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 No.3529 [View All]

>you roll it

>you code it

>you post it

Time to get fit. Any language you prefer. No re-rolls boys.

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el rolo

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rollin rollin rollin

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void) {
int toss = 0;
int call = 0;

toss = rand() % 2;

printf("Say head or tail! press 0 for head and 1 for tail:");
scanf("%d", &call);
if(call==0 || call==1)
if(toss == call)
printf("You called it correctly ... it is tailn");
printf("You called it correctly ... it is headn");
printf("No way ...it is head !n");
printf("No way ... it is tail!n");

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never ever.

#! /usr/bin/env ijconsole
9!:1 >.*:+/6!:0'' NB. seed from sub-second time
usage =: 3 : 0
stderr 'usage: ', (>1 } ARGV), ' <heads|tails>', LF
exit 1
toss =: ?2
ohno =: 'No way' ; 'You called it correctly'
itis =: '... it is heads' ; '... it is tails'
right =: toss = 'tails' -: >(2 } :: usage) ARGV
echo (> right { ohno), (> right { itis)
exit 0

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then what? first time using C

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this is my first c program so bear with me...couldnt get a int value from newline or convert the string to int, kept getting seg faults

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lord have mercy

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no gay shit pls

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File: 663cde173c0f40d⋯.jpeg (40.13 KB,500x500,1:1,roll.jpeg)

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Guess I'll roll, depending on what I get I will post code.

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>Guess I'll roll, depending on what I get I will post code.

I intended to post code, but ended up satisfied enough with it that I put it in my git repo instead.

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local limit = ({...})[1]
assert(tonumber(limit), "Usage: fib (nth number)")
limit = tonumber(limit)
assert(limit > -1, "Only non negative numbers")
if limit == 0 or limit == 1 then
print "1"

local a = 1 --0th fib number
local b = 1 --1st fib number
local c

for i=1, limit-1 do
c = a+b
a = b
b = c


Language: lua

Assumes 0th fib number is 1, 1st fib number is 1

I rolled 28, yes :/

can I help someone with their challenge?

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lemme roll

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Python ez solution with sdl.

You will need:

pip install PySDL2



use arrow keys to move

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>scanf never ever

scanf is fine as long as you're aware of the trailing newline. And what is getline and why does it exist when we have fgets

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may as well count that one as a roll

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Your code is vulnerable to stack buffer overflow.

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already done, roll again

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roll again

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Not my code, but I don't see it. He doesn't buffer anything, and only processes input a single character at a time.

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Ready to get cucked by the programming god.

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>89 Sine wave generator from pseudorandom numbers

Why in the fuck would you do that. Maybe this is poorly worded and they mean is make a prg with a sinusoidal output, but if you want to make a sine wave generator you sure as hell shouldn't be using random numbers.

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>if you want to make a sine wave generator you sure as hell shouldn't be using random numbers.

Nope. A white noise generator, perhaps.

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File: 22303adf59ec55b⋯.webm (632.97 KB,782x786,391:393,1585000053374.webm)

We rolling boys

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//Fib Generator

//Generates 1st - ith fibonaci numbers



int main(int argc, char **argv){

// printf("%d", argc);

//check for valid number of arguements

if(argc != 2)


printf("Error must specify exactly one interger argument\n");

return 1;


//convert str argument to int

//atoi() used here because 0 is not conidered a valid output

int numTerms = atoi(argv[1]);

//printf("%d\n", term);

//check if valid input

if(numTerms < 1)


printf("Error, input must be a valid positive interger.\n");

return 2;


long last = 0;

long current = 1;

long temp;

int i;

//iterative fibonacci addition

for(i=0; i<numTerms; i++)


printf("%d: %ld\n", (i+1), current);

temp = current;


last = temp;

if(current < 0)


//print message if addtion overflow

printf("Overflow has occured.\n");




return 0;


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Thanks for the information.

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Thank you for sharing these exercises and for the recommendations of the services. I am currently busy writing a letter of recommendation and I have had difficulties. I decided to buy a recommendation letter because I have to be sure that it will be written well.

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Thank you for sharing these exercises and for the recommendations of the services. I am currently busy writing a letter of recommendation and I have had difficulties. I decided to buy a recommendation letter https://www.lorservice.com/ because I have to be sure that it will be written well.

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Some exercises are quite difficult to perform without qualified help. That's why I always have uk essay writing service https://www.brillassignment.co.uk/essay-writing-services/ handy where I can ask for help with any academic assignment. And I know that the work will be written qualitatively and in time convenient for me.

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Recognized for excellence among https://www.vpsecurityguards.com/county-los-angeles/long-beach-security-guard/, VP Security Guards is led by a team of military and law enforcement professionals. We provide customized solutions with armed and unarmed guards, specializing in fire watch and industrial site security.

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