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e50e63 No.77821

I stumbled across Miss Lilith recently and thought her work was worth sharing, she shares a lot of her work for free on her website (over 40 files with regular updates) & also has a Patreon with additional content (I've only listened to the free stuff)…

Her files are really well produced from a technical perspective, really nice use of layered/split voice tracks and the background sounds are possibly the best I've heard - a recent session had sound effects added to fingersnaps that massively amplified their effect… she also has a really nice voice, and to top it off the hypnosis is great - I've been experiencing some of the deepest trances I've ever had with her files… so in short - she's great and she's giving stuff away for free…. link below.


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d15829 No.77826

Thank you for the raccomandation. I'm poor af i need this type of content lmao

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1704c7 No.78640


yeah shes pretty good, if you use kemono party you can get some of her patreon files as well.

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6aa503 No.78681


Wow this chick punches my buttons really well. Haven't had someone hit me that hard and that fast in years. Her offer of commissions is damned tempting, but I am still pretty fuckin' poor.

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eec903 No.78685


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5b3185 No.80107


Thanks fella

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347737 No.80300

Her sessions have a very powerful effect on me as well.

I also like the themes her sessions are about. Some are even interactive <3

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0e1cfb No.80354

my cock is pleased

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0263eb No.80511


Any chance of uploading the latest files?

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947021 No.80512

Found her as well a few days ago. Absolutely mind-blowing! I've only tried a couple so far, mainly because I find most to be a bit too long. 20-35 min is perfect, but an hour is tough for me physically. Too bad a lot of her catalog is bimbo/sissy/femininization stuff.

But what brilliant stuff! I respond very weakly to almost everything I listen to, but this really knocked me out. About to listen to a file now. I'm sure it will be awesome!

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ed3d29 No.80541

has anyone listened to the chastity file? how is it?

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b0db5f No.80577


latest just got uploaded to Kem

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c8ba53 No.80687

Very, very, very, very, very, nice.

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648ebb No.80691

Very refreshing to see something new that isn't just wank fodder. I really like tease and denial content but want more than *just* tease and denial. K45ha Sh4k71 is one of my favorite hypnodommes but she does almost nothing *but* tease and denial. The mixture of chastity, feminization, edging, and more off the wall ideas (turned on by seeing plants? Alright lol) is nice. Lots of potential here, I'm looking forward to more. Does anyone have recommendations for similar newish creators?

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387fda No.84265

Anyone got a collection of the pat exclusives they can share?

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bd59ac No.86327

Anyone have the M3m04y 6o By3 Bj3, her most recent file plus pat exclusive loops and whatnot, and willing to share?

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b24a0e No.86732

Bump - would love the pat loop packs

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44fdfc No.87074

I'm normally all for the sharing.. but her Patreon is so reasonably priced and her work absolutely top notch, that instead.. im going to recommend you just buy her minimum entry subscription.. its absolutely worth it for what you get access to and its cheaper than a loaf of bread!

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298ea7 No.88174

Oh my god,

Had some of her files heaped among many others, can't recall since when,

and just now tried "List3n to L1i1ith - Bye By3 1nduction"

back to back with "Org4sm Go By3 By3 - K1nky 1nducti0n'.

Hadn't been so deep for months!

(last noteworthy sessions were B3ll4 - My G4m3 and B33g33W4nd3rs - H00k3d on my V0ic3).

So, I instantly rushed to see if there was a thread around here.

Lucky me.

Seeing as her files are too many, does anyone have specific recommendations?

For playlists or single files even.

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1b589f No.88176


Miss Lilith is in my top 3 of all time. I have listened to a lot of her files and she is really great for dropping you deep. Her production quality and creative inductions are also top notch. I have a thing for enforced chastity and nipple play and she clearly does as well. It depends on what you like. She has several different themes, which include Chasity, general mindlessness, general submission, feminization and bimbofication, as well as various sexual worship files. It depends on what you like, but I can recommend some files once you say that. I also note that I recently discovered she is on K3m0n0 so you can get more files there.

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298ea7 No.88177


well, I usually listen to mindlessness, brainwash and HFO sessions.

but I'm open to trying chastity, cei, fem, bimbo if they are done well.

also, curious which are your other top two tists, if you'd like to share!

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da1189 No.88182


Honestly, just go to her website and read the descriptions and go with what you are feeling. She has a great website and most of her files are free. Chastity Chains and Chastity Dial and Orgasm go bye bye are great chastity files. But all of the files are amazing depending on your interest. 卂爪乇ㄒ卄ㄚ丂ㄒ is my top and Lilith actually is probably my 2nd favorite. After that there are just honorable mentions like Athalia, 千尺乇ㄚ卂, Calia

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c494fe No.88185

Not sure in what order I'd place them, but Lilith, 匚卄卂尺ㄥㄖㄒㄒ乇 Grey, 卂爪乇ㄒ卄ㄚ丂ㄒ and 亡丹尺回し are probably my top 3. I'm a bit specific with my focus (fetish) and they've managed to hit all my buttons. The important thing for me is actually dropping me in trance first and there are so many files that are just RP these days.

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c494fe No.88186

That should be top 4 not 3 lol

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78743c No.88305

Lilith is great, yeah.

On the topic of favorites I'm a fan of 丂乇匚尺乇ㄒ 丂ㄩ乃フ乇匚ㄒ in terms of just pure hypno.

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c494fe No.88310


I do like 丂乇匚尺乇ㄒ 丂ㄩ乃フ乇匚ㄒ.. she's the only one so far to make me feel like she's actually touching me.. can't remember the file but she talks about lying aside you in bed and putting her leg over you.. and I actually felt it. Only happened the one time but.. yeah.. no one else has managed that.

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