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File: 9620cb67b4843e0⋯.jpg (436.11 KB,1280x720,16:9,1644141270910.jpg)

522818 No.2657

>be lundian farmer

>cry about muh farmers muh anndata muh rights all day long

>use up 58% of population in agriculture, still account for only 20% of GDP

>want everything for free, don't want to pay tax

>never profitable, worst businessmen ever

>don't want to adopt advanced agriculture techniques, yeild per hectare is 1/10 of अमेरिका

>chimp out if govt tries to let private players into industry

>smoothbrain, any rando politician can sway outlook for his benefit

Why shouldn't these faggots be shot?

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8a7d15 No.2662

Based kill all farmers who got their land which they dont deserve due to communistic shithole government give the land back to lamdlords and let them form industries on it.

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598d8d No.2759


Let these parasites rope themselves one by one

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bab584 No.2761

File: 966f3852b9e3563⋯.png (548.96 KB,680x680,1:1,374.png)

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08d5b7 No.2768

File: 3704062534a4aa3⋯.jpg (36.12 KB,696x441,232:147,Cool_knot.jpg)


Each time a virtue signalling whore speaks about their beloved anndata, I launch into my autistic rant about how these fuckers are parasites.

Such people eventually block me everywhere (this is good) but the fact that someone opposes their bullshit is disturbing to them.

Punjab deserves Punjab, I for one want Punjabi's to be left alone to their ways so I can eat samosa and popcorn while they kill themselves one by one.

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80baea No.2775


Getting rid of income tax and hiking GST to flat 21% fixes this

>but muh rich peepoo

Rich peepo pay capital gains tax. Not income tax.

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