>I'll express my mutual interest in a game with both these traits. Hell, if someone's working on one, I'll probably want to help out.
Fountain of Mana had a pretty good one.
Too bad it was only one scene, hours into the game, and the only thing good about it.
Dev is a lazy cunt, I think Obama was still in office the last time it was updated.
Plus it's main fetish is of a Teenage Girl slowly discovering she enjoys exposing her panties, through the help of a pervy old fatman *blech!*
Crisis Point has some decent scenes, if you download the older versions before the Dev cucked out and removed the rapey stuff (turned out they only had it in the first place because rapey stuff was popular back when they started work on it years and years ago (gotta love the speed of patreon stuff), so they jumped on the bandwagon)
The late 00s were a great time for Ryona games, of course most of them were Japanese because the west's adult devs are pussified.
Stuff like Nanocrisis, Hounds of the Blade, and most of JSKs games (all of which are from a male's perspective) have rape scenes complete with tears and the woman expressing how she's weak and a failure.
Pure boner fuel!!!
The only hardcore rape dev in the west I know of that is still active is Shadowstar (https://www.LINK REMOVED/Shadowstar2k (freebie folder: https://mega.nz/#F!IpFGXDBL!C1WSJBcxOHyBJNLnizAS3A)), who made the Xenoscourge mini-rpgs (small, but very satisfying)
I say active… only because he's been 'working' on GrrlPower2 for ten years, and it's still a buggy glitchy not-even alpha game.