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13:43 < Schnuffel> I hate u swedishmeatball

13:43 < SwedishMeatball> fuck you Schnuffel

13:43 < faggotbot> ok! get on all fours you little bitch!

13:43 < SwedishMeatball> get back in #8chan

13:43 < SwedishMeatball> I will not be disobeyed

13:43 < Schnuffel> Ur channel sucks

13:43 < SwedishMeatball> I will send EVERYONE your nudes

13:43 -!- Jax [~Jax@Chaotic.Good] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]

13:43 < SwedishMeatball> your school, your family, your church, your town

13:43 < SwedishMeatball> everyone

13:43 < Schnuffel> And only beast can be bossy

13:44 < Schnuffel> Fuck u

13:44 < SwedishMeatball> Emma Louise ***

13:44 < SwedishMeatball> last warning

13:44 < Schnuffel> Stop it

13:44 < SwedishMeatball> GET IN

13:44 < SwedishMeatball> NOW

:44 -!- treeman4 [~treeman4@3899A039.9264A1CF.73E2802A.IP] has quit [Ping

timeout: 240 seconds]

13:44 < Schnuffel> Why

13:44 < SwedishMeatball> because I will burn you to the ground if you don't?

13:44 < Telmeh> we do not negotiate with terrorists

13:44 < SwedishMeatball> Emma Louise *

13:45 < Schnuffel> Why r u blackmailing a 16 year old

13:45 < Telmeh> #cockblocked

13:45 < SwedishMeatball> Emma Louise A*

13:45 < Schnuffel> Shouldnt u be an adult

13:45 < SwedishMeatball> Emma Louise A**

13:45 < Schnuffel> What is wrong with u

13:45 < SwedishMeatball> Emma Louise A***

13:45 < Schnuffel> U ficking cunt

13:45 < SwedishMeatball> Emma Louise A****

13:45 < SwedishMeatball> Emma Louise A*

13:45 < Schnuffel> K

13:45 < SwedishMeatball> GET IN NOW

13:45 < Schnuffel> U know what

13:45 < Schnuffel> I just joined ur channel

13:45 < SwedishMeatball> before I start posting Egile and Lars' contact info

13:46 < Schnuffel> Before u said my namr

13:46 < Schnuffel> But now u said my name and i left

13:46 < SwedishMeatball> hang on let me get ur dads work

13:46 < Schnuffel> So yeah

13:46 < Schnuffel> Fuck u

13:46 < SwedishMeatball> numbr

13:46 < Schnuffel> WHAT IS WRONG WITH U

13:46 < SwedishMeatball> Im going to email these nudes to his boss


13:46 -!- Jax_ [~Jax@Rizon-A4C315A.sub-97-37-32.myvzw.com] has joined #8chan

13:46 < SwedishMeatball> wow

13:46 < Schnuffel> WtF

13:46 < SwedishMeatball> lol

13:46 < Kutgebruiker9000> .seen f4v

13:46 < faggotbot> f4v was last seen 10 hours, 50 minutes ago saying: no

13:46 < Schnuffel> ;-;

13:46 < Kutgebruiker9000> .seen jesus

13:46 < faggotbot> jesus was last seen 9 hours, 25 minutes ago saying: !append Official channel of https://8kun.top

13:47 < SwedishMeatball> Schnuffel I'm warning you

13:47 < SwedishMeatball> Lars is not going to like this

13:47 < SwedishMeatball> and ur never going to get a phone or computer again

13:47 < Schnuffel> Can u stop���

13:47 * Casey tosses ur uncle off a cliff

13:47 < SwedishMeatball> you'll be sent to a monastary

13:47 -!- JaxOff [~Jax@Rizon-B7BBF34C.sub-97-37-32.myvzw.com] has quit [Ping

timeout: 240 seconds]

13:47 < SwedishMeatball> if U want me to stop leave this channel and join #8chan

13:47 < Schnuffel> Why do u want to ruin my life

13:47 < Casey> why does Schnuffel want to ruin my life ;-;

13:47 < Schnuffel> Just cause i wont join ur channel

13:47 < SwedishMeatball> if U want me to stop leave this channel and join #8chan

13:47 < Schnuffel> Why do u want to ruin my life

13:47 < Casey> why does Schnuffel want to ruin my life ;-;

13:47 < Schnuffel> Just cause i wont join ur channel

13:48 < SwedishMeatball> because you deserve it

13:48 < Schnuffel> Casey im serious stfu

13:48 < Casey> guys i have an erection someone touch it

13:48 < Schnuffel> I dont

13:48 < zof> tf?

13:48 < SwedishMeatball> for being a piece of shit

13:48 < Schnuffel> Im innocent

13:48 < zof> memeball stop being such a disturbing faggot, it's a kid

13:48 < Casey> zof touch my penis

13:48 < Schnuffel> And ur not

13:48 < SwedishMeatball> FUCK YOU EMMA

13:48 < faggotbot> you wish faggot

13:48 < Casey> also this kid has the tism

13:48 < SwedishMeatball> OBEY ME

13:48 < SwedishMeatball> OR DIE

13:48 < Schnuffel> U should be in jail swedishmeatball

13:48 < zof> casey end urself sodomite

13:48 < Casey> lol

13:48 < Schnuffel> Im contacting services

13:48 < Telmeh> moose

13:48 < SwedishMeatball> u will be in a coffin once every sees ur nudes emma

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
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fkn hell son

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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