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/ircsecrets/ - IRC CONFESSIONS

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File: 26fdc091715b83e⋯.jpg (137.61 KB,1004x1075,1004:1075,sssssssssssss.jpg)


Post your ride ITT

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>Yfw noone on irc owns a car

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not like we go anywhere all day

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File: 648c0b30e21affc⋯.jpg (35.77 KB,480x360,4:3,mycar.jpg)

my wheels

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File: 9086582a503258c⋯.jpg (123.08 KB,784x600,98:75,P028807.jpg)

my wheels

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File: 498f89cf55de083⋯.jpg (240.92 KB,1600x1066,800:533,rush.jpg)



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File: e6859f0a96be483⋯.jpg (216.84 KB,1600x1066,800:533,tier.jpg)

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File: b44cdde4b57c091⋯.jpg (2.92 MB,3264x4014,544:669,_DSC7365.JPG)

I really should take better photos of her, but here's a few.

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File: dc7a754829d11b4⋯.jpg (2.46 MB,3264x4912,204:307,_DSC7338w.jpg)

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File: 19db886e29c8cd6⋯.jpg (1.52 MB,4912x3264,307:204,_DSC7738.JPG)

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File: ad9760a422b2791⋯.jpg (1.68 MB,3840x2880,4:3,IMG_20161104_101412.jpg)

the only part i dislike is how maniac french car designers are with their logo. not the worse for sure, as it hosts the optronics/cameras, but…

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File: 85587d7ed93bfe4⋯.jpg (4.41 MB,3264x4912,204:307,_DSC8243.jpg)

…it's huge.

(also,it's cold here.)

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fucking richfags get out


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