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File: fda053d207ecc55⋯.png (689.14 KB,1200x600,2:1,Splash.png)

 No.37024 [Last50 Posts]

Hey everyone!

I currently have 2 completed games and am starting my 3rd one.

Hall monitor (Newest game - WIP):

You play as Mia, a wallflower with a will to be better. She never made any waves throughout high school. Didn't have much friends, didn't try anything and almost invisible to anyone. Now that she's starting college, she would like to re-invent herself to be more important but will she be able to or will her inner voice win and drag her down? You decide.

Soldier's life (Second game - Complete):

You play as Payton, a captain in one of the armies tasked with destroying the ever growing hordes of monsters. You serve under Colonel Vanora, a powerful fighter and cunning strategist but known far and wide as an ice queen that sees her soldiers as numbers, not humans. With a quirk of fate, you find yourself promoted over her and now have the power to make her pay for everything she's done. Sexually, of course.

Corrupting the priestess (First game - Complete):

You play as Marcus, a very successful businessman that is about to foreclose on a church when a very tempting offer is dropped in his laps by Aliane, the gorgeous high priestess.

You can find all the links (free or otherwise) on my patreon page. https://www.patreon.com/Pyorgara

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You found out how to make you're own thread, I see.

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File: d789b974728271b⋯.png (233.76 KB,500x500,1:1,601257.png)

Now Pyorgara, don't be surprised if your game gets a download link here for free.

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I liked Soldier's life, the priestess one was only meh, but somewhat OK i guess.

I hope the new one will continue the positive trend and become something really good. A demo version would be much appreciated.

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File: 64c0fa4abc14fb1⋯.jpg (59.14 KB,300x350,6:7,02-Brandt.jpg)

'her fate is in your hands dude.'

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>Female MC

It could have been great otherwise.

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File: bdb55808e341a3b⋯.jpg (32.46 KB,675x409,675:409,DUeJKgYX4AASDaN.jpg)

So, here's the first version. Full of placeholder art from the previous game Soldier's Life, even the engine is called "SL".

I advice to not play it and to wait for more


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Thanks shitty hagrid

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File: a6c4fc8375f8eba⋯.jpg (36.81 KB,732x421,732:421,Hagrid Blobfish.jpg)


you're welcome

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Hehe. Yeah. I simply didn't realize that I was in someone else's thread before.


I know that my games (like everything else on the internet) gets pirated. It's why I enjoy the patreon format. People who want to help me out can do so monthly while the games can remain free for the rest.


Glad you enjoyed SL! I'm doing my best for Hall monitor to be my greatest game yet.


You will get to degrade the MC as much as you want if you don't want her to be dominant. ^_^

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File: f78a5fa8005b5ae⋯.jpg (57.36 KB,1280x720,16:9,15646486151613.jpg)


>okay with piratage

That's surprising for a Patreon dev.

Actually you're really finishing your games, and SL was a really good one (just not enough CG), so I think I'm gonna follow this

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File: b7136dcba743c35⋯.png (270.16 KB,500x481,500:481,b7136dcba743c35b998e90994b….png)


>You will get to degrade the MC as much as you want if you don't want her to be dominant

That's not really the problem anon. Listen, I won't be a dick since you seem to be a nice person overall, but the thing is, games with female protagonists are shit, period, every single one of them. Maybe this one will be different, but I don't care, I won't play it for that fact alone. The problem is, that with female MCs, actions feel disgusting because you're the one making those actions as the female. Since I'm not a woman, it's just disgusting to know I play as a woman that whores herself or otherwise. That's not a problem with a male MC. Say, if you were a guy that manipulated her into doing as you want, that'd be different, but the thought of having a woman doing it by herself and, even worse, by "your" command as a player it's just wrong.

Just keep going with your game as you please, but I just let it know that I think it will be shit for that, just like Girl Gone Bad, that is beyond disgusting.

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I see. Well, we all have our hang-ups. I'll probably see you at my next game. (If I go back to a male mc.)

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If I understood well, your wife is the one doing the art for your games, right? Can we expect more CG for this game ?

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I think a female MC is fine, not all of us self insert into everything..

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Was wondering when you'd show up. I've said this before somewhere else but a personal thing I don't like about your games is that training the girl involves sharing her with other people. A major strength of Rouge-like is that you train Rouge to be your slut by repeated personal sessions.

I would also like to know how you came across this site, we've had several other people try to shill stuff but they rarely answer. Did you find out about /htg/ from reddit, F95 or somewhere else?

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This. Too bad is rare a game with femMC done properly. Hope this is going to be one of the few exceptions.

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Hey Pyorgara, I just want to say I very much respect the fact that you actually complete games. Props to you.

Also, there isn't anything wrong with female MCs. Not every game is going to be for every person, not sure why that is even a heated discussion in this thread.

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I liked your first 2 games, but I have one complaint/suggestion about the second one. Do no't let the player miss out on scenes, for example I delayed having sex with the girl for a while because I wanted to focus on the scenes that come before that, so when I finally decided to do it, the very first scene was anal, meaning that I missed all the content that was related to slowly breaking her to have vaginal first. Do something like in the akabur games or four elements trainer, where you need to progress in a linear way on all the different sex scenes no matter how corrupted the girl is

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i hope you can take the glasses off

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Please no, glasses are cute

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Yes she is and yes you can. We learned where we did mistakes in the past game to try to maximize the CGs for this one.


I think it's good to have a mix of both personal training and sharing training. People enjoy different things. As for where I found this site, I asked my patrons what sites they got their porn news and this was one of the sites mentioned.


I'll do my best. ^_^


Thanks! That anon had a strong opinion, is all.


Yeah, it's kind of a double edge sword. If I kept the story linear, then she would act widely different for no reason. As in, you have her begging on the floor in one scene but then she gets all indignant if you try to kiss her.


Hehe. The glasses are there to stay. They are fun accessories to play with in the art.

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Big fan. Keep up the good work.

Glad you seem to have some thick skin.

As for what >>37494 said, he's saying that you should make sure that the scenes happen in order. As in, if you've never kissed her before she should go through her first kissing scene before jumping straight to corrupt kissing. In my opinion that one is nice because it allows you to limit the "grind" that your games tend to have while still keeping you from missing scenes. Having to replay the game to get access to a scene you missed is supremely annoying.

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>missing a scene

git gud maybe

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I love that banner, the girl is very well designed and the her emotional dynamism promises a lot of fun experimentation. If the final product delivers on half of this potential I’ll probably like it. Also I really like femdom, so a switch female protagonist is a godsend.

I actually played both Corrupt The Priestess and Soldier’s Life. I’ll admit I kind of ended up rather disliking the first. I fully cop to being a squeamish pussy, but yeah some of the scenes from the last two stages ended up repulsing me. Soldier’s Life on the other hand I enjoyed thoroughly; ability to pick and choose around at least most of the turn-off scenes+less extreme content overall+a feistier/more deserving target+non-psychopathic dominator= a hard-dom game I found more than palatable.

On the technical side of things; I really like your character design, as I already said. I was a bit befuddled from the lack of sound, but it didn’t stop me from playing or enjoying the games. SL’s I felt was sorely missing at least a few alternate portraits and sex images, particularly in the mid-level domination scenes, but the writing could hold up the slack for the most part and I understand you guys were a bit overstretched. I adored the cute little animation loops during the work scenes for CtP, was a little sad something like that wasn’t in SL, hope they show up in this project.

My one even semi-major gripe is how clunky saving and loading was. Maybe I’m spoiled by renpy and the ability it affords to alt-click quick save in the middle of dialogue and action scenes, but yeah in SL especially it was a small but notable frustration having to trawl through the menu to save, or having to get through an entire scene not going your way to reload. Maybe look into streamlining the save function for this project (unless there’s already a shortcut for it and I never realized.)

Tl;dr you make good games and I look forward to how you build off it for this next one.

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>you're the one making those actions as the female.

The inability to distinguish reality from fiction and separate yourself as a player/viewer of a work of fiction from the actions and attitudes of its protagonist is a mental failing of yours, the exact same one that caused fat soccer moms in the 90s to think GTA and Doom turned kids into Satan-worshipping driveby-shooters, and caused insecure niggers of CURRENT YEAR to demand 80 black heroes be shoehorned into every new medieval fantasy story.

Why do you need a guy protagonist to tell the main girl to act like a whore when you can just tell her directly to act like a whore? Do you really self-insert that hard and that compulsively?

I personally prefer games to follow a female lead because 1) it cuts the middle man as I already said, 2) removes the possibility of getting caught in gayshit if you make a mistake or wrong choice, 3) ascertains that even outside of sex scenes there’s always a hot girl front-and-center of everything that happens, and 4) it removes the single-biggest cause of shitstorms on this board can’t accuse a game of being cuckshit for having the main guy pimp out his girl if there is no guy and the main girl is pimping herself with no greater attachments to anyone else.

Besides, the main gimmick of this game is that you can alternatively make the girl become a domina; that would be far harder to pull off if she was answering to a guy for every bit of sex she gets involved in.

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>games with female protagonists are shit, period

Thats just like, you know your opinion man

I find games with female MC to best ones (eg. VH)

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Just… go away!

To the one that don't know the alphabet is pointless to explain poetry.

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Why be like that?

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No need to be so pedantic my dude.


I believe VH is Violated Heroine, a game that's been around for a while and in all likeness will never get finished.

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>Violated Heroine, a game that's been around for a while and in all likeness will never get finished

And has more content than all the games on /htg/ combined

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thats just personal preference. i like female mc just as much as male, as long as the underlying game is good.

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>Masturbating at multiple guys railing the girl you play as

You are a faggot, a normalfag, and a nigger. Kill yourself. Female protagonists are shit.


VH is shit and will mever be finished. Have.

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>FEM MC for normalfag


Just no.

There is a reason the most hikkikomori place in the planet keep spawning hentai games with female MCs in great numbers.

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>you are a faggot, a normalfag, and a nigger

>you are a fascist, a white male and a racist

Holy shit you sound like a inverted SJW

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And they are all halfassed shit. I love jap games, but their indie scene is as bad or even worse as the west. They still fucking use Flash, holy hell. In fact, their best games ALWAYS have male MCs, from Rance to more indie things like Forest of Blue Sky or Eroico.

On that matter, indie shit is pretty popular over there, so yes, I insist, female MC is for normalfags who don't know better.


>SJW breath


Fuck off with your false equivalence.

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Having a thick skin is kinda needed if you want to be on the internet. Hehe.

That kind of thing will not be a problem for the next game as it's not loop based like my two previous ones. ^_^


I'm glad you enjoy my work!

We'll try to do better on the CGs for this one. We got bogged down on the previous one and ran out of time. I dunno about chibi animations. People are always very divided on that.

You'll be able to save anytime in HM. I actually ran a poll for it and the people spoke.


I actually didn't play Violated Heroine. Sounds like a game I'd enjoy. I'll give it a try when I have a few minutes to myself.

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new version came out today. supposedly has less placeholder art and some actual character art (outlines) along with more story.

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There is even a single instance of fap content?

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At this point, there's the first instance of a sub sex scene. The first Dom one will be in the next build.

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Are you going to extremize her between sub and dom route or you will provide some shade of grey?

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The plan is to give 3 types of options to the player most of the time. Sub, dom and balanced. It won't be on every choice but should be there enough to count.

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Good, i like to play an assertive character. But the moment she will start wearing dildo panties to fuck male butts with it, i want my "fuck, go back!" button ready and working.

That's why i'm worried when i see games with branching routes from sub to dom without middle grounds. Many people take the concepts of dom and sub too far from the zone of comfort.

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Haha. I am making sure to put "escape" routes in all sex scenes in case it starts to seem like something the player doesn't wanna see.

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New update available. Anyone have it?

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Hey everyone! Another build is out for Hall monitor. Not only that but the art is starting to come in. Mia (The main character) is done.

Version 0.04: Available to 5$ patrons.

Version 0.03: Available to 1$ patrons.

Version 0.02: Publicly released - https://www.patreon.com/Pyorgara.

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you know your jew levels are too high when even patrons can't get the latest version because they give you too little

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Actually, my 1$ are getting more than they used to. The 1$ level used to just be for seeing all the posts but now they get an advanced build. ^_^

in other news:

New public release for V0.03!

Version 0.05: Available to 5$ patrons.

Version 0.04: Available to 1$ patrons.

Version 0.03: Publicly released - https://www.patreon.com/Pyorgara.

Here's what's new for this public offering:

- Added reputation changes.

- Added rough character art for Valentine and Mia's sister.

- Tightened the code.

- Fixed small bug when saving.

- Added 16 more pages of script.

If you've played the previous release, I would also advise you to restart the game as new variables have been added.

Hope you all have fun!

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So you openly admit that you screw over your own patrons and consider it generous to give them an advanced build of a game they are funding you to make… autist Jew

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You fucks are going to just love this but: as a patron of only 2 trainer content creators (one of which is OP), I feel like the value I get for my dollar is pretty spot on in this case. Compared to some of the shit I see peddled on f95 and /htg that's locked behind jew-walls on patreon, OP's content is fucking gold for the cost. And you do get the shit for free eventually anyway.

Probably just go back to shitposting other threads about how putting cucking into your game should be punishable by death.

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I mean if you're into a loli version of the muslim Ms. Marvel I can see how you'd enjoy this.

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>caused insecure niggers of CURRENT YEAR to demand 80 black heroes be shoehorned into every new medieval fantasy story.

Goddamn you have a poor view of history if you think that's how that developed.

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So, anyone has the link to version 0.05?

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This guy gets it, like those normal fags that watch the same pornstar in different videos with different guys, essentially just cucking themselves the faggots

man I tell you my life sucks, I'm overweight and ugly, women don't pay me any attention no matter how nice I am, that's why its so essential that ALL games be about a chad MC, so I can insert and live through them, I get you, keep fighting the good fight

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>Why do you need a guy protagonist to tell the main girl to act like a whore when you can just tell her directly to act like a whore?

Because I don't want her to act like a whore you fucking cuck?

>Do you really self-insert that hard and that compulsively?

Yes, otherwise why play games? I could just watch porn where I don't participate whatsoever.

>can’t accuse a game of being cuckshit

Except you still are since if you "cut the middleman" and you still "pimp" your girl you're effectively cucking yourself. As for the gay shit, you are still watching a thousand of guys railing a single girl, and that's honestly really fucking gay.

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You know you've been irl traumatized into a delusional nonsensical beta manlet when whoring bitches is cuck and watching a whore getting fucked is gay


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File: f50fbc4600c91e3⋯.png (100.19 KB,344x500,86:125,1460301986464.png)


Yes, cuck, because sharing your woman regardless of the reason makes you a cuck and watching as another man does it is gay and cuck.

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>"your" woman

mfw such an omega you'd allow an obvious whore (as featured in all htg games) to be yours and not a cum dump

what was her name? how long ago was it? was he black? was she sorry?

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File: 4a1a82c6e291270⋯.jpg (31.92 KB,640x480,4:3,786.jpg)


It's a game, she can be whatever you want her to be, but you decide to turn her into a whore because you like to relieve your cuck fantasies, cuck.

htg is just a name.

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>turn her into a whore

unless there is mind control (which is crap) she was always a whore and you let her be your woman, kek

>because you like to relieve your cuck fantasies

if shes my cum dump how can I cuck myself with her? I'd never make her my girl, shes not human, just a toy for amusement, you probably can't understand how people can do that to your princess though, keep on normalfagin beta cuck

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File: b2843bbc22404b9⋯.gif (727.63 KB,250x250,1:1,1460267678281.gif)


>she was always a whore

Not really, this game is proof. You just turn her into a whore by sharing her when all she wants is have sex with you, and that on itself makes you a cuck.

>if shes my cum dump how can I cuck myself with her?

She is your property so sharing her, even if she is YOUR cum dump makes you a cuck. If I had a fleshlight I wouldn't share it because that's disgusting, and if the fleshlight was alive that would make you a cuck.

>He is ok being a cuck

>Calls me normalfag

Cuckchan is for you, anon. They accept cucks over there.

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>can't into greentext

>no f when mfw

You're not even trying anymore, are you?


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>You just turn her into a whore by sharing her when all she wants is have sex with you

girls who aren't whores don't have sex with others, if they do, they're whores i.e. a perfect candidate for manelts, like you

>even if she is YOUR cum dump makes you a cuck - If I had a fleshlight I wouldn't share it

sharing your girl that you care about makes you a cuck, sharing a fleshlight is disgusting as it requires cleaning but a girl that sanitizes itself is fine otherwise you only believe in dating virgins else you're getting retro-cucked

you should head over there and discuss gps tracking your girl making sure she only visits white neighborhoods for fear of nigger cuckoldry kek stay beta, stay insecure

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>You just turn her into a whore

How do you make a girl into a whore without MC? would you turn gay if your girl told you to suck a dick enough? like wtf every girl in a non MC HTG is a whore she and apparently you just didn't know it yet

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>Fuck off with your false equivalence.

He's comparing you because you share the traits you and everyone else hates about SJWs

Authoritarian (my opinion is absolute, all who disagree are wrong), Pompous (high importance placed on self and opinion), denial of facts (a lot of fem mc games with good funding? they're still bad, people just have shit taste), redefining words and concepts (what a cuck is), group think (true connoisseurs play only male mc games and share my opinion), labeling (cuck, normalfag, etc) the list goes on…

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>girls who aren't whores don't have sex with others

Unless you command her to, cuck. Like in these games.

>perfect candidate for manelts, like you

I don't know anon, I don't play games with whores nor pretend to be a pimp.

>sharing your girl that you care about makes you a cuck

No, sharing any game of your property makes you a cuck, because she is yours, why sharing her unless you're a cuck? Same with a fleshlight. It's yours so why sharing it other than being a disgusting faggot?

>but a girl that sanitizes itself is fine

Enjoy your sloppy seconds, cuck.

>you should head over there and discuss gps tracking your girl making sure she only visits white neighborhoods for fear of nigger cuckoldry kek stay beta, stay insecure

All this effort in mocking me makes me think I hit the bullseye, cuck.


You control her actions and you watch her fuck other dudes as the player. You're a cuck and it's pretty gay too since you're watching multiple guys doing the work.

>like wtf every girl in a non MC HTG is a whore she and apparently you just didn't know it yet

Maybe you should play good games, even when there's a handful of them.




>The rest of the post

>Reddit spacing

Kek. Kill yourself.

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>Unless you command her to

Is it against her will? does she consent? if not then shes a whore, stop making excuses for your princess cuck

>I don't play games with whores

kek, sorry for calling your angels whores

>sharing any game of your property makes you a cuck

sharing your girl makes you a cuck, not your car, fleshlight, tv or cum dump

>Enjoy your sloppy seconds, cuck.

If shes been sanitized then its not sloppy nor is there a trace of someone else, are you even trying

>All this effort

unlike you it takes me little to no effort to come up with simple arguments and quips, you keep trying your best though champ

Nice dodge on the virgin logic, enjoy your sloppy seconds and retro cuck on any game where there's no visible hymen breakage omega-cuck

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>Is it against her will? does she consent?

Yes and no. That's why these games are cuckshit, after all.

>sorry for calling your angels whores

Don't worry, cuck, you were wrong all along anyway.

>sharing your girl makes you a cuck

Glad you agree.

>If shes been sanitized then its not sloppy nor is there a trace of someone else

You are the expert anon, but if I knew a girl I'm about to have sex fucked 100 niggers a few hours ago I'd be so disgusted I'd just leave. It doesn't even have to be 100 niggers or a few hours ago, if I knew she even fucked a single nigger 10 years ago I'd be disgusted.

>unlike you it takes me little to no effort to come up with simple arguments and quips

I don't know anon, you stopped once I called you on it. Plus, I don't bring "quips", just facts.

>on any game where there's no visible hymen

Sure, not like any of these games worth a thing.

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Oh shit… nigga got out of the cage again…

There is no one with a "ban this turd-skinned monkey into oblivion" button in this fucking board?

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No. Maybe you'll find luck in cuckchan, cuck.

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>Yes and no

Muh angel doesn't conesnt, you made her say that stuff about lovin niggers

>Glad you agree.

I'm glad we agree I would never lower myself to allow a cum dump to be my girl, unlike you

>You are the expert anon

Just an IQ above 60 with some common sense and logic but thanks

>just facts

Just take a seat young blood, this is too much for you, you're out of your depth, you think everyone doesn't see you failing to dodge the questions and presenting nothing? just call me a n-nigger lovin c-cuck goy, post a smug anime girl and stop embarrassing yourself

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>you made her say that stuff about lovin niggers

Yes, pretty much.

>I would never lower myself to allow a cum dump to be my girl

If you are fucking her he is your girl already, dumbass, otherwise, why play these games? Oh, right, to see her fuck different guys and relieve your cuck fantasies.

>Just an IQ above 60

Just that? No shit you're a nigger-tier guy that loves sloppy seconds.

>you think everyone doesn't see you failing to dodge the questions and presenting nothing?

Anon, take a look at all my posts and take a look at all the games I presented as prroof, solid proof at that, that you're full of shit, while you are the one dodging those facts. Fact is, western games are shit, and even when nip games can be shit, there are so much that some of them are not shit. In not a single instance you were able to prove western games are not full of cuck shit or that they are worth it, or that a female MC isn't gay and cuckshit as well.

>post a smug anime girl


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>Yes, pretty much.

The denial, princess loves nigger dicks, I didn't put the words in her mouth, she presented the choice, she loves it if you hit yes, shes a whore, accept it cuck

>If you are fucking her he is your girl already

Yea like pro's and fuck buddies, they're my girl and I love them and care for…oh wait I'm not a cuck manlet that falls in love with any girl that lets me fuck her

>not a single instance you were able to prove western games are not full of cuck shit or that they are worth it, or that a female MC isn't gay and cuckshit as well.

In my opinion they are cuck and gay, I've had redefine the words and concepts several times to the point no logical human could recognize them but I am right because my opinions are facts, here's an anime girl to cement that point.

Many studies in clinical psychology have shown exposure to traumatic events in controlled environments can help patients overcome them, maybe reliving the event through playing these cuck games will help relieve your triggers, good luck and godspeed

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>I didn't put the words in her mouth

You did, that's literally what you do in female MC games and even disgusting games like Good Girl Gone Bad.

>she presented the choice

And you do the choice for her, cuck.

>Yea like pro's and fuck buddies

Pretty much, that's why fucking whores is disgusting and having fuck buddies always ends badly.

>they're my girl and I love them and care for

You don't have to love them or even care for them to be a cuck. I doubt cucks love their girls, they just enjoy watching them fuck with other guys. Seeing how you just enjoy watching your girls fucking with other guys, that pretty much makes you a cuck, cuck.

>He can't green text

kek. Also, it's not my opinion, anyone who takes a look at games like Seed of Chaos would understand it's cuckshit, and pretty much 99% of the games in this board, including this one, are like that with a few key differences, the only constant being cuckshit.

>Y-you changed the concepts!

Not really. Your girl is someone you fuck regardless of your relationship with them. Likewise, a cuck is someone who enjoys watching girls get fucked regardless of their relationship. It's really simple. I don't know where the "YOU NEED TO LOVE THEM!" came from, but it was never like that, since cuckolding usually applied to married couples, and only because you're married doesn't mean you love the woman, don't you? But it does mean you own her, and the proof is that at some point you had to fuck her.

>maybe reliving the event through playing these cuck games will help relieve your triggers

That's why you play these games anon? Also, Glad you admited they are cuck games.

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>You did, that's literally what you do in female MC games

No I didn't, she presents the options available, if what you're saying was correct her inner monologues would be I hate this why am I forced to do this, not give me more nigger dick I love it. She is made to be a whore by the writer of the game not the player therefore every whore is a whore by design and you seem overly attached and protective of them classic beta cuck pathology

>that's why fucking whores is disgusting and having fuck buddies always ends badly

That's the dumbest shit I've heard in a long time. Only an OMEGA cuck would think that which would explain why your entire attempt at an argument was as ridiculous as it was. How beta are you to not understand that people can have sex multiple times and not develop feelings or a relationship of any kind

>Your girl is someone you fuck regardless of your relationship with them.

I pay you for sex, you're my girl now! I hate you and only fuck you for your body and stress relief, you're my girl now! I fuck you while you sleep, you're my girl now!

>a cuck is someone who enjoys watching girls get fucked regardless of their relationship

It's not by any form of consensus so you are in fact changing the concept, but let's make that the definition, in a female MC game I do not pretend I am the MC and you're not in a relationship with her (you haven't fucked her) so how is it cuck? is watching videos or playing porn games a form of cuckolding as you are not the actor? you pretend to be to which your only argument is "I'm not a cuck I self insert as the actor!!" so then why with a female MC can people not say I insert as the guy fucking her?

>That's why you play these games anon?

Shieeeeet Tyrone, you must below the poverty line and a fan of KFC if your intelligence is so low your entire arsenal is limited to cuck and no you! insults

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>No I didn't, she presents the options available

And you proceed to select them, cuck. Unless you're playing a 100% percent cuck game, not all options are cuck shit, but you go out of your way to select the cuckshit option, right?

>She is made to be a whore by the writer

That's why games with whores are cuckshit, anon, specially if you choose the option, which makes you even a biggest cuck.

>How beta are you to not understand that people can have sex multiple times and not develop feelings or a relationship of any kind

Let me guess, anon, never had sex outside these games? That would explain why you are ok with being a cuck.

>I pay you for sex, you're my girl now! I hate you and only fuck you for your body and stress relief, you're my girl now! I fuck you while you sleep, you're my girl now!

Pretty much, yes. Specially in a game about it.

>It's not by any form of consensus so you are in fact changing the concept

I'm not changing anything, that's how it have always been. The concept actually changed recently, since before it was simply a woman cheating on a man, whole in recent times it was more of a man enjoying the fact, which is more accurate.

>in a female MC game I do not pretend I am the MC and you're not in a relationship with her

Yes you are, you're playing the game for her, to watch her fuck other men, so you have 2 options from there: You either play games with female MC to see the MC, which is something you lust for, getting fucked by other men, which is hella cuck, or you play it because you actually like to see hundred of dicks regardless of the female MC, which is hella gay. So no matter what you do, you're either a cuck or a fag if you play these games, because if it's not for the female MC, why are you playing?

>is watching videos or playing porn games a form of cuckolding as you are not the actor?

Kinda. That's why self-insert exists. Porn is always cuckshit, that's why I don't watch porn.

>so then why with a female MC can people not say I insert as the guy fucking her?

Because female MC games usually present a ton of guys. I'm not a ton of guys, I'm a single guy, and every guy they present is different. Plus, even if you self insert as one, she probably wouldn't have sex with the same guy, and even if she doesn, you'd be self-inserting as a guy that fucks at sloppy seconds. I see how you find that exciting, cuck.

>if your intelligence is so low your entire arsenal is limited to cuck and no you! insults

You really don't see the irony there, don't you, cuck?

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>And you proceed to select them, cuck.

You're original argument was the women in these games aren't whores and that the players made them that way against their will have you given up on that flawed argument?

>That's why games with whores are cuckshit

I want games with virgins who stay virgins till the MC marries them after at least 500 hours of wooing and relationship building, anyone who wants less standards is a faggot cuck

>That would explain why you are ok with being a cuck.

Not catching feelings for every girl you sleep with is being a cuck now? we used to cal the opposite being an inexperienced pussy

>Pretty much, yes

So you fall in love with and get possessive of even hookers yet also claim not to be an incel beta cuck, not possible

>I'm not changing anything

Definition has always been of a man and required marriage and has recently been used to include any formal relationships (girlfriend, fiance) and any gender, not any relationships

>That's why self-insert exists

No this is a loophole you've invented to rationalize away enjoying what you call "cuck shit"

>I'm not a ton of guys, I'm a single guy

1. Unless the player in the game is a delusional closeted cuck you are nothing like the MC, you are not japanese, you dont share the same name, body type, an IQ over 50 or 99% of their other traits 2. Your argument here is it's ok to self insert into different games as wildly different people but to do so multiple times in a single game is absurd. Pathetic, are you even trying?

>You really don't see the irony there

I've called you irrational, delusional, authoritarian, pathetic, hypocritical, unintelligent, eluded to you being black and of course what you are most of all a cuck, meanwhile you literally called me a cuck and thats it, not in a creative way, scenario or anything just a cuck, bring me your a-game is this it?

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>You're original argument was the women in these games aren't whores and that the players made them that way against their will

Yes, that's why I don't play games where women are whores. Even in Princess Trainer, Jasmine was made a whore against her will. If it wasn't the case, it'd be a cuck game, just like the ones you like.

>I want games with virgins who stay virgins till the MC marries them after at least 500 hours of wooing and relationship building

<A non-virgin is a whore

Nice hyperbole, cuck. No shit you are into cuck games.

>Not catching feelings for every girl you sleep with is being a cuck now?

Yes, specially if you keep sleeping with her and she has other guys on the side.

>we used to cal the opposite being an inexperienced pussy

Who? "Stags"? I mean, cucks?

>So you fall in love with and get possessive of even hookers

I don't pay for sex because I'm not a cuck. Shame you are.

>not any relationships

Except it does. That's why people laugh at you if you fuck the town bicycle.

>No this is a loophole you've invented to rationalize away enjoying what you call "cuck shit"

t. faggot who don't know what video games are for

Enjoy your cuckshit.

>1. Unless the player in the game is a delusional closeted cuck you are nothing like the MC

I can be however I want, cuck. That's why when I play Doom I feel like the Doom guy and so on. You must be brain damaged to not being able to. But the thing is, I do control the Doom guy, unlike the hundred dicks the female MC rides. Also, if you do control a female MC, that's gay as fuck too. You can rationale it as making the choices for her, but that still makes you a cuck.

>but to do so multiple times in a single game is absurd

Yes. How is this an argument against me? Plus, do you control any of those guys railing the female MC? You don't, that makes you a cuck.

>meanwhile you literally called me a cuck and thats it

Yeah, I told you at the beginning I only state facts, not jokes, and even though it sounds like a joke that you are a cuck, it's honestly a really sad fact. Although, you're so dumb in understand something so simple that you might as well be black too. That'd explain your obsession with whores.

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>Even in Princess Trainer, Jasmine was made a whore against her will

Please don't make me a whore mister, "nah do it" x3, ok you convinced me I'm a slut now, wasn't that I was a whore all along you just broke me down. You're naivety about whores is adorable I bet you were visibly shook with rage when that goy cuck Akabur did that to your princess Jasmine just for some patreon sheckles

>Nice hyperbole

What the fuck you actually understand hyperbole yet don't see how your entire thinking is bat shit insane?

>Yes, specially if you keep sleeping with her and she has other guys on the side.

"Not caring that someone you don't care about is having sex with other people you don't care about makes you a cuck" -most closeted self loathing cuck 2018

>Who? "Stags"

People who've slept with more than one girl and don't put them on pedestals for bestowing em with pussy you incel

>I don't pay for sex because I'm not a cuck. Shame you are.

Never have myself but maybe you should, finally lose your obvious v-card

>fuck the town bicycle.

No one laughs at fucking the town bike, they've all fucked her, they laugh at the guy that falls in love with her and the one she wont fuck, either would be you

>don't know what video games are for

They are for entertainment, can enjoy the show or self insert to escape the harsh realities of being a beta cuck, enjoy your loophole doom guy ahahaha

>You must be brain damaged to not being able to

Or happy enough in real life to not want/need to

>I only state facts - How is this an argument against me?

I suppose to an authoritarian that believes his opinion is fact and the only valid one it would seem bizarre. I'm going to go enjoy some "cuck games" cya later school shooter

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>wasn't that I was a whore all along you just broke me down

Isn't that the point of all the shitty "corruption" games that have ever existed? That's why Corruption = Cuckshit

>yet don't see how your entire thinking is bat shit insane?

Because it isn't. It's perfectly logical. You're just conditioned to think like a cuck from years of cuck media. Pic related. I was convinced from the "We used to call the opposite", the "we" being the cucks you grew up with, probably.

>Not caring that someone you don't care about is having sex with other people you don't care about makes you a cuck

Pretty much, yes. Enjoy your sloppy seconds, cuck.

>People who've slept with more than one girl

>don't put them on pedestals for bestowing em with pussy

I hope you see the irony of those 2 lines.

>Never have myself but maybe you should

So a virgin. I knew it. Only way to enjoy or defend whores. I remember when I was a virgin as well and I justified whores with "it's just sex!". Shame you choose to be a cuck, though.

>No one laughs at fucking the town bike

Everyone does, because everyone did, and it's disgusting as fuck.

>can enjoy the show

I bet you believe video games are art, cuck.

>I suppose to an authoritarian

>cya later school shooter

So you're a lefty faggot as well? Gee, now being a cuck makes complete sense.

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>conditioned to think like a cuck from years of cuck media

By the jews and liberals who keep you under the poverty line with the niggers when you're white and its your birth right to be in the 1%, it's not your fault, like princess jasmine she was forced! youd be a CEO instead of unemplyed if not for them

>Enjoy your sloppy second

Back to the failed sloppy seconds points, no coherent arguments made and basic hygiene ignored once more, maybe third times the charm

>Everyone does, because everyone did

They might laugh about it but not themselves, the only ones laughed at are her, the pussy that falls in love with her and the incel who she wont fuck and pretends shes disgusting and doesn't want to anyway

>I bet you believe video games are art

You just admitted to self inserting lmao, they're more than art to you hey're an escape, also the only thing keeping the local school safe

>So you're a lefty faggot as well

If I'm left you're faaaaaaaaaaaar left, fuck the free market gulags for anyone who puts NTR or makes fem MC game

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Why does every thread on this board turn into an argument about what is and what isn't cucking? This shit is getting ridiculous.

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no mods to clean it up like they do in cuck95

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>who keep you under the poverty

Not really, but nice projection. So you like to be cucked because you like to be kept in poverty?

>no coherent arguments made and basic hygiene ignored once more

No amount of water will clean the fact that you're fucking a whore. Enjoy your sloppy seconds, cuck.

>They might laugh about it but not themselves

Of course, they laugh at whatever faggot thinks it's ok to fuck her after they did, you know, cucks, like you.

>You just admitted to self inserting lmao

Yes, and that have happened ever since text only games were created. That's one of the biggest reasons for games to exist, to make you relieve fantasies, but you choose to relieve your cuck fantasies in them. You think they are for "entertainment", though, just like your jew overlords wnat you to believe.

>fuck the free market gulags for anyone who puts NTR or makes fem MC game

I'm not prohibiting you to play them or even making them, am I? I'm just stating the fact that you're a cuck and a faggot for doing so, plus a puppet by buying into them instead of recognizing them for what they are: Trash. But I can't expect a cuck to think too hard on it.


As >>47753 said, you're free to go to moderated spaces to feel safe, like fag95.

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>you like to be cucked because you like to be kept in poverty?

nigga went full retard

>they laugh at whatever faggot thinks it's ok to fuck her after they did

yea cause girls with more than 2 partners are whores and disgusting I only fuck angels like jasmine but then akubur defiled her

>Yes, and that have happened ever since text only games were created

games are X and if you think they're Y its because jews makes you think that and you're wrong, also I'm not an authoritarian, you sound like a fem nazi talkin about the patriarchy pushing your ideas onto the rest of us

>I'm not prohibiting you to play them or even making them

would if you could

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It's not even that it's unmoderated it's just why the fuck is everything a fucking argument about what constitutes cucking and what doesn't?

Literally who the fuck cares? Why don't you just go argue somewhere else, this shit posting is honestly ruining every thread about every fucking game on this board, jesus christ you kids are fucking autistic.

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File: 410c0ecd9bbf657⋯.png (799.71 KB,1308x1440,109:120,410c0ecd9bbf657cc97a221fa1….png)


>nigga went full retard

Oh, come on, it's that hard to face the facts, cuck?

>yea cause girls with more than 2 partners are whores

I wouldn't say whores, but yes, it's disgusting. If you're 20 and went on top of more than 2 dicks you probably don't worth it anyway. Not my fault that you're a cuck that goes to the easy women, or would if you weren't a virgin.

>games are X and if you think they're Y its because jews makes you think that and you're wrong

What does that have to do with what you quoted? I guess you're so mad right now that you misquoted, but to answer you, yes, pretty much. Also, I never said I'm not authoritarian, what I said is that you obviously don't know what it means, specially since you're confusing it with a similar word, which makes you a really stupid cuck.

>would if you could

Not really, you're a good money fountain. I'd laugh at you until you died, though.


>Literally who the fuck cares?

People tired of cuckolding being pushed in these games.

>Why don't you just go argue somewhere else

Why don't you go yourself? Sounds like cuckchan or fag95 are more your style, faggot.

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Because cucks are trying to justify this terrible fetish or derail the thread.

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> face the facts

cucking leads to poverty but of course how foolish of me

>it's disgusting

2+ partners easy and disgusting kek but also not an incel

>What does that have to do with what you quoted

You believe games must be played a certain way, you must self insert or why play, you cant self insert multiple times in a game, and you cant do it as the guy cucking, and if you believe you can, its cause jews brainwashed you into thinking you can

>I'm not authoritarian

your taste>everyone elses, you are an authority on games, your opinion is more valid, anyone else is wrong and cuck stuff is there due to demand but even so it should be gone from all games because you don't like it. You fit the definition but I'm guessing this is another case of, I use the word how I want, all the dictionaries are run by jews so if I'm wrong I'll blame them

>you're a good money fountain

haven't pledged a dime ever, but ill keep askin for that good ol cuck shit we both enjoy

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>cucking leads to poverty

You do have a terrible reading comprehension, don't you? Is being a cuck the reason for that?

>2+ partners easy and disgusting kek but also not an incel

I never said they are whores or easy for having 2+ dicks, I said it isn't worth it. Again, terrible reading comprehension, I said you do go for easy, which is different. Also, Incel is a meme word from 2 or 3 months ago, cuck, it's obvious you came from cuckchan.

>you cant self insert multiple times in a game

>and you cant do it as the guy cucking

You literally can't. Specially if you don't control the guy. It's like trying to self-insert as the shop owner NPC. You just can't because the NPC isn't presented as a playable character, hence the name and why female MC characters are either cuckshit or gay shit. If you self-inserted as the guy doing the cucking it wouldn't be a cuck game anymore, which is why those games are designed for you to be the cuck, it's really simple, but cuck brains must be damaged.

>I'm not authoritarian

Jesus Christ, do you even have time to read to what you reply or are you too busy watching other girls get fucked? I said I never said I'm not authoritarian, that pretty much means I am authoritarian, but your definition of authoritarian is completely wrong. And then you say I'm changing definitions, although you seem to do it based on ignorance.

>cuck stuff is there due to demand

Yes it is, that's why you consume so much cuck porn without even realizing it. It would be nice for it to be gone, but cucks like you will always exist.

>but ill keep askin for that good ol cuck shit

That makes you a consumer of the product even if you haven't paid for it. It also makes you a cuck.

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do you people actually think sperging out to other retards is somehow going to prevent cuckolding from being put in games

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No, but it will keep the shills out of the board.

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well my man, you guys have evidently failed at that

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Because you fucking failed to do your part. It's not a one man job, if we don't all throw out the filth it'll just accumulate anyway.

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If you're done tarding on about cucking, does anyone have have .5 yet?

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Jizzus, finally a human being…

If the zoo guardian have finally retrieved his ipad from Harambe, a link would be appreciated.

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>"So you like to be cucked because you like to be kept in poverty?"

"I didn't go full retard, I never said that, learn to read"

>2+ dicks = easy not whore

Oh much better definitely not an incel

>You literally can't. Specially if you don't control the guy

You cant self insert in a no choice VN anyone who does is a brain damaged cuck cause you don't control him and based shiller didn't present the NPCs as "insert-able", those are the rules as decreed by me

>Authoritarianism, principle of blind submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action.

>Showing a lack of concern for the wishes or opinions of others; dictatorial.

"These games are shit, if you disagree you have shit taste" "You can't play the game or enjoy it your way, there are universally unwritten and unknown rules to inserting and such" "If I had the power all games would be the way I want them" Now tell me how the jews changed the definition and what the real non-cuck one is

>That makes you a consumer of the product even if you haven't paid for it

Agreed, but not a money fountain as you claimed


Actually that's my goal, make them talk and flood boards with retarded, unreasonable opinions and show any devs that visit here for feedback that they cant be pleased or reasoned with and to ignore them so they head over to cuck95 where NTR is optional as it should be and show there's a huge audience for "cuck" games, it's going quite well so far

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>He still doesn't know how to read

So let me sum it, you're probably: A nigger, poor and stupid, and to top it all, a cuck.

>Oh much better definitely

Yeah, pretty much. Glad we agreed.

>You cant self insert in a no choice VN

Of course you can because you are seeing everything through the protagonists' eyes.

> those are the rules as decreed by me

Actually, that's just logical, you have to be an special kind of autist to try and self-insert as an NPC.

>Post the definitions of authoritarian

>Still can't figure out why he is wrong


>but not a money fountain as you claimed

Bold from this statement:

>where NTR is (((optional))) as it should be and show there's a huge audience for "cuck" games

You're pushing NTR yourself despite not paying for it, and that makes you a shill and cuck, and an asset as well. Everyone knew you were a shill cuck from the beginning, so no need to state it yourself, though.

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Can you two please stop?

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>He still doesn't know how to read

your statement implies causation, I'm not the illiterate nigger here, learn english

>you are seeing everything through the protagonists' eyes.

yea like wen hearing other characters thoughts, seeing them at impossible angles, when the MC isn't there, if you want to self insert do it but don't act like everyone has to or its the right way

>self-insert as an NPC

they're all code, rather insert as a cool npc then a bitch below average intelligence and looks jap school boy who gets girls due to being nice lmao, literally an incel fantasy cant make that shit up

>Still can't figure out why he is wrong

There can be a million reasons why you think I'm wrong, either say it or admit you got nothing and if you say its casue you're not a member of government or have power then end your life


I'll stop wen they mod it out or they stop responding

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>your statement implies causation

That's not the problem with your reading comprehension, anon. You trying to figure out what's wrong with your own implications is amusing.

>yea like wen hearing other characters thoughts

Yeah, because I'm playing as him and by extension I'm him. How else would I read his thoughts?

>if you want to self insert do it but don't act like everyone has to or its the right way

But it is, that's literally why a player character exists, otherwise you can just go and read a book, although I doubt you've ever done that.

>rather insert as a cool npc

You don't control de NPC in any way, hence it's NPC name, so it's literally impossible to self-insert as one unless you have the 'tism.

>literally an incel fantasy

Incel is a meme word made up by cuckchan, cuck, you should go back there where you belong, plus, any fantasy is better than a cuck fantasy.

>There can be a million reasons why you think I'm wrong

I actually said the reason some posts ago. Not like I expect you nigger cuck brain to understand that, though.

>I'll stop wen they mod it out or they stop responding

We will be here a long time and I have years of weaponized autism behind me, anon.

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>You trying to figure out what's wrong with your own implications is amusing.

You claim there's a problem yet refuse to post it cause you fucked up and are doubling down, same with the authoritarian shit

>How else would I read his thoughts?

Wow that fail at reading comprehension, now allow me to tell you why you were wrong and you can respond, as unlike you I'm not afraid in the least to allow you to clarify yourself or argue semantics, if you're seeing the game through the MC how can you hear OTHER characters thoughts, and see them when the MC isnt near them etc.

>otherwise you can just go and read a book

I can or I can choose to enjoy a game as I would a book or movie or a game with multiple protags, no protag or how ever I want, I;m not the authors cuck like you

>You don't control de NPC in any way, hence it's NPC name, so it's literally impossible to self-insert

I don't control a no choice VN MC yet can insert as one just cause the jew overlord author told me he's the MC and I'm his bitch? no ty cuck

>Incel is a meme word made up by cuckchan

you say that as if anyone cares or it invalidates it, the people it represents are an apt description of you and your fantasies

>We will be here a long time and I have years of weaponized autism behind me, anon.

then my jewish master plan to push devs to f95 will continue to flourish and history will blame the sheeple like you who helped me

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>same with the authoritarian shit

>Gives him the answer

<But you haven't said anything!

Heh. Being a cuck did damaged your brain. And it's really simple, honestly.

>how can you hear OTHER characters thoughts

You don't? If you do is shit writing in the first place. I mean, how can you actually do it if the MC is not close?

>I can or I can choose to enjoy a game as I would a book or movie or a game with multiple protags

Yeah, doing it wrong. Congrats. A game is not a book nor a movie. It's like trying to enjoy movie with no image and just sound or reading a blank book, you're essentially taking out what makes the medium unique because your brain doesn't work well.

>I don't control a no choice VN MC

See above, you see things through his eyes so you do control him. It's like piloting a machine or driving a car.

>the jew overlord author told me he's the MC and I'm his bitch?

Yes, stop playing cuck games if you don't want that, but seeing how you're a cuck, no wonder you keep doing so.

>you say that as if anyone cares or it invalidates it

Everyone does. You're not welcomed here because of that.

>then my jewish master plan to push devs to f95

Which will achieve nothing but the implosion of this "scene" with countless unfinished cuckgames. Yup, thanks for helping me doing so.

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>And it's really simple, honestly.

It is, you thought you knew what it meant, got it wrong, and doubling down

>You don't? If you do is shit writing in the first place. I mean, how can you actually do it if the MC is not close?

exactly, its a game not real life, instances such as that are why real world logic and physics don't forbid you from playing the game any way you want, it already doesn;t make sense so if that breaks your immersion or style it's your problem, doesn't effect the rest of us

>It's like trying to enjoy movie with no image and just sound or reading a blank book

No plenty of people insert in books and movies, games just make it easier and better to do so if you want, if you can't you probs have autism hur

> you see things through his eyes so you do control him. It's like piloting a machine or driving a car.

If I ride in a car and see out the window that's not driving. If I have a go pro on a guy and watch the video I'm not controlling him, the character does what it wants and takes us for the ride, if there are no choices to be made what exactly are we controlling? what are we changing as players and how does one playthrough differ from another players? it doesn't cuck youre retarded


tell me how to enjoy my game master jew author, oh im an ugly jap school boy with small penis o-ok sir but plssss no cuck stuff my little heart cant take it, oh thank you master

>Everyone does. You're not welcomed here because of that.

being this delusional kek I might start redit spacing I bet you're the type of loser that would actually care about that

>Which will achieve nothing but the implosion of this "scene" with countless unfinished cuckgames.

so many devs are there for a reason, partly size and partly cause of lunatics like you, who the fuck would want to deal with consumers like you when plenty of reasonable ones are ready to take your place. cuck games exist due to demand they aren't going away anytime soon, embrace the black and jew overlords

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>It is, you thought you knew what it meant

Sure anon, play it cool, anyone with a brain would realize what your error was.

>instances such as that are why real world logic and physics don't forbid you from playing the game any way you want

Except the limitations imposed by the author, just like books and movies! So if the author want you to be the cuck, you will be the cuck unless you don't play cuck games, which apparently you won't stop since you're a cuck. Don't want to break your cuckmmerssion.

>No plenty of people insert in books and movies

Sure, when they are told from a first person perspective, or should I explain to you how story telling works? And yet, you must be stupid to self-insert as a tertiary character or a minor one

<Reading The Metamorphosis

<Self-inserting as the charwoman

>If I ride in a car and see out the window that's not driving

But you're in the car and you go wherever the driver wants to, so if the car crashes you die too. Not too different from driving yourself, so whether you have the wheel or just see through the window, you're in the car. Same with the MC. In this case, the car is an extension of you, including the pilot if there's one. Try to use your brain a bit more.

>what are we changing as players and how does one playthrough differ from another players?

That doesn't change your ability to self-insert, you said yourself in books people self-insert, usually as the character narrating, and this isn't any different, if something, it's easier.

>tell me how to enjoy my game

Simple, you don't play cuck games. Something hard for a cuck, it seems.

>I bet you're the type of loser that would actually care about that

Go ahead, you have no more credit to lose, cuck.

>when plenty of reasonable ones are ready to take your place

When plenty of brainless cucks, you mean, like yourself. I bet you think "it's just porn".

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>Sure anon, play it cool

sill waiting

>Except the limitations imposed by the author

absolutely correct, if you abide by them aka being the authors cuck bitch

>you must be stupid to self-insert as a tertiary character or a minor one

lets me enjoy a story without inserting as an inferior character, the fact you have no qualms about doing so with a beta male jap boy is very telling mr nice guy incel

>Not too different from driving yourself

Well it fucking is, a game with choices is vastly different to one without especially when self inserting and fostering immersion. Nigga, If the cars about to crash jump out, who cares if the story follows the MC, if hes a cuck why insert as him (I mean I know why you do) and not a secondary character or dont insert at all, the idea you can't because muh author didn't expressly allow it is so mouth breather, for some one who claims to go against the jewish cuck media you sure like to do what your told. This legit boils down to I can;t enjoy things unless I insert to escape life so no one can either, you're a walking contradiction

> I bet you think "it's just porn".

nah bro its a grand conspiracy that all the indie devs are in on and everyone else too brainwashed to stand against and your the hero of the silenced lmao incel dreams

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>sill waiting

Just like your brain, cuck, really slow.

>if you abide by them

Let me guess, when you read the Lord of The Rings for you the protagonist wasn't Frodo but Pippin and it was a dystopian future adventure! Fuck the author, right? Not defending them, though, but if you read a cuckolding book, you can't pretend it isn't about cuckolding, same with cuck games.

>the fact you have no qualms about doing so with a beta male jap boy

I don't, because I don't play cuck games, anon. Also, no, you can't enjoy the story without self-inserting, because the story obliges you to self-insert in either making choices or hearing the MC's thoughts.

>a game with choices is vastly different to one without especially when self inserting and fostering immersion

No it isn't. Read above. That's why the concept of MC exists.

>Nigga, If the cars about to crash jump out, who cares if the story follows the MC, if hes a cuck why insert as him

If he is a cuck why play the game? You're doing the equivalent of jumping ahead of the car to get crushed as it crash. Jumping out means stopping playing cuck games, not self-inserting as someone else, firstly, because in this context there are no more cars around, and secondly because the other character that cucks the MC is the obstacle making the car crash.

>dont insert at all

Then why play games? Go watch porn like a pleb, you don't need to self-insert there, you'd be a cuck anyway.

>you sure like to do what your told

Sure, when what I'm told to do doesn't involve being a cuck.

>so no one can either

I never said you can't, more like if you do, you're a cuck, only explanation to play cuck games, cuck.

>nah bro its a grand conspiracy

Not really, is just people cashing on cucks like you.

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>Just like your brain, cuck, really slow.

I'm sure it's coming, totally not dodging, yep. Pathetic.

>when you read the Lord of The Rings

I didn't, the hobits are all major cucks and gay for each other not just in real life we're like 7 of them we're in fact gay but look at the shire all the men hopping and smiling women all miserable, read between the lines faggot, your favorite book for sure

>for you the protagonist wasn't Frodo

The protag was frodo, doesn;t mean I need to insert as him

>but if you read a cuckolding book, you can't pretend it isn't about cuckolding

correct, to do so would be to deny reality but that doesn;t mean you need to insert as the cuck. Can just enjoy the story , so what if someone gets cucked? I have to feel bad for him cause he's weak? this is why incel stories are funny, they assume we should feel bad for them, I don't, would never allow myself to be so pathetic so I cant relate to your plight

>I don't, because I don't play cuck games

all the jap VNs you love are weak mc that are below average looks, intelligence and are only sought after cause "they're nice" its a loser fantasy that all the cool good looking guys cant also be nice and that women would be so attracted to that they'd actually want to be in your harem, no the 10/10 females are not gonna find 10/10 guys that are nice cause only losers are nice so they'll settle for you, dream on beta

>you can't enjoy the story without self-inserting,

no you can;t as admitted by you, the rest of us can just fine

>No it isn't. Read above. That's why the concept of MC exists.

So a game with a pick your adventure name less faceless MC that you chose wat do with is the same as a named visible VN with no choices and immersion doesnt vary? full retard again

>If he is a cuck why play the game?

Because I'm not so insecure about cucking that I'll stop playing a good game just cause it has elements I dont like such as NTR, especially as I can easily not insert if the MC is beneath me. If the MC is cool I'll insert, if not ill be a god that influences his decisions for shit and giggles just messing with the loser, when I play chess I'm the king but i can control the pawns and the queen, but im still the king

>Then why play games

Because for the millionth time, we have an ability you don't, that is to reap full enjoyment out of a game without needing to insert, so bitter and jealous

>Sure, when what I'm told to do

cuck words from a cuck in denial

>Not really, is just people cashing on cucks like you.

if its not a conspiracy or manipulation then its the free market and if so why would it go away, strap in the bbc's are comin white boi

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>I'm sure it's coming

It isn't, you're supposed to use your brain, cuck, if you have any left.

>read between the lines faggot

I don't need to, I take my media as it is presented from a literal point of view. LotR is a medieval fantasy story, regardless of what you say, just like these games are cuck games, regardless of what you say, those are the facts.

>The protag was frodo, doesn;t mean I need to insert as him

Of course not, it's a book, but saying the protagonist is not Frodo is like saying these are not cuck games.

>to do so would be to deny reality but that doesn;t mean you need to insert as the cuck

Of course it does, is a cuckolding book, why else would you be reading it? If you weren't interesting in cuckolding, you wouldn't be reading it in the first place, just like these games.

>Can just enjoy the story , so what if someone gets cucked?

It makes you a cuck for reading books with cuckolding on it, specially if the main character narrates it from his own point of view, obliging you to self-insert as himself. Also, I find hard to believe you enjoy cuck stories without being a cuck yourself.

>I have to feel bad for him cause he's weak?

Yeah, it's called having empathy, sociopath cuck. At the very least you can choose to not care, but you clearly do, probably because you like cuckolding.

>all the jap VNs you love are weak mc that are below average looks

t. cuck who only plays cuck games and pays too much attention to how the MC looks. Are you gay as well?

>the rest of us can just fine

If that was true there would be less cuck games, anon. You are the one insisting they are on demand to self-insert as the cuck, don't you?

>is the same as a named visible VN with no choices and immersion doesnt vary?

Nice change of argument, cuck. Varying levels of immersion =/= no immersion at all. But they all have something in common, the object of the self-insertion is the MC.

>good game

>good game


You played yourself, cuck, none of these games are good and a game with cuckolding on it can't be good either.

>if not ill be a god

Impossible. God is not a cuck and these games aren't presented for you to play as god, they are presented for you to play as a cuck, cuck.

>when I play chess

I doubt you have the IQ. But you're supposed to be the one commanding them as their king, cuck. That's why the king piece, the most useless and yet more important of them all exist. You're playing games where the king is a cuck and justifying by thinking you're the bishop or something.

>we have an ability you don't

Being a cuck and proud? Only reason for you to enjoy cuck games, anon.

>cuck words from a cuck in denial

You clearly don't even know what your own fetish means. Figured.

>manipulation then its the free market

You realize free market is wildly manipulation, right? I bet you don't even know what propaganda is.

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>It isn't, you're supposed to use your brain, cuck, if you have any left.

Ha I actually know exactly what you're talking about and have the perfect counter but I won't say it, I win. this is how stupid you sound.

>regardless of what you say, those are the facts.

lotr is billed as a medi fantasy, a sub plot however is a raging homo fueled romp, if you refuse to read subtext then unless the game explicitly says it is a cuck game, it isn't. Enjoy your faggot hobbit romps

> is a cuckolding book, why else would you be reading it?

if theres one cuck path in the 100 possible paths is it a cuck game? if so then lotr is a gay cuck story. You can enjoy a story overall while not liking or agreeing with chapters, subplots or even an entire book in a series, unless you have a mental deficiency

>It makes you a cuck for reading books with cuckolding on it

If a character is gay in a series it doesn't make it a gay series, that's fucking ridiculous, especially in a game where you can choose to not see it and play it entirely

>Also, I find hard to believe you enjoy cuck stories without being a cuck yourself.

As you say, they're all cuck games, give me a list of good games, there's nothing without "cuck" in it, so if I have to kill Eric so I can enjoy BB Im fine with that who cares his in the game for 10min

>Yeah, it's called having empathy

He chooses to be weak, go to the fucking gym, learn how to socialize, I have no empathy for the consequences of peoples decisions, preach fat acceptance to me now big boy

>If that was true there would be less cuck games

No it greatly explains why there are so many games where the MC isn't customizable or even likable sometimes (weak cuck MC), or is female in a male dominated space, cause alot of people dont insert

>Nice change of argument, Varying levels of immersion =/= no immersion at all

? I didn;t say that at all, my argument earlier was that levels of immersion can not only vary but also not exist and is especially true that they vary when a game allows for player decisions, keep up

>game with cuckolding on it can't be good either.

then lotr is shit as well faggot, list me some good games and I'll nit pick one thing out of a thousand to make it a "cuck" game

>these games aren't presented for you to play as god, they are presented for you to play as

There are no rules I'll play how I want, if I play as a god to fuck with cucks like you then I'll do it, and if you dont belive me or think I cant that's your issue not mine, why the fuck would I listen to you? its as stupid as me saying dont self insert because I dont play that way, if you enjoy pretending your the MCs cum stains cause that's how you identify in real life go for it, do what ever the fuck you want you cuck-puppet

>I bet you don't even know what propaganda is.

So it's not a conspiracy its disguised propaganda that only a select few enlightened minds see? back to the incel fantasy save us nice guy! save all the chads lmao

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>Ha I actually know exactly what you're talking about and have the perfect counter but I won't say it

I seriously doubt that seeing how you can't even figure out what you misread, cuck.

>if you refuse to read subtext then unless the game explicitly says it is a cuck game, it isn't

>You watch a single woman getting fucked by a lot of men

>Not cuckshit

Yup, they are cuckshit and they are really explicit about it. And let's say you're right about LotR, that means I'm right about these cuck games, as expected.

>if theres one cuck path in the 100 possible paths is it a cuck game?

Yes. Difference with LotR would be that, being a book, you don't have to self-insert. So in books is completely possible to enjoy an overall story. Bu here is the thing, even if the book had a faggot sub-plot, the main deal with the book is medieval fantasy. These games are cuck 100%, why? Female MCs, for example, it's pure cuckshit.

>especially in a game where you can choose to not see it and play it entirely

Except cuckshit is implied from the beginning. No amount of (((optional))) can't change the fact that CG for cuck scenes exist, the fact that is a possible outcome makes the game 100% cuckshit. A book or even a character is different because the book has a set story. If you have the choice to be a cuck, even if you don't go for it, you're still playing a cuck game because said CGs exist in the files, cuck

>there's nothing without "cuck" in it

Games with a single male character will never be cuck games, and there are plenty of that. Hell, even that Jewcat game, as patreon shit as it is, doesn't have a single instance of cuckshit.

>so if I have to kill Eric so I can enjoy BB Im fine with that who cares his in the game for 10min

You still like cuckshit, cuck, not to mention that you have really terrible taste if you think there's anything redeemable in BB. It's DAZ shit, cuckshit, and all characters are shit, the story is even worse.

>I have no empathy for the consequences of peoples decisions

But you seem to root for the cuck, and that makes you a cuck, cuck.

>there are so many games where the MC isn't customizable or even likable sometimes

Yeah, the explanation is that there are a lot of cucks willing to pay for these games. Those are the only pathetic guys who would. They pay to self-insert as the cuck, and that's why this shitty scene hasn't gone bigger, because thankfully most people doesn't like cuckshit and stop giving a shit the moment they see it.

>but also not exist

But this is wrong, cuck, there will always be a level of immersion you like it or not, that's why the fags that play female usually end gay.

>list me some good games and I'll nit pick one thing out of a thousand to make it a "cuck" game

There are literally no good western porn games, even when they don't have cuckshit on it. Cuckshit is only an aggravation, the worst at that.

>that's your issue not mine

You seem overly defensant for that to be the case, cuck, am I bullying you that much?

>if you enjoy pretending your the MCs cum stains cause that's how you identify in real life go for it

That would actually mean the cum stain IS the MC, not because I identify as one,m but because the game present the cum stain as so. You're not even paying attention anymore, cuck, maybe being a cuck finally friend your brain. Hell, there's a VN where you play as a pigeon, because you're intended to be one in-game, or even a game where you play as a tentacle monster. They all have something in common: They all oblige you to self-insert as so.

>propaganda that only a select few enlightened minds see?

No, anyone with a brain can see it, you are just a cuck that likes to be a cuck, cuck.

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>I seriously doubt that

HA this cuck cant even tell Ive defeated him with my secret weapon haha, my ninja is too strong haha

> let's say you're right about LotR, that means I'm right about these cuck games

using you're down right moronic world view I'd be right about lotr and you about these games, but as no one uses it no still very wrong

>being a book, you don't have to self-insert

wow more made up rules to excuse the fact you like cuck shit like lotr how convenient and very authoritarian (by the jewish definition of course)

>A book or even a character is different because the book has a set story.

lmao do you even believe this shit, you're grasping so hard just making up more and more bs as you go along, anytime your logic fails you create more loopholes, you're floundering and we all see it

>even if you don't go for it, you're still playing a cuck game because said CGs exist in the file

even if you don't like or read the cuck sub plot your still reading a cuck story like lotr as it exists in the book, cuck

>Games with a single male character will never be cuck games

a female can cuck you or an off screen male, otherwise no males exist in the universe which is what you want cause your afraid theyll cuck you it all makes sense now, classic incel cant compete with chads

>You still like cuckshit,

nothing says I enjoy the cuck element more then killing the guy whos cucking you, logic!

>But you seem to root for the cuck

how the fuck did you come to that conclusion, are you even listening, if the MC is a cuck then fuck him he deserves it, the fact you empathize with him while hes a cuck makes you a beta cuck

>this shitty scene hasn't gone bigger

its ok the jews will keep bombarding them with propaganda itll grow in time

> there will always be a level of immersion you like it or not

for others sure, and if they want to play with immersion good for them but me and many others dont and you still cant come to terms with that which is why youll never understand the scene, why it grows and you'll just keep pointing to the patriarchy I mean jews for all your problems

>There are literally no good western porn games

then its really sad you choose to spend so much time on a board dedicated to them, like really sad and pathetic

>You're not even paying attention anymore

You arent, I'm not saying the author doesnt intend for me to play the game a certain way, Im saying regardless, if id enjoy to do it a different way I of course will and to not would be very illogical and make you a sheeple cuck. Games arent designed with speedrunning in mind but theres an enitre community of people dedicated to doing it, would you say to them stop having fun and play the game as intended? I mean you definitely would cause your mentally ill but healthy people wouldnt

>They all oblige you to self-insert as so.

well god forbid youd do something youd prefer that they dont intend, that would make you a free thinker, and the patr-jewish overlords cant allow that right, look out for their weather machines

>anyone with a brain can see it

and yet not a single news organization of the literally tens of thousands in the world have picked up on it yet, obviously their in on it making it a conspiracy or brain washed as well by the jewish elite, save us nice guy-kun

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>this cuck cant even tell Ive defeated him with my secret weapon

I doubt you have any secret weapon if you can't even figure out a single fuck up, cuck.

>but as no one uses it no still very wrong

Only because you were wrong about LotR doesn't make the point any less valid. You're playing cuck games, cuck.

>more made up rules

Actually that's literally how narration rules work. If you want people to be able to identify as one of the characters, you make that character narrate the story and see and feel things though him, just like in games!

<He still doesn't know what authoritarian is

>I-it's a loophole!

How so? Are you going to tell me books doesn't have set stories? Unless you're talking about a "your own adventure" book, you can't change the outcome of books. There can't be (((optional))) stuff in books, thus you can't be a "cuck by mistake" by reading a book, while if you choose to play games with (((optional))) cuckolding you're still a cuck.

>cuck story like lotr as it exists in the book

Are you lost, cuck? Also, read above, a sub-plot is not (((optional))), so you either read a cuck book or not, so if you were right about LotR, and it seems like you don't know shit about it, if there was a cuck sub-plot it would indeed be a cuck book.

>a female can cuck you or an off screen male

Gee anon, I don't know, you're the cuck expert, it seems. But I stand still, games with no other males than the MC = Not a single instance of cucking.

>nothing says I enjoy the cuck element more then killing the guy whos cucking you

Still playing cuck games plus about half the game is Eric cucking you anyway. But wait! Mods will fix it! Doesn't change the fact that you're playing a cuck game, mods or not.

>how the fuck did you come to that conclusion

<I-I don't have to self-insert as the cuck! But it's nice that there's someone getting cucked! He deserves it!


>its ok the jews will keep bombarding them with propaganda itll grow in time

It's actually doing the contrary, thankfully. People who realize how shitty it is either drop it or migrate to nip games. 100% free of jews.

>but me and many others dont

Yeah, I call that group "brain damaged cucks" for a reason. Again, it's like reading blank books or watching a movie without video. Just go back and watch porn like a pleb where you don't have to self-insert.

>then its really sad you choose to spend so much time on a board dedicated to them

I think they could be good, if only it wasn't plagued with cuckshit, or patreon shit, for that matter.

>He defends speedrunner


Holy shit! I knew you were an autist! Speedrunners are cancer and it completely proves how full of shit you are. What else? You also defend esports?

>would you say to them stop having fun and play the game as intended?

Yes, I always do and I'm not the only one. Haven't been a lot on /v/, have you? Scared of a big bad board?

>well god forbid youd do something youd prefer that they dont intend

I don't, when that's the case I don't play those games.

>M-muh free thinking

So you are a fedora as well? Got it. the list keeps making itself bigger, cuck.

>Trusting News organizations

>Implying news organizations would feature porn

Gee, and then I'm the sheeple. Back to cuckchan with you.

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>can't even figure out a single fuck up

yes the mythical mistake your still afraid to post, whats that now, the quad down? lordy

>you were wrong about LotR

I applied your logic, therefore if Im wrong your logic is wrong, which is the point, thank you for finally admitting it

>that's literally how narration rules work.

1. There are no rules of narration, its a word meaning to tell a story 2. I didn't argue how it works but you're attributing intent to it, that it's used to make the reader/player identify or insert as that person, you are then using that fallacy as basis for why we must or should self insert to a character who is a narrator yet also claim self inserting as multiple characters or god is not possible yet the change of a narrator, breaking 4th wall and other plot devises would go against your made up rules, go ahead and change them now instead of admitting you were wrong.

>Are you going to tell me books doesn't have set stories?

No Im not telling you that, why are you telling me games dont have a set story and that theyre exclusive to books? no choice VN or games with meaningless choices etc. Also not being a set story helps my argument, if the book is about cucking its a cuck book if the game has a cuck, gay, lesbian, straight, virgin paths then its not a cuck game because it has no set story, its just an erotic game and you picks your fetish, if you pick the cuck path, as you would then lie about it, youre a cuck

>thus you can't be a "cuck by mistake

sure you can, the author, a prequel or sequel can reveal at a later date the characters were gay cucks, even the last chapter could. Youre stupid argument is if it does you would then claim to of retroactively hated what you previously enjoyed and to not would make you a cuck. I.e. you enjoyed lotr until you found out the hobbits are gay, now you claim well I never liked it, which is ridiculous

>a sub-plot is not (((optional)))

can be, if its further explained in another book, movie or medium, if you skip the chapter (choose youre own adventure) or you just omit it from the story, as in I don't like the hobbits being gay cause I'm a homophobe, so I'll acknowledge it is there as I dont deny reality but personally pretend it's not so I can continue to enjoy the story, oh wait that would be against the made up (((rules)))

>I-I don't have to self-insert as the cuck! But it's nice that there's someone getting cucked! He deserves it!

Never said it was nice that they're getting cucked I said I don't care as I don't empathize with them and I rationalized not caring for them because it's their own fault for being weak, I forgot in your mental ill mind not caring = loving and rooting for it

>It's actually doing the contrary

Yea I can tell that's why more and more pop up everyday and games that started without are adding it as an option, long live the princess, I bet you liked it till a few days ago, retro cuck

>I think they could be good

Yea it was the west that started with the cuck stuff not the literal NTR weak mc get his girl fucked in front of him shit japan has plenty of

> I knew you were an autist! Speedrunners are cancer

Always the sign of someone truly miserable that he would care about what others do for fun when it doesn't affect him at all. Why come up with convoluted rules that don't stand up to two minutes of scrutiny and not just say, I don't like it when people enjoy things and in ways I don't

>Scared of a big bad board?

Yes Im scared of a loud minority of truly pathetic autists who get visibly upset at others happiness when it doesn't infringe on theirs due to jealousy

>I don't, when that's the case I don't play those games.

you lack versatility, sucks to be you, dont blame us

>So you are a fedora as well? Got it.

listening to the jew overlords and advocating following of rules and against free think while preaching others are manipulated and puppets, the irony

>Implying news organizations would feature porn

Implying they haven't in the thousands, you've said some dumb shit but nigga that took the cake https://www.google.com/search?q=news+stories+about+porn

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I'd agree with nearly all of your arguments, but mixing "you're" and "your" up several times makes that really hard.

Also, you can lay out your argument as objectively correct as any argument can be, and people will still reject it because they simply want to. There's people who firmly believe the earth is flat, despite video evidence from space, ships disappearing beyond the horizon and the shape of the earth visible during lunar eclipses. It's the same type of people who shout "cucking" all the time, so dont waste too much energy arguing.

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Yea I tend to type fast and not proof read but I understand which is which lol

You're right, I know there's no convincing him he literally has mental issues but best case the others can see how ridiculous it is and put an end to it or worst case devs and reasonable people migrate to "cuck95" where this autism is moderated so win win

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Gonna try this.. by the way i played Soldier's life and i hope you don't ever try the rng-choices again, even having grinding to get higher stats doesn't prevent that i my choices go through a gamble to be on top which just causes save scumming and grinding… a. FUCKING. lot…

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>mythical mistake your still afraid to post

It's funny to see you struggling while still not knowing what you made wrong other than existing.

>therefore if Im wrong your logic is wrong

False equivalence, cuck. You were wrong because on your ignorance on the book, not because the logic is wrong. If LotR had gay shit it'd be a gay book, even if it was a subplot, but that's not the case.

>There are no rules of narration,

Jesus fuck, I don't know if you are an ignorant or you are just trying to hide these facts. Did you even finished school?

>that it's used to make the reader/player identify or insert as that person

Yeah, it's called first person narration.

>breaking 4th wall and other plot devises would go against your made up rules

Yeah, it's called meta narration. Seriously, cuck, read an english book, your constant your/you're mistakes shows how much of a brainlet you're

>why are you telling me games dont have a set story

Because the outcome can be changed by the player or at the very least it's always different how you get there by player. That's what differentiate games from any other media. And the games that don't do this are shit games. It's called interactivity.

>if the game has a cuck, gay, lesbian, straight, virgin paths then its not a cuck game because it has no set story

Then you'd be pkaying a cuck/faggot/shit game because you CAN'T fucking mix those and this is the very reason nip games are better than western games.

>a prequel or sequel can reveal at a later date the characters were gay cucks, even the last chapter could

A prequel/sequel isn't part of the story people liked, that's why Star Wars fans tend to hate the prequels, and yet the original trilogy remains unchanged despite what the sequels or prequels might say. That's a set story, even if prequels says Han Solo is gay, the fact is he fucks with Leia in the trilogy. If it was in the last chapter it would still be part of the book, so if the last chapter says is a cuck book then it's a cuck book, cuck.

>if its further explained in another book

Read above.

>I said I don't care

No, you said you rather self-insert as the guy doing the cucking but you still don't, meaning you actually root for them. Must be part of being a cuck to root for them even when they are made to be hated.

>Yea I can tell that's why more and more pop up everyday

Never heard of what clogging the market is? More shit cuck games = Less support, specially when all those games are mediocre DAZ shit and the only place they get support is in Fag95, luckily not here and never here.

>Yea it was the west that started with the cuck stuff not the literal NTR weak mc get his girl fucked in front of him shit japan has plenty of

Read above. Nip that makes cuck games are exclusivelly cuckshit and they are branded as so. They don't start making a vanilla game and then in the middle of the fucking shit they change their mind and say "Nope, it's actually cuckshit!" Because that drop sales, to the point the market is completely divided in those topics, but guess which one is more profitable, hint: it's not cuckshit.

>you lack versatility

<You are not a cuck so you are not versatile

Kek. I guess.

>the irony

Where? The libtard fedora that doesn't understand he is a cuck and yet defends cuckolding?

>Implying they haven't in the thousands

Gee! Look at those totally non-(((independent))) news sites!

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>still not knowing what you made wrong

we all believe you

>If LotR had gay shit it'd be a gay book, even if it was a subplot, but that's not the case.

denial of cuck shit, what a cuck, muh lotr, muh precious

>these facts.

There are rules as to IF something is narration, or what TYPE of narration it is but not purpose or motive i.e. just because you are telling a story through direct or indirect narration from the point of view of a character you can do so for a variety of reasons and to say its a rule that if you do it is for a particular purpose such as forcing self insert or whatever is unsupported by its definition and millions of works who did not use it in said way

>Yeah, it's called first person narration.

I can write a story now with first person narration, its purpose to show the characters stupid thought process and not to have the reader/player self insert or empathize with that character, that alone shows your "rule" to be arbitrary

>your constant your/you're mistakes shows how much of a brainlet you're

>still not knowing what you made wrong

>Did you even finished school?

>and many many more

Would you really like to go over grammatical errors and spelling? I may have rushed a lot and made mistakes with my yours but you've got a lot of explaining to do in many areas but I guess when you've resorted to nothing but making up rules and "facts" to support your argument you do have to grasp at straws

>Then you'd be pkaying a cuck/faggot/shit game

Sure if all paths we're significant or theres enough content to justify it, no one would do that cause then every game would have 5000+ tags, with that logic if a single npc is gay the entire game is gay, or to go further would be if a single man in the games universe were gay, visible or not as it would be implied so gay tag, if one character is a virgin add that, if one kissed anothers foot add foot fetish, it's stupid.

>A prequel/sequel isn't part of the story people liked

Exactly my point, where do we draw the line and for what purpose, you can say I liked the prequels and I can say then your a cuck cause star wars is a sjw series and the prequels are part of it, same as I can say I liked this game/book and you say then you're a cuck as it has cuck scenes/chapters which I say I skipped and don't like those. It's all so arbitrary and moronic. Also in the prequels the rebels are accepting and saving inferior races, vaders voiced by a nigger, you're not allowed to root for the empire as skywalkers the progtag, women are capable as is lando another nigger, so you're a cuck now.

>you said you rather self-insert as the guy doing the cucking but you still don't, meaning you actually root for them

Said others can and do and If I had to personally choose I would with the guy doing the cucking as I see no issue in cucking someone but I don't self insert in general so I don't with either, this is not hard to follow

>More shit cuck games = Less support, specially when all those games are mediocre DAZ shit

I agree the daz shit is bad but I don't see less of them pop up I see more and more everyday, man these guys must REALLY love their cuck shit

>luckily not here and never here

covering your eyes doesn't make it reality, theirs plenty of people discussing cuck games here and just because a few of you guys throw a tantrum it doesn't negate the other side or the lurkers who dont bother to engage yet still support the games

>cuck games are exclusivelly cuckshit and they are branded as so

cuck by your usage isnt limited to NTR and types of it, you've already admitted you don't follow the definition and just call whatever you don't like cuckshit, I rarely see in depth tags as people dont care, straight/gay/les/bi and extreme or popular fetishes is usually all there is, group or sharing stuff that you call cuck is almost (((standard))) at this point

>You are not a cuck so you are not versatile

I was referring to any game that isnt presented in a way you like or gameplay/narration as opposed to cuck or any fetish specifically, but your minds always on cuck stuff so no surprise it went there first

>The libtard fedora that doesn't understand he is a cuck and yet defends cuckolding?

Jews are bad they're taking away freedom and manipulating us, but at the same time listen to what I say you should want and if you disagree you're brainwashed and a liberal, you sound like those femtards who fight for womens rights to choose only if their choices line up with their beliefs otherwise they're brainwashed by the patriarchy, top meme

>Implying news organizations would feature porn

>Gee! Look at those totally non-(((independent))) news sites!

Scroll a few pages you'll find independent ones as well, so not only we're you wrong about no orgs at all writing about porn but now both types

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If you autistic twins could stop bumping this thread and just exchange numbers so you can cyber, the rest of us would appreciate it.

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And drink some bleach while you're at it.

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>119 posts

>the only download link in the entire thread is the fourth post, and its to the 0.01 version

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Again, does anyone have the most recent Patreon release? The free version that's out is still barely cobbled together and I want to know if this is worth my time.

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ITT a cuck and a fag eat up 50 of the thread being autists

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Yeah, why the fuck is this the only thread on the whole board where people aren't posting links to the latest version?

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>we all believe you

You should start believing in yourself to see if you finally stop being so dumb.

>denial of cuck shit, what a cuck, muh lotr, muh precious

Did you had a stroke?

>you can do so for a variety of reasons

The most popular being empathy and self-insertion. If that wasn't the case it'd be a third-person narration or even an omnipotent narration, but seeing how that isn't the case with first-person narration then you're a cuck for reading cuck books in first person.

>its purpose to show the characters stupid thought process

There are better narration methods for that, showing just how stupid you're. Please never write anything in your life, like your horribly formatted posts.

>It's an arbitrary rule so it's wrong!

Hmmm… Sounds familiar. Not to mention that you're wrong, it might be arbitrary, but it has a purpose, relieving experiences through someone else's feelings and sensations is the best if not fastest way to create empathy. Something you'd know if you didn't drop highschool, cuck.

>Would you really like to go over grammatical errors and spelling?

Go ahead, english isn't my main language, and yet it's better than yours, shows what cuckolding does to your grammar and understanding of the english language to the point you want to deny what cuckolding actually is.

>no one would do that cause then every game would have 5000+ tags

That's why you DON'T do it. Even japs understand this. If you want a cuck game, make a cuck game and attract all cucks. If you do a cuck/faggot/straight game you'd be just luring a really niche group that like those tags, and there are really few of those. The only reason western faggots still play those is because they don't have a lot of option because devs still push all those things together expecting them to stick. They don't. And yes, if one man is gay and it's visible, then it's a gay game and you should fucking add the gay tag. No fucking straight person would play a game for straight people with gay content on it, making most of the gay content redundant and useless. How fucking hard is this to understand?

>where do we draw the line and for what purpose

The line is clear, cuck. I repeated it plenty of times. If the main arc contains cuckolding then it's a cuck book, as simple as that. Star wars original trilogy is something on itself since that was how it was intended. The rest can be garbage and it doesn't affect the original trilogy whatsoever. If the original trilogy was garbage, nothing would change that fact.

>I-it's so arbitrary!

Hmmm… So familiar.

>Said others can and do and If I had to personally choose I would

So you would root for the cuck, and even worse, since you don't self-insert, you are just in to see yourself be cucke. No difference, you endorse cuck games in the first place and you say so yourself some posts ago, cuck.

>but I don't see less of them pop up

And you won't. That means less money for them and less people trying, same with injecting shitty fetishes like cuckolding just to see how they stick. Right now Patreon is a bubble about to burst.

>theirs plenty of people discussing cuck games here

There's not even people discussing any games at all, cuck. Being a cuck made you delusional? Lurkers are faggots that only post asking for links regardless of game quality. See >>48237 and >>48267

>you've already admitted you don't follow the definition

Never did such a thing. The definition I've been using all along is what a cuck is, ie you.

>I rarely see in depth tags as people dont care

Yeah, in the west for aforementioned reasons. In nipland there are far more tags, actually less but pretty specific. That's how it should be done, if there was any competition whatsoever here in the west, of course.

>group or sharing stuff that you call cuck is almost (((standard))) at this point

Jesus, you're pretty bad at this, aren't you? Group applies mostly to FMF and sharing is almost nonexistent outside it's own niche. Go check /hgg/ if you don't believe me.

>I was referring to any game that isnt presented in a way you like

I insist

<You don't like cuckolding so you're not versatile

got it.

>top meme

So you're a fedora. Got it.

>Scroll a few pages you'll find independent ones as well

Gee, the point went straight over your head. Bet you don't even know what (((this))) means, newfag.


>Wanting the link of a cuck game

Also, pretty sure the dev used to lurk this thread.

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File: b338e1cc878f2ae⋯.jpg (105.74 KB,624x449,624:449,meatpuppet.jpg)


>yfw it's pyorgara playing both sides to bump his thread

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Haha. I wish I had that drive to do publicity.

Hey everyone! New public release for V0.04!

Version 0.06: Available to 5$ patrons.

Version 0.05: Available to 1$ patrons.

Version 0.04: Publicly released - https://www.patreon.com/Pyorgara.

Here's what's new for this public offering:

- Wrote 20 pages of script.

- Changed the way saves operate.

- Added day selection to the cheat panel. Complemented by giving you all the important choices.

- Added the Mia character art.

Did an overall of the cheat engine which made me have to change the way saves worked. Everybody with previous saves will have to go delete them before playing or the game will crash. This should be the definitive version of the saving code so I hope to not have to make you guys restart again.

Just go here to find the old saves:

WIN: C: => Users => [user] => AppData => LocalLow => Pyorgara => HM

MAC: Library => Application Support => Pyorgara => HM

LINUX: home => [username] => .config => unity3d => Pyorgara => HM

Let me know what you think of the game!

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File: 053b07495a4f078⋯.gif (356.5 KB,550x400,11:8,2009.gif)

>over two fucking months writing massives walls of butthurt and salt over a stupid hentai game

Holy fucking shit, somebody hold my Aspergers.

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>Let me know what you think of the game!

What game?

Seriously, the amount of content at this point is embarassingly low.

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File: 2fd20bbc336ed92⋯.jpg (67.32 KB,505x640,101:128,haircucked.jpg)


That nigga is doing it everywhere from a lot of time now.

He don't even want to see depicted girls whose hairs go down to their breasts, cause it means that the girls titties are being groped by her hairs and this is cuck. So ignore him.

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Out of curiosity, which version did you play?

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File: 14a03327be5cd63⋯.jpg (133.99 KB,1280x720,16:9,1530838836504.jpg)


i love all your work that you've put out. but this the art looks fucking generic. i liked your simpler art from the last games. so so far out of the gate, i have a blind hatred for this game like a left 4 dead game

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And seeing the amount of progress from 0.01 i doubt that 0.06 is much better.

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Hehe. Yeah, I forgot about the version number when I asked. Still, I don't know about you but I can usually start to judge a game by the start of it. Things like tone, characters and art style.


Oh yeah? My artist decided to go for an anime style for this one since she wanted to try something new. I get where you're coming from, though. Hentai IS everywhere compared to a more western cartoon style.

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Played 0.04. I don't mind the art but this really needs more content for the time that goes by between updates. This lasted like 5 minutes.

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Every month, I can manage around 20 to 25 pages of content. Believe me when I say that I also wish I could put more in there but real life eats up most of my time. (Full time job, family, friends and social obligations.) I do what I can with the time I have. ^_^

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>Having a patreon with hundreds of donations that give you more than 1000 bucks monthly

>Not considering it a job and a duty to your patrons, but just a mean to kill free time

This is why i hate patreonshit.

When you get a significant amount of "real money" to do what you do (dunno how much your "full time job" give to you but where i live 1000 monthly bucks would make you live a non completely shitty life) you cannot dismiss it with a "i have real life shit to do". Is a pity that i'm not your patron cause i would have really liked to stop my support at this point.

If you work with the mindset and the schedule of a no donations dev, then i don't see why you should get any donation to begin with.

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simply put, some people like to donate to the developer they like and want to see more work from. If you want to do more, you're free to do so.

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File: bc36d9831e216b6⋯.jpg (125.05 KB,1920x1080,16:9,FxAOF.jpg)


Some people have sufficient money to be patrons and not feel the hurt or need to be slavedrivers.

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Fuck man, If I was getting over $1,000 a month, that'd be better than what I earn now.

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You must live in a neighborhood of cardboard boxes to consider 1000/month liveable. And you know Patreon takes a cut, I just don't know how much. OP delivers consistent content, Posts weekly updates, and is generally one of the friendlier content creators. Releases versions early to patrons but everyone gets his stuff for free, whole game included once it's done.

I'm trying really hard to imagine how this could be done in a more consumer friendly fashion, but every scenario that I imagine you'd suggest has literally no place in the real world. I'm not a patron of his right now but I'll hop back on his patron train when the builds get further along so I can check it out when it has more content.

Don't worry OP, this board is full of kids who complain if they can't get everything for free. Keep doing your thing. Soldier's Life was awesome.

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Is no different from asking a friend to fix your sink and giving him some bucks for the bother. And then finding he did nothing cause "you know… my job… then the pizza with friends… better shit to do, i'll do later your later".

The moment a single cent leave your pocket to go inside the pocket of someone else you establish a responsibility, a duty.

If this responsibility is dismissed with "i have better ways to waste my time" then i have better ways to waste my money as well. Plain and simple.

I surely don't demand to any dev to hole themselves in their basement and dedicate every non sleeping second of their life to draw porn cause a bunch of guys is giving them 1 dollar monthly to support it.

But the way he put it, basically defeat the purpose of giving him a support at all.

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Thanks for the love, anon. ^_^


Maybe I didn't explain it well previously but I'll try again. When you work on huge projects like a game, you MUST find the proper balance for you or you'll overheat and burn out. The time that you're not working on it is just as important as the time that you are. I managed to find my personal balance and have now produced continual content for 3+ years now. So, I don't want to start patting my own back too much but I'm pretty proud of what I managed to accomplish.

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just hope you go back to male protag

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Loving the female protag. To each their own.

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Loving both of you.

Also want to have herm protag, just so that these two can hate me.

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but i love you and your idea

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>You play as Mia, a wallflower with a will to be better. She never made any waves throughout high school. Didn't have much friends, didn't try anything and almost invisible to anyone. Now that she's starting college, she would like to re-invent herself to be more important but will she be able to or will her inner voice win and drag her down?

There's an old saying in Tennessee…

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This girl is stupid and everything that happened to her was her fault.

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My next game actually will have a male lead. ^_^

Hey everyone! New public release for V0.05!

Version 0.07: Available to 5$ patrons.

Version 0.06: Available to 1$ patrons.

Version 0.05: Publicly released - https://www.patreon.com/Pyorgara.

Here's what's new for this public offering:

- Wrote 25 pages of script.

- 2 new sex scenes.

- 5 new sexy scenes.

- Added 9 CGs to the “Seb” blowjob scene.

We’re starting to get into more lewd scenarios as the character introductions are done. I would advise you guys to leave a save file for the start of the new day as there are more choices that will be written this month. I also didn’t add the reputation gain or losses for the day because I made the day loop in on itself so that you guys can play with the options.

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what is this manga and what do they say in ten eyes sea

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Stuck in a loop after choosing where to go I can choose Charlotte or Valentine but no matter which option I pick or what I do I keep going back to the "where to go" option.

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Disregard. I suck cocks and can't read.

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Game's on indefinite hiatus. OP bit off more than he could chew. Will be changing projects.

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henshin emergence

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Doesn't look so ambitious.

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Yup. Sadly, that's true. There's still 2 updates coming for you guys, though.


I know, right! I didn't think so either when I planned the whole thing. It looked very feasible but the reality was different. Stories with lots of choices are really hard to keep up with without a team for support. I always wondered why all the authors of such stories would quit midway even if their product was good… Now I know. Lesson learned.

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>hall monitor

>fem mc

>Pledges start to steadily drop since it starts

>"indefinite hiatus"

>aka abandoned

>next game is going back to male mc

>Probably another game where you train some prude/bitch

>what he started and built his audience in the first place with

Unless i'm gonna be able to be trapish and take lots of dicks or chad thundercock with a harem this time it is obvious why this is "on hold"

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Hey everyone! New public release for V0.06!

[b]Version 0.07:[/b] Available to 5$ patrons.

[b]Version 0.07:[/b] Available to 1$ patrons.

[b]Version 0.06:[/b] Publicly released - https://www.patreon.com/Pyorgara

Here's what's new for this public offering:

- Wrote 23 pages of script. (Ms. Grace's scenes and student's scenes)

- 5 new sex scenes.

- Added Charlotte's character art.

This is the second to last update for Hall monitor as I'm transitioning to a new game: "News

room". There are quite a few factors for this decision but the main ones is “development time VS

payoff”. For this game, I wanted to focus on replayability and for choices to matter as much as

possible. And while it looked doable on paper, it was quite different in execution.

I took a long look at the project and the future and, after agonizing over it for a few days,

decided that if I would want to continue on this, I would need additional staff (maybe in the

future). The simpler gameplay also lead to a reliance on art to help entertain the players which

is alway slow in coming since my lovely wife had her own things to take care of before she can help

me with my project. So it is with a very heavy heart that I’ll shelf this project.

Tl;dr - Hall monitor is going on indefinite hiatus after version 0.07.

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Well if there is one game you had to put on Hiatus (indefinitely ) I would rather it be a game I haven't /have no interest in playing (this one).

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Hey everyone! New public release for V0.07!

Version 0.07: Available to 5$ patrons.

Version 0.07: Available to 1$ patrons.

Version 0.07: Publicly released - https://www.patreon.com/Pyorgara.

Here is the last release of Hall monitor for now. The project is now on hiatus indefinitely.

The deets for 0.07:

- Wrote 19 pages of script.

- 3 and a half new sex scenes.

- Added the CGs for the Valentine and Sophia sex scene.

- Added the variables and endings for day 3.

I am now working on my new game "News desk". Build 0.01 is now released for my 5$ patrons.

[b]News desk:[/b]

You will play as a male news co-anchor, Garrick Reynolds. You and your female co-host (Cassandra Hamilton) are both alphas that clawed your ways to where you are now. The new problem is that the station is getting bought by a big news corporation and there will only be one anchor when the sale goes down. Both you and your colleague will try to sabotage each other to get that coveted spot. Maybe your opponent’s college aged daughter would be a good place to start.

The main gameplay will consist of a build your deck kind of system. You’ll start with a basic set of cards and the events that you encounter, the sex scenes that you’ll discover, and the decision you make will add or remove cards from your deck. You’ll also be able to mess with your co-anchor’s deck but she’ll get to do the same in return.

The deets:

- intro script.

- 10 cards introduced for HER.

- 40 cards for YOU.

- The battle system in general.

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>The project is now on hiatus indefinitely


Your other game looks like a game but seems boring, though. Better than Hall Monitor, though.

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Add the option to name our character, most popular games have a feature so who knows how many people will jump in if you have that feature.

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>Add the option to name our character, most popular games have a feature

I weep at our future if this sells shit to people.

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most of your games consist of tearing down prudes and bitches. this is your bread and butter.

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Why? You want some named character that is not you to do the job, cuck?

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Its as bleak as yours the moment you post on this shithole.


Also this.

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Even if you name the character it doesn't make it "you" either cuck.

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>What is self-inserting

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Do you self insert into any other porn as well or no?

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POV. Otherwise is cuckshit.

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It does. Only cucks say it doesnt because they like to think they are trying to normalize cuckoldry. Letting players name their MC is an universal feature used for those who wants their players to BE the MC. So fuck off cuck.

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It doesn't. It is just as cuck.

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It is since its something done by gamedevs so opinions of cuckanons like you are irrelevant.

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>Self-insertion is still cucking because I say so

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Whatever you say cuck

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What did you say? I didnt bother to read since you are just some random cuckanon.

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Fuck you, you fucking Cluck. This thread was good where it was:


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