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File: 01c4e66784f5e3b⋯.png (847.2 KB,1048x800,131:100,HY2OtPo.png)

a3daa6 No.27823 [Last50 Posts]

Sam starts meeting deadlines consistently and proves that he's hauling ass with an office and 5+ employees, working hard everyday. Suddenly all the "Scam Hyde" believers who were convinced that he sat around all day collecting gumroad cheques and jacking it to child porn have disappeared, in fact the whole board pretty much falls silent and the only thing left is a dude called "JMAA" posting his own stuff. It's a beautiful sight, I hope the 3+ years of your life you dedicated to trying (and failing) to ruin Sams career was worth it. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL.



"1 line of code hasn't even been written for com98" btw. STAY MAD LMAOOOOOOOOOOO

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d05f2e No.27830


damn these niggas so hype!!!! They are so cool and aren't replicating any sort of styles already out there and popular in NYC. Damn niggas!

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f57beb No.27831

No one likes these new content lol. It's not even worth hate watching. Sam gay.

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f57beb No.27834

Sam is so fucking ugly holy shit

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a3daa6 No.27843


Tell that to the 5000+ paying subscribers lewl. Dude makes 25k a month easily, how mad does that make you lol, that's more than your Starbucks gig pays in a whole year loolololololol

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a3daa6 No.27844


huh? Have we given up on the whole lazy gay pedophile jew thing and we're now going after his crews style lol? Yall are really running out of things to nail sam for. Some of his employees dress like hip new Yorkers, oh no shut it down I cant watch anymore waaaaaaa (baby crying noises, that's you, a baby crying over how a man's employees dress)

really hit the bottom of the barrel here lol

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f89bba No.27849

If it only took Sam a couple hours to piece together that episode of kstv2 then why did he sit on that shit for like 2 years?

>he sat around all day collecting gumroad cheques and jacking it to child porn

That would make sense if every release is put together at the last minute like that tweet implies.

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a3daa6 No.27852


>If it only took Sam a couple hours to piece together that episode of kstv2 then why did he sit on that shit for like 2 years?

Why are you so certain it only took him a couple hours to peice together?

He films content far in advance before editing/releasing it, so what? Also editing/mastering takes a long ass time especially for the edits sammy and his crew are pumping out.

>That would make sense if every release is put together at the last minute like that tweet implies.

Which tweet? The tweets I linked show sam hard at work, i dunno what mental gymnastics you're performing to contort that into your delusions that sam is lazy, hes the polar opposite, especially as of late.

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7939b3 No.27855


Why are you so certain it takes him a long ass time?

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a3daa6 No.27862


The quality of the edits and animations mostly, those aren't quick jobs. More boring stuff like audio mastering and credits also need to be done. If it really does only take a couple of hours to edit an episode of hydewars or happy world daddy I don't know why he's need 5 full time employees, seems like a waste of time and money. Unless you think hes keeping them on purely to maintain a complex facade that he's working hard/professionally just to annoy people on a dead image board. Idk.

Did you actually watch the time lapses or nah?

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fc083b No.27864


But the edits (graphics etc) add little to the overall quality of the video. It took me a while to notice the last part of the last video was unedited and that was a plus, if anything.

Normally hard workers do so in silence and don’t need to publish a video to prove it. I’m not going to laud him for saving all his work until right before the deadline then recording himself rushing on it.

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e207a8 No.27870


6 Days to Air is instructive to the frantic nature of creative production.

None of us knows what Sam/Sam's team process is. Sit back & enjoy (or NOT) the content.

~end transmission~~

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fc083b No.27871


>None of us knows what Sam/Sam's team process is

Taking orders from Sam because he likes to always have a little, easy controllable personality cult comprised of people he can easily dominate. That’s why he never keeps people around him who have as much/more success or wealth. If someone shows resistance to that he boots them and casts them out as an enemy then replaces them with another eager fan

End tranmission

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e207a8 No.27874


>never keeps people around him who have as much/more success or wealth

such as?

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baf2e9 No.27877

File: 1cf81ef5406bccd⋯.jpg (138.88 KB,1242x936,69:52,IMG_3171.jpg)


I can’t name any because they don’t exist. That’s what I just said

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a3daa6 No.27879


>But the edits (graphics etc) add little to the overall quality of the video.

I was arguing that the quality of the edits and animations made me believe that the editing process was probably was quite long. Whether or not it improves the video has no bearing on my argument at all.

> I’m not going to laud him for saving all his work until right before the deadline then recording himself rushing on it.

So working on it = rushing? You complain about him being lazy and not doing work, he uploads video of him doing lots of work, and somehow that's a problem. Sam can't win in your mind.

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a3daa6 No.27881


Very convenient

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e207a8 No.27882


I enjoy your total lack of evidence, sperg.

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a3daa6 No.27884


True, all I know is that the man looks to be working very hard despite what a lot of loonies on here try to tell themselves!

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e207a8 No.27885


Exactly. Sam's going to keep moving forward – period.

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fc083b No.27886



I would support Sam no matter how lazy he is and how shit is content if he were just a good person. I won’t ever buy the personality he tries to sell via social media. How can you justify him scamming and hacking those closest to him. Some people to cling onto him no matter what just because they’re so obsessed with him.

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a3daa6 No.27887


You on the other hand! Couldn't care less about the guy ammarite?!

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a3daa6 No.27888


Also love the constant goal post moving, they're on conveyor belts at this point.

> scamming and hacking those closest to him

LMAOOOOO Channing go to bed seriously this isn't funny anymore except it kinda is. Have fun wasting the remainder of your life on this board! Im sure you will look back at the 5 years you've spent posting here obsessively very fondly!


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fc083b No.27889


True, I really couldn’t

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f89bba No.27890


Im sure you'll look back on being some has-been eceleb's white knight fondly.

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fc083b No.27891


Not Channing

And I like how you brush over the fact that he has hacked multiple employees cause he’s so paranoid people are talking poorly of him and aren’t completely loyal to him lmao

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a3daa6 No.27892


Probably because it's entirely false lmao 😂😂😂😂👌👌👌


Considering I spent a grand total of half a day doing it yet it has consumed most of your existence for many years, yeh I don't feel so bad lol.

Ok pce for real this time, have fun on here tho. Keep the place warm and lively, it needs it.

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fc083b No.27893


Sure thing lol

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31c918 No.27894


>Probably because it's entirely false

Have any of these allegations against him been proven false? Last I checked none of the serious ones have. Hell, even the "Sam has dick issues" claim has weight to it.

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fc083b No.27895


>I spent a grand total of half a day doing it yet it has consumed most of your existence for many years

One year ago I was still a gumroad paypig lol

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32221d No.27896


That ain't me nigga

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afd65a No.27897


>Considering I spent a grand total of half a day doing it

And yet you've really accomplished nothing, debunked nothing. As it stands, everything indicates that Sam is indeed a sodomite that took advantage of a 16yo kid. And you are defending someone like that.

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e207a8 No.27899


>if he were just a good person

We don't know if he is or isn't and – NEWS FLASH – no one cares.

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4c0a66 No.27900


>We don't know if he is or isn't

are you saying that if you groom and sodomize highschoolers that are half your age, and throw them away like used tissues, that you can be a good person?

gee I didn't know

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e207a8 No.27902


There is no evidence this allegation is a verity, no matter how often it is repeated.

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a99d8c No.27903


>no evidence



imagine being this far in denial

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e207a8 No.27904


meaningless. Show me certified copies of a relevant police report, case number, warrant application, affidavit, charging documents, arrest warrant, etc. regarding your allegations, then I'll listen.

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32221d No.27905


Gee I bet every case of molestation or grooming gets reported by kids barely in hs and younger that has ever happened.

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9272e7 No.27907


that video of him editing shit has to be in my estimation the first or only among a few recent cases of such. He has counted on other people to do everything for about 4 years. Hes just a clown and an unfunny one at that, but atleast he's using that finger painting degree now I guess.

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9272e7 No.27908


even if thats true which I doubt once all of you figure out how he really is (I mean employees mostly but also fans eventually) you are gonna feel real dumb for not listening to me. Why do you think Sam goes through "friends", collaborators and "employees" like used diapers.

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e207a8 No.27910


Your non-responsive answer is: no, you have no credible evidence of your allegations.

Thanks for playing.

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8350fe No.27911


so then what was the context of the pictures of them together of them with their shirts off, or of her wearing a bdsm collar?

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9272e7 No.27912


it was just an art project according to some shill trying to cover it up

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ce95fe No.27913


Sam is into diapers and likes having 4’11” girls use pacifiers and lay in little girls beds. It’s what turns him on. That’s who you’re defending.

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9272e7 No.27914



alexa pull up Sam Hyde youtube comment of that is gf is 4'11 and looks like a child

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e207a8 No.27915


Condition precedent to requiring a defense is credible evidence of a claim. You have none.

That thing poking you in your back isn't a knife, it's a fork, you're done.

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108d19 No.27916


>i love using empty jewish legal rhetoric to dance around the obvious reality of the situation

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108d19 No.27917


still curious as to what your answer to this >>27911


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e207a8 No.27918


Yeah, that's the sticky wicket of standards of proof required a country of laws. I know that's a terrible inconvenience for your total lack of credible evidence.

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e207a8 No.27919

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f89bba No.27920


he also has to explain why those text messages about asking her not to eat before meeting lining up PERFECTLY with the anecdote in the Boston Ross sketch

and he conveniently ignores the fact that ppl like Channing confronted him on it and he admitted it to them

these are people with verifiable connections to Sam and they have much more credibility than some anon demanding to see affidavits

occam's razor man, he's either a shill or a retard overcome with cognitive dissonance


No one is even seriously claiming he did anything illegal, just speculation that maybe she might have been 15 instead of 16.

Next think you're gonna see him demand is semen samples and dna evidence (and even something like that probably wouldn't convince him)

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f89bba No.27921

File: b2d9f4332f34695⋯.jpg (57.42 KB,645x729,215:243,1522658021021.jpg)


you can't even answer/address a simple question? lol what a dumbass

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e207a8 No.27922


I'm not the one bringing the claim. Operationally, ya'll have to show dem nutz first. Still waiting …

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b50709 No.27923


explain the shirtless pics bro. it cant be that difficult. looking up legal terms on wikipedia won’t be necessary

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9272e7 No.27924


> Operationally

lol dis nigga

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e207a8 No.27936


No, you clowns keep trying to shift the burden of your claim. I don't have to "explain" anything because I'm not making an allegation, you are. Your allegation suffers because it's not supported by credible evidence. Again, show me >>27904 and people would take you seriously. However, you cannot.

It's done, you are merely noise.

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15d412 No.27940


sam cute

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cd353c No.27950

Haters seething

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15df46 No.27953


Sam literally sells bitter hate-filled rants as a living

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1faf4e No.27955


I just donated $75 to him.

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d05f2e No.27956


Why not donate $200?

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93699c No.27957


Why would I care how you waste your money?

That’s a negligible amount

Donate $4k bro. Clear out your savings

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1faf4e No.27960


I'll donate even more when I get paid

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93699c No.27964


Please donate your entire paycheck every week

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c9eded No.27965


worth my money. actually no, you going on an autistic tantrum is worth my money.

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93699c No.27966


Where did I do that

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1faf4e No.27968


Watching the haters seethe is well worth my money

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9af56f No.27977


Your not making anyone mad by donating your money to some degenerate pedo artist. You just come off as retarded.

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1faf4e No.27980


Cry moar

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7423aa No.27982


Sam needs 2k! donate it!

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15d412 No.27988



>you come off as retarded

yeah, to 5 autistic weirdos on an unknown chan board. how will they ever recover

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c9eded No.27990

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d52421 No.27997

File: 3c57cd43907b7d1⋯.jpg (193.41 KB,1242x1033,1242:1033,ee.jpg)

File: 0f7e1c590ef9a03⋯.jpg (494.24 KB,1242x2093,54:91,tt.jpg)

Give him more money

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15d412 No.27999


uh ok?

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9af56f No.28018




The dude cucked Sam LMAO

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b7c837 No.28023


Everything Sam does is a quick bang up job. Stop equating this man to some higher quality hierarchy. The only thing he has to show for in his whole career is being blacklisted(and then not doing anything for a couple of years besides piss and moan in his car like a faggot) what happens when he becomes truly old and unfunny (not like he isn't) and the only people left are actual detractors?

Sam made his gay diaper bed. He can lay in it and make cool compilations of him editing really shit videos for retarded little kids.

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c9eded No.28034



looks more like hes just butthurt he got pranked by hyde

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c9eded No.28035


calm down buzzfeed, or we'll get rick&morty cancelled again

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51c8dd No.28054


Nope, he used to be roommates with Sam and his ex gf. Then he stole her and they've been together ever since. He knows about the Marky stuff first hand.

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4235b0 No.28056


Yeah this is true. You can see him in the bronie kickstarter video. Nice try covering it up though.

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c9eded No.28104



looks like hes just talking shit to me

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306fec No.28105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's him at 0:53

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815aa0 No.28118


So let me get this straight, we have

a) pics of Sam and Marky together (shirtless, and her wearing a bdsm collar0

b) leaked text messages about him asking her not to eat so he can violate her anally, and a sketch that came out afterward with an anecdote in it describing those texts perfectly (with her name bleeped out)

c) Channing coming forward corroborating the whole thing

d) Anonymous roastie that proved her connection to Sam with photos from inside his office, and provided text messages of her confronting Sam and him admitting it

e) This Michael Harms guy who used to be Sam's roommate witnessing all this shit first hand and making allusions to it on twitter


Some anonymous schizo that is obsessed with defending Sam, used Wikipedia to look up legal terms to pilpul with and demands court documents to try to prove that none of this happened?

I have to say, things are not looking good for Sammy here.

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bcd682 No.28120

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e207a8 No.28124


>Some anonymous schizo that is obsessed with defending Sam, used Wikipedia to look up legal terms to pilpul with and demands court documents to try to prove that none of this happened?

Yeah, that's me, the lawyer who understands burden of proof, criminally and civilly. You haven't got it, not even close.

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815aa0 No.28126


you're not really making a case here then against that mountain of evidence

you must be a shitty lawyer

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e207a8 No.28127


>mountain of evidence

not even under an electron microscope

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0648eb No.28128

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815aa0 No.28130


>doesn't even address any of the points of evidence directly

this how I know you are full of shit

you could at least explain the context of the photos of them being shirtless and her wearing a bdsm collar

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b0e06d No.28131


it’s cgi bro

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b0e06d No.28132


sam is a megaroastie

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e207a8 No.28136


>you could at least explain the context of the photos of them being shirtless and her wearing a bdsm collar

No, as I've pointed out previously, you can't burden shift to me as I am not making a claim – you are. You need to bring credible, corroborative evidence before it can be answered substantively. Your failure to do so persists.

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7e206b No.28137


hes asking for cp

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c9eded No.28195


a) what pics

b) texts were proven to be oftenly fakež

c) anonymous shitpost on the internet are not comming foward

d) roastie could have gottent pictures from anyone if she tired whoring herself hard enough

e) a guy talking trash

alot of circumstantial and hollow allegations, meanwhile we havent seen any legal or public issues hit hyde.

>ibn4 hurr durr anonymous chan board shittalking did have massive effect

how many more years before you start that court case you were bragging on about a year ago?

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c9eded No.28196


>mountain of evidence

by that logic people would be sentanced based on sourceless rumors and libel

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8c8331 No.28197


Pretty weird amount of claims/evidences imo. What's your explanation. Also how do you know nothing is coming as far as a lawsuit is concerned. You claim to be a lawyer but federal cases take a while to get rolling.

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c9eded No.28198

File: 4dadb84cad84b57⋯.png (27.67 KB,600x512,75:64,autism.png)


>hurr durr look at my conspiracy theory

<prove it

>are you asking for cp???

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815aa0 No.28263



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e207a8 No.28278


>people would be sentanced based on sourceless rumors and libel

No, people are sentenced (criminally) after guilty verdicts, stipulated trials, or guilty pleas.

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815aa0 No.28279


yes, and this isn't an actual, literal court either. It's a court of public opinion/discussion and the guy mindlessly defending Sam is making him (and by extension Sam and entire fanbase) look like autistic, deluded retards.

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8604a1 No.28280


dis nigga been watchin too much judge judy

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e207a8 No.28288


You're accusing him of criminal and tortious conduct. Even in the court of public opinion, the "public" demands credible evidence. Since you have none, you're merely shilly noise.

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2031b1 No.28289


lol this fucking guy thinks hes some big brain nibba.

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880b46 No.28290


(pilpul intensifies)

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90f5e2 No.28471


ok and ur estimation means jack shit lul

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90f5e2 No.28472


Have any of them been proven true?

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90f5e2 No.28473


and ever since you've been living on this board lol. Sam probably makes up like 30% of ur life and he doesnt even know who you are lmaooo

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90f5e2 No.28474


He fucked marky in the ass once, who is like a 9/10 btw, and it was legal. That's the only thing that actually happened and it doesn't mean jack shit lul. everything else is speculation and channing having too much free time.

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90f5e2 No.28475


Prove literally anything said in that sentence.

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e0e57a No.28476


15 isn't legal but good try. Its also incredibly jewish behavior to pump some 15 year old ass full of stds and then dump her when your 30 years old. Most people would get beaten the fuck up for behavior like that, but then again Sam knows this which is why he looks for vulnerable girls to prey on who don't have fathers or little parental supervision.

what about making people sign contracts not to associate with Charls? Seems like a pretty big deal to me. People might want to know more about that.

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2712b4 No.28477



does it honestly sound that far fetched to you to learn that Sam is a total degenerate into assplay and diapers? Hes got hours of footage of himself rambling about perverted shit to an audience of mostly teenagers.

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90f5e2 No.28478


>he also has to explain why those text messages about asking her not to eat before meeting lining up PERFECTLY with the anecdote in the Boston Ross sketch

he fucked marky in the ass once, get over it. Also text convos take 13 seconds to fake.

>he conveniently ignores the fact that ppl like Channing confronted him on it and he admitted it to them

This is the exact thing Channing wants, the attention, the communication with Sam, its what she lives for. She wants to hear that she's hurting Sam in some way with her smear campaign. Sam described this exact concept In HydeWars episode 34 near the end.

> these are people with verifiable connections to Sam and they have much more credibility than some anon demanding to see affidavits

1 person. Who appears to be mentally ill.

> occam's razor man, he's either a shill or a retard overcome with cognitive dissonance

Literally just a completely fallacious argument, just because it's a simpler answer doesn't mean its correct, or even more likely to be correct.

>No one is even seriously claiming he did anything illegal

I see plenty.

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90f5e2 No.28479


maybe as a bitter hate filled person they come across that way.

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90f5e2 No.28480


case in point lololol

stay mad

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90f5e2 No.28482


huh? He was a prop programmer for the Dark Skyes scam and co wrote one of his bits, so that means he lived with him? Where does that leap come from.

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90f5e2 No.28483


> a) pics of Sam and Marky together (shirtless, and her wearing a bdsm collar0

they fucked, no proof she was 15. You would have tapped that too lolololol

> b) leaked text messages about him asking her not to eat so he can violate her anally, and a sketch that came out afterward with an anecdote in it describing those texts perfectly (with her name bleeped out)

easily faked but him fucking her in the ass isn't exactly a watershed moment either way, it was probably true and I dont really care.

>c) Channing coming forward corroborating the whole thing

The whole reason any of this is public, or any of these rumours exist is because of channing. Pretending she's some passive witness who just came out to confirm things is disingenuous, she was/is the one pushing this smear campaign from day one.

>Anonymous roastie that proved her connection to Sam with photos from inside his office, and provided text messages of her confronting Sam and him admitting it

She proved that she had personal pics of sam and his office, but she was here for like a week and then everything fizzled out and nothing interesting actually happened. Sam has had that office for a long time so it's possible Channing herself took those pictures, or one of Sams ex-girlfriends was pressured/convinced by Channing to somehow release those pictures. He did describe this sort of dynamic in Ep34 of HW sooo..

> e) This Michael Harms guy who used to be Sam's roommate witnessing all this shit first hand and making allusions to it on twitter

I mean this ones clutching at straws, it's one tweet by a guy who has been mentioned by Sam but two times, ever. And he was meant to be sams "room mate". Sure thannggg. Also is there an actual archive link to the desc of that video that mentions Micheal or nah?

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2712b4 No.28486


>c) Channing coming forward corroborating the whole thing

The whole reason any of this is public, or any of these rumours exist is because of channing. Pretending she's some passive witness who just came out to confirm things is disingenuous, she was/is the one pushing this smear campaign from day one.

the rumors existed a long time before Channing said it was true

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2712b4 No.28487


>> e) This Michael Harms guy who used to be Sam's roommate witnessing all this shit first hand and making allusions to it on twitter

>I mean this ones clutching at straws, it's one tweet by a guy who has been mentioned by Sam but two times, ever. And he was meant to be sams "room mate". Sure thannggg. Also is there an actual archive link to the desc of that video that mentions Micheal or nah?

he's banging Sam's ex gf who he stole him from. Trapped lived with Sam too. Why's it so hard to believe?

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90f5e2 No.28488


What is that an archive of, literally just a bunch of png's? Whats the point in archiving that, it doesn't prove their validity just because it's archived lolol. Also those text conversations sound so fake its hilarious, sounds exactly like a fan trying way too hard to sound like Sam and backfiring, whilst also trying to conveniently include incriminating information regarding various rumours (dick dsnt work, pedo, etc).

"Did you get with anyone? I will forgive 100% but do let me know bc I just pissed out some white stuff. My guess is that it's backed up cum from that failed orgasm this morning though"

please hire a better script writer for this shit LMAOOOOOOOOOO

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90f5e2 No.28489


makes sense to me, stop dodging

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90f5e2 No.28490


> Pretty weird amount of claims/evidences imo. What's your explanation.

Channing + weirdos. Not that complicated.

> Also how do you know nothing is coming as far as a lawsuit is concerned.

she admitted herself that she stopped perusing a case because her "priorities changed" lololol, basically she was never gonna do it because the case would get thrown out in 5 minutes.

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90f5e2 No.28491


> 15 isn't legal but good try

Prove she's 15.

> what about making people sign contracts not to associate with Charls?


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90f5e2 No.28492


"just believe me please I beg you Sam wears diapers why wont anyone believe me :((("


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fafc64 No.28493


why are you so obsessed with defending Sam

hes a has been move on

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90f5e2 No.28494


> the rumors existed a long time before Channing said it was true

Either way channing is still not the passive, innocent, trustworthy witness you made her out to be. She's been steering this ship for a long time.

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fafc64 No.28495


what does that even mean

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90f5e2 No.28496


> he's banging Sam's ex gf who he stole him from.

ok? I mean I'd ask for proof but even if this were true I couldn't give less of a fuck nor does it mean much.

> Trapped lived with Sam too

ok? Everyone knows this though and his name has been plastered on hundreds of sam hyde videos, and he's appeared in a hundred more. Same can't be said for old Micheal.

>Why's it so hard to believe?

"just believe me please I beg you Sam wears diapers why wont anyone believe me :((("

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90f5e2 No.28497




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90f5e2 No.28498


Re-read it again if you're struggling. Try spelling it out maybe that helps. It's written in perfectly legible english you fucking monkey what are you struggling with lmao.

Maybe you just have the reading comprehension of a toddler idk.

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fafc64 No.28499


can you maybe post some proof or go a little more in depth? she was one of the first people to say that Sam had screwed Charls and they aren't friends anymore which appears to be a pretty credible claim tbh.

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8af483 No.28500


Those messages 100% sound like him, probably because they are his. Literally no one would ever care enough to make that shit up.

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90f5e2 No.28501


This is all assuming anything said by Channing is credible. She knows sam, ok, doesn't mean she's not a complete nutcase lol. Her online habits don't really give off the impression of someone with their head screwed on straight.

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fafc64 No.28502


It's kind of weird people that have been fucked over by Sam seem off-kilter but then dealing with someone who does the sort of thing like isolating you from everyone in your career and friend group and not paying someone 20 grand would probably make me a bit unbalanced.

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90f5e2 No.28503


> Literally no one would ever care enough to make that shit up.

I dunno man people have done crazier things. Maybe a bitter exgf and some no-life "fans" could cobble together these cringy text conversations, or is that impossible. Like I said before, to me they look like someone trying too hard to sound like Sam. Who talks in so much detail about dick not working/pedo shit/ diaper fetish shit over text.

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6288d0 No.28504


Sam comes off as the kind of guy who is into sissy hypno porn. He doesn't exactly seem that sane himself.

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8af483 No.28505


He only talked about his possible STD in his texts which isn’t too weird.

Sam Hyde is an insufferable faggot and what’s worse is that he definitely loves being at the center of controversy on this board.

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6288d0 No.28506


Whats crazier…

1. A bunch of different people who knew Sam got together and made up fake stuff about him


2. At least most of the stuff they are saying is true.

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90f5e2 No.28507


uh idk man, I'd probably go to small claims court and get it cleaned up, I wouldn't be obsessively on an image board that 15 people browse spreading rumours about him filling diapers. Seems like a peculiar way to tackle the problem. Thaz just me though.

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6288d0 No.28508

It's pretty difficult to conduct a case in a different state halfway across the country from where you live, not to mention the legal costs which would only be compounded by travel costs to said state.

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90f5e2 No.28509


Nah go through that archive linked I replied to a while back it's got some wacky shit in there. There are various text conversations where CP and other weird stuff is unnaturally shoehorned into the conversation to make a nice screenshot to post here.

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6288d0 No.28510


small claims is also <2k

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90f5e2 No.28511


I mean I've watched almost everything this mans put out and I get the opposite impression, especially from hydewars. He seems like an honest hardworking guy who has his head in the right place and wants to do good.

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8af483 No.28512


That’s retarded. Point out exactly where you think the conversation wasnt organic.

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90f5e2 No.28513


We get it, you googled Occam's razor, jesus christ man. Doesnt actually mean anything, its literally just a cool thought some dude had in like 1600's rome or some shit. make an argument.

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90f5e2 No.28514


cool, you can focus on the semantics if it makes you happy when you get little zingers like these my dude.

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8af483 No.28515


Don’t engage with this guy. He has nothing to do but defend Sam Hyde all day and is really too dumb to be here.

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19a15f No.28516


you come off a bit insane yourself obsessively posting defending some barely known eceleb you've never met online

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90f5e2 No.28518


> It's pretty difficult to conduct a case in a different state halfway across the country from where you live

assuming you know where channing lives. If the case were really as egregious and clear cut as channing claims then I'm sure her recouping her 20k wouldn't be too difficult.

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90f5e2 No.28519


another good argument! You're on fire today!

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90f5e2 No.28520


I will engage you in a fist to fist fight if you would prefer lol jk <3

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19a15f No.28522


anyone who highlights your id in this thread can see that your insane. I hope youre getting paid for this, otherwise you're just a faggot.

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90f5e2 No.28523


Sorry I don't change connection every other time I post to make it seem like multiple people lol, my bad.

Again another great argument though, you're really popping off.

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19a15f No.28524


Can you do me one thing and just explain why you're here obsessively posting defending someone you've never met and probably only heard of recently based on the current fan base?

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90f5e2 No.28525


Literally roll a dice and scroll to any text conversation, it reads weird af. No one texts that longform in 2019 lul, do these people never talk it out irl, or is it all over text?

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90f5e2 No.28526


>Can you do me one thing and just explain why you're here obsessively posting defending someone you've never met and probably only heard of recently based on the current fan base?

Can you do me one thing and just explain why you're here obsessively posting attacking someone you've never met and probably only heard of recently based on the current fan base?

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19a15f No.28527


I've never seen this board until today. Someone on youtube commented it somewhere and I've been trying to piece things together but from what I can see you are only making the accusations appear true. I just don't understand your behavior. Sorry if I offended you. Please don't attack me.

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90f5e2 No.28528


literally THE least convincing story I've heard all year lmaoooooooo, try harder.

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90f5e2 No.28529

File: 654232a454359e5⋯.webm (12.62 MB,854x480,427:240,cc.webm)

just gonna leave this here and dip. Remind you of anyone?

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438f6a No.28530


Sounds like a severely insecure guy who doesn’t understand healthy relationships and is trying to come off as some PUA god so incels like you will look up to him and pay him

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1e946f No.28531


Sam is still in love with Rachel and keeps messages from her in his gmail inbox

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1e946f No.28532


She and her husband had a baby a few years ago and its due date was on Sam’s birthday. Something tells me her husband is the dependable, mature kind of guy Sam pretends is an unwanted commodity. He’d rather be the tryhard “bad boy” forever.

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a8d99c No.28533


hows thinking youre made of gold and causing pain to people who love and like you an alpha move, its as beta and bitch as it gets, no wonder we live in this fucked up world if this is how men now think, like some bitchy women,

this sucks ass

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c166a9 No.28534


Sounds Jewish just like all this pua bullshit. Even roosh grew out of it. He might as well be saying "hey kids never breed! Be a degenerate!" Just makes me think Sam is gay or something tbh. He's more fervent then the most hardcore feminists in his hatred of the opposite sex.

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d05f2e No.28535


What a douche. Too bad he's a total faggot beta because he loves twink dick.

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c166a9 No.28536


This is hilarious honestly.

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0d069a No.28545



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0d069a No.28546


Lawyers are crooks anyway.

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815aa0 No.28548

File: 45f63bb4a5291bd⋯.jpeg (24.49 KB,304x540,76:135,1526731804820.jpeg)

File: 56a90341fc2647a⋯.jpeg (39.61 KB,737x415,737:415,1526731776457.jpeg)


Explain the pics of Sam and marky shirtless, honestly that alone is proof enough to substantiate all the rest.


the guy is being an intellectually dishonest retard.



So the only thing left up in the air is whether she was 15 or 16? Way to move the goalposts there bud. Why deny all the other evidence if you basically admit to the truth about them buttfucking. Which reeks with hypocrisy, considering who Sam goes after in his material and what he tries to represent to his acolytes.

The next goalpost I expect you to shift is by you saying that you don't give AF about Sam's private life, just about his comedy, which begs the question as to why you and those like you with the same position so fervently defend what goes on in his private life. Really makes you no less mentally ill than the way you accuse Channing of being.

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42f2bc No.28550



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acfd07 No.28561


I love how you're mad about the other guy "moving the goalpost" when you're literally doing the same exact thing in the opposite direction. The marky stuff is probably true because there's photos and enough circumstantial evidence for it. There's no hard evidence for any of the other claims. Either you're another shill or just plain dumb.

Also, the whole "Sam is a hypocrite" argument is predicated on the idea that people can't grow and change opinions/regret their actions as they get older. The marky thing happened years ago. I know a lot of people who were degenerate and only started to realize their error and change their ways within recent years. Reality is pozzed right now and it's no small feat to try and change the way that we're ALL getting programmed to act.

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6473fe No.28566


Sam still preys on his young fans repeatedly and uses his status to gaslight/manipulate girls to pump and dump and his employees. He cycles through women in a degenerate, predatory way.

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07c42d No.28567


Actually that doesn't prove much, especially due to the fake blood.

But why are you even pretending it's a negative thing in the first place?

My gf is 7 years younger than me, best girl I've ever had. Gonna marry her.

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2a3fd7 No.28568


>7 years younger

>gonna marry her

It's kind of different than analing someone half your age that's in hs and making YouTube videos about it bro

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acfd07 No.28570


Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

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46cba3 No.28573


don't worry

when the website and videos are posted you'll have sources

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5420a6 No.28574

File: 12c6a82340fa1dd⋯.gif (407.54 KB,498x359,498:359,tenor[1].gif)

Great post, Sam.

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9185a7 No.28590

File: 49d29b1320aea46⋯.webm (1.35 MB,640x360,16:9,News_Hoes_Mad.webm)


Please hurry up you silly hoe, this is all smoke and mirrors otherwise. You're worse than Sam with all these broken promises and slow production! haha! Stay mad though its good entertainment.

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b6d623 No.28642


>women are bad, guize, feminism fucked em up

>the answer to this is to become just as trashy as they are

Why does Sam even complain about the modern world? It's literally the only place he could ever exist in.

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08a845 No.28646


its obviously just a cover for his own self hatred (probably for being gay)

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a57c60 No.28672


lol kid is fucking retarded. 2016 inflated his greasy head beyond capacity.

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ae6b63 No.28686


his head literally stretched and mutated from long term roid abuse. scary stuff

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cdd11e No.28736


>It's kind of different than analing someone half your age that's in hs and making YouTube videos about it bro

I met her when she was 15 and introduced myself to her mother :^)

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3bbbe5 No.28742


Probably the first time I've posted on /mde/ since 2018 I was an oldfag here before /r/milliondollarextreme got shutdown and all the redditors/4chan fags came here and ruined it

I honestly just want Sam to go back to making content, I don't give a shit about any of the drama.

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2db4a8 No.28756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sam doesn't know women. He's a failure with women.

Now Patrice O'Neal on the other hand…

Seriously, just compare the advice these two give it's crazy how Sam thinks his vlogs are worth money.

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aae6ca No.28757

this board was an absolute fucking nut house for like a year. only came cause the subreddit died (only posted on faggot reddit for MDE, a few sister subs, and opie and anthony sub)

it's weird how it shifted a few weeks ago. look this guy is a legend no matter what, it's kind of a futile battle they're fighting. he's going to be a meme for the next 10 years at least, young people like Soph are inspired by him, shes one of possibly millions at least 10s of 1000s of young zoomers influenced by him.

he's not going anywhere, even if he stopped creating shit, the legacy is already there.

i care because i am someone who has a similar spirit as him but i keep it in priviate cause i don't want and can't handle the heat that comes when you let it all loose. so seeing him do it and push through is satisfying.

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aae6ca No.28759


it was cha-potraphouse subreddit and associated people on reddit. they have some real radical whack jobs and after the subreddit was deleted they had nowhere else to go so they took it here. let it be about how sick and fucked up those people are. and they basically run reddit right now

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438f6a No.28760

File: d73d9113b5bc595⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,1280x720,16:9,recorded-10839287488137.MP4)


Hes just super insecure and sensitive. I used to kind of feel bad for him



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aae6ca No.28761


kek, i saved this pasta from r/mde and it came in handy a good dozen times

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aae6ca No.28771



it's not all weirdo leftist redditors. the other people seem to be ex-friends/employees and spurned girlfriends. i dunno/care about that shit, but you guys are pathetic in a way i don't even pretend to get.

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0f7637 No.28773


that doesn’t change the fact that he used to make good funny videos before they left.

at the one hour mark or thereabouts in this podcast sam talks about wanting to entirely offload the work done on his videos to his employees. that could explain why the leaked gumroad content looks like his interns practice material.

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aae6ca No.28777


don't care mate. Same is getitng older and has a conception of how to best spend time to get things done. lots of dedicated fans want to see "new content" aka "the vids from 10 years ago that made me feel punk rock nihilist based internet edgegod." Sam is putting some stuff out for them.. better than nothing. BUt he's older and has other stuff he's doing. Good for him tbh. And I don't think he's fleecing people or abusing underling workers. Just trying to deliver shit. Just my take.

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1e6010 No.28783


everyone i know who used to be MDE fans has moved on. i don’t care enough to rip him for squeezing money out of his dying fanbase. take it or leave it.

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aae6ca No.28784


like a band who were popular in the 90s for a period and never were that big again. there's nothing wrong with that

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cbc21e No.28795


Your take is worthless, lmao.

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aae6ca No.28800

File: 820c46aa8adc10b⋯.jpg (22.81 KB,400x586,200:293,1luther hehe.jpg)


thanks for the (you), "lmao."

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873dd5 No.28801


a martin luther reaction picture, how fitting.

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5bff18 No.28810

COM98 will never be finished, let alone even started in the first place

sam should get a job at panera

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9ddbd4 No.28811


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