Thank you all for the responses. Sorry it has taken so long to reply, I was just nervous thinking about the replies, but I see there is nothing to worry about, and especially with the board that I am on. So I mind as well try and give off specifically what happened, not as if I have much to loose anyway.
So for quick context, me and my siblings have been trying for months to get a ps4, but our dad manage to buy one in November, we now have the ability to play games we've been urging to play all year.
So in this month, our first start was with, well I will just call it THEGAME for it could have been anything really. I gotten it in November, was waiting to play it with my sister for either today or tomorrow by the time of this writing, but on Monday my dad accidentally saw the game, of course now being curious of it, kept on asking me about it, but it was whatever for I tried to answer them the best I could. Now we reach Tuesday night, we both were just done making dessert (pretty ironic considering what comes after lol), then dad asks if we could pop in THEGAME. Now I just simply said, "No I cannot play it tonight, that wasn't the plan. I haven't even played it yet." That was all I said, then left to get some water. When I came back immediately after he was like "Dude, c'mon, I just want to see it." Again I tell him no not tonight, literally any other night, but not tonight since I needed to study as well for this week's exams. In retrospect, maybe I should have just made way and shown it to him, but what I wasn't expecting was for him to now start denying me from the console all because I didn't want to play it yet. You already know what happened after that was mentioned in the OP. Geez, he even went the extra mile to delete my account on the ps4 (although no skin off my bones, it was just filled with betas and a game I haven't even played yet, so nothing lost). Again, everyone in the house was saying that I was to blame for it, but once again, I do not feel as if my sentence was "displaying a nasty attitude". Right now, it's kind of weird, but we are both giving each other the silent treatment, he haven't talked to me in anyway shape or form since then, pretty crazy right?
Oh boy, hopefully any of you guys made it through this "painful" and "tormenting" tale, for that was what essentially happened. I will be waiting in "anticipation" for the responses to this. Cya