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You are born as freedom. It is just that you have been conditioned to forget it.

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……it was stillborn……

the problem is you seem to think i hate because im am inexperienced 'democrat' (lol wow)

whereas i know you're experienced enough to realize that you ARE a republican because you hate


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as you know, there is no correct answer

only perspectives

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okay…. HERE GOES…..

I won't even remember what I've said after it comes out, so grab a pen and paper or a tape recorder….

I am NOT a democrat….

they make me sick…..

read my healthy hatred content and youll see me clearly tell you how FAKE and CHEESY they are

I hate Pelosi.. I hate Schumer… I hate them all…

I actually DO think we have the right to protest, like in the 60s and 70s against the vietnam war

i actually think its cool for people to be a pain in the ass

but i DO NOT agree with the way these protests are going… im sick and tired of hearing the stupid catchphrase black lives matter… I am nauseated by the way the liberal 'left' ews organizations are hyping it, and i hate the cancel culture

(Eeewwww i just said 'cancel culture', which I find just as sickening and predictable as saying black lives matter, or saying Normie or Stacy or Chad or any other stupid catchphrase because I hate that shit… I can't believe I just used a catchphrase to describe something)

But I said cancel culture so you would know what I'm talkin about… I hate it. I hate how every company thinks they have to come out and make a statement, saying how black lives matter to them blah blah blah blah companies worried that if they don't say something their CEOs will be fired… everyday civilians thinking they have to say catch phrases… Its GROSS and it's embarrassing

You know how I feel about the other side as well oh, so I don't need to waste your time talking about how much I hate disgusting Donald Trump, who by the way has gone back into his bunker to hide, after the Seattle mayor told him "get back into your bunker" (lol you gotta admit thats funny) and the governor ridiculed him for saying "this must be STOOPED immediately" ( your governor is pretty fucking funny )

And I hate cops… Everybody should hate cops… You hate cops… you've told me before how much you dislike them… Cops have a low IQ or they wouldn't be hired, and they fuck everything up every chance they get…

Meanwhile, this left-wing liberal is actually pretty old-fashioned sometimes, and I believe in Law and Order and red white and blue and holding doors open for little old ladies and saying thank you and yes ma'am and no sir…

And even though I think cops are douchebags, you know how addicted I am to my favorite television show, because it actually shows you a real first-person account of what they have to deal with…


so that gives me all the more reason to hate the stupid protesting and the stupid left-wing Democrat bullshit on the stupid left-wing Democrat news shows oh, just as much as I hate the stupid right-wing Republican news that you watch… I hate all of them…

I hate you and I hate Wendy and I hate my mother and I hate myself and I hate everybody

So don't go thinking you're special just because I hate the entire goddamn human race

But I'm not quite as left-wing as you seem to think


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Thanks for the clarification. Glad you have not gone full-bore retard on us! And by us, I mean THOT and me and, of course, the 10,000 lurkers. Killcen is probably busy fortifying his bunker. Or wishing his alcohol addiction had not put him into contact with the COVID, which we're pretty much all sure to experience to one degree or another sooner or later anyway; but we're all on edge a bit about it too. We, in the West, like to forget about impending death, pretend it won't happen to us, lock away the sick and dying where we don't have to witness the steady decline. We worship youth and vitality, and why would we not? Yet all those who have made it into latter years, when the body and mind begin failing, know thatyouth is wasted on the young.There is no greater example than what is happening in downtown Seattle right now. Young people are so easily led around by idealogues who appeal to the emotions of anger, hatred, fear and victimhood, whipping them up into a frenzy of violence and erratic behavior reminiscent of every horror that they themselves decry and pretend existed before. Well now all those things do exist there, they are expanding, and this may be coming to your city? What then? When does the insanity stop, and who will be courageous enough to not only stand against it but put a fucking stop to it?Who?These niggers, and yes, I mean ignorant faggots of every color, sex and mental-midgetry, were allowed by our governor, who either pretended not to know it was happening, or actually didn't know, take your fucking pick, he is far from funny, people are dying, being assaulted, extorted, harrassed with guns… Inslee? Clueless. Like pretty much all Democrats and most Republicans right now. Anyway, what did these lawless niggers do? Built walls, established stop & frisk, total control over movements into and out of their "country", only desirables allowed, and the movements within are even more controlled. Violence. Extortion. Armed thugs barking orders and forcing them to obey, constantly having to show ID… All the things they say they don't like about Trump or government or cops, they have not only done in a day, they have made it a new way of life, a way of life they'd like to bring home to you. Do you want BLM and Antifa running your streets? I do not, nor do most sane individuals in this State, and in these United States.

There is nothing you said that I disagree with. I am also a Liberal in the traditional sense; as in I don't give a fuck what you do, as long as you don't hurt abybody, but I am a Conservative when it comes to wanting Less Government, Less "Services".They fuck everything up; so no, I don't want a bigger bureaucracy with more money and power.

As for cops, of course someone like me cannot begin to imagine why somebody would consider it a way of life to tell other people how to live their lives, enforcing laws that don't even make sense, pretending that we are "Breaking the Code", or "Committing an Infraction", when they are really just threatening us, at the point of a gun, to enforce the will of their masters those who rule us all the elites those who should be the real enemy those behind their ivory towers with their private security forces those stoking these fires those controlling the media you are allowed to consume – those toying with your mind and your emotions, all the better to control and manipulate you into increasing their power exponentially…

Yeah, you and I are not all that different in our views. You just have fallen so hard for the Trump-hate meme that you think everyone who does not have the same level of manic hatred for him must actually like him somehow! Well, that's bullshit. I can't imagine anyone, including him, who actually likes the man! But he is our Disruptor In Chief, and I definitely support disrupting the status quo, disrupting the plans of the global elites, and disrupting the plans of those unelected officials, shadowy alphabet types, and politicians who need term limits laid on 'em, you know, the Deep State… Yeah, I'm for disrupting all that centralized control shit.Fucking Slavery is what it is.And there can be no doubt that those powers-that-be do not want another four years of Donald Trump, they are terrified, willing to go to any length to reestablish their iron grip on everything, their precious control… Yeah, Trump is out-of-control alright, which is one of the reasons I voted for him. The elites control the media and they have done nothing but stoke Trump-hate, and divide our country in every way possible. Trump is not a Uniter. But we're not ready for that yet. Obviously. He's not the one Dividing this country though. He has no power, especially now. It's the retards giving in to the mob who are dividing this country.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


As for voting… It's literally none of your business who I vote for or why. Just because you know we both know my vote doesn't mean shit, which is why I never voted for decades, but I still voted for Trump last time, and will do so again, doesn't mean displaying all the classic symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome will do anything to change my mind or my vote, which we both know means nothing – but it is a symbol, and that's what you really hate isn't it? It's a symbol that I can see things differently than you, but we can come together and agree that, no matter the outcome, we'll accept the results, as long as the election was fair. Well, you just spent 3 1/2 years spewing nothing but hate and are still spouting muh Russia bullshit, when you know the Democrats tried to steal that election, and they're trying to do it again with the mail-in voter-fraud bullshit. Just do your own research into how voting should and should not be done, and the whys and the wherefores, before you attempt to even broach that subject!I get it. You're mad I'm gonna vote for Trump, even though I don't even like the guy.Get Over It. This is America, I'll vote how I please. You just make yourself look like a petulant child when you continue on that tack, so give it up. Or don't. No skin off my nose. I'm not the one who drove away my friends and family by refusing to let them have different thoughts or support different political ideas. Neither of us could be thought of as "civil", but the shit you say just plain allies you with the Radical Left, and they are allied with violent thugs right now, and they are doing the bidding of the elites, our Slavers; so yeah, even though you and I agree on literally everything, with the exception of me not hating either Trump or Wendy as much as you do, we're gonna end up on opposite sides of this civil war a'brewin'! And that's a shame. It doesn't have to be like this. Let go of the hate. You cannot ally yourself with these niggers and be taken seriously. When the looting in my neighborhood starts I assure you some shooting is gonna start. Is that the world you want? Do you hate Trump that much? So yeah, that's the other thing. I believe in using guns to protect my family. You don't. Who you gonna call when the niggers are raping Wendy and killing your cats? The police? The local Antifa warlord? You need to get serious here. This is about more than mere shitposting on an obsure board no one reads. In my town someone is going on a cat-killing spree. Hundreds. Cops are busy with vandals. I admit I enjoy seeing cops get a little back of what they've been dishing out, but I think I already mentioned I'm too much of a Libertarian for the Anarchists to accept me, and too much of an Anarchist for the Lolberterians to accept me, so I would rather see massive reforms than throw the baby out with the bathwater… I do not support defunding the police. But I think the entire criminal justice system and judicial system need massive reforms. I wish we could have serious REAL discussions about REAL Reforms, but you see how the Catholics and Protestants are still at each other's throats, and it does not bode well for protestant movements based on what they are against.Isn't anyone FOR anything anymore?

As for civil discourse… On a chan? I think it is clear that the Internet-at-large, and indeed our whole society, has become like 4chan – worshipping tranny big black cocks and spewing idiotic opinions and hate everywhere, while calling each other juvenile names like nigger and faggot.

But you and I know that you won't be able to shut up about Trump for the next 4 1/2 years any more than I'll be able to stop trying to get you to watch just one episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight… So, carry on…

And yes, that Ween song is addictive as fuck.

And yes, I love you man. I miss feeling like we were friends. I don't have many, so it hurts. But it wasn't Trump who came between us. It was you hating too much for my liking and me not hating enough for your liking.

I'm working on some shit in my own life, going through changes in perspective, and I'm sure you are too – we all are. Maybe we should lighten up a little and stop constantly being on the attack. Then we will have a better chance to work together to create a better environment for us to play in… Because that's all this is anyway…Play.

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…..we ARE still friends……

at least i think we are…… things are simply weird recently, like a sieve or a pressure cooker

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