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 No.7222 [View All]


He has a few games on his blog that includes training. They're decent but keep in mind that he's notorious for abandoning stuff, look at his blog.

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Jesus. The boy looks like a holocaust survivor.

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anyone els having the glitch where if you ask the mother ot bathe with you she says yes but you are stuck at that screen and can't move on?

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File: 4c228f997fd2aaa⋯.png (1.11 MB,1366x768,683:384,michaelEttaCampign (28).png)

I come to this place to fap, not to get scared.

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You're not alone. According the comment from blogspot the bug has been in the game since before the current update. Thus the author never did fixed it.

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I'm scared, Jim

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How does one get started with making games like this in Unity? They have resources but not exactly on "here's how to make an adult game".

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By downloading Unity and consuming all the relevant documentations and tutorials. Seriously, it's easy to get started. Harder to actually finish something resembling a decent game though. People's main issue is themselves with their lack of motivation/passion.

It's a decent engine and it's a shame the fuck ton of trash some no name devs have made on it has tarnished its name with consumers who don't know any better. UE4 is kinda better but if you're in it for the long haul, Unity is better profit-wise.

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Thanks for the advice - I agree that Unity would be the way to go with it's available options but guess it also depends on what you want out of your project/game. Guess for games like Summertime Saga Renpy was ok for DC to use and worked for his project. Guess it's time to sit down and absorb documentation and tutorials. XD

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Renpy is just a VN engine with some bells and whistle, it works for DC but you can clearly see both him and the engine struggling when adding proper game mechanics into it (just look at the various facebook tier minigames it has). Gamemaker would have been a better choice if he was planning on adding any deep mechanics into the game as that thing is flexible enough for 2D and won't shit the bed if you add anything not 3D into it. Then again, maybe having non-shit game mechanics was not part of the project's scope. Also, everyone's a damn miser these days.

While jumping straight into an engine like Unity and learning your way into it is fine, I suggest you start small with this: http://www.nand2tetris.org/

It will teach you all about logic, how to use it & how computers hardware and software works in general. I guarantee you that if you're serious about programming/making games, you will not regret dipping your dick into it as this thing is an excellent foundation to have.


>where we're going, we don't need eyes to molest

This is not ara-ara at all.

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lul the retard didn't even fix any of the bugs from the last version

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Learning to program tetris starting from nand gates? What year is this?

Ignore this post unless you're a stellar nerd. What you want to do is get a book on python and work through it to get the basics of programming. After that, try your hand at some C++ programming and understanding memory and pointers. Learn why all that is awesome and why it's sucks. Use your new found scripting and programming knowledge to write a few small games using pygame and pick up some foundations in data structures, algorithms and class structure (OOP techniques)

Lastly, grab a big old book on Unity and work through it. C# is very similar to C++ but without as much pointer nonsense.

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You're an asshole, anon.

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This whole post makes me think the dude just wants to waste the guy's time.

>Ey man, you just read 2 books and learn Python and C++, before starting with Unity xD


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So I'm wasting their time by giving them a basic understanding of high level scripting (python) and the language that most commercial games are written in (C++), before letting them loose on an engine without getting bogged down with broken code and errors (Because they actually know a programming language).

Yet there are no such criticisms for the guy who wants someone to go through a book which teaches them to build a computer from logic gates right the way up to an operating system in assembly language? Riiiighhhtt okay.

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Devs seem to really use this shota content but doesn't seem anyone goes close to Ulterbach-like content.Is it like a patreon thing where they will break rules? If that's the case, wonder why devs like Nergal can do AZL with an obvious shota MC.

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> without getting bogged down with broken code and errors

Given that this is a huge part of the learning proces, he might as well do it using C# in Unity.

> and the language that most commercial games are written in (C++)

And is this benefit worth the effort? I think it would be easier to first learn C# and then C++.

Also: going straight into Unity has an added benefit of constantly presenting you with a goal (you want to create X, so you have to learn how to create X). Books usually present the reader with a dry knowledge, which the reader scarcely has a use for. At least, that's how my first attempt at learning C++ failed.

> Yet there are no such criticisms for the guy who wants someone to go through a book which teaches them to build a computer from logic gates right the way up to an operating system in assembly language? Riiiighhhtt okay.

OKay, I didn't know what nandTetris was; that is even more ridiculous.

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Obvious shota…

He's turned into a teen

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I agree that much of the content in a lot of books is dry, and I would actually suggest a book which has a more practical application to it than a theoretical one. A book which teaches hello world and a too old program, followed by text based games and later moving on to SDL or SFML would be of immediate benefit for a learner. I totally advise against the bastards that point people in the direction of the official C++ manual or K&R for C, which is as dry as sticks.

The reason for my suggestion for C++ is simple, by dealing with memory directly, you're forced to contend with it and understand the limitations of programming languages. It forces a learner to learn some very important concepts in programming which save a lot of heartache when using higher level languages later on (Such as C#).

The reason for python as a language choice is because it will teach the fundamentals of actual programming, without exposing the user to the bare metal too early. After they can write a half decent app, its time to show them a little under the hood.

My suggested path would be as follows:

- Get a python book which begins at the basics and ends in a simple pygame application in order to understand the basics of programming. Work through it and do the examples.

- Buy a book on C++ which covers hello world right through basic text based games such as a console blackjack game and later introducing a library such as SDL (in addition to Lazyfoos tutorials) or SFML. This will teach a person the underpinnings of programming like class structure and why a stack is important. It will also introduce them to some real errors which come about due to code limitations in compiled languages rather than making silly scripting mistakes.

- Lastly, grab a book on unity and start working through it as C# is like kiddy gloves C++. The SDL and SFML programming will have taught them to build up some basic graphics systems themselves and they will be used to the sorts of class structures found in games. Unity will be less of a mystery and the person is more likely to have a foothold they can build on top of. When errors arise, they're more likely to provide the info they need to ask the right questions on stack overflow to fix them. By having a proper underpinning in the language, they'll make a better product rather than the buggy pieces of shit that plague the steam early access section, or some of the horsefuck code that many non-programmers make on this site in their quest to make a Visual Novel.

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"> without getting bogged down with broken code and errors

Given that this is a huge part of the learning proces, he might as well do it using C# in Unity."

Also, the reason I think this is a bad idea is a person new to programming has no fucking idea what bugs can occur in a program. When dealing with Unity, or any engine utilising external code, a whole host of shit can throw an error. It might be to do with the object being used, some version control issue or it may, as you've suggested be their own fault.

In any case, it's a really bad idea to put someone who doesn't know jack shit in the deep end like that. Not knowing if you've caused an error is asking for trouble. Especially if that person doesnt code. Better to put them on something dry and simple to get them used to it imo.

It's kinda like learning to cook imo. You learn to make eggs on toast before you fuck about with live lobsters.

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Guys is there any fuck scene with mom ? xD

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No, just some necking in the bathtub.

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Anyone able to run his games on linux?

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the models in these games are horrifying, all the dialogue reads like it was written by a poo, and the kid looks like 8 years old.

if you dont mind kind of funny models just play the twist instead tbqh

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his blogspot is dead. I wonder if it was deleted by him, or removed by mods. It was a long time since he last posted, but that wasn't anything new for him.

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Aw fuck really? damn that sucks. I actually liked these games sort of.

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Damn it. His blog is still dead. Guess he deleted it. It's over guys. Such a shame. Damn it.

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so mysterfulgames blog is total gone? dead?

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C# has pointer arithmetics via unsafe blocks and has stackalloc instruction to store data on stack explicitly

oh wait, you can't differ heap from stack allocations and value types from reference types, nigguh

meaning you are not at liberty to recommend anything in this life, even breathing techniques>>21302

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C# has garbage allocation though..

Also, since when was there a difference between value types and reference types?

The value at the reference has a specific type unless it's in a dynamically typed language and even then that's because of function trickery.

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what is garbage allocation, lol?

the difference between value types and reference types was since day one. because they are stored differently and have different memory capacity.

what is a function trickery, lol?

you don't know what you're talking, boiiiii.

make sure you understand the idea of heap and stack.

one CAN write a program in C or C++ without even knowing a thing about malloc, calloc and free because all the data would be stored on stack in a local scope and will be deallocated automatically right after the function on a call stack returns.

this is like C 101, lol. but i guess you can't know the difference because you don't know what are the limitations of stack.

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Garbage collection* (Fuck autocorrect)

And yes, I understand the difference between stack and heap. Fluent C programmer here. It's not that difficult of a concept. One involves requesting the operating system for a space in the heap (The large array of free virtual memory available to the operating system) and two, stack allocation refers to variables stored within the processes stack frame when the program is run.

Why you think this is such a hard (or important) concept to bring up above your Wikipedia knowledge is beyond me.

Also when I said function trickery, I meant scripting languages and the interpreters ability to convert fundamental datatypes by storing them as abstract objects rather than storing them in the same way compiled languages do.

Also, it sounds like you need to read up more on what you're talking about. A value type refers to how a language reads a value in memory (I.e its type), a reference type just means that it's a reference to that value. I.e there is at least one layer of pointer abstraction between the two values.

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And to add to that. Yes I am aware that you can create composite datatypes in compiled languages and that you can store objects with type altering behaviour. (That's the fundamentals of data structures) but I would never suggest any of that to a beginner.

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Is he autistic or just a prick?

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dont get my hopes up like that you unnecessarily aggressive faggots

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These aren't mutually exclusive prospects.

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any news? did he set up another site or is it still dead?

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>no posts for 4 months

>wanting to see MORE of these models



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File: afdf20b4849aa3f⋯.jpg (112.49 KB,720x960,3:4,4468376d520b1cfa8b27043a0f….jpg)


what the fuck is that

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Does anyone know where to download his games? The dudes look like satan's bung hole but I kinda liked his women and all of it was incest goodness.

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He packed up his blog and vanished in 2017. I think some of his stuff can still be found on F95

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The Grind is HORRIBLE! anyone have a save File?

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Open the save with notepad++ the bath scene can only be activiated once, and there broken code that prevents it from movingforward

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any news on this dude, is he still MIA?

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where is the save file location?

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He got caught in the Blogspot purge and hasn't been heard from since.

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Its just K17/3DSexVilla/Whatever the fuck they call it now with a skeleton mod for the shota.

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damn never could get the bath scene to work

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