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You are born as freedom. It is just that you have been conditioned to forget it.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


File: 7fe93b38be49b6e⋯.png (248.38 KB,970x659,970:659,Uhhhhh.png)

File: 9dc086b1442980a⋯.png (1.1 MB,877x744,877:744,Meanwhile_in_England.png)

File: 65481f51dd7cddc⋯.jpeg (146.2 KB,1024x996,256:249,it_means_that_its_working.jpeg)

File: 8142f1fc5682927⋯.png (454.5 KB,605x512,605:512,Globalists.png)

File: aff0cd7e62b27ba⋯.jpeg (144.07 KB,632x900,158:225,medical_advice_MSNBC_Styl….jpeg)


Personal Confirmation.

The Pfizer vaccine either caused my oldest daughter to contract COVID, or did not prevent her from contracting it a week after she got jabbed. She, of course, gave the COVID to her younger sister, and I, of course, contracted it too, being in the same household. I am already in extremely poor health due to an actual life-threatening situation; but can assure you that COVID is not fun. It feels manufactured. It does not act like any respiratory illness I have had before. But yeah, I would rather have COVID than take the vaccine. And no, I was not tested, because I do not live my life in fear, and I do not think anyone deserves to use me as a data point. They wouldn't know what to do with a number if it reached out and bit them on the ass, and I'm certainly not going to let them turn me into one.

They have created a situation where no one trusts scientists or the medical community anymore, because they have acted like total idiots, and no one trusts politicians because they have acted like totally evil demonic hordes of civilization-destroying harpies. I'll take my chances with nature. Vaccine junkies will be taking a new one every few months soon, and they will be weak as fuck, just like the plan was all along. COVID makes you weak too. Weak and powerless. Communist China is happy. The Globalists are in glee.

You better learn to stand up, refuse to conform! Else you deserve the eternal slavery you are welcoming with your capitulation to corporate oligarchical mob-rule.

As for this place, some may have noticed, I'm not only losing the ability to communicate, I'm losing the inclination.

I hope you find some enjoyment in what is left of your lives.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


odd. all 4 of us got vaccinated, and none of us got sick.

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lol @ mad cow prions hahaha bullshit

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"As for this place, some may have noticed, I'm not only losing the ability to communicate, I'm losing the inclination."

Who are you talking to? Nobody comes here.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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