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/icup/ - 8chan cup

good things come to those who wait

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 No.4704 [View All]

by tier of importance here is what the wiki at present needs


cow's logo


descriptions for all teams and not just a few of them, also kits (which i am still working on – actual kits for all teams would be appreciated where possible as besides /tg/'s purple kit all of the ones i have available at my disposal right now are uploaded already), fixing up the winter cup page and making it uniform


a page on the /operate/ team, rosters, rivalries, match histories, fixing the fuck out of /intl/'s shitty page, a front page that isn't the shoutwiki default (working on it!)


team histories, roster stats, GK stats, quotes, fixing up the summer cup page


anything i neglected to mention. this is mostly shit like uploading images for articles, trivia, etc.







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op this might have everything you need


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doing a test run of our new (and possibly temporary, depending) main page template, post criticisms/complaints etc.

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Looking good. I'm working on rosters and stuff since that takes the most time. The writing can be padded out later.

Also, I found some interesting stuff in google.

>voice insertion


Apparently this can be done for any player, meaning that the game commentator, the in-game one, could say "Dio brando has the ball" rather than "messi has the ball". Could be interesting to play around with.

>music insertion


Apparently the same thing can be done with music. So this could make anthem playing much easier too. Goalhorns would still need to be manually played though.

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File: 1460324249717.png (25.57 KB,250x388,125:194,leftypol champs.png)

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started working on the Summer 2015 cup article, and currently i'm down to the start of the quarterfinals


anticipating this to be completed by later tonight

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streamers from last year (idk if they're still around) but do you have any matches recorded? i would really like to upload those to dailymotion.

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everything that was recorded from the last cup i'm pretty sure is on the hitboxes



a lot of days ended up completely unrecorded aside from results and what has been reconstructed from those results

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doing statistics for Summer 2015 right now

lots of fucking hat tricks

Goal 30', 36', 86' Bane

Goal 25', 33', 39', 66', 72' Aryanne

Goal 33', 72', 81' St. Peter

Goal 22', 32', 89' Videla

Goal 79', 89', 90+1' DIO BRANDO

Goal 4', 21', 36 Wade Davis

Goal 10', 48', 65', 78' St. Paul

Goal 71', 77', 90+4' Starlight Glimmer

Goal 1', 45+', 57', 86', 90+1' Strelok

Goal 18', 51', 86' Jacob


Goal 5', 45+', 56', 64' DIO BRANDO

Goal 35', 58', 84' Kaiser Reinhardo

Goal 22', 65', 90+4' St. Paul

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mind writing down for which matches these occur? Should come in handy when I'm doing these pages.

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bane's hat trick:

Infinity Cup I Round of 16, /tv/ - /bane/

aryanne's hat trick:


st peter's hat trick:

Infinity Cup I Round of 16, /christian/ v /intl/

videla's hat trick:

Infinity Cup I Quarterfinals, /v/ v /argentina/

DIO BRANDO's first hat trick:


Wade Davis' and St. Paul's hat trick:

Infinity Cup I Quarterfinals, /sp/ v /christian/

(/sp/ covered)

Starlight Glimmer's and Strelok's hat trick

Infinity Cup I Quarterfinals, /k/ v /pone/

(/pone/ covered)

Jacob's hat trick:

Infinity Cup I Semifinals, /k/ v /christian/


DIO BRANDO (covered)

Kaiser Reinhardo (covered)

St. Paul

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Also I was thinking for this page http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Winter_2015_Infinity_Cup

Is it possible to make the schedule matches open and close to reduce clutter? I know so far only Group A's been done, but once that gets added to the rest groups it'll be pretty large. Likewise, we need a bracket like the one on the Summer 2015 cup.

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Looking good.

Finished adding stats for a bunch of pages, we now only need writefags and maybe a few pictures/gifs for those to be ready. Writing down stats is such a fucking chore kek

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as hard as putting in statistics in is, it's invariably more annoying when for entire days worth of matches we don't have any because the second cup was an absolute catastrophe

hopefully this time things will be better

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I'm really liking the model of the field that you have. Keep up the good work

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here's some miscellaneous shit that is either already up on the wiki or which will be eventually

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Apart from the first day, all other days have statistics except for some token matches here and there from what I've noticed in the stat batch. Also, are we going to be putting pic related in each page? I think it would look pretty good beside the roster or the stats.

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oh yeah i forgot we had those

go nuts, we can toss those above roster stats but below the actual roster

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meanwhile on the old, dead, dilapidated wikia

i got blocked for two weeks for tossing a message on every page saying our wiki moved

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I don't know how to add images…


kek. Who b& you? I'm glad you made this wiki mate, I fucking hated the wikia one. Especially due to the sidebar recommended articles which are essentially ads eating up most of the space for a page. Fucking piece of shite.

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File: 1460661872071.png (105.88 KB,872x699,872:699,hotpocketry, wikia edition.png)


>I don't know how to add images…

image markup is as follows


to set something to a certain number of pixels, say, 200 pixels


to force our 200px image to a certain side, in this case left


to make our image a thumbnail, which looks like the images on the side of /gamergate/'s page


and finally, to add alternate text

[[File:Examplefile.png|200px|left|thumb|Alt Text.]]

>kek. Who b& you? I'm glad you made this wiki mate, I fucking hated the wikia one.

a wikia volunteer

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some more kits

i love /mu/'s kit, it's just great in every way

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actually took some time out to make the /leftypol/ page

if anyone would be so knd to check for typos i would be grateful.

will send labor vouchers

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looks good. you should add the part where the streamer was so buthurt when /leftypol/ won he defaced the logo in a fit of rage/autism.

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why? they left


again why? they left. might as well invite fucking 4chan or reddit

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someone clearly did not read the context




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can I make a page for /ggrevolt/? has someone done it already?

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does /ggrevolt/ already have a finished team? ie- full roster, with medals, anthem and goalhorn(s)?

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looks like they do, yes, complete with those sexy kits


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oh for fucks sake


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wow jesus fucking christ kiddies this is why you shouldn't do this early in the morning

proper link is >>>/ggrevolt/92881

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after an ungodly amount of fucking around, i've finally managed to convert >implyingrigged's Scoreboard template into something for the wiki


looks much better than football box

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can anyone point me in the right direction to make boxheads? Making actual faces like /pone/ did seems hard as fuck judging by the consolidated modding tools thread. Any helps appreciated, thanks.

muh flood

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There's a template folder around somewhere. You just have to edit one of the files with a picture

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>template folder

Hmm, I mean this place is full of links so I don't know where that shit is, if you wouldn't helping out that be great. Also, I mean boxheads like /a/ has not those horrible stretched out images that were made for other teams, those just look weird as fuck

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>>3031 should point you in the right direction for this

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introducing the new and improved wiki theme, styled off of the glorious motherland itself

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oh, right, shit's broken. whoops.

in that case, just check out the main page i guess


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You guys have done an amazing job on the wiki, I love you all.

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wiki changelog for today:

- the formation box is now a collapsible object to reduce clutter and also because it really does just look better collapsed

- lore and meta pages are going up starting now because why not

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I did a little bit of work on /fit/, so you may want to move that up

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What's the general opinion on creating team pages describing team members like how implyingrigged generally works?

best example would be something like http://implyingrigged.info/wiki//lit/_Roster

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do it

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am newfag

what date is this happening?

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tentatively, /icup/ iii (or whatever we'll call it since it's looking more and more like if it does happen, it won't be exclusively 8chan based) is set for summer, most likely in late june or july

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> it won't be exclusively 8chan based

Nah, its 8chan that'll be hosting so it will carry the 8chan name. Plus its only /sp/ that's from outside and used to be apart of us, so there's no point in changing the name.

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File: 1465278028207.png (71.24 KB,1056x1234,528:617,55de722d4fa10c4f844aa52339….png)


Ωchan/ggrevolt/ still here

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File: 1466122558611.png (145.2 KB,500x392,125:98,1463598278977-4.png)


>Ωchan/ggrevolt/ still here

Nobody likes you revolt.

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