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/icup/ - 8chan cup

good things come to those who wait

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File: 1435474615004.png (145.4 KB,1354x1276,677:638,Screen Shot 2015-06-28 at ….png)


>the state of this cup's stat-tracking

Cotton, from now on, click "Match Details" after EVERY. MATCH. I'll keep track of goalscorers/assists/saves on my own database, and will provide assistance on a wiki in time.

Until then, have meagre stats:

Current Final Tournament Placements:

(GD -> GF)

9. /gamergate/

9. /k/

11. /pol/

12. /tv/

13. /int/

14. /co/

14. /furry/

16. /monster/

Golden Boot is Aryanne right now with 5 fucking goals. Someone calm down that Nazi Horse. Fun fact, she already tied the record for "most goals in a single match" in the 4CC, along the likes of New Thread, Jeff Mangum, Couchsurfer Rapist, Miror B, and a rigged Bearforce.

It would be AMAZING if someone could also make sure to screencap the results and goals screens, then post them in this thread so I could track them more easily without having to wait for the VODS to hit YouTube, since I work through most /icup/ matches.

Also have a bracket.

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it's /intl/ m8

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Same thing

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God fucking damn it, I managed to sleep through the 2nd Round, who won?

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/v/ no idea result

/a/ 5-3 bane (i think)

/leftypol/ 6-3 /pone/

christian 10-8 /sp/

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what a match it would of been to see lefty pol v pol

maybe we could have a one off just to see what would of happened

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File: 1435552189013.png (154.33 KB,1378x1258,689:629,Screen Shot 2015-06-29 at ….png)

Updated Bracket and Final Placements

5. /argentina/

6. /sp/

7. /bane/

8. /pone/

9. /gamergate/

9. /k/

11. /pol/

12. /tv/

13. /int/

14. /co/

14. /furry/

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>/argentina/ beat /furry/

>/bane/ beat /tv/

>/pone/ beat /pol/

>/leftypol/ beat /k/

>/christian/ beat /int/

Truly, the most hilarious icup to date.

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fuck you man it's /intl/

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>most hilarious icup to date

that's not difficult considering this is the only one.

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Anyone got a the list of goalscorers and assisters? Trying to update the wikia with this info for each team. If not, anyone have links to the videos so I can check?

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