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Art, Animation, Agony

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Moved to 8chan.moe/loomis

We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: 747f3fb1b49f7d3⋯.jpg (96.9 KB,351x625,351:625,31e694a0ebce0ceb8f8c95eeaa….jpg)

 No.12028 [View All]

I didn't see one, so I'm starting a QTDDTOT thread.

Is there a board like /loomis/, but for painting?

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Just start drawing. Draw simple shapes. Try to copy a picture you like. Find some beginner fundie exercises to do. You won't be good. The most important thing is to DRAW.

20 is not too late. Unless you eyesight/motorskills are deteriorating from old age or disease, it's not too late.

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File: db9b3f162440076⋯.jpg (168.11 KB,1200x795,80:53,db9b3f162440076f90bf99f220….jpg)

How does someone even draw something like this?

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Was it really drawn or was it made with a bunch of photos photoshopped together?

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You're exactly right. That's called a "matte painting" which is using photoshop to combine a bunch of unrelated pictures together and adjusting the levels, hue, saturation etc. until they look like they fit and you get your result. Not a bad skill to have I guess but definitely not something I'm personally invested in.

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just leads me back to 8ch home page

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TORfag asked if /loomis/ can enable TOR.

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There's people that started in their 50s.

It's not about some ever ascending goal of Mastery it's about drawing, what you like and want to share.

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Bob Ross started in his 30's, skill is cultivated through practice, not youth.

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Didn't see this but for what it's worth now a month and a half later I've enabled it lmoa

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I'm looking for hardware advice and someone on /a/ said to ask here. I'm wondering if this is a reasonable place to start in the given pricerange (about $400)


I'm not completely new to drawing, but very rusty, and I'll be new to doing anything digital. What considerations go into tablets that wouldn't be obvious?

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I was in your shoes a few years ago. I recommend getting an inexpensive tablet to dip your toes first if you can. It can turn out that you do not find digital enjoyable, and it's better to be out of less than a $100 than $400. Especially now that some retailers might not take returns due to virus.

For more information, there is already a tablet thread


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Is it normal for the colors on your computer screen to look more saturated/darker if you tilt your head slightly lower or near the side? If so, how do you know which colors are the true ones? My screen is calibrated correctly so I don't think there's any issues with it, and the same thing happens on my older computer too.

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seeing as there might be a bit of unrest within 8koon, are there any other holes on the internet for drawfagging?

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8kun works so terribly for me, I literally can't even (make threads that is-I get an error every time) and I sometimes have to refresh multiple times for the page to actually do so. If it's this temperamental when there's only a few hundred people probably using it than what would it be like if it had gamergate-tier activity levels?

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There is https://julay.world/loomis/

The site works like a charm compared to this place, but no one posts there.

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judging by the current way things are going it wouldn't suprise me if there needed to be a diaspora yet again from this site to another, if what i've heard about management is true

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Mark/v are going to prolikewhoah, and same seems to be the case with many other boards that do not have bunkers already.

Either way, it is best to start backing up shit again. Does anyone have any links to the official loomis mega folder or other archives?


This is what I have. Is there anything missing?

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I caught up, and looks like things got a bit more complicated. Mark got kicked to the curb and it seems like most will stick around here. Either way, archiving shit won't hurt.

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This site sucks, honestly, and it's hardly functional. No lose going elsewhere. I don't want to be anywhere near Mark or /v/edditors though personally.

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What did Mark (/v/ BO?) do? Pill me fam


>BO-sanctioned request thread

Not a fan, otherwise I appreciate what the fella's done in providing an alternative, even if I'm not really interested in bailing JUST yet despite this site's many faults.

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Read this. Jim is 'Laqueesha', and Mark is 'Jhonstevens'. These were leaked by the cakekike himself.

tl;dr: Basically 8kunt is still around as a boomer's poorly thought out monetary scheme, Jim doesn't give a shit about any board outside of /newsplus/, and Mark is an idiot who became insubordinate and couldn't do his job, so he got the axe. I don't really care about the drama itself, but I guess it highlights how dead this site is. There isn't a particularly good reason to use it over another site at this point. This is the only board here that I still look at, which doesn't happen very often.

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File: e50e31bd4ef427b⋯.pdf (3.58 MB,778d57d45f407aec20c0caf5cb….pdf)


Did this .pdf even upload? Jesus.

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Ugh, Jim really is kind of an obnoxious boomer fuck isn't he. Does he really think 8chan's greatest strength is serving as a manually curated news aggregator? Holy guacamole!

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Maybe he's right to be a little upset if he was paying Mark to do something specific. I don't know, hell hath no fury like a boomer scorned in either case.

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>manually curated news aggregator

If that's what he wants, Jim would be far better off setting up a reddit or digg clone. Reddit is supposedly purging people and communities before upcoming election, so if Jim acts fast he might capture a portion of that userbase.

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Julay is dead. Are there any other bunkers around?

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Oh wow, it's actually gone. Holy crap!

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I have a /loomis/ bunker on 8chan.moe for the time being. I haven't really messed with it. I need to learn how to change the CSS in Lynxchan among other things. I wouldn't be against reversing things insofar as making this board the backup and that the main board if I could just get it to have the feel of the current board. I don't know if anyone else is experiencing it but this site's performance sucks.

>I probably just need to "view source" and stop being such a baby.

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Their registrar has taken down their domian due to the CP spam they were getting on their /v/ board. The backup URL for julayworld is: spqrchan.xyz

The guy who ran the julayworld loomis board now has it on anon.cafe.

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The webring is getting pruned one website after the other.


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What are other ways to accept untraceable payment? I'm doing certain niche that doesn't sit well with average bots but not worthy enough for glowniggers to give a fuck.

There's no way to cash out crypto coins where I live so that's out of question.

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I was going to say crypto would be your only option for remote work, otherwise cash by mail I guess but that's super risky

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File: e996dd3ebf0313d⋯.jpg (149.58 KB,1183x932,1183:932,EtgN7BjzN9U.jpg)

So im a self-educated retard who has been drawing for 15+ years in traditional (mechanical pencil + small artbook) and have finally decided to try digital drawing in Photoshop. The problem is as i have no proper art education, i've become so used to chaotic small-scale pencil strokes i am unable to do big smooth ones and as a consequense everything i try turns out to be a dirty mess. Ive tried various pen/brush settings and picrelated is the best i could do. How do i fix this? Just parctice/git gud or should i use other software/settings/etc?

Also is there a good/convinient way to adopt pencil-like shading to digital art?

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Everything starts out as a dirty mess, you just have to zoom in enough to clean it up-and use the right brush of course. One reason I don't get anything done is because I try and draw things too cleanly from the get go rather than visually feeling it out, I think.

>Also is there a good/convinient way to adopt pencil-like shading to digital art?

I use hatching a bit on my anatomy studies but I don't really know any advanced techniques for texture or anything like that.

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Longer strokes is mostly just git gud, but there's also brush stability settings that automatically make your strokes smoother. There's no shame in using them, digital isn't quite as intuitive as traditional media in terms of brush control. Some compensation is perfectly warranted.

You also really need to find tools you're comfortable with. If you miss how a pencil handles, Corel has some pretty good pencil brushes. You could get the trial just to see if any of those work for you then use those as a baseline to reverse engineer them in your software of choice if corel itself doesn't appeal to you, I did that in Krita and those brushes are definitely my favorites for sketching now. It turned out to be a good way for learning the finer points of the brush engine too.

You'll probably have to include some extra steps to achieve a certain effect like pencil shading. For example you can't do soft shading very well without a blending brush, which you might have to use within a mask with the lasso tool or something since you typically need to use the brush at a much larger size than the area you want to affect to achieve a smooth gradation. If you were drawing with a pencil you'd just kind of handle it more gently, but in digital achieving the effect you want is often a much more mechanical and deliberate process. So basically no, I don't think there's really a convenient way, you need to adopt a different mindset about how to use the tools and really understand what you have at your disposal. Although, textured brushes tend to hide the seams between the strokes better which definitely helps if you really just want to emulate traditional pencil drawing.

As a side note I'd say the biggest problem with that drawing aesthetically is just line weight, I think you should read up on that. It's basically instant improvement.


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>I did that in Krita and those brushes are definitely my favorites for sketching now.

Sharing is caring.

Most important things to a good drawing:

1. Having fun

2. Line control (use your arm, elbow and wrist)

3. line weight

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Sure, I wouldn't mind some feedback on them anyway.

They're not terribly fancy, it's mostly the alpha that took some figuring out. Hopefully it references the right texture after importing, but it's just one of the default ones. Normally I use them in an image of about 4000px. With a bit of care you can almost do soft shading, and they're pretty good for hard edges, but the gradient makes them too rough to work well for detailing.


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File: b875dbff5d9527b⋯.jpg (683.68 KB,1000x750,4:3,fuck.jpg)

How do you know that your monitor's calibration is accurate?

I recently switched to a new OS and I'm having a lot trouble calibrating my monitor. I followed the instructions that appear on lagom(dot)nl (which is what I do usually), but while the contrast and the brightness look fine, now colors look washed out. Now all my drawings look awful, and I'm not even sure if that's how they should look like. I've been trying to find a software that helps me with this, but I couldn't find anything like that for Linux. I can't even find an ICC profile for my shitty monitor.

What should I do? Should I go back to Windows?

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Wacom has some special tool that calibrates it but it's really expensive and an obvious cash grab (they could use it to calibrate their own shit rather than selling stuff poorly calibrated out of the box, right?). I think you can find settings online if you look hard enough. IIRC a youtube review of that aforementioned Wacom device had recommended calibration settings right in the video's description but I don't know how I'd find that today (this was at least 2 years ago)

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Come to think of it I had set the opacity of the soft brush to 85 as an experiment, but it looks like shit. If anyone does try those you'll probably prefer it at 100.

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File: 184bbc6f94e59ee⋯.jpg (31.71 KB,750x770,75:77,khadgar_happy.jpg)


Hey, thanks for an elaborate answer, ive never really thought about line weight, so that vid was a huge help. A shame its hard to achieve pencil-like effect on digital, but what can you do.

Also thanks for recommending Corel, im fucking tired of PS lagging each time i try to resize the canvas (use smaller canvas, i know, but im doing a 2000x2000 which is not that small anway). Is there any other good art software? I know of PS and Sai, former being used by tryhards and latter - by the tumblr SU fangirls.

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Krita is good and free. I think Clip Studio Paint EX is the best commercially available software and is more stable than Krita though.

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File: b1545eb0f37d2c0⋯.jpg (97.25 KB,500x349,500:349,bob_ross.jpg)

I've been on a Bob Ross binge and it's giving me an itch to paint.

>Disposable, affordable mediums to practice on.

I really want to avoid spending $30 on something that's gonna be used for fucking around on and ultimately considering it disposable. What is something affordable and not trash I can use to practice on?

>Oil or Acryllic?

I ask because I've painted tabletop minatures and got a bunch of leftover acrylic paints of various brands, mostly Folk-art and Americana, but also Tamiya and… Whatever the fuck Games Workshop's paint brand is. Never buying that again. 90% of the cost in that damn paint is solely the brand.

I looked for oil paints at my local Micheal's and noped the fuck out when saw the price for a tiny-ass-tube of oil paint. Surely there's gotta be affordable oil paints that aren't blatant brand-milking, what are these and where can I get them?

>Primers and preparing the medium in general.

Just how important is primer, really? I know Ross's main painting method is wet-on-wet, but I'm still not quite familiar with how preparing the medium for painting goes in general. How does he do it, and why does he do it that way?

>Homemade easel design/specs

I got a shitton of scrap-wood I can use to easily whip up a solid easel for free, the problem is, I don't have a design or measurements and shit to do so. I'd rather make one because, fuck paying $X00 for less than $30 of stained wood, when I can make it for basically free.

>Stretching out the arm muscles for smooth movement.

My tight shoulders fuck up my movement at times when drawing, it's annoying and contributing to my process anxiety. What stretches should I do to get them back into whack?

Also Why the fuck am I looking at art (not just mine) and seeing all the flaws as something bad? I just want to see the beauty of flaws in art the way Bob Ross does… Fucking dammit.

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>Whatever the fuck Games Workshop's paint brand is

Citadel, and yes it's overpriced as fuck. The only reason to buy that shit is if you're extremely into supporting your LGS/the hobby in general.

We only have(had) one traditional medium fella on this board and I'm afraid he only posts very intermittently since the 8kun transition unfortunately. Your best bet is, unfortunately youtube or a one-month subscription to New Masters Academy at nma.art.

>My tight shoulders fuck up my movement at times when drawing, it's annoying and contributing to my process anxiety. What stretches should I do to get them back into whack?

I did the Peter Han exercises easily found on youtube to vastly improve my drawing dexterity but I'm not sure it's quite as necessary for painting where you're not working with lines.

>Why the fuck am I looking at art (not just mine) and seeing all the flaws as something bad? I just want to see the beauty of flaws in art the way Bob Ross does… Fucking dammit.

When we get to the "midwit" level of artist foundational knowledge it's hard not to be a cynical cock not only about our own work but that of all others. Nonetheless it's important to direct this knowledge in a positive way though rather than just being a shitposter or it will hold you back.

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>Affordable paint


I've got a set of acrylics called Premiere Acrylic Color I picked up from somewhere, I think it was pretty cheap. I've never bought my own oil paints, only borrowed leftovers in my art classes.

Places like Micheal's or ACMoore are total scams, they price everything at double what you could get it on amazon. Then they beg you to sign up for daily coupon spam, 50% off one item*, EXPIRING NOW!

*Unless it already had some other bullshit sale applied to it.

>oil or acrylic

Acrylic dries in about 15 minutes, you need to keep spraying the paint with a mister bottle or something to keep it from drying before you get it on the canvas.

Oil paint takes anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months to dry. Also, it smells bad.

Do you want to build up multiple transparent layers in a hurry with acrylic, or do you want to blend and blend and blend with oil? Bob only uses oil.


Usually this just means having a coat of paint or gesso on the canvas to make the paint go on smoother or stick on a non canvas surface.

Bob's whole technique is using primer with paint thinner in it (that Magic Hwhite stuff) and extremely thick paint. The thickness of the paint makes for stronger impasto textures in the palette knife mountains and paint brush jabbing foliage, while the thinner helps get the thick paint off the brush and allows the blending of the sky, clouds, and water.

If you don't care about hanging your shit on a wall then getting canvas pad paper is much cheaper than regular canvases.

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>>16888 (checked)



Yeah, I know. But if I'm not paying out of the ass before discounts(TM), then to me, that counts as"affordable".

>Peter Han exercises

I'll keep that in mind. I want to draw too, so I'll check that out.

>The oil vs acrylic differences.

Noted, thanks for the head's up on the semantics of each paint type..

>Canvas pad paper.

That sounds exactly what I should aim for.

Thank you both, for everything

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File: c391c56231d6e01⋯.jpg (27.25 KB,498x263,498:263,zw37i.jpg)

Could someone help me on how to handle PayPal without failing?

I plan to work with NSFW illustrations, and I do it all under one alias. I do not know how to do it. Is PayPal the only option?

I have read in many forums that it is very easy for PayPal to lock your account, not to mention the fact that PayPal requires a bank account or a credit card in order to handle your money. I have neither.

I don't know how some NSFW artists do it. Apparently they can work without any problem and earn income through their commissions, even when patreon and paypal are hunting and punishing those who work with things like that.

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I honestly don't know. I think it's just one of those inherent risks you take. Like, nothing will happen to you unless you get reported-which given the nature of the eternal cumbrain could very easily happen. You could try some alternative like Zelle or Venmo as well. Not sure what their rules are but they've become more popular lately.

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File: 3a00f951cfbc153⋯.png (34.79 KB,550x438,275:219,StoneToss_doggy.png)


It's usually best to invoice the client so you can control the transaction better. Don't say it's NSFW, porn, furry … whatever on the form. Mark it as digital goods or service and keep the description to a basic "illustration" or "art commission." At the very least, don't let the other guy label it "Misty from Pokemon takes Were Garurumon's knot," that's what gets you auto-checked by PayPal.

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