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all fur one and one fur all

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File: d91b6624b66bbd5⋯.jpg (530.96 KB,1600x1537,1600:1537,furcomics.jpg)

 No.118303 [Last50 Posts]

Hello, i've been looking for the following comic scans, and i was wondering if anyone happened to have them and could help me out, i am searching for the following :

Critters (Fantagraphics): #04 through #05, #08 through #09, #12 through #16, #18 through #20, #22, #24 through #46, #48 through #50

Albedo Vol.1 (Thoughts & Images): #01, #04, #07 through #10, #13, #15 ( https://comicvine.gamespot.com/albedo/4050-3298/ )

Furrlough (Antarctic Press / Radio Comix) #01 through #03, #05 through #12, #14 through #20, #23, #25, #27 through #29, #31, #33 through #34, #36, #38 through #44, #46 through #47, #50 through #71, #73 through #76, #78 through #79, #80 through #100, #102...and basically anything past number #102 i'll take what i can get, i wanna focus mostly on the 90's and early 00's issues. ( https://comicvine.gamespot.com/furrlough/4050-27020/ )

The New Albedo Vol.2 (Antarctic Press): #01 through #04, #06 through #10 ( https://comicvine.gamespot.com/albedo/4050-4689/ )

ZU (Mu Press): Any issue at all!I've none.. ( https://comicvine.gamespot.com/zu/4050-45760/ )

Albedo Antropomorphics Vol.3 (Antarctic Press): #01 through #04 ( https://comicvine.gamespot.com/albedo-anthropomorphics/4050-5430/ )

Morphs (GraphXpress): #01 through #04 ( https://comicvine.gamespot.com/morphs/4050-24131/ )

Albedo: Antropomorphics Vol.4 (Antarctic Press) #02 ( https://comicvine.gamespot.com/albedo-anthropomorphics/4050-59746/ )

Shanda Fantasy Arts Spotlight! (Shanda Fantasy Arts) #01 through #15 ( https://comicvine.gamespot.com/shanda-fantasy-arts-spotlight/4050-56981/ )

Albedo: Antropomorphics Vol.5 (Shanda Fantasy Arts) #02 (https://comicvine.gamespot.com/albedo-anthropomorphics/4050-79589/)

Any "Rowrbrazzle" or "Vootie" fanzines.

"Snowbuni" (Mu Press) #1 (https://comicvine.gamespot.com/snowbuni/4050-55182/)

"Equine The Uncivilized" (GraphXpress): #02, #04 through #05, #07 (https://comicvine.gamespot.com/equine-the-uncivilized/4050-24121/)

"Red Shetland" (GraphXpress): #07 through #08 ( https://comicvine.gamespot.com/red-shetland/4050-24135/ )

Thanks kindly in advance for any help you could provide!

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File: 76396059750393b⋯.jpg (293.68 KB,749x999,749:999,usagi_5_critters_4_10_anyt….jpg)


I wanted to share everything i managed to collect so far, please check my mediafire account, i will be uploading little by little untill all is done:


Include several comic issues like albedo, critters, furrlough, tales from the anniverse, bucky o'hare, and a whole bunch of other random furry comics.

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File: 70cc116989ca00a⋯.png (28.41 KB,1485x461,1485:461,a.png)

I'm probably the Anon you most likely be GayAnon for... problem is, these scans I did back on Lulz about 9 years ago are about 3.5GB, which would be a serious PITA to provide online on my Internets..

Someone was however being an Uploader Sans Salares for one of the for-profit Hentai sites back then (Fakku?). Dunno if they'd still be there?

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If you are who i think you are--then yes!!!i'm not worthy, i'm not worthy *bows down* x'D (I found an old post with heaps of content that i was looking for, problem is, when i tried replying to you, it said the thread didn't exist: https://8kun.top/fur/res/20158.html )

Would that be you?Shame about the toll on your internet's cost...i did manage to get the 2 critter packs, and am now grabbing albedo, furrlough, and, seeing if there's anything else on my wishlist that is up there...that should at least take it down 1GB or 2? (the 2 critters 4-29 / 30-50 are around 255 & 277 mb each, then the albedo one at 378mb...that's nearly 1gb down...then there's still the furrlough packs i need to get, which in total are about 670 mb more...that'd be a total of 1,5 gb down. Maybe you could send me packs of, say 300-400 mb every month, instead of all in one go?And which ones, from my list have you gotten since if you don't mind me asking? (i know a few Critters were missing, and i don't know if you have any ZU, Morphs, or the Shanda Fantasy Arts Spotlight! series. But, morphs is 4 issues, Shanda spotlight is 15 issues, and ZU 17 issues...so judging by the size of the critters and albedo packs, i don't suppose the latter 2, which are the lenghtier, would surpass the 300-400 mb size? In any case, thank you for replying to me!! Kind regards.

PS: That Fakku site is for profit as in, paid membership?because i am not giving them any money, let alone for YOUR own work, but if its the usual ad/popup bullshit, i'll go check and let you know!

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oh hey--hold on, i just noticed the list you posted.

All of the content on the list that i was interested in, was still up on mediafire / Mega.nz, even now, 3 years later, so there will be no need for you to send such a huge amount of data afterall. I did want to ask, tho...i did noticed a file called ZU-199203-MU_Press...is that something that you'd be willing to upload? I am also interested in the 1 Fission Chicken comic, 2 Buffalo Wings ones and the 2 hepcats comics...would that be fine by you?

Also, if they happened to be in any of these links:




Then let me know and i can save you some bandwith and just get em from there n.n

Thanks again. Been looking for ANYTHING Zu in a while.

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Yep, I was the second uploader in the thread that did those links..

How up are you for Tor? (Tor-Browser, etc.) I could arrange to make downloads through that-- it'll be a bit slower as it'd be using a residential connection... but it'll be a permanent host.

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>>118308 Ah, i see...thanks for mirroring them.

Sounds good!I can set that up, the speed isn't really a problem since i think i'll be busy reading all of these comics while i wait.

But, if you don't have any additional issues from the series i am looking for (the missing furrloughs, the missing ZU, the missing albedo issues,, the missing critters, any Morphs issue, Snowbuni, or the shanda spotlight) i think, i will only be wasting your time.

Because, i just checked the "shortruns.7z" file and sure enough, both hepcats, zu, and buffalo wings were there!!!

So that completes all that i wanted from your list's screenshot now.

But i appreciate your help..thanks for being the second uploader, scanned, these are rare as it is, if it wasn't for your reupload 2 years ago, most links would likely be dead after 9 years and i wouldn't have been able to get any of this, so you really helped me out there.

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I probably should use this burst in interest to finish off the last lot of comics I haven't scanned yet.

Going though one crate, I still have:

ZU: 1,2,3,4,5, 7,8,9, 11, 13, 18

Xanadu: 3 (of 5)

Genus: 24

Albedo: 5,6,7 (these are supposedly the extra-rare ones that're worth a bit. I bought them for 50 cents :P)

New Albedo: 2

Albedo (Antarctic Press): 2,3,4

Tall Tales: 2

Tank Vixens: 3

Wild Side: 3

Beauty of the Beats (MU oneshot)

Wild Kingdom: 2

Usagi Yojimbo (Mirage): 5

Usagi Yojimbo (Radio Comix): 2

Furrlough: 40,42,43,44,45,46,48,51,53,54,55,56,58 (the issue I canceled my standing order..), 60,70,94,

Gold Digger+Ninja Highschool crossover: 2

Aztec Anthropomorphic Amazons: 1

There's another crate with non-comic format stuff-- Journal of Anthropomorphics, etc.

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oh wow, you actually have more ZU issues? That's epic...i would love to see some scans of albedo #07, New Albedo #2, Antarctic Press' albedo #2,3,4 (that's the one from 1994, right?)

Furrlough...well, pretty much all of them n.n,except for #70: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=559164847608954&set=a.162805270578249 that's one of the few i managed to buy from usa before the import regulations and terrible mail service started here in argentina..

If you ever get the drive, motivation, and of course free time to do it, i'd be through the roof, haha!!

And that sounds interesting...i remember seeing one magazine, what was it called, "amazing heroes"?it was all about antropomorphics comics...well, by seeing, i mean seeing it on ebay, heh...

Also, i never heard of Aztec Antropomorphic Amazons, the cover art looks absolutely gorgeous, very 90's & pretty...i see some other images of it came up by the artist who drew "Sex Kitten", but i am not sure if it is fanart or if he is the penciler of the actual story.

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Also, tl;dr warning, don't read if you don't want, but, i actually also bought issues which the sellers would often let go for literal cents...i think some of the furrlough where like that...many were barely over a dollar...so (I bought one from USA's ebay, but, well, it's a long story: https://readcomiconline.to/Comic/Albedo-Anthropomorphics/Issue-1?id=177677#comment-5148282386 Well, but here i can post links, so i might aswell: " i did buy several from ebay (albedo, critters, quack!, "mu press" 'ZU', amongst others). as you can see on my facebook:

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=465548133637293&id=100005463318532 (wait 2016..?.damn...5 whole years gathering dust in someone's closet in a different continent now, thank you, argentinean mail service =_= )

And then one on December 13, 2016 containing "Amazing heroes:Special Funny Animal Issue" & "Morphs" (GraphXpress): https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=471179339740839&set=a.162805270578249 but i am in buenos aires, argentina, and here the mail, incompetent and corrupt as typical, decided to send all my packages back without prior notice: 1st time they did this first in a post you can on see my FB, calling them out, and showing the picture of the notice, from july 5, 2017: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=562458677279571&set=a.162805270578249 Then a 2nd time, AGAIN, in a period of months: october 3, 2017: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=562458677279571&set=a.162805270578249 I started losing so much money (shipping to another continent isn't cheap, and all is paid with paypal, not argentinean currency) that i had to give up at that point simply because i couldn't go on, and losing $40 bucks on shipping everytime i cram as much onto a 2kg box only to have it sent back with no rhyme or reason, it's not fun... Now they ARE sitting in storage too...if in my friends' room on a whole different continent, that is considered storage =_= If it wasn't for this, i'd definitely buy them, my idea was to collect the furrlough and move on to critters and albedo..

On the flip side i did get a whole bunch of em before that tho so it's not all bad...katmandu, furrlough, andorozon, gold digger...i think that's it n.n,

And that is the story of my life x'D (sorry haha, guess it's a good way for me to vent or something...).

Thanks again for the reuploads, and for letting me know what cool stuff you found!

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> oh wow, you actually have more ZU issues? That's epic...i would love to see some scans of albedo #07, New Albedo #2, Antarctic Press' albedo #2,3,4 (that's the one from 1994, right?)

I'm pretty busy, but I'll work at it..

> And that sounds interesting...i remember seeing one magazine, what was it called, "amazing heroes"? it was all about antropomorphics comics...well, by seeing, i mean seeing it on ebay, heh...

/That/ is unobtainium.. What I know of it is mentioned in Craig Hilton's "Furry Fandom-An Insider's View from the Outside" article:

< I hunted down Issue #129 of the trade magazine Amazing Heroes (Nov. 15th 1987), the "Special Funny Animal Issue", having a feature interview with Steve Gallacci, views from three dozen particular comic artists on why they preferred to draw animals over humans and a brief article on this strange thing called Rowrbrazzle for the young hopefuls [..]

> i see some other images of it came up by the artist who drew "Sex Kitten", but i am not sure if it is fanart or if he is the penciler of the actual story.

Yep, Kurt Wilcken was the illustrator of all of it.

> Also, tl;dr warning, don't read if you don't want, but, i actually also bought issues which the sellers would often let go for literal cents...

Same here-- nearly all my Albedos and Critters were all dusty-store finds practically saved from the Store Owner's incinerator..

> Thanks again for the reuploads, and for letting me know what cool stuff you found!

\o/ after 20 years I've found a proper fan of furry comic books!

Unfortunately, my scanning process involves complete disembolwing of the books so I could manage the best possible scans, and the issues I did ~10 years ago were binned when I was finished (I was tired of crating tonnes of comics around..) I'm actually rather found of my Albedos (the Command Reviews have glued binding too) and put off cutting them up..

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Onion websight is up: http://te5djpo3shwwz6dgkhg6yvwc4skego6jzojo5khrs2uqsmvhbtgujnid.onion/

I'm currently pngcrushing everything (for starters it should remove any metadata identifying that I scanned it..), and that'll probably take about 24 hours? I've put a few scans from others on there already, though.

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Oh awesome!i read one of his sex kitten short stories in one of the furrloughs...as much as i love the cover, i find his artstyle kinda cute and adorable haha

And yay, i'm also fond of having met another furry comic fan, i've been looking into them since the 2009's i think, just browsing whatever else other than furrlough was available, and was hooked since.

And oh boy...i read that people do that to mangas and stuff to get a clearer view and what not, but i'd hate if you had to damage your own comics for the sake of a scan >.< if you have a quality camera (or most cellphones nowadays have more than decent ones, it depends on the lightning and focus) you could just take the pictures of the pages, or, maybe, placing the right side page on the scanner's scan glass area, with the binding hanging over the edge of the scanner so it does not bend or damage, and then, reverse the comic book, and scan the other one...i'm not sure, what to suggest...but yeah it'd suck if it got cut or destapled >.<.

definitely not the costly albedos...but maybe there is some, safe way to scan ZU, Furrlough, or aztec antropomorphic amazons?maybe the least costlier albedos (AP #2, 3, 4 and New Albedo #2..but i wouldn't want you to damage those either ideally, after all you are doing a big favor out of your own volition, it'd not be right)

hmmmm...i'll try and see if i can think of something safe for the conditions of your comics and let you know.

That's awesome news that the site is up and with a few scans to boot, i'll give it a try.

Thanks for the info...24 hours sounds peachy...after waiting 6 years for my government to let me import my damn physical comics, and nearly a decade until i even found a single ZU issue, or 20 plus issues of critters and furrlough to fill the gap of 10 to 20 issues respectively that i've had ever since i started looking for digital comics..24 hours is pretty much expeditive haha ;) i'll go set up tor and check it out!

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> And oh boy...i read that people do that to mangas and stuff to get a clearer view and what not, but i'd hate if you had to damage your own comics for the sake of a scan >.<

Well, like I said, I wanted to get rid of them, but selling/auctioning was going to make the problem worse for other people (I sell for $5.. gets flipped for $15.. and then $50...) I didn't know any Furry comic fans in person to just hand them too (and the ethics of making people into Furries :P), so a Preservation effort was the go.

> if you have a quality camera (or most cellphones nowadays have more than decent ones, it depends on the lightning and focus) you could just take the pictures of the pages, or, maybe, placing the right side page on the scanner's scan glass area

I had a binocular camera scanning setup for OCR'ing regular books-- however, with comics, the results aren't exactly 'Archive for Eternity' quality that way. Descreening of the dot-based color printing, distortion & warping, etc. Do it right once, so that noone else has too. :)

> That's awesome news that the site is up and with a few scans to boot, i'll give it a try.

A Tor-Browser install www.torproject.org/download/ should be able to work it straight-up, if maybe a bit of time for the Onion network to realize it's there. It's working from another network for me.

Agh, the pngcrush is taking about 90 seconds per page, and there's over 5600 of them...

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Ohh, i see, i thought you collected them and wanted to keep them hehe...yeah, i feel, particularly with these, more obscure/lesser known comics with niche audience and small print runs, the chances of preservation can be unlikely...there are so many cases in point >.< even critters or albedo which featured popular talent in other genres, or furrlough which was the most well known furry anthology, you'd be hard pressed to find much more than a dozen scans. I can't begin to imagine stuff from smaller publishers like, say, MU Press, Abacus Press, Star*Reach Productions...so many to list...thati think preserving it is the way to go, specially since we don't know what may happen to any, non-big name protagonist comic that's also not marvel/dc/etc...paper's not durable, lots of people see no reason nor care to store, let around keep around an old comic they may have no interest in...so i see it as fragile analogue material being very prone to become to get discarded or damaged by neglect. At least all those 'niche' ones i like x'D and i see what you mean, soon people start scalping, and next thing you know, someone on ebay wants a fortune, just because he can. It is nice of you. My first batch of furry comics was actually a gift from usa: https://forums.thetechnodrome.com/showpost.php?p=901942&postcount=1 he knew i was about furry as it gets already, so no awkwardness x'D in fact i was excited to see those furrloughs and gold digger that i'd only seen in a computer screen as a teenager, actually having them for real in my hands. Sounds silly, but it is something that you absolutely don't find published in argentina. The only antarctic press thing they imported was robotech, because robotech, lol.

& that is awesome!disregard that, i had no idea you had such a special equipment fitted to the task--cool stuff!!Yes, you got that right, if you get it right, and release that, problems in having to re-scan amateurish or low quality is dealt with. Sometimes that is the only type of copy of many comic scans, and they linger for years without an alternative. the "ren & stimpy" comic scans are, to this day, mostly only available as scans weighgin in at 4 to 5mb per issue, imagine that type of low dpi and blocky compression on something more detailed art-wise, and being the only scan for a decade, decade and a half, who knows, and, it'd be an absolute pity...

I thought i had tor browser installed for sure, but only the empty folder is there..now it's not letting me install it as i am a broke-ass with a windows vista 32 bit pc x'D but i am working on trying to track down the old version of tor browser i used years ago. I'm sure i'll figure it out. So i can get onto the onion web with my potato pc :'p

Yikes...lots of pages to process >_<;; hang in there!perhaps distract yourself with a mobile / console videogame to stave off the tediumness...thanks again for your dilligency :D it's people like you who end up giving us netizens the most diverse, often rare or forgotten, content, from the analogue pages to our screens, and has now expanding to places like "Internet Archive".BUT you guys were doing it back as far the early 00s, back when marvel, image wildstorm, dc, would not as much as scoff at the idea. It's easy for corporates to jump on the activity when they see big bucks 18 years later. The painstaking effort you guys do is not lost on me. Ahh...sorry, i am rambling like lunatic, please consider this as some kinda diary entry cus it must be unreadable haha, i go on tangents. I start remembering the good old days of DC+ and seeing libraries of the novelty that was digital video on DivX and it gives me fuzzy feelings even tho now digital video and ebooks are the norm..

Ok, i better shut up now, when i am excited happy (rare occurance lol) i get chatty, and all of this that happened today with the comics, got me in a super positive mood ahah

Hang in there with the pngcrush, let it not crush your soul with its monotonousness (sp?)...if you want to hope on over to my mediafire folder to look around and maybe distract yourself with some comics, i am updating hourly with new stuff: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/zie51a1yk0jop/Comics

Cheers, and again i'm sorry if you got this far into reading--the mental health treatment cost will be on me x'D

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Good day!Is everything going alright?

I was just curious about something, i managed to install TOR Browser and get it up and running, could you let me know once the website is up?

The url is stilll http://te5djpo3shwwz6dgkhg6yvwc4skego6jzojo5khrs2uqsmvhbtgujnid.onion/ right?

Many thanks!!

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File: dca6731a51ea730⋯.png (140.58 KB,887x1062,887:1062,c.png)


It should be working now. I am still uploading the content to it (about 800MB/1800 files/41 comics left to go) but the link in the post is correct.

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File: 2bf1074d8e04064⋯.png (699 B,666x666,1:1,f.png)


I think I'll call the site "TE5", the first bit of the URL :)

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Thanks for the QR code, i just installed the TOR app on my mobile phone. Site works just perfect! I didn't think of getting that in the first place, my computer is old and i am using an outdated browser, that was probably the main problem.

So cool--much appreciated!

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File: 092fe6100dc3259⋯.png (5.03 MB,1748x2048,437:512,tmp_19115_e46916dea3056127….png)

I recommend the Made In Abyss manga. One of the main characters, Nanachi, is a furry, and she's in a lot of ecchi scenes because another main character, Reg, is sexually attracted to her.

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Ha. I only made that because I was thinking of ideas for a faux-comic cover image to promote the site, and that would've replaced the barcode. I didn't actually think it would be useful. :)

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File: 208c638e9440286⋯.jpg (330.53 KB,656x1019,656:1019,TE5_promo.JPG)

Okay, the initial collection of scans is now up. Over time, I'll add whatever else I can find. But basically this is just to have my old scanning work online using a small 24/7 server I have running already-- if it only gets one user every 6 months, that'll be fine..

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File: 2e6664737b6610f⋯.png (89.07 KB,303x304,303:304,Sketch.png)

I've been working on a shonen anime/manga inspired furry comic called Wraith of Faith that I feel is promising. It takes place in a World of Warcraft-esque universe where everyone is born with one if 8 abilities called Gifts. These can range from elemental powers to increasing one's physical abilities. Nobody knows where the powers came from or how exactly they work but there are 3 major beliefs in the world that have their own answers. There are also 10 Elemental Stones which grant amazing power of the element they represent.

>Pagan: Believe there are 10 gods all of who live within the stones and are the source of everyone's powers. They are a cult who believe using the stones in an unworthy manner is punishable by death.

>New Age: Believe everyone's powers come from nature and the universe. They believe the stones are the source of everyone's powers but don't beleive in any gods. They use lesser stones called crystals which they use to meditate and enhance their Gifts.

>OTJ: Believe there is one true god and a false god known as the Wraith. They believe the Wraith is actually a demon who exists and has power because people worship and sacrifice to false gods which are all him. They avoid the use of stones and crystals because they believe the Wraith uses them to grant people power in exchange for their life force.

To avoid spoilers different groups of people and beliefs all want the Elemental Stones and conflict ensues. In the end only one belief is correct, what do you guys think, does it sound interesting? The image is of one of the characters and the comic will be in this style. Hope I can crowdfund it soon, personally I think it would work better as an anime/cartoon, maybe one day.

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Yay, great job!It's good to have a backup up and running of your scanning work, specially since a lot of this stuff such as critters, albedo and furrlough had been in a big part elusive in scan form for years.

I've gotten what i wanted from it already, because the rest i had found in your reupload from 2 years ago (grabbed fission chicken plan 9 from vortox, hepcats 1-10, captain jack - space junk food, & even found new stuff i hadn't known about before ! like sleepers & hey neeters! so it's much appreciated.)

Altho for now it's mostly done, whenever you decide to scan any of these in the future:

Aztec Anthropomorphic Amazons: 1

ZU: 1,2,3,4,5, 7,8,9, 11, 13, 18

Furrlough: 40,42,43,44,45,46,48,51,53,54,55,56,58, 60,94,

New Albedo: 2

Albedo: 7

Please let me know, and i'll be there in no time n.n!!

I will still check back from time to time tho anyway if i can--there is probably stuff i missed that i may like but don't know about.

Again, kudos for this!

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I guess this has become the extended discussion thread. :)

But the only thing atm I would like to add is "shonen" suggests there should be a growth progression of the primary characters-- they start off weak, and the story is mostly about leveling-up. Naruto, DBZ, BEASTARS, etc., all did it. The existence/non-existence/discovery-of-true-nature of the "Gods" I think does work as an adventure subplot. Anyway, being inspired by standard shonen tropes gives you a good framework for the writing! Western Comics have (space) opera, Comedy, Slice-of-Life, and... not much else.

Having those factions certainly works, in the least it gives a familiar environment for the reader to imagine. (I starting writing what they made me think they'd get up too, but it's your comic..) ..and of course (using the Shonen framework), there's the central characters who'll be on a path going through it all...

Also, Shonen demands there be cute female side-characters. :)

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I'm starting on rediscovering my scanning workflow already. I'm rather busy (or rather, distracted) atm, but I'll bump the thread when I've got something!

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File: a8e64c76562b711⋯.png (3.82 MB,1000x1000,1:1,Elements_and_powers.png)


Yeah everyone grows as characters and learns more about the world, their abilities, and explore their beliefs. The "Vegeta" of this series is an atheist who thinks he can advance just fine without believing in any god or spiritual force. The most powerful character is an agnostic who uses techniques from all 3 beliefs.

I designed the world and beliefs to all counter each other. I know I revealed a little too much about the OTJ belief making it seem like it's the correct one, but the Pagan's believe their god is simply one of the 10 gods that being the Light god. New Age believers think the concept of gods in general is absurd. No one will know which belief is correct because all of them make excellent points with proof of their claims.

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Yay, that's awesome that you're feeling like that towards scanning once rediscovering it once again. Hope it's been fulfilling to you. I know it's been much helpful, and very appreciated to unearth these hidden gems onto the web. To me in parituclar, i mean, looking back on my request list--the first post, basically most of the stuff i listed was there by you already!

I never expected it after years of sporadic findings, to be regaled with so much of what i needed at once--the very next day of my request to boot.

So thank you c: and thanks for bumping this thread if they become scanned, sounds like a good idea.

Okies i think i should leave you be already n.n;; you did so much for this furry comic fan, you deserve to go and have some fun and peace and quiet outside reading my rambling day in day out x'D

Best wishes!

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Aztec is done -- http://te5djpo3shwwz6dgkhg6yvwc4skego6jzojo5khrs2uqsmvhbtgujnid.onion/Aztec_Anthropomorphic_Amazons-199401-Antarctic_Press.7z

This took ages from relearning how to get it right... I had to do it about twice, and it doesn't help that $CURRENT_DECADE's scanner does interpolated 75dpi for any attempts to scan at any resolution except 1200, making me have to do more work and longer GIMP processing.

Anyway, I'll see about do one comic a day, and I'll get into ZU now.

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File: cbecb3b04ebe55f⋯.png (92.67 KB,1031x517,1031:517,itsshit.png)

The first of the Mu Press ZU series is done -- http://te5djpo3shwwz6dgkhg6yvwc4skego6jzojo5khrs2uqsmvhbtgujnid.onion/ZU-1-199501-Mu_Press.7z

The next three issues are mostly by the same guy whose name was never heard of before or since, so my next update will have all his stuff in one hit.

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Oh, wow!This has been super fast...

Thank you so so much n.n i am hyped, always did want to read ZU but only got to order the first issue, and didn't even get that due to the crappy import customs over here.

grabbing these, and the Aztec comic with the cute animal lady in tribal clothing coverart n.n*

Thank you for your speedyness, hard effort, and dedication to a quality scan output.

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>The next three issues are mostly by the same guy whose name was never heard of before or since, so my next update will have all his stuff in one hit.





ZU #2 was apparently his Western debut...

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Thanks for the stuff.

Some other comics to read are on myhentaicomics.com

Also Albedo thread (with some other comics posted) >>9773

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Thanks for the heads up!

It seems the albedo thread only includes the erma feldna stories as far as i can tell? (It's still great tho!)

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File: cdace7c744a42de⋯.jpg (257.39 KB,1024x768,4:3,scanneranon2.JPG)

ZU #2, 3, 4 are now up.

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Ohh, Epic!Thanks again. *goes straight to download, yay!*

Just curious, were there 2 different runs of Zu, or just a single one?Does anybody know?

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There's was the one-off ZU by MU Press published in 1991 (which I think used mostly contributions from Rowrbrazzle-associated artists), and the name was reused in 1995 for the series (that mostly printed Yarf! guys).

I was thinking last night that I don't have much in the way of APAs that were the 'real' Furry scene until the WebSights took over. Stuff like Gallery, Rowrbrazzle, etc. I do have some South Fur Lands, though, but it really wasn't an influential scene-maker.

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File: 8c2a1810e7b98d2⋯.jpg (181.4 KB,1644x1514,822:757,EhGIf9RXsAE3jIx_jpg_large.jpg)

this thread is pretty rad; thanks OP

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..and now ZU #5, 7, & 8 -- missing issue 6 unfortunately. Four comics in the next update, which will be the last of the ZUs I have...

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Reminder to archive all content; every page, image and comic on that site. In case someone nukes it.

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File: eec1a2bf8f5d17e⋯.png (66.37 KB,610x763,610:763,dumpbin_s.png)

And now ZU # 9, 11, 13, and 18.

The missing issues were due to the chaos the B&W industry was in at the time-- as one of the editorials mentions, Diamond (comics distributor) was playing hard with monopolizing the industry, and particularly overseas shipments from publishers who didn't Kiss The Ring. And I wasn't the Mailbox Books type because the shipping costs...

Also, I've rearranged the archive directories a little, mostly to organize things according to publisher, and added a "_New" one, which automagically updates when there's anything uploaded.

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File: 0cd07a52349d532⋯.jpg (641.99 KB,1200x1830,40:61,tumblr_f5a8c1ebba8c6dbc3ab….jpg)


man, this is a HAUL

do you have any recommendations? you sound like you know your stuff too

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>this is a HAUL

Hardly! I've lived with other Furry Fans, and their collections which included APAs (Yarf, FNC, Gallery, Rowrbrazzle, etc.), as well as regular orders from Mailbox Books were easily 5-10 times mine...

I do have thoughts that I should get in contact with them again and try to talk them into letting me 'Preserve' their stuff...

Anyway, I forgot to mention before that the next in line for scanning after ZU is mostly Furrloughs, then Albedos-- around 30 comics. After that, it's cutting up the bounded-collections... (Command Reviews, etc.)

Favorites? Joe Rosales' Wildlifers (Wild Life), Fission Chicken (Critters), ..but really any longer-running series by the oldies I find so much more engaging than anything since. Even the Donna Barr!

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Ah, adding: back in the early 90s, there was about as many amateur publications of Furry stuff as there was commercially (more, even?)

(...yet another victim of the 'Fursona Commission Industry', where furry artists only appeared to make online bux instead of making friends with other artists...)


fuck purpletext


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I'm thinking about hosting large files like CD disc images on TE5.. probably by using the multi-volume archive idea of old the issue being that tor-browser doesn't have reliable download resuming, and Bittorrent tracker hosting is a bad idea (IP leakage for starters) so the best option is to make ~50MB segments and expect the downloader to know how to fly their dearchiving program.

It's just like what sceners did with RAR, although I'll be sticking with the 7z format (cross-platform with no Windows-only codecs-- I never bother with large RAR shares because there's /always/ unsupported compression)

Input? Any better ideas? A CD split up into >12 files will be a pain for both hosting and downloading.

Perhaps just have a big flashing warning to use "torsocks wget -c ..." on large files? (...which is something less than 1% of Internet users would understand..)

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eh, then again, having people just go "wget -r" the whole site, using up all my residential broadband bandwidth, and then not even bothering to look their habitual hoarding, is probably not a great idea...

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Really cool! I love the idea of an archive for old head furry content. Now, I'm a new school furry--Under 30 and been in the fandom since about 2009, so none of this art does much for me. Though it's still really interesting. I'm kind of curious what some of the furry old heads think of the more mainstream furry fandom of today.

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heads-up the guy wget'ing the archive atm: no point mirroring the _New directly

Do a ... wget -X _New ...

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File: 239ad08767ff7b8⋯.png (211.09 KB,500x364,125:91,ClipboardImage.png)


You got some of this?

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Are you planning to add Upload directory? I've stashed a lot since I first encountered furry in 1999, and I'd like to share some of it. As for commercial releases, I don't have much scanned comics tho, mostly art CDs and furry literature magazines.

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A looming issue is the site is not really practical to host much content on being a not-unlimited broadband connection. In the past 7 days it's used up 15GB, and would be half the 100GB/month at this rate. Grand Plans to make it a Furry Warez Topsite can't happen.


Never heard of it. (Note that all the comics I have are years before that was published.)

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This thread reminds me of the good days of Chakat Space

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Awesome, thanks for all the new content!

I'll look forward to the furrloughs and albedos. I agree it's best to backup this content, and keep it archived somehow. It can be difficult to obtain, and can easily fall off the net. I don't really have a hosting solution, i am not sure if they'd be allowed to stay up on archive.org. I guess so long as a few of us keep backups, it should be ok.

I was always curious about Rowrbrazzle & the other APAs aswell, specially the ones from the 80's/90's/early 00's...they seem super rare however. It was explained to me that it was mostly distributed amongst the people that contributed to the fanzine itself, and isn't intended to be spread further. It is too bad, but that'd explain their scarcity and why not a single scan from the earlier years can be found, just random pages here and there, and mostly from post 2000s.

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File: d9ad0b00f56c1a4⋯.png (42.42 KB,800x417,800:417,furrlough_51_scanneranonsi….png)

Time for an another TE5 update, I suppose-- I've now completed scanning and uploading my collection of Antarctic Press published Furrloughs, being issues #42,43,44,45,46,48,51 (but missing #47 and #49, and the #50 that was done back in 2011). Radio Comix had the title from #52 onwards.. however, I just-about 'retired' from buying comics after #60

Something to note is AP changed paper to the cheap and nasty acidic pulp paper comic collectors all know and love... which greatly affected the cleanliness of the scans-- lots more speck noise. A number of stories also had a fair bit of printer pincushion-type distortion to them as well, and there's submissions that were obviously computer printouts. So, it did take a bit longer to process each page, but then perfect results wasn't sought.

I'v got about 8 Radio Comix Furrloughs to go...

The Onion site (use Tor Browser) for those who didn't know: http://te5djpo3shwwz6dgkhg6yvwc4skego6jzojo5khrs2uqsmvhbtgujnid.onion/

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wow!Thanks so much Scannon n.n*

it's been kind of this odd wish of mine to get the furrloughs from the 90s to the early 00's...had started buying them physically, and then the stupid argentinean customs shot that down after only getting 6 issues...asked antartic press about them putting them up for sale digitally on comixology...got nothing, not even a reply. So after nearly 2 decades of a dry rought of scans, it's kinda surreal to have over 50 issues from this era.I appreciate your hard work.

Also, i think the earliest physical copy i have is #75, but if it's anything like the paper on that, or any subsequent ones, then i think i get what you mean...must be specially tricky to get to scan pages with heavy amounts of black on the other side of the page, they're so thin and translucent. Some have also yellowed out around the edges, i noticed.

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>asked antartic press about them putting them up for sale digitally on comixology...got nothing, not even a reply.

I noticed a few days ago that the first 200 issues of Fred Perry's Gold Digger are online... But I guess that's easy to do when there's only one guy with the copyrights.

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>asked antartic press about them putting them up for sale digitally on comixology...got nothing, not even a reply.

I kinda hate how AP won't do digital reprints of their older stuff. Maybe they can't for some reason, I don't know. Kinda shitty you didn't get an answer. I'd like to get digitals of the full Ninja High School run, my collection has some massive holes in it.

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Me too--it is too bad! I bought their "Furry Tails" anthology comic as soon as i found out about it, it would be a great way to fill in the gap for me, now that importing the physical comics from the USA to Argentina hasn't been an option anymore when customs got strict and the mail service started failing.


I do believe it may be a matter of "licensing hell" as has been mentioned, that would be a good reason why it may not be possible, either because it could be problematic to obtain the rights, but also, several artists have sadly passed away in the past, so it may not even be possible in some cases.

But a lot of people like galacci, sheppard, stephen murphy, stan sakai, daphne lange, etc, are still around and very much active, they could still talk and probably publish a chunk of the ones which features stories by all the artists that they came into an agreement with.

I'm not sure i understand the logic behind not publishing the newer issues of furrlough (late 2000s to early 2010s?) on comixology, tho.

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File: 7984ee63242fae4⋯.jpg (152.31 KB,1000x790,100:79,116738a0e26614ba308517df03….jpg)

An illustration for Bernard Doove's book "More Terrible than Chains" - the story about Leanna, the herm fennec fox who escapes from a life of slavery to find that shi is still not truly free and has many obstacles to overcome before shi can be truly happy. This illustration is the wraparound cover for the book, which has now been published with many more illustrations from myself and other artists... and you can now purchase it here: https://www.createspace.com/3357759

The illustration itself is metaphorical for Leanna's position .. and also features Chakat Forestwalker, Admiral Boyce Kline, and M'Lai Saraath.

More Terrible Than Chains a.k.a Leanna's Story by Bernard Doove

Links are from his web-site




for most his other work in chronological order

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File: 1331d82e96dac87⋯.jpg (76.37 KB,1000x750,4:3,Maxresdefault.jpg)



Just a rant, that's come from scanning/reading the Furrloughs lately:-

ffs, Middle-class have no fucking idea about Slavery/Harems/Polyamory. Stop retelling popular American slavery tropes, goddam.

A spoiler for the next few Tiger Orange installments: Tyge goes to FREE MY PEOPLE from being in the Harem thing. Purposely genetically engineered Courtesans of a Fluffy nature MUST BE 333333.

Now consider if someone went around trying to free real-life African Lionesses from their lifestyle of harem'ing around an Alpha Lion. They'd either starve to death from being excluded from the self-perpetuating system that's served the species for millions of years that's the only thing they can deal with, and/or their hardwired biological tuning would have them 'lapse' back into a polyamory setup again because it's extremely stressful otherwise, most likely in a situation that's nowhere as beneficial as it was before.

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>Middle-class have no fucking idea about Slavery/Harems/Polyamory

<retelling popular American slavery tropes

<in Chakat Space

Are you fucking ok

>Now consider if someone went around trying to free real-life African Lionesses from their lifestyle of harem'ing around an Alpha Lion

<animal social structures are just like civilizational structures!


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Throw a tantrum, Zoomer posting from a Smartphone. Its called Anthropology. It's something they teach in College.

Humans still has issues with this. After ~500,000 years of Polyamory-based societies (a not quite extinct example: Australian Aboriginals) you can ask any incel how humans still aren't properly Monogamous after only ~5000 years of that cultural meme appearing in prosperous agricultural societies. We're still exhibiting behaviors that which evolved-monogamous mate-for-life species (Birds..) don't have much problem with.

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>are you fucking ok bro

on 8chan?

Don't talk like you came from reddit.

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>Throw a tantrum, Zoomer posting from a Smartphone

<hurr ur Zoomer

<muh Anthropology

Yeah if you actually learned anything from it, you might know what material dialectic progression - read Hegel.

>Humans still has issues with this

Ya don't fucking say? This doesn't exactly apply to a futuristic space-faring world with various cultures and planets. Have you watched Star Trek that isn't STD or Picard?

>you can ask any incel how humans still aren't properly Monogamous


1) since when are incels a good source on anything?

2) harems IRL were typically a group of women dominated by a man with power. Polyamory in developed civilizations did not pertain to the majority of the population.

>We're still exhibiting behaviors

<that birds don't have much problem with

Mostly because birds are distinctly different creatures that evolved MILLIONS of years ago and don't have a concept of "civilization" and advanced society.

>after only ~5000 years

Ok Ishmael, go back to the gorilla pen, it's too early.


>don't talk like reddit

LOL and you know this how? Your statement is borderline schizo-shit in how tangential it is.

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take your meds

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You are a fuckwit who posts screamy walls of text and think Philosophers are actual Scientists.

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no argument


>think Philosophers are actual Scientists

Sociology is literally part of anthropology you dullard.

>You are a fuckwit

irony, thy name is 118674

>screamy walls of text

<waaaaah don't make me read!

That's not what a wall of text is

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Thanks for the scans of Furrlough 53,54,55,56,58, 60 & 70 !

I mirrored them here, alongside some other random stuff i found:


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File: f14b07f5c2c0372⋯.jpg (117.98 KB,600x600,1:1,scanneranon_thinks_comics_….JPG)


And now #94 is done-- the last of my Furrloughs..

I'll do the 9 miscellaneous titles, and then it's into the Albedos.

(And yes, I've been into your collection!)

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Something I totally missed due to my globetrotting ways back then keeping me from having a standing order at a comic book store... Does anyone know how Heebas finished up?

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yay!The furrloughs are done :'D

thanks again for all your work...i was feeling pissy and grumpy, but this made my day better. I think i will start reading the furrlough comics now that such a sizeable amount has been scanned. Since many stories were published in several parts throughout the issues, i figured i'd be missing a lot of the story...that, and i probably must have some sort of adhd or focus issue, and it is difficult to find a quiet moment to read lol. So in all these years, i must have read a few standalone stories here and there, and a handfull of complete issues.

I'll eagerly await the albedos then :D i am hyped that these are being preserved digitally.


>(And yes, I've been into your collection!)

Cool :) the new link i posted has several bunch of comics that were not in the initial mediafire link...this is because i cannot upload to the original account in the first post anymore. It is nothing that you wouldn't find on "libgen", but it may be worth a look anyway. Antartic Press' "Mighty Tiny" anthology is up there. I'll look for more stuff to add...so if anybody is interested please keep an eye on it. For now i mirrored Furrlough #94, and uploaded the first issue of "Weaselmeizters"

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Galacci has put up all of Erma Felna online, at least. His comic published other stories, but those creators still have the rights (also you can buy books of Usagi Yojimbo fucking everywhere).

He really ought to start up a Kickstarter / IGG to finish it properly and get a proper graphic novel printed. Even if he only scripts it, it's a legend in furdom, the best artists would be lining up to work on it, and it'd be fully-funded the first day, easy.

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yeah, he's pretty much a "furry comics" founding father, haha.

Tall Tails is online aswell, amongst others. (and coincidentally, the author is now running a kickstarter for a new comic.)

I think it is a good idea. If radio comix won't put them up, or work towards getting the rights to put them up, the authors of the stories in the anthology could very well just publish them on their own.

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> the best artists would be lining up to work on it

...and 2-3 issues in, they decide to pack it in. Furry artists have a very long history of flaking out on major projects, and SAG as been bitten by it before.

(Also, people don't really like a change of artist-- Shanda, Tales of the Fennec, etc., had new artists take over, and the charm of the original was never recovered.)

Albedo 1995 did also get a fair amount of criticism-- what was a Hard SF story where Erma was really only a point of context, became based around characters and introduced "magical sf cliche sillytech" (nanomachines, why-is-she-that-important Erma clones, etc.) which violated the 'physics' of the prior story's Universe. SAG's storytelling wasn't the same.

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File: 6229575959c48a8⋯.pdf (3.84 MB,Furtopia_The_Comic_2020_10….pdf)

You won't believe what happens in this comic. Page 7 will make you cum so hard your dick explodes.

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Something else with the latter full-color Albedo series-- Gallachi is color-blind. There were lots of green foxes...

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File: b69ae6adbcc84b3⋯.jpg (340.46 KB,762x1179,254:393,1608611919.jpg)

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File: 78f094a71ef4745⋯.pdf (30.5 KB,Avatar_The_Comic_2009_1080….pdf)

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Hmm.. now I'm having memories of SAG actually putting a call-out for artists to continue Albedo, but there wasn't any budding Stan Sakais (dedicated comic book artists with proper work ethic) around and only unemployed cartoon animators (who would abandon everything at the hint of a job) to pick from.

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File: 6ba7d7141ecc197⋯.jpg (130.17 KB,1000x563,1000:563,samurai_rabbit_the_usagi_c….jpg)

fwiw, I've just discovered Usagi Yojimbo is getting Netflix'd.

CGI, but, eh, the stories were decent enough to carry the series even if the presentation is a bit weak.

(Of course, a CGI Albedo with its space hardware would be awesome..)

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i've heard about that on youtube a few months ago!

I think it's actually going to be usagi yojimbo's son / nephew, or something, that will be the main character?But i am still interested...

There was also the pilots for Space Usagi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWOvcIYd7IU

And a 3D CGI Bucky O'Hare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIyEWyjKUCU

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I saw a mention that the Netflix series will be Space Usagi-- where one of Miyamoto's decedents.. (https://about.netflix.com/en/news/comic-legend-stan-sakai-and-usagi-yojimbo-embark-on-a-new-adventure-with-netflix-in-an-all-new-animated-kids-series-samurai-rabbit-the-usagi-chronicles)

.."kid show", a la TMNT-TV-series -level stuff.

I guess there won't be any serious answers of how Miyamoto's daisho survived WWII...

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File: 43abf2c604fd61c⋯.png (133.01 KB,985x1000,197:200,art_of_usagi_yojimbo_02_13.png)


Oh, and one of the Radio Comix art collections was scanned tonight \o/

Unfortunately/(fortunately?) I don't have my Usagi collection to scan because I gave most of it to a nephew several years ago...

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Ohhhh nice!I'll go get it soon :') thank you!

I've the Usagi Yojimbo scans, as well as the Space Usagi scans, if anybody wants them, although they are not particularly rare or hard to find which is why i didn't initially upload them.

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File: e4451d464ae6101⋯.jpg (208.23 KB,736x852,184:213,taka_template_eggs.jpg)

File: 47b6deef0953a3c⋯.jpg (208.23 KB,736x852,184:213,taka_template_twomoms.jpg)

File: d18d1e8d2631d0b⋯.jpg (204.01 KB,736x852,184:213,taka_template_thoughts.jpg)

Time for another update, I guess...

That's now the first milk-crate of comics scanned. Goddamn those colourized Albedos were a PITA...

Anyway, into the second and last milk-crate that was in storage, which contains--

Several more "Volumes 2/3/4" Albedos,

A couple more later Furrloughs (..that I'd forgotten all about),

A few issues of Birthright (the Albedo 'sequel'),

Several Yarfs!! (the second exclamation point is mine),

the four 'American Journal of Anthropomorphics' books,

the second Captain Jack collection book,

and 'Melari's Wish'.

Several of these have got ~100 pages to scan in each, so the daily updates thing won't be too consistent when I hit those.

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wow, even more furrloughs?!That's awesome news! :'D

Thanks for all the hard, at times mindnumbing work that you're putting into these, scanneranon, aswell as sacrificing your own copies of the albedos so that they can live on the digital afterlife, and we can read them too *pours some booze on the floor for the fallen albedos* i couldn't find a skull trumpet version of that song, so here is a completely horrendous version instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlryWu_jG2A

Also i am excited, well about most of it tbh, but mostly about the Albedos and Yarfs! too!Aswell as Birthright. Please take all the time you need. I'll try to mirror the latest scans on mediafire in the meantime, just in case anybody wants that alternative, and also to maybe help with bandwith a little.

Now mirroring them, the link is here: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5djzey941k1ee/Comics

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Random idea while I'm failing to go to sleep...

Currently about 32000 images are uploaded to FurAffinity every day. If you had 8 panels per page, in a 34 page comic, that'd be 116 comics' worth uploaded daily.

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File: 7e1de0ede791489⋯.jpg (797.43 KB,1742x1212,871:606,xxxenophile_card_panda.jpg)

File: bf12861ed4f1c5d⋯.jpg (752.76 KB,1750x1140,175:114,xxxenophile_card_cat_heade….jpg)

Still slogging on...

Something extra-- I found these loose cards from Phil Fogilo's "XXXenophile" card game.

The interesting thing is they're drawn by Tom Verre... the early Furry Fandom artist who quit because his idea of being a practicing Christian was not slaving away producing wank material for degenerates wanting to degenerate further.. So he just drew it for himself and otherwise withdrew from the fandom...

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File: fb21eab4c761aa4⋯.png (352.16 KB,992x1417,992:1417,029.png)

Just something from the 'American Journal of Anthropomorphics' that I've started scanning...

Check out the 1993-era Commission prices from a A-list Furry Artist, back before weak-minded Coomers flooded in who could be manipulated to pay anything.

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Those prices I believe were on-par for what Pro cartoonists (Disney, et.al.) were being paid by their companies, and also what those commissioned to illustrate for comic books were doing.

Meesh: $2500 is the starting price...

Coomer: A small price to pay for 5 hours of your drug-addict time! and it'll get me noticed by the Gay Furry hoi-polloi.. I hope!

Meesh: Oh, you'll need /five/ commissions for to be noticed.

Coomer: Oh! I'm so grateful you're giving me 5 commissions slots from a Furry Art God!!!

Meesh: <not listening> That's in US dollars, of course.

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File: 8aa2d028651605b⋯.jpg (434.17 KB,932x1223,932:1223,aja_01_000.jpg)

File: f729c686e7c9051⋯.jpg (645.18 KB,945x1229,945:1229,aja_02_000.jpg)

File: 121da77ba4a0fd6⋯.jpg (487.23 KB,926x1217,926:1217,aja_03_000.jpg)

File: 936425ba301d188⋯.jpg (234.06 KB,920x1217,920:1217,aja_04_000.jpg)

knock knock just reached another checkpoint/milestone in the scanning having completed the 'American Journal of Anthropomorphics' books. What was considered the who's-who of Furry Artists (..partially) back in the day. There's certainly a lot on names in these who were popular back then, but haven't heard about this century. And also a few (like Jay Naylor) whose early stuff is nearly unrecognizable today...

Select pages from this were scanned using the technology of the day, but I don't recall the entire books being done before.

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Sweet. Do you have Shawn Keller's Horryfing Look at the Furries, by any chance? I couldn't find it on TE5.

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File: 3a855676bebb850⋯.jpg (47.24 KB,350x557,350:557,EsxTjmeXcAUJabG.jpg)

Does anyone here have this?

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No, again that was something published after I quit the fandom. I can only can what I've got, and I intend to do everything that's left, so there's really no point making requests.

(...but I do need to relocate an old housemate who I know has a copy "Skunk" among other goodies, which most definitely needs a proper high-res scanning treatment. And I'll try to deprive him of his issues of Gallery.. but that'll likely demand an across-country road-trip that'll be cheaper than postage)

Sigh, the good old days... when there was no shame being labeled a "Skunkfucker", because you were at least separate from the mainstream comic scene's Lady Death and Warrior Nun crowd...

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Also I wasn't a fan in any way of Terrie Smith...

If you're just wanting Chester rather than the full published-comic experience (people only wanted Chester -_-), there looks to be a full archive at http://www.radiocomix.com/havoc-inc/category/comic/ The javascript browser looked a little busted, but access to the pages is there.)

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I like Chester ^^

Him and Chris are a cute couple

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File: fcfc1f6c1595df6⋯.jpg (360.62 KB,760x1080,19:27,sfl_05_00.jpg)

File: ecdc0d19b1f6e2c⋯.jpg (365.5 KB,897x1080,299:360,sfl_07_35.jpg)

File: 94f69a4fde0e891⋯.jpg (352.53 KB,1616x543,1616:543,01.jpg)

...and that's all my 'South Fur Lands' fanzines scanned.

It's not anything special as a APA even by the standards of Furry. (This /was/ at the bottom of the scanning pile..) It's still a bit of history though, from the time when Online Furries started taking over and assuming control of everything Anthropomorphic..

I found out about SFL as an Animation/Anime fan, and the net being a small place back then, I noticed a local (well, fellow Australian) Jason Gaffney/Jagafeh's intentions to level-up his Comic Book Fanboyism, and I liked the idea of doing like the North American Furry Fandom was with self-publishing APAs (Amateur Press Association, basically a Club with a comic-book newsletter of sorts).

I was looking forward to a Australian Cartoonist Club magazine, which there was current none at the time, and seeing next Gerard Ashworth, Christie McMurray, Craig Hilton (May Gibbs? Norman Lindsey? Pat Sullivan?). But... Furry(MUCKer)s ruined everything.

At the time of the last issue I bought, it was known that Bernard Doove was taking it over (oh god; no-one I knew would spread the word about SFL because of Doove's creepy autistic shit in there--and you can see for yourself the artists in the first few issues who never returned), that Marco Morales was leaving for overseas, and the enthusiastic newbs were being left-out because narcissist Amy Pronovost demanding all the attention and editor Marco Laine having no problem giving pages to Northern Hemisphere popufurs who had no business in SFL.

Anyway.. that's the last of the my furry comics to be scanned! Just over 3300 pages in the past 3 months. For what it's worth I've still a handful of non-furry comics to do before taking a break- including a Ninja Highschool Yearbook, with surprise Eric W. Schwartz and Kurt Wilcken stories.

Thanks for giving me the motivation for getting rid of those crates of comic books I've had to cart around for 25 years!

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Probably a good time to again mention the link for the Onion site hosting the scans:


Install Tor-Browser to access.

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File: b3bfeab6f0f3da3⋯.png (177.67 KB,911x1348,911:1348,nhs_yb1993_37.png)

File: 69d4bb616fdc795⋯.png (169.06 KB,905x1340,181:268,nhs_yb1993_38.png)

File: ad1b11ef287b9b1⋯.png (149.88 KB,903x1358,129:194,nhs_yb1993_39.png)


Might as well post the SUPER RARE!!!!!11 EWS comic...

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File: a2239de1986b8fe⋯.png (170.05 KB,909x1360,909:1360,nhs_yb1993_40.png)

File: d2a7901b947e6ee⋯.png (169.81 KB,913x1356,913:1356,nhs_yb1993_41.png)

File: 5432722ee0efc3f⋯.png (104.83 KB,938x1360,469:680,nhs_yb1993_42.png)

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>For what it's worth I've still a handful of non-furry comics to do before taking a break

Will you post those somewhere when you get to them? I'd like to see those as well.

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File: 6c58fb7714545fd⋯.png (103.68 KB,887x768,887:768,05_r.png)

File: 360231a07c93840⋯.pdf (14.11 MB,forbidden_furlands_3.pdf)


The stuff I'm starting into next is Australian Underground Zines and Self-pubs. Eventually, perhaps when I get an unlimited broadband plan, I'll probably make a separate Onion Site for those, but for the meantime I'll put them on TE5..


Can I interest you in an Australian version of that..? I found something tonight in the Zine's milk crate..

As I mentioned before, South Fur Lands didn't take off at all among the general underground zine community here because Furry Fandom was filling up with freaks by even Comix' standards; the pornography fixation was long considered declasse too. A couple of guys in the Sydney comix scene did a satire furryzine "Forbidden Furlands", being the proper way for cartoonists to criticize something. I got word that the head guy of South Fur Lands (Jason) thought it was a riot; the SFL editor (Marko) got the shits.

This was scanned from a super-special freebie copy that Gerard Ashworth (the scribby guy..) sent back to me when I wrote a letter asking if he'd necked himself yet.

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wow...just wow

Thank *YOU for preserving and archiving these, and sharing it with all of us, i'm super appreciative.

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Basedest thread here - no porn, just classic anthro shenanigans

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File: baa549da901cbc0⋯.png (358.18 KB,851x1200,851:1200,wsk3_02.png)

File: fc5d8eebf9d9e6d⋯.png (593.38 KB,1920x612,160:51,wsk7_70.png)

File: 138bca3449f2f29⋯.png (58.39 KB,1920x973,1920:973,wsk7_79.png)

I'm into scanning the weird shit now...

Has anyone heard of a Canadian cartoonist/artist named Kate Alley before? (did the 3rd image here) She's appeared in quite a few Gerard Ashworth pubs, and has a thing for Funny Animals, but I've not been about to search up anything further-- even going through the results of a search of all Canadian artists/cartoonists/illustrators/etc. named Kate...

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>Kate Alley

sounds familiar but not much more than that. I think it may be a pseudonym.

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File: 2db4968d0df063b⋯.png (102.19 KB,1400x993,1400:993,katealey_sab.png)

Make that "Kate Aley". My best intel says she was around the Australian small press before moving to Canada. I suspect she's probably got married and changed her surname.

Here's another better example of her style of drawing.

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Veeeery familiar to me, but I can't recall from where.

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Bizarre tangent, but this style reminds me of the black and white work of Eric Parker, a British comic and story paper artist (very!) active from the 1920's to 1950's.

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It does seem similar... perhaps she is his illegitimate descendant who inherited his comic powers and put them to furry seed

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I heard on /co/ long ago that the Aussie comics scene as a whole ended up being taken over by one guy, who would shit on people he didn't like and praise people he did like, regardless of the quality of their comics. He also had a legion of NPC fans who'd brigade or buy whatever he told them to. It sounds like South Fur Lands was that whole situation in microcosm.

Also I looked up Bernard Doove, then looked up the Chakat species he made. And then I knew exactly what you mean.

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File: 56fa9a4499e5c12⋯.png (431.72 KB,851x1200,851:1200,com_02_00.png)

File: 6047787528b3a67⋯.png (406.48 KB,851x1200,851:1200,com_02_01.png)

File: 6c1f4b401e7173d⋯.png (344.13 KB,851x1200,851:1200,com_02_02.png)

File: 780bcecf467491d⋯.png (420.05 KB,851x1200,851:1200,com_02_03.png)

File: 8d6d11949caaaa5⋯.png (476.2 KB,851x1200,851:1200,com_02_04.png)


>I heard on /co/ long ago that the Aussie comics scene as a whole ended up being taken over by one guy, who would shit on people he didn't like and praise people he did like, regardless of the quality of their comics. He also had a legion of NPC fans who'd brigade or buy whatever he told them to.

I wonder if that person was talking about Gerard Ashworth-- he had the very dominate personality and probably Oz Comics biggest 'influencer', and had the legion of fans, and repsect of peers both amateur and pro.. Claiming they were brigading doesn't sound right though.

The Platinum Grit guys were also successful locally... for a while.

imho though, it was the Internet that killed everything.

(sample of GA 'shitting on people'-- but it's being done critically and not just some high-status egotism.)

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File: a41d81173252101⋯.png (463.82 KB,851x1200,851:1200,com_02_05.png)

File: 236044782980707⋯.png (444.67 KB,851x1200,851:1200,com_02_06.png)

File: 9536e453ce9bac4⋯.png (442.16 KB,851x1200,851:1200,com_02_07.png)

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"Greener Pastures" being one of those high-profile Aussie Comics that got a fair bit of mainstream exposure (Cheez TV..) which looked good to being a commercial success... but about 4 issues in it started pushing a Vegan agenda.

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Anyone remember The Valbadorisians (LUCK of the DRAW) by Trump? That was wack


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Site seems to be down

>Onionsite Not Found

>The most likely cause is that the onionsite is offline. Contact the onionsite administrator.

>Details: 0xF0 — The requested onion service descriptor can't be found on the hashring and therefore the service is not reachable by the client.

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Felt like a fan doujin of an actual series, but apparently was 100% original content.

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Doesn’t matter. They’re all trash.

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It is still running, and being spidered constantly.

It's appearing on the first page of results for "furry" in the Darkwebz indexers, too. yay.

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..and every 2-3 days someone comes along and downloads the entire 7GB..

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And there was a 40GB surge right after I posted >>120394 ...

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File: a9a2b1b12156269⋯.png (13.12 KB,799x855,799:855,pngout.png)



TE5 is going offline for an indefinite amount of time, maybe a year or so, or even permanently, if I manage to get myself killed.

So if you want to download all 358 comixs and look at the covers of perhaps 2, then forget about them, get it done in a month.

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Has anyone bothered to make a backup?

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Hey dude, are you still alive? Any plans to continue?

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anyone has a backup?

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