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This board will be deleted next Wednesday. I am moving to a General on 8chan.moe /t/. This board is archived at 8chan.moe /hydrus/!

File: f5c97ffef11977e⋯.gif (263.73 KB,711x797,711:797,f5c97ffef11977e610309257be….gif)

bfa69a No.9475

This week went well, with plenty of work going into the gallery update, but I am afraid I felt more and more ill throughout the week and no longer feel confident I can put out a good release. I could tie off the work I have done and rush something out tomorrow, but I am not thinking completely straight and this is a big change, so I am putting v316 off for a week so it can all be tested properly and isn't in buggy limbo.

I'll just restart next week as usual schedule, so v316 should now be on the 1st August. Thanks everyone, and sorry for the delay!

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0c1783 No.9479

Im curious, these don't need to happen soon, just wondering if they are on the docket of things that will happen

is gallery log for multi thread watchers a thing, I ran into a thread where 14 images were deleted, and because I dont delete things currently, I wondered what the hell happened, so I had to load up that thread, ultimately they were images in trash not deleted and they were there for a reason, but opening the thread and trying to find what images did not download was tedious.

and on multi thread watchers, i have one of my multi pages that has 170k images, but 70k are already in db, would there be a way to add a 'highlight new' to the highlight options? I don't think the current file import options works with highlighting, either that or all the threads of 150+ images I just checked with only show new checked all had only new images, which would be shocking.

Like I said, neither of these need priority as my use for them is going to come several months down the road in the case of highlight, or just a nice resource to have in the case of the log, just wondering if they are on the docket of things to do, already in in a way im not seeing, or if they just got added to the ideas pile.

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8d9ee9 No.9480

File: abb0bdd7547e603⋯.jpg (86.74 KB,1006x921,1006:921,1332267360830.jpg)

take a vacation nigga. you deserve it.

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dd9d3b No.9487


Take care of yourself man, get some rest.

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bfa69a No.9510

File: 0bb8c518b34a080⋯.jpg (285.95 KB,1242x1583,1242:1583,0bb8c518b34a080f8a2b927966….jpg)


Yeah, I have a panel rolling out for v316 that will show the highlighted watcher in detail, and you'll see the gallery log there.

I am not sure I totally follow this. The thumbs that show when you highlight should be those set to present in the watcher's file import options, so if you have it only to set 'new', it should not show 'already in db' ones. You'll be able to check this better with the new highlight panel, so please let me know what you figure out there!



Thanks lads. I played vidya all Wed, now I am back to it. 6/10 health, 10/10 enthusiasm, so we'll see how it goes.

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