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File: 22bae576a9e1645⋯.jpeg (7.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Bread_Title_Midnight_Ride….jpeg)

57fa68 No.193450 [View All]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.





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Sunday 11.27.2022

@ QR >>17830226 ————————————–——– Be aware of false prophets..

@ QR >>17830253 ————————————–——– Q & A ? In time.

@ QR >>17830238 ————————————–——– What is coded in your DNA?

Wednesday 11.18.22

@ QR >>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.2022

@ QR >>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.8.2022

@ QR >>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control..

Monday 11.7.2022

@ QR >>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.6.2022

@ QR >>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

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55 posts and 87 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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57fa68 No.193508

File: 9c6a33fb0ce7710⋯.png (1019.31 KB,1214x1200,607:600,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) Senior advisor for the Dept of the Treasury admits


only brought on Wally Adeyemo for the second-in-command position of Deputy Sec to bring in “diverse voices” which is good for “optics.”

Another DEI hire in the Biden admin!


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57fa68 No.193509

File: 4cbc654c386c226⋯.png (73.85 KB,1206x352,603:176,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


UnusualWhales (TwiX) JUST IN: Amazon, $AMZN, to launch Temu-like discount section with direct shipping from China, per the Information.

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57fa68 No.193510

File: 701bdb827a75ca5⋯.png (1.2 MB,1194x1064,597:532,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


TheGatewayPundit (TwiX) Brave Driver Exposes 'Human Trafficking' Operation After Spotting a Body Part Sticking Out of Budget Truck on Atlanta Freeway

READ: https://tgpne.ws/5UmdZV

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57fa68 No.193511

File: 9789c54dbf5f1ff⋯.png (904.2 KB,1234x1454,617:727,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


(TwiX) Construction workers are being honest, but buyers aren’t listening.

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57fa68 No.193512

File: 6a51d9ba625f6b7⋯.png (75.64 KB,1196x364,23:7,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


(TwiX) Walmart, $WMT, is replacing its price labels with digital screens—but the company swears it won’t use it for surge pricing, per FORTUNE.

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57fa68 No.193513

File: aab10617a59860b⋯.png (90.17 KB,1236x398,618:199,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


UnusualWhales (TwiX) BREAKING: SpaceX will sell insider shares at $112 apiece in a tender offer, a higher-than-expected price that boosts the value of Elon Musk's space and satellite company closer to $210 billion, per Bloomberg.

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57fa68 No.193514

File: e84a42cdaf37d69⋯.png (1.93 MB,1188x2820,99:235,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)



CNN has implemented insanely strict measures for the first 2024 presidential debate, effectively banning citizen journalists and independent coverage.

No one can use any video or audio from the debate without explicit permission.

What are they thinking?! This isn't a blockbuster movie—this is two politicians running to lead the free world.

Mainstream media is monopolizing the debate coverage.


has stated he won't pull down X streams of the debate, which is more than YouTube or Facebook have offered.

Americans and the world deserve access to this debate.

No single corporation should control it.

Is this America or a country run by mega-corporations?!

Sources: CNN, Reuters

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57fa68 No.193515

File: 8ef58956060c5c3⋯.png (895.27 KB,1218x1314,203:219,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


(TwiX) 🚨 JUST IN: Yet ANOTHER illegal immigrant has been arrested and charged with the r*pe of a 15 year old girl


President Trump needs to hit him HARD on this tonight. The American people need to know.

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57fa68 No.193516

File: 8b6462f78250d21⋯.png (1.04 MB,1198x1226,599:613,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


EW (TwiX) 8 armed men rob a jewelry store in Denver, pointing guns at customers while vioIentIy assauIting staff.

Police say they're all Hispanic males with Venezuelan accents.

Likely linked to the illegal migrant influx.

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57fa68 No.193517

File: a0afc44471a8513⋯.png (3.02 MB,1200x2014,600:1007,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


CatTurd (TwiX) 20 pound weight gain in a week … all those steroids and drug cocktails.

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57fa68 No.193518

File: 15bb9e20db43281⋯.png (1.21 MB,1232x1268,308:317,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


EW (TwiX) BREAKING: The migrant from Haiti who was charged with r*ping a 15 year old disabled girl in a shelter in Massachusetts was LET OUT yesterday on a $500 bail.

ICE is unaware of his whereabouts due to sanctuary policies in MA.

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57fa68 No.193519

File: 92d3162aaf0d22f⋯.png (838.34 KB,1206x1438,603:719,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


(TwiX) NEW: CNN shows how their new microphones will work for the debate tomorrow, a move that is likely designed to help assist 81-year-old Joe Biden.

The 'high tech' microphones have green lights which will tell Biden and Trump whether their mic is on or not.

If the light is off but the candidate tries to talk, the sound of their voice won't make it to the viewers watching on TV.

This is hilarious and pathetic at the same time.

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57fa68 No.193520

File: fe88d45c2ae1117⋯.png (1.1 MB,1206x1012,603:506,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


TheAPee (TwiX) BREAKING: The Supreme Court strips the Securities and Exchange Commission of a critical enforcement tool in fraud cases.

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57fa68 No.193521

File: b9941db9db45e50⋯.png (1.45 MB,1206x2402,603:1201,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


WSA (TwiX) New “Conspiracy Theory”. Joe Biden Isn’t At The Camp Being Prepped For The Debate, The Reason They Need A Full Week Is To Prep A Double

“Okay. So I have a f**ked up conspiracy theory on who Trump is going to be debating on whatever day, any day now. Thursday, I think it is. Whatever. So I don't think that Biden is at that camp being prepped or juiced up.

I think that what they're doing is actually prepping his double to make sure that he speaks. They he does the little quirks that Biden does. All of that. I think that's what's happening.

So I heard that the republicans are asking for a drug test to see if he's shut up on s*it. You know. I don't know what type of stuff you can give this guy that would keep him from wandering off in his own mind or even shitting himself. Okay. Like, I don't know what type of drug that would be.

But I think what they should ask for is a DNA test to make sure that that is actually the president that we're speak they are speaking with.

I know.”

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57fa68 No.193522

File: 09795f832f85ac7⋯.png (768.73 KB,1204x1690,602:845,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


MattGaetz (TwiX) This is incredible.

So we will subpoena these people for public testimony, right?

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57fa68 No.193523

File: 3aca0757e2496f2⋯.png (821.82 KB,1194x1302,199:217,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


(TwiX) BREAKING: illegal arrested in NY for str*ngling 21-year-old Joselyn Toaquiza to d*ath and then dumping her body in a park.

Jhon Chacaguasay-Ilbis, is from Ecuador and he came to our country illegally last year. He was released into our country by border patrol.

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57fa68 No.193524

File: 8f983705767b084⋯.png (2.14 MB,1214x1958,607:979,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) This is Karon Fisher.

He's a man pretending to be a woman who ran over a man with his car, got out, kissed him, and st*bbed him to d*ath.

He was just charged for also biting a jail guard and assaulting a medical professional.


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57fa68 No.193525

File: 3da0ac6423ec550⋯.png (1.2 MB,1214x2728,607:1364,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


WSA (TwiX) 🚨 EVERYONE Needs To Hear This

Secretary General of Guatemala gives interview claiming Joe Biden Admin is actively trying to “BLOCK an investigation into a pedophile ring involving many high level politicians and businessmen”

“Transferring millions of dollars to eradicated names, over $500 million in total”

“Biden administration is up to something and they don't want us knowing about it. The secretary general of Guatemala recently did an interview, and he claims the US Embassy gave him a message saying he's playing with fire if he takes part in this interview.

In the interview, he claimed that the Biden administration is actively trying to block an investigation into a pedophile ring involving many high level politicians and businessmen.

He says the Biden Administration has been transferring millions of dollars, over $500 million in total.

He also said they're harboring illegal alien pedophiles and murderers. Guatemala wants to arrest these people, but the Biden administration won't cooperate.”

“That's where your tax dollars are going.”

(Video contains screen captures with more info)

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57fa68 No.193526

File: 72a2c45626ad75f⋯.png (824.39 KB,1222x1108,611:554,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


TomFitton (TwiX) CNN Debate Moderator's Husband Is One of the 51 Spies Who Misled the American Public About Hunter Laptop to Steal Election https://thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/cnn-debate-moderators-husband-is-one-51-spies/ #gatewaypundit via


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57fa68 No.193527

File: 3ea2a0cd9f773a5⋯.png (1.27 MB,1204x1696,301:424,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


SoE (TwiX) CNN is letting Jake Tapper moderate tonight's debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Jake Tapper's producer was sentenced to 19 years in jail for the following:

Luring a 9-year-old girl from Nevada to Vermont in and forcing the girl into s*xual acts.

CNN only fired him after he was caught doing this to the girl.

“The child that you r*ped was my granddaughter,” the grandmother said to Griffin, “You forever ruined a 9-year-old girl.”

Do not expect Jake Tapper to ask Joe Biden why he showered with his underaged daughter.

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57fa68 No.193528

File: 754393726c82e33⋯.png (573 KB,1206x1766,603:883,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


WSS (TwiX) The family court systems are designed to tear families apart.

The family court judges are not subject to appeal in most states. And they are incentivized because judicial retirement funds are funded by this system.

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57fa68 No.193529

File: 2c690ef5f517eb0⋯.png (1.29 MB,1192x1252,298:313,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


(TwiX) A friend purchased a home in 2017. He thought a 4.5% mortgage was too high and opted for an Adjustable Rate Mortgage until they dropped below 3%. No one ever foresaw 8% mortgages back then

A home foreclosure crisis is on the horizon. Stop saying "the economy is booming"

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57fa68 No.193530

File: 36b60b863ce3fff⋯.png (893.06 KB,1186x1312,593:656,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) HEARTBREAKING. Jocelyn Nungaray’s aunt weeps at the funeral in moving speech.

Jocelyn was r*ped and kiIIed by 2 illegals who were let into our country because of Biden’s border policies.

Jocelyn’s blood is on Biden’s hands.

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57fa68 No.193531

File: 3a539168120b91b⋯.png (1.15 MB,1232x1740,308:435,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)

File: 8643bf39d9e06d5⋯.png (315.73 KB,1210x1598,605:799,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


WSA (TwiX) Self Proclaimed Gay Nonbinary Donald Trump Supporter Warns About The Democrat Party

“Do you wanna know what's frightening me the most about the left? And I do watch their news. I watch our news, and then I make my decision on what I'm going to support. And I don't know. Maybe I'm in the twilight zone or they truly, I have to know if you truly believe this, because the left right now is spewing that if Donald Trump gets back in presidency:

- We're gonna lose our right to free speech

- We're gonna lose women's rights

- We're gonna be f**king communist

Where are you getting this from? This is literally what we're fighting against.

Because right now, your party is trying to buy TikTok under the disguise of China stealing our data, but they really wanna suppress conservative voices, which has been going on for the past 4 years.

So freedom of speech, there we go out the door. You care so much about women's rights, but the only one you actually care about is abortion. What happened to our medical right? Oh, it was taken away when the vaccines were mandated. You didn't care about our rights then.

You didn't care about our rights when men started taking over our sports or started walking into our bathrooms claiming they were women.

- You don't care about women's rights

- You care about abortion

You car about gay rights, but the only one you seem to care about is the nonsense that's going on with the left right now, when grown men can claim to be MAPS (minor attracted people) and wanna be a part of our community. That's not what we're about. That's not what we're about.

You complain about communism and how Donald Trump is gonna jail his political opponent. Biden is literally doing that to Trump. So, again, I have to ask this question. Do you guys really believe this, or are we playing this game of, like, look over here so you don't see us doing it?”

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57fa68 No.193532

File: 622202318cff7d5⋯.png (1013.95 KB,1214x998,607:499,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


ThePostMillennial (TwiX) BREAKING: Train derails in Illinois, "long-term" evacuations underway due to "substances" on board

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57fa68 No.193533

File: 38d7c536d33b929⋯.png (1.24 MB,1210x2030,121:203,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


(TwiX) Iraqi Migrant man r*pes and strangles to death 16 year old girl in front of her horrified mother as migrant boat sank off the coast of Italy.

A boat filled with migrants headed to Italy began sinking and drowning dozens on board.

A 27 year old Iraqi man carried out the horrifiying attack as the migrant boat sank as those on board were in a state of panic.

The man watched his wife and daughter drown before turning to the teenage girl ‘venting his fury’ and savagely r*ping her before suffocating her to death.

The girls mother was forced to watch the attack as other migrants began drowning- with dozens losing their lives.

The mother of the teenage girl, who was also Iraqi, survived the ordeal and reported it to police.

The Iraqi man who survived the boat sinking was immediately arrested by Italian police.

Source: Daily Mail

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57fa68 No.193538

File: ff24aa51b838d39⋯.png (1.82 MB,1186x1688,593:844,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


NYPost (TwiX) Today's cover: Venezuelan gang smuggles guns into NYC migrant shelters in food delivery bags, accused cop-shooter admits https://trib.al/uAruRzy

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57fa68 No.193539

File: b10294e03c42cec⋯.jpg (62.73 KB,758x960,379:480,2024_06_27_21_25_05.jpg)

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57fa68 No.193544

File: 4d37e5b7017ea43⋯.png (577.94 KB,1188x1376,297:344,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


(TwiX) The collapse of #walgreens has been unlike anything I've ever seen in big retail.

It's down 24% today and has now lost 80% of its value in under 5 years.

This is America's largest pharmacy chain .. with over 8,500 stores & more than 300,000 employees.

Simply insane.

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Post last edited at

57fa68 No.193549

File: 52831706fb00558⋯.png (1.71 MB,1204x1584,301:396,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)



(TwiX) This is the judge who just released an illegal Haitian migrant on $500 bail after being accused raping a 15-year-old. Now ICE can’t find him.

Let her know how you feel!!

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57fa68 No.193550

File: 252a402ffe05730⋯.png (70.95 KB,1208x356,302:89,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


UnusualWhales (TwiX) There are now 481,000 new homes for sale in the US, the highest inventory since January 2008, per Charlie Bilello.

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57fa68 No.193551

File: 03a236dc6a85c62⋯.png (1.29 MB,1198x1280,599:640,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)



Miles Gerald Lewis, a man pretending to be a woman, was arrested after police discovered a dead body in his car when he crashed into a guardrail.

Lewis is currently charged with interference of a dead body and is the primary suspect for the m*rder. He is being held on $1 million bail.

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57fa68 No.193552

File: 3150f2db5577d6a⋯.png (103.59 KB,1204x548,301:137,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)

File: 0908d009c129147⋯.png (360.36 KB,524x1814,262:907,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


DonJr (TwiX) If the CNN pre-debate commentary is any reflection on how this debate will be moderated it will be by far the most biased debate in history. It’s unbelievable.

Likely the first time in years anyone has tuned into CNN other than being force fed this nonsense at an airport!!!

20:47 EST



How could we know?



Image Name: Dl99cWsXsAAzetK.jpg

Filename: c246d4c084e039e310d5a5d8e493845e02bffe008765857a0b2eac689eab4ed9.jpg


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57fa68 No.193553

File: 5c32eacfa716720⋯.png (3.07 MB,1206x1964,603:982,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)

File: 02361952cfc61b3⋯.png (304.1 KB,532x938,38:67,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


Chuck Grassley (TwiX) Bc of such high temperatures lately corn grows many inches a day. Last week u cld c soil between NOW THE LEAVES STRETCH OUT SO CANT C SOIL ITS ALSO SUPPRESSES ANY WEED GROWTH COMPETING W CORN #cornwatch

15:13 EST


Future proves past.

News unlocks.


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57fa68 No.193556

File: 8b47e7a2118ee58⋯.png (2.47 MB,1192x1954,596:977,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


SoE (TwiX) The 51 agents who lied about Hunter’s laptop have now been confirmed to have been coordinating with the Biden campaign to discredit the New York Post article about the laptop.

Some of the 51 were already under contract with the CIA at the time of the statement’s publication.

Just as they created the Russiagate hoax in 2016 to cover up child trafficking, they did the same thing in 2020 when they lied about Hunter Biden's laptop, which contained disturbing footage of Hunter Biden engaging in illegal activity with underaged children.

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57fa68 No.193557

File: 1dfb540278f9fed⋯.png (1.46 MB,1212x1778,606:889,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


WSA (TwiX) WOAH Check It Out!! CNN Has Setup Walls For The Joe Biden vs Donald Trump Presidential Debate

But We Were Told Walls Didn’t Work?!?

“I'm here at the Presidential Debate, and it looks like if you really do wanna keep people out, walls really do work.”

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57fa68 No.193558

File: cc84eed4922d295⋯.png (522.27 KB,1184x1192,148:149,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


CatTurd (TwiX) RE: Tractor Supply: We win !!! 😂

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57fa68 No.193559

File: 72b39cd7ddde787⋯.png (1.45 MB,1208x1884,302:471,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


WSS (TwiX) They are doing it again


“51 Former Intelligence Officials“


”16 Nobel economists”

I cannot think of a less credible group of people to listen to than “16 Nobel economists”

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57fa68 No.193560

File: 76cab8fa37e578a⋯.png (368.42 KB,1210x880,11:8,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


WSS (TwiX) Due to CNN editing the debate, does Trump’s staff get to make a recording of the full debate?

How will we know if CNN removes any portion of the debate when Biden shows signs of dementia?

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57fa68 No.193561

File: bdd368c854c68cd⋯.png (1.33 MB,1194x1324,597:662,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)



LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) This is Corey Alvarez, an illegal from Hati, who was just released on a $500 bail after being charged with the r*pe of a 15-year-old girl!

The court reportedly ignored ICE’s request to keep him detained.

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57fa68 No.193562

File: 406c23666774bef⋯.png (1.16 MB,1208x1426,604:713,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


(TwIX) Does Joe Biden have an ear piece?

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57fa68 No.193563

File: 30cb25429369244⋯.png (967.99 KB,1206x1102,603:551,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)



(TwiX) 10 minutes into the debate and the drugs are not strong enough

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57fa68 No.193564

File: a959b72c605c20a⋯.png (65.02 KB,1196x312,23:6,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


BPU-NBPC (TwiX) To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.

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57fa68 No.193565

File: 3eebb840d9c9ac2⋯.png (70.57 KB,1204x350,86:25,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


PaulSperry (TwiX) Astounding that Biden still trying to sell the Charlottesville lie when even leftist Snopes just debunked it

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57fa68 No.193566

File: 8fe5f55d5bdd4fa⋯.png (87.32 KB,1198x522,599:261,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


ClownWorld (TwiX) Who’s winning the debate so far?

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57fa68 No.193567

File: 3e27674e23b390e⋯.png (86.35 KB,1218x442,609:221,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)

File: 5c38204825a478c⋯.png (968.34 KB,1462x2330,731:1165,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


DonJr. (TwiX) I actually like this format for my father. Keeping him disciplined and focused. He’s dismantling Biden’s disastrous and failed policies one by one piece by piece.


21:33 EST


anon requested

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57fa68 No.193568

the debate went off.. for me at least wtf?

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57fa68 No.193569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: BLHeli32 is dead. What now? // HOW TO FLASH AM32 (YouTube)

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57fa68 No.193570

File: 33bcc62ea49c6a7⋯.jpg (78.88 KB,930x1124,465:562,2024_06_27_23_03_00.jpg)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)


@ Bacon


>>193466 PaulSperry (TwiX) BREAKING: Records show ex-hubby of CNN debate moderator Dana Bash is still under contract with the CIA and has green-badge access to Langley thru Aug. 21.

>>193468, >>193469, >>193470, >>193471, >>193472, >>193473, >>193474, >>193475, >>193476, >>193477, >>193478, >>193479, >>193480, >>193481, >>193482, >>193483, >>193484, >>193485, >>193487 JimJordan (TwiX) Oct 22, 2020 The Last Debate

>>193488 ThePersistence (TwiX) Democrat Shenanigans in North Carolina

>>193489 TheGatewayPundit (TwiX) Trump-aligned Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Facing Persecution By Vatican For Upholding Truth In The Face Of Great Confusion Under The Pontificate Of Francis

>>193490 TomFitton (TwiX) DEEP STATE MAD: The federal administrative state lost big time at the Supreme Court today. Strong conservative majorities paused another EPA power grab over the economy…

>>193491 Amuse (TwiX) ELECTION FRAUD: How did an temporary election worker with a criminal background and ties to a Soros election group get hired by Maricopa County?

>>193492 (TwiX) BREAKING: Hidden camera video shows Lynchburg, Virginia election officials admitting to fraud. They confirm they counted ballots received from the drop box days AFTER election day in violation of state law and also counted ballots without postmarks as required

>>193493 (TwiX) Make no mistake. Without Julian Assange, this video would never be possible.

>>193494 StellaAssange (TwiX) Home.

>>193495 CathrineHerridge (TwiX) With nearly 3-million views, our investigation,”The Cost of Following Orders: Covid Vaccine Injured in the US Military” is gaining traction.

>>193496 (TwiX) 🔥🚨DEVELOPING: Rep Cori Bush, another member of AOC’s Squad caucus could lose her election just as Rep Jamaal Bowman did last night, she has been trailing behind her opponent for the past 5 hours.

>>193497 WSA (TwiX) Donald Trump Posted On Truth Social That Barack Obama Is Controlling Joe Biden & Obama Is Possibly Planning An Attack On America Using Illegal Migrants

>>193498 WSA (TwiX) How Many Other Americans Are Asking Themselves These Exact Same Questions?

>>193499 UnusualWhales (TwiX) Employers in Canada are turning more and more to temporary foreign workers, per CBC.

>>193500 WSS (TwiX) Fresh record for house prices, even though nobody’s buying.

>>193501 PaulSperry (TwiX) BREAKING: White House press corps has petitioned CNN to open up the debate studio to reporters, who for now have to watch a feed from a building across the street,

>>193502, >>193504 SoE (TwiX) In a recent interview with Clayton Morris, former US Border Patrol agent J.J. Carrell discussed his new claim that prison facilities are being built in all fifty states to hold millions of political dissidents.

>>193503 SharylAttkisson (TwiX) Rep. Massie: "Dr. Krause (former FDA #2 vaccine reviewer during Covid) did you take a booster?"

>>193505, >>193506 ZeroHedge (TwiX) All banks past the stress test

>>193507 UnusualWhales (TwiX) It is pretty clear people knew about the $RIVN, Rivian VW Volkswagen deal before hand, and traded it.

>>193508 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) Senior advisor for the Dept of the Treasury admits @SecYellen only brought on Wally Adeyemo for the second-in-command position of Deputy Sec to bring in “diverse voices” which is good for “optics.”

>>193509 UnusualWhales (TwiX) JUST IN: Amazon, $AMZN, to launch Temu-like discount section with direct shipping from China, per the Information.

>>193510 TheGatewayPundit (TwiX) Brave Driver Exposes 'Human Trafficking' Operation After Spotting a Body Part Sticking Out of Budget Truck on Atlanta Freeway

>>193511 (TwiX) Construction workers are being honest, but buyers aren’t listening.

>>193512 (TwiX) Walmart, $WMT, is replacing its price labels with digital screens—but the company swears it won’t use it for surge pricing, per FORTUNE.

>>193513 UnusualWhales (TwiX) BREAKING: SpaceX will sell insider shares at $112 apiece in a tender offer, a higher-than-expected price that boosts the value of Elon Musk's space and satellite company closer to $210 billion, per Bloomberg.


>>193515 (TwiX) 🚨 JUST IN: Yet ANOTHER illegal immigrant has been arrested and charged with the r*pe of a 15 year old girl

>>193516 EW (TwiX) 8 armed men rob a jewelry store in Denver, pointing guns at customers while vioIentIy assauIting staff.

>>193517 CatTurd (TwiX) 20 pound weight gain in a week … all those steroids and drug cocktails.

>>193518, >>193549, >>193561 EW (TwiX) BREAKING: The migrant from Haiti who was charged with r*ping a 15 year old disabled girl in a shelter in Massachusetts was LET OUT yesterday on a $500 bail.

>>193519 (TwiX) NEW: CNN shows how their new microphones will work for the debate tomorrow, a move that is likely designed to help assist 81-year-old Joe Biden.

>>193520 TheAPee (TwiX) BREAKING: The Supreme Court strips the Securities and Exchange Commission of a critical enforcement tool in fraud cases.

>>193521 WSA (TwiX) New “Conspiracy Theory”. Joe Biden Isn’t At The Camp Being Prepped For The Debate, The Reason They Need A Full Week Is To Prep A Double

>>193522 MattGaetz (TwiX) This is incredible.

>>193523 (TwiX) BREAKING: illegal arrested in NY for str*ngling 21-year-old Joselyn Toaquiza to d*ath and then dumping her body in a park.

>>193524 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) This is Karon Fisher.

>>193525 WSA (TwiX) 🚨 EVERYONE Needs To Hear This

>>193526 TomFitton (TwiX) CNN Debate Moderator's Husband Is One of the 51 Spies Who Misled the American Public About Hunter Laptop to Steal Election

>>193527 SoE (TwiX) CNN is letting Jake Tapper moderate tonight's debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

>>193528 WSS (TwiX) The family court systems are designed to tear families apart.

>>193529 (TwiX) A friend purchased a home in 2017. He thought a 4.5% mortgage was too high and opted for an Adjustable Rate Mortgage until they dropped below 3%. No one ever foresaw 8% mortgages back then

>>193530 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) HEARTBREAKING. Jocelyn Nungaray’s aunt weeps at the funeral in moving speech.

>>193531 WSA (TwiX) Self Proclaimed Gay Nonbinary Donald Trump Supporter Warns About The Democrat Party

>>193532 ThePostMillennial (TwiX) BREAKING: Train derails in Illinois, "long-term" evacuations underway due to "substances" on board

>>193533 (TwiX) Iraqi Migrant man r*pes and strangles to death 16 year old girl in front of her horrified mother as migrant boat sank off the coast of Italy.

>>193538 NYPost (TwiX) Today's cover: Venezuelan gang smuggles guns into NYC migrant shelters in food delivery bags, accused cop-shooter admits

>>193544 (TwiX) The collapse of #walgreens has been unlike anything I've ever seen in big retail.

>>193550 UnusualWhales (TwiX) There are now 481,000 new homes for sale in the US, the highest inventory since January 2008, per Charlie Bilello.


>>193552 DonJr (TwiX) If the CNN pre-debate commentary is any reflection on how this debate will be moderated it will be by far the most biased debate in history. It’s unbelievable.

>>193553 Chuck Grassley (TwiX) Bc of such high temperatures lately corn grows many inches a day. Last week u cld c soil between NOW THE LEAVES STRETCH OUT SO CANT C SOIL ITS ALSO SUPPRESSES ANY WEED GROWTH COMPETING W CORN #cornwatch

>>193556 SoE (TwiX) The 51 agents who lied about Hunter’s laptop have now been confirmed to have been coordinating with the Biden campaign to discredit the New York Post article about the laptop.

>>193557 WSA (TwiX) WOAH Check It Out!! CNN Has Setup Walls For The Joe Biden vs Donald Trump Presidential Debate

>>193558 CatTurd (TwiX) RE: Tractor Supply: We win !!! 😂

>>193559 WSS (TwiX) They are doing it again

>>193560 WSS (TwiX) Due to CNN editing the debate, does Trump’s staff get to make a recording of the full debate?

>>193562, >>193563 (TwIX) Does Joe Biden have an ear piece?

>>193564 BPU-NBPC (TwiX) To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.

>>193565 PaulSperry (TwiX) Astounding that Biden still trying to sell the Charlottesville lie when even leftist Snopes just debunked it

>>193566 ClownWorld (TwiX) Who’s winning the debate so far?

>>193567 DonJr. (TwiX) I actually like this format for my father. Keeping him disciplined and focused. He’s dismantling Biden’s disastrous and failed policies one by one piece by piece.

>>193569 VIDEO: BLHeli32 is dead. What now? // HOW TO FLASH AM32 (YouTube)

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57fa68 No.193571

File: c7ad9daf2b10d86⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,IMG_0700.MOV)


CNN has seen an uptick in viewing, but we all know they still suck







Locked & Loaded

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