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/maka/ - Maka


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File: 0bad902ee84a44a⋯.png (380.61 KB,609x587,609:587,ho.png)



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File: 340c095c14054b3⋯.jpg (739.29 KB,2638x2801,2638:2801,_admiral_and_ryuujou_kanta….jpg)

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File: c60d066a4f3f415⋯.jpg (352.97 KB,1000x1550,20:31,ZSF_R_1_.jpg)


Hey Z1! Its been a while. Nope never heard from Makaposter again, I hope he's doing alright.

I'm doing pretty good, kinda quit imageboards, not the same without the old community we used to have.

How have you been? :)

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File: 5fe38983dd64ba3⋯.jpg (36.26 KB,300x250,6:5,f9b9dc46e5584a88839f388a57….jpg)

Also these ads are fucking hilarious, I love how petty Jim and kikewheels are

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File: c0547baf83396f1⋯.png (337.16 KB,850x600,17:12,8607ba8e0ec5f320c08ddb48af….png)



I'm sure he's fine, I don't actually care I just couldn't think of anything real to say to you.

It's nice, nice, nice to see you again !

8chan died long before it became 8kun honestly. But in all honesty, /b/ died the moment all the cool avatarfags left.

I'm fantastic, I was caught up in a lot of nostalgic doomscrolling, but in my despair I've made a lot of things right that I left wrong, latest dating back about seven years ! Setting things right have made me feel better, and looking past all the bad times has given me a new appreciation for the good times, and looking back on those moments with my buddies.

Say, say, say ! How've you been, it's been a long, long, long time.


Got adblock on ngl, but ye they're a couple of goobers.

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File: 3cc61f4aa7d7a4c⋯.png (3.13 KB,250x240,25:24,ZSF4342532.png)


Sorry for the late reply!

>I'm sure he's fine, I don't actually care I just couldn't think of anything real to say to you.

Kek I get that

>It's nice, nice, nice to see you again !

Same here! and I'm glad you've been doing well and setting things straight, it sounds like you've reached a peaceful point in your life :)

Watch any new anime or get any hobbies over the Covid lockdown?

>8chan died long before it became 8kun honestly. But in all honesty, /b/ died the moment all the cool avatarfags left.

Yeah, Tarrant doing his thing was the point it was destroyed for me, we lost so many people to 4chan and other imageboards.

>Say, say, say ! How've you been, it's been a long, long, long time.

I'm doing great! just continuing working as a cook, my boss is a legit chef now and I get to learn a lot of new things, plus I get to drink on the job kek. I'm just working towards bettering myself and enjoying my time with friends and family.

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File: 0db8760d8ebb777⋯.jpg (123.3 KB,769x828,769:828,_z1_leberecht_maass_kantai….jpg)


I've been browsing the bunker and archives of the bunker, I've left you folks high and dry plenty of times in the past. I've no right to lose sleep over you keeping me waiting for just a couple days!

I still have plenty more peace to make with my life before I can call it a peaceful point, but I appreciate the thought, brother.

I was still in the army when the lockdown was a real thing, so it didn't really effect my life. I did pick up a little scale model militaria making though, and collecting real militaria since I've been out.

To be honest with you, I've been in the 4/b/ hg threads recently. One poster claims he was in the 8/b/ threads in 2015, he avatarfags as Jesus. Can't say I recognize him. He told me that the 4/trash/ hg threads have someone from the 8ch threads, says his name is Index. Can't say that rings any bells either, but considering he's in the /trash/ threads, odds are he came from 8/hga/. The 4ch games just don't have the same magic as the 8ch games did. Probably just the nostalgia talking, honestly.

I'm glad to hear that your work is going well! I would say I hope you're enjoying it, but I don't know how you could enjoy a job more than by drinking on the job.

I pray you're able to have such a nice life, friend. It's a dream for many people, to be able to have a good job-life balance.

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File: 70814e26aae67b0⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,1152x2048,9:16,ZSF_43.jpg)

File: b662a5f9a634a7f⋯.jpg (21.75 KB,648x182,324:91,Capture6463.JPG)

File: 828e72430efc987⋯.png (47.22 KB,364x159,364:159,b_in_a_nutshell.PNG)


>I was still in the army when the lockdown was a real thing, so it didn't really effect my life. I did pick up a little scale model militaria making though, and collecting real militaria since I've been out.

Ooooh cool! you should post pictures of them! I love minatures.

>To be honest with you, I've been in the 4/b/ hg threads recently. One poster claims he was in the 8/b/ threads in 2015, he avatarfags as Jesus. Can't say I recognize him. He told me that the 4/trash/ hg threads have someone from the 8ch threads, says his name is Index. Can't say that rings any bells either, but considering he's in the /trash/ threads, odds are he came from 8/hga/. The 4ch games just don't have the same magic as the 8ch games did. Probably just the nostalgia talking, honestly.

I don't remember a Jesus avatarfag or a guy name Index either, though I could have missed them. Yeah I think it was the community and the avatarfags and OG memes that made the HG threads come to life, like seeing Dysnomia slice Chijo in half or something kek

>I'm glad to hear that your work is going well! I would say I hope you're enjoying it, but I don't know how you could enjoy a job more than by drinking on the job.

Yeah the people are pretty decent and its relatively easy work, Cant ask for much more :)

>I pray you're able to have such a nice life, friend. It's a dream for many people, to be able to have a good job-life balance.

Thanks! how's school? and what's your major going to be?

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File: 4c2629a83cc3bab⋯.jpg (430.12 KB,1727x1821,1727:1821,1668906152640060.jpg)


You could hardly say you've left us high and dry when we barely check in as it is. I wouldn't even be responding right now if Fox didn't tell me someone was here.

I too have sort of migrated to half chan, but not really. I did post more often on 8chan, but I was still pretty much a lurker. It is exceptionally rare that I ever post on half chan. It sounds like you've found your niche there, but I've mostly been one to browse /v/. 8/v/ wasn't perfect, but I felt attuned to the attitudes there. Moe/v/ still has that, albeit with almost no people, and it's still run by the cake kike. 4/v/ is incredibly schizophrenic. I'm sure you've seen it on 4/b/ as well. People constantly trying to out-troll one another with the most blatant, stupidest bait possible. This dominates threads and bloats the catalog.

I only ever occasionally checked /b/. Which is how I found a group of avatarfags reading JoJo's once. So I can't say those guys aren't legit. Though it would be odd to claim to be from 8chan for the clout. Index almost sounds familiar, but Fox says I'm just thinking of Hex and I can't say he's wrong. It wouldn't be too surprising if they stuck to their own containment threads or only namefagged in them.

On the subject of Maka-fag from further up: He leads an interesting life and his dad wanted him to star working for him again. It wouldn't surprise me if, given everything that's happened over the past few years, that he's just put image boards behind him.

I would still really like to see Webby again though. I've started learning Japanese and I'd really like to complain to him about it.

For what it's worth I'm glad you wanted to check in and your life is going the direction you want it to go. That is, you aren't quite how you want to be yet, but you're actively working towards it and have already made good progress. I've been stuck in a rut for about the past 10 years or so. Lazy and directionless. I'm stuck in still waters and all I can do is float on my back and drift.

Fox really does love his miniatures. He's a decent painter believe it or not. He might post some of his stuff if he's comfortable with it.

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File: 1586296c0e6e839⋯.jpg (710.76 KB,3761x1274,3761:1274,IMG_3802.jpg)


I appreciate the enthusiasm brother, but I just put them together. I don't paint them or anything, so they're not much to look at. However, you did ask so here's the few that I've actually put together! The most recent one is the one that I actually bothered to put the tracks on, so my commitment to doing the bare minimum is improving!

I suppose it just stems from the participants of the games being people I knew that made them fun, yeah. I've already been picking up on petty drama and the likes from the 4/b/ threads after lurking for these past few days. Avatarfags will be avatarfags, it seems.

School's okay, it's an online school that actually knows how to function online. So instead of me sitting in for lectures, I just have work due every Thursday and Sunday. They do it that way to accommodate people with actual lives, not for bums like me. It's good though, having all this free time to myself after all the long days and weekends I put in for the army!

I'm majoring in Network Security, so most of my classes are just refreshers for what I had to learn in the army. I plan on getting an internship with Raytheon in a couple months, so fingers crossed for that!

By the way, you'd mentioned him, so it's only fair to inform you. In case you'd like to talk to Dysnomia again, I am in contact with him, so I could ask him to swing by and say hello.


I see, perhaps that was just my hubris talking, forgive me! Regardless though, I appreciate you affording me your time.

I wouldn't say I've found a niche, really. I mostly just sniff around and do what I can to be social when there's no drama on the 4/b/ hg threads. Other than that I lurk the 4/trash/ hg thread, to see if I recognize anyone. To be fair, the only reason the 8ch boards were less schizoid is because there are less people around in general to shit things up. I'm sure I don't have to remind you of the 8/int*/ raids, so it's not like there wasn't a capacity to flood catalogs with silly stuff. Though you are right, I do miss the small but not too small community of 8ch from 2015 to 2017. I haven't really bothered much with 8moe after I realized I could count the number of new posts on 8moe/b/ in 24hrs on one hand.

I also spotted out those people on 4/b/ reading manga, too. The poster avatarfags Chihaya. From the way he spoke and from what he said though, he's not the same person as the one we know, unfortunately.

Fortunately, after browsing the archive, I found an email address our Chihaya gave to me and I sent him a message the other day. If it works out, I'm sure you boys will be hearing from him here in short order.

Regardless, yes I wouldn't count on myself or any of you recognizing any of the 4/trash/ avatarfags. While scrubbing the archive, I remembered that the 4/trash/ folks were all from 8/hga/. I know I personally never went there and I hope the same from all of you. Context being that 8/hga/ was just a roleplay board, the actual game was rarely if ever played.

Yeah, the archives reminded me about how much maka got bullied for being a normie. I supposed him getting a real life would be the reasoning for it. I wish nothing for the best for him!

I appreciate the sentiment brother, but I'm simply righting my wrongs. It's not a real direction, not like I can make a living off of being a butt head and retroactively going back to apologize!

I understand though, to be honest my relative success in the army wasn't through my own doing; my job was recommended to me and I took it because I had no better ideas. My current studies and future employment are based off of that one, off-handed recommendation! I'm just grateful I got as lucky as I did, I suppose!

I apologize if this comes off the wrong way, but I wouldn't say being directionless is necessarily a bad thing. So long as you're not miserable every waking moment, y'know?

If you are, know I can understand that too, brother.

I probably shouldn't've called them miniatures…

They're just silly little scale models! Apologies in case the either of you were expecting some cool stuff like Warhammer.

I do think it would be neat to see Foxy's collection, but I understand the reluctance.

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File: 78e4828d7f0bb76⋯.jpg (78.61 KB,1364x827,1364:827,_z1_leberecht_maass_kantai….jpg)

I should probably take the time to learn how to talk less, my goodness.

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File: 31bedebafd36fca⋯.png (245.48 KB,438x551,438:551,ZSF_131_.png)


>I appreciate the enthusiasm brother, but I just put them together. I don't paint them or anything, so they're not much to look at. However, you did ask so here's the few that I've actually put together! The most recent one is the one that I actually bothered to put the tracks on, so my commitment to doing the bare minimum is improving!

Those are awesome! and I get it, its fun just putting them together. I actually have a military model, Its a old cold war Russian chopper, probably made in the 80s.

>I suppose it just stems from the participants of the games being people I knew that made them fun, yeah. I've already been picking up on petty drama and the likes from the 4/b/ threads after lurking for these past few days. Avatarfags will be avatarfags, it seems.

Interesting, I'd have thought 4chan /b/ moves to fast to have board drama.

>School's okay, it's an online school that actually knows how to function online. So instead of me sitting in for lectures, I just have work due every Thursday and Sunday. They do it that way to accommodate people with actual lives, not for bums like me. It's good though, having all this free time to myself after all the long days and weekends I put in for the army!

Nice!, you deserve the free time :) How much longer are you in school?

>I'm majoring in Network Security, so most of my classes are just refreshers for what I had to learn in the army. I plan on getting an internship with Raytheon in a couple months, so fingers crossed for that!

That'd be cool! I'm rooting for you.

>By the way, you'd mentioned him, so it's only fair to inform you. In case you'd like to talk to Dysnomia again, I am in contact with him, so I could ask him to swing by and say hello.

Oh I never really spoke to him lol, but I'm glad he's still kicking around. Is Omelet still hanging out with him?

>I probably shouldn't've called them miniatures…They're just silly little scale models! Apologies in case the either of you were expecting some cool stuff like Warhammer. I do think it would be neat to see Foxy's collection, but I understand the reluctance.

No your figures are super cool, I want to buy some tanks also. I'll post my stuff soon, just need to get them off my phone


Nope! you're fine :)

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File: cae95e9f81bcaa4⋯.jpg (1.37 MB,2560x2560,1:1,13736917590011.jpg)

File: aff62c2affd5f18⋯.jpg (66.21 KB,745x590,149:118,true_luv.JPG)

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File: 6a36b7908d56e66⋯.jpg (251.99 KB,500x484,125:121,6a36b7908d56e665365c676cd7….jpg)

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>I see, perhaps that was just my hubris talking, forgive me!

There's no need to be so humble. I'm saying we are peers in being absentees.

>To be fair, the only reason the 8ch boards were less schizoid is because there are less people around in general to shit things up. I'm sure I don't have to remind you of the 8/int*/ raids, so it's not like there wasn't a capacity to flood catalogs with silly stuff.

To an extent, yes. It was still stupidly easy for threads on 8/v/ to get derailed. Merely showing up (1)nce in a Warframe thread and saying it is P2W was enough to get anons bickering with differing definitions and just generally talking past each other. Or bringing up cunny in any random thread would trigger a fervent "lolicon = pedo?" debate. In either case the thread would see no actual discussion before hitting bump limit and falling off the catalog.

4/v/ is very similar except add modern politics to the mix brought about by election refugees, or at least people who pretend to act like one, and you'll see many threads get dragged down by the bait hooks quite often. However this is still somewhat mitigated by the site's speed since a lot of people will comment and somewhat bury the bait post before more people see it.

4/vg/ is better, but it is different.

I also spent the last few days trying to find the first pic in my meme folders. Not because it's particularly good, but it was perfectly succinct and I was really stubborn about finding it since I KNEW I had it somewhere. This has started a long-time-coming sorting of my memes. At least a little bit. Found second pic too so it worked out nicely.

>I do miss the small but not too small community of 8ch from 2015 to 2017.

I've found no similar refuge of somewhat like-minded people since. It wasn't perfect, but we lost something really great.

>I haven't really bothered much with 8moe after I realized I could count the number of new posts on 8moe/b/ in 24hrs on one hand.

That said I was shocked when Fox told me to come say hi and the board index showed there was a reasonably healthy 1~200 PPH on the Qboomer board, and literally 1 or 0 PPH on all other top boards. I would say it's almost a good thing our intermittent chatting doesn't raise us enough to show up on the index, but then again there's no one there to see it.

>Yeah, the archives reminded me about how much maka got bullied for being a normie.

I should have been nicer to Maka tbh. Though he could get kinda weird about some things. I'm not above this mind you as I can be sent into autistic rage over silly things that bother me. Hence, I should have been nicer to him.

>Yeah, the archives reminded me about how much maka got bullied for being a normie.


I was also recommended to go into the army way back in the day. I probably should have, but I really didn't want to relinquish my autonomy. We do so in minor ways in normal jobs all the time, but I felt the army would have been too much. I probably worried in vain though. Fox and I noticed that you are back to talking how you did originally. When you were in the army your prose was less humble and floral, and you were generally more to-the-point.

>So long as you're not miserable every waking moment, y'know?

As long as I don't give myself the time to really think about it I can disassociate from such negativity. This only kicks the can down the road though. Anymore I can't really just play a videogame. I have to have a game on my main screen and a video on my second screen to really disassociate. So long as I do that, I'm relatively fine for the time being. Even though I can't unhear the ticking of time passing no matter what.

>They're just silly little scale models!

They're still cute. You don't need to do this of course, but I think those would look nice with wash of some sort. At least the tanks.


One part of my autism I've always had trouble wrangling in is the interconnectedness of topics. I can't condense or summarize very easily since I think all the details are important. And even when you're clear it's very easy to be misunderstood. I've gotten better at it over the years. I wouldn't say you've said too much.

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File: 5a397981e34ecb1⋯.png (697 KB,1920x1040,24:13,jojo.png)

File: c2388c2c9cdeb09⋯.png (1.34 MB,2500x1250,2:1,I_made_this_with_love_fag.png)

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8ch still as broken as ever

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wow it actually worked

Ohayou. I don't have much time to talk right now and will probably not be able to post until the 7th or so. I'm very happy to see you all again.

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File: 81a588e614f8659⋯.png (9.45 KB,376x183,376:183,omlet_fateof.png)


I’d like to get more tbh, but I’m trying to be smarter with my money. I say that, having spent 3k on a new kalashnikov a couple weeks ago. That aside, I’d like to expand the collection to aviation as well, but again I’m adverse to spending money on little luxuries like that these days. Hopefully that internship pays decently, so I can get back to spending money like a goofy goober again!

Yeah, I’d imagined it’d be pretty quick too, but threads can be up without a single bump for about a half hour on 4/b/, depending on the time. The drama probably mostly stems from anons trolling and the avatarfags getting their feefees hurt. Once again, seems like some things never change!

I appreciate you saying so, brother. I’ve got another year or year and a half left. It may end up being longer, depending on how the internship goes, but who knows?


>2nd pic related

I’m glad your retinas didn’t burn out on beholding them, brother. I look forward to seeing some of your work!

I know I called you silly for apologizing for the exact same thing, but please understand that I'm sorry for taking so long to respond to you. This week's kept me busy !!


>1st pic

Memory's real spotty of everything before 2018, I won't lie to you. Can't say I'm at all familiar with a Cirnofag. I do vaguely remember Webm, but not much.

>2nd pic

Dysnomia appreciated the nostalgia.


The humility stems from the shame I feel for being the person I once was, I hope you can understand. I do appreciate the consideration though, brother!

If there’s one thing I’m happy about with my gaming habits, it’s the fact that I prefer to enjoy them alone. I don’t have to subject myself to other people’s stilly opinions! I do sympathize though, it would be nice to share my feelings on a game with people who are at least both sane and literate.

I feel like the main culprit for the slow death of imageboards is definitely instant messengers, namely discord. The convenience and mass appeal of it over spooky scary imageboards has definitely prevented the next generation of shitposters from finding their real home.

Well, with even just two active ISPs, /maka/ is the fifteenth board on the frontpage, brother. Schizoidchan doesn’t really exist beyond the qlarpers, so even this much could draw attention to us. Is what I would say, if I genuinely believed any users actually looked at the front page, or at any board beyond qcumsearch.

I understand the sentiment, but there’s no sense looking back at what was done in shame, that’s not something we can change or even a direction any of us have the choice to move in. All we can do is acknowledge what was done or said and learn to be better through our own bad example.

I used to have friends who I would talk to through the entire night, which helped prevent me from really acknowledging the silly little thoughts in my head. I don’t have that luxury anymore and I’ve now no choice to to think about and acknowledge silly things. I’m sure a therapist would be beneficial, but what do I honestly stand to gain from paying someone to tell me I’m sad, y’know? What’s more, the bozo could rat me out to state lapdogs and get my firearms stolen. Either way, no thanks!!

I would like to look into doing more with the models, yes. Unfortunately every tutorial I watch mentions airbrushes, which I am unwilling to do research into/spend the money on! I will see if there are any tutorials that utilize only oil paints to make a normal model pop a bit more, though.

>I was also recommended to go into the army way back in the day. I probably should have, but I really didn't want to relinquish my autonomy.

Brother, I need you to know something; you should never regret not joining the military. I won’t waste your time with some long winded post on my feelings, just know that you absolutely made the correct choice in not joining.

>Fox and I noticed that you are back to talking how you did originally. When you were in the army your prose was less humble and floral, and you were generally more to-the-point.

I reckon that was actually more due to the spergy front I put up during my friendship with the /tripfriends/, which was quite the rope fuel to have to scrub through on the archives. If he weren’t already gone, I’d find my younger self and flay the flesh from his bones for making me look so bad.

I’m glad to hear you boys say I’m normal again, thank you !!!!


Yeah it's pretty bad, the OP images from only a week ago are already 404'd. Fucking hate what this place's turned into fam


Thank you again and be safe !!!

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File: 3742051ce95cef8⋯.jpg (1.97 MB,1800x2300,18:23,_ryuujou_kantai_collection….jpg)

Forgive the double post, but

Merry Christmas and happy New Years' to you all!!!

I know it's a bit early on one of those, but there's no shame in covering my bases!

Though I may not have been the best of friends to you all, I hope to right that wrong and ensure that you, all my treasured memories, will at least be able to look back on me favorably.

I hope you all enjoy your holidays and that you're spending with the people who matter most to you !

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File: 3d369ec525f9962⋯.png (4.23 MB,2772x1874,1386:937,96835841_p14.png)

Chihaya sends their happy wishes as well!

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File: a9bba722caecccc⋯.jpg (639.77 KB,3000x4000,3:4,20210330_005630.jpg)

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Hey Chihaya, How've you been?


>I’d like to get more tbh, but I’m trying to be smarter with my money. I say that, having spent 3k on a new kalashnikov a couple weeks ago.

Oooooh a new AK, tell me about it!

>That aside, I’d like to expand the collection to aviation as well, but again I’m adverse to spending money on little luxuries like that these days. Hopefully that internship pays decently, so I can get back to spending money like a goofy goober again!

I hope you are rolling in dosh soon and have an entire airfleet :)

>I appreciate you saying so, brother. I’ve got another year or year and a half left. It may end up being longer, depending on how the internship goes, but who knows?



>2nd pic related

That really sucks, I didn't really know him either but it sucks to see someone do that. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. ):

>I’m glad your retinas didn’t burn out on beholding them, brother. I look forward to seeing some of your work!

They look darn cool, or atleast they did before they 404d lol. Heres my minis

>I know I called you silly for apologizing for the exact same thing, but please understand that I'm sorry for taking so long to respond to you. This week's kept me busy !!

Lol now its my turn, I had a long holiday season, sorry for the late reply. How have you been? chug any champagne?

>Memory's real spotty of everything before 2018, I won't lie to you. Can't say I'm at all familiar with a Cirnofag. I do vaguely remember Webm, but not much.

Cirnofag was a good kid, I hope he's doing well

Webm was our spirit animal lol

>Dysnomia appreciated the nostalgia.

I think I have some more memes he's a part of lol



Merry late Christmas and New year, I hope 2023 is a great one! :)

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Merry Christmas fagget. Hope you got some nice things. I got a new electric razor and a soda stream.

>The humility stems from the shame I feel for being the person I once was, I hope you can understand.

I don't know who you were, but we all look back on ourselves with some degree of shame. But as you say:

>All we can do is acknowledge what was done or said and learn to be better through our own bad example.

There's no point in dwelling on it. Who you are now and who you were back then don't devalue you as a person.

I'm 33 years old, unemployed, and living with my parents. This should bring me no end of humility and shame. To say it brings me none would be incorrect. However I am not lesser than anyone else and I will not act otherwise.

I just like vidya and like to see people talking about it. Even if their opinions are retarded. My issue is that there's very little of that anymore. It's just bait all the way down.

We've always had IMs so I'm not sure I'd lay the blame at Discord's feet, but it is a lot more accessible to fine one with like-minded people. I'd say the larger problem is that people do find open forums scary and would prefer to stay in their bubbles.

Which is pretty much what MGS2 predicted.

I went to a couple therapy sessions once. They just wanted to put me on anti-depressants.

They can indeed fuck over your gun status with a single call. Or at least I'm certain I've heard such stories.

Airbrushes are nice for getting even coverage or a gradient, but they don't seem to be necessary. Just need fine brushes, a steady hand, and thinned-out paints.

>Brother, I need you to know something; you should never regret not joining the military. I won’t waste your time with some long winded post on my feelings, just know that you absolutely made the correct choice in not joining.

Thank you. It's reassuring to hear that.

>If he weren’t already gone, I’d find my younger self and flay the flesh from his bones for making me look so bad.

You didn't look bad, just different.

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I'm not as bad as before.Talked to RJ and caught up a bit.

We should have some other way of contact, with 8ch being as it is. You can find me at bakane at protonmail.com.

I remember someone posting Cirno. I think he might have also posted on 2hu once.


I still don't know a thing about jojo beyond memes.

I used mastodon a little and it's ok if you don't want instant messages. And there's always plebbit and twitter… but you'd be on plebbit and twitter.

I think a lot of what looks like bait just just badly expressed. I tried playing MGS when I was going through what are considered classics and it was just pain. I don't know why I finished it.

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File: 416c844ae8183ee⋯.jpg (112.64 KB,1000x638,500:319,_z1_leberecht_maass_kantai….jpg)

Following Chihaya's example, should the either of you be interested in finding me outside of here;

My Discord is RJ#1736 and my unique steam url is redditautism.


It's a Type56, a weapon from a bygone era where "Made in China" wasn't a mark of shame. It's actually one of the most sought after kalash variants in the US market. A place up the road is selling one for 5k, but I managed to grab mine for 3k. I didn't originally plan on getting it, since I already have another kalash, but all the talk of another ban convinced me.

Well, if I even do roll in dosh, I need to find a nice place to call my own first naturally!!! But yes, it would be nice to have an entire display case of aircraft and armor.

I can't say I know/remember anything about him; if it's a problem he faced alone, then it's something he alone could find the solution for. I'm personally in no position to judge his solution.

Holy cow, yours look amazing !!! I know this is a rotten way of thinking about it, but have you considered making+painting minis and selling them? They look really good, I'm sure loads of people would pay good money for them!

It's okay, no need to apologize, brother. I know a lot of people do a lot more with their holidays than me and my family do. I personally had just shared lunch with my family and was given a new sweatshirt. I'd given my mother a annual pass to her favorite park and gave my step-dad a $50 gift card to some hunting store he likes. No alcohol for me though, swore off the stuff the day I left the army. I hope you were able to enjoy your holiday properly though lmao.

If you do have any more dysnomia memes, I'd be happy to forward them to him.


I got a new sweatshirt!!!

Yeah, it's funny. My mom sometimes looks back and regrets things she'd done and how it'd affected the family, but I always tell her that there's no point looking back on the past, since we're not going that direction. I've told a couple people that same thing actually. Guess I just can't bring myself to take my own advice lmao

When a buddy of mine had played through mgs2, I thought the ending monologue was the most pretentious thing a video game had ever subjected me to. However, with all the things that've happened since I heard it, I gotta say that Kojima was right, once again.

When I'd gone to my first doctors' visit the other day and he asked me about my family, he'd recommended I see a therapist. Thankfully he didn't push the idea and I was able to avoid it.

>steady hand

The only time I've got anything like that is when I'm shooting lmao, I'm always super shaky when I try painting for whatever reason.

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JoJo's is mostly poorly written and highly prioritizes style over substance. Yet there are also bits that are rather good for what they are. To me it's one of those things that needs to be enjoyed ironically for it to be fun. And I enjoy it both ironically and unironically. Same with Kingdom Hearts.

No one is a wordsmith on halfchan, but it still feels like a post will be written more-so to be bait than it is a poorly expressed thought. Thought the line can be murky.

Plebbit had a couple good subs. But anytime one of them gains enough traction it gets mass reported as a hate sub, Admins put restrictions on them, and it's only a matter of time before it's corrupted or deleted.

r/CringeAnarchy was like a more SFW /b/ or /pol/. Gone.

r/KotakuinAction2, still around, but fairly low-traffc. Partially due to making their own website to get off plebbit.

r/TomDillon. Never heard of it until recently, but I did hear about it because the admins removed all the mods and put their own mod in charge. I think said mod was incompetent enough to get removed, but I dunno what the future of that sub is.

Otherwise it's fucking plebbit.


I sent you friend requests on both platforms. I'm DLH.

I hate sweatshirts!! (I'm glad you're happy with yours though)

A lot of it was still pretty pretentious, but when you're right you're right.

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File: 39f8535f835fce0⋯.jpg (365.24 KB,640x893,640:893,gits_2_.jpg)

File: 558cc9e33332e55⋯.png (134.66 KB,435x175,87:35,suicidalkids_2_.png)

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>We should have some other way of contact, with 8ch being as it is. You can find me at bakane at protonmail.com.

Ok I'll write that down :)

>I remember someone posting Cirno. I think he might have also posted on 2hu once.

Sounds like something he'd do

>Following Chihaya's example, should the either of you be interested in finding me outside of here; My Discord is RJ#1736 and my unique steam url is redditautism.

Added you on Steam!

>It's a Type56, a weapon from a bygone era where "Made in China" wasn't a mark of shame. It's actually one of the most sought after kalash variants in the US market. A place up the road is selling one for 5k, but I managed to grab mine for 3k. I didn't originally plan on getting it, since I already have another kalash, but all the talk of another ban convinced me.

Oh sweet! I bet its a beauty. I've actually been wanting an Ak but I'm kinda cheap so I'd probably go for a reproduction. Do you mean an assault weapons ban? I hope to God that doesn't happen.

>Well, if I even do roll in dosh, I need to find a nice place to call my own first naturally!!! But yes, it would be nice to have an entire display case of aircraft and armor.

I hope you find a cool place to live, rent is insane right noe.

>Holy cow, yours look amazing !!! I know this is a rotten way of thinking about it, but have you considered making+painting minis and selling them? They look really good, I'm sure loads of people would pay good money for them!

Thanks! I've thought about it but I've kinda lacked the confidence in my work. maybe I'll give it a shot :)

>I personally had just shared lunch with my family and was given a new sweatshirt. I'd given my mother a annual pass to her favorite park and gave my step-dad a $50 gift card to some hunting store he likes. No alcohol for me though, swore off the stuff the day I left the army. I hope you were able to enjoy your holiday properly though lmao.

Nice! sounds like fun! what kinda sweater did you get? I got printer :)

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File: 05cb198e6e156d6⋯.jpg (44.03 KB,633x1033,633:1033,_z1_leberecht_maass_and_hi….jpg)


It's more of a zipup hoodie. I just call all cold weather tops sweatshirts!


A general semi-auto ban has been discussed recently, but I'm not interested in waiting for discussions to end. I already live in an AWB state, so older rifles are my only option regardless.

Yeah, the lowest rent I can find anywhere nearby is like 2k a month. Just gotta hope I get paid well enough with Raytheon or whatever gov't contractor I find in the boston area.

What's there to lack confidence over? Your work is really good, don't sell yourself short, silly!

Just a fleece hoodie, but it's honestly exactly what I'd been looking for, so I'm really happy with it!

A regular printer or a 3d printer? Either way, sounds like a nice gift. Having a printer of my own would've saved me a lot of trouble back when I was in the army.

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I tried looking up if anyone else thinks Sekiro is very easy, but everyone is either pretending it's hard or can't/won't do easy obvious cheeses.


I've always felt like your smug fox pictures are her/you smiling at some joke I don't know.

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File: b0500f176b00eca⋯.webm (11.43 MB,854x480,427:240,My_Autism_Will_Go_On_and_….webm)

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File: de21fae6073f2d0⋯.webm (9.37 MB,640x360,16:9,Cutie_Honey_OP.webm)

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You guys have a dicksord now?

Whats the friend code?

I lost my steam acc and email for it so can`t really hang anymore unless I get a new one.

I was sitting in this nice japanese place and it reminded me of webby.

Anybody heard from him yet?

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Disregard my autism I just read the thread

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Wow I really should`ve checked in more often.

To think I missed spening christmas with you guys.

Anyway Happy easters then.

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