>the state of this cup's stat-tracking
Cotton, from now on, click "Match Details" after EVERY. MATCH. I'll keep track of goalscorers/assists/saves on my own database, and will provide assistance on a wiki in time.
Until then, have meagre stats:
Current Final Tournament Placements:
(GD -> GF)
9. /gamergate/
9. /k/
11. /pol/
12. /tv/
13. /int/
14. /co/
14. /furry/
16. /monster/
Golden Boot is Aryanne right now with 5 fucking goals. Someone calm down that Nazi Horse. Fun fact, she already tied the record for "most goals in a single match" in the 4CC, along the likes of New Thread, Jeff Mangum, Couchsurfer Rapist, Miror B, and a rigged Bearforce.
It would be AMAZING if someone could also make sure to screencap the results and goals screens, then post them in this thread so I could track them more easily without having to wait for the VODS to hit YouTube, since I work through most /icup/ matches.
Also have a bracket.