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/fur/ - Furry

all fur one and one fur all
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File: d29b1f4620b7043⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 3150x4088, 225:292, 740915.jpg)


Do you consider anime catgirls/foxgirls to be furries?

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It’s really fun to troll people by insisting they are but no, realistically I don’t.

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it's the gateway

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No, unless they're either covered in fur or have snouts of some sort.

The ones in your pic are just humans with autism ears and fluffy buttplugs.

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they're debatably /monster/ because they have human faces, at least that's how /monster/ justifies not being furries.

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No, but they are how I became a furry

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File: adc29ce9d65f7d2⋯.png (276.25 KB, 720x374, 360:187, Furry_Chart.png)


Yes. I know neko fans LOVE to place an arbitrary line and mark everything past it as deviant animal-fuckery, but it all exists on the same spectrum of attraction to animal traits. Neko is just a lower level on that spectrum.

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1 is absolutely not furry

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Keep telling yourself that.

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this was me a few years ago...

now, sometimes I fap to level 5

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Kind of, but they are casual normie shit. They're the cawadoody of this fandom.

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yes it is you fucking furfag, my god you're such a fucking furfag

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File: a131aa8f721409d⋯.png (710.47 KB, 765x1146, 255:382, a131aa8f721409dde72b5d55b3….png)

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>2 sets of ears

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No thankfully

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silly children like you overreacting to things like this are the reason most people ignore you

way to go, you just made one more eventual furry

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Yes, it's just not very furry. They're equivalent to ordering water at a bar. Sure it's a drink, but it's not much of one.


>things like this are the reason most people ignore you

<he says, not ignoring him

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