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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

File: b00395d608028b0⋯.jpg (166.03 KB,640x772,160:193,1525183421834.jpg)


What's a good entry point if I want to start reading some Lovecraft?

Should I just grab the Necronomicon and/or Eldritch Tales, read some random short stories and skip to the next if they don't catch my interest?

I'd rather read something lengthier like a novel but from what I understand even they are at most ~150 pages. Which is fine I guess, but I still don't know where to start.

I'm only vaguely familiar with his work but I think I'd prefer to read the ones in a more overt 'mystical' setting

I was talking with a guy that gave me a bunch of suggestions but he also said that it wouldn't hurt if I'd ask for some other people opinions as well (and here I am) since he had read far from all of it.

>Some random suggestions that I wrote down


The Horror at red dread hook

The Dunwich Horror

The doom that came to saranoth

The case of charles dexter ward

At the mountains of madness

The shadow out of time

The haunter of the dark

The thing at the doorstep

The shadow over innsmoth

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It doesn't really matter. I started with Dagon when I was a kid and it made me a big fan. Wouldn't recommend Call of Cthulhu because it starts really slow (and is rather overrated).

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My favorite story of his has been The Whisperer in Darkness. A bit of a slow burn, but it sucked me in (unlike the Call of Cthulhu).

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Thanks, I'll probably just go and lend the Necronomicon for starters. Dagon seems like a good springboard, from what I understand it introduces a lot of elements.

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Start with this http://wordsworth-editions.com/author/lovecraft-h.p.

It's a four book edition that categorizes lovecrafts works by publishing date as well as circles.

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Herbert West-Reanimator

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Thanks those appear to be pretty well received collections, think I'll order them.


Might look into it separately later on unless it's included in the above mentioned collection. Sadly can't find it in the library's database.

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Everything of note is included in the collection, reanimator among them.

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File: aa5ba81e15d35eb⋯.jpg (444.04 KB,800x1158,400:579,1539884403219.jpg)


I believe I've read that The Color Out of Space was Lovecraft's personal favorite. It's really good - would recommend.

I was also fond of The Dreams in the Witch House and The Music of Erich Zann.

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File: 210943cfec5f5cf⋯.png (42.33 KB,1047x226,1047:226,horror at the museum.png)

File: b02783ab1bba476⋯.png (87.46 KB,701x573,701:573,review.png)




Been looking further into some of the comments and it seems like many of the stories in at least The Horror in the Museum has a lot of revisions and works that are not originally by Lovecraft himself. Though one poor review of it was bashing the 'disgusting racism' so I'm not really sure how much credence I should lend to amazon reviews.

The other 3 collection books all seem to have been generally well received and be mostly original work.


Thanks, I'll start by buying some collected works (either above or maybe the Necronomicon in case it has more original and unrevised Lovecraft stories) and then go hunt down specific stories that were potentially not included.

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Anon, looking at book reviews is the same as looking at rotten kikematoes.

Anyway, the second book in the collection, The Horror in the Museum, is dedicated to all the works that Lovecraft ghostwrote for other people as he wasn't renown or financially successful during his lifetime whatsoever. Nevertheless, he managed to insert a lot of Cthulhu mythos even in his ghostwriting and it's still an interesting read. You can always skip if you're not interested.

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Also, Lovecraft was redpilled as fuck, he had a cat named Niggerman and hated anyone who wasn't a blue eyed blonde.

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Alright that's fair, I might save the second edition for last depending on my mood.


It's partly why I took interest in him, besides the fact that I greatly enjoy the type of fiction he wrote.

A guy in my English class was presenting the Necronomicon and amongst other things mentioned how much of his writing could by today's standards be seen as racist and problematic.

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First and last time I order from Amazon, never gotten damaged or dirty books from other places before.

>All of them have fatty fingerprint smudges from some dirty nigger that was eating cheetos while packaging

>One of them has a cut straight across the cover and a fat stain (or something) that even shows on the other side of the cover

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That's fucking disgusting. I wouldn't be touching that book without a hazmat suit.

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I remember there was some controveristy some time ago regarding some lovecraft related award or something, where aplicants/organizers/winners made some retarded statements about Lovecraft and how his views and therefore works are now outdated, do any of you know what I'm talking about? I tried looking but I can't find any.

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File: 45663f2c1351799⋯.png (161.54 KB,263x350,263:350,meh.png)


World Fantasy Award changed their trophy from HPLs mug to something more generic. A calculated move to accomodate the speculative fiction industry as it's now (brown/woman == good). I recall there was some talk about changing the trophy into the face of some negro, but nobody wanted that, so they chose generic design in pic related instead.

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They will ban Lovecraft from bookstores soon enough.

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I think this is what you mean.

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Based LC triggers lefties from beyond the grave.

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My personal favorite is… fuck I can't tell you. I have a lot of favorites.

Dreams in the witch house

The dream quest of unknown kaddath

Shadow over Innsmouth

The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

Dont fuss about with which you should start. For me the fascination of HPL comes from the intervowenness of his stories. There are a lot of recurring things that tie all the stories together. That makes them, in my opinion, so great.

If you are a native german speaker I HIGHLY recommend you listen to the vast ammounts of audio books found on Youtube. Most of the even obscure or not well known ones are up there.

Again, in my personal opinion, HPL is much better in german, as his writing style much more fits with the german language. Any german speakers who have read HPL in here to debate/discuss this with me?

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>HPL is much better in german, as his writing style much more fits with the german language

no, fuck off

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Yes, his intelligent way of speaking and liberal use of adjectives befits the language of the master race much more.

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The language of the master race is already his mother tongue.

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>anything but english language


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>(brown/woman == good)

brown women are the most susceptible to jewish mind pornography. its no wonder the yids targeted them hard during the awful 60s.

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My favorite of his is The Colour out of Space. At the Mountains of Madness is also exceptional.

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sort of misguided though. most of the better Europeans were Meds so eh.

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>it's a nazis nitpick each other's delusions episode

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File: 36050be0c99a3dc⋯.jpg (144.52 KB,1164x1640,291:410,29cef4c8026ffb1029ca586f32….jpg)


Go away leftypol. This is a Nazi board.

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>if you're not my brand of retard you must be this other brand of retard

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Go read the Alchemist.

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fuck off, medcuck

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I started with 'A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson' and did not continue.

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