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Making Anthro Great Again
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File: f208be22ce3b709⋯.jpg (2.21 MB, 3328x1872, 16:9, IMG_20170314_172345.jpg)

File: 2a8a98ea5b4e183⋯.jpg (2 MB, 1872x3328, 9:16, IMG_20170314_170127.jpg)

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File: 5c87a9f3a78d493⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 1872x3328, 9:16, IMG_20170314_170439.jpg)


I'm not posting with my usual trip on, and I'd appreciate it if you could not identify me.

These photographs (in two parts) represent nearly the entirety of my furry comic collection (which I still haven't finished scanning, I'm sorry to admit) but while I am, in fact, not done doing that, everything I have here is for sale (minus the binding staples on some issues, because while removing them to make scanning easier, I noticed that some were rusty, and that can adversely affect the paper) either singly or in bulk, at the printed price, plus shipping.

I have the digital versions of everything I've scanned so far available, as well, but I would honestly like to sell these, so they can go to someone who'll be able to keep them better than I am able to.

Following this block of text are links; while I scanned most of these myself, I'm including cbr files for several that I did not scan (notably Shanda issues 25, 27, 29, 35, Annual #3; Xanadu - Phelia's Tale; two Albedo PDFs (one labeled simply "albedo" and one labeled "albedo00") along with a collection labeled "LQ - for the desperate only" of low quality albedo/birthright, plus some miscellaneous art)

again, please, do not identify me (the file names probably do by themselves)

if you're interested in purchasing any of my issues, let me know and we'll discuss it (I won't ship internationally, not after that debacle with byuu-san's $10k in pal snes carts)

Albedo -


I do not have Albedo 10, 11, or 12 scanned as of now. I will not be scanning the Command Review I have, because of how it's bound.

Shanda the Panda -


I do not have Shanda 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, and 20 scanned as of now

Xanadu 1-5, plus Phelia's tale (#5's cover says 3 of 5) -



File: df72ab5e4941f01⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 3328x1872, 16:9, IMG_20170314_171015.jpg)

File: c0f7f4fdfac0eac⋯.jpg (2.29 MB, 1872x3328, 9:16, IMG_20170314_172221.jpg)

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File: d6894fcdfa61318⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 3328x1872, 16:9, IMG_20170314_172335.jpg)

if you ARE interested in purchasing any of my issues, use the email field

my IP is dynamic, and I don't want to deal with asking to be whitelisted just to reply to people

I almost forgot, I haven't scanned any of my issues of Critters


File: 3d33af4803fbbbc⋯.jpg (735.49 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 138c776c601c46a9fff49ed79d….jpg)


>dont want to deal with asking to be whitelisted

You're free to reply as much as you want.

A protip for you:

The WL is actually off, /fur/ built a big enough list that it doesn't need to be forced on. Spam attacks still happen but it's just flipped on and wipe out the spam in seconds. So asking to be white listed is just insurance for your posts but no longer a requirement to post.



well, shit, that makes things easier, thanks for letting me know!



>I almost forgot, I haven't scanned any of my issues of Critters

eeeeeeh, I can probably save you a bit of the effort-- back in 2011 I did a massive scanning run on Lulz/Furi, and got about 30 issues of Critters done (and 110 other comics).

Critters #04 - #29 ::: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7a4fxqyzi121hbn/Critters-04-29.7z

Critters #30 - #50 ::: http://www.mediafire.com/file/m6ikn4oka38t8it/Critters-30-50.7z

Critters spin-offs (Captain Jack, et.al.) ::: http://www.mediafire.com/file/w5jzg0hlibz1hai/Critters-Spinoffs.7z

It's not the complete run of the comic, but that'll be about 40 fewer comics to do. So give me Internet asspats (fwiw, I stopped scanning for furi after a cancer started uploading the stuff to a MakeMonies bootlegging site because he wanted Internet asspats for himself.)

Scanning details: where possible I did 600dpi bilevel PNGs, going to JPEG when the halftones or color kicked in.



File: 7ff573d7a02356a⋯.png (500.77 KB, 685x762, 685:762, tumblr_ncmtceeE2w1r8ex53o1….png)


I'm very, very interested in pretty much anything Albedo related you're willing to part with. I know this thread's a few days old, but if you see this I'd love to talk with you. E-Mail's in the field.

Thanks in advance.



P.S. : Thanks for all these scans, hard to come by a lot of this stuff without a lot of digging.




yeah, I tried to keep 600DPI, and that was it, how it came out was done

good to see more scans up though!


I have some scanned Albedo issues (the ones published by SFA and one from AP)




I almost forgot: I also uploaded the RPGs and the two first issues of Refractions, as well.


OP here, bad news, my scanner IS, in fact, broken (trying to turn it on blew a circuit, i'm fine, circuit got reset, just a bad scanner now in the trash)



Looking for recent few Heat mag scans. Anyone?


It's great you're doing this OP, if not for you they'd fall into obscurity.

If only japanese stuff was preserved too, I'm always on the look for Mikazuki Karasu's complete collection he sold.



Great work op! keep at it when you can


I hope you didn't cut them up to scan them.


File: df55cf08cc1a159⋯.png (881.57 KB, 1280x1171, 1280:1171, tumblr_oqp0zsDMMF1wpmwxoo2….png)

Those comics are...like...furry for >40 year-olds. I'm grateful that they started this fandom, but old people have such bad taste in furry.


File: 97b33c20c2a2ec6⋯.png (2.78 KB, 250x230, 25:23, 97b33c20c2a2ec634a58ff1774….png)

I don't know why I didn't take note of this thread before, but I'll have to give these a read. Thanks OP.


pic related

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