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/icup/ - 8chan cup

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After the cotton stream, I am disgusted on how boring he commentated

We need some 8ch celebs, Brennan should be happy to do it, maybe Ben Garrison as well

Also we should try to get the Cuckchan Cup's best commentator, Ken Ashcorp. In fact, offer him to manage /furry/ as well

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>Ken Ashcorp

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>manage /furry/

They already have a Team Rep.


There is no managing.


>wanting a Tumblrite to commentate who doesn't even go on 8ch

Like I don't care if he wants to come here himself and offer to volunteer, but I'd rather we ourselves present the Cup.

However I agree that lead commentators should probably be auditioned and decided on by all the volunteers here on /icup/. If someone wants to organize a thread to do that, go ahead.

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Aced is a wanker who forgot the team existed and can't make an export to save his ass, I rather have anyone other than him

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>le ghey pandaman

why do you desperately want people from cuckchan to join this cup and make it theirs, wasn't the whole point of this competition to be different from the 4cc? Or at least not as rigged?

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This. Besides, we have bigger names than cuckchan.

It would be perfect if Zyklon Ben could commentate on /leftypol/ and /pol/ match and TenNapel commentate on the /v/ or /gghq/ match we are gold.

>mfw the biggest celeb 4CC can get is a gay panda

>mfw no face

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Or actually, /v/ and /christian/

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I'm liking where this is going.

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Tweet @ Zyklon Ben as well

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You think we can get MoonMan to commentate?

Just get some witty /pol/-fag who types fast

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what if we got a speech program and loaded it with some pre-recorded phrases?

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If they are anything like the pes commentators they are gonna be bland as hell, we require the person hosting to be at least half decent at commentating

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>commentary by TenNapel

That would be beautiful. He could probably do some /christian/ commentary as well.

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i commented for a 4chan cup before. i only did one game because the guy running the thing hated me and that day he wasn't on. the vid got deleted because it was only saved on one person's twitch and that twitch account got deleted. later there was a vote on strawpoll if i should commentate again and i got over 90% positive reaction

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We need to have two commentators i think. That way the stream isn't just one guy jerking off to the game

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>We need to have two commentators i think.

The more the merrier I'd say.

Games with 4+ people are super fun to do and many keks are had.


>i only did one game because the guy running the thing hated me

Which guy was that?

Regardless as long as your good that's probably all that matters, that and you actually lurk other boards here.

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Ken Ashcorp is a faggot.

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inb4 you are that /pol/ guy who once and only once commentated

if so, lets hope you never commentate here

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>Cuckchan Cup's best commentator

>Ken Ashcorp

>not Craig the Egg

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get Bors in here to rig it

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Fuck off cuckchan.

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You could ask the people from /k/ radio, I heard DJ Ivan would agree to doing it.

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oh, that'd be neat

especially when /leftypol/ gets BTFO

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>TFW nobody liked my sporadic commentary on day one

I literally just walked into the Skype chat too

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Its alright , day 2 was much better

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