This world is actually ruled by the most obnoxious elements; from the top to the bottom, IRRITANTS RULE.
It's not anyone's fault. Faults lie with the beholder. Some only see the irritant, not the pearl.
We are all attracted to sensations we perceive as pleasurable, and repelled by sensations we perceive as painful in some way; yet we are using the same tools for perceptual awareness in either case. Only our judgment of those sensations is actually interpreted by the mind as either "pleasurable" or "painful". Most of our actions are more reactive in nature than they are spontaneously active, and most of our reactions are merely habitual responses to stimuli, learned through experience, and codified through time and routine, with ever-increasing propensities for developing even more predispositions and obsessions.
While we chafe under the perceived stern judgments of the supposed "Other", it is those very judgments, or at least our perception of them, that shapes our experience in the ways that really matter; that make everything"WORTH IT".
We all choose our different methods of escaping pain and seeking pleasure, and we judge each other harshly by our perceptions of what we see as "their" methods; those ignorant fucks out there, the ones who do not hold our vantaged viewpoint of superiority and "good" judgment. So, we all judge, yet none of us accepts much, if any, of the judgment of "others".
I don't give a fuck if you don't like the judgment! The judgment is the sand in your oyster! That doesn't mean that more sand is better, mind you! It just means that it can be a seed for growth, if one lets it… Growth of a kind that is "WORTH IT".
EVERYONE is the Sand in SOMEBODY'S Oyster.
It's up to each of us to choose which irritants are most useful to cultivate the Pearl of Great Price, and which should be expunged with inspiration and expiration, on every level, in every aspect of experience.
It is similar to orchestration, this coaxing forth of new kinds of RESONANCE that encourage Harmony rather than Cacophony. It reminds me more of creating Keybindings or Global Shortcuts than it does of proliferating Habitude or Addiction.
Anyway,Just "Pearling" here!
Hope the sand stirred up hereabouts is not too much for your own "Pearling" Process!
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