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File: 143a748cb5f57ac⋯.png (410.65 KB,1364x2116,341:529,IV.png)

e3c651 No.67974 [Last50 Posts]



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93b156 No.67976

Sounds like the Republicans hypnotized her to put out her retirement letter lol

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639e34 No.67978



Not responding.

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639e34 No.67979

where did you get it?

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e3c651 No.67981


her website

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639e34 No.67983

checking archive.net

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0eca6b No.67984

File: 49d94f7e66a1ba3⋯.jpg (13.29 KB,271x222,271:222,0716a4311e19a3cfbabbd690ab….jpg)

Looks like she found a buddy in christ.

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87daed No.67986

Like a lot of hypnotic content, some of what she says is true and good; some of it is untrue and bad.

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4b7ef3 No.67988

I will be indebted to her especially for jp first file. Ngl, but that was the one of the files that put me in trance naturally and the next moment I remembered was me feeling my c0ck rising slowly with her commands, damn it was awesome feeling! didn't cum but it made me feel really really good.

Didn't try other files of her, heard they weren't as effective but still jp-I will always be my fav.

Infact she & 几工片片工 was the one who developed and transformed this fetish.

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f6695e No.67989

Huh, looks like I was right when I said she was unhappy and wanted to leave the hypno scene >>64493. I wonder what spooked her real good to talk about redpills, MKULTRA, pornhub's link to child sex trafficking, and Q? It's a shame she's become a textbook republicuck, not saying democrats are any better.

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f6695e No.67991


It's real. Everything on her niteflirt page is gone.

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4776b7 No.67997

"Am I responsible for my terrible life choices?"

"No, It must be Satan's fault"

FUCKING LOL. As usual delusion gives away to greater delusion.

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d9921e No.68000

what if she comes back tomorrow saying "Pat Robertson hijacked my site"

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93343d No.68001


Holy fuck I did not expect a post that crazy.

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f6695e No.68003

File: 14c5e1ad1b358a5⋯.jpg (23.51 KB,474x358,237:179,OIP_ky_FUSHRszjr3_LY1S76QH….jpg)


"Am I responsible for my terrible life choices?"

"No, It must be whitey's fault"

FUCKING LOL. As usual delusion gives away to greater delusion.

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b5e348 No.68004

Praise Jesus. So glad that I*V has come around to see the light of our lord Jesus Christ. In honor of this glorious moment let's listen to some of her files praising the most high god.


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c35330 No.68010

I know she got crazy but daaaaaaamn..

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f28f38 No.68011

File: cbdb2fcd7332fa8⋯.jpg (87.65 KB,580x869,580:869,a646dbb74fdfeee46b4fca3bff….jpg)

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000000 No.68019


< wtfamireading.jpg

The famous hypnowhale, the one that actually gave suggestions to commit robbery, send her the money, and forget you did it - in more-or-less those words! - had a conversion and is now a Q-tard?

Welcome to Clown World; enjoy your stay!

I just have no words.

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f6695e No.68020


She also criticized transgender bathrooms and told trannies and sissies to kill themselves. Being a Q-tard is par of the course.

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7c3c2f No.68021

I prefer her this way and I hope she finds happiness.

None of us got it all figured out, and from reading that retirement letter, neither does she - but you have to start somewhere.

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f6695e No.68022


I hope she finds happiness too. Cancelling herself before the woke left would do it for her is a smart move. If she has any inside knowledge of the globohomo agenda, I she spills it.

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6e3007 No.68023

File: 6ae3ea5b7fce8c2⋯.png (83.46 KB,435x445,87:89,15bf811c2065fe55447cb896dd….png)


let´s be honest, don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for her, but damn it, she got into some very strange political lines, I believe I consumed a lot of her content and never saw a political message in any mp3, when she talks about Satanism and says that the democratic party is full of socialists, I think something very fucked up happened in her life and to feel better she found refuge "in politics", I hope she gets better and gets over it, but the message she is transmitting in this letter of " goodbye "is very questionable.

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f6695e No.68025


She must've witnessed something horrifying going on within the hypnodom community. She mentioned she knew a lot of people who left the industry, and many of them have immediately retired and took all of their files off the online market without a word. 几工片片工 千卂ㄒ卂ㄥ乇, Mzᗪㄖ爪丨几丨匚卂, Mr. Daniel, and Goddess Ꮆ尺卂匚丨乇 just to name a few. Why did these people suddenly leave and what do they know? Are they still alive? How bright does all of this glow-in-the-dark? We all know Miss Drew was murdered for some odd reason.

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977544 No.68026



you got some point. Ꮆ尺卂匚丨乇 too left suddenly and now she. I think turning weaklings into hormone filled sissy went out of hand maybe.

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87daed No.68028


So she's not all bad is what you're saying

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87daed No.68029

Isn't IV a confirmed SCHIZO anyway?

So crazy behaviour is to be expected.

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708295 No.68035

It's dumb enough to go full MAGA chud, but she's into Q too? The only way this makes sense is if she made an IQ reduction file, then listened to it nonstop for months.

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639e34 No.68037


>We all know Miss Drew was murdered for some odd reason.

Definitely not "all". What happened? Any links?

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2223b4 No.68039

The biggest question is, do we have all the J@ckp0t files???

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a384b1 No.68040

File: 81703c9c21effdb⋯.gif (848.56 KB,280x158,140:79,DimwittedLoathsomeGraysqui….gif)

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f6695e No.68042


When I said Miss Drew, I meant to say Queen Passionate.


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e3c651 No.68046


I have 1-26. Last one was 27 I belive

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d82541 No.68050


>Isn't IV a confirmed SCHIZO anyway?

Yeah, she's talked about having schizophrenia, believing she's God, taking antipsychotic medication, and so on. Think that's partially why some of her early recordings were so good.

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886ea2 No.68052

Wow. I actually have newfound respect for her. Most sex industry workers are hardcore leftwingers and/or socialists She is now giving up any friends and allies she had in the sex industry, and perhaps become a target of the left's intolerance and hate for anyone who holds politically different views. She's incredibly brave, and I wish her and her family a happy future.

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b926d2 No.68059

Her Jackpot got me into this over 12 years ago and eventually led me to 几工片片工 and beyond. Always be grateful to her for that even though she turned into a nutter.

Godspeed Hypno Whale, godpseed!

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b926d2 No.68060

I'll look through sime old hard drives and upload what I can find of hers for you guys at some point this weekend.

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4776b7 No.68062


Everything after 10 is trash, and many before that.

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523a51 No.68063


You're right. The series peaked at 4.

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9a2742 No.68065

>IV is a Q boomer


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17fa1f No.68073


>Her Jackpot got me into this over 12 years ago and eventually led me to 几工片片工 and beyond. Always be grateful to her for that even though she turned into a nutter.

Tha's what I'm talking about, she is a pioneer in hypno community. For some she maybe shit but for them hypno is not kink.

I'll be missing her.

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340c28 No.68076


based and redpilled

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340c28 No.68077

i remember listening to swallow 1 for the first time. it's so good. i listened to it on loop that night. whenever i'm consuming any kind of femdom porn and she says "good boy", i still have an instinct to lick up my precum

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42749c No.68078


What are the best ones besides 4? Anyone tried Tantric Jackpot?

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8a84c7 No.68080

you think her "$1 million" EBITDA is truthfull? is that a way for her to rationalize the whole journey or did she really make that much money ? she charges $4 a minute, so that's approximately 4K hours, which seems doable.

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c96a17 No.68082


I actually really enjoyed 5, 10 and 11. 13+ are good, but are all built sequentially on each other, so they need to be used in order. (although watch out for some findom suggestions, which are easier to ignore now she's retiring).

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e3c651 No.68086


Would'nt surprise me. Also wouldn't surprise me if she wasted all of it.

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4b88d5 No.68097


Which one introduced the 1s4b3lla la la lalalala trigger?

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6e305b No.68099

She hasn't made a good hypno file since like 2008 so who cares

Also if she wants to support Trump that's fine, but believe in the Q shit is just retarded

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b7c9b5 No.68107

FFS is all I can comment….

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c96a17 No.68129


I think that number 10 did that, although I'm wondering if she had a seperate file which did it too. Sadly much of her newer stuff which would set those triggers hasn't been passed on to us.

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578ddf No.68139

So she finally hit the wall (and finally came to grips with the fact) and is doing the typical hypergamy -> trad girl transition, and being a whining attention whore about it?

Also, this reads like some sort of satire or a poorly executed hack from an edgy /pol/ teen. The fact it's apparently real (files actually deleted) makes it so much more cringe. And I'm saying this despite leaning right, respecting Christianity, and hating porn.

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09b3ea No.68141


This anon has them >>68046

maybe he can share

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c96a17 No.68145


I have 1-27, which I'm happy to share soon, but I think some of the triggers came from outside the Jackpot series, and some of that may be lost now.

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e3c651 No.68153


Uploded my collection at


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8e0631 No.68160

Well, if it's true and not just a hacker who got to her website, then there's at least one hypnotist who was kind of based.

If you actually go to most of these tists' twitter, it's full of BLM and other american garbage.

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9ec0f2 No.68161


Nice one, thanks. I thought I had most of them, I was wrong. I added about 25 more in, including an alternative version of the tantric jackpot file.

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639e34 No.68162


Yep, Inet is full of hopeless SJWs, so I applaud IV for open support of POTUS.

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523a51 No.68163


Her files are gone from niteflirt too. If it was a hacker, he was being very thorough which I doubt it was.

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b926d2 No.68164



Is there a download all option for v0lafile?

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40201d No.68166

Just need 27 now

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4a7271 No.68168


Just use JDownloader.

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b926d2 No.68169



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a1733c No.68171



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b5ab20 No.68172

Hot DAMN - that's a big dump'p.p.p….

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c96a17 No.68177


Thanks so much. I don't suppose any kind soul has Bellagasm?

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61a073 No.68178


>hates porn

>frequents a porn subchan

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1375b3 No.68182

Someone got 5P1N Cyc13 3 & 4 ?

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c96a17 No.68184


There you go

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93de2b No.68185


Added it to vola, but we still need Bell@ngel

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c96a17 No.68186


Thank you. We're missing a ton still. Bellavision, but also just tons of her other files. She had plenty of faults, but you have to respect how prolific she was.

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9ec0f2 No.68198

Anyone got any pics of IV from when she started out years ago, when she was easier on the eye? Looking for something to use as generic artwork for tracks with no art. Recent pics not suitable. Thx.

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2a54e8 No.68218

Anyone got Perihelic Mind Trap or Soul Qntrl!

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beb15e No.68234

File: a4826fed1603cef⋯.jpg (129.04 KB,800x871,800:871,800px_Starry_night_petunia….jpg)

Hey can you re-up all that?? I know it was a lot but I didn't get the time to sift through even half and now most of it's already expired. Need to re-up to a place that lasts longer than 48 hours or it's a waste of time going through with such a massive upload.>>68153

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4eb2ac No.68241


best bet is to use wayback machine

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0783e5 No.68242


yes, had a trawl through on there for her main .com website and a couple of other domains she had. Some links still working to pics for 2008 and before, but nothing much before that. Slim pickings. Have added a few that I found into the vola if useful for anyone.

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84a0c5 No.68244

File: 73d7b16e6ecae00⋯.gif (1.85 MB,400x224,25:14,huehue.gif)


>Slim pickings

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6fde7d No.68416

Bump! Re-Up pleease Anon's!

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c5fc55 No.68448


Second, we should put a torrent together of everything.

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bcfb57 No.68546




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088031 No.68577



Mind elaborating on this stuff a bit? Seems fascinating.

I know Mzᗪㄖ爪丨几丨匚卂 was just getting older and wanted to retire, it wasn't sudden or anything and she still talked with people online and stuff for a while, 几工片片工 千卂ㄒ卂ㄥ乇 also didn't just disappear even though she stopped doing hypno, but what's the deal with Goddess Ꮆ尺卂匚丨乇 and Mr Daniel?

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a747c4 No.68614

can anyone upload the jackpot series especially those after 8.

also how well did they work? were you guys able to consistently hfo on jackpot after j5? i found it harder with the later files

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a747c4 No.68616

re up the jackpot series pls

i was at one stage conditioned to the phrase and had fun with j4 and j2 didnt like j5 or j7 too much. but havnt got a chance to go further.

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a747c4 No.68637

Man she was the best once upon a time. what you reckon her best file was?

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fc220d No.68642

File: 94eaf7983058a65⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.29 KB,1080x1358,540:679,11043367_770895732981240_1….jpg)

File: 5d7f4ce9a5b024d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,61.75 KB,540x960,9:16,11045346_769303469807133_5….jpg)

File: 321c4759845d314⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,64.78 KB,540x960,9:16,11392871_817751044962375_3….jpg)

File: 6457776ee2c5cde⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,480.87 KB,1638x2048,819:1024,DDz1Po_VoAABaWM.jpg)

File: 6ef1c409aea0662⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.11 KB,599x680,599:680,DEaFW7KV0AAcWI8.jpg)

I really like IV. She is by far one of my favorite hypnodommes. Her and ㄥㄚ匚丨卂 give me a instant boner. Beg and Adoraphine are my favorites.

I started hypno when I was 7-8 years old for severe insomnia. I can now go into trance almost immediately. You have to believe it will work and go into hypno with a positive attitude or it will not work. Hypno cannot and will not make you do something you already would not do.

I love traps and transsexuals due to hypno. I have come to see traps as chicks with a little extra..chicks with dicks. I have terabytes of trans porn and have even been sexual with a couple of trans girls in Austin, Dallas and Houston.

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f6695e No.68647

File: 189391905b8fa2e⋯.jpg (18.8 KB,399x388,399:388,UBWiC1X.jpg)

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26e397 No.68648

As a conspiratard myself, I'm happy she brings attention to things like MKULTRA, hypno hurting marriages and intimacy, Christianity, human trafficking, and satanism. Those latter three in specific are some the most important aspects of all, and she's brave for mentioning them. However I cannot believe she fell into the alt-right trap and believes Donald Trump is working against the NWO. He literally said "I'm a nationalist and a globalist", continues to funnel millions of dollars to Israel, all while refusing to really bring awareness to conspiracies. He won't ever bring up things like 9/11, faked school shootings, satanism, or human sacrifice. He'll just vaguely say the MSM is fake news and the Q-tards eat it up, doing mental gymnastics to convince themselves Trump is there to save them.

What's funny about Q-tards is that they sorta understand how controlled everything is (from the mainstream media to politics), but they DO still believe that the public is free to elect their president. Your vote does not matter. Both sides are ultimately controlled by the same secret societies. Everyone from William Guy Carr, to A. Ralph Epperson, Bill Cooper, Anthony Sutton, Fritz Springmeier, every influential conspiratorial writer believes that your vote does not matter because politics are a charade to make the public feel like they have a say (even though they don't). It's divide and conquer 101.

Amazing how these people don't recognize controlled opposition.

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088031 No.68649


Absolutely disgusting.

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f6695e No.68653


>William Guy Carr, to A. Ralph Epperson, Bill Cooper, Anthony Sutton, Fritz Springmeier

Redpill me on these people. I already know about Bill Cooper.

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1a53c8 No.68654


Any chance of a re-up for the tantric jackpot file? Last one i am missing ahh

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a747c4 No.68655


wanna reup you jackpot collection whilst youre at it?

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26e397 No.68656


To redpill yourself on them, read their most important books. In Behold A Pale Horse, Cooper closes his chapter "Secret Societies and the New World Order" with a list of books he used as sources for that chapter. All aforementioned authors are in there (except Springmeier because he didn't publish until 1996).

>A. Ralph Epperson

This man is an absolute goldmine. Incredibly well-read, and it shows from the vast amount of quotations in his books. He also writes in a logical, methodical manner, quite the opposite of a raving lunatic. Published "The Unseen Hand" in 1982, which is still the most complete summary of the conspiratorial view of history that I know of, and "The New World Order" in 1990, which delves into the "why" and explains many things about Masonic religion using their own writings. "The New World Order" in specific is an absolute must-read (a lot of Bill Cooper's mystery babylon series was read verbatim from this book).

>Anthony C. Sutton

Remember how John Robison wrote a book in the 18th century to expose the Bavarian Illuminati? Sutton, a professor of economics, basically did the same in 1983 for Skull & Bones, the secret society at Yale. It's an extensive look at its history, its members, its methods and its influences. Basically everything else you read about Skull & Bones is derivative. (The book's called America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones)

>William Guy Carr

Wrote "Pawns in the Game", noteworthy for being published in 1955. Explains the conspiratorial view of history for the last few centuries.

>Fritz Springmeier

Wrote "Bloodlines of the Illuminati", kinda speaks for itself (examines the bloodlines of the families at the top).

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5a5e9e No.68672



Im going to drop 1-24 for you but i didnt get to catch 25 to 27.

Hope some kind anon can repost?

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5a5e9e No.68673

File: c64394c0ab49c08⋯.png (408.88 KB,2111x2001,2111:2001,ClipboardImage.png)

And ive got about 144gigs of other hypno files.

I might post some files in the next hour or so while im here if someone comes thru

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5a5e9e No.68674


thanks anon for posting the other two files.

As a thanks, ive made a 200 file HFO dump for you guys. <3


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40201d No.68675


added 27

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5a5e9e No.68676


Cheers again.

HFO file dump almost done. Im dumping 4 more files that use the jackpot trigger if people wanted to finish their collection off.

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1ca778 No.68679



SIr thanks for your work

I see some unfamiliar names

Which files are the best in your opinion ?

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6bf4a8 No.68680

Thanks for these. Have added a few more in, including the other version of T@ntr1c J@ckp0t, Version 1, which someone may have been looking for earlier in the thread. Also a Flac version of H0t3l N1ch0le, for perverts with high-end audio equipment (no discernible difference to normal version that I can hear though).

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77c99d No.68684

My favorite jackpot is 10.

Any jackpot worth to listen after 19-27?

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11ae4a No.68685

> redditbyte-sized vola dumps

BTW: What's y'all's download speed on vola, if it's not capped by your general internet speed? Mine is generally 214.x kB/s for all vola downloads combined. Only, when I download with JDownloader and set it to download a maximum of 2 files simultaneously, I may get a boost, so that the speed for one or both files is temporarily higher, resulting in a combined speed higher than 214 kB/s.

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11ae4a No.68686


OMG! That's ridiculous!

> G l G A b y t e-sized

I can't even delete my own post right after posting to correct it. "wrong password"!

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3d8819 No.68689

So um, Anon? When was that dump gonna happen?

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02f7ec No.68753

File: 6df3e1c5d153c65⋯.png (231.89 KB,445x362,445:362,6df.png)

This is amazing! Fucking love IV!

Trump 2020! Don JR 2024 and 2028! Ivanka 2032 and 2036! Trump derangement syndrome for an entire generation! That includes the nat-soc's on here that prefer the deepocrats!

My first and favorite hypnotist went full Q-tard. 2020 is shaping up to be a great year in the second half.

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b5ab20 No.68755

Somebody who posted the full library before or somebody who downloaded the whole damn thing needs to re-up full zip; site-rip for all those stragglers who were late trying to get in on that POS 48hr vola that is now long since gone… Help out another, Anon…

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02f7ec No.68761


Seconded. Someone please dump, and make hypnochan great again!

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117648 No.68772

Hey why post this picture of your collection if you weren't planning on posting a link to your archive ??? >>68673

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d522c2 No.68914


Thy don't people just use torrent? Uploading and missing files is shit

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a0b100 No.68952


conservatives unironically monarchists now?

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642250 No.69107

Can't we please get a re-up of the previous full Vola Library? Ideally in a M3g@ format so that it will last more than 48hrs??? It had almost everything. It was HUGE. I saw it. I knew I didn't want to download everything because it was overwhelming how much stuff was in there. That Vola probably had at least 100 - 200 GB's worth of stuff. It was kind of crazy. But I know some of you Anon's had to have snagged some huge chunks of that stuff. Maybe even a handful of you were able to get the full library. So PLEASE can we get a RE-UP of at least some bits and pieces of the full list. Perhaps you could break them up alphabetically into some digestible piecemeal chunks that can actually be sifted though without getting totally overwhelmed by the sheer quantity. That huge Vola before must have had at least 150 to 200 files. It was just crazy huge. It was so big it was just absolutely overwhelming. Please try again and cut it up into some pie slices that can actually be sorted out. Thanks to that crazy Anon who posted that most Ultimate 15@b311@ V@13n+1n3 file dump. PLEASE RE_UP !!!

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642250 No.69108

File: 2d907b4e811404b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.75 KB,794x792,397:396,il_794xN_1978165959_dul6.jpg)

So Sexy!

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9ec236 No.69139

Does someone have the secret sauce file?

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9ec236 No.69142

Do you have the hey tough guy?

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a747c4 No.69240

has anyone had success implanting the 'jackpot' trigger. were you able to cum on command in her later works?

think it would be a cool trigger to hfo whenever it was used in a file

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2289cd No.69241


Yes. An important part of the trigger is how IV teases it throughout her files before finally saying it.

>jajajajajack.. puddle



Cumming without stimulation from just the trigger word is not possible. She teases the word to remind your subconscious that the word is coming. I believe that's how the trick works. And it does work.

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a747c4 No.69252

anyone have any success with the implementing the 'jackpot' trigger?

i think it would be hot af if there was a hfo triggger that i would respond to whenever said

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a747c4 No.69259


Have you gotten to the point of pretty much instant HFO when she says jackpot?

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2e0884 No.69276


With her method the experience is like you are holding back but still about to cum until she finally says it and you let go.

Try jackpot 1, jackpot 2, jackpot 4, and dreamᗪ丨ᐯ卂.

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071ccf No.69384

Bump for re-up of all the jackpot files please

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87daed No.69480


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fe263f No.69573

Why can't somebody that downloaded all or most of the HUGE vola dump that started this thread please RE-UP ??? Some of us that saw it didn't get the chance to even grab half of it. But I know some of you mad Anon's did. So be a sweetheart and re-post the archive why won't you? But please try and break it up into some digestible chunks by category or date, or alphabetically. You know, files names like A - C, D - F, G - I, etc all the way to the end of the alphabet. I just remember there were easily 200+ files listed. It was just so much stuff it was completely overwhelming. There was easily 20 gigs or more worth of stuff there, I'm guessing. It was kind of insane! Please Re-Up Anon!

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fa00d0 No.69577

this should be all the jackpots r/1f6j9vt0r

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fa00d0 No.69578


oh I'm missing 25 and 26 if anyone have them

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7ac2fd No.69590


25 and 26 are in the link >>69577 posted

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6c793e No.69616


Reup, please?

Would like to make a torrent.

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d0687b No.69624

Uploading my entire IV collection to /r/1f6j9vt0r , someone make a torrent and please anons add everything you have that isnt there to it so we can try and gather it all in 1 spot.

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535a58 No.69636


it is all the files you have? It is rare that it stopped at letter I, could you check it?

No matter what thanks for the upload

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2223b4 No.69661

massive dump on /r/1f6j9vt0r

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350a60 No.69662

File: c1228eb4e669ddf⋯.jpg (39.24 KB,495x471,165:157,decker2.jpg)

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7a080e No.69664

File: a6e8c32648e9d88⋯.gif (582.22 KB,640x360,16:9,1521026588720.gif)

For me, it's Sissy Shower

such a hot scenario, she really was good at coming up with lewd scenarios with sound effects to increase immersion and stimulate the imagination

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7a080e No.69665

File: 1c3f62f4110c2da⋯.jpg (106.38 KB,476x505,476:505,1520822634867.jpg)



it's because of the explosive success of 乃卂爪乃丨 Sleep in 2017 which they could not compete with because those files were all FREE and turned out more powerful and addictive than all previous TTS files before because the creator actually used one of the best highest quality TTS voices available too.

Why go back to GG or MsJ when 乃卂爪乃丨 Sleep exists with its modular file structure, huge amount of free files of various themes and even a small amount of custom community made files using that some TTS voice.

They probably realized they could not compete with all that and just gave up.

Also post your erotic hypnosis progression, for me it was-

IV > 几工片片工 千卂ㄒ卂ㄥ乇 > Mistress Alexandra > 乇丂ㄩ匚匚ㄩ乃ㄩ丂 > 亡丹卞呂工尺し > MsJ > Goddess Ꮆ尺卂匚丨乇 > 片ヨ工 > 乃卂爪乃丨 Sleep

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886ea2 No.69667


Which Jackpot file is the most effective to give an HFO?

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dfe75a No.69668


ive had a HFO multiple times with part 2

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54de8c No.69676


That still doesn't explain why she became a Christian, a Qtard, and voting for based Trump.

>Also post your erotic hypnosis progression


几工片片工 千卂ㄒ卂ㄥ乇


Mistress Joanne


Mistress Love

Goddess Ꮆ尺卂匚丨乇




Coach Josh

乃卂爪乃丨 Sleep



In that order.

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d33b46 No.69677


>Also post your erotic hypnosis progression, for me it was-

Free WarpMyMind files

Delving various early hypnodommes - Lady Lita, Soforia etc

Absence of about a decade



M15tr355 C@nd1ce


K@5h@ Sh@k7i

M@d@m V10l3t***

8@m8i 5133p

S@m@nth@ B@nd13r

***(utter waste of time - forced myself through the 10 St@tions of S3rv1tude and lost all interest in her videos by then, which was why I started in the first place).

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92e4c0 No.69681


I asked for it all to be uploaded so I could do just that. So unknot your panties and relax. There'll be an organized torrent up in the near future.

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804f38 No.69684

I don't know how to do torrents. The last time I tried it didn't work.

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3f27d7 No.69685

Sorry, didn't manage to grab the J@ckpot files. Those were the ones at the very bottom of the list, weren't they?

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535a58 No.69688

Vola it is not the best but it allows more than the owner of the service to upload things

I am grateful that some people had shared it content with us even if it on vola

Please guys be nice, if you arent next time no one will upload anything. Some upload it is best that zero files, after all this is a comunity thing, please be friendly with each other

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886ea2 No.69690


I was able to get the files that wanted; no problem. Stop looking a gift horse in the mouth, would ya?

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886ea2 No.69691


Another crybaby. Beggars can't be choosers. How about saying "thank you!"…you ungrateful bitch.

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886ea2 No.69692


Where you need to go is back into your decrepit jack-off computer room and make another deposit into that rough, stiff towel that is standing up on it's own because it has so many dried loads in it.

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f496e9 No.69695



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f496e9 No.69696

After the Jackpot uploads, it was 14.72 GB in the Vola room. With 214.8 kB/s, it takes 20 hours to download. So, it's possible. (I used JDownloader.)

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95fa3d No.69703

File: f7ccf7394d73042⋯.jpeg (19.46 KB,415x738,415:738,images_2.jpeg)

>also post your hypnotic progression












Now I'm a sissy faggot who craves cock, drools over bbc, wear panties, shave and constantly think about getting ass fucked. I want to turn myself into a tranny whore and suck cock of alpha men. And yeah I microdose whoremoans to keep myself soft and fluffy for future endeavors. Call me names, i'm a faggot! God it feels so good to diddle my clitty and dildo my ass. Brainwashing is good for me. Thank you hypno community.


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3be32b No.69704


Honestly, I don't know whether to laugh or feel pity.

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886ea2 No.69709


I'd fuck you. Keep the pubes….looks hot on u.

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e669ca No.69712


So… Are you thinking hanging yourself or downing a bottle of pills?

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7a080e No.69721

File: 3b3e2d055ea1389⋯.png (2.75 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1569031855660.png)



I'm into this for the fantasy but doing this shit to yourself in reality is mind-bogglingly retarded, when you essentially turn your fetishes into a fucking lifestyle.


>乃卂爪乃丨 before Ꮆ尺卂匚丨乇, MsJ and SB

Weird progression, did you just never try TTS files until 乃卂爪乃丨 sleep series?

I realized early on that it was only TTS files that would touch on the most taboo and depraved themes and go all the way the robotic voices can speak lewd things that real women would never agree or would be too grossed out to speak, plus the way it comes from a monotone, robotic voice makes it feel more like brainwashing

But after 乃卂爪乃丨 sleep none of the other TTS options can compare anymore and they're the only TTS files I ever managed to achieve trance with too and now the creator has been MIA for months and the old files don't do it anymore and the new content has dried up…

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9c9b1e No.69746


Go on then. Make a Mega with the handful of files you did download then.

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6595b2 No.69748

File: 0bb009395001da4⋯.gif (762.49 KB,328x310,164:155,wink.gif)

Currently dumping what I was able to grab from previous dump.

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f496e9 No.69751


J. Down. Loa. Der.

Speed of individual file doesn't matter. Total vola speed is 214 kB/s. Starting of next downloads is automated.

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0931e7 No.69887

Here it is folks. The big huge 丨丂卂乃乇ㄥㄥ卂 ᐯ卂ㄥ乇几ㄒ丨几乇 megapack:


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b5e348 No.69941

PSA: 丨丂卂乃乇ㄥㄥ卂 is asking for your help. She has a gofundme with a 15,000 goal. So far she only has 7 paypi… I mean donors equaling to $675. All the money that you guys spent on her files have clearly not made ends meet. She's trusting god and putting all her faith in him. But she still needs your help. Please give her more money and god bless.


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fdc270 No.69942


But… But… Just a few years ago she was bragging about being a millionaire. You're not saying she was lying, are you?

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88716d No.69944


imagine giving this dumb skank money

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b5e348 No.69945

File: 499f42858eff182⋯.jpg (750.95 KB,1478x1270,739:635,gofundme.jpg)

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535a58 No.69946

Why some much hate for Isabel? I dont understand the reason

She is asking money, if you want you give to her is ok, if not it is also fine. She should done things other way but i guess she didnt think much about it and it is overwhelmed by it personal situation. A smart person would have the life secured with the other job she is seeking and them delete the hypno stuff

So now i undestand that the retirement it is about trying to start again in life, not any political stuff or guilty about anything

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fdc270 No.69951

I heard that she was expecting a big retirement payday. She teamed up with a distributor who promised they'd get her files sold far and wide.

But then he was boarded by the Empire and had to dump them.

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e3c651 No.69954


I fully believe IV is capable of becoming a millionare selling hypno files AND squandering it all on drugs and worthless crap.

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9f933a No.69957


I dunno man. Most drugs make you lose weight.

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faad12 No.69958

I don't usually post negative things !!! But

Why do we keep IV on the main page ?

If she wants out … let her go

If people have had enough of her Selfish Persona let her go !!

She won't interact unless you have deep pockets LET HER GO !!!

She won't change !!

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4776b7 No.69964


FUCKING LOOOOOOOOOOL turns out guess she realized her only life skill involved being a sex worker

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886ea2 No.69980

I miss Mistress 乙卂丨ᗪ卂!

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886ea2 No.69982


Oops. Posted that to the wrong thread.

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8ea453 No.70091


Can someone please seed.

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edcd86 No.70092

File: fb7fe1af8b4ca0b⋯.mp4 (504.91 KB,384x640,3:5,J_UtHEz1gYNG2PXf.mp4)


>Can someone please seed.

How much seed do you need?

I've got plenty for you…

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5fd93d No.70135


vid source?

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1a9022 No.70136

Torrent OP here. My computer shat itself. Seeding here from here on out:


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1a9022 No.70186



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639e34 No.70188


"Erotic Whale Sounds" LOL

I hope you mean "the sounds of erotic whale" :D

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886ea2 No.70195

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a1edae No.70313

I don't know hot to do torrents. I've had bad luck with them in the past. Every time I tried, they didn't work

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8ea453 No.70507

Any chance of seeding again please?

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097186 No.70519


Seeding now.

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3e9e52 No.70525

File: f639980d6462b7b⋯.png (66.09 KB,383x436,383:436,149559069818979335.png)


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e14620 No.72662

Any chance of seeding? Or does anyone have a dl link to going going gone?

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eb149b No.72664


this completely made me melt I wish there was more content with that sort of teasing

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eb149b No.72665

could someone please up dreamᗪ丨ᐯ卂?

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eb1ebb No.73102

lmao I love this

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0e6fbf No.73115

Could someone seed?

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390e9f No.73995


Mabye for sissyfags but there still isnt anything like that for straight guys.

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d4abe3 No.74156

can anyone reup the whole series of jackpot? i know yall have it cuz i had it once before my hardrive cracked

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6559ec No.74178


Uploading to r/1d5gvu464 what I have, that is JP 1-24 but 11 missing and 8 and 5 maybe in dubious state. Hope somebody can complete.

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e3c651 No.74194


I uploaded the missing files

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18bc54 No.74197



anyone got tantric jackpot 2.0?

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ae8e22 No.74209



added Tantric Jackpot v1 and v2 to r/1d5gvu464

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db769c No.74213



That's great, thank you very much, I'm glad I can complete my collection.

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18bc54 No.74220


thank you so much dude, you have no idea how long i've been searching for that

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c87bfa No.74446


smaller player reporting in, its the hypnopolice/white knights, they've started going full ham at anyone they dont like, 几工片片工 was a trump voter for example, people are playing blackmail games, but i expect many to come back on anonymous services

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671da0 No.74454


>几工片片工 was a trump voter for example

Is this true? I don't really care either way.

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a27505 No.74512


OMG I'm too late, can reup plz?

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639e34 No.74526


>几工片片工 was a trump voter

Everybody secretly voted for Trump, nobody publicly accepts it.

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1e4f5a No.74544

File: dd29371141fb86a⋯.jpg (319.5 KB,1152x2048,9:16,DEap_MqUMAMMoVi.jpg)

Is it strange that I secretly jerk off to pictures of 丨丂卂乃乇ㄥㄥ卂 while listening to her mp3's.

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23379a No.74986

Can someone upload b31144ng31 ?

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4ac1c4 No.74989


Only if you're expecting the mp3s to do anything.

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671da0 No.75035

I found the video edition of Mindless Bimbo while looking around on one of my old hard drives. I'm surprised no one has it.


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639e34 No.75068


>I found the video edition of Mindless Bimbo while looking around on one of my old hard drives. I'm surprised no one has it.


Please reupload?

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671da0 No.75074


ok, same room.

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639e34 No.75084


>ok, same room.


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b1b1d3 No.75124



how do I download this? How do I download /r??

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801850 No.75130


Prepend "\/0lafi|e.0rg/"

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b1b1d3 No.75131



I'm looking for JP 25 and 26? Can someone reupload?

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c1b2e7 No.75142

added jackpot 0-27 to the vola

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918895 No.75153

anyone still have the her files what re-up poked my head over to her site and had to check the wayback to see WTF when I couldn't even get the site to load

Thanks anon

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6941a8 No.75202


Thanks for this, it has mostly everything.

Has anybody ever seen these in the wild before:

- Cockteasing Masseuse

- Diamond Girls Bachelor Party

- Naughty Naughty

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e3c651 No.75203


Naughty Naughty:


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23379a No.75207


I've added the other two

I'm still looking for b3lla 4ng3l

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944429 No.75208


will you please reup the jackpot files.

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efdaeb No.75210



Thank you both. Unfortunately I do not have b3lla 4ng3l.

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985bb5 No.75229

out of all the things one could be she became a Qoomer lmao, i still wish her well though


>She mentioned she knew a lot of people who left the industry, and many of them have immediately retired and took all of their files off the online market without a word

it's creepy af, i remember not thinking much of it back then, but now looking back at it all and where the world is headed to, it makes you think

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b1b1d3 No.75241



can someone please upload them?

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639e34 No.75243


>can someone please upload them?

Remember to post your experience!

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b1b1d3 No.75247


? I feel like it doesn't work for me and never will.

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944429 No.75262

thanks for reuploading the jackpot files.

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b1b1d3 No.75506

can someone please reupload JP 10-26

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3563a8 No.75536

I'm sure its bad form to beg for seeders but… I'm begging for someone to seed either of those links. I'm 62% downloaded and whatever saint was seeding just left.

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f0f20b No.75575




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b1b1d3 No.75622


Bro thank you so much.

In your opinion out of the 27, which was the best one?

None of them have ever "really" worked for me although when I was younger and first started trying I had stronger effects.

How do you feel about IV retiring?

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283c83 No.75632


14 in the best one imo

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283c83 No.75633

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911cf2 No.75741

Guys what the best hfo file from her other than jackpot

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fd9a2d No.75751


My fav of hers is a modified copy of Cocoon - modded to take out all the bs.

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350a60 No.75813


post it you dingus

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36f9d8 No.75906


I don't have it anymore, but jp10 edited is by far the best one. It's edited out her essentially begging for money

Anyone have it?

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5a1015 No.76983

Does anyone have some of her movies ? Im willing to upload other files in return :)

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5a1015 No.76984

Does anyone have some of her video files ? I'm willing to upload other files in return :)

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5a1015 No.76986


I have it for you ! How can I upload ?

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350a60 No.76991

File: c6b1a122ceeb985⋯.png (156.95 KB,350x423,350:423,b.PNG)

how did she get jackpot 1, 2 and sort of 4 so right and then completely shit the bed with all of the others and how has nobody many anything as good as the first few

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456fdd No.77004

At some point (soon hopefully) somebody needs to upload a big /\/\3G4 with all her files again. Any takers?

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ea83fd No.77011


Archive of mp3 files * decode the below 3x *


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264702 No.77032

Is there any listening order of her files? I tried some and they seemed to use triggers that I suppose were installed in other files.

Also, any file descriptions available? Just to know what they are about before listening.

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2fd614 No.77065


Is that ABSOLUTELY everything? There's a file there called size does matter 2 but there's no 1.

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3b87a0 No.77066


No, definitely not everything. It's more complete than the big EH torrent, but still lacking a bunch of more recent files.

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b12ee5 No.77069


I see. Thank you for those files at least and for taking the time to reply.

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f7e8d3 No.77083

Thanks for sharing that 4rch1ve link Anon! There's a lot there! :)

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76dc07 No.77208

Uploading audio files rn

Inclused all of the jackpots

Does anyone have video's to share ?

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76dc07 No.77210

Audio files:


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671da0 No.77213

Does anyone have Cage Confinement? It's one of her oldest files, but for some reason, I have never seen it being shared.

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1d6a29 No.77222


Very good collection. Thank you very much. Although I couldn't help but notice there's a size does matter 2 there but no size does matter 1.

Does it even exist?

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4d2cf5 No.77373

Just wondering what the Penetrating Mind Control files do? Thanks!

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a0e483 No.77383


If you are a fan you can give them a try.

No countdowns to orgasm like JP series.

Lots of findom as usual and a bit more effects.

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951a5d No.77492

Wondering if anyone has any of her curvy goodness videos ?

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8e9848 No.77708



I honestly don't know, that is not really my thing

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4879e6 No.79777

Looking for 1s4 video files for my collection

Willing to upload stuff in return !

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7869b9 No.83917

Can someone please seed.

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211ed9 No.83925


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24e341 No.84344

Can we get seeders or an alternative place to share? Missing all the ones not on archive. Especially looking for 丨丂卂乃乇ㄥㄥ卂's holy queendom

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cd1e1a No.84500


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5e9084 No.84751

Can we please get a reup or a reseed of the big archives. Lost my old hard drive with the full files on it and no backup.

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e42843 No.84819


>Torrent OP here. My computer shat itself. Seeding here from here on out:



Still does not work .. no one is seeding this

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0abf94 No.86194

I've got 10+ of her newer(before retirement) files - will trade for my missing ones

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2c2232 No.86199


I have almost all of her files

Do you happen to have videos as well?

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0abf94 No.86203


Do you have:

丨丂卂乃乇ㄥㄥ卂's Holy Queen

Love Potion

Holy Goddess

to name a few? I lost a ton and have about 10-15 mp3s I never see posted anywhere, but those are ones I've been trying to find in particular

As for videos, I have "angel", "thick curvy goodness 1-4", "Playing with My Big Breasts"

Unfortunately I lost others I had.

Shall we trade? Hoping to fill out my catalog again

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0abf94 No.86204



heres my catalog not including what is available on archive.org - plus a few others I haven't sorted into this folder yet

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5805db No.86207


I have every file you are looking for.

Here is my catalogue:


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0abf94 No.86211


Hook it up and Ill get ya what you're missing

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3db836 No.86212


You seem to have quite a few things that I've not seen anywhere else. Any chance of getting them shared?

The ones I've not seen before are:

Perihelic Mind Trap 2




(Don't suppose anyone's got b311@vision as well?)

Candy Findom

Devoted To Me

Eros Mind Control

Forever Belong To Me

Isolated with 丨丂卂乃乇ㄥㄥ卂

Lovesick for 丨丂卂乃乇ㄥㄥ卂

Mind Tattoo 2

Mind Matrix

On a Halloqueen Night

Ooh La La

ᐯ卂ㄥ乇几ㄒ丨几乇 Possession

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5805db No.86214


Cleaned up the dupes. Uploading now.

Will post link soon.

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7b8ee3 No.86215



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0abf94 No.86221

Indeed! Is there a preferred website to use for UL? This one is taking 12 hours haha - any alternative/quicker ways I can share my files? Ill get them uploaded today or tomorrow, but hoping it will not take as long to upload as this download is taking. Again, any alternative methods would be appreciated!

And thanks for the upload! Any anons here with any rare files please share!

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0abf94 No.86222

Ok let's try this… never made a torrent file so lol

please seed


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0abf94 No.86223

Also I think I have a couple more somewhere - I'll have to do some scrounging later to see

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2c2232 No.86235

What is an easy way to upload ?

Willing to share my catalog

Have been looking for thick curvy goodness 1-4 and Playing with My Big Breasts since i've lost those

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2c2232 No.86260


Nobody is seeding

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3db836 No.86267



I tried when this first appeared and it didn't even transfer metadata over, so I can't even tell which files are in the torrent.

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2c2232 No.86300


Any chance for an upload ?

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0abf94 No.86311


Seeding now - try again - if no post a website that won't take forever to upload, or I can email or something and a nice anon can do it for me lol

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0abf94 No.86312

Here try this one..


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0abf94 No.86313


I've got those for you - I might be missing big breasts from the torrent I just created lemme know. Watcha got?!

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3db836 No.86318


Same thing. Just stalled out. I'm not too experienced in starting up a torrent, but I think the host seed needs to stay online for a while to let others transfer?

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9058ea No.86320




Zipping audio and pictures now

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9058ea No.86321

Torrent is still not seeded. Perhaps try https://gofile.io/ it didn't take me forever, ofcourse also depends on your upload speed.

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9058ea No.86322


Audio and pictures


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0abf94 No.86371

ok no luck with my torrent so here ya go

I think I'm missing a couple I'll have to find 'em!

gotta collect em all

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0abf94 No.86372


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f202f3 No.86375


Thanks a bunch !

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0abf94 No.86460

We need more!

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0abf94 No.86770

bump! anyone got more to add? we're still missing plenty

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d2aa78 No.86915

Anyone got

Taste My Feet

Femdom Control

(Boarding School Humiliation)*

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be8c5b No.86929




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376afd No.88184

anyone got "Dont watch this video" please?

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be8c5b No.88220




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84ee99 No.88234

Anyone have M1a Cr0ft and Alexandra -R1tual Tr1bute 2 and 3

and R1tual Tr1bute trilogy

if anyone can upload it in free hosting


thank you

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433087 No.88293

gofiles are sadly down. anyone got 丨丂卂乃乇ㄥㄥ卂lalalala?

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be8c5b No.88302




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aeeac0 No.88314

Does anyone have her BBW Sugar and southern beanmane file ?

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2134cb No.88460

Anyone have an extended list of her file descriptions that are not on hypnodb?

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