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hobbies and circlejerking

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92b14c No.275612 [Last50 Posts]

WAKE UP (Wake up). It's morning here.

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92e315 No.275616

File: 4c1a7e8d50423a1⋯.jpg (418.96 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p1.jpg)


by 400km

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3c397e No.275617

File: 168143ec3acdcc0⋯.jpg (109.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,1554921451796.jpg)


only 1000km to go.

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524e09 No.275618

File: b2bac9c6617d500⋯.jpg (4.86 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0419.JPG)


Y-you want to read one?! Y-you're into yaoi?!

I'm at another store now. This place is a goldmine and I'm walking into basically every store

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92e315 No.275619

File: 59201500dc6a75a⋯.jpg (376.74 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p2.jpg)


i dont think those numbers are accurate

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92b14c No.275620

File: bad585264d722be⋯.jpg (87.66 KB,800x600,4:3,sleeping_homeless_mikan.jpg)

I think I should go back to bed.

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3c397e No.275621

File: a66bf7f23ef5c6a⋯.png (278.2 KB,431x489,431:489,1557714279602.png)



Close enough. Besides, what's a few thousand km to anyone?

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3c397e No.275622

File: 234d56dea176d77⋯.jpg (2.77 MB,4392x6136,549:767,1fee9ad3704be50c6bb0bcabee….jpg)



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92e315 No.275623

File: 7375160472d2495⋯.jpg (414.3 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p3.jpg)


thats 10x the distance

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0c82ff No.275624

File: 3d276c22dc910f1⋯.png (800.15 KB,1500x2121,500:707,hose.png)


Have you not?


Get some sleep

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3c397e No.275625

File: 30ca6336c5011a8⋯.gif (258.33 KB,560x420,4:3,1554755560339.gif)

Try this getting a painting of your waifu!


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3c397e No.275626

File: 9e9b97a7db53d27⋯.jpg (649.15 KB,1920x1428,160:119,1554915802229.jpg)


If only my penis was 10000km long.

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92b14c No.275627

File: dbeef1f59beb139⋯.jpg (150.68 KB,800x600,4:3,mikan_2.jpg)


I'll try to be back, Badfox. See you.


I will Ran. You get some too.

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92e315 No.275628

File: 4022499447db600⋯.jpg (408.02 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p4.jpg)


that would be awful

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524e09 No.275629

File: b47ee3e0d9dfd3a⋯.png (9.64 MB,8100x11460,135:191,ab05ef87c5d859a9b96edcdda2….png)

The place I was just in was selling actual framed original art of waifus for thousands of dollars


Goodnight lewdie


I am proud of having never seen a page of yaoi

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2f8702 No.275630

File: 2a983330a79fe15⋯.png (158.95 KB,419x508,419:508,10.PNG)


As opposed to 10000 micrometers?

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3c397e No.275631

File: dac95257f1ab736⋯.jpg (89.09 KB,400x450,8:9,1554683255134.jpg)


Would it?

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92e315 No.275632

File: 21b009bed9f3f29⋯.jpg (443.51 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p5.jpg)



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978433 No.275633

File: 255b210e7be08e2⋯.png (1.8 MB,1384x2120,173:265,75801512_p0.png)


You should've bought one.

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3c397e No.275634

File: d6ca76c1fb56994⋯.jpg (70.01 KB,713x900,713:900,f8b05da96f9c7a6d078e19cc04….jpg)

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3c397e No.275635

File: 7bed277f6f8004c⋯.jpg (18.56 KB,512x512,1:1,aiportraits_1563594856.jpg)

I got it to work.

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3c397e No.275636

File: 950996d4a5100c4⋯.jpg (24.75 KB,512x512,1:1,aiportraits_1563595097.jpg)


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978433 No.275637

File: b2f5eb513badda2⋯.png (398.3 KB,516x900,43:75,75662766_p0.png)


Pretty much what I imagined you looked like.

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3c397e No.275638

File: 34aaf64ff1f431f⋯.jpg (484.5 KB,1174x1825,1174:1825,e1701f9fbf3c1d0c04628c0a17….jpg)


Be nice.

Have you tried making a portrait yet?

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3c397e No.275639

File: ce10e73b68dd7b5⋯.jpg (16.75 KB,512x512,1:1,aiportraits_1563595214.jpg)

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92e315 No.275640

File: 883d8ae7c2ae07f⋯.jpg (403.04 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p6.jpg)

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3c397e No.275641

File: bd8d141c0ca3df6⋯.png (429.5 KB,793x663,61:51,1563400881252.png)

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92e315 No.275642

File: 6702d00fac87ff6⋯.jpg (394.02 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p7.jpg)

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978433 No.275643

File: 501bb91ebc8d7ec⋯.png (5.09 MB,3643x2498,3643:2498,75650761_p0.png)


Yeah, but it didn't seem to be able to detect anime girls.

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524e09 No.275644

File: f03debfe2adf108⋯.jpg (91.83 KB,439x644,439:644,6d0b1f3.jpg)


Bought what, the framed art?

I fucking wish. It was all great

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3c397e No.275645

File: b1c7de80860ff99⋯.png (1.15 MB,1200x1695,80:113,0e4c1a684706c1082b2881ef1d….png)

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3c397e No.275646

File: 2d924c5ed256c85⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,4096x2911,4096:2911,1563304003337.jpg)


It can't detect Japanese people at all.

They all come out looking like Queen Isabella for some reason.

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92e315 No.275647

File: 0956756b5391212⋯.jpg (489.25 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p8.jpg)

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3c397e No.275648

File: 83618454a19b714⋯.jpg (14.23 KB,512x512,1:1,aiportraits_1563595667.jpg)

That looks better.

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978433 No.275649

File: c0363883156166d⋯.jpg (345.36 KB,1059x969,353:323,74913038_p4.jpg)


How rude.

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3c397e No.275650

File: 2eae52aa4f86cea⋯.jpg (594.79 KB,2712x3510,452:585,bfad25a43e7bfade031d3b67c0….jpg)

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3c397e No.275651

File: 2a5fcee3f85b0a5⋯.jpg (285.92 KB,1500x2118,250:353,8d9afd79b59cbf4d64ec074006….jpg)


Maybe anime features and Japanese features are foreign?

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0a1a65 No.275652

File: b8320c711812c74⋯.png (52.59 KB,285x180,19:12,b8320c711812c744534585d0dc….png)


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92e315 No.275653

File: cb3aad38a985271⋯.jpg (486.04 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p9.jpg)



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978433 No.275654

File: 7cd21488c1b5f00⋯.jpg (517.13 KB,787x1102,787:1102,74845183_p0.jpg)


I guess so.

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3c397e No.275655

File: 303a8a65a5c6333⋯.png (5.23 MB,3317x2000,3317:2000,4fbab00bbb78e304a0f0fb4e78….png)



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92e315 No.275656

File: 9915d4d780aeb12⋯.jpg (447.86 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p10.jpg)



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3c397e No.275657

File: 920162a3a74969e⋯.jpg (407.4 KB,1500x1500,1:1,0d849ff339108c7d08bad67c92….jpg)


You always say these things.

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524e09 No.275658

File: 3e38acfd2a260b3⋯.jpg (4.74 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0422.JPG)

The cool shit just doesn't fucking end

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3c397e No.275659

File: 266f5feb0ba9226⋯.png (377.18 KB,700x756,25:27,1ad58b1a395cff020d2a36a44e….png)


( ᐛ )

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92e315 No.275660

File: 440e83a5b213376⋯.jpg (552.5 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p11.jpg)


ヾ(・ω・ )

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3c397e No.275661

File: 7afa6a36907dfaf⋯.jpg (552.06 KB,4096x3605,4096:3605,7ec0a4b53fad0d7b54f9a40093….jpg)



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978433 No.275662

File: bc70bdc6b433128⋯.png (1.33 MB,1117x1656,1117:1656,74657509_p0.png)


I always say a lot of things.

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92e315 No.275663

File: a199eaa51c49565⋯.jpg (486.49 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p12.jpg)



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3c397e No.275664

File: c32647a662eeb1b⋯.jpg (796.96 KB,707x1000,707:1000,373afb21761617d4030f2836af….jpg)


Like you not going to sleep on time.

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3c397e No.275665

File: 284708eff713fcf⋯.png (2.34 MB,1351x1509,1351:1509,dd8e60117d07d712394b62e3d5….png)


┌(。°з ┐ )┘三└( ┌ ε°。)┐┘

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978433 No.275666

File: d677026dda25da9⋯.png (3.75 MB,2478x3431,2478:3431,74597706_p1.png)


You know me so well, sweet cheeks.

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3c397e No.275667

File: f6fc1009b76486f⋯.png (610.64 KB,742x914,371:457,a134e4b7ff675ba59faca39f9e….png)


Yes, and you should sleep!

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92e315 No.275668

File: 16392922fe46b1a⋯.jpg (447.38 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p13.jpg)



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3c397e No.275669

File: b61de6f4977d305⋯.jpg (236.2 KB,451x717,451:717,1563227620541.jpg)


( ◎∀◎ )

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0a1a65 No.275670

File: 9b8954da7e0b564⋯.jpg (76.93 KB,1080x1041,360:347,vpn1e30iv5831.jpg)

I'm so bored I could die

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978433 No.275671

File: 257a39c2e1d7a23⋯.png (1.52 MB,1200x1800,2:3,74505258_p0.png)


Dun feel like it!

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92e315 No.275672

File: 4b941efa36c1f20⋯.jpg (481.17 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p14.jpg)

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3c397e No.275673

File: 2938e67a1463c62⋯.gif (1.97 MB,500x281,500:281,1554279903937.gif)

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92e315 No.275674

File: c407d24044050c5⋯.jpg (408.03 KB,776x1096,97:137,75814449_p15.jpg)

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3c397e No.275675

File: 960a7cf37b45c2a⋯.png (310.63 KB,868x1228,217:307,73888418_p1.png)


><(((( ゚<~ ̄ ̄ ̄\o( ̄(エ) ̄)o/ ̄ ̄ ̄~>゚ ))))><

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3c397e No.275676

File: f94db3df67954b3⋯.jpg (342.64 KB,1500x844,375:211,1561697229699.jpg)

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3c397e No.275677

File: 66c6ebdcb02a62f⋯.png (1.05 MB,1000x810,100:81,esumare.png)


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92e315 No.275678

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3c397e No.275679

File: d26ab9cd3b47990⋯.png (390.01 KB,580x471,580:471,1561698277578.png)


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3c397e No.275680

File: 946f95ab4f0cfeb⋯.png (349.77 KB,1280x1280,1:1,1561419944661.png)


I'm going to yamate you.

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978433 No.275681

File: 642941efccc1ec0⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1600x2000,4:5,74468841_p12.jpg)


Negom is a sick woman who needs help.

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92e315 No.275682


that doesnt mean what you think it means

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3c397e No.275683

File: 7835e511a4e00e3⋯.png (1.5 MB,1528x860,382:215,1559560024064.png)


That post is a tad odd.

You think she had sex?

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3c397e No.275684

File: 85a5755af705b96⋯.png (197.18 KB,659x390,659:390,1561420007307.png)



What does it mean?

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978433 No.275685

File: 7f467da0553bcea⋯.jpg (579.4 KB,744x879,248:293,74237259_p0.jpg)


I'm 50/50 on that question.

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92e315 No.275686


mountains near a city

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92e315 No.275687


cities near a mountain*

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3c397e No.275688

File: 975dabc12aec34c⋯.jpg (445.55 KB,2048x1447,2048:1447,1554449961641.jpg)


imagine the moans.

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3c397e No.275689

File: a0ec6b6dd599215⋯.png (453.57 KB,900x1200,3:4,72410723_p0.png)

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978433 No.275690

File: 76fdb4cc6aea48e⋯.png (4.11 MB,2638x3479,2638:3479,73937572_p0.png)


Not very hard to imagine with all the JAVs I watch.

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92e315 No.275691

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3c397e No.275692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3c397e No.275693

File: 1c9521a7153fa07⋯.jpg (364.48 KB,2133x3020,2133:3020,1561689385295.jpg)



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3c397e No.275694

File: 219b44ea853ca48⋯.jpg (64.23 KB,600x600,1:1,1561489522076.jpg)


☆。、::。.::・’゚\\ ̄(エ) ̄)♪clap clap♪( ̄(エ) ̄//゚’・::.。::、。☆

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92e315 No.275695


that doesnt looks right to me

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978433 No.275696

File: 5fd5f2ac8be2de0⋯.png (5.2 MB,2507x3405,2507:3405,73937572_p1.png)


I have to make do with something now that there are no Japanese girls in my general vicinity.

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3c397e No.275697

File: ef91cbef65c6717⋯.jpg (3.11 MB,4093x2894,4093:2894,此花亭奇譚02.jpg)



†┏┛墓┗┓† ~((~~~(m ̄(エ) ̄)m

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3c397e No.275698

File: 6f7977ce02b7851⋯.jpg (228.97 KB,850x1189,850:1189,14-the-room-tommy-wiseau.w….jpg)


Blackrider doujins?

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3c397e No.275699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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978433 No.275700

File: 4947fac13487603⋯.jpg (3.17 MB,1970x2400,197:240,73827489_p5.jpg)

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0c82ff No.275701

File: 6586b24e50a2789⋯.png (1.8 MB,1000x1414,500:707,1480718099690.png)

Go to bed.

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3c397e No.275702

File: c802808543c1959⋯.jpg (487.81 KB,700x990,70:99,1554476242581.jpg)






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978433 No.275703

File: df0d2598d59ea7a⋯.jpg (2.91 MB,1700x2260,85:113,73827489_p0.jpg)



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524e09 No.275704

File: f2602d8913c85bf⋯.jpg (5.93 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0424.JPG)

Welp, I just bought a bunch of electrical parts. Time to try and not cause an electrical fire in my apartment

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92e315 No.275705



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92e315 No.275706

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524e09 No.275707

File: 4301bdc8e88e1a9⋯.jpg (3.6 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0425.JPG)


Because I couldn't resist. I saw some nice DC-DC voltage regulators and got the idea. I'm going to make a power supply. I did some rough guessing in my head, got extra parts, and will work it out properly when I get back home

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92e315 No.275708


but then you have to go back in less than a month

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524e09 No.275709

File: 1206f548f2eaa08⋯.jpg (132.08 KB,800x1138,400:569,e14d01b.jpg)


So? I can disassemble it and take the parts home. I'm not soldering anything, it's all going to be on a breadboard

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524e09 No.275710

File: 610fcc4effe703a⋯.jpg (85.37 KB,764x1080,191:270,708f886.jpg)


So? I can disassemble it and take the parts home. I'm not soldering anything, it's all going to be on a breadboard

How likely is it that used figures in a store have been cummed on?

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92e315 No.275711



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524e09 No.275712

File: 7e76d5e64f8d2e0⋯.jpg (230.94 KB,850x1133,850:1133,__matsuura_kanan_love_live….jpg)


Hmm… They're a tempting deal but I can't make up my mind. I might have trouble controlling myself

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92e315 No.275713


if you dont buy them someone else will cum on your waifu

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3eadd8 No.275714

File: ef0f4fcb2ee8a8f⋯.png (883.82 KB,920x1030,92:103,6889ebe.png)


I think I'll buy some when I get to Tokyo

I left denden town and am looking for food now

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92e315 No.275715


are you going to cook anything for yourself

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524e09 No.275716


No, going to restaurant. Apparently they're good in Osaka. I'm open to reccomendations

You can't really cook food at my apartment, there's barely any space to prepare it, no space to store many ingredients, and not much stuff to prepare it with

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92e315 No.275717


good food is not kimchi

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524e09 No.275718

File: 7a72fdc99c33f23⋯.jpg (741.89 KB,850x2730,85:273,mashiro 116.jpg)



I went to some steak place

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92e315 No.275719


korean food

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524e09 No.275720

File: e4ab59db4e0fd7d⋯.jpg (3.28 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0426.JPG)


I went to some Wagyu place

Also, what is this? Really big caviar?

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92e315 No.275721


i dont know what a caviar is

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524e09 No.275722

File: c74b738b25fec6a⋯.png (353.98 KB,1000x1011,1000:1011,e9e787f.png)


The little fish egg things

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92e315 No.275723


theyre fish eggs

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0996eb No.275724

File: 266d1de7c468398⋯.png (9.68 KB,341x45,341:45,Get 'em wet.png)

Goddamn, I just had one of the most exciting games of DayZ I've played in a LONG ass time…

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524e09 No.275725

File: 2516cd737d92806⋯.jpg (110.17 KB,764x1080,191:270,c37d8cb.jpg)


Souka. How am I supposed to eat them, by themselves?

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92e315 No.275726


you can but usually with the meal

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524e09 No.275727

File: e5c58e27ddf2003⋯.jpg (214.76 KB,1500x2250,2:3,428fc20.jpg)


Souka. They're strange, they're kinda solid. The ones I'm used to explode instantly into liquid

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92e315 No.275728


thats how fish eggs are meant to be

if they explode theyre off

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524e09 No.275729

File: 573d7a25da30bf4⋯.jpg (357.41 KB,706x999,706:999,image(16).jpg)


I like the ones that instantly become liquid the second they hit your mouth

As there's less of them in the bowl, it's getting harder to pick up a bunch at a time with chopsticks

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92e315 No.275730


just tip them into your mouth by lifting up the bowl

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524e09 No.275731

File: bd8f34d2c675287⋯.jpg (395.93 KB,2071x2523,2071:2523,f8cab30.jpg)


Makes sense. I thought it would've been rude to do that

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0996eb No.275732

>kira has to be taught how to eat

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524e09 No.275733

File: 56e7ff9329dfd01⋯.png (641.38 KB,600x849,200:283,6969da5.png)


You try getting something you've never seen before in a foreign place and knowing what to properly do with it

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92e315 No.275734


just say "debudeti" and they will forgive you

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524e09 No.275735


What does it mean? I don't think that "ti" exists

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92e315 No.275736

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524e09 No.275737




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92e315 No.275738

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524e09 No.275739


Because fat people tip the bowl into their mouth?

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92e315 No.275740

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524e09 No.275741


Does this mean that you tip it?

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92e315 No.275742

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524e09 No.275743


You must eat it all with chopsticks one by one then

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92e315 No.275744


what did you do

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524e09 No.275745


Started out with chopsticks and then put the bowl to my mouth after you suggested it

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524e09 No.275746

RIP my poor phone is at 2%

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524e09 No.275747

File: cbace701109482d⋯.jpg (90.23 KB,703x994,703:994,3aab0eb.jpg)

Fucking ded hours

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a1ac28 No.275748

File: cad6ad77bd18576⋯.png (21.44 KB,216x228,18:19,banjo02.png)


>kira has hands

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a1ac28 No.275749


I mean anything exploding sounds a bit off

unless it's a bomb or something

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524e09 No.275750

File: 8702012581b15af⋯.png (6.48 MB,3097x5000,3097:5000,b8de022.png)


Generally, humans do tend to have hands. If they do not, something may be wrong

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a1ac28 No.275751

File: 27e8d3633f3f071⋯.png (596.59 KB,1410x1000,141:100,giratina01.png)


Right, of course. I have hands too.

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524e09 No.275752

File: 61d8ae5d973aef6⋯.jpg (464.5 KB,2836x5550,1418:2775,9848ecb.jpg)


I always knew you were a snake, the lowest of creatures forever cursed to slither across the ground on its belly

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978433 No.275753

File: b65894595f6ee4f⋯.jpg (66.01 KB,640x1138,320:569,1558641893.jpg)


Sneks traded their limbs for cuteness.

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524e09 No.275754

File: e9678f13f50c5db⋯.png (2.14 MB,1254x1840,627:920,5cab53f92e548bcf3ccc21a445….png)


Sneks are literally the devil :^)

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a1ac28 No.275755

File: 641e22a23bdd921⋯.jpg (92.49 KB,600x538,300:269,snek02.jpg)

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3c397e No.275756

File: dfef91c030cd0e0⋯.png (454.9 KB,783x834,261:278,1563564493864.png)


If only snakes weren't so pissy.

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3c397e No.275757

File: b933b539eb23401⋯.jpg (111.04 KB,798x1024,399:512,1563467994412m.jpg)

Is he gone?

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a1ac28 No.275758

File: b9e29d7482cd272⋯.png (114.06 KB,211x189,211:189,017.png)


I'm never gone

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3c397e No.275759

File: 5d5a2db2ce88d96⋯.jpg (425.59 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1563566273645.jpg)


Good good. At least someone is here manning the post

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3c397e No.275760

File: 02072b42bd78f37⋯.jpg (73.56 KB,680x680,1:1,1563593746768.jpg)

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f1be35 No.275761

Dead as fuck

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a1ac28 No.275762

File: 93ac9b5313966bb⋯.jpg (37.53 KB,392x495,392:495,mokou05.jpg)

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6395c8 No.275763

File: 10b8725a105a80e⋯.png (202.92 KB,395x395,1:1,Ze1K6Zxo.png)

The thread is dead, peace has been achieved.

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a26a7a No.275764

File: 5791e657834c6fe⋯.jpg (344.94 KB,600x926,300:463,2cd6f852721beb2643c20dc6d1….jpg)


Ding dong, the thread is dead.

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6395c8 No.275765

File: dba51b5ff4c495e⋯.jpg (133.47 KB,698x959,698:959,IMG_20190719_115643.jpg)


Long live the thread.

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a26a7a No.275766

File: 7b2b0fab0c5eba6⋯.jpg (37.47 KB,244x274,122:137,n50fcd83887cfd.jpg)


But how can it live long if it's already dead?

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6395c8 No.275767

File: 36941a7eacf21ac⋯.jpg (341.01 KB,1000x1780,50:89,IMG_20190123_123831.jpg)


By living long.

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152a9c No.275768


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f1be35 No.275769

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d7b493 No.275770

File: 0da3d53dc55523e⋯.jpg (6.95 MB,5312x2988,16:9,20190719_181837.jpg)

Ys 8 is bretty good so far.

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a50dfe No.275771

File: a03382d10a2a6c1⋯.png (3.53 MB,1920x1080,16:9,DOOT TIME.png)

Hey pretty bois.

I got my cute Lumu set and my big fuck off Radobaan hammer on MHW but now I need to get some blue ice dragon armor set thing for luck.

Was kinda debating what to go for.

To either look pimpin' or to get a set that makes me luckier.

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0c82ff No.275772

File: 0f94d4dc49ef2cd⋯.png (334.85 KB,869x1242,869:1242,ClipboardImage.png)

Finally got caught up in Houseki

what the fuck

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0996eb No.275773

File: d2c4fae94b79727⋯.jpg (205.84 KB,650x1084,325:542,1548724340161.jpg)

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0c82ff No.275774

File: fb1124569994591⋯.png (441.68 KB,840x1120,3:4,じーーー.png)


He turned into such an asshole

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0996eb No.275775

File: 387dbdddb553dac⋯.jpg (557.83 KB,800x3016,100:377,1562849503604.jpg)


He tried to save them!

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0c82ff No.275776

File: c0c0e0defef746f⋯.png (76.04 KB,419x296,419:296,1466827974702.png)



What did he do?

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0996eb No.275777

File: 484d0d08420183a⋯.png (1.1 MB,1280x1912,160:239,1532293385492.png)


Oh, Cairn.

I meant Phos, he tried to save them.

But yeah Cairn turned into a nigger cunt.

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0c82ff No.275778

File: 6111a5cf4fcb514⋯.jpg (151.48 KB,935x1022,935:1022,n5172966824140.jpg)


Boy phos is cute. Even though it's not really phos anymore..

short hair bort is a tragedy.

Now the suffering of waiting for new chapters begins.

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0996eb No.275779

File: 42c7ef27118580b⋯.jpg (308.25 KB,1500x1948,375:487,1534976769623.jpg)


I hate boyish short Bort.

The real suffering is that this hasn't had a nice full circle ending like it should have actually had by now, because the writer has to drag it all out for their monthly contract.

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0c82ff No.275780

File: faab28361efbbfe⋯.jpg (213.85 KB,1000x1412,250:353,tribal.jpg)


I felt like it was gonna end soon, but after this last chapter having ANOTHER timeskip I doubt that

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0996eb No.275781

File: ec9381f860d26a0⋯.jpg (237.74 KB,1197x1200,399:400,1524689390820.jpg)


It's really unfortunate, because you can tell the author is dragging it out just because they have to.

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0c82ff No.275782

File: 7ce14dc9d9c2b07⋯.jpg (47.8 KB,399x600,133:200,SSIBran.jpg)


I can't imagine it lasting tooo much longer.

Hopefully, I could see it getting sorta tiring.

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0996eb No.275783

File: db1803580664740⋯.jpg (149.17 KB,1200x720,5:3,1532297360993.jpg)


What do you think happens at the end?

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0c82ff No.275784

File: 7734108d7bcc9ad⋯.jpg (236.96 KB,850x1091,850:1091,long.jpg)


I'm not sure.

I figure that there'll be an arc about how to fix sensei, then the gems have to each decide what they'll do

or something like that

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0996eb No.275785

File: 8959b0b1dc8b96f⋯.jpg (107.58 KB,1200x970,120:97,1544925114567.jpg)


And see… that's exactly how he can draw out this story to be a lot longer than it needs to be.

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0c82ff No.275786

File: e24ee9a8dac59a1⋯.jpg (56.42 KB,496x702,248:351,angel.jpg)


We're already stuck with it being longer, might as well make the best of it.

How do you want it to end?

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0996eb No.275787

File: 96b5a35c5b8452f⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,2000x2000,1:1,1516271453232.jpg)


I suppose so…

>How do you want it to end?

Ever played Spec Ops: The Line? I want that ending scene, and just replace Walker with Phos, and Konrad with Aechmea/Adamant.

When you think about it, it's literally a perfect match.

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0c82ff No.275788

File: 1c9876553252d37⋯.jpg (183.49 KB,850x1203,850:1203,long02.jpg)


Currently looking up spec ops ending on youtube.

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0996eb No.275789

File: 9decaf214ca258c⋯.jpg (162.29 KB,1200x1129,1200:1129,1547781157074.jpg)


Ah RIP, ur gonna spoil it for yourself!


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524e09 No.275790

File: d53c97c8c53cf5e⋯.jpg (304.4 KB,713x1200,713:1200,08dc2f2e68a387beeadfbaa15e….jpg)

Goodmorning, faggots

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0c82ff No.275791

File: 028286082fa1d63⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,1224x1224,1:1,GAO!.jpg)


That's fine. I was never gonna play it anyways.

I do hope phos dies. They deserve peace at this point.


no u

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524e09 No.275792

File: d95f63acd26b5aa⋯.png (1.04 MB,900x1293,300:431,ea76a62.png)


Says the yaoi-lover!

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0c82ff No.275793

File: a8cf2c31822fbf7⋯.jpg (72.4 KB,658x1023,658:1023,kage.jpg)


Where did ya get that from?

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524e09 No.275794

File: efbff7c8873e6c8⋯.jpeg (93.2 KB,1024x576,16:9,466a078e16083ab80d7c71d2c….jpeg)


If I remember correctly, you made it sound like you're a consumer of BL

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0c82ff No.275795

File: 1c7b35afe1b79dc⋯.jpg (200.64 KB,1080x1511,1080:1511,sooka.jpg)


You make it sound like I eat the pages or something.

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524e09 No.275796

File: 38418a2435b46c3⋯.jpg (26.01 KB,300x474,50:79,671092.jpg)


Maybe you do, I don't know

By consume I mean you consume the content on the pages

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0c82ff No.275797

File: ccea76f129514a5⋯.jpg (73.38 KB,700x512,175:128,sleeping.jpg)


Everybody has read a little bit.

I'm not INTO it or anything.

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524e09 No.275798

File: b70e1fcdbff19c3⋯.png (2.93 MB,2000x2000,1:1,c4erxka22di11.png)


Maybe you're in it instead

Do traps count as BL?

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0c82ff No.275799

File: f36d6faf7496a34⋯.jpg (361.4 KB,1600x1131,1600:1131,sitting.jpg)


Technically, I guess?

Usually when you say Yaoi traps aren't the first thing that springs to mind. Usually the guys with massive hands.

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524e09 No.275800

File: 71cb598810d06a0⋯.jpg (121.66 KB,579x819,193:273,__original_drawn_by_neko_n….jpg)


>Guys with massive hands


I've seen nothing beyond traps and am thus still pure

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6395c8 No.275801

File: 37ad685055b88f1⋯.jpg (153.81 KB,554x252,277:126,IMG_20190706_163653.jpg)


Stereotypical yaoi art is pretty bad.

Just like shoujo stuff.

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524e09 No.275802

File: 2802e88d93781d7⋯.jpg (30.76 KB,640x1085,128:217,ISIMFkM_d.jpg)


>Just like shoujo stuff

Careful, you'll upset poor riajewanon

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6395c8 No.275803

File: abc5a8fb961d7b2⋯.jpg (57.02 KB,1000x1003,1000:1003,IMG_20190720_141808.jpg)


That's fine.

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a26a7a No.275804

File: c1673da4f240edc⋯.jpg (399.48 KB,800x1200,2:3,b2b4c813c3a07a9e208ad6b6bf….jpg)


That saying makes no sense.

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6395c8 No.275805

File: 6c931cb3eba830b⋯.jpg (65.26 KB,1169x775,1169:775,IMG_20190719_164624.jpg)


You're late!

If you don't die you live.

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524e09 No.275806

File: 240352a25cbc031⋯.jpg (438.97 KB,1280x1704,160:213,d78d2dc.jpg)


The clear pattern is that the art of things meant for girls is bad

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6395c8 No.275807

File: d1244bd53bb2687⋯.jpg (190.41 KB,1008x1447,1008:1447,IMG_20190609_104608.jpg)


Just generic stuff, yeah.

But that just goes for manga in general.

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524e09 No.275808

File: 66fd9bd67475f85⋯.jpg (94.9 KB,576x800,18:25,f07c219.jpg)


M-manga art is bad!?

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a26a7a No.275809

File: 76cd73751dfd59d⋯.png (7.95 MB,2507x3541,2507:3541,Blue eyes doe4.png)


But it's stated beforehand that they died, and then people declare for them to live long..?

0 sense!

Was playing a bit of games per request.

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6395c8 No.275810

File: bdcf1aacdb232a6⋯.jpg (440.19 KB,1500x2121,500:707,IMG_20190718_074726.jpg)


Boring "woke up in another world but my balls are now swords" shit's art is usually pretty standard

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6395c8 No.275811

File: 10b8725a105a80e⋯.png (202.92 KB,395x395,1:1,Ze1K6Zxo.png)


Because a new queen is immediately crowned.

Or something like that.

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a26a7a No.275812

File: 64c8f2a333d74b7⋯.jpg (516.7 KB,700x494,350:247,b10a05a9c2866955d59e1c5ebb….jpg)


Oh, that makes sense, still should declare "new" in it.

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6395c8 No.275813

File: c9b8fc5ace8db9e⋯.jpg (676.02 KB,1271x1800,1271:1800,1554313169454.jpg)


Queens are dumb

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a26a7a No.275814

File: 6d04fad784f015d⋯.png (5.22 MB,2660x3192,5:6,b21e32f3af30f0101719521aea….png)


You wouldn't like to be one?

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524e09 No.275815

File: acce065a6560755⋯.jpg (97 KB,850x793,850:793,26551b3.jpg)


You'd make a cute one


That's probably because the subject matter is standard shit as well

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6395c8 No.275816

File: 881e2874a4a47dc⋯.jpg (77.78 KB,620x441,620:441,1554314507729.jpg)


Living all posh and comfy would be nice, I'll admit



That is true. Just saying there's a lot of junk out there.

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524e09 No.275817

File: 17118aabcde65ae⋯.jpg (2.33 MB,4089x5940,1363:1980,2e7be1284d7619407ae6502608….jpg)


The only thing I'll delete is your desire to not be a cute little queen

>Lot of junk

The default state of everything is mediocrity

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6395c8 No.275818

File: b182058af7e908a⋯.png (115.96 KB,256x472,32:59,Ran.png)


Double delet.

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a26a7a No.275819

File: fb8e304fdb0a719⋯.jpg (109.58 KB,735x1020,49:68,9a6d104194319cce6ef2bf7b8a….jpg)


Going out hunting in one's own lands would be pretty neat too, also all the fancy sports.

Maybe even tea time.

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6395c8 No.275820

File: 23a8b761a248f9b⋯.jpg (997.54 KB,1040x1253,1040:1253,72254890_p0.jpg)


SD will be invited for tea!

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a26a7a No.275821

File: 074344642d5241d⋯.jpg (425.78 KB,1000x884,250:221,e43e7fa9d38491afbd04ad903a….jpg)


What, there's one planned?

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6395c8 No.275822

File: 55b57c3c5d605bd⋯.jpg (307.14 KB,800x685,160:137,55b57c3c5d605bd17d0e15215a….jpg)


There is now!

Do you not want to?

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a26a7a No.275823

File: c8d7a7086e5c9d9⋯.jpg (197.81 KB,1200x1191,400:397,f0e0cbb7c7d97d08fdead54aec….jpg)


Depends on the company and their manners.

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6395c8 No.275824

File: ab28930be7473ef⋯.jpg (107.8 KB,655x800,131:160,IMG_20190415_125024.jpg)


Just me and you, as it stands.

I'm a fairly casual person.

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a26a7a No.275825

File: b9cbcc6bfa66f4a⋯.jpg (547.33 KB,810x1080,3:4,efff0924875d93c9c208725736….jpg)


Oh, well that does sound nice.

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6395c8 No.275826

File: 86cb685ad0b9e5c⋯.jpg (94.67 KB,554x1215,554:1215,IMG_20181201_154820.jpg)


It's settled, then!

A tea-time date with SD!

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524e09 No.275827

File: 3d586f0220d0094⋯.png (540.51 KB,849x1200,283:400,68278108_p0.png)


W-Why are you so averse to this!?

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6395c8 No.275828

File: ca978414e897dc1⋯.jpg (209.07 KB,1000x1453,1000:1453,IMG_20180925_005545.jpg)


It's my nature to disagree

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a26a7a No.275829

File: fa2597ba97ed50f⋯.jpg (488.25 KB,1045x920,209:184,e4fac8e8402a4979f06b3ffd4c….jpg)


I hope there's crumpets.

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6395c8 No.275830

File: c2edb08881c4bfd⋯.jpg (130.84 KB,1144x768,143:96,IMG_20190227_025721.jpg)


Of course!

There'll be lots of snacks!

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a26a7a No.275831

File: f25c9b69348e944⋯.jpg (580.93 KB,632x800,79:100,e2f6385771b55b1c1a917f8df9….jpg)


Really wish I had snacks right now.

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6395c8 No.275832

File: 35ce45dd64bcd48⋯.jpg (91.85 KB,833x912,833:912,IMG_20190127_132516.jpg)


Why don't you?

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524e09 No.275833

File: 0f4ce9e70039546⋯.jpg (125.38 KB,830x1086,415:543,e9a5b97.jpg)


You mean you're an edgy contrarian

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a26a7a No.275834

File: f4a25028cb41737⋯.png (433.36 KB,580x800,29:40,dorinkko.png)


I generally don't buy snacks or candy.

Although I had some chips a while back, but that was the first time in a year.

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6395c8 No.275835

File: dd7d823f934825e⋯.jpg (824.29 KB,2929x3764,2929:3764,IMG_20180912_093908.jpg)


I'm an edgelord at heart.


Oh, right.

I just remembered something, I might poke you about it on discord later.

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524e09 No.275836

File: 2b97ba0cdf28e1e⋯.jpg (121.17 KB,996x1077,332:359,41abbc7.jpg)


Very cute~

I don't think you're that edgy though

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a26a7a No.275837

File: 4fbcbf94477e1a5⋯.jpg (76.24 KB,525x700,3:4,df65333c3ec028a7363c8898e9….jpg)


Kind of stopped doing so years ago.


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6395c8 No.275838

File: 0b2d39d6094a37d⋯.jpg (106.44 KB,850x992,425:496,IMG_20180926_000227.jpg)


I said at heart!

I think chuuni stuff is really cool.


Just curious about a certain something, since you haven't mentioned it.

It's nothing weird, don't worry.

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a26a7a No.275839

File: 8963eedbe27dad2⋯.jpg (249.99 KB,1260x2048,315:512,a2cc3026b5f1e5ff507b3f8d9d….jpg)


That makes me worry even more.

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524e09 No.275840

File: e06bda505884c05⋯.jpg (404.42 KB,734x1200,367:600,1494654823869.jpg)


>Nekone-chan is a massive chuuni

I'm not surprised at all

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6395c8 No.275841

File: 2a73394c487e514⋯.jpg (248.84 KB,2039x2178,2039:2178,IMG_20190118_083915.jpg)


I have no regrets.

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a26a7a No.275842

File: 5db7322ea2d8c47⋯.png (1.16 MB,1063x1450,1063:1450,4ee993764754d4181013791ef1….png)


That's a lie, everyone has some.

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6395c8 No.275843

File: 603d41608603a68⋯.jpg (614.29 KB,2662x4096,1331:2048,IMG_20190121_091707.jpg)


No regrets about thinking chuuni stuff is cool, that is.

I've got plenty of regrets.

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a26a7a No.275844

File: 2431d71bebc0186⋯.jpg (461.04 KB,600x700,6:7,54c2e1b6e6c01337fa06a9d4c2….jpg)


Chuuni stuff?

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6395c8 No.275845

File: 10b8725a105a80e⋯.png (202.92 KB,395x395,1:1,Ze1K6Zxo.png)


That reply was meant for kira, sorry.

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a26a7a No.275846

File: f9bb1b219ffa8a4⋯.jpg (2.99 MB,2125x3011,2125:3011,fe4559152b3bc173be46a63a7b….jpg)


Oh, well then.

Regrets are the worst when your brain decides to bug you about them right before bed.

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524e09 No.275847

File: 5e115fb24f59cea⋯.jpg (261.91 KB,850x1133,850:1133,bun.jpg)


Tell me about your chuuni adventure

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0c82ff No.275848

File: 5ade64b66e3d58b⋯.jpg (1.41 MB,1980x1398,330:233,wedding.jpg)


That's all they're good for!


I'm not about to tell you all of the stupid shit I did in middle school.

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a26a7a No.275849

File: 4750ae5b71e3e5f⋯.png (744.78 KB,700x700,1:1,f3ae79aa89445bed694f72cad9….png)


They should cease to exist.

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524e09 No.275850

File: 2416ad6afcedde7⋯.png (152.49 KB,460x440,23:22,chuuseyourpath.png)


Oh c'mon, it'll be fun! Tell a little at least!

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0c82ff No.275851

File: 64fef1d3dfe8edf⋯.jpg (209.35 KB,500x731,500:731,water.jpg)


Maybe later, I gotta run for now.

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524e09 No.275852

File: 33e49caf3d5fa91⋯.jpg (251.46 KB,1200x1680,5:7,__original_drawn_by_muku_a….jpg)


Going to be social again?

Enjoy your day

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56bc61 No.275853

Become undead

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a26a7a No.275854

File: d65cdf5961df702⋯.jpg (517.01 KB,675x765,15:17,b5edb2728cc3ecd2aa2ca031ef….jpg)


Silly, you're supposed to cast raise dead.

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524e09 No.275855

File: 7913dcafb0557cd⋯.png (86.8 KB,200x200,1:1,1524196839314.png)


I was never dead in the first place

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56bc61 No.275856


I did.


You were the most dead of them all

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524e09 No.275857

File: 6615dea7be82c3b⋯.jpg (96.59 KB,1280x720,16:9,mpv-shot0009.jpg)


Then why am I talking to you right now?

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a26a7a No.275858

File: e2f258917c3075c⋯.jpg (84.91 KB,454x810,227:405,pic_1347.jpg)


Did you roll for it?

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56bc61 No.275859


No, because I always get natural 20's so there is no point anymore


Because I am that good.

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a26a7a No.275860

File: 2346ee89211d4a1⋯.png (1.65 MB,1100x1460,55:73,2eb8323da7f179cde66b076e17….png)


That's a lie.

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56bc61 No.275861


Wouldn't you like to find out

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a26a7a No.275862

File: 4dfbfb06d80d7b7⋯.jpg (183.35 KB,1350x1350,1:1,6fc9e3318af62701e5e5d310f5….jpg)


No need to find out to know that it's a lie!

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c320b1 No.275863

File: 557f0c8bf4ba408⋯.jpg (525.82 KB,800x1067,800:1067,__shirase_sakuya_idolmaste….jpg)


I don't believe you

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751d39 No.275864


But anything is true without proof. I am safe.

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751d39 No.275865


You would know if you were in hokkaido

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a26a7a No.275866

File: 02bec5fb7f7cf35⋯.jpg (260.53 KB,1000x1200,5:6,0c4008d3b4a40a35458468ef8c….jpg)


That's another lie!

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751d39 No.275867


Come find out, then!

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c320b1 No.275868

File: 052bfda75869fd5⋯.jpg (2.51 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0417.JPG)


Hokkaido is cucknadistan but in japan

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56bc61 No.275869

File: 1e2848f07e00b10⋯.jpg (1.88 MB,4096x3072,4:3,IMG_20190720_192227741.jpg)


Hokkaido is bootyful, shuddup

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a26a7a No.275870

File: 721d0d623cfa96d⋯.png (920.66 KB,1000x1399,1000:1399,e40e19889bd405cee5cd1425ce….png)


You're too far away.

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56bc61 No.275871


We should fix that

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a26a7a No.275872

File: 0b05eaa4d5072cc⋯.jpg (157.03 KB,735x813,245:271,ea0f306b6261b73778a4d85960….jpg)


With a tea time?

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3c397e No.275873

File: 8e82fd24e2c7f9b⋯.jpg (69.95 KB,711x720,79:80,1562796960469.jpg)

File: 95718a00d0c5b02⋯.jpg (123.06 KB,928x1024,29:32,1563599474338.jpg)

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c320b1 No.275874


You're just salty that you didn't go south!

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3c397e No.275875

File: b1c7de80860ff99⋯.png (1.15 MB,1200x1695,80:113,0e4c1a684706c1082b2881ef1d….png)

File: bad87e46083ae11⋯.jpg (531.55 KB,935x1011,935:1011,1563602319115.jpg)


What dost thou thinketh of the best Tales boy results?

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c320b1 No.275876


I know none of them and don't see why I'd be interested in a popularity contest of males

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3c397e No.275877

File: 673029564157252⋯.png (389.37 KB,1000x1101,1000:1101,68fc795b12404cd9fae8f0be61….png)


Thou dost needth to playeth the Tales Series.

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c320b1 No.275878


What are you expecting me to say!?

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3c397e No.275879

File: 7b5e1db8a5ee173⋯.png (780.11 KB,708x1000,177:250,6f1796b2a1a4049adfe6d0ab77….png)


A dog doth knoweth to bark. But a dog not knoweth to sit or to roll over.

To teacheth the sit or roll over, one musteth train the dog.

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3c397e No.275880

File: ac28746548188e3⋯.png (801.13 KB,888x1706,444:853,1563414067837.png)

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978433 No.275881

File: 3c85117b0626ba2⋯.png (370.25 KB,503x632,503:632,1562183402.png)


Jade a shit, but at least Asbel and Yuri are high. Also why is Velvet on a best boys list!?

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3c397e No.275882

File: 97b75815ea6b195⋯.png (2.44 MB,1500x2000,3:4,1563305183807.png)


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3c397e No.275883

File: b03272a0ff5bfc7⋯.jpg (121.18 KB,1553x1043,1553:1043,54bcf3b9c4408337d40f5fab78….jpg)


Wasn't there a shota in Vesperia?

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978433 No.275884

File: b78deeaf682d694⋯.jpg (3.23 MB,1748x2480,437:620,75292978_p0.jpg)


Yeah, Karol. He was kinda annoying at first, but he grew on me over the course of the game because of his relationship with Yuri.

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3c397e No.275885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3c397e No.275886

File: 5b9fc90f861354c⋯.jpg (583.78 KB,756x1016,189:254,c1d72457c4c06d8e35e1a4106e….jpg)

File: 58d7a42cf98b315⋯.jpg (552.36 KB,916x1011,916:1011,1563586716494.jpg)


Video game shotas are generally bad.


Here;s a better poll.

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3c397e No.275887

File: 5607157b0422e1e⋯.jpg (528.17 KB,916x1010,458:505,1563657596180.jpg)

Here's boys first poll.

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978433 No.275888

File: 50fca30297eb55c⋯.jpg (1.54 MB,1378x2039,1378:2039,75263500_p0.jpg)


>Rose that high

Shit poll.


>Mikleo #1

Shit poll.

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3c397e No.275889

File: 303a8a65a5c6333⋯.png (5.23 MB,3317x2000,3317:2000,4fbab00bbb78e304a0f0fb4e78….png)


He's got the best porn of any porn.

Mind you, that's a Japanese poll.

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3c397e No.275890

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3c397e No.275891

File: 303a8a65a5c6333⋯.png (5.23 MB,3317x2000,3317:2000,4fbab00bbb78e304a0f0fb4e78….png)


He's got the best porn of any boy.

Mind you, that's a Japanese poll.

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978433 No.275892

File: 9ef9d806a525a68⋯.png (926.77 KB,849x1200,283:400,74989942_p0.png)


>He's got the best porn of any boy.


>Mind you, that's a Japanese poll.

Yeah, which surprises me consider how much the Japs hated Zestiria to the extent that they got the head producer and PR face of the series fired and tried to kill his family. Especially in regards to Rose, since her character was cited as large part of the reason for the hatred. I've heard her seiyuu begged fans for forgiveness and to accept her as part of the series at one event.

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3c397e No.275893

File: 9526070eaed08e7⋯.jpg (323.85 KB,1352x2048,169:256,0726a8b285640c74e0c72e8b55….jpg)


I'm telling you.

Fujos gobbeled up Zesteria. So, no surprise there.

I'm surprised Kronos or Yuri isn't higher.

I guess they're old news.

Also, that sounds like 2chan BS.

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978433 No.275894

File: 4cbd7e76078be38⋯.jpg (74.58 KB,421x867,421:867,74746928_p2.jpg)


Fujos should die.

And Baba really did leave suddenly following the Zestiria controversy, so it's at least somewhat true.

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3c397e No.275895

File: 5d7cd1ecc27fa06⋯.png (19.06 KB,496x328,62:41,1563665720454.png)


We're all fujos here

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978433 No.275896

File: 9925ace49829e57⋯.jpg (924.65 KB,827x1169,827:1169,74650546_p0.jpg)


Stop projecting.

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3c397e No.275897

File: 639ac952b6b41e6⋯.png (1.02 MB,1096x1105,1096:1105,0667af495845962385778e42fc….png)

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978433 No.275898

File: 908b51cd20087a7⋯.png (1.83 MB,1302x1712,651:856,74237673_p0.png)

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3c397e No.275899

File: b03272a0ff5bfc7⋯.jpg (121.18 KB,1553x1043,1553:1043,54bcf3b9c4408337d40f5fab78….jpg)


What are you a girl?

What music do you listen to?

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978433 No.275900

File: d30bcdc0cb021ae⋯.jpg (733.81 KB,1000x899,1000:899,75590697_p17.jpg)

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9f7605 No.275901

File: cec58149cd93168⋯.jpg (4.55 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0441.JPG)

I have managed to climb up above Kyoto. I am panting and sweating like a dog. I also heard an oba-san point out my sandals. Pretty much everyone said konichiwa to me. Another group of even older oba-sans saw me coming up behind them and made way for me, douzo and everything

Is very pretty, was worth it


I am untrainable

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3c397e No.275902

File: 2be56d3a0b48c7d⋯.jpg (369.26 KB,1633x1503,1633:1503,1563230435575.jpg)


>That voice

Next you're going to tell me you like nanahira.

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978433 No.275903

File: c366603a4d0439f⋯.png (356.01 KB,567x900,63:100,61351154_p0.png)


Don't you actually like Nanahira?

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3c397e No.275904

File: 06b85030c8b57d3⋯.jpg (564.05 KB,891x1000,891:1000,6fb8341a7cd898f601b400e6a9….jpg)


Yes, but that's besides the point.

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0996eb No.275905

File: da44f50fc9b08fc⋯.jpg (78.76 KB,913x780,913:780,1521768897387.jpg)

What kinda faggot wears sandals.

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978433 No.275906

File: 633f880651c600b⋯.png (1.2 MB,1200x1694,600:847,75596548_p1.png)


Is it?

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a26a7a No.275907

File: 0912bb085785148⋯.jpg (200.82 KB,640x480,4:3,d8c1e22fbbae914b8e4af1c4df….jpg)


Sandals and socks, the chaotic evil attire.

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3c397e No.275908

File: 90f456122c38aef⋯.jpg (1.53 MB,2000x2817,2000:2817,76c1190b039961e9ab03c6cb09….jpg)


Yes, cause we're talking about you.

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0996eb No.275909

File: 6979cd6f61b3f31⋯.jpg (199.7 KB,1841x2048,1841:2048,1533077071777.jpg)


Goddamn it, now I need an alignment chart for footwear.

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a26a7a No.275910

File: b82079d1369be9d⋯.jpg (190.36 KB,1448x2048,181:256,Blue eyes doe3.jpg)


Tall white socks with sandals.

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3c397e No.275911

File: ba44f9000c5b883⋯.jpg (87.12 KB,800x1132,200:283,022e341f3eb8d1368723a2a71b….jpg)


Highheels are sexy.

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978433 No.275912

File: 4dbf9331a917918⋯.png (916.12 KB,744x1052,186:263,75507980_p0.png)


Nah, I think we're talking about you now.

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3c397e No.275913

File: 5b224d9ecf47f0c⋯.png (857.05 KB,1966x966,983:483,1563502435897.png)


What is even to talk about?

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3c397e No.275914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3c397e No.275915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Also, let's talk about a great anime.

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978433 No.275916

File: a4af366a21d0824⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,1000x1392,125:174,75115749_p5.jpg)


How you're a faggot who likes Nanahira.

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3c397e No.275917

File: 1754f7ef3ac2e55⋯.jpg (369.22 KB,1450x2048,725:1024,8c2241fc9662efd9cdd6203399….jpg)


And you're a faggot the likes idols.

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a26a7a No.275918

File: b58617c1213411f⋯.jpg (388.33 KB,1000x687,1000:687,d38422828bf0741e236b8cb7b7….jpg)

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978433 No.275919

File: 9976dd9d0287202⋯.jpg (1.63 MB,1512x2150,756:1075,75339239_p0.jpg)


There's no faggotry in like idols.

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3c397e No.275920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What did you think about this?

I think they were trying to rip off Ken Ichii and Galosengen too much.

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3c397e No.275921

File: d8d64939938641e⋯.jpg (249.33 KB,765x1200,51:80,8b546d88cab650bcd67499d7f5….jpg)


Save for that all male idolm@ster game

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a26a7a No.275922

File: 8973e7290567d30⋯.png (167.12 KB,350x407,350:407,1435595449211.png)


It's an alright one, but not really ripping off, the animator has multiple other such music videos done for artists.


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3c397e No.275923

File: 639ac952b6b41e6⋯.png (1.02 MB,1096x1105,1096:1105,0667af495845962385778e42fc….png)



There's several different art styles!


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978433 No.275924

File: c85327987c6c3ae⋯.png (1.37 MB,900x1489,900:1489,67883335_p0.png)


SideM has Saki at least.

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3c397e No.275925

File: 7c1dda949ec1829⋯.png (909.46 KB,800x1023,800:1023,__kagurazaka_runa_i_chu_dr….png)


i-chu has better traps.

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a26a7a No.275926

File: 49752db8fc5c799⋯.jpg (276.01 KB,800x600,4:3,ff8834ed644bf03144062cdc56….jpg)


The animation team "AC-bu" made galo sengen, group inou and powder music videos, they also made those old pop team epic anime shorts.

The more you know.


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3c397e No.275927

File: 7459a409bd658c0⋯.jpg (237.78 KB,1547x1457,1547:1457,1557533225010.jpg)


That song sounds like Dust by M.O.O.N.


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a26a7a No.275928

File: 10c26979e20477a⋯.jpg (99.94 KB,1000x1000,1:1,6cb9b40161c2d13e2547782136….jpg)

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3c397e No.275929

File: 6f81c1e47bea80b⋯.jpg (106.83 KB,707x1000,707:1000,1499829548605.jpg)




Did any Hotline Miami songs have vocals?

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978433 No.275930

File: 81c889b526d1fb7⋯.png (2.42 MB,1358x1800,679:900,58156307_p0.png)


What do you think of the Ensemble Stars traps?


I remember thinking that those pop team epic scenes looked like Gal-O Sengen. Was kinda surprised to find out I was right.

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a26a7a No.275931

File: 676f86798db9e02⋯.jpg (148.16 KB,615x615,1:1,9bcd6a8d8040e15399038b17ea….jpg)


Not really, that song which I linked was closest to vocals you hear in Hotline Miami, albeit that was on the second game.

You should play RUINER.


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3c397e No.275932

File: ea8bb8b46a34b59⋯.jpg (188.65 KB,800x450,16:9,307726.jpg)


Were they both boys?

Doujins only showed the pink one being a boy.

The doujins were all hot

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a26a7a No.275933

File: 7f73556ad03194a⋯.png (866.73 KB,1000x1330,100:133,eee1613da64bddc746312f4d7e….png)


I watched them quite late, but was surprised to find it out too.

Still not sure if they can create any decent looking stuff, or if it's their style to make those really weird animations.

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3c397e No.275934

File: e483a9a2812781a⋯.jpg (123.01 KB,436x185,436:185,1557287638259.jpg)

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a26a7a No.275935

File: 10a4ef6b4a4daad⋯.jpg (124.15 KB,900x1100,9:11,e34fbc8b317cd82cd521f03ce6….jpg)


That's a classic.

Still, play RUINER.

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978433 No.275936

File: 77f6a5105045e43⋯.png (1.31 MB,1500x845,300:169,(White_Breath)_Hajime_Shin….png)


Yes, blue is a boy too.


They'd lose their charm if they did something better looking.

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3c397e No.275937

File: 692490f97dda3dc⋯.png (324.69 KB,920x518,460:259,1557288107693.png)


Only if you play System Shock.

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a26a7a No.275938

File: c0ee9e1327685ab⋯.png (838.22 KB,1000x1333,1000:1333,42d66946683e8efc1f716de6f5….png)


Perhaps, I recall watching most of their videos on different artists' songs multiple times when they were released.

Still haven't figured out too much on the stories behind them.


Maybe once they finish the re-master of it!

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3c397e No.275939

File: 5ece7f2863c7188⋯.png (716 KB,1200x900,4:3,1557535887221.png)


Trap twins are dangerous.

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3c397e No.275940

File: ea8bb8b46a34b59⋯.jpg (188.65 KB,800x450,16:9,307726.jpg)


>Playing a pallet swapped unity game


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a26a7a No.275941

File: 6f08de42f598c5b⋯.jpg (395.53 KB,657x986,657:986,7a5c35bbb0568e5e061ddab22d….jpg)



There's actually 2 system shock games to come, a remaster and system shock 3.

Also that's on unreal engine.

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978433 No.275942

File: dfbe94608dde0a3⋯.jpg (1.5 MB,2480x3507,2480:3507,31768681_p0.jpg)


I don't know much about them either, other than that they are geniuses.


Maybe for gays in the closet like you.

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a26a7a No.275943

File: 1ee6d3908001fd1⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,2590x3624,1295:1812,f47be9b1b1ffd0ffcbb0d80fd5….jpg)


I think that they're on some heavy drugs whilst making their animations.

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3c397e No.275944

File: 32f91957f72b45e⋯.gif (2.26 MB,304x248,38:31,1557096835658.gif)


I know.

There was a community wide backlash after the reveal trailer came out and they get delayed indefinitely. so, NEVER EVER!

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3c397e No.275945

File: 5caf3aaf6f7f6f6⋯.jpg (82.92 KB,1280x720,16:9,1555846352361.jpg)


That means that you're gay too if you're hanging around me.

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a26a7a No.275946

File: d03ce4987cb068c⋯.jpg (270 KB,900x1276,225:319,8df8f808c6456e84031a9a9ca2….jpg)


It'll come soon enough.


Furi's another game with a god-tier ost.

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459bd4 No.275947

File: f5d7afd6e3c4aae⋯.jpg (2.5 MB,2000x3000,2:3,放課後ティータイム.jpg)

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978433 No.275948

File: b2f6eab789398a1⋯.jpg (365.98 KB,1000x1600,5:8,32882464_p0.jpg)


Most definitely.


Gayness isn't that contagious.

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3c397e No.275949

File: a291064c34d8adc⋯.jpg (79.44 KB,768x576,4:3,1555065556720.jpg)

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3c397e No.275950

File: 6b6398525f96a65⋯.jpg (402.2 KB,847x1200,847:1200,1561159547478.jpg)

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a26a7a No.275951

File: 54651404a15304d⋯.jpg (1.17 MB,3037x4095,3037:4095,7e4db0a63472d86a1e85e65f2b….jpg)


Still, weird enough to make people interested in them.


I've listened to that album way too many times already.


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3c397e No.275952

File: 94651bfd4ed40bd⋯.jpg (2.23 MB,2504x3685,2504:3685,1555210664979.jpg)


Sure it is.

You just haven't realized it yet.

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3c397e No.275953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pssh, just play this.

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a26a7a No.275954

File: 551b26c1596bd1f⋯.jpg (514.46 KB,2000x971,2000:971,timeforarevolucíon.jpg)

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459bd4 No.275955

File: eed32d6e7b9ff6f⋯.jpg (930.84 KB,1771x1181,1771:1181,バンドリ.jpg)

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3c397e No.275956

File: 0b9516e20a6fb24⋯.png (1.81 MB,947x858,947:858,1557199125801.png)

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459bd4 No.275957

File: 2ba98878998af4a⋯.png (1.44 MB,990x1400,99:140,バーチャル・サマー!.png)

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3c397e No.275958

File: a037264373b6838⋯.jpg (251.92 KB,2048x2048,1:1,1555987111247.jpg)

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459bd4 No.275959

File: caa4f19d8403d0a⋯.png (698.67 KB,1069x1500,1069:1500,ましゅまろ.png)

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3c397e No.275960

File: 66e1b0f475996b7⋯.jpg (69.95 KB,870x768,145:128,041290db2539c9c0807fd8888e….jpg)

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459bd4 No.275961

File: 6a273c96cbfc9b0⋯.jpg (452.99 KB,1198x1679,1198:1679,75820116_p0.jpg)

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3c397e No.275962

File: 45d524da191c1ed⋯.jpg (394.34 KB,513x1060,513:1060,1556063508057.jpg)



What happens next..

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459bd4 No.275963

File: d6016fc0d7791a7⋯.jpg (550.11 KB,1198x1679,1198:1679,75820116_p1.jpg)

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3c397e No.275964

File: e5f9ccc89aeb4fe⋯.webm (2.74 MB,640x360,16:9,Naoko.webm)

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0996eb No.275965


This webm isn't the same without her voice…

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459bd4 No.275966

File: 14f4f97e221d5ee⋯.jpg (523.58 KB,1198x1679,1198:1679,75820116_p2.jpg)

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3c397e No.275967

File: 50e690cab9e32b6⋯.jpg (84.41 KB,800x780,40:39,1554156620137.jpg)


I can hear her voice.

Have this.


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3c397e No.275968

File: 4535cc493e34056⋯.jpg (309.74 KB,600x500,6:5,1562627575354.jpg)


W-What's your goal here?!

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a26a7a No.275969

File: 13859ad3a163727⋯.webm (3 MB,640x480,4:3,Heut' ist mein Tag.webm)

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0a1a65 No.275970

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459bd4 No.275971

File: a22763660185fa8⋯.png (1.93 MB,1684x1141,1684:1141,「秘密だよ...?」.png)


i dont have one

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c320b1 No.275972

File: e8fcf10d663bf9e⋯.jpg (4.52 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0446.JPG)

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3c397e No.275973

File: 01796eb8d23cbbe⋯.jpg (2.22 MB,3327x2881,3327:2881,1562869713109.jpg)

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3c397e No.275974

File: 63fcbae15081600⋯.jpg (182.39 KB,819x1200,273:400,1557284327359.jpg)



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a26a7a No.275975

File: f4f97c021f23b14⋯.mp4 (6.23 MB,640x480,4:3,Questionable content [ohka….mp4)

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3c397e No.275976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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459bd4 No.275977

File: 1c5730240994c7c⋯.png (642.37 KB,1000x1282,500:641,75827150_p0.png)


why are you staring

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a26a7a No.275978

File: eaea548571ba027⋯.webm (4.02 MB,960x540,16:9,Metro Last Light Announce….webm)


That's an interesting device, but I don't think it'd work if the mouse took the nut from other side.

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3c397e No.275979

File: 4383f5a7659cda2⋯.jpg (127.11 KB,800x600,4:3,1555811572364.jpg)


I never know with you.

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a26a7a No.275980

File: a87ac252280f279⋯.webm (5.04 MB,640x360,16:9,Stalker in a nutshell.webm)

And then I remembered that I have Metro 2035 in my bookshelf, and I haven't read it yet.

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3c397e No.275981

File: 2542d802e2993a8⋯.gif (1.38 MB,250x235,50:47,1562874762595.gif)



It works, watch the video!

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a26a7a No.275982

File: ab6b550eec0be23⋯.webm (918.34 KB,1280x720,16:9,Grand Theft Crimea.webm)


It only works from one side!

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459bd4 No.275983

File: 509d1616155acaf⋯.jpg (203.83 KB,707x1000,707:1000,75827154_p0.jpg)


never know what

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3c397e No.275984

File: c56d749054f0032⋯.jpg (324.82 KB,702x1000,351:500,1554741310654.jpg)


Hai, set it against the wall!

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3c397e No.275985

File: 26a926bf73ce772⋯.jpg (39.3 KB,443x521,443:521,1556761405670.jpg)


What ever you're thinking.

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459bd4 No.275986

File: c20eba600ca2827⋯.png (1.27 MB,984x1420,246:355,75827206_p0.png)


thats not true

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a26a7a No.275987

File: 38a0b7deec92f71⋯.webm (3.52 MB,640x360,16:9,Haus in Neu-Berlin.webm)


But then it's not as effective as per say putting it in the middle of a place where the mice trespass from!

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3c397e No.275988

File: 2be175f6b361563⋯.png (324.5 KB,366x576,61:96,1553366354591.png)


Maybe I'll stare at you.

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3c397e No.275989

File: f2d63df9adf99b2⋯.png (470.7 KB,702x692,351:346,1551891504491.png)


Do that!

See what happens!

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459bd4 No.275990

File: a0ce52aa91fafdd⋯.jpg (856.11 KB,720x1010,72:101,じゃぱないの!!.jpg)

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a26a7a No.275991

File: 2c5249a19564233⋯.webm (9.48 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2 Times Terror - Vielä Jo….webm)


But I don't own any Mongolian mice traps!

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3c397e No.275992

File: acfd3c5dd71318d⋯.jpg (389.78 KB,600x685,120:137,9ac927fcc67facff05d176f35f….jpg)

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3c397e No.275993

File: 46c994463688ba6⋯.jpg (61.94 KB,489x659,489:659,1554386216559.jpg)


I need a photo first.

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459bd4 No.275994

File: b14efdc57c8593c⋯.png (706.62 KB,800x800,1:1,ハンバーガーの日.png)


a photo of what?

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3c397e No.275995

File: 059aa58cfced423⋯.gif (109.62 KB,347x480,347:480,1553980262610.gif)

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459bd4 No.275996

File: a16f126b4246edb⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,240x180,4:3,アホすぎて爆笑必須wwwwwwwwwwwww.mp4)

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459bd4 No.275997

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a26a7a No.275998

File: 986db57774f71c7⋯.webm (8.2 MB,640x360,16:9,Maduk ft. Veela - Ghost.webm)


They're hard to come by.

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3c397e No.275999

File: d65a7dfdb5da402⋯.jpg (186.83 KB,1440x810,16:9,1553993641651.jpg)


I want to do that to someone.

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459bd4 No.276000

File: afb3769bbd48ef9⋯.jpg (884.9 KB,876x1100,219:275,水着チマメ隊.jpg)


hopefully not me

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a26a7a No.276001

File: 492f0904293eaa0⋯.webm (5.84 MB,480x360,4:3,m.o.v.e - around the worl….webm)


But.. why?

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a26a7a No.276002

File: d29e98c192c016d⋯.mp4 (11.42 MB,640x360,16:9,Dye - Fantasy.mp4)

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3c397e No.276003

File: a27fd976b2918c6⋯.jpg (133.1 KB,959x1098,959:1098,1551442666201.jpg)

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3c397e No.276004

File: acfd3c5dd71318d⋯.jpg (389.78 KB,600x685,120:137,9ac927fcc67facff05d176f35f….jpg)



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a26a7a No.276005

File: 00ead3258501842⋯.webm (6.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,gwiyomi.webm)


Not yet!

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459bd4 No.276006

File: 0677dc64c85ab17⋯.jpg (1.89 MB,1400x987,200:141,75827908_p0.jpg)

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a26a7a No.276007

File: 0e4db799092bed5⋯.webm (3.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,Rozen Maiden Take That - ….webm)

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669111 No.276008

File: 6c931cb3eba830b⋯.jpg (65.26 KB,1169x775,1169:775,IMG_20190719_164624.jpg)

Really dead.

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459bd4 No.276009

File: 0c66073aea60ff8⋯.jpg (42.91 KB,470x407,470:407,1548899150944.jpg)

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978433 No.276010

File: 6d6605eed421867⋯.jpg (9.69 KB,166x193,166:193,1563240990.jpg)

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528baf No.276011

File: 0b2d39d6094a37d⋯.jpg (106.44 KB,850x992,425:496,IMG_20180926_000227.jpg)



Doing well?

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459bd4 No.276012


yes im fine right now

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c320b1 No.276013

File: 1e74a7a81e1a8d6⋯.jpg (4.83 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0449.JPG)


teleports behind you

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0c82ff No.276014

File: 5cbb751a3df84fa⋯.jpg (2.46 MB,2150x1518,1075:759,IMG_20180904_123524.jpg)


Sorry, don't really have much to talk about.

Doing anything fun?

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459bd4 No.276015


im just playing cs with friends

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c320b1 No.276016

File: 9ad17861a09e62d⋯.jpg (225.61 KB,901x1280,901:1280,1547850297893(1).jpg)

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0c82ff No.276017

File: f8c1d003fd73a7a⋯.png (8.72 MB,2929x3764,2929:3764,ClipboardImage.png)




CSGO? Or source?

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978433 No.276018

File: 09651d3f28710a4⋯.jpg (89.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,1563474348.jpg)


>tfw ignored by Ran-sama

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459bd4 No.276019


who is planning to study in the U.Kまで読んだ



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0c82ff No.276020

File: d01804b354ac79a⋯.png (1.52 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Shit I'm sorry

I went from mobile to pc and just missed you

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978433 No.276021

File: d861a035342b6e7⋯.jpg (488.23 KB,839x642,839:642,1562889407.jpg)


All is forgiven.

Did you just get back from hanging out with friends?

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0c82ff No.276022

File: 6e22c5d26cf97e0⋯.png (389.69 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



Yeah, the usual stuff.

Also played in an online teams tournament and won that, so that was fun.

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978433 No.276023

File: 9e47618a93d7231⋯.jpg (3.72 MB,2398x3408,1199:1704,73794533_p0.jpg)


Is that for Under Night or some other game?

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a1ac28 No.276024

File: 7f4d14cad62309a⋯.jpg (35.48 KB,570x570,1:1,dog03.jpg)


Oh neat, what game was it

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0c82ff No.276025

File: 3975cb423f543e6⋯.png (1.21 MB,900x929,900:929,ClipboardImage.png)


Under-night, yeah.

If I win anything it's probably for that.


Under-Night In-Birth EXE:late[st]

or just


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978433 No.276026

File: 1d86e9846499cf2⋯.jpg (404.92 KB,760x910,76:91,73018872_p0.jpg)


I didn't know you could do teams in it so I was unsure.

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c320b1 No.276027

File: 89e481283da4074⋯.jpg (7.03 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0435.JPG)


Yes. Was very happy to see it. Now, back to your regularly scheduled nippon pictures


Poor riajewanon-kun, I'll give you attention instead


Sounds like the UK already influenced her

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978433 No.276028

File: 491fabde27369db⋯.png (3.66 MB,2508x3541,2508:3541,72047746_p0.png)


I didn't mean to reply to you. I was going to say something about the article you posted but decided not to, but didn't erase the post number by accident.

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a50dfe No.276029

File: d4f3ecaef38b99b⋯.jpg (303.87 KB,850x601,850:601,sample_b529bde14559aa76ecf….jpg)

I WAKE. MY mum is coming over to visit and is gonna cook us fajitas. :3

Finally saw a guy using the Hunting Horn in MHW and I was like 'Mai Nigguh'.

Was told Great Sword was a chad weapon. More chad than the hammer. Better get my hunt on, dunno what kind of Great Sword I should get.

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0c82ff No.276030

File: a37f55047f61d5e⋯.png (1.11 MB,1000x1308,250:327,ClipboardImage.png)


Basic stuff.

You just have two teams of 10 people, and just send people to fight each other until one team is all eliminated. I was anchor, so I was last.


I saw so many RX-7 FDs in Japan.

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a1ac28 No.276031

File: 83c3bfb40b5dd52⋯.jpg (851.57 KB,1440x1800,4:5,hex01.jpg)


aw shit, hex maniac

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a50dfe No.276032

File: 95b82f3c8767922⋯.jpg (20.58 KB,712x507,712:507,I RISE.jpg)


Hex Maniac is Best Maniac.

I need to save more images of her for my posting but I just keep going to reddit r/bossfight and saving funny images.

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9f7605 No.276033

File: 46b9d91cbf63402⋯.jpg (4.25 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0431.JPG)


>Pussying out of posting a comment

Ara ara


I have yet to see one

I'm surprised by how many toyota crowns I saw considering it's supposed to be an expensive car

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0c82ff No.276034

File: 28c9e7fb695aaa2⋯.png (10.42 MB,3024x4032,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


I saw most of them in shibuya.

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8d2792 No.276035

File: 802ec348493fb63⋯.jpg (6.2 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0450.JPG)


That maybe explains why I haven't seen any. I did see this though, and a really nice current gen WRX hatch in someone's garage

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0c82ff No.276036

File: 7de40980db22b20⋯.png (4.08 MB,1849x2400,1849:2400,ClipboardImage.png)


I have no idea what I'm looking at.

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4bc6ef No.276037

File: f452495d1465365⋯.png (215.39 KB,500x500,1:1,f452495d14653659a3509c98c1….png)

I should get breakfast ready.

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0c82ff No.276038

File: 6bbad047059b12c⋯.png (934.84 KB,982x1495,982:1495,ClipboardImage.png)



What's for breakfast?

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4bc6ef No.276039

File: dbeef1f59beb139⋯.jpg (150.68 KB,800x600,4:3,mikan_2.jpg)


Hi Weebanon.




Hi Lego-kun


Hi Ran. Do you like FDs? You said you saw a lot during your trip to Japan? And breakfast? I don't know. In a pancake or french toast mood as usual.

Breakfast. The only acceptable time to eat desserts as a meal.

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0c82ff No.276040

File: 150ffe22de40746⋯.png (333.15 KB,574x575,574:575,ClipboardImage.png)


FD is my dream car.

I saw 2-3, yeah. Which is more than I've ever seen here, which is 1.

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4bc6ef No.276041

File: 27f36d9dc13a31f⋯.jpg (120.49 KB,800x600,4:3,mikan.jpg)


Ran…Why post that?

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8d2792 No.276042

File: 491c9b0ed5315cd⋯.jpg (4.72 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0466.JPG)


I have no idea what it is, I just thought it looked cool. It also had some stickers


Into the kitchen you go

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978433 No.276043

File: da1f299575a337c⋯.jpg (102.63 KB,630x843,210:281,68712393_p0.jpg)


Ah, that makes sense.


I just decided I didn't feel like getting into that conversation at the moment.


Hi Mikan.

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4bc6ef No.276044


That pic looks kino.

>Into the kitchen you go

I should, because I'm hungry.


Is Weebanon okay?

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0c82ff No.276045

File: e54501fc4252ae7⋯.png (205.92 KB,431x500,431:500,ClipboardImage.png)


More mikan!


You know how I feel about stickers.


Sleep schedule still fucked?

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978433 No.276046

File: 02e7c5573058250⋯.png (1.52 MB,1228x868,307:217,68275776_p0.png)


I'm okay. Is Mikan okay?

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978433 No.276047

File: 384cb0ab205a98d⋯.png (1.38 MB,1720x2428,430:607,67839772_p0.png)


Yeah. I'm also at the point where I won't sleep until I finish Zero.

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0c82ff No.276048

File: 93d6a659b4e76ca⋯.png (606.97 KB,1890x1063,1890:1063,ClipboardImage.png)


You're already that close to finishing?

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978433 No.276049

File: 4c68ecc057011e2⋯.png (605.55 KB,900x1200,3:4,73198420_p2.png)


Pretty sure I'm in the final dungeon right now.

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0c82ff No.276050

File: b3c8e97136c88b3⋯.png (618.38 KB,731x1024,731:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


Gonna go right into Ao afterwards?

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978433 No.276051

File: a70c9573d75a190⋯.jpg (345.89 KB,1808x1150,904:575,73900025_p0.jpg)


I'll probably sleep first, but after that yeah.

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8d2792 No.276052

File: 9779558cdab202e⋯.jpg (3.8 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0442.JPG)


Why have a conversation when you can shoot fish in a barrel instead


There's more where that came from. Be thankful I'm posting that content instead of lewds


I don't, but I can probably guess. They were tasteful and there were only a few

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0c82ff No.276053

File: 0c70832205c70de⋯.png (3.89 MB,1500x1977,500:659,ClipboardImage.png)


Sleep is a good idea.

I gotta get up earlyish to meet with a friend, so I'l probably gone sooner or later


I guess it's fine. Not a fan, obviously.

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8d2792 No.276054

File: ec51bad2fda34af⋯.jpg (3.77 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0456.JPG)


I will find your car and cover it in waifu stickers

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0c82ff No.276055

File: 99d617cd00597ce⋯.png (855.45 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


I'll break your skinny little arms.

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8d2792 No.276056

File: 0156fd09042cbd5⋯.jpg (5.88 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0430.JPG)


>Implying yours are any better

>Implying you can break my skinny little arms with your skinny little arms

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0c82ff No.276057

File: 5a60752a921f0ba⋯.png (3.09 MB,1581x1980,527:660,ClipboardImage.png)


Just you wait, bud.

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a50dfe No.276058

File: 9627f74e30de8be⋯.jpg (44.45 KB,480x360,4:3,Monki, Bringer of Nightmar….jpg)


Hi Mikan, gonna be playing vidyagames whilst posting. So replies may be slow. Trying to get a Great Sword with paralytic properties because I heard the greatsword is the chad's weapon. More chad than the hammer.

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8d2792 No.276059

File: 4ac23f1cb18e425⋯.jpg (4.26 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0433.JPG)


And just what do you have in store for me?

I'll preempt it by putting the waifu stickers on while wearing my ahegao shirt

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0c82ff No.276060

File: 9e24046c3395c9a⋯.png (1.4 MB,1136x1404,284:351,ClipboardImage.png)


I'll shave your head.

but just down the middle.

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8d2792 No.276061

File: c49374b569bb10f⋯.jpg (4.32 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0477.JPG)


I'll wear a hard hat with a tight strap that you can't undo. The hardhat will naturally be covered in ahegao waifu stickers, the same kind that I'll put on your car. When you come close, I'll stick one onto your body

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0c82ff No.276063

File: 8310ed097328619⋯.png (4.33 MB,1400x1900,14:19,ClipboardImage.png)



Nice double post, dork.

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8d2792 No.276064

File: e7f6f983277795e⋯.jpg (4.33 MB,4000x3000,4:3,DSC_0474.JPG)


>No reply to the actual statement I made


Now you look like a dork because I deleted the extra. I thought my post didn't go through on the wifi I was using

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0c82ff No.276065

File: 720a6d28a261e5e⋯.png (211.21 KB,1266x506,633:253,ClipboardImage.png)


Good thing I took a screenshot

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8d2792 No.276066

File: 99d617cd00597ce⋯.png (855.45 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage(136).png)

shopped :^)

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0c82ff No.276067

File: f31040aba5fe2f8⋯.png (1.1 MB,1000x750,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



Are you saving that many of the pictures I post??

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8d2792 No.276068

File: f40b4431c32c371⋯.jpg (5.31 MB,4080x5934,680:989,68423cad13afd5a5c092da19c2….jpg)


You do post some pretty nice images, I've probably saved most of them

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0c82ff No.276069

File: 76f1ea359ea8bc1⋯.png (2.39 MB,1200x1400,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)



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8d2792 No.276070

File: 7f84ef00a32c606⋯.jpg (140.39 KB,640x907,640:907,image0-3-1-1.jpg)


If I could download and save you, I would

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0c82ff No.276071

File: 7261810c8b83208⋯.png (1.13 MB,993x1709,993:1709,ClipboardImage.png)


Okay, now that's ACTUALLY creepy.

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8d2792 No.276072

File: ff335c22aa7330b⋯.gif (6.01 MB,578x622,289:311,f25ed3b.gif)


You asked for it.

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0c82ff No.276073

File: 13bb788e01acab9⋯.png (1.69 MB,1530x1124,765:562,ClipboardImage.png)


I most certainly did not.

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8d2792 No.276074

File: fb37543e458ae0c⋯.png (3.41 MB,1900x2980,95:149,1499981951390.png)


You left me with no choice. Don't you enjoy being wanted, though?

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0c82ff No.276075

File: 63b8efedc8718aa⋯.png (6.47 MB,2400x3300,8:11,ClipboardImage.png)


You make it sound like I'm not wanted by anyone else.

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a1ac28 No.276076

File: ee2fa518c6cf901⋯.png (897.41 KB,1920x1080,16:9,frog01.png)


but what if break arms with legs???

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8d2792 No.276077

File: 2b3eeb5a2948272⋯.png (747.14 KB,1000x1488,125:186,aa017d0.png)


Sounds like you're quite valuable


Then you're a martial arts master

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a1ac28 No.276078

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0c82ff No.276079

File: 47652a6809f3ac5⋯.png (1.32 MB,700x850,14:17,ClipboardImage.png)



I'm gonna go to sleep and be creeped out.

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a1ac28 No.276080

File: 48603c92c44a432⋯.png (261.32 KB,525x356,525:356,lan01.png)



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8d2792 No.276081

File: f5850cb678b9784⋯.jpg (81.71 KB,680x854,340:427,4278e0f.jpg)


Better watch yourself, don't want to unknowingly end up with someone in the bed with you

Goodnight, nekone-chan


Literally nothing!

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d5e854 No.276082

File: 380cebd350e7387⋯.jpg (2.81 MB,4096x3072,4:3,IMG_20190721_175200897.jpg)

Go to bed!

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9f7605 No.276083


You can't tell me what to do!

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9f7605 No.276084

Also, I think that's a snack shop. Looks a bit ghetto though

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bd84d1 No.276085

File: f808994164b3598⋯.jpg (1.84 MB,4096x3072,4:3,IMG_20190720_192353040.jpg)

Who is here?

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bd84d1 No.276086

File: a1dcb71687b3248⋯.jpg (3.87 MB,4096x3072,4:3,IMG_20190721_185637509.jpg)


Prius tank is great, shut up.

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0a1a65 No.276087

File: 75253e05504718d⋯.png (15.72 KB,400x400,1:1,f767fdd11e2a6faf4d33c6478b….png)

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a50dfe No.276088

File: af5215daea9780f⋯.jpg (88.41 KB,750x1020,25:34,rare item merchant.jpg)



Plus I'm waiting for my mum to come over to my house so no more Monster Hunter. ;w;

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ab0233 No.276089

File: 33e49caf3d5fa91⋯.jpg (251.46 KB,1200x1680,5:7,__original_drawn_by_muku_a….jpg)


Stop constantly posting food you fatass, this isn't ig

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459bd4 No.276090

File: 543bbff31f90c7b⋯.jpg (493.48 KB,900x1200,3:4,1754.jpg)


you do similar

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978433 No.276091

File: 1111e42bbb66e61⋯.png (237.85 KB,524x588,131:147,1562864820.png)

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ab0233 No.276092

File: f3d313c1af26f67⋯.jpg (94.84 KB,667x960,667:960,c416600.jpg)


I post regular photos, not foodie photos. And only because I was asked to


I oddly like this photo

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d9bb30 No.276093

File: 01173777760f80c⋯.jpg (25.68 KB,349x620,349:620,DELET THIS.jpg)

My internet is fucking up.

What sort of dark ritual do I have to commit to get it back?

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459bd4 No.276094

File: c80695323b33ad9⋯.jpg (130.76 KB,1200x800,3:2,1551662711029.jpg)


i dont think anyone asked for most of the photos

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978433 No.276095

File: 0086a1257d135b7⋯.jpg (43.56 KB,383x323,383:323,1562800575.jpg)


Maybe it's because you relate to the autism that girl radiates.


Are you sure it's not just 8chan? It's fucking up on my end too.

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ab0233 No.276096

File: 30eb10e4d98be19⋯.jpg (83.78 KB,680x1016,85:127,0162.jpg)


Nekone-chan said to take photos so I took photos

My dad wanted some as well


I just really like her facial expression

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459bd4 No.276097

File: 7108f7331d44c38⋯.jpg (540.8 KB,2149x3035,2149:3035,1561328779790.jpg)


take =/= share

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d9bb30 No.276098

File: 6eb8716b84012e4⋯.jpg (1.33 MB,4608x3456,4:3,Rico, Guardian of Dice.jpg)


Nah, couldn't load youtube. But probably fixed itself now.

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ab0233 No.276099

File: 5427859186b73be⋯.png (777.81 KB,600x849,200:283,88a83f8.png)


It is illogical to ask someone to take photos and then not want to see them

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459bd4 No.276100


no it isnt

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ab0233 No.276101

File: 000363d00195d71⋯.jpg (275.58 KB,1854x2648,927:1324,c235dc7.jpg)


Why would you want someone to take photos and then not want to see them? Why else would it be your business?

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459bd4 No.276102


you dont have to share them here

and there are plenty of reasons to take photos and not share

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ab0233 No.276103

File: 7bbc2b8edcf19cb⋯.png (373.9 KB,1536x2048,3:4,a6b8c54.png)


Yes there are, but someone else telling you to take photos implies some interest

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459bd4 No.276104


maybe it just means they want you to get away from them

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ab0233 No.276105

File: c65d7b443fe62ae⋯.gif (10.93 MB,1024x576,16:9,8e89009a9fb5b9a8e4d102bbbf….gif)


Sounds dumb

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459bd4 No.276107


It's just a nice way of telling you to fuck off

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c26aaa No.276108

File: a8ee88c86fecc31⋯.jpg (72.17 KB,636x900,53:75,__shirase_sakuya_idolmaste….jpg)


"Make sure you take lots of photos while you're there" doesn't sound like telling someone to fuck off. In fact, taking photos results in more use of the device that is used to post/communicate.

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459bd4 No.276109


nothing in that sentence makes it seem like they want to see it

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c26aaa No.276110

File: d1af79cc2f97f4b⋯.jpg (134.78 KB,660x997,660:997,ecdb1df.jpg)


Why would you care if someone takes photos or not if you don't want to see any?

And how do you know someone's actually taking photos if they don't show any?

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459bd4 No.276111


i want people to die but i dont want to see them die

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efa7b3 No.276112

File: 23eb6a7857af94a⋯.jpg (1.41 MB,986x1502,493:751,42d540e5d882d9ed1272bbfdb8….jpg)

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c26aaa No.276113

File: f9106d5284b5db9⋯.png (1.17 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ce00962.png)


Sounds like you badly need a hitman

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a1ac28 No.276114


you must tickle me

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d9bb30 No.276115

File: f245903d7f25abd⋯.jpg (145.43 KB,850x1126,425:563,__acerola_and_hex_maniac_p….jpg)


Yeah, internet is back on now.

No tickling is needed.


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c26aaa No.276116

File: b642eb5d1e3f323⋯.jpg (192.88 KB,700x996,175:249,DqSGIRjU8AAgkfj(3).jpg)

>keep seeing security guards from a company called "Toho"

This place must be full of youkai

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459bd4 No.276117




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d9bb30 No.276118

File: e18f36b5b0d4307⋯.jpg (190.49 KB,890x1260,89:126,c3fdd32e2a341f85744cb92013….jpg)


Oh shit, that reminds me; was in Liverpool for my mum's birthday and saw this van with GEOamey branding on it, blacked out windows and heard crazy ass banging from inside the van.

Got my sister to google it, apparently it was a prisoner transport vehicle. And man, the guy inside was going to town in that van.

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c26aaa No.276119

File: d0e6122d87e7264⋯.jpg (136.63 KB,849x1200,283:400,9dce406.jpg)


Close enough. I've seen lots of people call touhou 2hu or toho

The joke is obvious. I wonder if the people working for the company are aware of it


>Prisoner transport is outsourced in britbongistan

Welp I guess someone really didn't want to go to jail. Shouldntve forgotten their loicense

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459bd4 No.276120


its not

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c26aaa No.276121

File: 440dc129677d868⋯.png (351.23 KB,505x689,505:689,1532144798133.png)


Why, does "Toho" actually mean something? I assume it does

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d9bb30 No.276122


Yeah, I didn't even know there was a fucking brand dedicated to moving dangerous criminals.

I thought the police did it.

Yeah, it's either forgetting your loicense, upsetting the dole or one too many drunken brawls which usually ends up jail time.

That or being A RACIST on facebook.

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459bd4 No.276123


spell it

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c26aaa No.276124

File: 51eb3d0e8251a4c⋯.jpg (499.91 KB,1912x3508,478:877,e51050a-1.jpg)


Sucks to live in a shit country like britbongistan


I know they're spelled differently

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459bd4 No.276125


no retard how is the company name spelt

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d9bb30 No.276126


It ain't that bad.

We got free health care, great pubs (if you know where to find them) and plus the people can be nice.

Not really sure how to say britbongistan is good, but it ain't shit. I'd say Somalia and India is really shit.

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d9bb30 No.276127

File: e8271b4cac408ce⋯.jpg (100.37 KB,850x715,170:143,__hex_maniac_and_mimikyu_p….jpg)

Why does cute stuff make me feel sad after witnessing it?

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c26aaa No.276128

File: 6d4f4d380861bf2⋯.jpg (164.18 KB,868x1228,217:307,6c225a4.jpg)




>It ain't shit


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d9bb30 No.276129


TV is shit anyway, so just don't buy a tv.

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459bd4 No.276130



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c26aaa No.276131

File: 798c746a7852c8b⋯.jpg (413.12 KB,2480x3508,620:877,246b3e4.jpg)


Indeed it is. You're country's hilariously cucked though

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c26aaa No.276132

File: 6fef7cc7f793d8e⋯.jpg (308.04 KB,1280x1675,256:335,2e39b2f.jpg)


It was written in romaji

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d9bb30 No.276133

Off to dota with me.


I ain't the person to argue or make a point of that, I'm pretty laidback and ignorant.

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c26aaa No.276134


How boring, have fun. I'm off to bed, goodnight

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459bd4 No.276135


thats the only word i can think of spelt とほ theres 十穂 or 杜甫

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bd84d1 No.276136

>just barely missed Kira


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459bd4 No.276137

File: ea9cf74f59e0b88⋯.jpg (843.04 KB,1253x1770,1253:1770,?!.jpg)

where are you right now

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bd84d1 No.276138


Chitose, I fly out in the morning.

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459bd4 No.276139

File: e64da86cf7952a6⋯.jpg (132.07 KB,675x1200,9:16,1553557890119.jpg)


so your work finished?

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bd84d1 No.276140

File: d99193d8b688d44⋯.jpg (3.15 MB,4096x3072,4:3,IMG_20190720_121801603_HDR.jpg)


Was over a week ago. Spent the rest driving around.

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459bd4 No.276141

File: e9c7265f76934e9⋯.jpg (179.45 KB,512x375,512:375,1551402656907.jpg)


i was wondering why you were staying up late

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bd84d1 No.276142


I was getting to the next hotel pretty late for the past few nights so midnight ish sleep has become normal. But like I said, flying out tomorrow.

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a1ac28 No.276143



clearly there's an army of kaiju guarding the shrines of gensokyo

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978433 No.276144

File: c5baccf21505282⋯.png (444.58 KB,1024x984,128:123,75829656_p0.png)


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0996eb No.276145

File: 44423c7b29bbd25⋯.jpg (937.42 KB,2895x4096,2895:4096,1547965194343.jpg)

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d9bb30 No.276146

File: a178cb139663e47⋯.jpeg (131.37 KB,1025x1172,1025:1172,2e7bd2a82424f4214a7be7951….jpeg)



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4bc6ef No.276148

Is 8ch acting up?

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a26a7a No.276149

File: 8b917682b0b5c38⋯.png (1013.54 KB,1012x1496,23:34,3f4e7d2ad7bc3d4f1dc60684d1….png)


Images aren't loading for some reason.

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4bc6ef No.276150

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