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good things come to those who wait

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>Best goalhorn

>Best logo

>Karl Marx legendary ball kicker

/leftypol/ is going to the finals.

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>leftards can even quote across boards

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Is that less hard on your autism?

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communists get out

1968 worst year of my life

remove borscht

pivo stronk

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Holy shit

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>tfw people will be preying so computer AI can let them win

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reminder for cotton to fix leftypols jerseys and gie them their USSC uniforms as posted ere


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>tfw It has worked twice in a row

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crazy stuff yo

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hey /leftypol/, good job being smug, we'll see how long that lasts

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Fucking cheaters, of course libeta gommunists would try and cheat.

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/co/ had the same problem.

Of course, you ignored them, didn't you?

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/co/ did their team WAY BACK when we used 4cc rules and just had made a mistake with a backup goalie.

You souless gommunisds made the team fairly recent and it was your starting 11 GK.

Also, Leftypol won both games on late game (see. where GK stats matter the most because you fuckers got 7 extra points of stamina and etc.) while /co/ shit the bed 3-0

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our team is as old as /co/s you retard

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in fact our export was uploaded before the inaugural /icup/ friendlies where played

now go cry about mu evil gommunists in your basement some more

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Yet you forgot to fix BOTH of the goalkeepers, get the fuck out of here and stop trying to shift the blame

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/leftypol/ was warned about GKs being 77 — on the 19th of April!





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>communists in charge of reading

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Damn dirty commies.

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Get fucked cheating lefties. /k/ vs. /christian/ will be a much better match.

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how do you say "blown the fuck out" in gommunist?

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/leftygoyim/ BTFO

/a/ vs /christian/. Whoever wins, /leftypol/ will be mad.



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>referencing a socialist movement to try and upset socialists

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what's that song in the webm?

sage for off-topic

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