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File: 22bae576a9e1645⋯.jpeg (7.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Bread_Title_Midnight_Ride….jpeg)

aac024 No.192534 [View All]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.





Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.27.2022

@ QR >>17830226 ————————————–——– Be aware of false prophets..

@ QR >>17830253 ————————————–——– Q & A ? In time.

@ QR >>17830238 ————————————–——– What is coded in your DNA?

Wednesday 11.18.22

@ QR >>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.2022

@ QR >>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.8.2022

@ QR >>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control..

Monday 11.7.2022

@ QR >>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.6.2022

@ QR >>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

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73 posts and 112 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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606324 No.192617

File: 66f38650c349aa9⋯.mp4 (1.67 MB,720x1280,9:16,VID_20240616_014417_405.mp4)

PF (T.me) UPDATE: Police are searching for a gunman who shot at multiple people at a splash pad in Oakland County.

The shooting occurred at Spencer Park Splash Pad on E Auburn Rd near John R, in the city of Rochester Hills.

Police sent an alert to residents in the area stating: “Active shooter located near Spencer Park in Rochester Hills. AVOID area and SEEK shelter.”


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606324 No.192618

File: cf5b607b7f592fd⋯.jpg (62.6 KB,680x661,680:661,IMG_20240616_014603_170.jpg)

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6b0385 No.192619

File: acbad9236d02bbd⋯.png (1.28 MB,1210x1308,605:654,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)



SoE (TwiX) The Princess of Bulgaria, Kalina, has undergone some drastic physical changes. She has attributed these changes to her lifestyle of exercising and staying fit.

“I am dedicated to training with weight loads and body health, I am an athlete"

The mainstream confirmed this has nothing to do with adrenochrome.

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6b0385 No.192620

File: 8d7edf8dd9cb78b⋯.png (1.11 MB,1202x1054,601:527,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)



(TwiX) Princess Kalina Of Bulgaria. (THEN: NOW:)

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606324 No.192621

File: f1e773c421415ec⋯.mp4 (7.32 MB,480x852,40:71,4_6014820308970639568.mp4)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️There was a Security Breach at the Detroit Convention Center where President Trump was speaking

Secret Service had to shut down the place are re-wand every individual in attendance!


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6b0385 No.192622

File: 30ccc7a010f76c8⋯.png (1.19 MB,1196x1656,13:18,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)


(TwiX) 🚨🇺🇸 The American House has passed a bill whereby all men aged 18-26 are automatically enlisted to the US military draft.

Now young Americans may have no choice but to serve the most prestigious military in the World that demands you respect whether you agree with someone’s pronouns or not.

Personally.. if women want to be "EQUAL" they need to be added also.

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6b0385 No.192623

File: 90372ab382c5008⋯.png (1.4 MB,1200x1792,75:112,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)



CR (TwiX) NEW: 23-year-old illegal immigrant Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez has been arrested for the death and r*pe of Maryland mom Rachel Morin.

Hernandez had illegally crossed into the United States in 2023 from El Salvador after he reportedly killed another young woman.

Morin was found dead along the Ma & Pa Trail last August after going for a walk.

Police believe Hernandez hid in a drainage culvert and then jumped out and attacked.

Investigators linked DNA found at the scene of Morin’s death to DNA at a Los Angeles home where a man broke into a home and attacked a young girl. (Video below)

The suspect is being charged with first-degree m*rder and first-degree r*pe.

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6b0385 No.192624

File: 1d74b7cac4e9fef⋯.png (1.52 MB,1210x2662,5:11,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)


WSA (TwiX) This Black Gay Man Was Just Fired From His Job In New York City Because His Social Media Account Is All Posts About Loving Jesus & Christianity

“So I just got fired from my job for my social media, and this is where I worked. And, like, I'm not crying or upset or mad. I'm just like, this is this is wild, and this is expected. And there's nothing that I talk about on my social media except for Jesus, and so, obviously, that has to be the only reason.

Now they talked about me recording some things in conference rooms and my mindset was, this is a big place. It's not that serious. I'm gonna really try to not have the logo be in anything. They said the logo was in one of my videos. I don't recall. But they said in general, overall, it's against their social media policy.

Um, which is very interesting. I know places and occupations and jobs, they have people, you know, take videos, like, if there's, like, educational purposes, but obviously don't have kids there or whatever. This only happens when you stand in truth. And here's what I'm gonna do. I know the Lord is gonna provide for me, but I just wanted to let y'all know.

This is what happens when you love Jesus. And I'm not gonna stop loving Jesus, and I'm gonna bless them, and I hope they do well. But this means that my time here is up, and there's something else that the Lord needs me to do. So keep me in your prayers. Love y'all.”

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6b0385 No.192625

File: 13e1c016552b920⋯.png (1.06 MB,1212x1012,303:253,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)



(TwiX) Prostitute chased Eagle’s linebacker Terrell Lewis down a hotel hallway naked after he ran off without paying…

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6b0385 No.192626

File: 033d4c54d6d4ec3⋯.jpeg (79.59 KB,1200x1200,1:1,GQJy4JOXwAAysMl.jpeg)

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606324 No.192627

File: 6c71ea6e372d788⋯.jpg (81.35 KB,693x1280,693:1280,IMG_20240616_020751_773.jpg)

RT1776 (T.me) Yeah.

Noooooooooooo. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤣

Not without a:

Call Sign

Registration Number

Type of Aircraft

And the transponder losing contact of Aircraft and disappearing from radar 3 mins later.


👉🏻 Military Occupation

And guess what we have for that?

A blueprint of Laws and Orders outlining it to a tee.

Y’all know 🤭💯🐂🇺🇸



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6b0385 No.192628

File: b61a87113c12f4a⋯.png (2.35 MB,1208x1778,604:889,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)


KidRock (TwiX) A vote for Trump is a vote for no tax on tips!

So.. the minimum wage law states, or the way that places like Pizza delivery and such (probably waitresses and waiters at a sit down restaurant works) that they give a "split" wage.. when you are earning tips, they pay you less, but when you are back in store, you get paid the minimum wage. This was a YUGE pay grab from people. PapaJohns, PizzaHut and all others do this. This needs to be stopped also.

What happens if that minimum is crushed by no tax on it? Then employers will take that extra in employees pockets as reason not to pay them anylonger. MARK MY WORD it will happen unless stopped from happening.

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606324 No.192629

File: ed0994411c79c22⋯.jpg (262.94 KB,781x1002,781:1002,Screenshot_20240616_021401….jpg)


PF (T.me) Michigan Shooting Update: 9 people shot in Rochester Hills, at least one of the injured is an 8 year old child. Suspect contained in a home.


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6b0385 No.192630

File: 80bada94c894636⋯.png (1.92 MB,1218x2034,203:339,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)



RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: Law enforcement are responding to a active shooter at Spencer Park water park as multiple people have been shot and injured

📌#Rochesterhills | #Michigan

Currently, numerous law enforcement and other emergency personnel are on the scene responding to an active shooter at the Spencer Park splash pad in Rochester Hills, Michigan. Multiple injuries have been reported, but the exact number is unknown at this time. Witnesses describe the scene as chaotic, with people scrambling for safety as gunfire erupted Police are asking and warning the public to avoid Spencer Park and seek shelter due to the active shooter, as the suspect is still at large This situation is still developing

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6b0385 No.192631

File: 8116db79200c35c⋯.png (1.07 MB,1204x1546,602:773,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)


CR (TwiX) FALSE PROPHET: NEW: 'Squad' Democrat Cori Bush claims she performed a number of miracles and cured illnesses as a religious faith healer.

The comments were made in her new autobiography where Bush spoke about the "power" that was "residing in me."

In one instance, Bush claims she cured a woman who was suffering from tumors.

"One woman whom we met had several visible tumors on her torso. She was due to have surgery but lacked health insurance and living in the park," Bush said.

"One of the tumors was particularly painful to her. I laid hands on her and prayed, and I felt that my hand was no longer touching a tumor. It shrank along with the others on her body."

In another instance, Bush said she healed an ailing toddler in St. Louis.

"The child had had a bleed in her brain, shortly after she was born, and so couldn’t walk…"

"I carried the child from the prayer room in the back of the church out into the sanctuary… 'Walk,' I said gently to the three-year-old girl, 'you will walk.' And this girl took her first step. Then another, and another. She walked."

"Her grandmother walked into the sanctuary just in time to see the child take about two dozen steps. She screamed, and then she kept screaming."

"When she caught her breath, she looked at me in wonder and said 'Praise God.' She grabbed her granddaughter and walked with her out of the church."

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6b0385 No.192632

File: e1f9a03701a3c2c⋯.png (1.31 MB,1200x2826,200:471,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)


WSA (TwiX) This Is So Great. The Media, Paid DNC Influencers & Democrats Have All Turned To The Narrative Donald Trump Will Destroy America With Project 2025

Black American’s Response “You all are full of sh*t”

“I'm no political expert, but I do have 2 eyes and a f*cking brain. And so I've watched a lot unfold over the past few years.

More recently, there was a hush money trial and, uh, then there was a conviction. And with the conviction, for about 2 weeks now, from sunup to sundown, all you heard was convicted felon and I think somebody, you know, realized very quickly that that sh*t wasn't moving the needle at all.

And so, coincidentally, every liberal media outlet has simultaneously discovered project 25, Donald Trump's, you know, diabolical plan to destroy America. And this, reminds me of, Russian collusion because they reported on it with such confidence as if it was fact.

And those same media outlets today do not mention it at all because it was proven to be completely false. And I think that that kinda, kicked off or really, I believe was the catalyst to people realizing that you all are full of sh*t.

I mean, that's the reason why you keep throwing things and they don't stick is because people realize that you all are full of sh*t. And so, like, we can see you. We are aware of what you're doing which is why it's not working.

And, I'm a be real. He got the stones. He has all the infinity stones and there's nothing you can do. And you've overplayed your hand and shown the people that you are full of sh*t. That's why nobody is buying what you're selling. No, thank you.”

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6b0385 No.192633

File: 5bda3f8202ae1ac⋯.png (1.03 MB,1210x1820,121:182,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)


WSS (TwiX) London blade runners continue cutting down the ULEZ cameras.

These cameras are designed to fine people who cannot afford newer cars and limit their freedom of movement.

As a result, the blade runners are determined to disable or destroy them.

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606324 No.192634

File: 5149b6389e8675a⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,1200x720,5:3,4_6012568509156956129.mp4)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️Back in 1974, Senator Joe Biden made a very clear statement to America


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6b0385 No.192635

File: b26fab32415b7ef⋯.png (1.95 MB,1230x2200,123:220,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)



RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: Numerous Law enforcement along with SWAT has surrounded a mobile home where the shooter Suspect is to believe to be located after shooting up 9-10 people including children

📌#Rochesterhills | #Michigan

At this time, there is a heavy emergency response as numerous law enforcement officers, along with SWAT teams armed with long guns are on the scene and have surrounded a mobile home in a Shelby Township Michigan neighborhood where the active shooter is located. The incident began around 5 p.m. when the gunman parked his car next to the Brooklands Plaza Splash Pad near Spencer Park, then started to open fire. He reloaded and fired again, discharging at least 28 shots. The gunman quickly left the scene. Nine to ten people, including children, were shot, with four in critical condition. An eight-year-old was shot in the face this is still developing

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606324 No.192636

File: 652e01b6c366d17⋯.jpg (353.28 KB,792x982,396:491,Screenshot_20240616_024624….jpg)

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6b0385 No.192637

File: 121fa8da1a03c93⋯.png (240.71 KB,1214x1200,607:600,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)


HusseinAccount (TwiX) Twelve years ago today, my administration announced the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, giving undocumented immigrants who were brought to this country as children a pathway to citizenship.

Today, most of the original Dreamers are grown. They’re serving their communities as teachers, doctors, lawyers, and having children of their own. But because the program that offered that protection remains temporary, they’re also living in fear of being sent back to a country many of them can’t even remember.

The Biden Administration has made it easier for DACA recipients to access federal programs, including getting health care through the Affordable Care Act. But until Congress acts, Dreamers will continue to live under a cloud of uncertainty.

That’s why I’m calling on Congress once again to pass a permanent legislative solution for Dreamers – one that offers them a pathway to citizenship and makes our immigration system fairer, more efficient, and more just.

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6b0385 No.192638

File: f9a09a6a9dcb004⋯.png (904.66 KB,1204x1074,602:537,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)


MattGaetz (TwiX) My full speech today at Turning Point today

“America is not a slave auction”

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6b0385 No.192639

File: 425e73fee1c8b04⋯.jpg (91.33 KB,1079x1121,1079:1121,2024_06_15_20_13_56.jpg)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)


@ Last Call


>>192547, >>192548, >>192549, >>192550, >>192551, >>192552, >>192554, >>192555, >>192556, >>192557, >>192558, >>192559, >>192561, >>192562, >>192563, >>192564, >>192565, >>192566, >>192567, PapiTrumpo (6/12/2024)

>>192553 VIDEO: BLACK HAWK DOWN 30 Years Later: Norm "Hoot" Hooten on the Battle of Mogadishu (YouTube)

>>192560 VIDEO: Secrets of the F-14 Pilot Who Inspired TOP GUN (YouTube)

>>192578 WSA (TwiX) WOW 🚨 Idaho Farmland Water Shutoff “Coincidence”

>>192579 RFKJr (TwiX) Puerto Rico’s primary elections just experienced hundreds of voting irregularities related to electronic voting machines, according to the Associated Press.

>>192580, >>192584, >>192586 SoE (TwiX) Kate Middleton shows up at the King's Birthday Parade.

>>192581, >>192619, >>192620 (TwiX) 🔥🚨DEVELOPING: The princess of Bulgaria is going viral for her new appearance. Fans believe she looks completely different from the photo on the left which is how she used to look.

>>192582 (TwiX) The London metropolitan police stop a runaway cow not by wrangling it safety but by running it over in a car. Policing in Britain in 2024, apparently.

>>192583 WSA (TwiX) Latina Influencer Tells Her 200k+ Followers Why She Left The Democrat Party

>>192585 (TwiX) Flying over Florida

>>192587, >>192597, >>192600, >>192601, >>192602, >>192605, >>192607, >>192609 (6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com

>>192588 MRC (T.me) Hunter Biden drops laptop lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani

>>192589 GP (T.me) ABLECHILD: Is the FBI Using “Legacy Tokens” to Shield Mental Health Records and Psychotropic Drug Cocktails of Mass Shooters From The Public?

>>192590 GP (T.me) Stanford Internet Observatory, Sued by The Gateway Pundit and America First Legal for their Primary Role in the Censoring Critical COVID-19 and 2020 Election Information, is Finally Shutting Down: Report

>>192591 VIDEO: LIVE: President Trump Speaks at "The People's Convention" in Detroit - 6/15/24 (YouTube)

>>192592 GP (T.me) Steve Bannon: “I Served My Country on a Navy Ship. I’ll Serve My Country as a Political Prisoner — I’ll Do Whatever It Takes to Win This Revolution” (VIDEO)

>>192593 PM (T.me) BREAKING: Steve Bannon predicts Trump will be sentenced to 'multiple years in prison' on July 11

>>192595, >>192623 EW (TwiX) SAY HER NAME: Rachel Morin, 37 year old mother of 5 chiIdren (Maryland).

>>192596 SoE (TwiX) Philipine de Rothschild and the then-director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, are seen having a toast together in this picture.

>>192598 DTV (T.me) NEW - U.S. military conducted a clandestine propaganda campaign to sow doubt about the Covid vaccines provided by China

>>192599 SNN (T.me) "I don't think anyone knows why people are not as happy about the economy as they might be"

>>192603 SNN (T.me) JUST IN: 34-year-old American Airlines passenger who was gagged and strapped with duct tape, is being sued by the Federal Aviation Administration.

>>192604 SNN (T.me) We’ve seen insanity over the last four years. The policies of the Democrat party have failed America.” - Don Jr

>>192606 SNN (T.me) “We want a landslide that is TOO BIG TO RIG!

>>192608 SNN (T.me) ⚠️Elon Musk recently responded to a tweet claiming "ventilators nearly killed all COVID patients"

>>192610, SNN (T.me) 🔥⚠️ A 10 year old girl with a bone disease went on TV to find a friend with the same disease.

>>192611 SNN (T.me) Director Of The FBI James Comey Testimony Against Hillary Clinton

>>192613 SNN (T.me) ⚠️Pedro Israel Orta Worked At The CIA During The Trump Administration

>>192614, >>192625 (TwiX) 🔥🚨BREAKING: This Prostitute allegedly chased NFL Player Terrell Lewis down a hotel hallway naked after he allegedly ran away without paying her for her services. This video is going viral all across the internet.

>>192615 ClownWorld (TwiX) Cop hit on the head during Chicago party shutdown.

>>192617, >>192629, >>192630, >>192635 PF (T.me) UPDATE: Police are searching for a gunman who shot at multiple people at a splash pad in Oakland County.

>>192621 SNN (T.me) ⚠️There was a Security Breach at the Detroit Convention Center where President Trump was speaking

>>192622 (TwiX) 🚨🇺🇸 The American House has passed a bill whereby all men aged 18-26 are automatically enlisted to the US military draft.

>>192624 WSA (TwiX) This Black Gay Man Was Just Fired From His Job In New York City Because His Social Media Account Is All Posts About Loving Jesus & Christianity

>>192627 RT1776 (T.me) Yeah.

>>192628 KidRock (TwiX) A vote for Trump is a vote for no tax on tips!

>>192631 CR (TwiX) FALSE PROPHET: NEW: 'Squad' Democrat Cori Bush claims she performed a number of miracles and cured illnesses as a religious faith healer.

>>192632 WSA (TwiX) This Is So Great. The Media, Paid DNC Influencers & Democrats Have All Turned To The Narrative Donald Trump Will Destroy America With Project 2025

>>192633 WSS (TwiX) London blade runners continue cutting down the ULEZ cameras.

>>192634 SNN (T.me) ⚠️Back in 1974, Senator Joe Biden made a very clear statement to America

>>192636 SG (T.me) Southwest Airlines flight plummeted To 400 feet above Pacific Ocean | Fox News

>>192637 HusseinAccount (TwiX) Twelve years ago today, my administration announced the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, giving undocumented immigrants who were brought to this country as children a pathway to citizenship.

>>192638 MattGaetz (TwiX) My full speech today at Turning Point today

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6b0385 No.192640

File: d2755a55f991073⋯.png (484.09 KB,1206x1024,603:512,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)



(TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: Officials are confirming and reporting that the splash pad shooter, who gunned down 10 people including children, has killed himself in the standoff. Press conference will be at 11 PM EST

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6b0385 No.192641

File: e2f3fcbf01e0b9f⋯.png (1.14 MB,1220x1520,61:76,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)


(TwiX) Gordon Ramsay visibly shaking shows off nasty bike injury (shows injury at 0:40)

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6b0385 No.192642

File: 9b84deae84ef781⋯.png (589.71 KB,1192x1876,298:469,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)


CR (TwiX) TikTok user Wolfie Kahletti is going viral for public ‘pranks’ where he goes into restaurants to wreak havoc.

In one video, the self-described ‘super villain,’ throws ice into a deep fryer.

In another video, the influencer walks into a restaurant and slaps food out of a person’s hand.

The influencer started posting to the app in April of this year.

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6b0385 No.192643

File: 8927bd70bfd1592⋯.png (961.78 KB,1208x1364,302:341,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_2….png)


DonJr (TwiX) You know who’s not on the Epstein list? My father… because if he was, it would have leaked in about half a second!!!!

That’s a fact!

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6b0385 No.192668

File: 9119667747b978a⋯.png (868 KB,1194x1210,597:605,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


HusseinsAccount (TwiX) Earlier this week, I was in Chicago to check on the progress being made at the Obama Presidential Center.

To everyone who’s been a part of making the Center a reality, thank you for your dedication, professionalism, and hard work. Michelle and I could not be more grateful.

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6b0385 No.192669

File: 903e1f73b87af2e⋯.png (674.53 KB,1176x1222,588:611,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(TwiX) NEW 🚨 A video is going viral of http://Ancestry.com showing Joe Biden’s obituary as 2018; purported death in Guantánamo, Cuba.

The video was taken on June 12, 2024 in Dallas, Texas.


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6b0385 No.192670

File: 9107bc4eaeb5569⋯.png (1.47 MB,1300x1754,650:877,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Mom and 4-year-old daughter killed, 6-year-old rescued after horrid ‘human trafficking’ kidnapping: cops

Patrick Reilly

A 4-year-old girl was found dead and her 6-year-old sister was rescued from a horrific scene involving small animal cages that may be related to human trafficking, police in Mississippi said.

The grisly scene in Jackson on Thursday comes a day after the girls’ mother, 35-year-old Callie Burnett, was found murdered 130 miles away in southern Louisiana.

The prime suspect is Burnett’s boyfriend Daniel Callihan, WDSU reported.

Callie Brunett pictured with her two daughters Jalie and Erin

*Missing little girl, 4, Erin Brunett found dead, 6 y/o sister Jalie rescued alive after frantic search for kidnapped kids 4

Callie Burnett with her daughters, Jalie and Erin. Facebook

Jalie Burnett, 6, was discovered alive inside a car in a wooded area in Jackson on Thursday. Her younger sister Erin’s dead body was a few yards away, the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office said, according to WVUE.

“Based on the crime scene, what it looks like, this may be the place where there has been some human trafficking done,” Joseph Wade of the Jackson Police Department told reporters at a press conference. “We see cages, small animal cages.”

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Jalie was taken to an area hospital for treatment of minor injuries.

Investigators are working to determine how Erin died.

Daniel Callihan 4

Daniel Callihan is suspected of murdering Burnett. Jackson Police Department

“You don’t want to see that as a police chief. You don’t want to see that as a father,” Wade said.

“A coward took this child from her family.”

Callihan led cops to the girls after a bystander saw him for acting suspiciously, according to authorities.

Jalie and Erin Brunett 4

Jalie and Erin Burnett were allegedly kidnapped. Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff

Callie Burnett was missing for over 24 hours before being found “brutally murdered” in the bedroom of her home in Loranger on Thursday, authorities said.

Her children, who had been reported missing by their father on Wednesday, were nowhere to be found when the body was discovered, police said.

Erin's body was found in a wooded area of Jackson, Miss. 4

Erin’s body was found in a wooded area of Jackson, Miss. WVUE

The kids were kidnapped sometime before 8 a.m. Wednesday, according to the Louisiana State Police.

An Amber Alert was issued after noon, which said a man was wanted for questioning for a domestic violence incident that resulted in Burnett’s death.

Law enforcement has not yet had the opportunity to interview Callihan, officials said.

The Post has reached out to local agencies for additional information.

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6b0385 No.192671

File: 3df94d7c518e664⋯.png (2.94 MB,1560x2554,780:1277,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


‘Dangerous’ Texas inmate bolts from court, holds prosecutor at knifepoint in bold escape

Katherine Donlevy

Manhunt underway in downtown Houston after inmate escapes during court appearance

A Texas inmate bolted from a courthouse and held a prosecutor at knifepoint in a wild escape from custody on Thursday afternoon, officials said.

Nigel Thomas Sanders, 35, a homeless man in jail on burglary charges, is considered a “dangerous individual,” Harris County Assistant Chief Phillip Bosquez told reporters.

The chaos started shortly before 3:30 p.m. local time when the inmate slipped away following his court appearance at the Harris County Criminal Courts Building.

Nigel Thomas Sanders 3

Nigel Thomas Sanders, 35, a homeless man in jail on burglary charges, is considered a “dangerous individual.” Harris County Sheriff's Office

Sanders sprinted through the basement tunnel, finding his way to the street where he “accosted” a prosecutor who was leaving work for the day, officials said.

“He jumped in her car, and she wrecked that car within just a few feet,” said Bosquez, adding that police believe Sanders had a knife but that the staffer was not injured.

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Police boat scouring the Buffalo Bayou. 3

A manhunt is underway for Nigel Thomas Sanders, who escaped after his court appearance. Houston Police

Sanders — wearing orange pants and a black shirt — was last seen running down a Houston street toward the Buffalo Bayou, with some reports saying he lept into the water.

The fugitive prompted the University of Houston-Downtown to lock down the campus, warning students to “get indoors immediately. Lock outside doors. Avoid Windows.”

“There is still a threat to the community at this time,” said Bosquez.

Chief Phillip Bosquez briefing the media on a possible escape inmate. 3

Sanders is considered “dangerous” and a “threat to the community,” according to assistant chief Phillip Bosquez. Harris County Sheriff's Office

Whether Sanders had outside help in obtaining the weapon or facilitating the escape is still a mystery.

According to Bosquez, the tunnel the fugitive sprinted through is used to transport inmates to the basement of the courthouse.

“There are different waypoints that we can’t talk — it’s security — but it’s in a secure tunnel,” the assistant chief said.

Sanders was in custody for two burglary charges and one charge of unlawful possession of a weapon by a felon, records show.

Police said he does not have a permanent address and lives a “transient lifestyle.” He’s 5-foot-5 and weighs 165 pounds.

Officials have also dispatched boats into the bayou to track down the man.

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6b0385 No.192672

File: ff7e7d30dc23cfe⋯.png (1.73 MB,1596x2136,133:178,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Arizona’s Rose Fire destroys at least 25 homes, closes route to Phoenix as temperatures reach dangerous levels

Emilee Speck, FOX Weather

Arizona’s Rose Fire destroys structures, closes route to Phoenix

The Rose Fire destroyed multiple structures after forcing officials to close U.S. 60, which connected the town of Wickenburg to Phoenix, as dangerously hot temperatures continue in Arizona this week.

Officials with the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management said the Rose Fire started on Wednesday about 4 miles south of Wickenburg on the east side of U.S. 60.

Windy, hot and dry conditions helped the fire grow from less than 10 acres to more than 160 acres, prompting evacuations for the Rio Vista Hills community.

The fire jumped the highway and continues to burn on both sides of U.S. 60.

The fire destroyed at least six structures, and approximately 25 homes are still threatened by the Rose Fire. FOX 10 Phoenix reports that about 100 homes were initially threatened on Wednesday.

All evacuation orders have been lifted and residents were allowed to return home as of Thursday morning.

On Thursday, officials with the Arizona Department of Forestry said overnight cooler temperatures and increasing humidity helped decrease fire activity and kept it from growing.

White trucks on a closed road due to the Rose Fire in Arizona, with a background of smoke and trees. 3

The Rose Fire destroyed multiple structures after forcing officials to close U.S. 60, which connected the town of Wickenburg to Phoenix, as dangerously hot temperatures continue in Arizona this week. Fox Weather

The fire is still estimated to be 150 acres with no containment.

Additional resources, including hotshot crews and engines, are arriving on Thursday.

Officials said U.S. 60 remains closed in both directions outside Wickenburg as the fire continues to burn on both sides of the highway.

Downed power lines across the highway create additional dangers for vehicles.

Officials with the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management said the Rose Fire started on Wednesday about 4 miles south of Wickenburg on the east side of U.S. 60. 3

Officials with the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management said the Rose Fire started on Wednesday about 4 miles south of Wickenburg on the east side of U.S. 60. Fox Weather

The fire closed the quickest route to and from Phoenix on U.S. 60 near Morristown and south of Wickenburg.

Traffic is being rerouted to Interstate 10 to circumvent the closure, increasing the typically one-hour commute by about 30 minutes.

Arizona Department of Transportation officials recommend travelers from Phoenix traveling to or from northwest Arizona and Las Vegas should use interstates 17, 40 or 10 and State Road 95 as alternate routes.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Windy, hot and dry conditions helped the fire grow from less than 10 acres to more than 160 acres, prompting evacuations for the Rio Vista Hills community. 3

Windy, hot and dry conditions helped the fire grow from less than 10 acres to more than 160 acres, prompting evacuations for the Rio Vista Hills community. Fox Weather

Dangerous heat bakes Arizona

Firefighters battling the Rose Fire have faced extreme weather conditions.

Excessive Heat Warnings are in effect for five states across the West, including Arizona and California.

Dangerously hot temperatures between 106 and 112 degrees are forecast across southwestern and southern Arizona.

Phoenix and most of southern Arizona remain under an Excessive Heat Warning through Sunday night.

Wickenburg is included in the warning, and temperatures are forecast to hit 104 on Friday.

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6b0385 No.192673

File: df4da22dfd1c8ef⋯.png (2.66 MB,1334x2422,667:1211,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Milwaukee parents, activists launch school board recall after alleged financial mismanagement: ‘Enough is enough’

Ben Yount

There is now a recall effort to replace Milwaukee’s school board.

A group of parents and activists said they are looking to recall half of MPS’ board of directors, including President Marva Herndon, Vice President Jilly Gokalgandhi, Erica Siemsen and Missy Zomber.

Tamika Johnson, who spoke for the group, said those four mislead Milwaukee voters about April’s quarter-billion dollar MPS referendum and failed to tell parents and taxpayers about the persistent financial problems inside Milwaukee’s school district.

“It’s not enough for the superintendent to resign,” Johnson said. “This board and administration worked to hide the truth from the public, to push a false narrative for the need for more funding. They asked us to dig deeper into our pockets for a school district, and a board of elected leaders that have been irresponsibly managing our funding.”

Local parents and activists are campaigning to recall Milwaukee’s entire school board. 5

Local parents and activists are campaigning to recall half of Milwaukee’s school board. Youtube/Milwaukee Public Schools

The group is attempting to remove President Marva Herndon, Vice President Jilly Gokalgandhi, Erica Siemsen and Missy Zomber from the MPS board of directors. 5

The group is attempting to remove President Marva Herndon, Vice President Jilly Gokalgandhi, Erica Siemsen and Missy Zomber from the MPS board of directors. TMJ4 News

Johnson said parents in Milwaukee have simply had enough.

“We all stand in solidarity saying ‘enough is enough,’” Johnson said. “I am here as a fed-up community organizer, a voice of those who are tired of being manipulated and misled, a voice for those who have been ignored and in need of an advocate.”

Johnson and her group are upset with both Milwaukee’s $252 million referendum, and the $1.5 billion budget for the next school year.

Tamika Johnson said it is not enough for just the superintendent to resign after alleged financial mismanagement. 5

Tamika Johnson said it is not enough for just the superintendent to resign after alleged financial mismanagement. TMJ4 News

A community member holding a sign calling for an "overhaul" of the board. 5

A community member holding a sign calling for an “overhaul” of the board. TMJ4 News

Johnson said they are furious with the late and incomplete financial reports that have cost Milwaukee Public Schools nearly $17 million so far.

But to get the recall going won’t be easy.

The recall group will need at least 5,137 signatures to begin a recall against District 1 Director Marva Herndon, and as many as 44,177 signatures to recall Citywide Director Missy Zombor.

The group will need to collect 5,137 signatures to begin the process to recall District 1 Director Marva Herndon. 5

The group will need to collect 5,137 signatures to begin the process to recall District 1 Director Marva Herndon. Youtube/Milwaukee Public Schools

Johnson said the group does not have any candidates lined up in case their recall effort is successful.

MPS has been dealing with days of chaos since news broke earlier this month that MPS was late with two financial reports that were due to the state last year.

That news, along with opposition from parents and activists, led to the ousting of MPS Superintendent Keith Posley.

The chaos also led Gov. Tony Evers to call for, then begin to organize a dual audit of Milwaukee Public Schools.

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6b0385 No.192674

File: e5eb0eba82eaf8c⋯.png (1.01 MB,1568x2324,56:83,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Florida teens arrested over ‘exceptionally dangerous’ TikTok challenge: ‘Could have been shot and killed’

By Stepheny Price, Fox News

The most dangerous TikTok trends

Two Florida teens have been identified and arrested after surveillance video captured them kicking in the doors of residents’ homes as part of a TikTok challenge.

The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office said the two 15-year-olds were arrested on multiple counts of burglary of a dwelling after they admitted to kicking in the front doors of four homes.

Over the last two weeks, deputies in Spring Hill said they have investigated four reports of unknown individuals walking up to the front door of a residence during the early morning hours and kicking the door, causing damage.

Deputies said the impact of the kicks caused the door to fly open in some instances.

Deputies said both boys, who lived within walking distance of the four homes, admitted to kicking the front doors.

According to authorities, one teen told detectives they kicked the doors in response to a trend they saw on social media called the “Door Kick Challenge.”

The teen also said they never intended to enter any of the homes.

“This situation was exceptionally dangerous on several levels,” said Sheriff Al Nienhuis.

Two Florida teens have been identified and arrested after surveillance video captured them kicking in the doors of residents' homes as part of a TikTok challenge

Two Florida teens have been identified and arrested after surveillance video captured them kicking in the doors of residents’ homes as part of a TikTok challenge. Hernando County Sheriff's Office

Two Florida teens have been identified and arrested after surveillance video captured them kicking in the doors of residents' homes as part of a TikTok challenge

The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office said the two 15-year-olds were arrested on multiple counts of burglary of a dwelling after they admitted to kicking in the front doors of four homes. Hernando County Sheriff's Office

“First, there was a very good possibility that these young men could have been shot and killed by a homeowner lawfully defending the household. Second, if this occurred, the homeowner would have been burdened with the fact he or she killed two teenagers who were participating in a stupid activity.”

Officials said both teens were arrested on four counts of burglary of a dwelling.

They were both taken to the Hernando County Detention Center where they were processed and then released into the custody of their parents.

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6b0385 No.192675

File: c3f8b536568c528⋯.png (2.32 MB,1312x2830,656:1415,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


TikTok influencer dead after ignoring cancer sign

By Benedict Brook, News.com.au

A makeup artist to celebrities and influencer on TikTok has died after she ignored what can be a sign of cancer.

On Thursday, mourners in Anca Molnar’s home country of Romania lined the road and applauded as her coffin passed by.

They held up pink and purple umbrellas and threw white petals on a red carpet, reported Romania’s Pro. TV.

Molnar, 35, died of a brain tumor on Tuesday morning.

Celebrity influencer Anca Molnar dead after ignoring cancer sign 7

Celebrity influencer Anca Molnar died after ignoring a cancer symptom. Instagram / @makeup_anca

Her husband Claudiu said his wife has given him and their son Patrick “the best years of our lives.”

Before she died, Molnar uploaded a poignant post to social media saying she fought the disease “until the last drop of hope.”

She had been known in the European country for her makeup artistry with local personalities and had built a loyal social media following.

The influencer died on Tuesday due to a brain tumor. 7

The influencer died on Tuesday due to a brain tumor. Instagram / @21conceptevents

A mourner paying respects at Molnar's funeral. 7

A mourner paying respects at Molnar’s funeral. Instagram / @21conceptevents

Mourners applauded as her coffin passed by. 7

Mourners applauded as her coffin passed by. Instagram / @krepela.karin

A close friend of Molnar said she had ignored a series of headaches, which can be a sign of the cancer.

“She had been experiencing excruciating headaches more frequently.

“Initially, she didn’t think much of them, because that’s how we are, but she found herself struggling to carry out her daily tasks consistently,” Alina Radi said.

Molnar had been ignoring signs of a cancer. 7

Molnar had been ignoring her severe headaches — which can be a sign of cancer. Instagram / @makeup_anca

Molnar, from the city of Timisoara in Romania’s west, only went to see a doctor just over a year ago when the pain became severe, added Ms Radi.

She was diagnosed with the disease but doctors in Romania said the cancer had progressed to a point where there was little they could do.

According to Australia’s Cancer Council, headaches can be an early sign of brain cancer. The organization notes that headaches are common, and so are very often not a sign of the disease, but if someone is worried they should see a GP.

The cancer had progressed to a point of where doctors couldn't do anything. 7

The cancer had progressed to a point of where doctors couldn’t do anything. Instagram / @makeup_anca

Seizures, weakness or paralysis in a part of the body and loss of balance, can also be symptoms.

The average age of an Australian with brain cancer is 59. The prognosis for people with a brain cancer varies. For benign tumors that can be removed “a cure is likely,” said the Cancer Council.

Molnar then travelled to Turkey where she underwent brain surgery, according to reports, and rounds of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

The cancer did go into remission after the initial operation but a second tumour was found shortly afterwards forcing her to go under the knife once gain.

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Molnar detailed her treatment on social media including images of her with her head bandaged and in hospital gowns.

Recently, Ms Molnar praised the support of her husband Claudia.

“I have the strongest and best man by my side, in good times and bad. Thank you my love.”

On Tuesday, the day she died, a post to Ms Molnar’s Instagram and TikTok accounts showed the view from a plane above the clouds on a beautiful sunny day.

Celebrity influencer Anca Molnar and her husband Claudiu 7

Molnar and her husband Claudiu. Instagram / @makeup_anca

“I came, lived beautifully and left for another world. I fought as best I knew how and with all my strength … Until the last drop of HOPE,” the caption read.

“I leave my gratitude in my heart for how beautiful my life has been.

“Let my smile remain a testimony that I lived it to the fullest.

”I leave you one last exhortation: live beautifully and live to the fullest!”

Molnar’s funeral took place on Thursday where her husband celebrated his wife.

“We say goodbye, our love! You gave us the best years of our lives. You made us strong men who will never forget you,” he wrote in a statement, reported Romanian website Spy News.

“We pray that you watch over us proudly from heaven!

“Me and the fruit of our love, Patrick, say goodbye to you today.

“Thank you for fighting so hard for us. You leave only among people but not from our hearts! Smooth flight, my love!”

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6b0385 No.192676

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(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Red-hot lava from Iceland volcano smothers major road: video

Steven Yablonski, FOX Weather

GRINDAVIK, Iceland – Videos recorded from the ground and the air show a surge of thick lava from a volcano that erupted in Iceland in May, covering a road that leads to and from the evacuated town of Grindavík.

The incredible videos, recorded by Marco Di Marco, show the red-hot lava slowly creeping over Grindavikurvegur, which remains closed due to the eruption and lava flow.

The Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) said this is the third time lava has flowed over the road since the series of eruptions began at the end of 2023.

The IMO said lava is continuing to surge forward to the northwest along a similar channel to the one that flowed over the road on Saturday. However, the flow is still a few hundred meters away from the road and moving very slowly.

The office also warned that lava is still accumulating southeast of the volcano and could move into the area in the next few days.

Aerial video shot from above the area shows just how massive the lava flow is.

When the video begins, it moves closer to the lava over the road, and you can see two small dots.

Lava from a volcanic eruption in Iceland covered a road near the town of Grindavík. 4

Lava from a volcanic eruption in Iceland covered a road near the town of Grindavík. Storyful

The active crater of the volcano near Grindavik on June 10, 2024. 4

The active crater of the volcano near Grindavik on June 10, 2024. AP Photo/Marco di Marco

If you look closer, you can see that those dots are actually people. The video gets even closer, and you can see just how small those people are when compared to the molten rock that lies just ahead.

The video also shows work being done to build protective walls around the area in an attempt to keep the lava from flowing even closer to Grindavík.

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There is some good news for anyone with plans to travel to Iceland. The popular tourist destination Blue Lagoon, which was forced to close and evacuate visitors several times, is back open for business.

According to information on its website, the eruption is a safe distance from the facility, but it may take a bit longer to arrive.

An active lava pond forming near the volcano's crater. 4

An active lava pond forming near the volcano’s crater. AP Photo/Marco di Marco

The sun rises above the erupting volcano in Iceland. 4

The sun rises above the erupting volcano in Iceland. AP Photo/Marco di Marco

“Our primary access road has been damaged by lava flows, requiring visitors to use a temporary alternative route to reach our site,” Blue Lagoon said on its website.

Any guests with reservations at Blue Lagoon will need to present a booking confirmation at the entry point in order to access the facility.

Some information in this story was translated via Google Translate.

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6b0385 No.192677

File: 7f937d0415ed74c⋯.png (4.03 MB,1316x2852,329:713,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Ancient stone from ‘lost’ civilization discovered — dating back to 600 B.C.

Alex Mitchell

Can you dig it?

Archeologists in Spain have recently uncovered an ancient rock slab with an alphabet inscribed that predates the Rosetta Stone by roughly 400 years.

The discovery in southwest Spain is believed to be associated with the ancient, Paleo-Hispanic civilization of Tartessos and is only the third piece of evidence of an alphabet among the people, according to Fox News.

An ancient writing stone was recently found in Spain. 3

An ancient writing stone was recently found in Spain. Europa Press via Getty Images

It is considered a “lost” society due to a lack of remnants throughout the centuries.

Discovered at an archeological site in Casas del Turuñuelo of the Badajoz province, the eight-inch rock is believed to have been chiseled as early as 600 B.C. That is hundreds of years ahead of the Rosetta Stone in Egypt from 196 B.C.

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The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) identified “what appears to be a sequence of 21 signs drawn within the framework of the tablet on which figures were also found of warriors.”

University of Barcelona researcher Joan Ferrer i Jané said that “other strokes compatible with signs of a known sequence [were also seen].”

The stone was found at an ancient archeological site where a "lost" civilization in Spain once lived centuries ago. 3

The stone was found at an ancient archeological site where a “lost” civilization in Spain once lived centuries ago. Europa Press via Getty Images

“This alphabet has 27 signs and is the only complete one we know to date,” he added, saying this “would provide a lot of information.”

However, the artifact, missing a triangular shard on one of its sides, appears to be incomplete.

“At least 6 signs would have been lost in the split area of the piece,” said Jané.

The stone is still missing an important piece that could reveal more about the society's written language. 3

The stone is still missing an important piece that could reveal more about the society’s written language. CSIC

Adding to the mystery, there could even be potential to uncover more parts of the ancient language within the missing piece.

“If it were completely symmetrical and the signs completely occupied three of the four sides of the plate it could reach 32 signs.”

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6b0385 No.192678

File: 405f6bb160f4dba⋯.png (1.41 MB,1320x2344,165:293,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Biden will pay an electoral price for choking US energy while reaping environmentalist cash

Daniel Turner

The Biden administration has banned future export permits for US liquefied natural gas.

The Biden administration has banned future export permits for US liquefied natural gas. AP Photo/Alex Brandon

The recent European Parliament elections saw sweeping losses for Green parties across the continent as voters rejected harmful policies sold under the false guise of environmentalism.

The left-leaning Greens lost 18 seats of their previous 71-member bloc, a 25% drop — and the United States, where President Biden has prioritized green giveaways since the first day of his administration, could be headed for a similar reckoning in November.

While the exact set of circumstances differ, the commonality on either side of the Atlantic is clear: Extreme environmental policies have weakened Western nations, economically and geopolitically.

Voters understand this concept inherently — and are beginning to reject it electorally.

Consider the European impact of the Biden administration’s ban on future export permits for US liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Zero new permits for LNG exports have been issued since January, when the administration capitulated to environmentalists’ demands and froze them.

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Green activists on both sides of the Atlantic cheered this move as some sort of victory for the environment.

But for European countries whose energy supplies have been stressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin as part of his war in Ukraine, it poses a major national-security risk.

In 2021, the EU got nearly half of its imported LNG from Russia. But in 2022, the year Putin launched his war against Ukraine, American producers increased LNG shipments to Europe by 119%.

By December 2023, the United States had become the world leader in LNG exports, surpassing Qatar — and more than 61% of those LNG exports went to EU member nations.

But, just as Biden refuses to celebrate America’s taking the lead in world oil production, you won’t hear a peep of praise from him about how our innovators have made us a world leader in LNG.

Instead, his permit-freeze holds us back.

Less American LNG means more LNG production in Russia — and more cash in Putin’s pockets.

So what could be fueling Biden’s ban?

Money and politics, of course.

In the aftermath of his January “pause,” left-wing environmental groups like the League of Conservation Voters announced a $2 million ad buy praising Biden for “combatting climate change.”

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There’s plenty more green where that came from: In 2020, the LCV boasted about its “historic $115 million investment” to “elect climate and environmental justice champions at all levels.”

The LCV is just one of many green groups spending serious cash for Biden.

A “strategic communications” entity known as Climate Power has amassed an $80 million election war chest, and last week forecast a major spend in the battleground states.

With his half-century in Washington, Biden fancies himself as a global stateman and a steady hand at the wheel. He has decried Republicans for “walking away from the threat of Russia.”

Yet when push came to shove, he chose environmentalists over Europeans. He was willing to enrich Putin to appease the greens.

The political irony would be delicious if the geopolitical consequences weren’t so dire.

The same Democratic Party that has spent years shrieking about Russia is led by a man whose anti-energy policies are playing into the hands of Vladimir Putin.

While the pundits litigate the wreckage of the EU elections, some things are not up for debate.

European voters are rejecting a green agenda that has made them poorer and more vulnerable to Russian aggression, and that turns a blind eye to polluting India and China while it punishes their own economies.

If the results of the EU elections are any indicator, green policies are now an electoral loser; ordinary people want a return to prosperous economies and a stable world.

Biden’s executive actions can be reversed by the next president.

Voters are making it clear which direction they want to go.

Daniel Turner is founder and executive director of Power The Future, a nonprofit advocate for American energy jobs.

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6b0385 No.192679

File: 7d7db4b6ff2a610⋯.png (4.09 MB,1538x2848,769:1424,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Video shows officials wrangling alligator after it snatched and killed a Florida grandmother

By Social Links for Katherine Donlevy

Published June 13, 2024, 7:14 p.m. ET


Dramatic new bodycam footage shows the grisly aftermath of a deadly alligator attack that took the life of a homeless Florida grandmother — as officials piece together what may have led to the tragedy.

Sabrina Peckham, 41, was killed and dragged by the beast in September into a canal along a residential street in Largo, a small community four miles south of Clearwater.

After a bystander noticed Peckham’s mangled body in the gator’s jaws, officials yanked the carnivorous animal out of the water using rope and chains, according to the video obtained by Fox 13.

The alligator lying on the pavement.


The massive alligator was 13 feet and 9.5 inches long.


Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officials can be seen laying the beast out on the pavement — where they measured it to be a jaw-dropping 13 feet and 9.5 inches long — before using a rifle to fatally shoot the animal.

The gator was eventually cut open so FWC officials could remove some of Peckham’s remains.


Missing Texas woman’s body discovered in alligator’s mouth: police

Georgia alligator takes ride in police cruiser after driveway ‘arrest’: video

12-foot ‘Airman Ally Gator’ rescued after turning up at Florida air base — twice

Although what provoked the beast to snatch her remains a mystery, an accompanying FWC report offers some clues into what may have led up to the deadly encounter.

Peckham was living at a makeshift campsite just 35 feet from the canal. There was no evidence the gator had ever been at the camp and Peckham’s body didn’t show signs that she had been in the water before the massive reptile dragged her in.

Sabrina Peckham


Sabrina Peckham lived at a makeshift camp just 35 feet from where she was killed.

Sabrina Peckham/Facebook

An officer tapes the mouth of the gator closed.


A bystander saw Peckham’s lifeless body trapped in the gator’s jaws.


Officials pull out the gator.


The beast was hauled from the water and shot by deputies.


However, a park ranger wrote in the report that he believes he spotted her walking in the area just a week prior.

The canal, known as McKay Creek, is popularly used by alligators to travel between Ridgecrest Lake and Taylor Lake, the report states.

Peckham also had a history of trespassing on wetland property — including just two months before and half a mile from where she would be killed.

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6b0385 No.192680

File: 6466bdf6b855b35⋯.png (1.94 MB,1314x2628,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Arizona man wanted to gun down black people at Bad Bunny concert to start ‘race war’: feds

Alex Oliveira

An Arizona man allegedly plotted to gun down black people at an Atlanta Bad Bunny concert in an attempt to spark a race war ahead of the presidential election, according to federal prosecutors.

Mark Adams Prieto, 58, was indicted Tuesday nearly a month after he was arrested over the alleged plot, in which he planned to murder as many black people as he could with semi-automatic rifles he’d bought through cash deals or trades to avoid detection from gun regulators.

He was outed after a source he’d recruited to participate in the massacre notified FBI agents, leading to a months-long investigation tat ended after he attempted to recruit an undercover agent to join the mass shooting, according to an affidavit obtained by NBC News.

“Prieto believes that martial law will be implemented shortly after the 2024 election and that a mass shooting should occur prior,” the source told the FBI Phoenix, according to the affidavit, adding that he was “ready to kill a bunch of people.”

Mark Adams Prieto, 58, was arrested in May over the alleged plot to shoot up a rap concert to start a race war 3

Mark Adams Prieto, 58, was arrested in May over the alleged plot to shoot up a rap concert to start a race war Department of Justice

He allegedly decided to target Atlanta because he believed black people had gathered there and turned it into a hotbed of crime.

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“The reason I say Atlanta. Why, why is Georgia such a f–ked-up state now? When I was a kid that was one of the most conservative states in the country. Why is it not now?,” Prieto allegedly told the source.

“Because as the crime got worse in L.A., St. Louis, and all these other cities, all the [racial slur] moved out of those [places] and moved to Atlanta. That’s why it isn’t so great anymore. And they’ve been there for a couple, several years,” he said, according to the affidavit.

Prieto allegedly bought guns with cash or traded to avoid regulators 3

Prieto allegedly bought guns with cash or traded to avoid regulators Department of Justice

Prieto recruited the source over the course of three gun shows where they spoke extensively and bought and traded guns to use in the shooting, eventually bringing the undercover FBI agent into the plot.

He allegedly decided to target a rap concert because he believed it would draw a concentrated gathering of black people, and advised his supposed conspirators to wear hoodies when they infiltrated the crowd because he said the outfits would not draw attention in such a setting.

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“We’re going to fight back now, and every whitey will be the enemy across the whole country,” Prieto allegedly said, explaining how he wanted to leave Confederate flags at the scene and shout ““KKK all the way,” and “no mercy, no quarter.”

Prieto allegedly went so far as to plan to stash guns near the concert before travelling across the country to carry out the shooting, and targeted concerts scheduled for either mid-May, June, or July, including one where Bad Bunny was expected to perform.

Prieto allegedly plotted to target an Atlanta concert where Bad Bunny was expected to perform 3

Prieto allegedly plotted to target an Atlanta concert where Bad Bunny was expected to perform. Getty Images

By March Prieto was still planning to carry out the shooting, but come April he told the undercover agent he wanted to delay it.

A month later he was arrested on May 14, and admitted to investigators that he had talked about carrying out a mass shooting.

“However, he told agents that he did not intend to go forward with the attack,” the affidavit read.

He was charged with Possession of an Unregistered Firearm, Firearms Trafficking, and Transfer of a Firearm for Use in a Hate Crime.

If convicted Prieto could face up to 40 years in prison.

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6b0385 No.192681

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(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Trump floats 20% corporate tax rate in DC meeting with CEOs: report

Josh Christenson

Former President Donald Trump said Thursday during a meeting with top CEOs in Washington, DC, that he wanted to slash the corporate tax rate to 20% — hours after discussing trade and other policies with Republicans on Capitol Hill.

The presumptive 2024 Republican nominee held a private meeting with 80 executives to pitch the rate reduction, CNBC reported.

Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump is flanked by Senate Republicans as he gives remarks to the press at the National Republican Senatorial Committee building on June 13, 2024 in Washington, DC. 4

Former President Donald Trump floated lowering the corporate tax rate to 20% in a Washington, D.C., meeting with top CEOs on Thursday. Getty Images

A source familiar with the discussion told the outlet that Trump, 77, pledged to trim the corporate tax from 21% — and return to economic policies that were popular in his first term if he is elected to a second, including tax cuts.

“We’re going to give you more of the same for the next four years,” one of the sources said of the 45th president’s proposed agenda.

At one point, Trump reportedly took a direct shot at his opponent, President Biden, saying: “We need a president who is at the top of his game and let’s face it, this president is not at the top of his game.”

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Other sources told CNBC that Trump said he was looking to eliminate all taxes on worker tips, a proposal that he said thrilled employees in the service and hospitality sectors.

Chair and CEO of Bank of America Brian Moynihan attends the 54th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, in Davos, Switzerland, January 18, 2024. 4

A source familiar with the discussion told CNBC that Trump pledged to CEOs like Bank of America’s Brian Moynihan that he was also looking to cut all taxes for tip workers. REUTERS

The CEOs — including Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase, Brian Moynihan of Bank of America, Jane Fraser of Citigroup, and Tim Cook of Apple — reportedly burst out laughing when Trump relayed the purported enthusiasm for his plan.

Staten Island GOP Rep. Nicole Malliotakis told The Post earlier Thursday the former president had also mentioned eliminating tip taxes during his meeting with House Republicans on Capitol Hill.

Trump spoke to the CEOs for about an hour after current White House chief of staff Jeff Zients had talked with the group during another private session, a source told CNBC.

CEO of Chase Jamie Dimon looks on as he attends the seventh "Choose France Summit", aiming to attract foreign investors to the country, at the Chateau de Versailles, outside Paris, on May 13, 2024. 4

The 80 or so corporate leaders included JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon. via REUTERS

President Joe Biden speaks on April 12, 2024, in Washington. Top Biden administration officials have stepped up their outreach to CEOs and other corporate leaders to ask about what they need. The effort encroaches on the business community terrain that former President Donald Trump considers to be his home turf. 4

“We need a president who is at the top of his game and let’s face it, this president is not at the top of his game,” Trump told the CEOs in a dig at Biden. AP

Biden, 81, called for a 28% corporate tax rate during his State of the Union address in March — and has ragged on Trump’s signature Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which will expire at the end of next year.

“Look, I’m a capitalist,” the president told Congress. “If you want to make a million bucks — great! Just pay your fair share in taxes.”

Thursday’s meeting underscores the extent to which Trump has mended broken relationships with titans of the business world — as well as Silicon Valley — after many denounced him in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

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6b0385 No.192682

File: d08676d9c36d674⋯.png (1.91 MB,1596x2470,42:65,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


US Navy fast attack sub arrives in Cuba a day after Russia sends warships to Havana

Ronny Reyes

An American fast-attack submarine has sailed into Cuba a day after a Russian fleet, including one of the nation’s most advanced nuclear subs, docked in Havana, according to the US Navy.

The USS Helena, a nuclear-powered Los Angeles-class submarine, arrived at the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on Thursday as part of a scheduled port visit, US Southern Command said.

“The fast-attack submarine USS Helena is in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as part of a routine port visit as it transits the US Southern Command geographic area of responsibility while conducting its global maritime security and national defense mission,” SOUTHCOM said in a statement.

The nuclear-powered USS Helena submarine arrived in Guantanamo Bay on Thursday. 4

The nuclear-powered USS Helena submarine arrived in Guantanamo Bay on Thursday. U.S. Department of Defense

A Russian fleet arrived in Havana on Wednesday to conduct military exercises in the Atlantic. 4

A Russian fleet arrived in Havana on Wednesday to conduct military exercises in the Atlantic. REUTERS

The arrival of the Cold War-era hunter-killer sub follows Russia’s move to sail a frigate, a nuclear-powered submarine, an oil tanker and rescue tug into Cuba a day earlier to conduct military exercises in the Atlantic.

Of most interest to the US is the presence of the the Kazan, a Yasen-class cruise missile submarine, which is equipped with Zircon hypersonic missiles — reportedly capable of traveling nine times the speed of sound.

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The missiles, which can be armed with nuclear warheads, have a range of 625 miles and are designed to overwhelm anti-air defenses with their speed.

SOUTHCOM said the USS Helena’s visit was pre-planned, suggesting it was not dispatched as a result of the arrival of the Russian fleet.

Defense officials said the Russian vessels are being monitored closely.

The USS Helena is a Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine that was launched in 1986.

Crew members of the Russian nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine Kazan stand on its hall as it arrives in Cuba. 4

The Russian fleet includes the nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine Kazan. REUTERS

The 360-feet-long nuclear vessel is armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles and MK48 torpedoes, and can travel nearly 29 mph, according to the Submarine Industrial Base Council.

In contrast, the Kazan is one of the Russian navy’s newest weapons, commissioned in 2021.

The Kremlin vessel measures nearly 460 feet in length and has a top speed of about 23 mph, according to the US military.

Yasen-class submarines can have between 85 to 64 crew members on hand, whereas the Los Angeles class vessels carry 143 service members aboard.

US and Cuban officials have said that while the submarine is nuclear powered, it is not carrying nuclear weapons.

The US said it is closely monitoring the Russian fleet, which officials said has no nuclear weapons aboard. 4

The US said it is closely monitoring the Russian fleet, which officials said has no nuclear weapons aboard. REUTERS

American officials added that they expect the Kazan and its entourage to remain in the region through the summer, with a possible stop scheduled in Venezuela.

Russian ships and submarines have been docked in Havana since 2008 as part of Russian military exercises.

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6b0385 No.192683

File: f8524d01072f39c⋯.png (1.16 MB,1304x1972,326:493,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Biden repeatedly watched his dog attack Secret Service as staff wished each other ‘safe shift’: docs

Steven Nelson

WASHINGTON — President Biden repeatedly watched his German shepherd Commander attack Secret Service members, who wished each other a “safe shift” as the number of incidents mounted — with one exasperated workplace safety professional urging the use of a muzzle, agency records show.

The number of dog attacks involving Commander, who the White House said in February was given away after more than two years of terrorizing professionals assigned to protect Biden, and former first dog Major, who was rehomed in 2021 after also attacking personnel; could top three dozen, the newly surfaced records suggest.

The 81-year-old president reportedly accused a Secret Service member of lying about being attacked by Major during his first year in office, but was present for at least three separate attacks involving Commander, files released to Judicial Watch under Freedom of Information Act litigation show.

Commander barking 8

Commander was removed from the White House after more than two years of terrorizing Secret Service personnel. Getty Images

A previously unreported incident on Sept. 12, 2023, featured a pair of bites in which Commander tore holes in a Secret Service member’s suit as Biden took him for a walk in the Kennedy Garden along the South Lawn of the White House.

The president “took Commander (on a leash) to the Kennedy Garden this evening for a walk,” the special agent assigned to the Presidential Protective Division wrote in a report.

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“While [Biden] and Commander were in the Kennedy Garden I was standing half way from the Book-Sellers [lobby] and the Family Theater,” the agent wrote, referring to the area where the main White House connects to the East Wing.

Joe Biden and Commander 8

Newly released records show that Commander attacked Secret Service members at least three times in the president’s presence. Twitter/POTUS

“[Biden] opened the Book-Seller door and said [redacted]. As I started to walk toward him to see if he needed help, Commander ran through his legs and bit my left arm through the front of my jacket. I pulled my arm away and yelled no,” the victim wrote.

“[President Biden] also yelled [redacted] to Commander. [Biden] then [redacted]. I obliged and Commander let me pet him.”

“When turning to close the door,” the special agent went on, “Commander jumped again and bit my left arm for the second time. [Biden] again yelled at Commander and attached the leash to him. My suit coat has 3 holes, 1 being all the way through. No skin was broken.”


A Secret Service agent’s suit was torn by Commander on Sept. 12, 2023, when President Biden took the dog for a walk.

Photos included in the report show damage to the agent’s suit and dress shirt, for which they sought reimbursement.

The latest batch of internal agency records show mounting frustration over the handling of the animals.

On Sept. 25, 2023, following yet another attack involving Commander, a sergeant in the Secret Service’s uniformed division wrote a colleague: “FYI- there was a dog bite and the Officer may need to go to the hospital … Have a safe shift!” It’s unclear if Biden was present for that incident.

Secret Service Commander 8

Another example of Commander biting an agent.

Two days later, an official in the agency’s Safety, Health & Environmental Division wrote: “Can we please find a way to get this dog muzzled.”

Biden’s personal presence during attacks was known in two prior instances.

On Oct. 2, 2022, Biden was there when Commander attacked an agent who was holding the door for the president as he approached the entryway near the Rose Garden that connects the West Wing to the rest of the White House.

“I was bit/grabbed on the left forearm,” the agent wrote in records made public in February.

Biden with his German Shepherd, Commander 8

Bites involving Commander and ex-first dog Major have strained relations between President Biden and the Secret Service.

NY Post cover 7/26/23 8

The Post’s cover on July 26, 2023. NY Post

“Commander came in first circled back and grabbed my left arm. He then stood up and back down. He is literally my height standing. [President Biden] entered shortly after since he was trailin [sic] behind him. [Biden] entered the Palm Room and said, ‘[redacted quote]’.”

Biden also was present on Dec. 11, 2022, when the president “requested to take Commander (on the leash) to the Kennedy Garden,” records show.

“Once at the KG, [Biden] took Commander off the leash to run free. I was present to observe [redacted] departing from the Kennedy Garden to move behind [redacted] toward the south ground drive via the internal garden gate when [the attack] occurred,” the victim wrote, describing a 1.5cm (half-inch) cut and bruising on his arm and a 1cm (0.4-inch) cut from a second bite on his hand and thumb.

Documents do not place President Biden on scene for the most severe attacks, including a Nov. 3, 2022, incident that sent a uniformed Secret Service officer to a DC hospital for treatment after Commander clamped down on their arm and thigh at the base of a stairwell at the White House.

Commander, a German Shepherd, on a leash being walked outside the White House with two people in the background. 8

Commander ultimately was given away by President Biden, the White House said in February. AP

Joe and Jill Biden with Commander 8

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden meet virtually with US military service members on Christmas Day 2021. EPA

At least one other Secret Service member was seen at a hospital, according to previously reported documents, when on July 29, 2023, Commander tore into a female agent’s arm at the president’s Rehoboth Beach, Del., vacation home, causing a “severe deep open wound” with loss of “a significant amount of blood,” requiring at least six stitches.

In yet another bloody attack, on June 15, 2023, Commander took an agent “to the ground” outside the East Wing, leaving a “deep bite” on their arm, requiring an unspecified number of stitches.

In that case, “East Wing Tours were stopped for approximately 20 minutes due to blood from the incident being on the floors in the area of the [lobby connecting the East Wing to the White House].”

Commander’s biting spree was first reported by The Post last July, but was initially downplayed by the White House.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the latest documents, nor did a spokesman for the Secret Service.

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6b0385 No.192684

File: f3d81956849119c⋯.png (2.89 MB,1310x2814,655:1407,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Suspected NYC jihadist was caught near major airport as new details of averted ‘disaster’ are revealed

Khristina Narizhnaya and

The suspected Queens jihadist busted with an arsenal of weapons in his SUV was ordered held without bail on Thursday — as disturbing new details of the case emerged in court.

Judd Sanson, 29, was just blocks from La Guardia International Airport when he was stopped by alert cops early Wednesday — and nervously reached under the seat of his SUV during the first few tense moments of the encounter with the officers, prosecutors revealed.

They later found a loaded 9mm Glock pistol under the driver’s seat.

“Sorry, there is a lot of drunk people nowadays,” Sanson allegedly told the cops after they stopped him for having obscured license plates on the vehicle. “I live in Jamaica. I was visiting my uncle.”

Suspected jihadist Judd Sanson. 5

Judd Sanson, 29, was arraigned in Queens Criminal Court and ordered held without bail on weapons charges Thursday. Shawn Inglima/Pool

But police had already spotted a knife strapped to Sanson’s leg, along with an MTA reflective vest and “a makeshift axe hanging from the ceiling” and a “makeshift sword” inside the vehicle, Queens Assistant District Attorney Dylan Nesturrick said in Queens Criminal Court.

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In all, the prosecutor said nearly a dozen weapons, an NYPD bulletproof vest and 179 rounds of ammunition were found inside the black Ford Explorer.

He also said investigators found a “disturbing photo” on Sanson’s Facebook page, but did not elaborate.

“This car stop averted what could have been a disaster for the citizens of Queens, New York City and potentially even the country,” Nesturrick said.

Sanson stood before Judge Julieta Lozano with his mane of long hair flowing over a black T-shirt that read, “Dreamer: Into reality” and had a rose next to it.

Weapons seized from Judd Sanson. 5

Among the items police said they found inside Judd Sanson’s SUV were an NYPD bulletproof vest, a mask, a 9mm pistol and various knives and axes. Desheania Andrews

Weapons found in Judd Sanson's car. 5

Queens prosecutors said 11 weapons in all were seized from Judd Sanson, along with 179 rounds of ammunition after a traffic stop early Wednesday. Desheania Andrews

Prosecutors said he has addresses in Tennessee and Maryland, but lives with his father in the Hollis section of Queens and has a 1-year-old daughter.

His lawyer said Sanson works as a “self-employed mechanic” and supports his young daughter.

Thomas Montella of Queens Defenders asked Lozano to set reasonable bail for his client.

“This is, at the end of the day, a gun case,” Montella said.

But the judge sided with prosecutors, who asked that he be held at Rikers Island without bail pending a return court appearance on Monday.

Judd Sanson led to court by police. 5

Judd Sanson smiled at reporters Thursday while being led to court, where he was hit with weapons charges. Brigitte Stelzer for NY Post

Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz. 5

Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz said Judd Sanson’s case is “concerning … You got to ask about the intent.” Stephen Yang

“It is concerning that he was a few blocks way from the airport,” Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz said after the arraignment. “You got to ask about the intent.”

Sanson was arrested around 1:30 a.m. Wednesday, and was questioned at the 110th Precinct stationhouse until he was led out in handcuffs earlier on Thursday for his date in court.

He smiled as he was peppered with questions by reporters — and broke into a wide grin when one asked if he had purchased his weapons arsenal on Amazon.

Meanwhile, cops executed a search warrant at his father’s apartment and were in and out of the Jamaica Avenue building on Thursday, with prosecutors saying they found a Glock holding case inside.

Additional reporting by Georgett Roberts

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6b0385 No.192685

File: c26168f69beae78⋯.png (1.69 MB,1306x2808,653:1404,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Houthis attack 2 cargo ships in 2 days in critical shipping route, leaving crew member badly injured

Ronny Reyes

Yemen’s Houthi rebels badly damaged two cargo ships in two days as they stepped up attacks in the vital shopping route, the US and British military confirmed.

First, on Wednesday, the Iran-backed group damaged the Greek-owned vessel M/V Tutor with an unmanned kamikaze boat in the Red Sea. The blast caused “severe flooding and damage to the engine room.”

Then, on Thursday, the Houthis launched two cruise missiles at the Ukrainian-owned M/V Verbena in the Gulf of Aden. The attack caused a major fire on board, which the crew continued to fight Thursday afternoon, US Central Command (CENTCOM) said.

One civilian mariner was severely injured during the attack and had to be evacuated by aircraft from the US Navy cruiser the USS Philippine Sea. The sailor was taken to another ship for medical treatment.

M/V Verbena was Palauan-flagged and operated by a Polish crew. It was headed to Italy carrying construction equipment from Malaysia when it was hit.

The first ship attacked, the Tudor, was hit about 66 nautical miles from the rebel-held port of Hodeida.

The Greek-owned bulk carrier Tutor was struck by Houthi rebels on Wednesday. 5

The Greek-owned bulk carrier Tutor was struck by Houthi rebels on Wednesday.

The terror groups has been targeting commercial ships along the Red Sea since November, disrupting global trade. 5

The terror groups has been targeting commercial ships along the Red Sea since November, disrupting global trade. REUTERS

UKMTO, which received transmissions from the Tutor ship, said the captain had reported a second strike on the ship “by an unknown airborne projectile.”

Yemen’s military spokesman Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree claimed responsibility for the attack, the latest in the Red Sea that has disrupted one of the world’s busiest trading routes.

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Saree claimed the attack was conducted using “an unmanned surface boat, number of drones, and ballistic missiles,” as he gloated over the damage to the commercial ship.

Saree claimed that the Tutor was specifically targeted “because the company that owns the ship has violated the decision to ban entry into the ports of occupied Palestine.”

The Houthis sunk the UK-owned bulk carrier, Rubymar, in March. 5

The Houthis sunk the UK-owned bulk carrier, Rubymar, in March. ZUMAPRESS.com

The rebel group has held regular demonstrations in Yemen in support of Hamas. 5

The rebel group has held regular demonstrations in Yemen in support of Hamas. YAHYA ARHAB/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

“This continued malign and reckless behavior by the Iranian-backed Houthis threatens regional stability and endangers the lives of mariners across the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden,” CentCom said in a statement about the strike.

Following Wednesday’s attack, CENTCOM said the US military destroyed three anti-ship cruise missile launches operated by the terror group in Yemen, as well as one rebel drone flying over the Red Sea.

The Houthis launched two anti-ship ballistic missiles over the Red Sea in response, but they caused no damage, CENTCOM added.

The US military has continued operations in the Red Sea to protect cargo ships and launch attacks at the Houthi's terror infrastructure. 5

The US military has continued operations in the Red Sea to protect cargo ships and launch attacks at the Houthi’s terror infrastructure. AP

The Houthis have continued to launch attacks on commercial and military ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden in support of Hamas after Israel launched its ground incursion in Gaza.

Since November, the Houthis have launched more than 50 attacks on shipping vessels, killed three sailors, seized one boat and sunk another, according to the US Maritime Administration.

The rebel group has also detained at least 13 United Nations staffers in the past week, including workers with the UN’s human rights agency, officials said.

The US and British military have led airstrikes targeting the Houthi’s terror network since January, with the European Union deploying its own fleet to the Red Sea to help protect the key trade route.

With Post wires

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6b0385 No.192686

File: fc0bfaa4861bd91⋯.png (2.91 MB,1318x2620,659:1310,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Chinese company develops human-like robots that can display complex facial expressions, emotions

By Reuters

On the floor of the Ex-Robots factory in China’s northeastern coastal city of Dalian, engineers develop humanoid robots with a focus on enhancing facial expressions and emotions.

Neck-length silicone masks lie sprawled on a table alongside silicone arms and feet, while disembodied heads sit on display and humanoid robots in various stages of construction stand nearby. Drawings of robot designs adorn a wall.

“We have our own software and algorithm teams,” said Ex-Robots Chief Executive Li Boyang, adding that humanoid robots are the most complex class of robotic products.

smushed silicone masks 9

Neck-length silicone masks are used for the robots. REUTERS

robot face up close 9

Ex-Robot engineers are creating humanoid robots with a focus on enhancing facial expressions and emotions. REUTERS

robots with workers 9

Ex-Robots Chief Executive Li Boyang says that humanoid robots are the most complex class of robotic products. REUTERS

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“There are many basic models and algorithms that are commonly open source, which everyone uses. However, we concentrate more on how to enable the AI to recognize and express expressions and emotions.”

As an Ex-Robots worker moves her head, smiles and sticks out her tongue, a humanoid robot mimics her movement thanks to tiny motors installed in several spaces in its head.

“We are also working on the foundation model. The model we’re making is multi-modal and capable of emotional expression. It can perceive the surrounding environment and produce appropriate facial feedback,” Li said.

Ex-Robots said it takes from two weeks to a month to produce a humanoid robot, with prices ranging from 1.5 million yuan ($207,000) to 2 million yuan.

robot with exposed wiring on back of head 9

The model we’re making is multi-modal and capable of emotional expression. It can perceive the surrounding environment and produce appropriate facial feedback,” Li said. REUTERS

up close on front of robot head 9

“We concentrate more on how to enable the AI to recognize and express expressions and emotions,” Li says. REUTERS

workers with robot heads on table in front of them 9

Ex-Robots said it takes from two weeks to a month to produce a humanoid robot, with prices ranging from 1.5 million yuan ($207,000) to 2 million yuan. REUTERS

The main purpose of the company’s robots so far is for display in museums, one of which Ex-Robots has housed in the same building as its factory.

Looking ahead, Li believes humanoid robots will have a bigger role to play in the healthcare and education industries.

“Psychological counselling and health are certainly future application scenarios. We are currently conducting related research, such as auxiliary treatment and preliminary screening for emotional and psychological disorders,” he said.

man on phone walking by wall of robot heads 9

The company’s robots are on display in museums, one of which Ex-Robots has in the same building as its factory. REUTERS

factory of robots being made 9

Li believes the robots will have a bigger role in the healthcare and education industries. REUTERS

robots being worked on 9

The company is “currently conducting related research, such as auxiliary treatment and preliminary screening for emotional and psychological disorders,” for the robots. REUTERS

“Moreover, I believe that emotional interaction has broader applications in service fields, such as those aimed at children.”

($1 = 7.2532 Chinese yuan renminbi)

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6b0385 No.192687

File: 0f366ad7d5dbdf0⋯.png (2.07 MB,1316x2534,94:181,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


New Yorkers are armoring and bulletproofing Range Rovers, Mercedes G-Classes and Lambos — to drive to the Hamptons

Doree Lewak

Welcome to Fear City.

Amid spiking crime and violent carjackings involving luxury vehicles in NYC — like last month’s “great first date” turned action movie, complete with guns shoved in the face of a $150,000 BMW-driving Romeo — well-heeled Gothamites worried about getting to the Hamptons this summer are clamoring for their own exclusive, secure “supercars.”

Among the most sought-after armored automobile suppliers is a former Austrian commando who helps give billionaires peace of mind by fortifying their homes, helicopters, superyachts and Range Rovers — to the tune of millions of dollars.

“People need to understand one simple fact: they need protection,” Matthias Fitzthum, CEO of Bespoke Home & Yacht Security, told The Post of the souped-up security measures he says any “ultra-high net worth” family would be crazy not to follow. “An alarm system isn’t protection — they need hardware to protect their family and themselves.”

Fitzthum said the goal is for the luxury vehicle to be armored but not stand out. 10

Fitzthum said the goal is for the luxury vehicle to be armored but not stand out. NYPost Photo Illustration

“Families and executives are worried about ambushes or random acts of street violence while driving,” reads the company’s site, detailing cinematic scenarios usually reserved for James Bond movies not a leisurely drive to one’s summer compound.

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“Armored cars have to withstand a pipe bomb exploding from point-blank range and weather rounds of bullets shot by AK-47s, AR-15s and 9mm pistols,” per the site, which notes “security remains a precondition to freedom.”

Features include bulletproof glass up to 3 inches thick that can stop 9 mm handgun bullets or Kalashnikov sniper projectiles, ballistic steel and an oxygen overpressure system — should a pesky gas or smoke attack occur.

“People need to understand one simple fact: they need protection," Matthias Fitzthum, CEO of Bespoke Home & Yacht Security, told The Post. 10

“People need to understand one simple fact: they need protection,” Fitzthum told The Post. Bespoke Home Security

When the air pressure inside the car is higher than outside, passengers can breathe pure oxygen inside — no gas or smoke can get through the car’s ventilation system.

Microphones can project outside the car to address criminals and passengers can pick up sound from anyone sinister. Windows on the driver’s side only open 10 centimeters wide ever, wide enough to pass a document. Rear windows don’t open at all.

Every aspect of the interior and exterior is meticulously super-enhanced to withstand any foul play from the roof to the run-flat tires.

And in true “Fight Club” fashion, the chief rule of having an armored car is not talking about it — let alone Instagramming it. 10

In true “Fight Club” fashion, the chief rule of having an armored car is not talking about it, and not Instagramming it. Bespoke Home Security

New Yorkers driving to their Hamptons homes are so worried about their safety, they’re turning to a former Austrian commando who helps armor Range Rovers, Mercedes G-Classes and Lambos. Matthias Fitzthum of Bespoke Home & Yacht Security told The Post he has a waiting list of clients extending through the middle of 2025. Services start at $250,000 and can crack $1.5 million for armoring. 10

New Yorkers driving to their Hamptons homes are so worried about their safety, they’re turning to a former Austrian commando who helps armor Range Rovers, Mercedes G-Classes and Lambos. Matthias Fitzthum of Bespoke Home & Yacht Security told The Post he has a waiting list of clients extending through the middle of 2025. Services start at $250,000 and can crack $1.5 million for armoring. Bespoke Home Security

Best of all? None of these warzone-ready upgrades are visible to the naked eye, according to Fitzthum, who blames today’s “absolutely insane” climate of crime for a waiting list of clients extending through the middle of 2025.

And in true “Fight Club” fashion, the chief rule of having an armored car is not talking about it — let alone Instagramming it.

“The main goal is that the armored car doesn’t look like an armored car,” said Fitzthum, who doesn’t want the car to draw attention or even have a black finish, lest it appear in any way official.

Every aspect of the interior and exterior is meticulously super-enhanced to withstand any foul play from the roof to the run-flat tires. 10

Every aspect of the interior and exterior is super-enhanced to withstand foul play from the roof to the run-flat tires. Bespoke Home Security

“The moment you leave the property, you’re taking full risk — it would be very dangerous not to be driven in an armored car,” he warned Fitzthum.

The 53-year-old father of two and military vet said “several” satisfied clients have survived shooting attacks in their armored automobiles and delightfully “no one’s been injured and they’re happy.” Plus, his company monitors extra high-risk clients by satellite 24/7.

“They celebrate two birthdays every year — they know they would have died without my cars,” he added, noting they also sell armored cars like the BMW 760i VR9, too.

Features include bulletproof glass up to 3 inches thick that can stop 9 mm handgun bullets or Kalashnikov sniper projectiles, ballistic steel and an oxygen overpressure system. 10

Features include bulletproof glass up to 3 inches thick that can stop 9 mm handgun bullets or Kalashnikov sniper projectiles, ballistic steel and an oxygen overpressure system. Bespoke Home Security

When the air pressure inside the car is higher than outside, passengers can breathe pure oxygen inside — no gas or smoke can get through the car's ventilation system.


When the air pressure inside the car is higher than outside, passengers can breathe pure oxygen inside — no gas or smoke can get through the car’s ventilation system. Bespoke Home Security

Beyond installing the fear-reducing features, Fitzthum personally trains each client who armors their car in tactical response — including the family chief of staff, nanny, parent and anyone who drives their children.

“The kids in a normal car are unprotected if the driver is not trained in combat,” he said.

For services that start at $250,000 and can crack $1.5 million for armoring, it’s a “waste of money” if the client freezes during crunch time, he explained.

Microphones can project outside the car to address criminals and passengers can pick up sound from anyone sinister. 10

Microphones can project outside the car to address criminals and passengers can pick up sound from anyone sinister. Bespoke Home Security

Windows on the driver's side only open 10 centimeters wide ever, wide enough to pass a document. Rear windows don’t open at all. 10

Windows on the driver’s side only open 10 centimeters wide ever, wide enough to pass a document. Rear windows don’t open at all. Bespoke Home Security

If clients are shot at, they must be “able to survive,” explained Fitzthum, who said there’s no need to abandon the car, even if under fire or if the tires are shot down.

“If someone should shoot inside or at the tire, you can keep driving — 80 to 90 kilometers per hour — the goal is to get out of the line of fire. The main goal is that whatever goes wrong, nothing can happen to clients inside the car,” he said.

“You can drive away and get to a safe spot,” said Fitzthum, who dispensed practical advice even for the have-nots: “You’re not John Wayne and you will never be.”

In the event of targeted attacks, carjacking or kidnappings — a major concern of his clients — Fitzthum said that driving, say, a standard Bugatti is akin to taking your life in your hands.

Beyond installing the fear-reducing features, Fitzthum personally trains each client who armors their car in tactical response 10

Beyond installing the fear-reducing features, Fitzthum personally trains each client who armors their car in tactical response. Bespoke Home Security

“Sometimes it’s random and sometimes thieves are looking particularly for a special car,” Fitzthum said. “You’re a moving target in a car.”

No one balks at his prices, Fitzthum said of his clients. “These clients never talk about the price. At what level do you value a price for a human being, for your kids? It’s a very small price to pay to protect themselves and their families.”

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6b0385 No.192688

File: 1b2c608ce8c7b51⋯.png (2.15 MB,1320x2698,660:1349,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_0….png)


(6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Joe Biden calls Hunter ‘one of the brightest, most decent men’ — repeats he won’t pardon him in first remarks since conviction

Steven Nelson and

President Biden said Thursday that Hunter Biden is “one of the brightest, most decent men I know” in his first on-camera remarks about his son’s conviction on federal gun charges — while doubling down on his insistence he won’t pardon him.

“I’m extremely proud of my son, Hunter. He has overcome an addiction,” Biden said during a joint press conference in Italy with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

US President Joe Biden speaks during a press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the Masseria San Domenico on the sidelines of the G7 Summit. 6

US President Joe Biden speaks during a press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the Masseria San Domenico on the sidelines of the G7 Summit. AFP via Getty Images

US President Joe Biden hugs his son Hunter Biden upon arrival at Delaware Air National Guard Base in New Castle, Delaware. 6

Joe Biden was seen hugging Hunter at a Delaware airport hours after he was found guilty. AFP via Getty Images

Hunter Biden naked pointing a hand gun. 6

A federal jury found him guilty of three counts related to lying about his drug use in order to buy a gun.

“He’s one of the greatest, most decent men I know, and I am satisfied that I’m not going to do anything I said,” the president went on. “I said I’d abide by the jury decision. I will do that and I will not pardon him.”

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The 81-year-old president first said last week in an interview with ABC News that he would not pardon his 54-year-old son, whose conviction centered around his addiction to crack cocaine when he purchased a .38 caliber Colt Cobra revolver in 2018, which federal law forbids.

Biden did not specifically comment Thursday on whether he would commute his son’s sentence if he’s ordered to serve time in prison.

Hallie Biden, the widow of the president’s elder son Beau and then-girlfriend of Hunter, disposed of the gun in a public grocery store dumpster, setting in motion the criminal case. She testified at the trial that Hunter introduced her to using crack herself during their stormy relationship.

President Biden did not attend his son’s trial, but a large contingent of relatives did attend, including first lady Jill Biden, Hunter’s stepmother, whom he indecently disparaged in messages recovered from his abandoned laptop.

Hunter Biden and Melissa Cohen Biden arrive at the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building in Wilmington, Delaware. 6

Hunter became the first child of a sitting president to be convicted of a crime Tuesday. Saquan Stimpson – CNP for NY Post / MEGA

Hunter could face up to 25 years behind bars on the gun charges, but it’s possible he will receive as little as probation at his sentencing, which has not yet been scheduled.

Follow the latest on Hunter Biden’s federal gun trial:

Hunter Biden guilty of felony gun charges, faces 25 years in prison

Joe Biden reveals whether he will pardon Hunter after first son convicted on felony gun charges in first comments since verdict

Hunter Biden breaks silence after felony gun conviction, says he’s ‘disappointed’ by outcome

Hunter Biden juror reveals the damning evidence that lead to conviction at gun trial

Here’s what’s next for Hunter Biden following his conviction on gun charges

The first son faces a second federal trial on Sept. 5 in Los Angeles over allegations he failed to pay $1.4 million in federal taxes on overseas income between 2016 and 2019.

Joe Biden is attending the annual G7 summit with all three of Hunter’s adult daughters after the extended family gathered Tuesday night in Wilmington, Del.



Biden pledged not to pardon his son ahead of the verdict after attacking his general-election rival Donald Trump for criticizing the fairness of the legal system after a Manhattan jury convicted him May 30 on state charges of falsifying business records to conceal evidence of 2016 “hush money” payments.

Republicans including House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) reacted to the first son’s conviction by calling for a more robust federal investigation of other actions of the Biden family, including alleged violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Joe Biden has consistently claimed he “never” discussed business with his son or brother and said in December and again in March that he “did not” interact with their partners.

US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (L) shake hands after signing a bilateral security agreement during a press conference at the Masseria San Domenico on the sidelines of the G7 Summit hosted by Italy. 6

Biden made the remarks during a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during the G7 Summit in Italy. AFP via Getty Images

However, evidence — including photos, emails and witness statements — indicate that Joe Biden did interact with his son and brother’s associates from two Chinese government-linked business ventures and their patrons from Kazakhstan, Mexico, Russia and Ukraine.

IRS agents Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler last year alleged a sweeping Justice Department coverup to shield the Biden family and prevent the pursuit of evidence pointing to Joe Biden’s role in those ventures, including messages that directly referenced the elder Biden.

It’s possible Biden will change his mind about pardoning his son before leaving office and follow in the footsteps of former President Bill Clinton, who pardoned his brother Roger Clinton, and Trump, who pardoned Charles Kushner, the father of his son-in-law Jared Kushner.

The most controversial pardons generally are reserved for a president’s final weeks — or even hours — in office.

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6b0385 No.192689

File: 4f55c474b938ae4⋯.jpg (160.21 KB,1280x1262,640:631,2024_06_15_19_46_22.jpg)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)


@ Last Call


>>192547, >>192548, >>192549, >>192550, >>192551, >>192552, >>192554, >>192555, >>192556, >>192557, >>192558, >>192559, >>192561, >>192562, >>192563, >>192564, >>192565, >>192566, >>192567, PapiTrumpo (6/12/2024)

>>192553 VIDEO: BLACK HAWK DOWN 30 Years Later: Norm "Hoot" Hooten on the Battle of Mogadishu (YouTube)

>>192560 VIDEO: Secrets of the F-14 Pilot Who Inspired TOP GUN (YouTube)

>>192578 WSA (TwiX) WOW 🚨 Idaho Farmland Water Shutoff “Coincidence”

>>192579 RFKJr (TwiX) Puerto Rico’s primary elections just experienced hundreds of voting irregularities related to electronic voting machines, according to the Associated Press.

>>192580, >>192584, >>192586 SoE (TwiX) Kate Middleton shows up at the King's Birthday Parade.

>>192581, >>192619, >>192620 (TwiX) 🔥🚨DEVELOPING: The princess of Bulgaria is going viral for her new appearance. Fans believe she looks completely different from the photo on the left which is how she used to look.

>>192582 (TwiX) The London metropolitan police stop a runaway cow not by wrangling it safety but by running it over in a car. Policing in Britain in 2024, apparently.

>>192583 WSA (TwiX) Latina Influencer Tells Her 200k+ Followers Why She Left The Democrat Party

>>192585 (TwiX) Flying over Florida

>>192587, >>192597, >>192600, >>192601, >>192602, >>192605, >>192607, >>192609, >>192639, >>192670, >>192671, >>192672, >>192673, >>192674, >>192675, >>192676, >>192677, >>192678, >>192679, >>192680, >>192681, >>192682, >>192683, >>192684, >>192685, >>192686, >>192687, >>192688, (6/13/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com

>>192588 MRC (T.me) Hunter Biden drops laptop lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani

>>192589 GP (T.me) ABLECHILD: Is the FBI Using “Legacy Tokens” to Shield Mental Health Records and Psychotropic Drug Cocktails of Mass Shooters From The Public?

>>192590 GP (T.me) Stanford Internet Observatory, Sued by The Gateway Pundit and America First Legal for their Primary Role in the Censoring Critical COVID-19 and 2020 Election Information, is Finally Shutting Down: Report

>>192591 VIDEO: LIVE: President Trump Speaks at "The People's Convention" in Detroit - 6/15/24 (YouTube)

>>192592 GP (T.me) Steve Bannon: “I Served My Country on a Navy Ship. I’ll Serve My Country as a Political Prisoner — I’ll Do Whatever It Takes to Win This Revolution” (VIDEO)

>>192593 PM (T.me) BREAKING: Steve Bannon predicts Trump will be sentenced to 'multiple years in prison' on July 11

>>192595, >>192623 EW (TwiX) SAY HER NAME: Rachel Morin, 37 year old mother of 5 chiIdren (Maryland).

>>192596 SoE (TwiX) Philipine de Rothschild and the then-director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, are seen having a toast together in this picture.

>>192598 DTV (T.me) NEW - U.S. military conducted a clandestine propaganda campaign to sow doubt about the Covid vaccines provided by China

>>192599 SNN (T.me) "I don't think anyone knows why people are not as happy about the economy as they might be"

>>192603 SNN (T.me) JUST IN: 34-year-old American Airlines passenger who was gagged and strapped with duct tape, is being sued by the Federal Aviation Administration.

>>192604 SNN (T.me) We’ve seen insanity over the last four years. The policies of the Democrat party have failed America.” - Don Jr

>>192606 SNN (T.me) “We want a landslide that is TOO BIG TO RIG!

>>192608 SNN (T.me) ⚠️Elon Musk recently responded to a tweet claiming "ventilators nearly killed all COVID patients"

>>192610, SNN (T.me) 🔥⚠️ A 10 year old girl with a bone disease went on TV to find a friend with the same disease.

>>192611 SNN (T.me) Director Of The FBI James Comey Testimony Against Hillary Clinton

>>192613 SNN (T.me) ⚠️Pedro Israel Orta Worked At The CIA During The Trump Administration

>>192614, >>192625 (TwiX) 🔥🚨BREAKING: This Prostitute allegedly chased NFL Player Terrell Lewis down a hotel hallway naked after he allegedly ran away without paying her for her services. This video is going viral all across the internet.

>>192615 ClownWorld (TwiX) Cop hit on the head during Chicago party shutdown.

>>192617, >>192629, >>192630, >>192635, >>192640 PF (T.me) UPDATE: Police are searching for a gunman who shot at multiple people at a splash pad in Oakland County.

>>192621 SNN (T.me) ⚠️There was a Security Breach at the Detroit Convention Center where President Trump was speaking

>>192622 (TwiX) 🚨🇺🇸 The American House has passed a bill whereby all men aged 18-26 are automatically enlisted to the US military draft.

>>192624 WSA (TwiX) This Black Gay Man Was Just Fired From His Job In New York City Because His Social Media Account Is All Posts About Loving Jesus & Christianity

>>192627 RT1776 (T.me) Yeah.

>>192628 KidRock (TwiX) A vote for Trump is a vote for no tax on tips!

>>192631 CR (TwiX) FALSE PROPHET: NEW: 'Squad' Democrat Cori Bush claims she performed a number of miracles and cured illnesses as a religious faith healer.

>>192632 WSA (TwiX) This Is So Great. The Media, Paid DNC Influencers & Democrats Have All Turned To The Narrative Donald Trump Will Destroy America With Project 2025

>>192633 WSS (TwiX) London blade runners continue cutting down the ULEZ cameras.

>>192634 SNN (T.me) ⚠️Back in 1974, Senator Joe Biden made a very clear statement to America

>>192636 SG (T.me) Southwest Airlines flight plummeted To 400 feet above Pacific Ocean | Fox News

>>192637 HusseinAccount (TwiX) Twelve years ago today, my administration announced the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, giving undocumented immigrants who were brought to this country as children a pathway to citizenship.

>>192638 MattGaetz (TwiX) My full speech today at Turning Point today

>>192641 (TwiX) Gordon Ramsay visibly shaking shows off nasty bike injury (shows injury at 0:40)

>>192642 CR (TwiX) TikTok user Wolfie Kahletti is going viral for public ‘pranks’ where he goes into restaurants to wreak havoc.

>>192643 DonJr (TwiX) You know who’s not on the Epstein list? My father… because if he was, it would have leaked in about half a second!!!!

>>192668 HusseinsAccount (TwiX) Earlier this week, I was in Chicago to check on the progress being made at the Obama Presidential Center.

>>192669 (TwiX) NEW 🚨 A video is going viral of http://Ancestry.com showing Joe Biden’s obituary as 2018; purported death in Guantánamo, Cuba.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6b0385 No.192690

File: 7f84fe50bd9a625⋯.jpg (121.96 KB,1280x1223,1280:1223,2024_06_16_02_04_50.jpg)


That day, once again to be glad you didn't have 2 moms..







Locked & Loaded

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