Welcome to /leo/, the dancewear fetish board.
Whether it's leotards (or anything that can be described as a leotard, like a one-piece swimsuit or bodysuit), tights, tutus, or anything else, if it's on a hot girl and it looks like something a dancer would wear, it belongs here.
Before you get started, here are the rules:
1. The global rule bears repeating: Do not post, request, or link to any content that is illegal in the United States of America.
2. Everyone, in every picture you post here, must be 18 or older, regardless of how clothed they are.
3. If your picture doesn't contain a woman in (or recently out of if it's part of series) something that at least looks like dancewear, it doesn't belong here.
4. Only post trans women in their own separate thread(s). If there's no appropriate trans thread, make one.
5. Intolerance isn't tolerated, just be nice in general.
All rules are subject to the interpretation of the board owner and/or moderators. Be cool, post hot girls in dancewear, and enjoy your stay.
Emi-Emi, The Best Princess Tutu Cosplayer
Emi-Emi has the nicest costume of any Princess Tutu cosplayer, and the fact that she isn't shy about her crotch is also a major plus ngl
This pic edited for better color accuracy
Fukami Akane
Soft porn "cosplayer" Fukami Akane.