

MJT (T.me) In a stunning turn of events…

Mark Zuckerberg admitted to the Biden White House pressuring Facebook to censor Americans, Violating Americans First Amendment Rights, and Suppressing the Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Ok… so can we arrest someone already? Asking for millions of frens… 😂


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fe0591 No.200427

File: 1f6854ec42380ce⋯.mp4 (320.2 KB,816x800,51:50,VID_20240828_003513_182.mp4)

MJT (T.me) Why the hell are we even paying taxes anymore?

California Seeks to to approve $150K loans for illegal immigrants to help purchase homes

California is $70 billion in debt and their solution is to buy homes for illegals?

• The Democratic supermajority in the California state legislature is likely to pass a measure this week that would make undocumented immigrants eligible for the "California Dream for All" loan program, a state-funded tax-payer program that provides 20% in down payment assistance up to $150,000,

• Participants in the program must be first-time homebuyers, and at least one must be a first-generation homebuyer, while income levels must be below certain limits depending on the county where the recipient lives.


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fe0591 No.200428

File: 03ba7b96851b1be⋯.jpg (154.48 KB,846x470,9:5,Screenshot_20240828_003726….jpg)

MJT (T.me) The democrat party views themselves as the White Hats

Now that’s funny.,, 😆🤣🤣


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fe0591 No.200429

File: 3cad0b89e782a53⋯.jpg (159.09 KB,839x470,839:470,Screenshot_20240828_003900….jpg)

>>200428 MJT RFK Jr: The Biden Administration threatened Social Media Companies with Stripping away their Section 230 Immunity if they did not Silence their Political Opponents



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fe0591 No.200430

File: ca6e3149e27de41⋯.jpg (162.32 KB,863x451,863:451,Screenshot_20240828_004025….jpg)

>>200428 MJT (T.me) RFK Jr Announces He’s Officially Working with the Trump Campaign to Establish Policy and will be on Trumps TRANSITION TEAM to Help Pick the People who will be Running the Government 🙌


• autism

• chronic illness

• censorship

• chemtrails

• downsizing government

• toxic foods

• toxic vaccines

It’s really happening!



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fe0591 No.200431

File: 89fa919dd652e71⋯.jpg (178.81 KB,847x453,847:453,Screenshot_20240828_004826….jpg)

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fe0591 No.200432

File: fa0cb34cbc04ec9⋯.jpg (121.95 KB,822x1280,411:640,IMG_20240828_005452_672.jpg)

CR (T.me) Video of the inside of Cortex today, the giant new AI training supercluster being built at Tesla HQ in Austin to solve real-world AI



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fe0591 No.200433

File: 06eedc415f5bbcd⋯.jpg (423.94 KB,1080x1671,360:557,Screenshot_20240828_010755….jpg)

CR (T.me) Megyn Kelly Shows How Christopher Hitchens Predicted

What's Happening in England Now Back in 2009

https://youtube.com/shorts/mc2AKRJm5rg 08/26


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fe0591 No.200434

File: bf9868e62612646⋯.mp4 (6.08 MB,720x1280,9:16,VID_20240828_011014_611.mp4)

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fe0591 No.200435

File: dbe840fc4473460⋯.jpg (358.1 KB,862x1114,431:557,Screenshot_20240828_011224….jpg)

C (T.me) Romans 5:3-5

3 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance;

4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope.

5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

We all face trials in life and some are harder than others but one thing we can say is each one has made us stronger for the future. None of us want or wish for those moments but when we take the perspective of what instead of why we can get a lot out of those times. Instead of saying why am I going through this? Start asking God what he wants you to learn through this? Just know that when we persevere through those moments we show how strong our character is and that we find our hope in Jesus and not this world.

My prayer for you today is that you look to Jesus in the hard times so you can persevere through.


This is an amazing Anon who's seriously sick. Lift Anon up in prayer

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fe0591 No.200436

File: 70d22da24026de9⋯.jpg (108.83 KB,720x1280,9:16,IMG_20240828_011728_321.jpg)

RRH (T.me) Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram is also a WEF member and was trained at the Faculty of Military Studies of St. Petersburg State University with a specialization in Propaganda which almost always goes along with Psychological Warfare.

For those of you who didn't know…


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fe0591 No.200437

File: d789136f6092af4⋯.jpg (855.72 KB,827x1588,827:1588,Screenshot_20240828_012051….jpg)

TETN (T.me) Since November 2023, I have been decoding The Grimes Tablet, The Economist Magazine 2024 Cover, and the The Economist Magazine 2019 cover. I have now discovered that all three of the listed above are tied directly into the Abraham Accords commemorative coin.

The cross parallel symbolism of all of these equate to the same agenda outline:

1) Saturn worship

2) Corona Vaccines

3) DNA Manipulation

4) Quantum Technology

5) Transhumanism

6) Space Exploration

On the Abraham Accords coin, there is a palm tree. The palm tree represents Tammuz who is a fertility god and is located right next to the vaccine with 13 drops coming out of it. As a side note, the Operation Warpspeed logo has 13 stars on it which represent rebellion and creation magic. Tammuz is only mentioned once in the Bible and it is in Ezekiel 8:14 and the title of Ezekiel 8 is "Abominations in the Temple." Ezekiel receives a vision of 70 men coming together below Jerusalem with 25 seats facing east to sign a declaration to bring abominations. This verse is tied into Isaiah 28:15 which is also about the elders of Jerusalem signing a covenant with death.

Did you know that an event with 70 nations took place on 25-27/9/2019 in a temple below Jerusalem where they made a lamb sacrifice, exactly three months before the announcement of the corona pandemic on 27/12/2019?

On the Economist Magazine 2019 cover, the Vitruvian Man is the transhumanism agenda. It is about bringing the symbols (square, circle, triangle) to convey the idea that the physical world (square) is an expression of the divine (circle) and is governed by the harmonious balance of opposing forces (triangle).

This triad reflects the Kabbalistic worldview, which posits that everything emanates from a single, unified source (Prima Materia).

In this context, the circle, square, and triangle symbolize the interconnectedness of:

The infinite and the finite

Spirit and matter

Opposites (e.g., masculine and feminine, active and passive) in harmony

This Kabbalistic symbolism underscores the idea that the physical world is an expression of the divine, and that balance and harmony are essential for understanding and navigating the complexities of existence.

The end agenda is transhumanism and satan and his followers are using quantum and black magic to achieve their agenda.

So is this all just a coincidence, a fake psy-op or Biblical prophecy being fulfilled?


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fe0591 No.200438

File: d73d863961a5ddb⋯.mp4 (11.23 MB,1920x1080,16:9,VID_20240828_012314_819.mp4)

TETR (T.me) Trump says he’s looking to put both Elon Musk AND RFK Jr. in his cabinet when [S]elected.

American Dynamism = Techno-Nationalism - Techno-Optimism + Transhumanism… All in perfect order as suspected. The great "Libertarian-Conservative Synthesis" is revealing itself. Bringing America into the 4th Industrial Revolution one psyop at a time. – Dayz Of Noah

Amazing how so many in our community don't see it.


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fe0591 No.200439

File: 72c3296c2f25f15⋯.jpg (68.76 KB,512x911,512:911,IMG_20240828_012501_772.jpg)

TETR (T.me ) How did Canada know about the monkeypox outbreak before it even happened??


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fe0591 No.200440

File: f80d44e09a9b05b⋯.jpg (179 KB,789x713,789:713,Screenshot_20240828_012751….jpg)

TETR (T.me) Found someone else who is talking about the vaxxed going crazy and killing people.



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fe0591 No.200441

File: 68e79f78541ea70⋯.jpg (56.08 KB,750x888,125:148,IMG_20240828_013713_960.jpg)

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fe0591 No.200442

File: b1f523eff2d083d⋯.mp4 (528.12 KB,1280x720,16:9,5_6226379471574798670.mp4)

OD (T.me) “No guarantee of free speech” - Walz


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fe0591 No.200443

File: cfc08aa08cca18a⋯.jpg (136.42 KB,1080x1272,45:53,IMG_20240828_015424_356.jpg)

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fe0591 No.200444

File: f47349418a899e0⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,1_5073477792536986772.mp4)

CR (T.me) Matt Gaetz: “What Mr. Bongino just said ought to be the most important work of the United States Congress to figure out if these decisions were run of the mill incompetence…but if it's something even darker and more devious than that, that must be rooted out."



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fe0591 No.200445

File: 20ae79b409446fe⋯.mp4 (5.65 MB,1280x720,16:9,1_5073477792536986773.mp4)

CR (T.me) Rep. Eli Crane to Erik Prince: In your professional opinion, is the Secret Service in its current form and leadership able to stop a threat like that?

Prince: "President Trump was definitely deprived of resources that day for whatever the political reason. They had one third the amount of agents covering him as were covering Jill Biden in the same region at an indoor event. She had 12 post holders covering her. Again, no statutory or constitutional authority for the first lady. Donald J. Trump had four Secret Service agents assigned."


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fe0591 No.200446

File: aab362ddb343dff⋯.jpg (265.73 KB,824x642,412:321,Screenshot_20240828_020313….jpg)

JP (T.me) JUST IN: President Trump announces he is selling portions of the suit he wore during the debate with Joe Biden, labeling it 'The Knockout Suit'



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fe0591 No.200447

File: 798cbf8c41d92df⋯.jpg (101.29 KB,1079x1080,1079:1080,IMG_20240828_021241_511.jpg)

PF (T.me) Mark Zuckerberg just admitted three things:

1. Biden-Harris Admin "pressured" Facebook to censor Americans.

2. Facebook censored Americans.

3. Facebook throttled the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Big win for free speech.


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fe0591 No.200448

File: 35511f26ad23827⋯.jpg (197.72 KB,758x625,758:625,Screenshot_20240828_021907….jpg)

D.tv (T.me) JUST IN - U.S. Navy will sideline 17 vessels due to a "manpower shortage" that makes it difficult to properly crew and operate ships across the fleet.



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fe0591 No.200449

File: 29ac08c273671dc⋯.jpg (101.75 KB,600x556,150:139,IMG_20240828_022055_145.jpg)

D.tv (T.me) JUST IN - Trump and Kamala agree to debate on ABC, September 10th.


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fe0591 No.200450

File: 51a089a5f1d3a56⋯.jpg (182.73 KB,826x692,413:346,Screenshot_20240828_022317….jpg)

D.tv (T.me) JUST IN - AT&T wireless service has been down for hours with 911 outages reported in multiple states. Some iPhone users' devices are stuck in "SOS" mode.



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fe0591 No.200451

File: 325d7f5b795a008⋯.jpg (295.26 KB,805x896,115:128,Screenshot_20240828_022532….jpg)

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fe0591 No.200452

File: e38c2ca44b902bd⋯.jpg (463.09 KB,758x965,758:965,Screenshot_20240828_022730….jpg)

GP (T.me) California Democrats Vote to Force Taxpayers to Subsidize $150,000 Down Payment on Homes for Illegals – But the CA Department of Finance Confirms the Program Has No Money!



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fe0591 No.200453

File: 37ad01a71437501⋯.jpg (252.12 KB,742x782,371:391,Screenshot_20240828_022911….jpg)

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fe0591 No.200454

File: 7e792e0bfc80942⋯.jpg (100.15 KB,1017x1269,113:141,IMG_20240828_023000_222.jpg)

KL (T.me) 70 Days until Election Day!

Vote President Trump to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! 🇺🇸

Vote Kari Lake for Senate to #MakeArizonaGrandAgain! 🌵

Join Our Fight!⤵️



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fe0591 No.200455

File: 82dcf1d4a737f1a⋯.jpg (44.11 KB,1125x633,375:211,IMG_20240828_023143_290.jpg)

TS (T.me) BREAKING: Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is now asking the Attorney General whether he has the authority to REMOVE the three brave members of the State Election Board who have been implementing massive election integrity reforms

Democrat state legislators sent a letter to Kemp asking him to remove the members for "ethics violations," and Kemp's office is now asking the AG whether the Governor has the authority to do so

"This office has received Senator Nabilah Islam Parkes and other's letters alleging ethics violations by members of the State Elections Board. Due to uncertainty regarding whether this office has authority to act under Code Section 45-10-4 in response to these complaints, we have sought the Attorney General's advice regarding the application of the statute to the letters. We will respond following receipt of this advice and further evaluation of the letters."

Obviously, the ethics complaints are complete GARBAGE. They just want to eliminate Members Janelle King, Janice Johnston, and Rick Jeffries because they are bravely securing the 2024 election. There's no way the governor has the authority to remove them because he did not appoint all of them. He got to appoint one person, the state house and senate picked two, and the two major political parties picked the last two. The governor may be able to fire his own appointee but he didn't appoint any of the three brave members

In conclusion, Democrats are in panic because Trump will win Georgia due to the election integrity reforms of the Board, and now they are trying every dirty tactic to stop the changes from being implemented.



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fe0591 No.200456

File: 99c944ed4e5f46e⋯.jpg (379.75 KB,823x873,823:873,Screenshot_20240828_023643….jpg)

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fe0591 No.200457

File: dfcfc71e88196a8⋯.mp4 (4.01 MB,352x640,11:20,1_5073344657140745181.MP4)

TS (T.me) Ohio State football players hand out 10,000 bibles, lead thousands of students to Christ!



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fe0591 No.200458

File: 73e228ecd5421bc⋯.jpg (218.62 KB,1032x1165,1032:1165,IMG_20240828_024130_774.jpg)

TS (T.me) JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Congressional Democrats asks the FEC to censor Elon Musk's Grok AI, citing threats to democracy from its image generation.


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fe0591 No.200459

File: c1687fa9e335e76⋯.jpg (39.96 KB,568x490,284:245,IMG_20240828_024426_263.jpg)

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fe0591 No.200460

File: 811b420fdbc24af⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB,480x480,1:1,5_6217541657240276153.mp4)

TET (T.me) "[Karl Marx] seemed to be knowingly acting on the devil's behalf," reads Robert Payne's biography of Marx.

Uncover the dark reality behind Marx's life and communism's European beginnings in this episode.


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fe0591 No.200462

File: 39b3a4c94f84ff8⋯.mp4 (6.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,1_5078268184310580554.mp4)

EB (T.me) Dr. Phil: "Why were you spared?"

Pres. Trump: "It has to be God. How can you say it's luck when it's 20 million to one?"


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fe0591 No.200463

File: 36dc881916c53f7⋯.jpg (99.32 KB,796x818,398:409,IMG_20240828_032532_001.jpg)

EB (T.me) Samples of human blood & tissue were routed from Center for Public Health of Ukraine to Pentagon-related research laboratories

They were used in biological warfare research, including to select biological agents most dangerous to the population of a given region


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fe0591 No.200465

File: 85b7311d30a997a⋯.jpg (114.6 KB,995x1032,995:1032,IMG_20240828_032647_007.jpg)

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fe0591 No.200470

File: d085b09e2a6a7ac⋯.jpg (98.07 KB,1280x911,1280:911,IMG_20240828_032811_018.jpg)

EB (T.me) 🇷🇺 Comment by Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov to «Kommersant» newspaper

❓As in the case of the Ukrainian attacks on the Zaporozhskaya NPP, the attack on the Kurskaya NPP is a violation of the «seven pillars» announced by the IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi in 2022. What could be the consequences for the Ukrainian side if the IAEA confirms the fact of the shelling? Does the Russian side intend to demand the convening of an extraordinary session of the IAEA Board of Governors?

💬 What happened at the Kurskaya NPP is indeed a violation of the «seven pillars» of nuclear safety, which Rafael Grossi formulated in March 2022. They include the safety of nuclear facilities and the renunciation of military actions near nuclear power plants

💬 It is too early to talk about the consequences for the Ukrainian side due to these attacks. Western countries are condescending towards any facts of Ukrainian attacks on nuclear facilities, they are trying in every way to avoid seriously addressing this issue

💬 We hope that the IAEA Director General will convey the signal about the inadmissibility of strikes on nuclear facilities to Volodymyr Zelenskyy during their meeting in Kiev

💬 We are not yet planning to convene an extraordinary session of the IAEA Board of Governors to discuss the Ukrainian attacks on the Kurskaya NPP, but tomorrow everything may change depending on how events develop

💬 In any case, the situation at the Kurskaya and the Zaporozhskaya NPPs will be discussed at the next session of the Board on September 9. Unless, of course, an extraordinary session has to be convened before that


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fe0591 No.200472

File: 747047eded9c5ff⋯.jpg (132.37 KB,810x1208,405:604,IMG_20240828_032937_757.jpg)

EB (T.me) BREAKING: Kamala’s handlers have done another walk back, now claiming that she doesn’t support electric vehicle mandates.

This one is particularly interesting because the government that she is currently working for is trying to convert half of gas cars to electric by 2030.



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fe0591 No.200473

File: 686f53ab2a14f11⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB,464x848,29:53,1_5077903056255845644.MP4)

MRC (T.me) New Trump TikTok with Tulsi


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fe0591 No.200474

File: 1e32762ee20f8b8⋯.mp4 (10.02 MB,848x464,53:29,1_5077903056255845638.MP4)

MRC (T.me) 🚨BREAKING: Never before seen footage of Pelosi on January 6 filmed by her daughter shows her admitting that its her fault that the Capitol wasn't secure.

“We're calling the National Guard now? They should have been here to start out."

"We have totally failed. We need to take some responsibility for not moving to secure


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fe0591 No.200475

File: 91051d205ed03ee⋯.mp4 (13.09 MB,848x460,212:115,1_5077903056255845635.MP4)

MRC (T.me) Lindsey Graham- to the people in Arizona do you really believe she’s going to build a wall-that’s just bullshit



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fe0591 No.200476

File: 7b8bfa82dc6e5fa⋯.jpg (94.33 KB,823x1280,823:1280,IMG_20240828_033905_708.jpg)

MRC (T.me) Multiple States having 911 outages. Why does this keep happening?


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fe0591 No.200482

File: 3f74cf2e7993dae⋯.jpg (126.72 KB,898x1280,449:640,IMG_20240828_034523_315.jpg)

HIPS (T.me) 💉💉💉 The old jibby jab is taking the minds of its surviving victims…….😔



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fe0591 No.200483

File: 05cdcae03724412⋯.mp4 (513 KB,640x592,40:37,VID_20240828_034638_189.mp4)

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79f531 No.200486

File: 31fc48d302db36e⋯.jpg (137.17 KB,1024x1024,1:1,2024_02_07_23_25_56.jpg)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)


@ Bacon


>>200370 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) INSANE. A teacher at @EdmondSchools allegedly confiscated American Flags and punished a student for handing them out.

>>200371, >>200391 VIDEO: RFK Jr: Teaming up With Trump, Pavel Durov’s Arrest, CIA, and the Fall of the Democrat Party (YouTube)

>>200372 Video: Air Force Combat Controller Jared 'CCT Peaches' Pietras (YouTube)

>>200373 VIDEO: "Time Travel Is Inevitable" - David Kipping on Wormholes, Dark Matter & Life Beyond Earth | Ep. 462 (YouTube)

>>200374 VIDEO: Trump shooting: Dan Bongino says Secret Service acted in 'grade school politics' for Trump's safety (YouTube)

>>200375 VIDEO: BREAKING NEWS: House Republicans Host A Forum On The Attempted Assassination Of Donald Trump (YouTube)

>>200376 VIDEO: City Settles $260K Suit For Taking Vehicles of Military Personnel (YouTUbe)

>>200377 VIDEO: CHILLS: Trump Visits Graves of 13 American Heroes Lost in Afghanistan as Biden HIDES on Vacation (YouTube)

>>200378 VIDEO: FBI Warns of Coming Attack on US Water System (YouTube)

>>200379 VIDEO: FULL SPEECH: Trump Addresses the National Guard Association of the U.S. in Detroit - 8/26/24 (YouTube)

>>200380 VIDEO: Massive Attack On Free Speech As Telegram CEO Is Arrested For "Not Censoring" Rumble THREATENED! (YouTube)

>>200381 VIDEO: "Absolute Scum Bags!" - Drug Rehab Industry SCANDAL: Are Doctors Cashing In By Exploiting Addicts? (YouTube)

>>200382 VIDEO: I’m Endorsing Donald Trump for President (YouTube)

>>200383 VIDEO: President Donald J. Trump - Make America Great Again | SRS #127 (YouTube)

>>200384 VIDEO: Admiral Tells the Real Truth About Battling the Houthis in the Red Sea (YouTube)

>>200385 VIDEO: Amazon charges extra to avoid ads, says "lol jk" & adds them anyway (YouTube)

>>200386 VIDEO: The Huge Ruling That Says Machine Gun Bans Are Unconstitutional (YouTube)

>>200387 CR (TwiX) NEW: New Jersey surfer gets arrested after police officers confront him for not having a "beach badge."

>>200388 Wyatt (TwiX) RFK Jr. on chemtrails. Calls them a crime that will be stopped.

>>200389 WSS (TwiX) California is now proposing 0% interest and zero down for iIIegal aIiens to buy a home.

>>200390 TheHill (TwiX) More than 200 George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney aides endorse Kamala Harris

>>200392, >>200393, >>200395, >>200396, >>200397, >>200398, >>200399, >>200400, >>200402, >>200403, >>200405, >>200408, >>200409, >>200411, >>200412, >>200413, >>200416, >>200417, >>200418, PapiTrumpo (8/26/2024)

>>200394 VIDEO: This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected (YouTube)

>>200401 VIDEO: The Champions - SNL (YouTube)

>>200404 VIDEO: We Must Fight - President Reagan (Long Version) (YouTube)

>>200406 CatherineHerridge (TwiX) Zuckerberg letter via @JudiciaryGOP

>>200407 EW (TwiX) We don't talk about this enough:

>>200414 Trump National Security Aide Ousted From White House Re-emerges at Justice Dept.

>>200415 RFK Jr. (TwiX) Wonder Woman just joined the Justice League.

>>200420 VIDEO: "Trials If Trump Wins" - Zuckerberg EXPOSES Facebook COVID Cover-Up: Is a Whistleblower Next? (YOUTUBE)

>>200421 MJT (T.me) Why is Thomas Crooks Father Hiring a Powerhouse Criminal Lawyer?

>>200422 MJT (T.me) Of course it’s a Boeing…

>>200423 MJT (T.me) 200 Rinos, including the architects of 9/11 and ISIS, Declare their support for Comrade Harris… 😂

>>200424 MJT (T.me) Kamala Harris says she’d take executive action to confiscate guns

>>200425 MJT (T.me) Trump says People are Going to be Held Accountable — and says he Beat out the Bush’s, the Clinton’s, Obama, and Biden

>>200426 MJT (T.me) In a stunning turn of events…

>>200427 MJT (T.me) Why the hell are we even paying taxes anymore?

>>200428, >>200429, >>200430 MJT (T.me) The democrat party views themselves as the White Hats

>>200431 MJT (T.me) Trump Interview with Dr. Phil 8pm ET

>>200432 CR (T.me) Video of the inside of Cortex today, the giant new AI training supercluster being built at Tesla HQ in Austin to solve real-world AI

>>200433 CR (T.me) Megyn Kelly Shows How Christopher Hitchens Predicted

>>200435 C (T.me) Romans 5:3-5

>>200436 RRH (T.me) Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram is also a WEF member and was trained at the Faculty of Military Studies of St. Petersburg State University with a specialization in Propaganda which almost always goes along with Psychological Warfare.

>>200437 TETN (T.me) Since November 2023, I have been decoding The Grimes Tablet, The Economist Magazine 2024 Cover, and the The Economist Magazine 2019 cover. I have now discovered that all three of the listed above are tied directly into the Abraham Accords commemorative coin.

>>200438 TETR (T.me) Trump says he’s looking to put both Elon Musk AND RFK Jr. in his cabinet when [S]elected.

>>200439 TETR (T.me ) How did Canada know about the monkeypox outbreak before it even happened??

>>200440 TETR (T.me) Found someone else who is talking about the vaxxed going crazy and killing people.

>>200442 OD (T.me) “No guarantee of free speech” - Walz

>>200443 CR (T.me) Assassination shenanigans

>>200444 CR (T.me) Matt Gaetz: “What Mr. Bongino just said ought to be the most important work of the United States Congress to figure out if these decisions were run of the mill incompetence…but if it's something even darker and more devious than that, that must be rooted out."

>>200445 CR (T.me) Rep. Eli Crane to Erik Prince: In your professional opinion, is the Secret Service in its current form and leadership able to stop a threat like that?

>>200446 JP (T.me) JUST IN: President Trump announces he is selling portions of the suit he wore during the debate with Joe Biden, labeling it 'The Knockout Suit'

>>200447 PF (T.me) Mark Zuckerberg just admitted three things:

>>200448 D.tv (T.me) JUST IN - U.S. Navy will sideline 17 vessels due to a "manpower shortage" that makes it difficult to properly crew and operate ships across the fleet.

>>200449 D.tv (T.me) JUST IN - Trump and Kamala agree to debate on ABC, September 10th.

>>200450 D.tv (T.me) JUST IN - AT&T wireless service has been down for hours with 911 outages reported in multiple states. Some iPhone users' devices are stuck in "SOS" mode.

>>200451 GP (T.me) WOAH: Far-Left Presidential Candidate Cornel West Says Kamala Bribed Him to Drop Out, Offered Him a Job and Debt Payoff (VIDEO)

>>200452 GP (T.me) California Democrats Vote to Force Taxpayers to Subsidize $150,000 Down Payment on Homes for Illegals – But the CA Department of Finance Confirms the Program Has No Money!

>>200453 GP (T.me) BREAKING: NY Times Turns On Kamala! Publishes NUMEROUS OpEds on ‘Weak,’ ‘Phony’ and ‘Ignorant’ Democrat Nominee

>>200454 KL (T.me) 70 Days until Election Day!

>>200455 TS (T.me) BREAKING: Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is now asking the Attorney General whether he has the authority to REMOVE the three brave members of the State Election Board who have been implementing massive election integrity reforms

>>200456 TS (T.me) Here’s an article that was ahead of its time worth of read

>>200457 TS (T.me) Ohio State football players hand out 10,000 bibles, lead thousands of students to Christ!

>>200458 TS (T.me) JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Congressional Democrats asks the FEC to censor Elon Musk's Grok AI, citing threats to democracy from its image generation.

>>200460 TET (T.me) "[Karl Marx] seemed to be knowingly acting on the devil's behalf," reads Robert Payne's biography of Marx.

>>200462 EB (T.me) Dr. Phil: "Why were you spared?"

>>200463 EB (T.me) Samples of human blood & tissue were routed from Center for Public Health of Ukraine to Pentagon-related research laboratories

>>200465 EB (T.me) Kiev preparing more chemical weapons strikes – Moscow

>>200470 EB (T.me) 🇷🇺 Comment by Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov to «Kommersant» newspaper

>>200472 EB (T.me) BREAKING: Kamala’s handlers have done another walk back, now claiming that she doesn’t support electric vehicle mandates.

>>200473 MRC (T.me) New Trump TikTok with Tulsi

>>200474 MRC (T.me) 🚨BREAKING: Never before seen footage of Pelosi on January 6 filmed by her daughter shows her admitting that its her fault that the Capitol wasn't secure.

>>200475 MRC (T.me) Lindsey Graham- to the people in Arizona do you really believe she’s going to build a wall-that’s just bullshit

>>200476 MRC (T.me) Multiple States having 911 outages. Why does this keep happening?

>>200482 HIPS (T.me) 💉💉💉 The old jibby jab is taking the minds of its surviving victims…….😔

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Post last edited at

79f531 No.200487

File: fea88c5bd328414⋯.jpg (54.37 KB,640x540,32:27,ee46d5d10fa3c581.jpg)


Ah yes.. OTD is in effect.. I love the smell of winning..







Locked & Loaded

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