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This board will be deleted next Wednesday. I am moving to a General on 8chan.moe /t/. This board is archived at 8chan.moe /hydrus/!

bf0584 No.9407

After SQlite run out of disk space on after exit maitenance, with following errors:

DBException: OperationalError: database or disk is full

and then

OperationalError: no such savepoint: hydrus_savepoint

(log https://pastebin.com/8JWzsrwj)

Hydrus client does not offer to do maitenance anymore after exit and does none while idle. Encountered on 310, after updating to 313 Hydrus asked to do maitenance once, but no maitenance was actually done, and it wasn't asking anymore again.

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d7089e No.9424


Thank you for this report. The big maintenance routines need to make some large temporary files when they work, so they sometimes need up to, say, 5GB free space. There is a check for this free space for Vacuum jobs but not for repository processing. I will add one.

How big are the four client*.db files in your install_dir/db folder? How much free space is on that drive? How much free space does your system partition have, if that is different (some of the db files are written to your system temp location)?

It may be not doing more maintenance now because it may have successfully 'paused' the repository on the previous failure.

Best solution to your problem is probably to make sure your hydrus drive (and any drive with active files on tbh) is at the bare minimum 5%/10GB free, whichever is larger. Ideally, system drives should be 20% free, but I appreciate this is not always doable. Then check services->review services to see if the repository needs unpausing or whatever to continue work. If it has a more complicated error in its status reports there, please let me know and we'll work on it.

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bf0584 No.9437

Actually, that "lack of space" is somewhat my fault, I temporarily moved database files from hdd to a ram-disk for them to be processed.

Total size of db files is about 4.5 gb, the disk was 9gb.

Also, public tag repository was indeed paused. After reenabling it, after-exit maitenance was again offered. So, solved ))

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