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ab3966 No.171909 [Last50 Posts]

‘’’Welcome To Midnight Riders’’’

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.27.2022

@ QR >>17830226 ————————————–——– Be aware of false prophets..

@ QR >>17830253 ————————————–——– Q & A ? In time.

@ QR >>17830238 ————————————–——– What is coded in your DNA?

Wednesday 11.18.22

@ QR >>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.2022

@ QR >>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.8.2022

@ QR >>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control..

Monday 11.7.2022

@ QR >>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.6.2022

@ QR >>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

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ab3966 No.171910



>>131727, >>131745, >>131746, >>131840, >>131851, >>131856, >>131857, >>131858, >>131863, >>131881, >>131915, >>131980, >>131982, >>132070, >>132073, >>132075, >>132077, >>132078, >>132079, >>132080, >>132081, >>132086, >>132090 ‘’’(Swamp must be drained prior to MAGA, The DeepState Plan)’’’


Notables are NOT endorsements* (but MAY be how we feelz*)


>>171745 Crash the Matrix (T.me) Evergrande Chair Xu Jiayin (許家印) is under police surveillance and being investigated for “suspicion of crimes,” the Hong Kong Stock Exchange said on Thursday (Sept. 28).

>>171746 Crash the Matrix (T.me) The government will shut down at 12:01 a.m. ET Sunday if Congress doesn't act, a possibility that looks increasingly likely.

>>171747 CIG Counter Intellegence (T.me) In Eslöv, Sweden, old people in nursing homes go without milk in their porridge, while the local municipal government pays millions to place migrants in hotels. But remember: it's just a dangerous conspiracy theory.

>>171748 CIG Counter Intellegence (T.me) A 95-year-old Korean War veteran is kicked out of his nursing home to make way for illegal alien housing.

>>171749 Techno_Fog (T.me) The subpoenas have gone out for Hunter Biden and James Biden's bank records.

>>171750, >>171751, >>171752, >>171753, >>171754, >>171755 CIG Counter Intellegence (T.me) 🇺🇦 🇷🇺 The available data from Ukraine, as well as the recent war in Nagorno-Karabakh, indicate that tanks are still critical in modern warfare and their vulnerabilities have been exaggerated.

>>171757 LauraAboli (T.me) He wins even when he’s not there! 😂

>>171758 LauraAboli (T.me) Byron Donalds displays Hunter's text message saying he gives half of his salary to Beijing Biden.

>>171760 LauraAboli (T.me) It is clear who their masters are… 🤮🤮🤮

>>171761, >>171762 Post Mellennial (T.me) Senator Dianne Feinstein of California has died at the age of 90, two sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.

>>171763 Aquilla (T.me) BREAKING: NATO authorizes additional forces to “address the current situation" in Kosovo -- Statement

>>171764, >>171765 Aquilla (T.me) Once again Ukrainian forces seen dawning the ISIS Chevron & going into Combat.

>>171766 >>171768 Crash the Matrix (T.me) post from Vincent Kennedy (T.me)

>>171769 The Western Journal (T.me) Trump's Court Loss in NY Called 'Corporate Death Penalty,' And It's as Bad as It Sounds

>>171771, >>171773, >>171774, >>171775, >>171776, >>171777, >>171778, >>171786, >>171787, >>171788, >>171789, >>171790, >>171791, >>171792, >>171793, >>171794, >>171795, >>171796, >>171797, >>171799, >>171800, >>171801, >>171802, >>171803, >>171805, >>171806, >>171807, >>171816, >>171817, >>171818, >>171819, PapiTrumpo (09/27/2023)

>>171785 VIDEO: LIVE: Texas Youth Summit featuring Donald Trump Jr. Live from The Woodlands, TX - 9/29/23 (YouTube)

>>171813 (FLASHBACK) Gunman killed after deadly attack at Jeddah palace gate (AlJazeera.com)

>>171814 (FLASHBACK) VIDEO: YouTube Shooter Vents on Website After Making Just Pennies for Videos (YouTube)

>>171824 Is Google Rigging The 2024 Election? The Controversy Over Invisible Republicans(ZeroHedge.com)

>>171825 DanScavino (TwiX) Bro thought his username would be private

>>171826 DanScavino (TwiX) When the manager micromanages looks at your work

>>171826 DanScavino (TwiX) When the manager micromanages looks at your work

>>171827, >>171828 USArmy (TwiX) .@USArmyEURAF's Sgt. Andrew Rodriguez fires a M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun during the weapons lane portion of the 2023 #ArmyBestSquad Competition at Fort Stewart, Georgia, on Friday.

>>171829 MTG Parody (TwiX) Unreal.

>>171831 TheGatewayPundit (T.me) Democrat Jamaal Bowman Pulls Fire Alarm on Cannon Building -- OBSTRUCTING A FEDERAL PROCEEDING – Shuts Down Congress! – PHOTO RELEASED! – WHERE IS THE BIDEN DOJ?

>>171832 Jack Posobiec (T.me) Now that the uniparty establishment has conceded they cannot defeat Trump in the primary, they will move to sabotage his chances in the general

>>171833 Jack Posobiec (T.me) The Long TDSers are losing it

>>171834 Jack Posobiec (T.me) We are in an energy shift

>>171835 Jack Posobiec (T.me) BREAKING: RFK Jr plans to announce independent run for president: report

>>171836 Patrick Henry (T.me) Cultural Marxism

>>171837,>>171838 Patrick Henry (T.me) On Sept. 30, 2023, Microsoft will Enable Mass Surveillance and AI Training with User Data

>>171839, >>171841, >>171843 Misfit Media (T.me) Rep Bowman was caught on camera today pulling the fire alarm at the Capital to disrupt the legislative process.

>>171840 Evans_Baked (T.me) When I said I'd do everything I could to stop the US government from being held hostage to Ukraine, I meant it.

>>171842 BioClandestine (T.me) Without US funding, Ukraine will implode rapidly. Once Ukraine falls, the Deep State lose their main cash cow and headquarters for offshore criminal racketeering.

>>171844 BioClandestine (T.me) The speed and accuracy of citizen journalism has neutralized most of the MSM’s power.

>>171845 BioClandestine (T.me) Why is anyone honoring Feinstein?

>>171846 BioClandestine (T.me) The primary objective of this impeachment is not to remove Biden.

>>171847 BioClandestine (T.me) In a real world, any of the recent revelations would have made the world stop:

>>171848 BioClandestine (T.me) I didn’t watch a lick of the GOP debate.

>>171849 Gateway Pundit (T.me) CHANGE: San Francisco Mayor London Breed to Require Drug Testing for Homeless Who Want Government Services (VIDEO)

>>171850 The Epoch Times (T.me) While the government QUIETLY released ten videos of a mysterious craft whizzing in the #US sky, "#Alien Corpses" underwent a CT Scan following Mexico's congress hearing. In addition, #archaeologists recently discovered a wooden structure that predates human civilization!

>>171851 Evans_Baked (T.me) Special Counsel Jack Smith uses Trump’s appearance at gun store as a reason for gag order | Just The News

>>171852 Patrick Henry (T.me) Swamp Interference Agent

>>171853 The Patriot Voice (T.me) The Senate just voted to keep the government OPEN for 45 days with full funding. Of course, the TYRANNY train has to keep rolling.

>>171855 DanScavino (TwiX) Happening Now---45 in Costa Mesa, California, where some supporters came out to show their support🇺🇸🦅

>>171856, >>171857, >>171858, >>171859, >>171860, >>171862, >>171863, >>171865, >>171866, >>171867, >>171868, >>171869, >>171870, >>171871, >>171873, PapiTrumpo (09/28/2023)

>>171876 Disclose.tv (TwiX) NEW - Senate passes the House's stopgap measure in 88-9 vote, keeping the U.S. federal government open for another 45 days.

>>171877, >>171878, >>171880, >>171881, >>171883, >>171884, >>171886, >>171887, >>171889, >>171890, >>171891, >>171892, >>171894, >>171895, >>171898, >>171899, >>171900, >>171901, >>171902, >>171903, >>171904, >>171905,

PapiTrumpo (09/29/2023)

>>171923 #889

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Post last edited at

ab3966 No.171911


>>171653 DanScavino (T.me) Storm behind Palmtrees

>>171655 DanScavino (T.me) When someone aks how you got the 8 bed 6 bath house for only 200K

>>171657 Stew Peters (T.me) Global Cabal Cancels Russell Brand: Woke Companies & U.K. Government Target Truth Teller.

>>171658 Stew Peters (T.me) 🚨WE ARE LIVE:🚨

>>171659 US China Watch (T.me) The Chinese Communist Party’s God Delusion

>>171660 US China Watch (T.me) Ford Faces Potential Subpoena Over Its Chinese Partnership as Lawmakers Dial Up Pressure

>>171661 Resist the mainstream (T.me) Here's The Democrat At The Center Of California’s Bills Targeting Parental Rights, Promoting Gender Ideology

>>171662 War Room (T.me) Bidenomics’ fiscal shock: Managing America’s staggering debt

>>171663 War Room (T.me) President Trump Live From Michigan

>>171664 Gateway Pundit (T.me) Radical Left Mich. AG Says Trump Electors “Brainwashed”, Hurts her own Prosecution, Brags about Dem Judicial Bias

>>171665 Gateway Pundit (T.me) Gov’t-Funded Migrant Healthcare Staffing Firm Was Paying $200/Hour For Workers at Migrant Facilities; Two Made $14,000 and $20,000 in ONE WEEK

>>171666 Gateway Pundit (T.me) Project Veritas Serves James O’Keefe with Lawsuit One Day After Announcing It Was Suspending All Operations (VIDEO)

>>171667 Gateway Pundit (T.me) Mayo Clinic Scrubs Page Admitting Hydroxychloroquine Can Be Used to Treat Covid-19

>>171668 Gateway Pundit (T.me) BREAKING: House Republicans Release Docs Showing Delaware Assistant US Attorney DID NOT ALLOW Agents to Investigate Joe Biden as Part of FARA Probe

>>171669 The Epoch Times (T.me) Former President Trump denounced the fraud ruling against him as an attack on his family, issuing a statement after making several social media posts about the New York civil case.

>>171670 Police_frequency (T.me) The North Carolina State Highway Patrol caught two men after a chase reaching speeds of 130 mph ended along Interstate 77 in Iredell County Wednesday

>>171671 BellumActaNews (T.me) Heavy casualties following blast in Tashkent airport - local media

>>171672, >>171673, >>171674, >>171675, >>171676, >>171677, >>171678, >>171679, >>171680, >>171681, >>171682, >>171683, >>171684, >>171685, >>171687, >>171688, >>171689, >>171690, >>171691, >>171692, >>17169,3 >>171694, >>171695, >>171696, >>171697, >>171698, PapiTrumpo (09/26/2023)

>>171702 There’s been an uptick in burned Starlink satellites over the summer, according to satellite tracking data.(Cybernews.com)

>>171705, >>171706 VIDEO: MAJOR Announcement (YouTube)

>>171707 DanScavino (TwiX) UNBREAKABLE

>>171708 DanScavino (TwiX) Maga Moves

>>171709 TulsiGabbard (PARODY) (TwiX) 🚨🔥 Archived video of Donald Trump buying Mar-a-lago at the age of 39

>>171710 DanScavino (TwiX) Incredible welcome last night in Clinton Township, Michigan---as

>>171711 DanScavino (TwiX) An Invasion of America

>>171712 DanScavino (TwiX) After touring a plant at Drake Enterprises, an automotive parts manufacturer and supplier here in Michigan,

>>171713 DanScavino (TwiX) @realDonaldTrump arrives at Drake Enterprises in the Great State of Michigan.

>>171714, >>171715 DanScavino (TwiX) 45🛫MICHIGAN🇺🇸🦅

>>171718 DanScavino (TwiX) 45 off to the Great State of Michigan…

>>171719 DanScavino (TwiX) F22 Agility on Display.

>>171720 ElonMusk (TwiX) The border crisis is worse every day! New York City is buckling under the load already.

>>171721 VIDEO: The Horrors of Plum Island | Hybrids, Human Experiments and Weaponized Killer Insects (YouTube)

>>171722 DJT (TruSoc) The second Republican Primary Debate on FoxNews had the Lowest Viewership since 2016. Their overall Ratings are down 30%. FOX NEEDS MAGA, THEY JUST DON’T KNOW IT YET. STOP WITH THE BAD DEBATES & NEGATIVE ADS, NO MORE. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! DJT

>>171723, >>171724 DanScavino (TwiX) Trump Force One will see you tomorrow---Huntington Beach, California🇺🇸🦅

>>171725, >>171726 (TwiX) Who was JFK Jr. Running against in an election before he died in a plane crash?

>>171740 #888

Archived Breads


Previously Collected Notables

>>171409 #855, >>171552 #886, >>171639 #887,

>>170662 #878, >>170729 #879, >>170803 #880, >>170883 #881 , >>171150 #882, >>171160 #883, >>171336 #884,

>>169445 #871 , >>169575 #872, >>169759, >>169950 #874, >>170257 #875, >>170386 #876, >>170528 #877,

>>168137 #864, >>168348 #865, >>168473 #866, >>168672 #867, >>168886 #868, >>169067 #869, >>169237 #870,

>>167058 #857, >>167243 #858, >>167458 #859, >>167561 #860, >>167675 #861, >>167831 #862, >>167986 #863,

>>166132 #850, >>166230 #851 , >>166365 #852, >>166479 #853, >>166586 #854, >>166756 #855, >>166948 #856,

>>164876 #843, >>165053 #844, >>165296 #845, >>165472 #846, >>165495 #847, >>165709 #848, >>166088 #849,

>>164048 #836, >>163993 #837, >>164052 #838, >>164183 #839, >>164320 #840, >>164400 #841, >>164656 #842,

>>162713 #829, >>162890 #830, >>162984 #831, >>163142 #832, >>163271 #833, >>163373 #834, >>163827 #835,

>>161665 #822, >>161828 #823, >>162193 #824, >>162192 #825, >>162283 #826, >>162756 #827, >>162753 #828,

>>160802 #815, >>160895 #816, >>161086 #817, >>161433 #818, >>161300 #819, >>161367 #820, >>161668 #821,

>>159868 #808, >>159959 #809, >>160096 #810, >>160225 #811, >>160436 #812 , >>160574 #813, >>160677 #814,

>>159028 #801, >>159258 #802, >>159287 #803, >>159361 #804, >>159736 #805, >>159617 #806, >>159714 #807,

>>158068 #794, >>158207 #795 , >>158342 #796, >>158458 #797, >>158576 #798, >>158727 #799 , >>158833 #800,

>>157171 #787, >>157400 #788, >>157383 #789, >>157545 #790, >>158214 #791, >>158213 #792, >>157955 #793,

>>156444 #780, >>156540 #781, >>156683 #782, >>156760 #783, >>156853 #784, >>156956 #785, >>157083 #786,

>>155316 #772, >>155460 #773, >>155603 #774, >>155757 #775, >>155864 #776, >>155998 #777, >>156117 #778,

>>156285 #779,

>>154886 #765, >>154680 (You) #766, >>154768 #767, >>154874 #768, >>154979 #769, >>155088 #770, >>155199 #771,

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ab3966 No.171912

Dedicated MIDNIGHT RIDERS Breads & Board Tools


Midnight Riders EXCLUSIVE TimeLine

Russia Timeline >>130949

Pre-through -2010: >>130958

2011 >>130997

2012 >>131001

2013 >>131002

2014 >>131003

2015 >>164317

2016 >>147961

2017 >>153375

2018 >>122944

International QR Midnight Rider Threads

Australia #15 >>148147

Balkan #1 >>90222

Brasil #1 >>90190

Canada #10 >>147897

France #2 >>16

Italia #2 >>15

Mexico #3 >>148153

Nederland #8 >>148135

New Zealand #6 >>17

Nihon/Japan #2 >>148213

Nordic #4 >>88070

Scotland #3 >>148068

South Africa #3 >>147928

UK #25 >>148017

Misc. Sticky Breads

Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #16 >>22

Bread Archive & Library >>152763

Clockworks #2 >>148195

Kill Box Numbers >>151969

Muh Russia Puzzle Pieces >>115074

Ancient Tech (Collective Post) >>163624


MIDNIGHT RIDERS Video Cap to use when Pic Server is down


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ab3966 No.171913


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Stock Movement Scraper: https://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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Immigration Enforcement: https://trac.syr.edu/phptools/immigration/remove/

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ab3966 No.171914

Patriots Fight [PLACEHOLDER]s

[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ]

[Set 1]

1. Kevin Clinesmith [KC][11.3]

2.Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, (D-Chicago) indicted on corruption charges [4.1.22]

3. Dennis Doyle former three-term Democrat mayor of Beaverton, Ore. ((charged with possession of child pornography))

4. Trey Adkins Democrat on May 2 (related to alleged election fraud and embezzlement)

5.Democratic Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum (Indicted June 22, signed June 7, 2022)

6. National Black Justice Coalition chief executive officer Sharon Lettman-Hick (Indicted June 22, signed June 7, 2022)


[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ]

1. Jeffery Epstein (DEAD?)

2. Ghislaine Maxwell (Guilty)

3. Michael Sussman (Now civilian) Ongoing Trial under Durham (Acquitted 5/31/22)

4. Igor Danchenko

5. Michael Avanatti (FOUND GUILTY 2/4/22)

6. Jussie Smollet (Found GUILTY.. 150days in jail 3/11/22) Seeking re-trial

7. Charles F. McGonigal Arrested in New York (FBI Agent Charged with Concealing $225,000 in Cash Received from Former Intelligence Officer from RUSSIA as he was investigating PDJT for “muh Russia”) 1/23/2023



Examin "PatriotsFight" (there are 9)

Examin "Placeholder" (see spreadsheet)

"…Former FBI official: Indictment of Jeffrey Epstein is 'placeholder,'…"


United States v. SUSSMANN (1:21-cr-00582) District Court, District of Columbia (Court Listener.com) https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/60390583/united-states-v-sussmann/?order_by=desc

Retired FBI Executive Charged with Concealing $225,000 in Cash Received from Former Intelligence Officer: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/retired-fbi-executive-charged-concealing-225000-cash-received-former-intelligence-officer

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ab3966 No.171915

File: e08dc72767e91ca⋯.jpeg (21.58 KB,255x236,255:236,Breaking_News.jpeg)

(PART 1) Current Trends/Topics/HEADLINES in the News per (Week.com) Usually run 1 day late as they report what happened THAT DAY.. the next day

09/01/2023 (Friday)

-Trump pleads not guilty in Georgia election interference case

- 2 ex-Proud Boys leaders sentenced for Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy

- Thomas, Alito respond to criticism over trips with GOP billionaires

- Prigozhin addressed security threats in video recorded days before plane crash

- Idalia moves offshore after final swipe at Carolinas

- White House calls for short-term spending deal to avert shutdown 

- U.S. deports dozens to Haiti a day after urging U.S. citizens to leave

- Illegal border crossings by families surge to record high

- ‘’’McConnell cleared to work after freezing for 2nd time’’’

- Disney channels go dark on Charter Spectrum in fee dispute

09/02/2023 (Saturday)

- North Korea fires missiles into sea following US-South Korea drills

- DeSantis to skip meeting with Biden following Hurricane Idalia

- Proud Boys leader gets 18 years in prison for Capitol insurrection

- Ohio police release body cam footage of officer fatally shooting pregnant woman

- -‘-Margaritaville' singer Jimmy Buffett dies at 76– (fuck your salt shaker)

- US reportedly sending depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine

- Francis becomes first pope to visit Mongolia

- 98-year-old charged with accessory to murder during Holocaust

- Mohamad Al Fayed, whose son died alongside Princess Diana, dies at 94

- College football returns for the 2023 season

09/03/2023 (Sunday)

- Biden visits Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane Idalia

- Former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson dies at 75

- Russia attacks Ukrainian port prior to grain talks with Turkey

- North Korea performs simulated ‘tactical nuclear attack’

- At least 1 dead at Burning Man as thousands remain stranded from flooding

- Florida redistricting plan violates state constitution, judge rules

- Thousands evacuated from Taiwan as Typhoon Haikui hits

- India sets moon rover to ‘sleep’ following successful landing

- UNC response to active shooter criticized by students

- Fans across US mourn passing of Jimmy Buffett (nope)

09/04/2023 (Monday)

- Erdogan and Putin meet in effort to rejuvenate Ukraine grain deal

- Biden heads to Philadelphia for pro-union Labor Day celebration

- Xi Jinping to skip G20 meeting in India as relations remain dicey

- More than 70,000 people still stranded at Burning Man

- Astronauts return to Earth following 6-month space mission

- UK education minister says hundreds of school buildings could be unsafe

- Texas AG Ken Paxton to begin impeachment trial

- Greece limits Acropolis tourists in effort to stop overcrowding

- Remains of 142-year-old shipwreck found in Lake Michigan

- Original Smash Mouth singer Steve Harwell dies at 56

09/05/2023 (Tuesday)

- Biden courts unions on Labor Day

- Burning Man exodus begins after desert mud trapped thousands 

- Kim Jong Un to visit Russia to discuss weapons sales

- Ukrainian defense minister resigns in shakeup

- Country Garden makes late interest payment to avoid default

- Gabon coup leader sworn in as interim president

- Jill Biden tests positive for Covid

- Report: Chinese 'gate-crashers' test security at US military sites

- 'Barbie' becomes top box office hit of 2023 (which means skewed data or noone saw any other movie)

- Rolling Stones to release 1st album of new material since 2005

09/06/2023 (Wednesday)

- Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio sentenced to 22 years

- Judges: Alabama GOP congressional map still hurts Black voters

- Capitol physician: 'No evidence' McConnell suffered stroke or seizure

- Texas AG Ken Paxton pleads not guilty as impeachment trial begins

- Sullivan warns North Korea not to supply Russia with weapons

- Murdaugh lawyers accuse official of jury tampering, request new trial

- Cuba says human trafficking ring sent Cubans to fight for Russia in Ukraine

- Regulators take step toward massive air bag inflator recall

- Tropical Storm Lee expected to become Category 4 hurricane

- Summer 2023 was the hottest on record

09/07/2023 (Thursday )

- Trump liable in 2nd E. Jean Carroll defamation case

- Blinken promises $1 billion more in aid during Ukraine visit

- Colorado voters sue to keep Trump off 2024 ballot

- Special counsel to seek Hunter Biden indictment within weeks

- Biden blocks oil drilling in much of Arctic Alaska

- Mexico's Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide

- Judge orders Texas to remove Rio Grande floating barriers

- Lee expected to strengthen into major hurricane

- 2 women picked as Mexico's leading 2024 presidential candidates

- Spanish soccer player Jenni Hermoso accuses embattled official of sexual assault

09/08/2023 (Friday)

- Ex-Trump adviser Peter Navarro found guilty of contempt of Congress

- Appeals panel says Texas can keep border buoys for now

- Biden seeks to counter Russia, China aggression at G-20 summit

- Hurricane Lee's top winds reach 165 mph over Atlantic

- Ukraine slams Musk over report he foiled drone attack in Crimea

- Georgia prosecutor says Jordan interfering in Trump case

- Rescuers scramble to save ailing American in Turkey cave

- 5 ex-London police officers admit racist messages about Meghan, other royals

- 'That '70s Show' star Danny Masterson sentenced to 30 years to life for rapes

- Coco Gauff advances to her 1st US Open final

09/09/2023 (Saturday)

- More than 1,000 dead following massive earthquake in Morocco

- G20 countries to unveil rail and ports corridor linking Middle East and Europe

- Biden administration brings abortion pill access to Supreme Court

- Judge denies Mark Meadows’ request to move Georgia case to federal court

- Court rules Biden administration likely violated 1st Amendment in dealing with social media companies

- New Mexico governor temporarily suspends public gun carry laws in Albuquerque

- Jalisco, Mexico hit by 5.5 magnitude earthquake

- Former Philadelphia police officer charged with murder for Eddie Irizarry shooting

- US Open to conclude between Coco Gauff and Aryna Sabalenka

- Fran Drescher re-elected SAG-AFTRA president as strike continues

09/10/2023 (Sunday)

- Aftershock strikes Morocco as death toll rises

- Approval of new Covid shots likely coming within days

- Hurricane Lee expected to restrengthen on its way to the coast

- Rishi Sunak lambasts China after allegations of spy in UK Parliament

- Police announce additional sightings of Pennsylvania escaped murderer

- Coco Gauff wins US Open to secure 1st Grand Slam title

- Catholic Church beatifies Polish family that hid Jews during Holocaust

- 2 New Sept. 11 victims identified ahead of anniversary

- Conservative activist’s son convicted of Jan. 6-related charges

- Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis apologize for supporting Danny Masterson during sexual assault trial

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
Post last edited at

ab3966 No.171916

File: e08dc72767e91ca⋯.jpeg (21.58 KB,255x236,255:236,Breaking_News.jpeg)

(PART 2) Current Trends/Topics/HEADLINES in the News per (Week.com) Usually run 1 day late as they report what happened THAT DAY.. the next day

09/11/2023 (Monday)

- Morocco earthquake survivors spend 3rd night outside as rescue effort continues

- Biden signs partnership with Vietnam to counter China's rise

- Djokovic wins US Open for record 24th Grand Slam title

- Russian shelling kills 2 foreign aid workers in Ukraine

- Brazil president says Putin can attend next G20 summit without fear of arrest

- Sudan air strike kills dozens at market

- Spanish soccer federation chief resigns over unwanted kiss

- Michigan State suspends football coach accused of sexual harassment

- Kim leaves for meeting with Putin

-US marks 22nd anniversary of 9/11 terrorist attacks

09/12/2023 (Tuesday)

- US to release $6 billion to Iran under prisoner swap

- Kim arrives in Russia for talks with Putin

- Hundreds killed in Libya flooding

- Morocco earthquake death toll rises as frantic rescue efforts continue

- UK says Russia attacked civilian cargo ship in Black Sea port

- Alabama asks Supreme Court to step in after ruling against congressional map

- FDA approves new Covid vaccines

- Solemn ceremonies mark 9/11 22nd anniversary

- American caver rescued in Turkey

- Charter reaches deal to end Disney blackout

09/13/2023 (Wednesday)

- McCarthy directs 3 House committees to open Biden impeachment inquiry

- Libya flood death toll rises above 5,000

-Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin meet at Russian spaceport

- Russian shipyard in Crimea burning after Ukraine missile strike

- Ex-Memphis officers charged with civil rights violations in Tyre Nichols' death

- CDC recommends everyone older than 6 months get new Covid vaccine

- Pennsylvania escaped murderer believed to have a stolen rifle

- Astronaut Frank Rubio sets US space endurance record

- FDA advisory panel says popular decongestant doesn't work

- Taylor Swift leads MTV Video Music Awards winners

09/14/2023 (Thursday )

-Romney won't seek reelection

- Escaped murderer captured in Pennsylvania

- Libya flood death toll rises as bodies wash ashore

- Judge rules latest Biden version of DACA still illegal

-Rising gas prices pushed inflation higher in August

-Judge blocks New Mexico order suspending open-carry gun law

- Hurricane Lee heads toward Maine

- Argentina police shut down bookstore selling Nazi content (last home of Hitler, and where the 3rd Reich based the 4th Reich from)

- Rep. Lauren Boebert kicked out of 'Beetlejuice' performance

- Rep. Mary Peltola's husband dies in Alaska plane crash

09/15/2023 (Friday)

- Hunter Biden indicted on gun charges

- Conservatives clash with House, Senate leaders as shutdown looms

- Georgia judge splits Trump from 2 co-defendants getting early trial

- Libya flooding death toll surges above 11,000

- UAW strike targets Ford, GM, Stellantis

- Zelenskyy to meet with Biden at White House next week

- IRS freezes pandemic employer tax benefit to fight fraud

- Ukraine hits key Russian air defense system in Crimea

- Dominican Republic closes border with gang-ravaged Haiti

- Ex-Kentucky county clerk ordered to pay gay couple denied marriage license

09/16/2023 (Saturday)

- Ripple effects seen throughout auto industry as UAW strikes

- Lee expected to bring flooding and storm winds to New England

- Florida GOP drops loyalty pledge for 2024 in win for Trump

- Kim Jong Un inspects weaponry as trip to Russia continues

- Trio acquitted in plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

- New Mexico governor narrows gun ban after political and judicial backlash

- Officials drop Maui wildfire death toll to 97 following DNA analysis

- Wagner Group declared terrorist organization by UK

- Lauren Boebert apologizes after being kicked out of play for disruptive behavior

- Ashton Kutcher resigns as chair of anti-child abuse group after Masterson letter

09/17/2023 (Sunday)

- Texas AG Ken Paxton acquitted in impeachment trial

- Kim Jong Un returning to North Korea after rare foreign trip to Russia

- Lee brings destructive flooding, leaving 42,000 without power in Maine

- Biden to meet with Netanyahu amid tensions over Israeli judicial reforms

- California files lawsuit against major oil companies over fossil fuels

- House Republicans to probe federal response to Maui wildfire

- Iranian police detain Mahsa Amini’s father on 1-year anniversary of her death

- Thousands rally in Australia for Indigenous recognition

- Pope Pius XII likely knew of Holocaust, newly found Vatican letter suggests (Vatican was working with the Nazis.. google image search)

- Rolling Stone co-founder Jann Wenner removed from Rock & Roll Hall of Fame board following controversial interview

09/18/2023 (Monday)

- Climate protesters urge world leaders to 'end fossil fuels'

- Trump says he doesn't 'even think about' the possibility of prison

- Russia briefly shuts down 3 airports after latest drone attack

- Iranian assets reach Qatar, clearing way for prisoner swap

- Sudan skyscraper catches fire amid latest fighting in Khartoum

- McCarthy proposes cutting spending 8% to avert shutdown

- Marine F-35 fighter jet missing after 'mishap' over South Carolina

- UAW chief rejects Stellantis offer of 21% pay hike

- BBC 'urgently' investigating allegations against Russell Brand

- Drew Barrymore apologizes, delays talk show's return until strike ends

09/19/2023 (Tuesday)

- Iran, US release prisoners in complicated swap

- Canada accuses India of role in Canadian Sikh leader's assassination

- GOP hardliners undermine McCarthy plan to avert shutdown

- Jewish groups call Trump's Rosh Hashanah message 'antisemitic'

- Ukraine dismisses 6 deputy defense ministers

- Hunter Biden sues the IRS over alleged privacy violations

- Trump to skip 2nd GOP debate, address workers in Detroit

- Giuliani's ex-lawyer sues over $1.4 million in unpaid fees

- Marines find wreckage of missing F-35B fighter jet

- UAW says more walkouts could be coming Friday

09/20/2023 (Wednesday)

- Zelenskyy, Biden urge UN members to counter Russian aggression

- Far-right House Republicans block spending bill as shutdown looms

- Azerbaijan hammers breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region

- Prosecutors examine Musk's Tesla perks

- Republicans slam Schumer for relaxing Senate dress code

- House panel schedules 1st Biden impeachment hearing

- Federal charges filed over New York toddler's fentanyl death

- Man suspected of killing elderly women slain in Texas prison cell

- Spain's World Cup–winning women's soccer players agree to end boycott

- Bijou Phillips files for divorce from Danny Masterson after rape sentencing

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171917

File: e08dc72767e91ca⋯.jpeg (21.58 KB,255x236,255:236,Breaking_News.jpeg)

( Part 3) Current Trends/Topics/HEADLINES in the News per (Week.com) Usually run 1 day late as they report what happened THAT DAY.. the next day

09/21/2023 (Thursday)

- Biden extends protections, work permits to 470,000 Venezuelans

- Republicans grill Garland about Hunter Biden, Trump investigations

- Zelenskyy says Russia's veto stymies UN Security Council

- Conspiracy theory target Ray Epps pleads guilty to Jan. 6 charge

- Fed leaves rates unchanged but keeps door open for another hike

- Senate confirms new Joint Chiefs chair despite Tuberville blockade

- White House to create gun violence prevention office

- US offers free Covid tests again

- Biden, Netanyahu meet on sidelines of UN

- India issues travel advisory for Canada

09/22/2023 (Friday)

- Zelenskyy appeals for more aid in Washington visit

- Rupert Murdoch retiring as head of Fox, News Corp.

- GOP hardliners block spending bill again as shutdown looms

- India cancels Canada visa services

- Federal IT contractor charged with espionage

- Ukraine scrambles to resolve grain dispute

- Home sales drop again

- Senate confirms 2 more military leaders

- US extends Afghan refugee protections

- Bus headed to New York band camp crashes, killing 2 adults

09/23/2023 (Saturday)

-Sen. Bob Menendez rejects calls to resign following indictment

- Ukraine launches missile attack on occupied Crimean city

- GM and Stellantis face parts shortages as UAW strike continues

- Biden creates White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention

- GOP to hold 3rd presidential debate on Nov. 8 in Miami

- Tropical Storm Ophelia slams North Carolina

- White House reportedly in talks with Vietnam over arms deal

- Colorado judge in Trump ballot case issues protective order

- WGA and studios to continue meeting in effort to end writers’ strike

- Amazon to implement ads on Prime Video

09/24/2023 (Sunday)

- Nagorno-Karabakh's Armenian population to leave region amid fears of persecution

- Atlantic coast remains under flood warnings from Ophelia

- US to open new embassies in Pacific in effort to strengthen ties against China

- Philippines accuses China of installing 'floating barrier' in South China Sea

- Space capsule to return to Earth with NASA’s first asteroid samples

- Doug Burgum appears to qualify for second Republican debate

- Family of Black student suspended for hairstyle sues Texas

- California vetoes bill requiring human drivers in autonomous trucks

- Ruth Bader Ginsburg postage stamp to be issued this October

- Former hockey player Nic Kerdiles dies in motorcycle crash

09/25/2023 (Monday)

- House GOP leaders pressure holdouts to help avert shutdown

- Hollywood writers reach tentative deal with studios to end strike

- NASA asteroid sample touches down in Utah

- Kosovo police retake monastery from gunmen near Serbian border

- Democrats split on calling for Menendez to resign

- Macron says France will pull troops out of Niger

- 40,000 march in Spain against amnesty for Catalan separatists

- Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter visit Plains Peanut Festival

- Danish dictionary to get gender-balanced words

- 'Nun 2' holds on to top box office spot for 3rd weekend

09/26/2023 (Tuesday)

- Congress returns with shutdown looming

- Ukraine says it killed Russia's Black Sea Fleet commander

- Menendez says cash at house was from savings, not bribes

- Ford stops work at $3.5 billion EV plant

- Newsom signs 3 LGBTQ support bills after controversial veto

- 1st Lahaina residents return to homes burned in Maui wildfire

- Work begins to raise Mississippi saltwater barrier

- Canada House speaker faces calls to resign

- Report: Antarctica sea ice levels hit record low

- Costco offers members online health care

09/27/2023 (Wednesday)

-Judge finds Trump liable for fraudulent property values(PANIC)

- Biden visits striking auto workers on picket line

- Senate proposes short-term fix to prevent a shutdown

- Supreme Court rejects Alabama election map, again

- Ukraine 'clarifying' report it killed Russia's Black Sea Fleet commander

- Canada House speaker quits after honoring Nazi veteran

- Hollywood writers cleared to return to work

- Newsom signs tougher California gun laws

- China warns Philippines over removal of floating barrier

- Dozens killed in fire at Iraq wedding

09/28/2023 (Thursday)

- GOP candidates fight for spotlight in 2nd debate

- Senate approves formal dress code

- Nagorno-Karabakh government to dissolve

- Economists say short shutdown wouldn't trigger recession

- North Korea releases US soldier who dashed over border

- Oil prices rise to highest level in a year

- Judge declines to recuse herself in federal Trump case

- Menendez pleads not guilty to bribery charges

- Biden extends aid as saltwater creeps up Mississippi

- Remains identified as those of Colorado woman missing since 2020

09/29/2023 (Friday)

- House committee launches Biden impeachment inquiry

- Appeals court rejects Trump bid to delay civil fraud trial

- Government tells workers shutdown appears imminent

- Biden says Trump threatens democracy

- Gunman in bulletproof vest kills 3 in Rotterdam

- Bombing kills dozens celebrating Muslim prophet's birthday in Pakistan

- California sets $20 minimum wage for fast food workers

- Teen arrested for felling of iconic tree in England

- Netflix ships last DVDs

- Actor Michael Gambon, Dumbledore in 'Harry Potter' films, dies at 82

09/30/2023 (Saturday)

- Government shutdown looms after failed House vote

- California Sen. Dianne Feinstein dies at 90

- Mark Milley takes jab at Trump during military retirement speech

- Bail bondsman charged with Trump in Georgia case pleads guilty

- UAW announces additional walkouts as auto strike continues

- Downpour leaves New York City drenched with more rain expected

- Almost all of Nagorno-Karabakh’s Armenian population has reportedly left region

- France and Germany to begin setting up weapon shops in Ukraine

- Serbian military building up forces on Kosovo border

- Suspect arrested in 1996 murder of rapper Tupac Shakur

>>158456, >>158457, >>158460 February Headlines 2023

>>159969, >>159970, >>159971 March Headlines 2023

>>161677, >>161678, >>161679 April Headlines 2023

>>163277, >>163278, >>163279 May Headlines 2023

>>165172, >>165173, >>165174 June Headlines 2023

>>167568, >>167569, >>167570 July Headlines 2023

>>169942, >>169943, >>169944 August Headlines 2023

UPDATED Daily: A constant work in progress. Please let me know what needs highlighted

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171918

File: 09bdfab700b962a⋯.webp (4.89 KB,255x143,255:143,TwattxBirb.webp)

THE TWATT FILES (( Now the X- files???))


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #1 https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1598822959866683394.


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) Twitter Files Supplemental #1 Twitter Deputy General Counsel (and former FBI General Counsel) Jim Baker was fired.– https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1600243405841666048


- BariWeiss (Twatter) THE TWITTER FILES PART #2 TWITTER’S SECRET BLACKLISTS. https://twitter.com/bariweiss/status/1601007575633305600


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #3 Deplatforming the President: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1601352083617505281


- MichaelShellenberger (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #4 The Removal of Donald Trump: January 7: https://twitter.com/ShellenbergerMD/status/1601720455005511680


- BariWeiss (Twatter) THE TWITTER FILES PART #5 THE REMOVAL OF TRUMP FROM TWITTER.: https://twitter.com/bariweiss/status/1602364197194432515


- MattTaibbi THE TWITTER FILES PART #6 TWITTER, THE FBI SUBSIDIARY: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1603857534737072128


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) Twitter Files Supplemental #2 TWITTER AND THE FEDERAL TASK FORCE: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1604614616738566144


- MichaelShellenberger (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #7 RELEASED: https://twitter.com/ShellenbergerMD/status/1604871630613753856


- LeeFang (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #8 *How Twitter Quietly Aided the Pentagon’s Covert Online PsyOp Campaign*: https://twitter.com/lhfang/status/1605292454261182464


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #9 TWITTER AND "OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES": https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1606701397109796866


- DavidZweig (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #10 THE TWITTER FILES: HOW TWITTER RIGGED THE COVID DEBATE: https://twitter.com/davidzweig/status/1607378386338340867


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #11 Twitter and the FBI “Belly Button”: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1610394197730725889

- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #12 How Twitter Let the Intelligence Community In: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1610372352872783872


- AlexBerenson (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #13 how @scottgottliebmd - a top Pfizer board member - used the same Twitter lobbyist as the White House to suppress debate on Covid vaccines, INCLUDING FROM A FELLOW HEAD OF @US_FDA!: https://twitter.com/AlexBerenson/status/1612526697038897167


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #14 THE RUSSIAGATE LIES One: The Fake Tale of Russian Bots and the #ReleaseTheMemo Hashtag: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1613589031773769739


- LeeFang (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #15 How the pharmaceutical industry lobbied social media to shape content around vaccine policy.: https://twitter.com/lhfang/status/1615008625575202818


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #16 MOVE OVER, JAYSON BLAIR: TWITTER FILES EXPOSE NEXT GREAT MEDIA FRAUD: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1619029772977455105


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #17 Comic Interlude: A Media Experiment: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1627098945359867904


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #18 New Knowledge, the Global Engagement Center, and State-Sponsored Blacklists: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1631338650901389322


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #19 Statement to Congress: THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1633830002742657027


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #20 The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine: Stanford, the Virality Project, and the Censorship of “True Stories”: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1636729166631432195


- PaulD.Thacker (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #21 #FauciPharmaFiles: Fauci went on Fox News and said he had "no clue what [Elon] was talking about.": https://twitter.com/thackerpd/status/1649037538663727106


- NetworkAffects (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #22 “The Information Cartel": https://twitter.com/NAffects/status/1650954036009398277


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) Twitter Files Supplemental #3 The Racket Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex: the Top 50 Names to Know: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1656339220082876416


- MichaelShellenberger (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #23 TWITTER FILES: CENSORSHIP BY TURKISH GOVERNMENT: https://twitter.com/shellenberger/status/1658570201439571968


- PaulDThacker (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #24 “Internal files expose privileged reporter access": https://twitter.com/thackerpd/status/1658812586073153539


- AlexBerenson (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #25 “Twitter's own lawyers believed the company could not successfully defend its Covid vaccine censorship policies” https://twitter.com/AlexBerenson/status/1664336812473458702


- NetworkAffects (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #26 “How the World's "No-Kidding Decision Makers" and the "Anti-Disinformation" Field Got Organized” https://twitter.com/NAffects/status/1666151678184243200


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) TWITTER FILES Part #27 Missouri v. Biden edition "Thank you for your ongoing collaboration!” https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1678890478081650688


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) Twitter Files Supplemental #4 "Why do we act more on Trump's tweets… and less on some clearly violating tweets from other world leaders?" https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1689387450060132353


- KyleCheney (Twatt) TWITTER FILES Part #28 Jack Smith obtained a stunning amount of Trump’s data from Twitter — DMs (yes, there were DMs), location info, draft tweets and more — newly unsealed court docs show. https://twitter.com/kyledcheney/status/1691636484707647596

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171919

File: 0f59a75bb2d762c⋯.jpg (97.06 KB,500x666,250:333,FaceFagFiles.jpg)



RepJimJordan (X) THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART #2: Newly subpoenaed documents reveal Facebook bowed to the Biden White House’s pressure to remove posts. https://twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/status/1684957660515328001

RepJimJordan (X) THE FACEBOOK FILES PART #3 : Newly subpoenaed internal notes of meetings between Facebook executives and Biden Admin officials reveal more about the lengths the Biden White House wanted to go to control true speech on Facebook. https://twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/status/1687116316073930752


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171920

File: 44f09e4e720eb0b⋯.png (667.73 KB,2536x864,317:108,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_0….png)

Q Deltas for September 30 -2 days per schedule ( 4 Deltas for — October 02 )

God Bless the HEROS in the line of fire, God Bless the Patriots fighting for the hearts and minds.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171921

File: a0a2606344f7a26⋯.png (1.26 MB,2526x2594,1263:1297,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_0….png)

Q Deltas for October 01 -2 days per schedule ( 9 Deltas for — October 03 )

God Bless the HEROS in the line of fire, God Bless the Patriots fighting for the hearts and minds.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171922

File: 08fa59a82ee6a30⋯.gif (1.14 MB,960x1200,4:5,eCP8TrF.gif)

Golden Dough


Let the gold fill your soul as you poast in this bread

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
Post last edited at

ab3966 No.171925

File: 5e4165f09584c16⋯.png (1.29 MB,1386x2270,693:1135,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_0….png)

File: e19d76c0147dd7a⋯.png (39.58 KB,620x282,310:141,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_0….png)

File: 4b75c018e2956a1⋯.png (92.42 KB,618x490,309:245,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_0….png)

File: 19d5d50eaf8ad89⋯.png (36.99 KB,618x316,309:158,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_0….png)

File: 9bc9dc9416ca599⋯.png (165.92 KB,622x1040,311:520,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_0….png)


DanScavino (TwiX) 45 is wheels down in beautiful Des Moines, Iowa—after a great two days in California…

He will be delivering remarks at the “Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus Event” in Ottumwa at 2:30pm (US/Central).

Bridge View Center

102 Church St.

Ottumwa, IA 52501

Get your tickets⤵️

🔗 https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/45th-president-of-the-united-states-donald-j-trump-to-deliver-remarks-at-team-trump-iowa-caucus-commitment-event-in-ottumwa

4:07 EST


Did you find the exchange 2 days ago re: WH EO today?

We listened.

Feel proud.



Follow Huma.

What just broke w/ Huma?

What did HRC instruct Huma to do re: Classified markings?

Why is this story just now coming out?

What relevance does it have?

Why is Donna running for cover?

Was a deal granted in exchange for something?

Who made the deal?

Do we care about Donna or those who instructed her to violate the law?

Why is this being leaked v. simply prosecuted privately?

Who is attempting to change the narrative and soften the acts that are forthcoming this weekend?




4Chan infiltrated.

Future posts will be relayed here.



Have you been watching the news since Friday?

Who is Peter Strzok?

How was he compromised?

How was he paid?

Who is Melissa Hodgman?



Date of promotion?

Focus on the date.

What events re: Peter recently occurred that you now know?

Think HRC emails, Weiner laptop, etc.


Date of promotion of wife?

How do they stack the deck?

Who do they want inside the gov't?

What are puppets?

How do you control a puppet?

#2 in FBI?

Wife connection?

What is a pattern?

Follow the wives.

Keep watching the news this week.

Future proves past.

Re-read crumbs.


How many D's / R's will not seek re-election?


What just passed in the Senate?


Who is their new handler?

Do as told?

Why is this relevant?

Do you not understand the gov't is being gutted publicly?

Bottom middle top.

Hussein Iran connection.

Bombs away.

Merry Christmas.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171926

File: 0c9879bfadb4485⋯.png (38.49 KB,628x298,314:149,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_0….png)

File: 8a01055223c369c⋯.png (49.59 KB,610x284,305:142,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_0….png)



14.5995° N, 120.9842° E






Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive.

Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Always ahead. Good guys are winning.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171927

File: e5a1d5853a3b79e⋯.png (1.37 MB,1374x2318,687:1159,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_0….png)


WSS (TwiX) China is revamping its Social Credit System to include their Central Bank Digital Currency.

Now, a minimum social credit score of 550 is required to buy food from vending machines in China.

These vending machines run on WeChat, a Chinese digital wallet 🔥🔥🔥

Are you ready for this system in the USA and Europe? It will used to determine how far from home you can travel. If you get outside of your approved area, you will need an extra carbon allowance for travel. Otherwise your money won’t work.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171928

spent a LOT of time catching up, nearly done with today's papi, but need sleep.


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ce7da6 No.171929

File: 6eb963c85a77d2b⋯.jpg (23.43 KB,357x357,1:1,Q_News_Now_Pepe_2023091807….jpg)


Thank You, o7

Kek, nice gif, at first I thought it didn't work.


Good night and good morning! Have a Blessed day Tom & Anons, o7

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ab3966 No.171930


I actually didn't know it was a gif, I went out and looked for the gold pepe, I have it someplace, but easier to go grab it.. have no idea who it is that flashes.. hmm

Have a good one!

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ab3966 No.171931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: Solar Flares, Big Filament, Top News | S0 News Oct.1.2023 (YouTube)

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ab3966 No.171932

File: a719a30f27198f3⋯.png (1.24 MB,1386x1088,693:544,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 96d4be18e1cd413⋯.png (1014.84 KB,632x1464,79:183,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 8a454ab68c0dae3⋯.png (92.51 KB,640x730,64:73,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 2be67d63d831bfa⋯.png (45.24 KB,642x246,107:41,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)




PapiTrumpo (TwiX) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

12:02 EST




ILPresidento (TruSoc) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

12:11 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

12:11 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

12:11 EST



This door will be opened later.

The choice, to know, will be yours.







http:// newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/09/28/agnes-nixon-soap-operas/




Not everything can be publicly disclosed because so much ties back to foreign heads of state. Much will be revealed, we want transparency but not at a cost we can’t recover from.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171933

File: c31731034f9d2c2⋯.png (209.59 KB,1334x934,667:467,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: da522a1abf40b11⋯.png (1.21 MB,2672x2420,668:605,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 3fb9a9aef513657⋯.png (834.29 KB,2656x2880,83:90,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 25adc53ceb68d6f⋯.png (1.04 MB,2722x2586,1361:1293,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 364ae20e1ccf70d⋯.png (1.23 MB,2662x2200,121:100,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)




part 1

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ab3966 No.171934

File: 2f74ed264afea19⋯.png (1.18 MB,2680x2354,1340:1177,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)



part 2

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171935

File: 532d72101dbf22c⋯.png (95.15 KB,1374x504,229:84,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 33046c942bab102⋯.png (45.28 KB,658x322,47:23,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 8b6243b9b44e000⋯.png (107.3 KB,682x558,11:9,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: f575a5e14de650c⋯.png (107.65 KB,676x440,169:110,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: b2fbb4890bfa45e⋯.png (83.9 KB,656x366,328:183,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


KANSAS (TwiX) "Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice."

1 Chronicles 16:10

#SundayScripture ✝️

10:20 EST



Used against them.

NG now active.

Refer to old drops re: SA / NG.





Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.


HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.


Remember, the FBI, and MI, have an open investigation into the CF. Why did Comey drop this? Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis? How many kids disappeared? How much money sent to CF under disguise of H relief went to H? What countries donated big money to CF and why? How much was owed by accepting? When she lost how would this be repaid? What did Obama do with cash just prior to leaving office? Repayment to those who donated for favors/access? Dig!!!!!

Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out? These people worship Satan _ some openly show it.


Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise. POTUS knows he must clean house (gov't) in order to 'free up' and demonstrate who has authority in order to pass important legislation. This was always the priority. Remember, AG Sessions cannot look like an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members as we need him for other important work. All will come into focus and for anyone to think POTUS is not in control is kidding themselves. Also, he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact).

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Post last edited at

ab3966 No.171936

File: 5054e2d0f9f537c⋯.png (266.49 KB,696x1258,348:629,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)




MSM = propaganda tool of the D party.

POTUS economy - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS job creating (record) - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS GPD - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS fair trade (protect America) - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS manufacturing - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS record low unemployment - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS tax reform (more take home money) - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS save the world from NK - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS stock market gains - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS undo harmful regulations - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS boost US energy dominance - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS protect US homeland - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS combatting opioids - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS accountability (audit Pentagon, SC, re-org executive branch etc.) - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS protecting life - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS helping Veterans - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS peace through strength - not good enough - IMPEACH.

POTUS restore confidence/respect of US - not good enough - IMPEACH.

………………..all while under constant attack.



DO YOU NOT BELIEVE WE ARE WINNING?http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2018/06/27/poll-72-of-americans-believe-establishment-media-intentionally-report-fake-news/







GDP error.

Link to article placed incorrectly.

Busy day!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171937

File: 0b7c552ff115700⋯.png (816.26 KB,1404x1120,351:280,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: a9bd66c146ff1cf⋯.png (33.87 KB,640x266,320:133,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 487c93ba8b6d66d⋯.png (76.37 KB,646x410,323:205,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: a6d3b08b2362786⋯.png (161.48 KB,656x688,41:43,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) YOU LOOT… WE SHOOT!!!

12:31 EST


What will next week hold?




ILPresidento (TruSoc) YOU LOOT… WE SHOOT!!!

12:37 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) YOU LOOT… WE SHOOT!!!

12:37 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) YOU LOOT… WE SHOOT!!!

12:37 EST


“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

https:// clarionproject.org/muslim_brotherhood_explanatory_memorandum/




Why do D’s want to control the black pop?

Why do they intentionally keep poor and in need?

Why do D’s project racism on a daily basis against R’s?

Why do black elected officials do the crazy talk on behalf of D’s?

How do D’s cover the historical facts of forming the confederacy, KKK, and oppose all things pro black re: legislation?

What happens if D’s lose the slave grip on the black pop?

Why do D’s, through the funding of the CIA, prop up and install Hollywood/media assets?

Does this fall within Operation Mockingbird?

What were the historical advantages D’s gained by having MSM and famous people peddling narrative?

Who exposed the pedo network within H wood?

You can’t answer the above but will laugh once disclose details.

The network which controls this false narrative which in turns keeps the black pop under control is being dismantled.

False local and national black leaders will be exposed next as shills for the D party.

Follow the money.

Maxine W has a $4mm home and cash assets in excess of $6mm.

How is that possible? One example.

All of these questions help to paint the full picture.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171938

File: 2222388dbdbc9e5⋯.png (2.44 MB,1372x1672,343:418,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: deb562f56b15558⋯.png (66.48 KB,672x464,42:29,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 6da61003db7edcb⋯.png (156.69 KB,658x1182,329:591,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 38e6a6e54b6148d⋯.png (169.4 KB,650x772,325:386,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 61194bce419d3ea⋯.png (217.44 KB,658x1500,329:750,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)






12:49 EST



Red Cross Iran.

Red Cross Pakistan.

Red Cross NK.

Red Cross ……..

Define smuggle.

What is smuggled?

What funds are used to pay for the goods?

These people are sick.

Relevant to events about to unfold.

Follow the EOs.




12:58 EST




12:58 EST




12:58 EST



What’s at risk?

$250B x 2 / year.

What the taxpayers don’t know.

Why aren’t NK developments receiving WW praise?


e endure.


Apr 24, 2018 11:37:59 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bc4b43 No. 1169241 


What’s at risk?

$250B x 2 / year.

What the taxpayers don’t know.

Why aren’t NK developments receiving WW praise?

We endure.




When will we have MOAB?


Should we tell all the good people watching the day & time?

Red carpet rollout?

Think logically.

The world is watching.




How did SA welcome POTUS during his trip?

Why was this historic and not covered by MSM?

How did SA welcome BO during his trip?

How did SA welcome HRC during her trip?

Why is this relevant?

Not suggesting SA is clean by any means but they play a role in this global game of RISK.

Combine all posts and analyze.

The questions provide answers.

Remember, information is everything, the flow of information is no longer controlled by the MSM but by you/others.

Hence, why we are dedicating 'critical' time to distribute crumbs which can be followed in greater detail to paint the entire picture once more information is released.

Why has POTUS dedicated so much time into labeling the MSM as fake news?

Why is this relevant?

We are fully prepared that all social media will be shut down to prevent the spread of this information (i.e. POTUS' Twitter etc. and/or mass censoring).

Sealed Federal orders pre-submitted as prevention and masked as 'in general' (though that does not account for rogue agents/programmers within).

Dates (impending actions) are deliberately provided for authenticity.

Alice & Wonderland.


Who is the Queen of England?

How long in power?

With power comes corruption.

What happened to Diana?

What did she find out?

Why was she running?

Who did she entrust to help her flee?

What was the cover?

Why is this relevant?

Why now?




Bad actor.

London Mayor.



Connection to Queen?

British MI6 agents dead.



What was reported?

What really happened?

Why is this relevant?



Secret society.





Why are migrants important?


What are assets?

Define assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?



Who follows?

What political leaders worship Satan?

What does an upside down cross represent?

Who wears openly?


Who is she connected to?

Why is this relevant?

Spirit cooking.

What does Spirit Cooking represent?


What is a cult?

Who is worshipped?

Why is this relevant?

Snow White

Godfather III



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Post last edited at

ab3966 No.171939

File: 50560e7691b727e⋯.png (1.89 MB,1382x1114,691:557,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: fe9b0c24d47ad87⋯.png (322.41 KB,652x808,163:202,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) DAILY REMINDER!!!

13:02 EST



ILPresidento (TruSoc) DAILY REMINDER!!!

13:02 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) DAILY REMINDER!!!

13:02 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) DAILY REMINDER!!!

13:02 EST





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ab3966 No.171940

File: e06d70297a0801b⋯.png (1.76 MB,1386x1098,77:61,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 9383352199a08f3⋯.png (1.48 MB,562x2556,281:1278,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 59450150e580acf⋯.png (1.22 MB,554x2230,277:1115,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 8beed8032baced5⋯.png (486.65 KB,540x1534,270:767,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 4518cd328bdd69a⋯.png (306.16 KB,1390x1162,695:581,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) LOVE MY CALI PATRIOTS!!!❤️🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

15:01 EST


Access Kills.

POTUS in good spirits today.

Morning strolls are refreshing.

2.5 hrs





ILPresidento (TruSoc) LOVE MY CALI PATRIOTS!!!❤️🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

15:09 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) LOVE MY CALI PATRIOTS!!!❤️🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

15:09 EST


This Pakistani got plugged in the booty by Hussein in college.


Have you IDEN other person?

Search Hussein admin.

No facial hair.

Obtain name.

Cross FBI sec clearance?






IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) LOVE MY CALI PATRIOTS!!!❤️🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

14:05 EST


UK Surveillance pics



Wealth (over generations) buys power.

Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control.

More wealth/control buys countries and its people.

Families combined (TRI) = NWO.

Inner TRI families will collapse.

What is the keystone?

What Nation dominates all others?

What Nation has influence over most others?

What is the keystone?

Return to SA.

Strings cut (+++).

Puppets (+++) in shadows.

Each side of the triangle controls a certain subsect of power brokers.

Power brokers are also labeled as the puppets/servants.

What is the New World Order?

Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA?

What does this mean culturally?

Why is this relevant?

What occurred in SA?

How did POTUS remove one side of the pyramid?

What did POTUS receive while visiting China?

Where did POTUS dine?

What is the significance?

What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?

Who controls NK?

Who really controls NK?

Who controls several agencies within the US, EU, and abroad?

Why is No Such Agency so vital?

Enormous scale of events currently ongoing.

Why is Russia helping to kill ISIS?

This is not easy to accept nor believe.

Crumbs make bread.

Operations active.

Joint missions underway.

The world is fighting back.

Refer back to graphic.

The Great Awakening.

Snow White.

Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (2016)(Dream/CIA).



Rogue operators are here.

Failed to shut down site.


This will only get worse.

Archive and coordinate.

Crumbs dropped will soon paint the full picture.

The picture will open the eyes of the world.

We can't do it without you.

God bless you all.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171941

File: ab35f70953d4fbf⋯.png (1.2 MB,1384x1122,692:561,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 4540e9dff5c51dd⋯.png (976.99 KB,644x1452,161:363,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 58ab4f2118ef418⋯.png (93.82 KB,640x758,320:379,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 9b92dcff0eaf6d6⋯.png (100.51 KB,628x780,157:195,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 6525728ad2174d5⋯.png (45.32 KB,626x272,313:136,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

12:02 EST(N/A)




ILPresidento (TruSoc) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

12:11 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

12:11 EST(N/A)



This door will be opened later.

The choice, to know, will be yours.







http:// newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/09/28/agnes-nixon-soap-operas/



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

14:20 EST(N/A)



You knew when you set that trip, that the PAIN would be delivered "—-23!!!"

More evidence of foreknowledge.


I'd watch the news that day.




IP hash release OK.

Proves same throughout.

We control [utility].




Not everything can be publicly disclosed because so much ties back to foreign heads of state. Much will be revealed, we want transparency but not at a cost we can’t recover from.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171942

File: c31731034f9d2c2⋯.png (209.59 KB,1334x934,667:467,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 364ae20e1ccf70d⋯.png (1.23 MB,2662x2200,121:100,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 25adc53ceb68d6f⋯.png (1.04 MB,2722x2586,1361:1293,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 3fb9a9aef513657⋯.png (834.29 KB,2656x2880,83:90,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: da522a1abf40b11⋯.png (1.21 MB,2672x2420,668:605,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


Palm Tree


part 1

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171943

File: 2f74ed264afea19⋯.png (1.18 MB,2680x2354,1340:1177,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)



part 2

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
Post last edited at

ab3966 No.171944

File: 5b23ef94706035a⋯.png (1.18 MB,1384x1216,173:152,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 1fec7f461cb075d⋯.png (93.71 KB,644x576,161:144,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 25ad77ca146492e⋯.png (231.94 KB,638x852,319:426,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 938961d3a2bbcea⋯.png (493.67 KB,634x2344,317:1172,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)






16:41 EST


Coordinated effort to ramp pro violent attacks (4ch 8ch /pol/) (threads).

Mods controlled (4ch).

Staged to frame pro POTUS supporters.

Push violence (trap).


Coordinated RL attacks (link).

Cause & Effect.

MSM outcry to force action.

It’s already begun (small > large).




Ready David?



ILPresidento (TruSoc) I HAVE TO AGREE WITH AOC'S WATCH!!!😂😂😂

16:42 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) I HAVE TO AGREE WITH AOC'S WATCH!!!😂😂😂

16:42 EST


What vote occurred today?

Full weight of the House.

Why is this relevant?

Provides supportable grounds for?




IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) I HAVE TO AGREE WITH AOC'S WATCH!!!😂😂😂

16:43 EST


All for a Larp right?!

Qanon: The Path To Dictatorship

by Brock Dorsey on June 28, 2018

Virtually everyone following politics has heard of the #Qanon story. Religiously followed by a growing mass of disciples and vehemently assaulted by a variety of left wing propagandists ranging from Vice to Newsweek, the validity of its claims have sparked a uniquely passionate debate on both sides. The ones championing its teaching as unquestionable truth range from imageboard dwelling millennials to a considerable number of boomers. Be it truly the broadcast of insider intel or merely the flagship conspiracy of our time, it’s certainly an exciting read that provides quality entertainment for the end times.

But those faithfully trusting in Q to lead the overthrow of the evil “deep state cabal” and restore American democracy to the people may be missing a much darker purpose for the Qanon posts. Used as a highly efficient propaganda tool, Q’s drops may actually be aiding an attempt to dismantle the judiciary altogether. Should it succeed in pushing this distrust across the public through the oft-cited “Great Awakening, this narrative may actually serve to weaponize Americans into removing the only barrier left to toppling democracy and clearing the way for an Emperor to ascend to the throne. That is, of course, assuming that a coup d’etat has not already taken place.

The basic theme to the Qanon 8chan posts are that Trump and Sessions are frantically working behind the scenes to bring down what we all now know to be a very real and very corrupt deep state shadow government. The antagonists — corrupt intelligence agency officials, congressmen, and news media plants — did not expect Trump to win and therefore are in “panic mode” over a number of crimes committed over the last eight to twenty years. These crimes allegedly range from what we’ve seen already (election rigging, dark money, bribes take by elected officials and intelligence agencies) to the far-fetched (mass sex trafficking and pedophilia among elected officials). Some predictions have failed (Hillary Clinton being arrested in October 2017) while others have been eerily prophetic (the pope’s bizarre suggestion of changing the Lord’s prayer).

Perhaps the most compelling narrative is Q’s assertion that high level crime and corruption has been committed within Obama’s Department of Justice and heads of the intelligence agencies, going up to his Chief of Staff Loretta Lynch. Q compares the systematic dismantling of these “bad actors” to defusing a bomb: the right wires must be cut to disable the mechanism without detonating the entire thing. In this case, the “explosion” of an inadvertent detonation would be the complete collapse of the entire Judicial Branch of America. Q warns that if such an event could occur, all court rulings throughout this period of time could be rendered null and void, and ultimately be challenged according to our current legal channels.

But what if this is the actual plan?

Read more:







with a mention of



Bullshit meter off the charts with this one


We are waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question.

What are they waiting for?

They can end this at any time simply by asking POTUS, right?

We may have to ‘force’ this one.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171945

File: 34be4ecaf6401e7⋯.png (1.2 MB,1204x1302,86:93,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 662b8d478ce3b0b⋯.png (94.28 KB,634x766,317:383,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: b63dba4b339a36f⋯.png (53.29 KB,622x340,311:170,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)




PapiTrumpo (TwiX) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

00:00 EST(N/A)


ILPresidento (TruSoc) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

00:00 EST(N/A)



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

12:11 EST



This door will be opened later.

The choice, to know, will be yours.







http:// newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/09/28/agnes-nixon-soap-operas/



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

18:37 EST



We are under [extreme] heavy attack by [3] intel agencies [Foreign & Domestic].

We are in comm/coordination w/ necessary division(s).




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ab3966 No.171946

File: 14d7cfeac2c351e⋯.png (913.65 KB,1388x1112,347:278,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: dad1452be111438⋯.png (98.84 KB,636x760,159:190,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: ae428190eb4e916⋯.png (646.22 KB,648x1442,324:721,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: b360901ef769be1⋯.png (394.38 KB,646x1200,323:600,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 5cbaf9ddf0bb56c⋯.png (76.52 KB,638x388,319:194,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) I WAS ON FIRE IN CALI!!!🤣🔥🔥🔥

17:15 EST



i suspected this from the beginning.

shops dont mean the post itself isnt real.


How do you hide a message in clear sight?



You'd be amazed how much is shared on /pol/.

Data exchange.




ILPresidento (TruSoc) I WAS ON FIRE IN CALI!!!🤣🔥🔥🔥

17:22 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) I WAS ON FIRE IN CALI!!!🤣🔥🔥🔥

17:22 EST


When does a bird sing?




Keep your promise.

This is not a game.



Public awareness forces hand.



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) I WAS ON FIRE IN CALI!!!🤣🔥🔥🔥

17:23 EST



Keep your promise.

This is not a game.



Public awareness forces hand.



PS round 2.

[Lead investigator HRC/Russia].




Who controls the NG?

Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?

Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?

Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?

What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.

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ab3966 No.171947

File: fe95ba5e8534a13⋯.png (1.97 MB,1386x1716,21:26,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 4efd430fd58e8a1⋯.png (407.32 KB,656x2030,328:1015,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 17a5894479f9882⋯.png (155.16 KB,654x1022,327:511,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: aa483ebb181e4ef⋯.png (547.97 KB,1296x1444,324:361,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) LET'S GO!!!🥳🥳🥳

17:25 EST



PS round 2.

[Lead investigator HRC/Russia].




Warning to UK?

Decipher re: last.

[Redacted FISA].





ILPresidento (TruSoc) LET'S GO!!!🥳🥳🥳

17:27 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) LET'S GO!!!🥳🥳🥳

17:27 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) LET'S GO!!!🥳🥳🥳

17:27 EST






Anons help? Getting close?


Gina Haspel

The CIA London Station is the main centre of the US Central Intelligence Agency in the UK.

Station chief (COS) Un-named woman c-2009

Those ordered to testify include the former CIA chief, Porter J Gross. Another is a woman who is not publicly named who heads the agency's London station. She previously worked as the chief of staff for the head of the CIA's clandestine branch, Jose Rodriguez, who is the focus of the investigation.





LATEST Q, along with what was posted in CBTS 68


Graphic confirmed.







02:00 Z


14.5995° N, 120.9842° E




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ab3966 No.171948

File: 88207a2a44196e6⋯.png (1.91 MB,1386x1706,693:853,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: f7146bb58f45ae7⋯.png (133.57 KB,654x1014,109:169,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: f5bf894ecd053b6⋯.png (161.22 KB,658x990,329:495,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)






16:36 EST




16:36 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) BADDEST MOFO ON THE PLANET

16:36 EST




Were the shooters all branded with this mark?


The key = therapist.

Weak minds.

Use of symbolism to push strength and belonging to something powerful.



Find the link (common denominator).

Error made.

Name can be found due to filing.




Other patients?

Relocation imminent?

Conspiracy risk.

End (for now).

Haspel must find & term clas program.

She knows.




18:04 EST


Here's another Kate excerpt.

Keep in mind she wanted to hug POTUS.


Autists present?

No connection?

Logical thinking.

Re: VIP access.

Subject: Threat to POTUS thwarted?

Rally: USSS threat IDEN > action taken.

Comms dark.

Message sent.



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ab3966 No.171949

File: 966fee7d794f6fb⋯.png (1.74 MB,1386x1126,693:563,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: f493e19cfcf2abb⋯.png (217.98 KB,630x1152,35:64,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 8426e4e0cac3a55⋯.png (34.39 KB,636x256,159:64,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) WHO DID THIS??🤣🤣🤣

18:29 EST



ILPresidento (TruSoc) WHO DID THIS??🤣🤣🤣

18:29 EST



[WH [Hussein][VJ][DM][JB][RE][[[JK]]][SP][KM]]←—-→[HRC/DNC]

[C_A [JB][CLAS1-5]](NSA - play/reveal TT) ^^

[DNI [JC]] ^^

^^^^^ ^^

[DOJ [LL][SY][BO-CS(UK)][DL][PS][DL][JC][MM][RB]]←——–→[BC]*


[FBI [JC][AM][JR][MS][BP][PS][LP][JB][MK][JC][SM][TG][KC]]←————→[[HRC][BC][HA][CM]………][FAKE NEWS]




[FUSION GPS](Shell2)←——–(CS)——-→[NO NAME]

[PERKINS COIE](Shell2) ^^^^^

[WASH FREE BEACON](Shell1) ^^^^^^


*Tarmac (final meeting - no charges/drop = supreme court)

*Go-Between(s) (meetings 1-4)

Hussein (3) NAT SEC ORDERS OFFICIAL (POTUS CAN DECLAS)(Bottom-to-top (see now))(FBI/DOJ to expand fast)

FISA apps FALSE activate domestic spy campaign (UK assist - feed to C_A (cannot operate domestically)(JB)

They NEVER thought she would lose.



What assets (people) were placed (spy) in POTUS' campaign?

Why did the news cycle drop this investigation?

Think several.

What if those 'placed' are being investigated by BM?

Plants need water.

What if others 'placed' connect to….(future)

What if Nellie Ohr prev worked on the FARM?

The START (public justification to proceed (clean)).



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) WHO DID THIS??🤣🤣🤣

18:30 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) WHO DID THIS??🤣🤣🤣

18:30 EST



(888) 373-7888


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ab3966 No.171950

File: 41b0c2c2ddea7cf⋯.png (1.36 MB,1380x1108,345:277,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: a6edfdf1c006d3b⋯.png (99.41 KB,654x822,109:137,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 28d8496a89b3526⋯.png (206.19 KB,654x1254,109:209,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 657d0b1ba085195⋯.png (211.35 KB,642x1726,321:863,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 4a47809b2ee2abe⋯.png (61.1 KB,638x306,319:153,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) TIME TO UNIFY!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

10:46 EST



How soon?


We don’t inform our enemies of the specifics.

We instead instill fear in them to make unplanned and disastrous countermoves.




Full house.

They are all here.


Enjoy the show.



ILPresidento (TruSoc) TIME TO UNIFY!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

10:50 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) TIME TO UNIFY!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

10:50 EST



Think NK.

Think Nuke stranglehold.

Think logically.



Are you awake?



Hey Q,

Thank you for making my terrible day a little better. Feeling a bit like POTUS today. Had a coworker lie about his screw up and blame it on me. My heart goes out to President Trump. The attack made on me is minuscule in comparison to the attacks our president and now the Q team experiences on a daily basis.

I wish I could give all of y’all a big hug and express to you how grateful I am for what y’all are doing for us and our country. I am so thankful we have a president now who calls out the media and KNOWS his people are smart enough to discern the truth for themselves. We are sick of the conjecture and half assed journalism!! So thank you again for everything. It means worlds more than you could ever know for us to have a president who believes in the greatness of WE THE PEOPLE!

Do you think POTUS could give us a confirmation? Kind of like a symbolic hug?

Sending my love and prayers <3

God speed.


Stand strong.

Patriots together.



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) TIME TO UNIFY!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

20:24 EST


Is it me or is the site 502'ing? Every time I've baked since 5pm ET it's happened.

Aug 30, 2018 10:06:17 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6e3eed No. 2809954 

Another DDOS.

Something BIG habbening.

Aug 30, 2018 10:06:27 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: b550a5 No. 2809955 


Holy Shit are we getting pummeled!

Aug 30, 2018 10:08:27 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 8bfa49 No. 2809980 

What's with the 3 captchas in a row??

Aug 30, 2018 10:08:35 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 23089c No. 2809985 



welcome… dig, take your licks if you're wrong, keep digging and you'll show you belong.





yup, DDOS, 502s, and captcha

with means OVER THE TARGET




Retaliation - 'Horizon' active.




What a coincidence the mountain that housed NK’s nuclear weapons and testing collapsed. Unbelievable timing. I wonder if critically important materials as well as scientists aka the bomb makers were inside when it happened. Shocking no global news agency suspects we had nothing to do with it. Enjoy the crumbs.

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ab3966 No.171951

File: 2f68531bf42e879⋯.png (543.09 KB,1388x866,694:433,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

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ab3966 No.171952

File: 47a99b27d325745⋯.png (710.68 KB,1002x546,167:91,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


Breaking911 (T.me) Lose brain cells in real time w/ AOC live!

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Post last edited at

ab3966 No.171953

File: 0b3b77e788b45c9⋯.png (482.6 KB,1422x868,711:434,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


Breaking911 (T.me) JUST IN: At Least 2 Dead, 2 Injured In Houston-Area Family Dispute: Sheriff https://breaking911.com/at-least-2-dead-2-injured-in-houston-area-family-dispute-sheriff/

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ab3966 No.171954

File: 9811ace508dd6da⋯.png (560.8 KB,924x788,231:197,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


TheDollarVigilante (T.me) The usual suspects molest and rob an elderly disabled man.

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ab3966 No.171955

File: eda5bd8add51615⋯.png (693.83 KB,1464x738,244:123,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


ZeroHedge (T.me) FUCKING BOOOOOOOM!!!!!: Arab Gulf State Demands Israel's Shadowy Nuclear Weapons Program Be Subject To IAEA Safeguards


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ab3966 No.171956

File: f40343504cf3224⋯.png (756.04 KB,1422x740,711:370,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


ZeroHedge (T.me) Wheat Prices Record Most Consecutive Quarterly Declines Since GFC Meltdown 


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ab3966 No.171957

File: b6652a1bb980514⋯.webp (124.28 KB,1600x1600,1:1,How_to_make_gravy_thumbna….webp)

From an Iowan friend… EVERYTHING is covered in gravy! lmao

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ab3966 No.171958

File: 2026d43d295d87d⋯.png (473.73 KB,1442x746,721:373,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


ZeroHedge (T.me) Victor Davis Hanson Blasts "The Most Politicalized & Weaponized 4-Star Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Ever"


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ab3966 No.171959

File: af84bba704e9196⋯.png (531.28 KB,1414x714,101:51,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


ZeroHedge (T.me) Hunter Biden's Daughter Was Living In White House While Representing Peruvian Government


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ab3966 No.171960

File: 6905db7c8663081⋯.png (524.45 KB,1124x764,281:191,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


ZeroHedge (T.me) Is The US Military Laying The Groundwork To Reinstitute The Draft?


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ab3966 No.171961

File: 201e348d51f5896⋯.png (551.12 KB,1408x766,704:383,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


ZeroHedge (T.me) Biden Embarrassingly Reverses Plan To Defund Schools With Archery & Hunting Programs


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ab3966 No.171962

File: c3499fdcf8b64f0⋯.png (413.41 KB,1402x900,701:450,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


ZeroHedge (T.me) Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Remdesivir Manufacturer Over Alleged Deceptive Practices


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ab3966 No.171963

File: d7cc89dcd155471⋯.png (481.28 KB,1414x708,707:354,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


ZeroHedge (T.me) Watch: Gaetz Announces Motion To Oust McCarthy After 'Deceitful' Ukraine Side-Deal


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ab3966 No.171964

File: fc1ee9ce68b7c8e⋯.png (461.16 KB,1342x822,671:411,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


ZeroHedge (T.me) RFK Jr. Could Make Announcement On Run As Independent On Oct. 9


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ab3966 No.171965

File: b3ee78490f05009⋯.png (542.62 KB,1172x680,293:170,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

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ab3966 No.171966

File: d5d42014309b810⋯.png (508.1 KB,1274x634,637:317,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

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ab3966 No.171967

File: 5c67cfcbef54e11⋯.png (593.88 KB,1492x910,746:455,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


ZeroHedge (T.me) "These Morons Are Pushing Us Towards WW3": Sunak Backtracks After UK Defense Chief Wants To Send British Troops To Ukraine


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ab3966 No.171968

File: f46f32d5ab5fb74⋯.png (422.88 KB,1436x706,718:353,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


ZeroHedge (T.me) Over 277,000 'Vaccinated' COVID-19 Cases Hidden By CDC In 2021: Newly Obtained Files Show


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ab3966 No.171969

File: 58aa6699e6da727⋯.png (625.04 KB,2542x2598,1271:1299,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 9962cc18484b90e⋯.png (470.43 KB,2610x2320,9:8,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


CRTC takes major step forward to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework(California.ca)

From: Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

News release

September 29, 2023—Ottawa–Gatineau—Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)

Today, the CRTC is advancing its regulatory plan to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework and ensure online streaming services make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content.

On May 12, 2023, the CRTC launched its first public consultations. After thoroughly examining all the evidence on the public record, including over 200 interventions, the CRTC is issuing its first two decisions.

First, the CRTC is setting out which online streaming services need to provide information about their activities in Canada. Online streaming services that operate in Canada, offer broadcasting content, and earn $10 million or more in annual revenues will need to complete a registration form by November 28, 2023. Registration collects basic information, is only required once and can be completed in just a few steps.

Second, the CRTC is setting conditions for online streaming services to operate in Canada. These conditions take effect today and require certain online streaming services to provide the CRTC with information related to their content and subscribership. The decision also requires those services to make content available in a way that is not tied to a specific mobile or Internet service.

A third consultation is ongoing. It considers contributions traditional broadcasters and online streaming services will need to make to support Canadian and Indigenous content. The CRTC will hold a three-week public proceeding starting on November 20, 2023, and will hear from 129 intervenors representing a broad range of interests.


“We are developing a modern broadcasting framework that can adapt to changing circumstances. To do that, we need broad engagement and robust public records. We appreciate the significant participation during this first phase and look forward to hearing a diversity of perspectives at our contributions proceeding in November.”

- Vicky Eatrides, Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, CRTC

Quick facts

Social media services must register; however, users do not.

Online services that offer podcasts must register; however, individuals who use social media to share podcasts do not.

Online services that only provide video game services or audiobooks do not have to register.

A list of registered services will be published on the CRTC’s website.

Associated links

Registration for online streaming services

Regulatory plan

Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2023-329: Online Undertakings Registration Regulations, and exemption order regarding those regulations

Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2023-331: Review of exemption orders and transition from conditions of exemption to conditions of service for broadcasting online undertakings

Consultation about registration of online streaming services

Consultation about exemption orders and basic conditions of service for online streaming services

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Post last edited at

ab3966 No.171970

File: ae931524a71d129⋯.png (715.51 KB,1392x1670,696:835,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 9161e4c5681daaa⋯.png (179.12 KB,640x1142,320:571,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 76f9941f9de5b67⋯.png (95.1 KB,646x456,17:12,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


DanScavino (TwiX) Thank you Pacific Air Show and Huntington Beach, California!

12:41 EST



Iran is next.


CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2.



Jan 1.

Jun 1.

No inspection @ GZ NR sites.

No missile tech prevention.

Load carrying.


Think NK.

Who controls the $?

Who really controls the $?

Why does the EU have a vested interest in this deal?

Who receives the money?

When the US sends billions in aid and/or climate and/or etc who or what entity audits / tracks to confirm intended recipient(s) rec?


How does GS fund WW counter-events?

Who funds WW leftist events?

American taxpayer (subsidize).

Define nuclear stand-off.

Who benefits?

How do you ‘squeeze’ funds out of the US?

Threat to humanity?

Environment push?

Think Paris accord.

Who audits / tracks the funneled money?

Define kickback.

Define slush fund.


No oversight re: Hussein.


How does the C_A fund non sanctioned ops?

Off the books?

Re_ read past drops.

Will become relevant.

Welcome Mr. President.

The U.S. will NOT agree to continue the Iran deal as it currently stands.




Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated post 9-11.

Why is this relevant?

Who can be held hostage and controlled?

CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic soil).

Why does the Constitution explicitly grant this authority to the President and what is it to prevent?

They knew our agencies would grow in power so much so they could/can hold the executive hostage or engage with bad actors.

Trump nominated someone new to direct every agency but one. He controls the top.

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ab3966 No.171971

File: e207b58a3f61d6d⋯.png (848.23 KB,1378x1636,689:818,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 99be88a5a290593⋯.png (75.02 KB,644x554,322:277,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: b5ce251647212e8⋯.png (108.48 KB,650x516,325:258,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


DanScavino (TwiX) F22 evading heat sinking missile loop over and chaff

13:01 EST






No coincidences.





Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps there now?

Why did his administration do little to slow their nuclear and missle capabilities?

Who feeds NK w/ strategic intel? Iran?

What deal was done with Iran under BO?

Why was the deal sealed under a top secret classification?

Why wasn’t Congress notified?

Why after BO left office all of a sudden NK has nukes and the tech to miniaturize for payload delivery within the US?

What about NSA CIA DI etc all confirming tech won’t be in place for 5+ years (statements made in 2016).

Why is all of this relevant and what does it tell you?

Big picture is rare.

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ab3966 No.171972

File: cf1422f5a6d0d9b⋯.png (733.69 KB,1406x872,703:436,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

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ab3966 No.171973

File: 9ec2d940772f532⋯.png (417.64 KB,1432x958,716:479,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)


Breaking911 (T.me) NY Pastor, Father of 3 Young Kids, Arrested for Production of Child Pornography https://breaking911.com/ny-pastor-father-of-3-young-kids-arrested-for-production-of-child-pornography/

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ab3966 No.171974

going to hit the water, will be back after dark, note and get today's papi up, caught up what I will miss.

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41b47e No.171975

File: f6bd46d555f9b0a⋯.mp4 (516.06 KB,640x640,1:1,1696212308112.mp4)

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41b47e No.171976

File: 8859caa3775acec⋯.mp4 (7.24 MB,1080x1920,9:16,2_5246888763560320164.mp4)

Police_frequency (T.me) DEVELOPING! Canada: "Emergency Crews are currently on scene at the 900 block of South Railroad SE where a train has derailed. No injuries are have been reported at this time," per Medicine Hat Police Service. (FB)

No further details at this point.


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41b47e No.171977

File: aba89cc0c07992f⋯.mp4 (37.75 KB,600x588,50:49,VID_20231002_031538_098.mp4)

Police_frequency (T.me) NEW: Connecticut killer who ate homeless man's brain and eyes released early.

Tyree Smith, who had spent 10 years in a psychiatric hospital after killing a homeless man and then eating his brain and eyeballs in December 2011, was recently released by authorities, reports the Connecticut Post.

Smith’s cousin, Nicole Rabb, testified during a trial in July 2013 that she saw Smith with blood on his pants and carrying chopsticks and a bloody axe one day after Smith talked to her about Greek gods and his desire to get blood.

Read more: https://libertyunyielding.com/2023/10/01/connecticut-killer-who-ate-homeless-mans-brain-and-eyes-released-early/


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41b47e No.171978

File: 33d66a64da90a33⋯.mp4 (7.97 MB,640x360,16:9,VID_20231002_031809_357.mp4)

Evans_Baked (T.me) We have stopped the Extreme MAGA Republicans from shutting down the government and hurting the American people.



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ab3966 No.171979

File: d61629b1f2f2401⋯.png (1.4 MB,1714x1268,857:634,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

I told Elon he can't be a president since he is not American, I did say that he can have another position within the gov that our constitution allows.

If this was by him, it would be why he should not be president.. if troll.. then wtf?

Meh. So I won't be able to like anything. I did nothing more than that. How fucking retarded.

Its exactly why X isn't shit but the same old platform its ever been. TwiX is same old same old faggot shit.

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41b47e No.171980

File: 827067a05c8cdb8⋯.jpg (328.78 KB,830x862,415:431,Screenshot_20231002_033006….jpg)

Marco Polo (T.me) Then-Vice President Joe Biden used a fourth alias, 'auks@att.blackberry.net,' as early as 2010 to communicate with his family, according to the nonprofit @MarcoPolo501c3, based on information from Hunter Biden’s 'Laptop from Hell.'"



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ab3966 No.171981

File: d4d7a821b56048f⋯.png (1.31 MB,1388x1090,694:545,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 9c1290031176e55⋯.png (179.43 KB,648x844,162:211,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 521242203bd193c⋯.png (93.92 KB,640x768,5:6,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: a57b5febf1b9bc4⋯.png (51.35 KB,636x372,53:31,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: a6d2d448cdd7eb7⋯.png (45.58 KB,638x266,319:133,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)




PapiTrumpo (TwiX) BOOOOOOOM!!! THE END!!!

00:02 EST



HRC detained, not arrested (yet).

Where is Huma? Follow Huma.

This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet).

Why does Potus surround himself w/ generals?

What is military intelligence?

Why go around the 3 letter agencies?

What Supreme Court case allows for the use of MI v Congressional assembled and approved agencies?

Who has ultimate authority over our branches of military wo approval conditions unless 90+ in wartime conditions?

What is the military code?

Where is AW being held? Why?

POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.

POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.

POTUS knew removing criminal rogue elements as a first step was essential to free and pass legislation.

Who has access to everything classified?

Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc have more power than Trump? Fantasy.

Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land.

They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans) would lose control.

This is not a R v D battle.

Why did Soros donate all his money recently?

Why would he place all his funds in a RC?

Mockingbird 10.30.17

God bless fellow Patriots.


ILPresidento (TruSoc) BOOOOOOOM!!! THE END!!!

12:11 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) BOOOOOOOM!!! THE END!!!

12:11 EST



This door will be opened later.

The choice, to know, will be yours.







http:// newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/09/28/agnes-nixon-soap-operas/



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) BOOOOOOOM!!! THE END!!!

02:44 EST


Less than 10 can confirm me.

DOITQ - coincidence

Twitter retweet - coincidence

Twitter keywords - coincidence

Pics - coincidence

Meant only for you.

God bless.




Not everything can be publicly disclosed because so much ties back to foreign heads of state. Much will be revealed, we want transparency but not at a cost we can’t recover from.

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41b47e No.171982

File: da85c9b1a52f7a7⋯.jpg (52.28 KB,600x400,3:2,ZomboMeme_5189.jpg)

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ab3966 No.171983

File: 20266fbc60efd5a⋯.png (2.57 MB,1392x1674,232:279,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: d385fc00b8291e1⋯.png (80.15 KB,640x486,320:243,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 816ea039ba18179⋯.png (1.43 MB,636x2698,318:1349,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) GOD IS GOOD!!!

13:07 EST



ILPresidento (TruSoc) GOD IS GOOD!!!

13:07 EST


Knowing what you know now.

re: Israel disclosure moments ago.


Why is Sec of State there?


Think logically.

France & Germany came to the WH for the sole purpose of pressing POTUS to remain in the deal.

5% shared.

POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.

Where does EU fit in?




Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) GOD IS GOOD!!!

13:08 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) GOD IS GOOD!!!

13:08 EST


Plane flying .png x2

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ab3966 No.171984

File: e37fa1559da51c5⋯.png (2.68 MB,1388x1672,347:418,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: b5cab2f43259834⋯.png (135.41 KB,638x582,319:291,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 854ef2536a9fef8⋯.png (107 KB,650x596,325:298,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: fb404776fadbb6d⋯.png (29.74 KB,636x232,159:58,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 81600b0e21d281a⋯.png (406.48 KB,1294x1302,647:651,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) IOWA, GET READY TO FIESTA!!!🥳🥳🥳

13:14 EST


[Future Comms]

Pre_stage ele_y

Pre_stage sec_y

Pre_stage dir_y

Pre_stage cap_y




ILPresidento (TruSoc) IOWA, GET READY TO FIESTA!!!🥳🥳🥳

13:21 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) IOWA, GET READY TO FIESTA!!!🥳🥳🥳

13:20 EST


Today, EVIL lost control / leverage of Iran.

Today, POTUS took control of Iran.

Today, w/ pending sanctions and military action(s), POTUS will gain more ammunition / intel against THEM.

Suicide watch.

The deal kept Iran quiet.

The goal was to keep POTUS in until impeachment / term end.

Bigger than people can imagine.

Treason is 1/10th.

Ask yourself, why are they panicking?

Ask yourself, why is UK, France, and Germany so involved?

Trips to the WH?

What are they hiding?

Why is HRC in NZ?

Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?

Why is that relevant?

Suicide watch.



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) IOWA, GET READY TO FIESTA!!!🥳🥳🥳

13:21 EST


TRIP Update.



Now think about the timing of POTUS traveling to China/SK. I’ve said too much. God bless, Patriots.



Military Intelligence.

What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?

What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?

What must occur to allow for civilian trials?

Why is this relevant?

What was Flynn's background?

Why is this relevant?

Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?

Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?

Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?

Was TRUMP asked to run for President?


By Who?

Was HRC next in line?

Was the election suppose to be rigged?

Did good people prevent the rigging?

Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?

Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?

What is POTUS in control of?

What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?

Why does the military play such a vital role?

Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?

Who guards former Presidents?

Why is that relevant?

Who guards HRC?

Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?

Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?

What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?

What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?

What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

Why is this important?

What is Mueller's background? Military?

Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?

How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?

Who is helping POTUS?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

41b47e No.171985

File: 25da9a6ed69b5f6⋯.jpg (30.56 KB,679x291,7:3,IMG_20231002_034556_479.jpg)

Red Collie (T.me) "RFK Jr poses the greatest existential threat to the CIA/deep state since its inception. It's a zero-sum game. Odds are very high they know his skillset and motivations, particularly when you realize RFK Jr has concluded the CIA murdered his father and uncle. He's unafraid to lead on a dangerous mission. This doesn't meant I agree with him on every issue, but thank God he is leaving the Democratic Party."


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ab3966 No.171986

File: 74e655cbfbd34f5⋯.png (440.6 KB,1402x1700,701:850,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 25decea4fcf8c6e⋯.png (142.71 KB,636x922,318:461,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: ba6213df1d1612c⋯.png (106.11 KB,636x812,159:203,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 7430efeceb80665⋯.png (149.41 KB,1286x476,643:238,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) BEST PART OF THE SHOW!!!

13:41 EST



Don't forget Q's plan:

1. Divide the right (left loves this)

2. Attack the alternative media (the only alt media that supported POTUS during election)

3. Stop all organic conservative media from making money and going mainstream.

4. Heard the alt right Nazi’s into the deepest, darkest, dank corner of the Internet

5. Smear them


We've all been blinded for too long. Alex Jones is NOT alt media, he is a traitor. He makes us all look crazy. Fuck him


Time to move on.

Big week ahead!




ILPresidento (TruSoc) BEST PART OF THE SHOW!!!

13:48 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) BEST PART OF THE SHOW!!!

13:48 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) BEST PART OF THE SHOW!!!

13:48 EST





What CEOs have resigned post POTUS election?

Cross check against Co’s in Iran post deal.

You have more than you know.

Happy Hunting!



nuke inspector quit


Coincidence days after Iran deal withdrawal?

Corruption everywhere.




Who controls the NG?

Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?

Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?

Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?

What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.


Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated post 9-11.

Why is this relevant?

Who can be held hostage and controlled?

CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic soil).

Why does the Constitution explicitly grant this authority to the President and what is it to prevent?

They knew our agencies would grow in power so much so they could/can hold the executive hostage or engage with bad actors.

Trump nominated someone new to direct every agency but one. He controls the top.

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ab3966 No.171987

File: d473a5a5ff27c71⋯.png (1.73 MB,1380x1168,345:292,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 3378374e1fcff1c⋯.png (220.29 KB,656x1190,328:595,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 8cb1fc800acf305⋯.png (34.53 KB,648x270,12:5,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)




PapiTrumpo (TwiX) WHO DID THIS??🤣🤣🤣

18:29 EST



ILPresidento (TruSoc) WHO DID THIS??🤣🤣🤣

18:29 EST



[WH [Hussein][VJ][DM][JB][RE][[[JK]]][SP][KM]]←—-→[HRC/DNC]

[C_A [JB][CLAS1-5]](NSA - play/reveal TT) ^^

[DNI [JC]] ^^

^^^^^ ^^

[DOJ [LL][SY][BO-CS(UK)][DL][PS][DL][JC][MM][RB]]←——–→[BC]*


[FBI [JC][AM][JR][MS][BP][PS][LP][JB][MK][JC][SM][TG][KC]]←————→[[HRC][BC][HA][CM]………][FAKE NEWS]




[FUSION GPS](Shell2)←——–(CS)——-→[NO NAME]

[PERKINS COIE](Shell2) ^^^^^

[WASH FREE BEACON](Shell1) ^^^^^^


*Tarmac (final meeting - no charges/drop = supreme court)

*Go-Between(s) (meetings 1-4)

Hussein (3) NAT SEC ORDERS OFFICIAL (POTUS CAN DECLAS)(Bottom-to-top (see now))(FBI/DOJ to expand fast)

FISA apps FALSE activate domestic spy campaign (UK assist - feed to C_A (cannot operate domestically)(JB)

They NEVER thought she would lose.



What assets (people) were placed (spy) in POTUS' campaign?

Why did the news cycle drop this investigation?

Think several.

What if those 'placed' are being investigated by BM?

Plants need water.

What if others 'placed' connect to….(future)

What if Nellie Ohr prev worked on the FARM?

The START (public justification to proceed (clean)).



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) WHO DID THIS??🤣🤣🤣

18:30 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) WHO DID THIS??🤣🤣🤣

18:30 EST



(888) 373-7888


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ab3966 No.171988

File: 82b566046e9cc13⋯.png (1.15 MB,1374x1114,687:557,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: d08a8f030d99ac2⋯.png (1004.02 KB,636x1450,318:725,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 1a95a3342edd430⋯.png (93.12 KB,620x770,62:77,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 296fbea7a6092da⋯.png (743.08 KB,642x1942,321:971,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: fe451d879f14633⋯.png (45.06 KB,636x262,318:131,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

12:02 EST(N/A)




ILPresidento (TruSoc) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

12:11 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

12:11 EST(N/A)



This door will be opened later.

The choice, to know, will be yours.







http:// newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/09/28/agnes-nixon-soap-operas/



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) BOOOOOOOM!!!🤣🤣🤣THE END!!!

13:51 EST


Sealed indictments.

Define indictment.

“An indictment is a formal accusation against one or more defendants, charging them with one or more crimes. In the federal criminal system, the indictment is the principal method by which a prosecutor initiates criminal proceedings.”

How are they sealed?

How are they secured?

How are they safeguarded?

No leaks [unusual?]

Federal vs ….

Why are accusations sealed?

Grand jury involved?

Re_read crumbs re: DOJ / FBI re: IG / Huber

Who appointed Huber?



What happens if FED [criminal] indictments are brought forth to a corrupt FBI / DOJ / FED Judge?

FBI / DOJ - 1st.

C_A / State - next?

Now comes the pain.




Not everything can be publicly disclosed because so much ties back to foreign heads of state. Much will be revealed, we want transparency but not at a cost we can’t recover from.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171989

File: e7e7d8fcd112043⋯.png (211.48 KB,1270x978,635:489,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_0….png)

File: 364ae20e1ccf70d⋯.png (1.23 MB,2662x2200,121:100,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 25adc53ceb68d6f⋯.png (1.04 MB,2722x2586,1361:1293,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: 3fb9a9aef513657⋯.png (834.29 KB,2656x2880,83:90,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)

File: da522a1abf40b11⋯.png (1.21 MB,2672x2420,668:605,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)




Part 1

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ab3966 No.171990

File: 2f74ed264afea19⋯.png (1.18 MB,2680x2354,1340:1177,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_1….png)



Part 2

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171991

File: 1267a38c7fb4427⋯.png (1.74 MB,1382x1096,691:548,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 53442ff8e318365⋯.png (649.28 KB,650x2046,325:1023,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 5ddaecf0b365f85⋯.png (952.65 KB,654x2664,109:444,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: fa9dd6aa1dd8082⋯.png (1.11 MB,696x2678,348:1339,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 6496ffead88be0a⋯.png (405.25 KB,1286x1276,643:638,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) LOVE MY CALI PATRIOTS!!!❤️🇺🇸

14:08 EST


A theory ?

Those pallets were full of smart phones to be distributed members, i.e. Hillary, bill, Hussein, bremmer,etc.. These were special phone which the cabal thought could not be tracked or monitored. The cabal needed a new way to communicate after Q exposed their gmail draft and game forum methods.

Hillary was in NZ (FIVEEYES), not only to raise funds (if that is the true story) but to test out the phones. . Under directions of Trump, NZ told Hillary that the phones were good.

The cabal worked with China’s ZTE for these special PHONES. That is why ZTE was in the news lately. Trump drew attention to them to send the cabal a message that he was on to them.

The pics in London show the cabal meeting up after communicating with their secret phones.

Just a theory.


We are everywhere Anon.



ILPresidento (TruSoc) LOVE MY CALI PATRIOTS!!!❤️🇺🇸

14:10 EST



Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) LOVE MY CALI PATRIOTS!!!❤️🇺🇸

14:10 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) LOVE MY CALI PATRIOTS!!!❤️🇺🇸

14:10 EST


We are everywhere (Tracking package from Apple China) from build to delivery.



Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012 when she and four members of the House Permanent Select Committee Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee cited Ms. Abedin in letters sent to the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government.

Why is this relevant?

Who took an undisclosed trip to SA?

What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call?

Alice & Wonderland.



The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal.

Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Perhaps recognizing how offensive such ties will be to voters concerned over future terrorist attacks on this country by radical Muslims professing allegiance to Sharia law, the Clinton campaign on Monday tried to downplay Ms. Abedin’s involvement in the Journal and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Clinton surrogate group Media Matters claimed predictably there was “no evidence” that Ms. Abedin or her family had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and that Trump campaign staffers who spoke of these ties were conspiracy theorists.

To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a Snopes.com “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi.

>>147661217Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012 when she and four members of the House Permanent Select Committee Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee cited Ms. Abedin in letters sent to the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government.

Why is this relevant?

Who took an undisclosed trip to SA?

What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call?

Alice & Wonderland.

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Post last edited at

ab3966 No.171992


Martians invading Uranus? No.. Fag-X!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171993

File: cdf7efa603c5858⋯.jpg (163.29 KB,1025x500,41:20,8143rf.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
Post last edited at

ab3966 No.171994

File: 7a6843ae6033ad1⋯.png (2.61 MB,1392x1660,348:415,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ab3966 No.171995

File: c8c8cdf776a53c5⋯.png (2.33 MB,1388x1092,347:273,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 3a8d8243fbdeec3⋯.png (138.73 KB,638x700,319:350,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 5839643125ca273⋯.png (205.32 KB,634x640,317:320,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)

File: 54b8bba598776bb⋯.png (39.83 KB,630x268,315:134,Screenshot_2023_10_01_at_2….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) I LOVE IOWA!!!🥳🥳🥳

22:07 EST






[Reminder - HUSSEIN EO]


Executive Order 13526

Sec 1.7

"Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:

(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;

(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;

(3) restrain competition; or

(4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security."







ILPresidento (TruSoc) I LOVE IOWA!!!🥳🥳🥳

22:08 EST


Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) I LOVE IOWA!!!🥳🥳🥳

22:08 EST



"The DOJ and FBI have previously informed me that release of some of this information would cross a “red line.”






IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) I LOVE IOWA!!!🥳🥳🥳

22:09 EST



Truth to Power.

Listen carefully.


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ab3966 No.171996

File: 3777168bf51f07b⋯.png (2.28 MB,1386x1542,231:257,Screenshot_2023_10_02_at_0….png)

File: 99ad79d4322a3bb⋯.png (229.46 KB,640x962,320:481,Screenshot_2023_10_02_at_0….png)

File: 89c938c39b98523⋯.png (37.99 KB,640x266,320:133,Screenshot_2023_10_02_at_0….png)

File: 0fe1a0f061ca340⋯.png (60.97 KB,630x500,63:50,Screenshot_2023_10_02_at_0….png)






22:36 EST





22:40 EST


Il Donaldo Trumpo (Gettr) I LOVE MY BIG, BEAUTIFUL FARMERS!!!❤️🇺🇸

22:40 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) I LOVE MY BIG, BEAUTIFUL FARMERS!!!❤️🇺🇸

22:40 EST



VIP Patriot





For a God and Country.



You are all heroes.

Come home safe.


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ab3966 No.171998

fucking with board

can't get anything to work

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ab3966 No.172011

BOARD was under attack or? last night, so I will catch the noting up tonight when back from work.

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1cd64b No.172023

File: e380d6b0b55595e⋯.jpeg (176.71 KB,1200x1200,1:1,F7S3LLvXwAAwOlr.jpeg)

Notables are NOT endorsements* (but MAY be how we feelz*)



>>171925, >>171926 DanScavino (TwiX) 45 is wheels down in beautiful Des Moines, Iowa—after a great two days in California…

>>171927 WSS (TwiX) China is revamping its Social Credit System to include their Central Bank Digital Currency.

>>171931 VIDEO: Solar Flares, Big Filament, Top News | S0 News Oct.1.2023 (YouTube)

>>171932, >>171933, >>171937, >>171938, >>171939, >>171940, >>171941, >>171944, >>171945, >>171946, >>171947, >>171948, >>171949, >>171950 PapiTrumpo (09/30/2023)

>>171935, >>171936 KANSAS (TwiX) "Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice." 1 Chronicles 16:10 #SundayScripture ✝️

>>171951 TheGatewayPundit (T.me) Masks Won’t Save You – But Here’s A Way To Get The Critical Medications That Can

>>171952 Breaking911 (T.me) Lose brain cells in real time w/ AOC live!

>>171953 Breaking911 (T.me) JUST IN: At Least 2 Dead, 2 Injured In Houston-Area Family Dispute: Sheriff

>>171954 TheDollarVigilante (T.me) The usual suspects molest and rob an elderly disabled man.

>>171955 ZeroHedge (T.me) FUCKING BOOOOOOOM!!!!!: Arab Gulf State Demands Israel's Shadowy Nuclear Weapons Program Be Subject To IAEA Safeguards

>>171956 ZeroHedge (T.me) Wheat Prices Record Most Consecutive Quarterly Declines Since GFC Meltdown 

>>171958 ZeroHedge (T.me) Victor Davis Hanson Blasts "The Most Politicalized & Weaponized 4-Star Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Ever"

>>171959 ZeroHedge (T.me) Hunter Biden's Daughter Was Living In White House While Representing Peruvian Government

>>171960 ZeroHedge (T.me) Is The US Military Laying The Groundwork To Reinstitute The Draft?

>>171961 ZeroHedge (T.me) Biden Embarrassingly Reverses Plan To Defund Schools With Archery & Hunting Programs

>>171962 ZeroHedge (T.me) Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Remdesivir Manufacturer Over Alleged Deceptive Practices

>>171963 ZeroHedge (T.me) Watch: Gaetz Announces Motion To Oust McCarthy After 'Deceitful' Ukraine Side-Deal

>>171964 ZeroHedge (T.me) RFK Jr. Could Make Announcement On Run As Independent On Oct. 9

>>171965 ZeroHedge (T.me) Homes Are "Unaffordable" In 99% Of US Counties

>>171966 ZeroHedge (T.me) Trump Sues Christopher Steele Over Hoax Dossier

>>171967 ZeroHedge (T.me) "These Morons Are Pushing Us Towards WW3": Sunak Backtracks After UK Defense Chief Wants To Send British Troops To Ukraine

>>171968 ZeroHedge (T.me) Over 277,000 'Vaccinated' COVID-19 Cases Hidden By CDC In 2021: Newly Obtained Files Show

>>171969 CRTC takes major step forward to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework(California.ca)

>>171970 DanScavino (TwiX) Thank you Pacific Air Show and Huntington Beach, California!

>>171971 DanScavino (TwiX) F22 evading heat sinking missile loop over and chaff

>>171972 TheDollarVigilante (T.me) Wells Fargo executive Greg Beckett jumped to his death from bank's Delaware offices - as family say he'd been stressed about work and taking meetings as late as 11pm

>>171973 Breaking911 (T.me) NY Pastor, Father of 3 Young Kids, Arrested for Production of Child Pornography

>>171976 Police_frequency (T.me) DEVELOPING! Canada: "Emergency Crews are currently on scene at the 900 block of South Railroad SE where a train has derailed. No injuries are have been reported at this time," per Medicine Hat Police Service. (FB)

>>171977 Police_frequency (T.me) NEW: Connecticut killer who ate homeless man's brain and eyes released early.

>>171978 Evans_Baked (T.me) We have stopped the Extreme MAGA Republicans from shutting down the government and hurting the American people.

>>171979, >>171982, >>171992, >>171993, >>171994, TwiX is same old same old faggot shit.

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1cd64b No.172024

File: 75662217eeff157⋯.jpeg (111.4 KB,1500x1500,1:1,E9Tu7xKXIAkouWg.jpeg)


False Flag Season is upon us








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