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File: 22bae576a9e1645⋯.jpeg (7.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Bread_Title_Midnight_Ride….jpeg)

86fce9 No.193795 [View All]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.





Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.27.2022

@ QR >>17830226 ————————————–——– Be aware of false prophets..

@ QR >>17830253 ————————————–——– Q & A ? In time.

@ QR >>17830238 ————————————–——– What is coded in your DNA?

Wednesday 11.18.22

@ QR >>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.2022

@ QR >>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.8.2022

@ QR >>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control..

Monday 11.7.2022

@ QR >>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.6.2022

@ QR >>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

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36 posts and 66 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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86fce9 No.193842

File: 2c988b9b4d90218⋯.jpg (48.57 KB,591x679,591:679,2024_06_29_21_49_29.jpg)

night gang.

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86fce9 No.193843

File: 819122823b8cc62⋯.mp4 (6.32 MB,576x1024,9:16,2024_06_30_03_56_19.mp4)

Tower this is TrumpForceOne requesting a flyby..

Negative TrumpForceOne the pattern is full…

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86fce9 No.193844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


VIDEO: Top Gun (4/8) Movie CLIP - Buzzing the Tower (1986) HD (YouTube)

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86fce9 No.193845

File: 527b6b7bd8e7031⋯.png (145.58 KB,1002x1004,501:502,4zh9mv.png)


BRAVO.. well played sir

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68b898 No.193846

File: 4c395d852d56fc8⋯.mp4 (4.47 MB,640x360,16:9,4_5769491364706260662.mp4)

SNN (T.me) BREAKING: Seattle Pride Parade kicks off being led by children with Scouts of America.

The kids are leading Megan Rapinoe, former US women’s soccer player, who is the Grand Marshall of the parade.


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68b898 No.193847

File: 467faf174f5e780⋯.mp4 (5.83 MB,640x360,16:9,4_5769491364706260653.mp4)

>>193846 SNN (T.me) BREAKING: Seattle Pride kicks off with a Drag Queen pulling children from the crowd to dance with him.


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68b898 No.193848

File: 85a4aed4dff649a⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5769491364706260606.mp4)

SNN (T.me) Perhaps sending Nancy out to defend Biden's cognitive ability wasn't the best idea


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68b898 No.193849

File: 2769fc620b27e8c⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5769491364706260605.mp4)

>>193848 SNN (T.me) 🤡 Nancy is on CNN claiming it's Biden who "has the stamina" and President Trump has "dementia"


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68b898 No.193850

File: 514525a4f557341⋯.jpg (143.18 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_20240630_200648_611.jpg)

File: 0ff4a33d3f2c47e⋯.jpg (195.25 KB,1011x1024,1011:1024,IMG_20240630_200649_440.jpg)

SNN (T.me) STORM WATCH ⚠️ Hurricane Beryl is forecast to strengthen into a Category 4 storm as it approaches the southeast Caribbean, which began shutting down Sunday amid urgent pleads from government officials for people to take shelter.

Hurricane warnings were in effect for Barbados, St. Lucia, Grenada, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.


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68b898 No.193851

File: 511c0eaec41c860⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,576x540,16:15,VID_20240630_200828_864.mp4)

SNN (T.me) Good morning - I miss the days when the leader of the free world wasn't an incapacitated vegetable


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68b898 No.193852

File: 53ed3c52699eb59⋯.mp4 (2.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5769491364706260488.mp4)

SSN (T.me) Nurse Jill escorts Crooked Joe down the stairs after arriving in New Jersey for a ritzy fundraiser.

They're headed to Camp David later this evening (again).


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68b898 No.193853

OANN (T.me) Sen. Tillis Calls For Cabinet To Invoke 25th Amendment, Remove Biden


North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis has called upon Joe Biden’s cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment, saying that the 81-year old’s mental decline is “clearly more dire” than people realized.


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68b898 No.193854

File: f51f9644721eb46⋯.jpg (435.96 KB,790x998,395:499,Screenshot_20240630_202723….jpg)

OANN (T.me) Canada: WestJet Cancels Over 400 Flights Due To Mechanics Union Surprise Strike


Canada’s WestJet airline has canceled over 400 flights due to strikes affecting more than 49,000 passengers. 


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68b898 No.193855

File: ec847729f0659e9⋯.jpg (286.87 KB,798x797,798:797,Screenshot_20240630_203031….jpg)

OANN (T.me) Biden Lying About Troops Dying


Joe Biden has falsely claimed that no troops have died during his presidential term.


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68b898 No.193856

File: 900e04a4b0bb6e1⋯.jpg (165.61 KB,994x735,142:105,IMG_20240630_203122_300.jpg)

CIG (T.me) ⚠️ 🇺🇸 🇪🇺 A Majority of U.S. Military Bases under United States European Command (EUCOM) in Spain, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, and Romania have now been placed on Heightened Alert, with their Force Protection Condition (FPCON) being raised to Charlie, the Reason is still Unknown.

🔶️ A FPCON Change like this for U.S. European Command, besides during Exercises, hasn’t occurred in 10-15 Years.

CNN: It is not clear what intelligence triggered the heightened security, but European authorities have warned of a potential terror threat on the continent, especially ahead of the Paris Olympics in July and during the current European football championships in Germany.



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68b898 No.193857

File: a0121803c8810b6⋯.jpg (425.59 KB,825x1018,825:1018,Screenshot_20240630_211233….jpg)

D.u.m.b.s(T.me) Alien Captives & Super Soldier Experiments…Dulce’s Secrets Exposed!

join Derek Tyler for a journey into the shadowy realm of underground military bases, From Duce's alien captives to secret super soldier experiments, unravel the conspiracy web spanning 160 alien races and buckle up for a ride on the subterranean train of intrigue and prepare for a mind-bending encounter with Project Blue Beam's holographic antics.



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68b898 No.193858

File: 63975db12446ba4⋯.jpg (68.61 KB,1024x682,512:341,IMG_20240630_212559_281.jpg)

File: a38cf4eafc5e37b⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB,720x1280,9:16,VID_20240630_212558_831.mp4)

I (T.me) CHINA'S Economy is crushing! Hundreds of people sleep on the streets in Shenzhen, people looking for work or are unable to pay the rent for their homes.

📰 — "China’s economy is headed for a ‘dead-end,’ and Beijing won’t do anything to stop it, Years of erratic and irresponsible policies, excessive Communist Party control and undelivered promises of reform have created a dead-end Chinese economy"

📰 Fortune Article …


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68b898 No.193859

File: 0e3366ecf13dafe⋯.mp4 (4.3 MB,720x1280,9:16,2_5190865016877762897_1_.mp4)

I (T.me) END Time Zone China: The epicenter of the floods moved to the Guizhou province this weekend.

Video shows flooding in the city of Zunyi with a population of 7 million.


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09805c No.193860

File: af85f1b2296b392⋯.png (1.16 MB,1226x1508,613:754,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_1….png)



dunno if true or not?

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68b898 No.193861

File: 94fb0edcfcd820e⋯.jpg (379.1 KB,801x974,801:974,Screenshot_20240630_214311….jpg)

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09805c No.193862

File: e85388f02a3bfb2⋯.png (1.1 MB,1212x1792,303:448,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_1….png)


(TwiX) NEW: Footage shows an illegal from Ecuador dragging the limp body of a 21-year-old woman he is accused of suffocating on her birthday

Jhon Moises Chacaguasay-Ilbis, 21, entered an Airbnb with Joselyn Toaquiza around 4;20 pm on June 18

Three hours later, footage shows him carrying Toaquiza's limp body; she was later found buried in a shallow grave in an upstate New York park

He was detained by US Border Patrol in January 2023 after crossing the border illegally but was released without a tracking device due to lack of space

The victim's relatives said she immigrated to the US last year; her immigration status remains unclear

Chacaguasay-Ilbis was charged with second-degree murder and concealment of a human corpse after turning himself in on Tuesday

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09805c No.193863

File: 1ca9d09eee286a5⋯.png (1.05 MB,1204x1160,301:290,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_1….png)


TheGatewayPundit (TwiX) REPORT: Joe Biden Set Up to Fail in Debate As Part of "Soft Coup" - Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Makes "Secret" Move to Prepare for Possible Presidential Run

READ: https://tgpne.ws/GCdG8P

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09805c No.193864

File: 95c053fe6344713⋯.png (813.43 KB,1214x1008,607:504,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_1….png)


LibsOfTikTOk (TwiX) Ilhan Omar needs to be expelled from Congress

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09805c No.193865

File: b431bd5f748793d⋯.png (2.28 MB,1214x1606,607:803,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_1….png)

File: 44aabdf378912b4⋯.png (107.97 KB,704x828,176:207,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_1….png)

File: d01320a8ac8f664⋯.png (285.33 KB,1414x902,707:451,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_1….png)


Grassley (TwiX) Mrs G want Caitlin/Fever to beat PHX

16:36 EST



Were the shooters all branded with this mark?


The key = therapist.

Weak minds.

Use of symbolism to push strength and belonging to something powerful.



Find the link (common denominator).

Error made.

Name can be found due to filing.




Other patients?

Relocation imminent?

Conspiracy risk.

End (for now).

Haspel must find & term clas program.

She knows.



Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.

POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.

Follow Huma tomorrow.

POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.

Focus on Military Intelligence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency

What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed?

Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^

Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).

Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more power present day than POTUS.

Follow the money, it’s the key.

What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?

Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?

What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?

Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.

Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?

Why is MS13 a priority?

Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil.

Operation Mockingbird.


Who controls the NG?

Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?

Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?

Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?

What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.

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68b898 No.193866

File: 0a781de51979b72⋯.jpg (29.7 KB,1080x398,540:199,IMG_20240630_220112_291.jpg)

WW3 (T.me) Something is happening 🔥 now…


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09805c No.193867

File: 63c73f8f17acbab⋯.jpg (159.51 KB,720x1009,720:1009,2024_06_29_21_40_49.jpg)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)


@ Seconds..


>>193819 TET (T.me) Kids Given Technology to Pacify Tantrums Don’t Learn to Regulate Emotions: New Study.

>>193820 BC (T.me) A man-made bioweapon just killed millions of people.

>>193821 JP (T.me) Programming Announcements- 🚨 BREAKING: Special Edition of WarRoom Tomorrow Evening: 8:30-9:30 PM EDT

>>193825, >>193826, >>193827, >>193828, >>193829, >>193830, >>193831, >>193832, >>193833, >>193834, >>193835, >>193836, >>193837, >>193838, >>193839 PapiTrumpo (6/29/2024)

>>193841 USArmy (TwiX) After 13 months in command, it's natural to reflect on the journey.

>>193843, >>193844, >>193845 Tower this is TrumpForceOne requesting a flyby..

>>193846, >>193847 SNN (T.me) BREAKING: Seattle Pride Parade kicks off being led by children with Scouts of America.

>>193848, >>193849 SNN (T.me) Perhaps sending Nancy out to defend Biden's cognitive ability wasn't the best idea

>>193850 SNN (T.me) STORM WATCH ⚠️ Hurricane Beryl is forecast to strengthen into a Category 4 storm as it approaches the southeast Caribbean, which began shutting down Sunday amid urgent pleads from government officials for people to take shelter.

>>193851 SNN (T.me) Good morning - I miss the days when the leader of the free world wasn't an incapacitated vegetable

>>193852 SSN (T.me) Nurse Jill escorts Crooked Joe down the stairs after arriving in New Jersey for a ritzy fundraiser.

>>193853 OANN (T.me) Sen. Tillis Calls For Cabinet To Invoke 25th Amendment, Remove Biden

>>193854 OANN (T.me) Canada: WestJet Cancels Over 400 Flights Due To Mechanics Union Surprise Strike

>>193855 OANN (T.me) Biden Lying About Troops Dying

>>193856 CIG (T.me) ⚠️ 🇺🇸 🇪🇺 A Majority of U.S. Military Bases under United States European Command (EUCOM) in Spain, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, and Romania have now been placed on Heightened Alert, with their Force Protection Condition (FPCON) being raised to Charlie, the Reason is still Unknown.

>>193857 D.u.m.b.s(T.me) Alien Captives & Super Soldier Experiments…Dulce’s Secrets Exposed!

>>193858 I (T.me) CHINA'S Economy is crushing! Hundreds of people sleep on the streets in Shenzhen, people looking for work or are unable to pay the rent for their homes.

>>193859 I (T.me) END Time Zone China: The epicenter of the floods moved to the Guizhou province this weekend.

>>193860 Dr.Kek (T.me) WHY DO THEY WEAR THE RED FEZ?

>>193861 GP (T.me) Nigel Farage Receives a Hero’s Welcome at Rally for Reform Party UK Ahead of General Election

>>193862 (TwiX) NEW: Footage shows an illegal from Ecuador dragging the limp body of a 21-year-old woman he is accused of suffocating on her birthday

>>193863 TheGatewayPundit (TwiX) REPORT: Joe Biden Set Up to Fail in Debate As Part of "Soft Coup" - Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Makes "Secret" Move to Prepare for Possible Presidential Run

>>193864 LibsOfTikTOk (TwiX) Ilhan Omar needs to be expelled from Congress

>>193865 Grassley (TwiX) Mrs G want Caitlin/Fever to beat PHX

>>193866 WW3 (T.me) Something is happening 🔥 now…

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68b898 No.193868

File: d4aca48c4f84688⋯.jpg (297 KB,862x548,431:274,Screenshot_20240630_221838….jpg)

>>193866 QTM (T.me) 🇫🇷 FRANCE: Thousands of Soros’ Legion have gathered on Place de la République in Paris against the National Rally (RN), following the results of the legislative elections.

Presently, exit polls project Marine Le Pen to win at 34 percent.



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68b898 No.193869

File: 3cd33bfda8f4911⋯.mp4 (809.4 KB,364x640,91:160,1_4904857282006746210.mp4)

>>193866 QTM (T.me) The self proclaimed ‘Anti Fascist’ Far Left aren’t happy with Democracy & The Democratic outcome - so they start burning stuff down.

This is the Bobigny District of Paris

The French capital is in for a long night



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68b898 No.193870

File: 811199b4d990cbb⋯.jpg (278.11 KB,804x882,134:147,Screenshot_20240630_223326….jpg)

QTR ( T.me) Massive floods due to overflowing Rhône river in Sierre of Valais, Switzerland 🇨🇭 (30.06.2024)


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68b898 No.193871

File: 8e97314fadf10c8⋯.mp4 (9.62 MB,848x480,53:30,4_5769320910339183279.MP4)

>>193866 WTM (T.me) FRANCE - 🔥 Violence erupts, following the democratic vote of the people for Marie Le Pen.

In the war between The anti democrats v. The people…

Always side with the people… 🔥


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68b898 No.193872

File: 8f3c29d71f114c3⋯.jpg (101.61 KB,1179x988,1179:988,IMG_20240630_224113_322.jpg)

>>193863 BC (T.me) Unbelievable…

The Biden family meeting has concluded. They are STILL encouraging Joe to “keep fighting” and stay in the race!

The NYTs article goes on to list how the party is fractured, and the voters want Joe to step aside… yet Biden persists.


As Trump supporters, we are perfectly content sitting right here, and letting Biden drive the Democrat Party off a cliff.

Joe Biden is our greatest weapon!


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68b898 No.193873

File: eaf4545ed4c1ccc⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5770356787731498485.mp4)

C (T.me) ⚡️Scenes from Jerusalem now


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68b898 No.193874

File: 44c3179ba7d8aa8⋯.mp4 (441.15 KB,848x478,424:239,1_4904763080489043192.mp4)

>>193866 C (T.me) meanwhile in Lyon, France….

antifa is furious that people democratically voted against their wishes


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68b898 No.193875

File: e750eedd77b48ea⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,480x864,5:9,4_5769438858731066845.mp4)

C (T.me) 🇹🇷⚡- Residents of Kayseri, Turkey, chant "Erdogan resign" as they blame the President for the mass number of Syrian refugees in the country.


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68b898 No.193876

File: 8bff77e2a84d6c6⋯.mp4 (3.1 MB,480x360,4:3,5_6057699518697181048.mp4)

C (T.me) Man Discovers Sandy Hook “Hero’s List” matches last names of lottery winners!

What’s this mean? I can think of a few possibilities.


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09805c No.193877

File: d744be9385067fd⋯.png (685.76 KB,1218x1500,203:250,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_1….png)



LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) Rioting in France after right-wing party won first round of elections

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68b898 No.193878

File: 50d7c476c97865b⋯.mp4 (3.88 MB,1280x720,16:9,2_5190865016877762975.mp4)

I (T.me) ‼️ BREAKING – Iran officially announced it from the United Nations:

— 🗣️⚡ “If Israel invades Lebanon, all armed Islamic organizations in the Middle East will go to Lebanon and join Hezbollah”

The Iranian delegate also said that all

options will be on the table — WW3


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68b898 No.193879

File: e0cf32dec532103⋯.mp4 (825.05 KB,720x720,1:1,2_5188702079937434112.mp4)

I (T.me) BREAKING 🔥 Turkey: Strong fire broke out in the natural habitat around Kuşadası, in the coastal area of the Aegean Sea, - Hava Forum


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09805c No.193880

File: c7b857fd3b33f52⋯.png (1.38 MB,1204x1540,43:55,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_1….png)



EW (TwiX) SHOCKING: Rep. Ilhan Omar (D) just held an event in Minneapolis.

0 English. 0 American flags.

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68b898 No.193881

File: 845c56d8625047b⋯.mp4 (6.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,2_5188613217064081219.mp4)

I (T.me) 🔊 NOW ⚡🇮🇱 – Tens of thousands anti-govt protesters are now on the streets of Tel Aviv - calling for snap elections and a hostages deal with Hamas.


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68b898 No.193882

File: 9ed729cdbec2154⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB,364x640,91:160,2_5188613217064082064.mp4)

I (T.me) 👺 China is behind the ongoing unrest in Kenya. Unsustainable Chinese loans have virtually broken the Kenyan economy. Kenya is the latest victim of China's predatory economic policies.

⚡Kenya owes $80 billion in domestic and foreign debt. Its debt stands at 68 percent of GDP, well above the World Bank & IMF’s recommended maximum of 55%.


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09805c No.193883

File: 7464051cd17a069⋯.png (966.8 KB,1208x952,151:119,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_1….png)


(TwiX) They finally pissed off Gen-X 💀

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68b898 No.193884

File: 33a42f25455e53b⋯.jpg (78.51 KB,875x393,875:393,20240630_231527.jpg)

I (T.me) BREAKING ⚡🇫🇷 – Several individuals armed with Kalashnikovs & shotguns burst into a wedding around 1 a.m. in Thionville, near the border with Germany and Luxembourg, where around a hundred people were present. 

They shot at the guests, causing the death of one person and seriously injuring 4 others, Le Républicain Lorrain newspaper reported, citing investigators.


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68b898 No.193885

File: 34ce1158e02f980⋯.jpg (96.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_20240630_231621_508.jpg)

I (T.me) M💩narchs, their govt and the Elite in Britain may have lost trust in their democracy, 🤷


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09805c No.193886

File: ae39bf1901f736a⋯.png (498.58 KB,1214x1548,607:774,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_1….png)

File: aeffc49bf9f447c⋯.png (231.11 KB,1404x1090,702:545,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_1….png)


GenMikeFlynn (TwiX) Below is designed to help organize for potential future political scenarios.

In a previous post, I’ve outlined my thoughts using the 1970s Nixon-Agnew precedent.

Given the chart below, what do you think will happen?

13:43 EST


They attempted to infiltrate, repackage & rebrand as their own.


Destroy through [misinformation].

Absorb the 'confused'.

Re-route traffic to other platforms.

Action was needed [2].

1. Prevent false decodes/misinformation

2. Kill [targeted] infection prior to expansion

Simple 'non-direct' statements made.

"Be careful who you follow."

"Some are profiting off this movement."

Message sent.

Message received.

Those guilty immediately reacted (predictably).

Timetable accelerated (misinformation-attack).


Attempts to divide.

We responded.

House cleaning.

Heal [core].

Important to clean prior to next events.

The choice has always been yours.

The choice will always be yours.

This is not a game.

This is not a popularity contest.

This is LIFE.



We, the PEOPLE.


[Time to move on]

Dark to LIGHT.

Attacks will only get worse.

Truth is Freedom.

Truth is logic.

Stay the course.



Hey Q

Does P= Payseur ?

When Do we start seeing the Pain…



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68b898 No.193887

File: ae63bee4dcb19c7⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB,720x720,1:1,VID_20240630_232918_354.mp4)

CR (T.me) Jack Dorsey, former CEO of Twitter, says the proliferation of fake content in the next 5-10 years will mean we won't know what is real anymore and it will feel like living in a simulation.

Honestly, how do we know we aren't already there?

We don't. Many are already decieved as we speak and it's only going to get crazier.

Discernment is vital my friends.


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09805c No.193888

File: 443448e6496b43f⋯.png (1.42 MB,1188x1518,18:23,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_1….png)

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09805c No.193889

File: 721f7d97690ea35⋯.png (966.32 KB,1208x1070,604:535,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_1….png)


TheGatewayPundit (TwiX) Nikki Haley Issues Warning to Trump if Biden is Replaced and Renews Call for Cognitive Tests Which Directly Affect Him

READ: https://tgpne.ws/pVspVF

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68b898 No.193890

File: 469313c50ec8277⋯.jpg (98.73 KB,1280x853,1280:853,IMG_20240701_000845_261.jpg)

QTM (T.me) Supreme Court to rule on Trump immunity case tomorrow.

Justice John Roberts says the Supreme Court's last decisions of this term are coming on Monday.



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68b898 No.193891

File: 460f2cfd8434768⋯.jpg (89.92 KB,923x940,923:940,IMG_20240701_001217_066.jpg)

AO (T.me) The probable/impending arrest of AG Garland, who is similarly ignoring subpoenas from Congress, is now ABSOLUTELY in play by the House Sgt of Arms (who can also hold him in a jail cell under the House) to compel him to testify and turn over docs/recordings that he and the Biden admin are withholding under laughable claims of Presidential Immunity.

Wouldn't that be something to witness?


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