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File: 78a634cbb16954f⋯.png (110.24 KB,368x387,368:387,annemarie_lesen.png)

 No.66515 [Last50 Posts]

Forgive me if this isn't the right board to discuss this but I recently found out about this VN and want to know more about it. Seems looking info up doesn't show much other than people talking about the site for it being down and posting archive links. I would also like to know if there is a link to the english versiom, it seems all I have is the german version. It looks really interesting and I would like to play it. In the mean time i'll be posting gifs i've stiched together from the source images for sex scenes which i'm not even sure i've done in the order it's shown in the game

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File: 072c8a369172888⋯.gif (954.31 KB,960x540,16:9,henrike-seks-2.gif)

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File: 11b80850f8be367⋯.gif (2.16 MB,960x540,16:9,maja-seks.gif)

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File: 5883f84b06ba000⋯.gif (485.15 KB,960x540,16:9,anne-marie-seks-2.gif)

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File: 7a6af2f289a3679⋯.gif (776.1 KB,960x540,16:9,anne-marie-seks-3.gif)

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File: 7ce2b1a1b0741ec⋯.gif (828.69 KB,960x540,16:9,hexen-seks.gif)

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File: 9421bfc9f7e85c1⋯.gif (1.52 MB,960x540,16:9,emily-seks.gif)

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File: a2f1aa998830eac⋯.gif (572.98 KB,960x540,16:9,lauraseks1.gif)

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File: 6faaa7d310cc2d1⋯.jpg (82.05 KB,519x428,519:428,1452490046699-3.jpg)

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Hey thanks. Hopefully it's actually good and maybe i'll understand the memes I occasionally see get posted too

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File: b1dc22949fd10ce⋯.png (148.81 KB,917x127,917:127,Tingly.PNG)


It's genuinely a good VN.

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File: ae7fefc27977025⋯.png (181.19 KB,921x117,307:39,un.PNG)

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learn to ctrl+f

there is already a thread.


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its funny that this game keeps getting rediscovered. the dude who made it had to run from his fucken country ( i think germany?) cuz he traced actual people for it, adults and the kids, this shit will follow him forever lol

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And quite creepy, at least if you know about pizzagate.

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File: 30d55a7ec43bc4c⋯.jpg (23.71 KB,396x360,11:10,kill_everyone_in_this_thre….jpg)


>"a cock for children"

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It's fucked up, gets an error anytime I try to save, other downloads worked though

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>the dude who made it had to run from his fucken country

No he didn't. My god do people keep making shit up about this game.

>cuz he traced actual people for it

No he didn't. He based them on actual people (which is now illegal in Germany), but he didn't trace them.

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Never fuchur quit drawing

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Not entirely true. He turns up with a new drawing every now and then but very rarely. You could say that he quit it as a continous hobby but still sometimes "draws a thing or two"

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last time fuchur did something was 3 years ago

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I'm not entirely sure if it was 3 years ago, but I've heard the line of "fuchur quit" for like 5 years at least

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It's definitely one of the top loli english games you will find(not saying much, since it's so hard to find loli in english), but I always had one major problem with it. All the girls in the game, their regular behavior for the most part acted their age, but when it came to anything sexual, they acted like 30 year old porn stars. How aggressive they are and their overall knowledge of what to do, it shouldn't have been done like that, they should have gave off a much more innocent vibe. I know the reason they were like this is explained within the story, but it's still a negative to me. Actually the only girl who is done properly in every aspect is the secret ending with his sister, she's innocent from her normal behavior down to her sexual knowledge, but sadly that scene is limited to only forced and rape(I'm sure many enjoyed it, but it would have been better if she had an entire arc like the others, not just some secret rape game over ending, she would have easily been best girl).

One of the few games that actually get loli behavior right and how an interaction should occur is Sim Loli, but sadly it's still very, very buggy and underdeveloped.

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Make your own game.

Oh wait…

You can't…

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He can, however he goes to jail by exploiting fictional children.

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just move to indonesia or some other thridworld country where interpol can't get ya, you dumbfucks

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I know you are probably being ironic, but that's bullshit

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Are you 12 years old or retarded? That's such a stupid, childish thing to say.

"You don't like how our president is doing things? Well why don't you just become President!"

"You thought that movie sucked? Why don't you become a movie director!"

"You thought that sports team played bad? Why don't you become a professional athlete!"

You don't have to do/create something or be a professional to be able to critique it. I wasn't saying I could do better, I was pointing out why I believe it is a flawed, but still good game and IMO it's biggest flaw is it's "fake Loli's".

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He has a point in the sense that doing something is way more useful than critiquing it. If you have an issue with politics, you SHOULD become politically involved and try to change things instead of arguing on the internet. If you constantly see nothing but shit movies, maybe you SHOULD try directing an indie film yourself. You could even do both at the same time.

Same with Unteralterbach. If you see an issue, do something about it. Learn to draw or learn to model or learn to write or collaborate with someone and make a better game. Hell, make a mod for UAB that changes the dialogue. Become a translator if you think nip games are better. Play obscure games and make a review blog. Do SOMETHING. The only excuse you have is "I don't have any free time because I'm already doing X instead".

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Can't you just make your own game instead of whining on an imageboard?

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Can you?

>If you can't make your own game you can't complain

You must be over 18yo in order to post in this board.

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>Can you?


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So can I. Now fuck off.

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No, you can't!

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A retarded monkey could learn how to use Daz3D and Renpy. The reason a lot don't do it is simply because of how fucking long it takes to render images.

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That's not a valid excuse, you retarded monkey.

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Yes it is moron. I swear each year the people here seem to get dumber and dumber.

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>t. brainlet

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>t. jew

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>t. nigger

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Any loli-nigger games?

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If only.

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Who can jerk off to this shit? His art is good but the lolis look like trash.

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Your mom looks like trash.

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guys did any of you play it on Windows 10? when I open the game all I see is a white window and I can hear the music but nothing else, did that happen to any of you?

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Works fine on my end.

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File: 80bcacb81100d61⋯.webm (1.92 MB,720x720,1:1,loli futon.webm)


Is there a better loli hentai game out there? Or at least one that comes close to this one? I've finished this game 3 times already, and I'm in desperate need of something similar

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File: f62437125311451⋯.jpg (822.83 KB,960x640,3:2,octoberween.jpg)



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File: 0d14a90c7299317⋯.jpg (358.7 KB,1500x1001,1500:1001,lolibooru 183849 sample.jpg)


art is more toddlercon than loli.

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wheres this from

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I downloaded but got the wrong one, where 2 witches summons me as a slime. Could you guys share the link?

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creator is on pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1920354

there are download links in the descriptions.

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You have downloaded Octoberween 2

#1: mega.nz/#!MQ9ikJLL!M5BpR0JTUHv5SSgCME4jFVFii0GpuWoXG9altDkcUrY

This link is more than one year old. It still works, but I don't know if the dev has updated the game since then.

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that is the current windows version (2017)

here is the MAC link.


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Yeah why don't you ask about it on nukc you nigger.

That said, I don't think he still posts there. There's still some bernds left from that timeframe though.

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On this subject, do any of you guys know if there's a version, out there, compatible for Android? I already downloaded the VN but I can't play it. I can't even open the file. Same thing happened when I downloaded it on my pc. Is there an installation guide I can follow, somewhere?

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Found on https://yuki.la/vg/71826557#p71829609

I haven't tested it. If you don't trust it, get the source from archive.org and build the apk yourself. I don't know what you need to do, sorry, Google is your friend.

There are a few guys on Fag95 who port Ren'py games on Android for free, they may give you some help or even make the apk themselves.

>I can't even open the file. Same thing happened when I downloaded it on my pc

That's weird. Where did you download it from? Maybe the archive is corrupted.

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Found another link. Try these apks first: in the other thread, some people complained that the game crashed when launched.


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Thank you, anon. I'll let you know if these files worked

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It seems I have an enormous amount of bad luck with this VN. The apk you linked in the post I'm replying to works perfectly, but it seems to be a "censored" version (I did all I could but I couldn't manage to unblock not even a single loli scene)


The file contained in the MEGA you linked in this post, instead, although I downloaded it successfully, seems to be impossible to read for my device

Why the fuck the universe seems to be so strongly hellbent on NOT making me play this goddamn VN?

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File: 2b072d25fa4ef1b⋯.jpg (73.48 KB,720x473,720:473,2b0.jpg)


Did you set Abuse="Visible" in the Options? Iirc this unlocks the loli content (unless those faggots have inserted some block in the code).

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I didn't notice any "Abuse" option. Let me re-download it so I can take a better look. Really, though, if it wasn't for all the enthusiastic praise I read about this particular VN, I wouldn't even bother myself so much

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File: 609fdb582f0fc2b⋯.png (1.82 MB,1920x1200,8:5,Screenshot_20190802-190101.png)


Ok, just finished checking. There's no bloody Abuse="Visible" in the Options' menu. And here's a screenshot, since an image is worth more than 1000 words. Man, I only wanted to try a VN, something I never did before. Now I don't know what to do and I so painfully frustrated

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File: 2e9c0e21ff05e09⋯.png (205.09 KB,919x518,919:518,UAB.png)

Yes, I don't know what they did, the fucking option was right there, sorry. Of course that shit is not clickable, right?

On a pc, if you want to unlock the loli content, you just open the console and type:


but I don't know how you can activate it on a smartphone. Maybe you can connect a wireless keyboard to your device and press Shift+O (Oscar).

Any other hack I can think of is some Ren'py/Python shit, I'm sure it doesn't work with an .apk file.

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File: 0aa177a1befca69⋯.swf (2.49 KB,persistent.swf)


An alternative solution: download the attached file, remove its extension (the new filename must be just "persistent") and move it into:

>Internal storage/android/data/unteralterbach (or a similar name)/file/saves

The file should: set the language to English, unlock the loli content and reset both gallery and achievements.

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I'll do as you say, anon. Let's hope it works.

But anyway, thank you for your assistance. Honestly, I'm impressed nobody already told me to fuck off. If I have to be sincere, I never actually thought I'd receive genuine help

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File: 8798a7bc69852d2⋯.png (586.92 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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Oh, thank God. And more importantly thank you, anon! It worked. It finally worked! I'll be forever grateful to you for your help

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You're welcome, anon.

Btw I was wrong: this screenshot >>72500 is totally legit, they didn't censor anything. You unlock the option in the fairy wood, I think, or when you meet the Prophet (peace be upon him) and accept having a threesome with him and Aisha.

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Any of these download links still alive/safe?

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i can confirm the google drive one is legit.

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better yet…


yes, it's back boys.

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Holy shit. Why and how?

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why not? don't know.

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The enable abuse option is scratched out. The only time I get the option to see a scene is the little sister one in the new game after beating it once. Started several new games but I never get the option to "interact with" the girls

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