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File: 03984e2ac54af53⋯.jpg (438.53 KB,4096x3072,4:3,IMG_20240928_WA0058.jpg)

321efb No.4473

A guy at my office says to me I am a mumble rapper and make awewaeaeaw sound and people at back laugh, I feel like I can't do anything

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6470c8 No.4474

File: 4e4f17875979f72⋯.png (585.31 KB,1156x583,1156:583,fanfiction_has_more_to_do_….png)

>>4473 Cirno Plays<

I tasted Ramen, and while a stunning shot across the stern of your psychic ship would be preferred, I'll settle in this instance for an expose on the Earthbound DeviantARTIST and a garage worth.

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