Ren'py: if the dev has built the game for Win+Linux, just use the launcher (.sh). If not, download the corresponding SDK and add the missing libraries.
RPG Maker MV / Visual Novel Maker: if the file is a big .exe, afaik you must first unpack it by running Enigma VB Unpacker on Wine. If uncompressed, you can launch it through NW.js (the SDK version is shipped with an useful console). Open the NW.js directory in a terminal, create two soft links pointing to the file package.json and the www directory of the game, then launch the game:
>./nw .
HTML: a HTML game runs natively, just open it in any browser. If made with Twine, in order to save your progress on the hard disk, open the game directory in a terminal and type (replace PORT with any number > 1024):
>python3 -m http.server --bind PORT
then visit this URL in any browser tab:
Flash: download the Flash projector from this page:
Java: either you install the Oracle package, or the corresponding open source packages (OpenJDK + OpenFX: games with a GUI need both).
DOS: install Dosbox.
Others: see >>373121 . For Wine: create a new prefix, download winetricks from github and install the missing libraries (some games may need stuff like corefonts, DirectX, .NET 4.5, vcrun6, winhttp).
RPG Maker games (pre-MV) run fine on Wine, once you install the right RTPs (+ MSGothic fonts):
For games made with RPG Maker 2000/2003, there is also EasyRPG.
Fonts: ttf-mscorefonts-installer includes most Windows fonts.
Japanese filenames: you must generate a locale:
>sudo locale-gen ja_JP.UTF-8
and prefix your console commands with:
Case sensitivity: you have multiple solutions. For instance you can: use ciopfs; create a new case insensitive partition with dd+mkfs; move your games in a FAT partition or in an NFTS partition mounted with lowntfs-3g.
Cheat Engine: the Linux equivalent is scanmem + gameconqueror (a GUI front-end)
Old general: https://archive.li/NL0FF (there should be a more recent general somewhere)
Old guide: https://pastebin.com/21Yi6vnt (some stuff is outdated though)