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File: 22bae576a9e1645⋯.jpeg (7.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Bread_Title_Midnight_Ride….jpeg)

ecdcd5 No.183606 [View All]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.27.2022

@ QR >>17830226 ————————————–——– Be aware of false prophets..

@ QR >>17830253 ————————————–——– Q & A ? In time.

@ QR >>17830238 ————————————–——– What is coded in your DNA?

Wednesday 11.18.22

@ QR >>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.2022

@ QR >>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.8.2022

@ QR >>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control..

Monday 11.7.2022

@ QR >>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.6.2022

@ QR >>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

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55 posts and 109 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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33ede9 No.183700

File: 213bb6e61079c99⋯.png (1.41 MB,1206x1044,67:58,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


BabBee (TwiX) Shuttered Adult Bookstores Cite Fierce Competition From School Libraries https://buff.ly/3RhwmaX

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33ede9 No.183701

File: 6b37c82b12dd826⋯.png (881.59 KB,1204x1464,301:366,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


ALX (TwiX) This dude is always so angry

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33ede9 No.183702

File: 6e96b56173ca86b⋯.png (1.09 MB,1194x1114,597:557,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)

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33ede9 No.183703

File: b50cdf5523f0877⋯.png (949.58 KB,1206x1596,201:266,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


ChuckCallesto (TwiX) BREAKING NOW: ⚠️ Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey files lawsuit against Planned Parenthood Great Plains for TRAFFICKING MINORS OUT OF STATE to obtain abortions without parental consent following BOMBSHELL Project Veritas Investigation..


It is against the law in Missouri to intentionally cause, aid, or assist a minor to obtain an abortion without parental consent in another state. § 188.250, RSMo. Attorney General Bailey is seeking injunctive relief.

"Today, I'm proud to announce that the state of Missouri is moving forward with a lawsuit to permanently drive Planned Parenthood from the state of Missouri."

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33ede9 No.183704

File: 6a07991c5c6f37f⋯.png (1.27 MB,1202x1840,601:920,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


BPU - NBPC Attention President Biden:

Keep our name out of your mouth today.

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33ede9 No.183705

File: 77ae3fa38f93347⋯.jpeg (368.33 KB,865x762,865:762,GHii56uXIAAbGRE.jpeg)

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33ede9 No.183706

File: 584a64bdb5c9315⋯.png (1009.9 KB,1212x968,303:242,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


Benny (TwiX) BIDEN CAUGHT ON HOT-MIC: "Where am I going?!"

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33ede9 No.183707

File: dbdeb32fa8553fc⋯.png (61.06 KB,1200x316,300:79,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


CatTurd (TwiX) Demons are in charge of our country.

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33ede9 No.183708

File: b1e15e4adb3c83b⋯.png (1.06 MB,1208x1066,604:533,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


GatwayPundit (TwiX) House Freedom Caucus Calls on Mitch McConnell to Immediately Step Down from Leadership and Not Screw Republicans in Upcoming Election Like Paul Ryan Did via


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33ede9 No.183709

File: 2f51c183db67d04⋯.png (1.22 MB,1198x962,599:481,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


ZeroHedge (TwiX) Biden Blasted After Claiming Crime Rate Has Fallen To 50-Year-Low

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33ede9 No.183710

File: 0840ae8976f1f16⋯.png (124.6 KB,1196x842,598:421,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


Patrick Bet-David (TwiX) The right people are finding each other.

They’re realizing they’ve been fooled.

They’ve been fooled into believing they’re the “silent minority” instead of the “silent majority”.

They’re no longer silent.

Their strength in numbers scares the hell out of the opposition.

Future looks bright!

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33ede9 No.183711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: 🚨LIVE NOW: Trump Speaking, Inspecting US Border, Biden ROLLED By MAGA in Border Visit, Humiliation! (YouTube )

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33ede9 No.183712

File: 5ab0a76e09f2a74⋯.png (1009.5 KB,1222x1026,611:513,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


BabBee (TwiX) Aides Forced To Cut Mitch McConnell Out Of Six-Pack Of Plastic Rings Again https://buff.ly/3BF19oP

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33ede9 No.183713

File: d0f61ede97a2995⋯.png (1.17 MB,1212x1058,606:529,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


Breaking911 (TwiX) GOLDBERG: “You know what Joe Biden could do since he is presently President?! He could throw every Republican in jail!”

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33ede9 No.183714

File: 38fd3e8304f4712⋯.png (93.6 KB,1510x440,151:44,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)

Think about these numbers, when thinking how many people are coming into the US.

Look at how letting millions of people in would quickly consume America.. turn us into a 3rd world country REAL QUICK.

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33ede9 No.183715

File: 8f5c3c7a5bf71ee⋯.png (72.02 KB,1200x368,75:23,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


Wyatt (TwiX) The real job is not cleaning up the mess that Biden created, the real job is cleaning up the mess that created Biden.

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33ede9 No.183716

File: 04b584a9ac2b666⋯.png (110.75 KB,1208x458,604:229,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


KevinMcCarthy (TwiX) The longest serving leader in the Senate, Leader McConnell leaves his mark on history. He built a conservative Supreme Court and won more at the ballot box and on the Senate floor than anyone. It was an honor working with you @LeaderMcConnell. Thank you for your service.

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33ede9 No.183717

File: fe96f2cf618ad9f⋯.png (1.17 MB,1204x1150,602:575,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: The Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a bill to allow release of the Jeffrey Epstein grand jury documents

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33ede9 No.183718

File: d3f55f18716a32f⋯.png (1.04 MB,1196x1784,299:446,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


WalllStreetApes (TwiX) There’s Something Seriously Wrong Going On In American Public Schools

American Mother To School Board:

“Why can't we let the public know that you're teaching our children to go out and murder our police officers? Do you want the proof? I have the proof.”

“We are entrusting our children to you. We teach our children morals, values when they grow up to commit crimes and end up in prison and kill a police officer. It's our fault? No, it's your fault.

You're emotionally abusing our children and mentally abusing them. You're demoralizing them by teaching them communist values. This is still America, ma'am.”

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33ede9 No.183719

File: 58b78b5e39a7d42⋯.png (149.46 KB,1208x710,604:355,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)



GenFlynn (TwiX) All Americans need to do a basic study of the Bolshevik and Maoist revolutions of the 1920’s and 1960’s respectively. These two will tell you everything you need to know regarding the current cultural revolution America is experiencing. Neither end well.

In the end, good does prevail though.

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33ede9 No.183720

File: 6f4c737c2cbbe91⋯.png (595.33 KB,1188x1556,297:389,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


(TwiX) This Missouri State Highway Patrol Officer has superhuman strength. He didn’t skip leg day either.


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33ede9 No.183721

File: eb01b9b9ce48453⋯.png (2.45 MB,1212x1894,606:947,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


ChrisLaCivita (TwiX) Never know who you are going to run into on the runway at Del Rio TX airport ….to have a Peaceful moment ..🙏⁦ @Franklin_Graham

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33ede9 No.183722

File: 8cacffbf999bce7⋯.png (792.2 KB,1198x1020,599:510,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


GatewayPundit (TwiX) House Oversight Releases Hunter Biden Transcript – Hunter Admits Joe Biden Is the “Big Guy” via


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33ede9 No.183723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump to Visit Eagle Pass, Texas - 2/29/24 (YouTube)

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33ede9 No.183724

File: 95aa0e63519fb4a⋯.png (96.5 KB,1206x446,603:223,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


InsiderPaper (TwiX) JUST IN - The United States is actively deploying offensive weapons in space and conducting military exercises, which makes it the biggest threat to space security, Chinese Defense Ministry Spokesman, TASS reports

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33ede9 No.183725

File: 55fe8468c41009c⋯.png (981.12 KB,1202x1048,601:524,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


TuckerCarlson (TwiX) Ep. 78 The Biden administration helped install a pro-Chinese government in Brazil, which immediately shut down opposition media and began arresting dissidents. Here are two of its victims.

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33ede9 No.183726

File: ff1f1b0c2c5c818⋯.png (871.08 KB,1194x1022,597:511,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


TuckerCarlson (TwiX) Ep. 77 The Cultural Revolution is here. Just ask Xi Van Fleet. She's lived it twice.

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33ede9 No.183727

File: c0b6821b79f1825⋯.png (318.98 KB,489x326,3:2,GHiiJdDbIAEepCL.png)

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33ede9 No.183728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: Lib Host GASPS As Tucker Drops 2020 Election Bombshell: ‘Was 100% STOLEN!’ (YouTube)

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33ede9 No.183729

File: 7d1d0f4606ecdf1⋯.png (58.9 KB,770x230,77:23,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


InsiderPaper (T.me) JUST IN - Officials investigate rare nervous system disorder in older adults who got RSV vaccine - AP

Follow @insiderpaper

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33ede9 No.183730

File: 914931eec29a42c⋯.png (771.57 KB,2898x2656,1449:1328,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)

File: 78bf0392eaa3f7b⋯.png (491.57 KB,2262x2344,1131:1172,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)

File: d9695e3ff5fd120⋯.png (393.63 KB,2170x1962,1085:981,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


https:// www. CDC. gov/ vaccines /hcp /vis /vis-statements/ rsv. html

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccine VIS(CDC. org)

RSV Vaccine: What You Need to Know


Current Edition Date: 10/19/2023

On This Page

Why get vaccinated?

RSV vaccine

Talk with your health care provider

Risks of a vaccine reaction

What if there is a serious problem?

How can I learn more?

Print VIS [2 pages]

RTF file [3 pages]

(For use in electronic systems)

More information about RSV vaccination

Why get vaccinated?

RSV vaccine can prevent lower respiratory tract disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). RSV is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms.

RSV can cause illness in people of all ages but may be especially serious for infants and older adults.

Infants up to 12 months of age (especially those 6 months and younger) and children who were born prematurely, or who have chronic lung or heart disease or a weakened immune system, are at increased risk of severe RSV disease.

Adults at highest risk for severe RSV disease include older adults, adults with chronic medical conditions such as heart or lung disease, weakened immune systems, or certain other underlying medical conditions, or who live in nursing homes or long-term care facilities.

RSV spreads through direct contact with the virus, such as droplets from another person’s cough or sneeze contacting your eyes, nose, or mouth. It can also be spread by touching a surface that has the virus on it, like a doorknob, and then touching your face before washing your hands.

Symptoms of RSV infection may include runny nose, decrease in appetite, coughing, sneezing, fever, or wheezing. In very young infants, symptoms of RSV may also include irritability (fussiness), decreased activity, or apnea (pauses in breathing for more than 10 seconds).

Most people recover in a week or two, but RSV can be serious, resulting in shortness of breath and low oxygen levels. RSV can cause bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways in the lung) and pneumonia (infection of the lungs). RSV can sometimes lead to worsening of other medical conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (a chronic disease of the lungs that makes it hard to breathe), or congestive heart failure (when the heart can’t pump enough blood and oxygen throughout the body).

Older adults and infants who get very sick from RSV may need to be hospitalized. Some may even die.

RSV vaccine

CDC recommends adults 60 years of age and older have the option to receive a single dose of RSV vaccine, based on discussions between the patient and their health care provider.

There are two options for protection of infants against RSV: maternal vaccine for the pregnant person and preventive antibodies given to the baby. Only one of these options is needed for most babies to be protected. CDC recommends a single dose of RSV vaccine for pregnant people from week 32 through week 36 of pregnancy for the prevention of RSV disease in infants under 6 months of age. This vaccine is recommended to be given from September through January for most of the United States. However, in some locations (the territories, Hawaii, Alaska, and parts of Florida), the timing of vaccination may vary as RSV circulating in these locations differs from the timing of the RSV season in the rest of the U.S.

RSV vaccine may be given at the same time as other vaccines.

Talk with your health care provider

Tell your vaccination provider if the person getting the vaccine:

Has had an allergic reaction after a previous dose of RSV vaccine, or has any severe, life-threatening allergies

In some cases, your health care provider may decide to postpone RSV vaccination until a future visit.

People with minor illnesses, such as a cold, may be vaccinated. People who are moderately or severely ill should usually wait until they recover before getting RSV vaccine.

Your health care provider can give you more information.

Risks of a vaccine reaction

Pain, redness, and swelling where the shot is given, fatigue (feeling tired), fever, headache, nausea, diarrhea, and muscle or joint pain can happen after RSV vaccination.

Serious neurologic conditions, including Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), have been reported after RSV vaccination in clinical trials of older adults. It is unclear whether the vaccine caused these events.

Preterm birth and high blood pressure during pregnancy, including pre-eclampsia, have been reported among pregnant people who received RSV vaccine during clinical trials. It is unclear whether these events were caused by the vaccine.

People sometimes faint after medical procedures, including vaccination. Tell your provider if you feel dizzy or have vision changes or ringing in the ears.

As with any medicine, there is a very remote chance of a vaccine causing a severe allergic reaction, other serious injury, or death.

What if there is a serious problem?

An allergic reaction could occur after the vaccinated person leaves the clinic. If you see signs of a severe allergic reaction (hives, swelling of the face and throat, difficulty breathing, a fast heartbeat, dizziness, or weakness), call 9-1-1 and get the person to the nearest hospital.

For other signs that concern you, call your health care provider.

Adverse reactions should be reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Your health care provider will usually file this report, or you can do it yourself. Visit the VAERS website or call 1-800-822-7967. VAERS is only for reporting reactions, and VAERS staff members do not give medical advice.

How can I learn more?

Ask your health care provider.

Call your local or state health department.

Visit the website of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for vaccine package inserts and additional information.

Contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

Call 1-800-232-4636 (1-800-CDC-INFO) or

Visit CDC’s vaccine website

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33ede9 No.183731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: WATCH: Barrage of gunfire as officers confront Houston megachurch shooter (YouTube)

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33ede9 No.183732

File: f67ecbcfd37a17f⋯.png (74.29 KB,1202x366,601:183,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


Breaking911 (TwiX) DEVELOPING: Scanner reports indicate multiple shooting victims at or near a dentist office in El Cajon, California

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33ede9 No.183733

File: 9ff98b1d74301b3⋯.png (1.34 MB,1204x1100,301:275,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


Amuse (TwiX) WARNING: X has reinstated the ‘misgendering’ and 'transgender' rules a year after


ended the policies. X will now reduce the visibility of posts that use the wrong pronoun or deadname a transgender person. Be very careful.

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33ede9 No.183734

File: ffaf7bd35d06f81⋯.png (80.59 KB,1212x466,606:233,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


UnusualWhales (TwiX) Senate has passed the government stopgap bill, averting a US government shutdown.

It is being sent to Biden to sign, per Bloomberg.

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33ede9 No.183735

File: 42f7cfb606fff2f⋯.png (1.07 MB,1198x1070,599:535,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


ALX (TwiX) Trump on Biden: “Don’t associate me with the ‘mental midget’ that you portray.” 🤣

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33ede9 No.183736

File: 0f5c62b88d759d8⋯.png (984.01 KB,1210x1222,605:611,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


InsiderPaper (TwiX) NEW: In his annual state of the nation address, Putin urges Russians to stop drinking and keep making babies.

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33ede9 No.183737

File: 6b670c86b05a5cd⋯.png (1.8 MB,1204x2632,43:94,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


Amuse (TwiX) WEAPONIZATION: Obama-appointed federal judge rules that journalist Catherine Herridge MUST reveal her confidential sources or pay the Biden administration $800/day. CBS recently seized and then returned


's notes after firing her without explanation.

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33ede9 No.183738

File: b45a9c5cf861d08⋯.png (586.53 KB,1202x1520,601:760,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


WSS (TwiX) Hmm … are they attacking our beef supply?

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33ede9 No.183739

File: c03f1ee6d3baa2b⋯.png (1.19 MB,1210x1658,605:829,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


WSS (TwiX) Why are American food ingredients so different from other countries?

🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🤔


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33ede9 No.183740

File: a4b84ddd71cee5a⋯.png (1.94 MB,1198x1448,599:724,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


Wyatt (TwiX) Do people know they're supporting a cult?

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33ede9 No.183741

File: 5583e5076acb4e1⋯.png (99.21 KB,1200x506,600:253,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


ZeroHedge (TwiX) "Lawmakers around the world have pushed Meta to compensate publishers for the stories that appear on the social network. But Meta says that fewer users are turning to Facebook for news anymore" - BBG

Child predators and boomers don't really care what day it is

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33ede9 No.183742

File: 5f83ee076662123⋯.png (132.21 KB,1204x648,301:162,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


ZeroHedge (TwiX) The income needed to afford a home in the US has increased by 80% since 2020, nearly 4x more than the 23% increase in median income over the same period: Zillow

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33ede9 No.183743

File: 9edf564dbd2f812⋯.png (945.31 KB,1202x1004,601:502,Screenshot_2024_02_29_at_2….png)


ZeroHedge (TwiX) Leaked Military Files Show Russia's Nuclear Strike Threshold Lower Than Previously Known

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33ede9 No.183744

File: b15bce51a7a76fd⋯.png (1.49 MB,1534x2680,767:1340,Screenshot_2024_03_01_at_0….png)


James O’Keefe Banned From Equinox Gym For Life After Exposing Old Pervert Judge Arthur Engoron Creeping on Women – Banned From EVER Joining ANY Equinox Gym Again (VIDEO)(TheGatewayPundit.com)

James O’Keefe has been banned for life from the Equinox Gym after releasing footage of Judge Arthur Engoron, who recently hit President Donald Trump with a massive $355 million judgment for his honest business practices and job creation in the state of New York, perving on women at the Equinox location in Long Island, New York.

Similarly, The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson was previously banned from having membership privileges at the Camelback Village in Phoenix, Arizona, and likely all DMB Clubs in Arizona after he confronted Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs. Conradson ran into Hobbs during a morning workout and asked about the stolen 2022 election in Arizona, which she oversaw as Secretary of State and “won” after 60% of voting machines in Arizona’s largest county failed to read ballots for the in-person Republican Kari Lake voters. After asking her about the broken voting machines that she was supposed to conduct tests on prior to election day, she shouted, “Give it a f*cking rest, Jordan.”

The embarrassing incident caused General Manager Paul Apana to pull Conradson into his office and ask him not to do that again. After Conradson posted the video to The Gateway Pundit, as Paul never asked him not to, Conradson received a phone call from Paul notifying him that his long-time membership of 10+ years had been revoked.

O’Keefe received tips from others who had seen Engoron at the Equinox Gym in Long Island and decided to follow up.

Critical Medications Every American Can Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) – And How To Get Them Prescribed


Elon: Cut Your Electric Bill By 90%

Forget The Blue Pill, Use This Household Food…Wives Are Speechless

Forget Furosemide, Use This Household Item To Help Drain Edema Fluid

One source sent him a video of Engoron checking a woman out and appearing to flirt with her. The message says he’s often “creeping girls out” and “does this every visit.” In the video, one woman is seen putting her hand up to gesture “back off.”

Engoron was in the gym wearing a creepy muscle shirt and revealing loose sweatpants. He should probably put on some underwear…

Arthur Engoron’s crotch visible in sweatpants

It looked like a scene out of Family Guy featuring Herbert the Pervert.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the video released by O’Keefe yesterday, where he spoke to Engoron in the gym and released footage of Engoron cornering a young woman and appearing to harass her before she clearly gestured for him to leave her alone.

Engoron is the same creep who recently came under scrutiny for posting half-naked photos of himself on an alumni newsletter he oversees.

The peculiar “BonusTorsoPhoto” showcased a malnourished torso, presumed to be his own, and left many questioning the appropriateness of such content in a school alumni newsletter.


Elon: Cut Your Electric Bill By 90%

Neuropathy is not from Low vitamin B. Meet the Real Enemy of Neuropathy

Forget The Blue Pill, Use This Household Food…Wives Are Speechless

Source: Wheatley Alumni Association Newsletter

The newsletter presented a before-and-after pictorial of the same torso, ostensibly to display physical improvements over time. These images, intended to flaunt muscle gains, instead cast a shadow of doubt over the judge’s judgment.

According to reports, Judge Engoron has been married three times and has four children.

Arthur Engoron is no boy scout. He’s just a weirdo and a seemingly sexually deviant old man.

James O’Keefe received a call from the Equinox gym, notifying him that he is officially “house-canceled from ever joining any Equinox going forward in the future.”

When James inquired on the reason for his membership being canceled, he was met with “Nope! There’s no reason to be given. So just please, going forward, I will house-cancel your membership. You have been canceled, effective immediately, and you will no longer be joined to ANY Equinox.”

After further attempts to inquire as to why Judge Engoron is allowed to creep women out at the gym, the employee hung up on him!

Watch below:

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33ede9 No.183745

File: b58106f598681e4⋯.png (1.09 MB,1214x1404,607:702,Screenshot_2024_03_01_at_0….png)



RepMattGaetz (TwiX) BREAKING: As Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin begs Congress for grace and forgiveness after his unauthorized absence was exposed earlier this year, he REFUSED to give that same grace to the 8,600 service members he kicked out due to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate!

GAETZ: “Now that you see how personal medical decisions are, will you call for the re-recruitment, restoration of full rank and back pay for the 8,600 service members who were vax-mandated out of the military?”


Austin: “No, I won’t.”

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33ede9 No.183746

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Obama's CIA Asked Foreign Intel Agencies To Spy On Trump Campaign(ZeroHedge.com)

Authored by Robert Chernin via RealClear Wire,

The revelation that the U.S. intelligence community, under the Obama administration, sought the assistance of the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance to surveil Donald Trump’s associates before the 2016 election is a chilling reminder of the lengths to which the Deep State will go to protect its interests and challenge its adversaries. (The Five Eyes countries are the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.) This bombshell, reported by a team of independent journalists, exposes a dark chapter in American political history, where foreign intelligence services were reportedly mobilized against a presidential candidate.

The alleged operation against Trump and his associates, which predates the official start of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation, is a stark example of political weaponization of intelligence. The involvement of foreign allies in surveilling American citizens under the pretext of national security raises serious questions about the integrity of our democratic processes and the autonomy of our nation’s intelligence operations.

The narrative that has been pushed for years, that the investigation into Trump’s campaign began with an Australian tip about a boastful Trump aide, now appears to be a cover for a more extensive and coordinated effort to undermine Trump. If reports are accurate, British intelligence began targeting Trump on behalf of American intelligence agencies as early as 2015, long before the official narrative claims.

The implications of this are profound. It suggests an unprecedented level of collusion between U.S. intelligence agencies and their foreign counterparts to influence the outcome of an American presidential election. The use of foreign intelligence to circumvent American laws and surveillance limitations represents a grave threat to our nation’s sovereignty and the principles of democracy.

The fact that this operation was reportedly initiated at the behest of high-ranking officials within the Obama administration, including CIA Director John Brennan, only adds to the severity of the situation. Brennan’s alleged identification of Trump associates for surveillance by the Five Eyes alliance, and the directive to “bump” or make contact with them, illustrates a deliberate strategy to entangle the Trump campaign in a web of suspicion and intrigue.

Moreover, the reported involvement of foreign intelligence in crafting the Russia collusion narrative not only delegitimizes the subsequent investigation but also highlights the willingness of certain elements within the U.S. government to exploit international partnerships for domestic political gain. This revelation demands a thorough and transparent examination to ensure that such abuses of power are brought to light and severely punished to discourage them from being repeated.

As more details emerge, it is imperative that the American public demand accountability from those who orchestrated and executed this operation. The sanctity of our electoral process and the trust in our intelligence agencies are at stake. We must not allow the politicization of intelligence to go unchecked, nor can we tolerate the involvement of foreign powers in our democratic processes.

Robert Chernin is chairman of the American Center for Education and Knowledge. He is a longtime entrepreneur, business leader, fundraiser, and political confidant, and has consulted on federal and statewide campaigns at the gubernatorial, congressional, senatorial, and presidential levels.

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33ede9 No.183747

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"Everything Is Gone": Texas Wildfire Ravages America's Cattle-Mecca(ZeroHedge.com)

A devastating wildfire ravages parts of the Texas Panhandle, home to more than 85% of the state's cattle herd. This comes when the nation's cattle herd has collapsed to a seven-decade low, pushing up retail beef prices at the supermarket to record high levels.

Texas A&M Forest Service said the wildfire, called Smokehouse Creek fire, has scorched more than 850,000 acres (344,000 hectares) of grasslands as of Wednesday.

Source: Bloomberg

Reuters spoke with state Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, who warned the wildfire has likely killed tens of thousands of livestock and destroyed grain in storage bins.

"It's almost like gasoline when it goes up," Miller said, adding, "We have now lost over a million acres.

Miller said the wildfire rages in the Panhandle area, where 85% of the state's herd is located. It's important to note that Texas is the top cattle producer in the nation. He said cattle in feedlots and dairies are safe.

"Feed supplies are scarce for surviving cattle because the fire destroyed grazing lands and bins holding crops like wheat and corn," he said.

Miller continued: "There's absolutely zero vegetation. The cattle that do survive, they have absolutely nothing to eat."

Readers have been well informed about 'beeflation' and why it's happening:

Dwindling US Cattle Herd Implies Supermarket Beef Prices May Rise Even More

Hamburger Prices Might Continue To Rise As US Cattle Herd Shrinks

US Cattle Prices Hit Nine-Year High As National Herd Drops To Half-Century Low

US Beef Prices Hit Record High As Nation's Cattle Herd Expected To Shrink Through 2025

US Cattle Herd At 73-Year Lows As Retail Beef Prices At Record Highs

The latest data from the US Department of Agriculture's biannual cattle inventory report earlier this month showed that the US cattle herd (as of Jan. 1) fell 2% from a year ago to 87.2 million cattle. That's the smallest herd count since 1951.

Source: Bloomberg

A shrinking herd has pushed US retail beef prices to a record of $5.35 per pound. And prices could go much higher.

In a separate interview with Bloomberg, Miller said: "I know ranchers up there — families that have had these ranchers for more than 100 years — everything is gone."

Meanwhile, elites in the WEF cult have been pushing hard to ban cow farts because they allege it's contributing to climate change. These folks are adamant about resetting the global food supply chain to one that puts working poor folks on a bug-heavy diet.

We, the people, will not eat bugs.

Now, more than ever, Americans must break out of the food industrial complex and start their own farms or simply buy from local mom-and-pop farms.

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33ede9 No.183782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: Robert Palmer: Didn't mean to turn you on (YouTube)




Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)



>>183649 ROTNM (T.me) Beware The Wrath of a Patient Man

>>183650 ROTNM (T.me) At this point, everyone watching for the past few years in the Q and the Anon communities can see:

>>183651 ROTNM (T.me) 42 minute video of me calling out Bill Gates and other elites for attempting to DESTROY real food in an attempt to force the peasants to eat tha bugs and the lab chrown meet!

>>183652 FTW (T.me) 🔅Tom Hanks Brings Out Frazzle Drip Ball

>>183653 VIDEO: Pakistan International Airlines #8303 Shocking Final Report! (YouTube)

>>183654, >>183655, >>183656, >>183658, >>183659, >>183660, >>183661, >>183662, >>183664, >>183666, >>183667, >>183668, >>183669, >>183670, >>183672, >>183673, >>183674 PapiTrumpo (2/28/2024)

>>183685 VIDEO: Erik Prince PDB Podcast (YouTube)

>>183687 VIDEO: JoeRogan experience #2111: KattWilliams (YouTube)

>>183688, >>183689 USArmy (TwiX) Arctic Agility

>>183690 Wyatt (TwiX) A contestant on the show Survivor is named Q.

>>183691 SoE (TwiX) Joe Biden suggested that having the right type of roof could offer protection from wildfires.

>>183692 UnusualWhales (TwiX) Panera Bread was exempt from California’s $20 minimum wage law after owner reportedly donated to Gov. Newsom, per NYP.

>>183693 Benny (TwiX) This is Chicago:

>>183694, >>183745 JuanitaBroaddrick (TwiX) Holy S**t ! Matt Gaetz on 🔥 🔥🔥.

>>183695 ZeroHedge (TwiX) Fact-check:

>>183696 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) SCOOP: A source inside a high school in Flint, Michigan sent me this image.

>>183697 GenFlynn (TwiX) McConnell is a political uniparty establishment insider married to a Chinese Communist Party conglomerate (ie., big business) owner who profited off taxpayers his entire life.

>>183698 RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: Watch as President Biden freezes looking dazed and confused as to what he should do next until a staffer seeks to come grab his attention

>>183699 PAB (TwiX) As soon as Biden left Brownsville, so did the staged boat in his photo-op!

>>183700 BabBee (TwiX) Shuttered Adult Bookstores Cite Fierce Competition From School Libraries

>>183701 ALX (TwiX) This dude is always so angry

>>183702 CatTurd (TwiX) 😂😂😂

>>183703 ChuckCallesto (TwiX) BREAKING NOW: ⚠️ Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey files lawsuit against Planned Parenthood Great Plains for TRAFFICKING MINORS OUT OF STATE to obtain abortions without parental consent following BOMBSHELL Project Veritas Investigation..

>>183704 BPU - NBPC Attention President Biden:

>>183706 Benny (TwiX) BIDEN CAUGHT ON HOT-MIC: "Where am I going?!"

>>183707 CatTurd (TwiX) Demons are in charge of our country.

>>183708 GatwayPundit (TwiX) House Freedom Caucus Calls on Mitch McConnell to Immediately Step Down from Leadership and Not Screw Republicans in Upcoming Election Like Paul Ryan Did

>>183709 ZeroHedge (TwiX) Biden Blasted After Claiming Crime Rate Has Fallen To 50-Year-Low

>>183710 Patrick Bet-David (TwiX) The right people are finding each other.

>>183711 VIDEO: 🚨LIVE NOW: Trump Speaking, Inspecting US Border, Biden ROLLED By MAGA in Border Visit, Humiliation! (YouTube )

>>183712 BabBee (TwiX) Aides Forced To Cut Mitch McConnell Out Of Six-Pack Of Plastic Rings Again

>>183713 Breaking911 (TwiX) GOLDBERG: “You know what Joe Biden could do since he is presently President?! He could throw every Republican in jail!”

>>183714 ANON: Look at how letting millions of people in would quickly consume America.. turn us into a 3rd world country REAL QUICK.

>>183715 Wyatt (TwiX) The real job is not cleaning up the mess that Biden created, the real job is cleaning up the mess that created Biden.

>>183716 KevinMcCarthy (TwiX) The longest serving leader in the Senate, Leader McConnell leaves his mark on history.

>>183717 RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: The Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a bill to allow release of the Jeffrey Epstein grand jury documents

>>183718, >>183719 WalllStreetApes (TwiX) There’s Something Seriously Wrong Going On In American Public Schools

>>183720 (TwiX) This Missouri State Highway Patrol Officer has superhuman strength. He didn’t skip leg day either.

>>183721 ChrisLaCivita (TwiX) Never know who you are going to run into on the runway at Del Rio TX airport ….to have a Peaceful moment ..🙏⁦ @Franklin_Graham

>>183722 GatewayPundit (TwiX) House Oversight Releases Hunter Biden Transcript – Hunter Admits Joe Biden Is the “Big Guy” via

>>183723 VIDEO: FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump to Visit Eagle Pass, Texas - 2/29/24 (YouTube)

>>183724 InsiderPaper (TwiX) JUST IN - The United States is actively deploying offensive weapons in space and conducting military exercises, which makes it the biggest threat to space security, Chinese Defense Ministry Spokesman, TASS reports

>>183725 TuckerCarlson (TwiX) Ep. 78 The Biden administration helped install a pro-Chinese government in Brazil, which immediately shut down opposition media and began arresting dissidents. Here are two of its victims.

>>183726 TuckerCarlson (TwiX) Ep. 77 The Cultural Revolution is here. Just ask Xi Van Fleet. She's lived it twice.

>>183728 VIDEO: Lib Host GASPS As Tucker Drops 2020 Election Bombshell: ‘Was 100% STOLEN!’ (YouTube)

>>183729, >>183730 InsiderPaper (T.me) JUST IN - Officials investigate rare nervous system disorder in older adults who got RSV vaccine - AP

>>183731 VIDEO: WATCH: Barrage of gunfire as officers confront Houston megachurch shooter (YouTube)

>>183732 Breaking911 (TwiX) DEVELOPING: Scanner reports indicate multiple shooting victims at or near a dentist office in El Cajon, California

>>183733 Amuse (TwiX) WARNING: X has reinstated the ‘misgendering’ and 'transgender' rules a year after

>>183734 UnusualWhales (TwiX) Senate has passed the government stopgap bill, averting a US government shutdown.

>>183735 ALX (TwiX) Trump on Biden: “Don’t associate me with the ‘mental midget’ that you portray.” 🤣

>>183736 InsiderPaper (TwiX) NEW: In his annual state of the nation address, Putin urges Russians to stop drinking and keep making babies.

>>183737 Amuse (TwiX) WEAPONIZATION: Obama-appointed federal judge rules that journalist Catherine Herridge MUST reveal her confidential sources or pay the Biden administration $800/day. CBS recently seized and then returned

>>183738, >>183747 WSS (TwiX) Hmm … are they attacking our beef supply?

>>183739 WSS (TwiX) Why are American food ingredients so different from other countries?

>>183740 Wyatt (TwiX) Do people know they're supporting a cult?

>>183741 ZeroHedge (TwiX) "Lawmakers around the world have pushed Meta to compensate publishers for the stories that appear on the social network. But Meta says that fewer users are turning to Facebook for news anymore" - BBG

>>183742 ZeroHedge (TwiX) The income needed to afford a home in the US has increased by 80% since 2020, nearly 4x more than the 23% increase in median income over the same period: Zillow

>>183743 ZeroHedge (TwiX) Leaked Military Files Show Russia's Nuclear Strike Threshold Lower Than Previously Known

>>183744 James O’Keefe Banned From Equinox Gym For Life After Exposing Old Pervert Judge Arthur Engoron Creeping on Women – Banned From EVER Joining ANY Equinox Gym Again (VIDEO)(TheGatewayPundit.com)

>>183746 Obama's CIA Asked Foreign Intel Agencies To Spy On Trump Campaign(ZeroHedge.com)

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33ede9 No.183784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Joe was confused why at the border because the only way to get him to go was to tell him he was going to the beach







Locked & Loaded

VIDEO: Biz Markie - Just A Friend (Official Video) (YouTube)

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