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all fur one and one fur all
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File: c86991a8670641f⋯.jpg (145.38 KB, 565x800, 113:160, Golden Bikini Rouge the Ba….jpg)

 No.96026[Last 50 Posts]

Does no one ERP here? Or are you all just furries in denial? Essentially this seems like the /lolcow/ for a niche area on the fad.

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In denial of what? Saying furries are "in cenial" if they say they don't roleplay is akin to calling them that if they say they don't own a fursuit, or commission porn of their 'sona, or go to cons. Lots of furries do this but don't do that.

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I ERP on the daily. I'm a huge e-thot. Its my fetish. I don't think doing it with people here would be very smart. Although some of you got cute ass fursonas in that thread.

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top pleb

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What sites/apps do you use ? I used to be in a dedicated skype group for that but it fell apart because literal mental illness of some people there.

That was around 4 years ago, maybe rp'd twice since then but I write a lot of smut based on scenarios from my head.

Thing is I just don't know where to go and don't feel like rp'ing with 40 y/o indian fucks.

Shit was so cash btw, I was the only top there and had a harem of 10 subs

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There's "thicc" and there's "overweight". That's definitely the latter.

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F-List is your friend. But read profiles carefully. There seem to be a high percentage there who have, shall we say, 'hard' fetishes.

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File: 9b591e272de4d0f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.01 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 1543102606.monsterbunny_as….png)

I wanna sniffy wiffy your dirty diapey Wiapey uwu

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please kill yourself.

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File: f6e620e9fb31c68⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 966.33 KB, 1280x805, 256:161, 1506861519.rexam-1_rex_cal….jpg)


>makes thread asking why no one ERPs

>upset at the answer

Fuck off

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arent you tired of shitting your pants?

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File: 5e597230313c931⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 138.95 KB, 863x1280, 863:1280, 1532549641.chuckybb_wip13.jpg)


Shitting my pants is my version of coke anon

It gives me that sexual high that pulls me out of any frustrations or sadness in my daily life

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wish I could but I'm too nervous

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I do, but I regret it more often than not.

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File: 50cb31e7ff818e9⋯.jpg (606.5 KB, 1105x1280, 221:256, 82ec9a1d82f24f5de6defc9912….jpg)

I've found great erp on Omegle and Yiffspot, but it's 1 in 100. I dunno where else to go, F-List is for people who post in paragraphs, and that ain't me. It's 2-3 sentences, 5 at the most if you've really convinced me to put the effort in.

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>I dunno where else to go

MUCKs. FurryMUCK and Tapestries are good bets. People there like short, interactive posts rather than long, distant posts.

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Because the site looks weird with it.

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I don't ERP... here....

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Writing level seems to be the limiting factor for my enjoyment. My ascending hierarchy of writing levels for roleplaying looks something like this:

1. They cannot form complete sentences.

2. They are capable of simple sentences with asterisks. *flops* owo I'm bored.

3. They produce paragraphs of disjoint sentences with robotic dialogue and virtually no imagery or acknowledgement of their character's features. They blush and moan quite a bit, or alternately their actions are described by the same two or three adverbs.

4. Their character is revealed through dialogue and action to be a cluster of traits and tropes with no internal psychology motivating them. Their character is a hollow vessel with the sole purpose of baiting the partner into providing erotic literature about this character.

5. The character extends from an archetypal psychology equipped with inner fears, desires, and some degree of biography influencing them. That character ceases to exist in the presence of contrived plot devices designed to get sexual content onto the screen. eg. Their character tries to fetch some letters from their mail box, but on the return trip back to their door they wind up fellating the leather-bound mailman while the neighbor's dog nuts and knots their character. An airplane crop dusts the neighborhood with semen and an entire football team skips the playoff to rut the player character in that front yard.

6. The author provides a text-based portal to a world governed by internally consistent laws not too dissimilar from our own. Their characters, player and non-player alike operate according to these laws.

7. The self-driven character's hopes and fears influence their actions, which in turn compete with an antagonistic element of the world. Success and failure temper the character's understanding of their self and relationship to the world around them. As their character develops, it offers insight into the human condition that the reader can relate to.

8. Exploration of the human condition is not limited to desirable or otherwise endearing traits, but casts a critical light on some facet of humanity, defying the reader's expectations and challenging the lens through which they perceive the actions and motivations of others.

The bell curve rests at 3, and I'm very lucky to find 4 and 5 interested in my kinks.

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>anon does fucking fantastic bully erp from thread

>used throw away email

i'll miss him

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It's entirely possible to roleplay in threads here, but the f-list thread here has a channel, which is pretty easy to use.

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[session=8chan /fur/]adh-7b2465480632bc5cf758[/session]

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>It's 2-3 sentences

I wish more people roleplayed this way. Responses taking less than five minutes is far more important than response length.

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I've only ERPd once, it was fun but idk, I feel like I'm not good at it

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I used to but I got bored of ERP and RP in general. It's more fun to make characters and think of their stories myself than it is to act shit out with others. Also, I've spent so much time thinking about my characters and how they go about their lives to be comfortable with it most of the time. It feels too out of character for them to suddenly be intimate (especially sexually) with a random, and I don't like breaking character even for ERP, so it requires buildup to get to that point and I'm not interested in committing to someone the time it takes to get there.

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There's a guy on F-List whose profile says his posts are several thousand words long, and he expects the same. He admits it's extreme.

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You're a random

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This but unironically

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What do you hope to roleplay this week? What are your current goals and dreams?

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File: 5159faf5550d991⋯.jpg (28.93 KB, 340x270, 34:27, 5159faf5550d99112a0a29d640….jpg)


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An easy way to godmode less is to ask yourself and your partner to write shorter posts.

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Exactly, some people tend get pissy over shorter posts, but it can be much better as long as you keep your own quality of writing high. A long paragraph is pretty good.

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This. this is why I refuse to RP long form posts. How the fuck am I supposed to come up with multiple paragraphs of actions and reactions without also forcing your character to do things without you deciding so yourself, or needlessly inserting pointless fluff to the point of ridiculousness.

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F-list is a fucking crap most of the time.

Group chat's are nothing but huge circlejerks, and trying to find interesting profiles by taking random shots in the search engine is cause to be checked into a psyche ward.

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THIS. Exactly. Shorter posts are far more interactive. You just have to write more and write faster.


>Group chat's are nothing but huge circlejerks

Bruh just join:

[session=8chan /fur/]adh-7b2465480632bc5cf758[/session]

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If you don't find some here in the F-List thread, you might find some ERP here:


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inb4 clicked for rouge

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I'm too much of an autist for that

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I don't know how to RP

Can somebody teach me

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*licks his lips and notices your bugle*


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*plays his bugle*


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File: de350671607c6b8⋯.png (77 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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Finding a good partner is such a pain. Lately I would find exactly what I'm looking for but then they'd ghost or not have the time to continue the RP because they have busy lives.

Sometimes I wonder if it's even worth bothering.

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I posted this


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I love ERPing, I do it when I can.

I just don't have as much time as I'd like for it anymore, and I can't find any partners that don't just go the laziest route.

It's an art, exchanging posts to create a story. When I get a

>"I take off my clothes and expose my magnum dong"

it's a major turnoff.

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"I've never really been able to get into roleplay as it feels strange and it seems like it would be difficult or boring to enact. I'm quite bad at it. I'm decent at writing and communicating, yet somehow I don't quite have it in me to carry out a semi-literate roleplay. I could, at best, carry out about 5 minutes of one-or-two-liners, but 20+ minutes of paragraph-response roleplay seems insanely difficult. I've god-modded nearly every roleplay and I have yet to have an interesting partner. It feels so weird and unnatural to me. Common sense would say, "just don't roleplay then," but if I did this I feel like I'd be missing out on some huge thing. Plus, I feel a decent roleplay would better equip me for real-world interaction and form some unique friendships unlike those I've ever had before. Plus, growing in roleplay could grow my 'decent' writing and communication skills into 'superb' writing and communication skills.

If this seems too cluttered to be addressed properly, what I would basically like to hear is this.

Have you dealt with roleplay anxiety?

Also, do you have any resources to help learn how to roleplay with others?

Maybe some logs of some of your better roleplays?

Roleplays intrigue me since there seems to be such a huge following for them and it feels strange not completely understanding the whole culture or system of roleplay. I feel the reason every roleplay I've had sucked is because I don't really understand roleplay and am not in the swing of it. I've had Facebook profiles named after Pokemon OCs and communicated in-character, but that's not quite the same.

I've always been a highly literal, straightforward person and had difficulty footing myself in more imaginative roleplay-y stuffs."

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You're literally me

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File: 1028c0d2157f376⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 108.75 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 1oWYrBykE9c.jpg)

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File: 806586f2fc5ab31⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 221.33 KB, 967x1280, 967:1280, 3d539da9bd77d8ada88fbcb6ec….jpg)

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File: 239a2d972469a7a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 70.37 KB, 595x800, 119:160, 2d253d09b1bee46646c35e5427….jpg)

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File: 69947cbb3b213cc⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.79 MB, 2160x1782, 40:33, 1341525698.riptideshark_13….png)

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File: 41d57de8c500f73⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 969.42 KB, 887x1250, 887:1250, 1763694ed17aa4bb8391f3d0e8….png)

File: 272cb17468cbaca⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.41 MB, 1650x1275, 22:17, 1322017238.shin0r0z_galact….png)

File: 429d409e516d925⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 236.56 KB, 913x1280, 913:1280, 1411770770.darkgem_talash.png)

File: c44fc99a304287c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 170.21 KB, 1280x870, 128:87, 1413206353.darkgem_peable.png)

File: d50523ae9a79d7b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 201.58 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, 1424506336.wolfy-nail_2015….jpg)

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i don't erp with zoophiles

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File: db1576e13a74684⋯.png (33.32 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 580b585b2edbce24c47b2a2c.png)


well I DO so suck my dick asshole

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Then u r a dum dum

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wtf is this bullshit

don't post images in a roleplay thread

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anti sage

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If you're into vore you're probably already using rp.aryion.com, but if you are somehow blind and deaf and are into vore, yeah use that site.

Usually have some good RPs on there.

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I feel the exact same way. I only seem to attract damaged individuals that need cuddles 24/7 and write like a wet paper towel, when I'm the splitting image of that myself. Although, I at least try my best to write some flowery prose for my 2-4 sentence structure. Or some substance.

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Anyone use litphoria, or is everyone using F-List?

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Have any fun scenes lately?

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When will we have the big /fur/ group camping trip?

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File: 4bbe69732859c85⋯.jpg (146.42 KB, 1000x714, 500:357, good dog.jpg)

I've ERPed on Furcadia and Second Life a few times. I have a high tolerance for poor English and typing.


>I don't think doing it with people here would be very smart

What's the worst that could happen?

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I just erp with my bf sometimes.

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Why is it such a cardinal sin to not write a paragraph of purple prose per RP reply? Especially within ERP at least on an idealistic level I'm more in favor of being fast and concise. I mean, your average fap session lasts somewhere around 30 minutes without edging, right? If you take 5 minutes to reply (handicapped by writing with one hand even), that means that you'll only get to reply 6 times before you cum, and that's while godmodding even. And even while flaccid, doing three hour ERP marathons just strikes me as flat out ridiculous and boring, and that might be the first sex-related activity I've ever called "boring".

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Only turboidiots want really long poses. Truly good roleplayers realize the same thing you have. Even if you're not fapping, and it's a SFW RP, if you take ten minutes to reply, it means you'll only get 3 posts done in an hour, assuming your partner also takes ten minutes.

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New channel on F-List:


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I used to before I completely lost my libido. I was damn good at it too...

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The few times I've tried to ERP, I felt bad because I thought I was making my posts too long and SFW.

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vouch +1

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The channel's still active, by the way.

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Why would you roleplay on Steam?

By the way: CSGO > TF2

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This is pretty good.

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ERP is cringe no?

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Nope, it's one of the most basic and important furry activities.

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Huh... i mean that's not UNtrue

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