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/htg/ - Harlot Trainer General

Discuss and Develop Porn Games

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File: b4c3fcb88c08e21⋯.jpg (43.16 KB,453x455,453:455,1531543271548.jpg)


why is this board so toxic?

i was about to shill my game here but now I'm having second thoughts, like relax dudes those are just games

here let me give you a hug x333

*hugs anon*

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File: 1d95f6bd9a0028d⋯.jpg (104.74 KB,739x742,739:742,bait.jpg)

here is your reply.

Fuck off

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you're not shitposting hard enough, you should remember to include a link to some cuckolding game that currently does not have a thread, extra points for it not being a trainer game

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File: 8b7e8146e23a033⋯.gif (1.6 MB,400x400,1:1,845dbe18a2c9e2e203abfde71f….gif)


99% of the posters here are sexually frustrated poorfags who exercise their insecurities through infantile impatience and jew hunting. About a year and a half ago, there was a large influx of le redditors and 4fags when some decent, early builds of games came out and megas were being traced back to here. Since then, most sane people have retreated to simply lurking and grabbing megas, or checking HGG and (shudders) F95 or God forbid FapNation.

If you want the reason behind why it's gotten so much shittier, look to stagnation in development of core classic games like JoNT, SMM3, GL and HHS. Now it doesn't go much farther than

>haha I can't believe this Jew is wants money for this shilltreon kek can't wait for it to fucking fail like the nigger cuck he is

But it doesn't have to be that way, and it can start with you. Post something less faggoty and start a conversation, this thread is just going to get more bait jpgs

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There are few handicapped parking spots. Safe space parking lot is in different direction.

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File: 164691e111b1b7a⋯.jpg (67.45 KB,680x1020,2:3,1470978950150.jpg)


A meaningless phrase used by children who can't handle words.

If you can't handle even entry tier banter your game is probably shit anyway.


>knows its faggotry

>bumps anyway

>speaks as if he isn't part of the board

Don't pretend you aren't part of the problem.

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if you think /htg/ is bad, don't go to /hgg/.

look up toxic in the dictionary, and it says 'see /hgg/'.

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Great, now he will go there for attention and because he likes abuse, you are a dick.

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are you from fag95?

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Not toxic enough, based on the amount of garbage games that still get posted.

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File: 7586a91276643d9⋯.jpg (6.92 KB,184x200,23:25,Are you even trying.jpg)

You can post your shit here, but if it sucks, what else can we do?

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Is all cuckfag fault.

He own the hentai sections and nobody can stop him.

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Because most posters here are either little sad angry men with no social interaction whatsoever who autistically vent their frustrations in smut games or just lurkers who want to get links and/or shitpost. Couple that with most posters having a rather unique and in most cases misunderstood sense of masculinity and voila, you've got /htg/

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>why is this board so toxic?

Not really toxic just unfiltered. Posts about good games do quite well.

It's mostly the devs with version 0.001 who come here to shill, add ntr, make promises they can't keep or milk patreons who get burned.

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File: 6c632894c592994⋯.png (707.73 KB,616x557,616:557,Screenshot_188.png)


>why is this board so toxic?

>here let me give you a hug x333

>*hugs anon*

Since when is this fag95??? Go back to your mongoloid board and begone. Noone wants you here

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you're the only human here

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Every one of you is a disappointment for not immediately recognizing the OP as a shitpost and falling for his bait.

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>implying we didn't

We're bored, faggot. You want it to stop, why don't you post a game?

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File: 14a57aa02bd6e54⋯.jpg (234.79 KB,1920x1080,16:9,fuckinginvincible.jpg)

Well if your game is good and you don't fucking beg for money your can post safely.

If your game is shit and you're a fucking beggar, expect to get shit on

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File: 46311bec667ed3a⋯.jpg (102.94 KB,700x700,1:1,bait in pol.jpg)


>this thread is just going to get more bait jpgs

Well, that's a nice thing; I have a bunch of those and I don't get to use them too often.

On the topic of toxicity, yes, half of this board behaves as if they have a jalapeño pepper in their arse. They seem to believe they're gonna tear down juedo-masonic conspiracies by bitching on the Internet.

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Toxic? It gives you freedom of speech, faggot. Some mod just deleted my comment of cuck95 just because I wasn't slobbering over the dev's cock. Is that what you want in a society?

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Why don't you?

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>implying there is a difference between blatant shitpost and leftist "opinion"

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