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File: 6f400cfc359243b⋯.png (291.57 KB,537x351,179:117,1543509942892.png)

7c55ee No.144032 [Last50 Posts]

Redpill me on nofap

Is it fine to cum once every 3 days

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1dba1e No.144033

File: fea17f086d8bcd0⋯.jpg (99.13 KB,1302x733,1302:733,dopamine prolactin cycle.jpg)

File: ae24609aafdfdbf⋯.jpg (116.73 KB,900x750,6:5,ae24609aafdfdbf86ff8e39fe6….jpg)




>the current opinion in pharmacology is that dopamine confers motivational salience; in other words, dopamine signals the perceived motivational prominence (i.e., the desirability or aversiveness) of an outcome, which in turn propels the organism's behavior toward or away from achieving that outcome

The loss of semen immediately results in your brain shutting down androgen receptors (the things that use testosterone), loss of dopamine (chemical that creates motivation), loss of oxytocin (chemical that results in sensations of love and well-being), and a huge spike of prolactin (chemical that causes fatigue and loss of sex drive). It takes about three weeks for your neurochemicals to return to normal baseline again.

Never touch your willy. If you want to fuck a bitch do kegel exercises so you can orgasm without ejaculating.

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8fd2b6 No.144034

File: 4fec8876584fb0d⋯.gif (420.44 KB,500x255,100:51,SadGirl.gif)


The only reason why anyone should do nofap is if they have an unhealthy addiction to masturbation. If you don't have self control like the majority of men who abstain, I wouldn't recommend jacking it. This does, however, ultimately lead to lower testosterone levels, sperm count, and possible erectile dysfunction over time. If you can stick to a schedule, however, the recommended time between sessions is one week. It is pretty difficult, though, because I can see one image and I just have to rub one out right then and there, though I did manage to maintain this routine for about four or five months. Alternatively, you can slam your dick between two 45lb dumbbells like I did, and that'll put you out of commission for about two weeks.

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26af8e No.144037


Out of curiosity, what's the case for women? Or are they just clear for masturbating?

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8fd2b6 No.144038


You know what they say; loose lips sink relationships.

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26af8e No.144039


As in the neurochemistry specifically.

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1dba1e No.144041

File: 51530ac4c90684b⋯.jpg (15.32 KB,415x317,415:317,1513550016367.jpg)



Honestly I couldn't tell you. I'm a man, as are 95% of imageboard users and I've never bothered to research the female aspect. From what I can recall orgasm does cause a loss of oxytocin in females, which for them is the primary chemical behind sensations of love and mothering. Don't take my vague rememberings for law though, you should probably look it up yourself.

Chastity is usually held to be a great virtue for females as well though, in fact it's even more emphasized by most cultures than male chastity.

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5116e0 No.144079

File: fb28a177c56d5dc⋯.jpg (25.15 KB,325x315,65:63,ameriga.JPG)


I've been doing nofap for 71 days. In my experience, nofap is comparable to a number of other healthy habits like exercise, good nutrition, getting sunlight, socializing, etc. None of these things make you a god, but doing them regularly will gradually make you a healthier person. I'd say I'm more energetic, positive, and confident from doing it. Ask me anything if you're curious.

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7e94ca No.144082


you need to ejaculate occasionally, if you don't at all then you will have wet dreams every once in awhile. but yeah you're 95% right. I think it's okay to splooge if you're with a girl, but never masturbate

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b660c9 No.144092

File: 845a2f991dcfed7⋯.png (93.5 KB,451x595,451:595,1465844997732.png)



Absolutely based


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308a36 No.144108

File: 9555a2f0423eaf5⋯.jpg (8.73 KB,255x208,255:208,1440281052761.jpg)


Don't really think it matters.

Through the years i've been getting more and more confident, assertive, sociable, motivated, etc. yet i've always masturbated regularly, once or twice per day, sometimes even more.

Granted, perhaps if i did nofap i'd become even more assertive and motivated and shit, i don't know, but i think i'm doing pretty well in comparison with the autistic socially stunted wreck i was a couple of years ago.

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8fd2b6 No.144123


Why did you start doing nofap in the first place?

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aae21d No.144130


very interesting information, what exactly is that graph saying there? from what I can understand orgasm happens at the point it crosses the Y axis, but what about foreplay, what is that trying to say?

>never ejaculate

that though seems extremely excessive, I can't go 1 week and I'll be getting bad mood swings, feeling between anger and bad anxiety, the slightest hint of ass enough to send me off on full day derailing about porn

I'm feeling like trying this, I think specially noporn is a good idea behind it, but whats the point in going nofap if 90% of your energy is spent in trying to control your urges?

still, have to try this, motivation is my bane, got any hints to surpass these hiccups?


really be interested in this as well, maybe we can find some femanon hive to check this out, but I think its clear about one thing, women who tend to have a more sexualized life tend to have less attachment in relationships


>you can slam your dick between two 45lb dumbbells like I did, and that'll put you out of commission for about two weeks

ew, dear god lad

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1b9882 No.144131


Same. Though in my case it's really just a matter of "nothing better to do" that I end up jacking it multiple times a day. I'd have to completely disconnect from the internet if I were to manage a 3 week period and I already have a hard time keeping myself occupied.

>motivation is my bane

I'd suggest you try to find something to distract your mind with during your free time.


>This does, however, ultimately lead to lower testosterone levels, sperm count, and possible erectile dysfunction over time.

I'm going to have to ask you to back up these claims with sources.

>Alternatively, you can slam your dick between two 45lb dumbbells like I did

My condolences to your penis. Jesus Christ mate.

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aae21d No.144135


>Though in my case it's really just a matter of "nothing better to do" that I end up jacking it multiple times a day

>I'd suggest you try to find something to distract your mind with during your free time.

but that's pretty me as well, plus anxiety relief from the bad times Having too much free time and little motivation to pursue a decent life, currently on the quest to drop my basement weeb status a get a job

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aae21d No.144211

Just broke nofap after a few days, can't remember when was the last time, maybe 4~6 days.

I was feeling pretty miserable since a broke up last week. Still am actually. But the fap helped put some tension off.

Plus a little reward for studying hard the last few days.

Whats the word on these small cycles? I know the problem here is humor fluctuation, but more than 21 days just feels pretty overkill, might as well cut my balls off.

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1b9882 No.144220


kek I actually started abstaining as well the day after that post. Still doing fine. It's not as difficult as the last few times, but I do feel like I'm running from it instead of just putting it aside since I'm struggling to find things to fill my time with. Being stuck in a room isn't optimal for trying this. I think I understand the saying "idle hands are the devil's playthings" a bit more now.

Also thinking about sex a bit more, or maybe I only notice myself thinking about it now as I try to avoid boners. One or the other.

>but more than 21 days just feels pretty overkill

Maybe. I just want to see if there's any changes in my behavior. I don't expect too much from it though.

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aae21d No.144221


Let do it bro, lets make it for science and out to find what works best in our lives.

Being occupied is definitely the way to go, even though I'm going through a very rough path, I'm gonna use the pain to get my motivation back on.

Daily workouts and seeking on what I really need to do, like job hunts. Wish me luck, will be reporting in.

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1b9882 No.144224


Same. Good luck brah.

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1b9882 No.144267

Yesterday and the day before that were pretty tough. Spent a couple of minutes looking at porn as a consequence of casually lurking this site. Still going strong though.

The urge to go out and find a woman to fuck comes by every now and then, and my imagination tries to fill the gap where I'd normally go to jack off to porn.

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aae21d No.144269


How long does that make?

I last did it in that post I've guess, so about only 4 days still. Also check out >>>/nofap/

I'm already getting the occasional free boner, but nothing too bad, also getting distracted with the hint of porn, today thought about fapping solely for the memory of my ex, but if think that's the key, just about thinking about it and occupy with something else.

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5116e0 No.144280


I started because I wanted more energy. I figured I was wasting energy ejaculating and making sperm. I do feel slightly better now that I've stopped.

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1dba1e No.144284

File: f1a30e8468958b9⋯.jpg (388.35 KB,1030x1400,103:140,Frazetta_Seven_Romans.jpg)


>very interesting information, what exactly is that graph saying there? from what I can understand orgasm happens at the point it crosses the Y axis, but what about foreplay, what is that trying to say?

Dopamine increases with sexual excitement / sex, up until the point of orgasm when it drops very low. I've seen other studies on beard growth and testosterone levels that show when one anticipates sex their beards grow faster. In all I assume this means that having or expecting a beautiful female / sex ahead of oneself increases the good chemicals in the brain.

So if someone were to have the iron willpower, they could edge and view porn, but never cum, and it would get the man hormones all fired up fast.

Personally I wouldn't try that though. It'll happen naturally on its own without tempting oneself, and porn is bad for a plethora of reasons besides these here.

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aae21d No.144286


Same anon reporting in, and actually scratch that, I was in a really bad mood in a hang over with nothing to do today, so I fapped some 3 times already.

Actually remembered the humongous porn collection I've been gathering throughout the years, and lots of them I've even re-encoded for size efficiency.

Its going to be really fucking hard getting rid of this stuff, put I tend to cut out excess from time to time when I get burned off like today.


>So if someone were to have the iron willpower, they could edge and view porn, but never cum, and it would get the man hormones all fired up fast.

I don't think it will work like that, I used to edge for hours on end while playing h-games, while they were a marvelous satisfying fapping experience, I tended to only get lewder porn addiction, at some point dick refuse to work with regular girls anymore, and that's where the main problem is.

And honestly, like you mentioned, if you don't have any prospect of getting sex, I think long term nofap could be really a waste of energy to hold on and eventually kill testosterone.

Still want to get to that 21 days mark, though.

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1b9882 No.144291


>How long does that make?

Day 5. Gotta stop teasing myself with these thoughts. It's getting harder.


kek, don't feel too bad and just pick it up again.

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aae21d No.144314


> kek, don't feel too bad and just pick it up again.

Yeah, sad, but have to make it, fun thing though, I just found a massive thread about "your brain on porn" on nofap.

The gist of it is that porn is fucked up and actively shrinks your brain, so porn addiction being the worst, while fapping not that bad.

It's an interesting red pill reading, I'd recommend.

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aae21d No.144350


Damn there we go, third day in and is feeling really hard, woke up from dreaming of fooling around with my ex and a huge boner. sad

I passed the day mostly browsing /nofap/, and read a lot on the your brain on porn thread.

That's it, my balls are itching all the time and I'm starting to feel the urge, gonna delete my whole porn collection, can't take it anymore.

Even though I'm taking on good habits, there's still too much time leftover to fill, guess I'll just free the time up and let free space for to worry about getting a job and other better habits.

I wont kill myself over masturbating, but I need to make sure to not be watching any porn while doing it. Wish for the best.

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aae21d No.144351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here goes some great video about your brain on porn

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1b9882 No.144358

Still trucking past the week milestone. I still let myself see porn every now and then, but I don't think it matters much anymore. Even softcore stuff packs more of a punch now though.

I want to stay on top of my sleep schedule. Right now that feels like the most grounded thing I have going and I slipped up a little yesterday by going to sleep at 3am and waking around noon.


Seems like that breakup got you literally by the balls eh?

>I passed the day mostly browsing /nofap

I don't think you should do this. This way you're actively thinking about porn, just in a roundabout way, and spending a lot of energy thinking about not jacking it.

>gonna delete my whole porn collection


Good luck brah.

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aae21d No.144360


>Seems like that breakup got you literally by the balls eh?

You have no clue, I think this is easily one of the hardest times of my life, and I've through some shit.

check out on >>>/nofap/14144

I'm keeping a more detailed report there, problem is that lately I've been extra anxious and not much to do with my time

also make sure to see the video and thread about noporn, I think its even more dangerous to feed in into porn addiction than fapping itself.

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f7bac3 No.144362


I remember the last time /fit/ talked about nofap and found that although the effects in regards to testosterone were negligible, there was a peak every 3 weeks. Could be remembering things wrong though.

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1dba1e No.144370


There's a test bump after 7 days, but then it returns to normal levels. The greater effects of nofap come from androgen receptors and dopamine levels.

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aae21d No.144373



This, exemplified right here >>144033

Chemical brain balance is achieve after 3 weeks, testosterone and semen production likely as well.

But the most important thing I think, is working on porn addiction, which also drastically changes motivation and behavior.

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1b9882 No.144424

After ten days the constant arousal has faded. Kind of a shame, though. I liked how it made me feel slightly more energized. Not an obvious "wow I haven't felt this energetic in ages", but more of a jumpy kind of energy that didn't have anywhere to go.

I expect it'll be easy going for a few days now.

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e5750b No.144425


That was possibly estrogen. Estrogen is a stress hormone which causes excitation and lust. After abstaining for a while hormonal feedback loops need to recalibrate themselves and find a new homeostasis. By abstaining, you likely encourage the body to discontinue the reproductive drive due to stress and respond to daily stress through different venues. An organism which is perfectly healthy has less need to reproduce as momentum is mostly driving self-sustainment.

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aae21d No.144426


What are you trying to say here?

That nofap will equalize estrogen, and leave it at low level?

What about testosterone, if the drive to reproduce is reduced, doesn't that fall short too?

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1b9882 No.144427


I'm incredibly skeptical about all of that. Mostly because "estrogen" and "testosterone" get thrown around willy nilly these days as causes for everything, negative or positive, however minute the details, and I'd rather not take someone's word for it blindly. Also because

>An organism which is perfectly healthy has less need to reproduce

makes no logical sense to me. Being healthy to me implies also a healthy sex drive.

Regardless of the finer details of how and why, I chalk it up to getting used to not jacking it.

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ac3d09 No.144428


If you don't feel like death is looming, why would you need a large reproductive drive? The first stage of aging is puberty, which is heavily driven by the adrenals, and those adrenals become active because rest and diet are not, for the first time, able to keep up with the demands of a body which keeps growing larger. This sets in motion the biological certainty of aging and ingrains the situation strongly into the stress response pattern, almost like a subtle background trauma. The organism then establishes a high level need to reproduce before eventual death and does so at the expense of energetic resources that would otherwise be used for self-sustainment and healing. This background sexual drive panic is itself stressful through excitation that inhibits peaceful rest.

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baba01 No.144433


On my 86th today, all I can say is TRY IT AND YOU'LL NEVER REGRET IT!

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04e0df No.144434

File: 0ce672207fc40a3⋯.jpeg (26.58 KB,401x401,1:1,036d3463188bd69d0c5334033….jpeg)

Had a wet dream a couple of nights ago, where a jewess was giving me a handjob. I tried to resist the urge to ejaculate from within the dream state by cleanching my PC muscle, but when I awoke there was a small amount of clear, scentless fluid inside of my pajamas. My KIKE balls are trying to backstab me and steal my mana.

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4a1644 No.144435


Give in to the khazar milkers, anon. You know you want to.

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b80b1f No.144436

The problem with nofap is it drives me to hook up with girls. Then when I have sex, I get the urge to watch porn and fap.

I need to do nofap without hooking up or getting a gf, but i just got a gf recently and I would feel bad about dumping her :P

Because nofap feels incredible. nofap superpowers are real.

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e0d747 No.144437


Truly? But once the body stops growing, why would we continue to age?

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924524 No.144438


That was a kike succubus trying to stop you from being an ubermensch. (((They))) don't want us to reach our max potential.

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1b9882 No.144439

Had a moment of weakness yesterday. Turns out these lulls where you don't feel uppity and aroused make you let your guard down. Edged to porn for a couple hours.

Not going to do that again. Too risky.


I wonder if wet dreams count as breaking nofap and losing progress. Does it even work like that physiologically? Surely it doesn't "undo" the progress you made, right?

I mean technically you didn't fap, so you could go on as if nothing happened, but ejaculation is ejaculation isn't it?

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04e0df No.144450


>I wonder if wet dreams count as breaking nofap and losing progress. Does it even work like that physiologically? Surely it doesn't "undo" the progress you made, right?

>I mean technically you didn't fap, so you could go on as if nothing happened, but ejaculation is ejaculation isn't it?

Well I didn't fap, so I didn't break nofap. The only possible progress loss would be if my neurochemistry reset as seen in this chart >>144033 however the stuff I found in my pajamas was more or less just a small amount of water (prostate fluid, not sperm) and I didn't notice any cognitive differences the next day so I think I'm just fine. It would be very annoying for some jew succubus to put me back into the prolactin pit.

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aae21d No.144466


hey bro, how long have you been going?

I gave in again, but I have successfully cut noporn until now, and I definitely can feel the urges,

the thing is, fapping without porn is much, much hard, and the high that it causes has no comparison,

so I've been getting daily boners because I got my diet and balance back in order, yet just isn't nearly enough to release a big load

the unfortunate side of this is that I do with while remembering some sweet times with my ex, each time my memory gets better, but at the same time I remember reality afterwards and get sad

I want to hear from someone that actually went successfully from assumed porn addiction to noporn, and how it went, there is definitely a strong urge solely associated with porn on its own, so I think the damage could be even worse

regarding wet dreams, no they don't count as breaking it, since its involuntary and its actually a bodily function of releasing the excess

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1b9882 No.144469


Today marks the 13th day. I just wanna hit that 3 week mark now, seeing how I'm 2/3 of the way there already. See if it does anything at all noticeable. Don't know if I'll give in after that. Kind of makes this struggle sound pointless, but I did say I started abstaining on a whim, so whatever.

>but I have successfully cut noporn until now

I haven't really managed it the last few days. I still check out porn sometimes, 'specially H-games pull me in. Just need to cut the bullshit, no "oh I'll save this for later/it's just a little".

Also you gotta drop your ex, man. Not like I can talk, but it doesn't sound like it does you any good.

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aae21d No.144475


>Also you gotta drop your ex, man

Oh tell me about it, its only been 4 days since I sent my letter, about 2 weeks since we last talked, and 20 days since the break up.

Yet her sweet succubus body keeps hunting me, I had another awful night where I woke drenched in sweat, and then after I managed to sleep again, had another eerie dream about her that made me really fucking sad.

Guess I'm in a really fucked up combination, going through grief trying to let her go, going through on porn trying to avoid easy relief, and all the while being neet with way too much idle time on my hands, my motivation is already starting to waver, I got zero replies from all the jobs I've tried to apply to, for fuck sake.

>specially H-games pull me in

Oh, I've been known to delve a lot in that sweet devilish candy as well, I can tell you something though, the urge for itself its pretty big, I keep having flashes of my favorite scenes, I keep imagining just browsing the stuff could get me high. Even though I've been masturbating on my own accord, boners have been getting harder and more frequent, even pre fluid it teasing me alone to touch my willy, I had a glimpse and now I can only of my stored oneholes. I've packed and archived my main porn collection, but I still have several smaller clips and sexy pictures together in my "chan stuff" folder, and its tempting me, I know as soon as I'll go through it that it will fail me.

Like you as well, I'm doing this mostly to figure out how bad it was, and its going to be afterwards, but mostly for the porn part, I'm also gonna try full nofap later.

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aae21d No.144485

File: d50bc3544d4bdfb⋯.webm (1.34 MB,480x360,4:3,never_give_up.webm)



well there we fucking go, as mentioned I went clear up the remaining porn I have, and just looking through the thumbnails was enough to get me rushing and splurt one out

afterwards when I actually went ahead to clean up and pack, fully jacked one off again

the top it off, went ahead and started looking for a last hrpg to say farewell as well

there is a bright side thought, I actually felt a huge relief, it really did sooth my nerves as and addict reaching for a drug

motivation is kill, I still feel sad for ex and for my life, but overall much more relaxed

I think this actually proves the noporn thing, that even if I had fapped several times before, I was going through porn withdraw and with actual addiction symptoms

So, time to clean up and go for it again, webm for motivation

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ac3d09 No.144488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If one treats sexual urges as something to deny Puritanically, he is attached to them and gives them power over himself to cause a sudden panicked indulgence. A man can delete a dirty folder, but it is possible that the room inside the heart remains unclean. What defiles the heart is not porn nor lust but delusions which surround it. What is sinful is not fapping, and what is virtuous is not abstinence. Indeed, one man faps and falls into hell; another faps and communes with angels.

What separates them are their reasons for doing what they do. A wicked heart taints all endeavors with sin. What is evil if not a burden in the heart? Such burdens are nothing but heavy chains collected over a lifetime. A man conducts with his breath and a free heart beats to the tune. What is cause for alarm, breath decides, and what is worthy of peace, is determined by breath also. But a heart in chains plays different songs.

At every moment, a decision is made on what to put inside the heart. Fear, and fear enters it. Hate, and hate enters. Excite, and excitation enters. So it is also by the same means that courage, love, and peace find their dwelling. When a man seeks control of desires, he does battle with himself, and when he distances himself from objects of desires he admits defeat. But such a man is full of folly both for not dealing with himself amicably and for not recognizing the objects entered his heart, not just his presence. If he realizes this, he might take inventory of his heart's possessions and ask regarding each one, "Is it made of virtue?"

So it might be said some men own porn of virtue, but who has made the virtue is not the pornographer but rather the viewer, and the means by which immorality is transformed into virtue are only possible with an unburdened heart. A mind in the gutter, makes the whole world the gutter. Indeed, it is by chains of attachment that porn injures a man, and what is attached are many vile things. Attach the heart to fear, and the porn induces fear. Attach the heart to misery, and the porn turns into misery. Attach the heart to restlessness, and the porn is unrelenting. Attach the heart to darkness, and the next surprise visit by lewd form will be a demon from hell empowered by its victim.

What is the difference between chains of attachment and wings of liberation? That which enchains is full of delusions—things whose nature isn't understood. That which liberates is transparent to reveal both sides. Therefore, don't be confused. Lust is vanquished by being at peace with it. When the pressure of lust is finally seen as illusion, lust itself becomes one face of liberation, and the delusion defiles the heart no more. Lust weighs down on the one attached to lust. Fill the heart with better things, and there is no room for lust to dwell.

Whether or not one sees porn ever again, or whether or not one faps again, temptation can come to pull on old chains. Lust may come, and with it a stressful sense of unyielding urgency to release and restlessness. It is not by frustration or denial that lust leaves. It is by observing it and remembering to breathe. Perhaps it still doesn't leave, but being troubled by it is worse than not being troubled by it. By remembering the chains are not real, one becomes free. Some may also want to fly, but they should first make certain that their wings are not made of wax like Icarus. Flying should come as easy as walking. Is there anxiety or tension? Relax. Breathe. Is there shame or fear? Stand upright and be courageous. Is there hunger? Be content. Is there weakness? Be strong. Is there hatred or spitefulness? The malice injures oneself, so feel love inside. Is there sadness? Be joyful. Sexuality is not inherently sinful, but wicked ways make all matters wicked. Still, in a world where all is permissible, not all things are preferable or ideal. Whether no more porn or no more fapping, they become rewarding and practical when the heart is ready.

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aae21d No.144515


>If one treats sexual urges as something to deny Puritanically, he is attached to them and gives them power over himself to cause a sudden panicked indulgence.

Well if you read what I said you would there's nothing puritanically about it.

Its about being an addiction, something that draws you in and gives false rewards, its about killing your inspiration and motivation.

Believe me, I came from a worst place where my dick literally would ignore a real hot woman wanting to have sex with me, porn induced erectile dysfunction is real (ED).

From that pit I've managed to crawl out of, but still kept in small doses, and when you least expect and get comfortable, it snatches you whole deep into the rabbit hole again.

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04e0df No.144518

File: a48166ce4447a75⋯.jpg (253.19 KB,800x1200,2:3,d59291b97e3d8dbc74fb8bbfdb….jpg)


>If one treats sexual urges as something to deny Puritanically, he is attached to them and gives them power over himself to cause a sudden panicked indulgence

Very much true. This is why the ultimate nofap level isn't in counting days abstained, but in completely forgetting about masturbation and pornography entirely because they're no longer relevant at all in one's mind and life. To renounce something places greater bonds upon the mind, as one is constantly reminded of what they have renounced.

>A man can delete a dirty folder, but it is possible that the room inside the heart remains unclean. What defiles the heart is not porn nor lust but delusions which surround it

True as well. Brahmacarya starts on a mental level, which is more important than the mere physical. About a week or so ago I had a wet dream and it was because there were lustful thoughts in my mind that night before I went to sleep. If I recall correctly it was Gandhi who said that physical purity accompanied by mental impurity results in a broken, tortured animals.

>What is sinful is not fapping, and what is virtuous is not abstinence. Indeed, one man faps and falls into hell; another faps and communes with angels

Fapping results in a sharp loss of dopamine and oxytocin, a big spike of prolactin, and the downregulation of androgen receptors in the brain regardless of the mental attachment one has to the action of fapping.

>Fill the heart with better things, and there is no room for lust to dwell.

This is the best method. No time remains for fapping when time is allocated wisely, and lust doesn't have room to grow.

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aae21d No.144538


How is nether anon going?

Feeling superpowers? Finally relapsed to the porn you shouldn't be watching?

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1b9882 No.144539


It's been a close shave this last week.

6 more days til my own set goal. Going to stay clean until then, no porn. Superpowers are a meme.

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04e0df No.144547

File: e1cfee93de3af89⋯.jpg (163.31 KB,805x1037,805:1037,semen retention.jpg)


You'll feel tension from days 3-14 or so, but the body doesn't even begin to reabsorb semen until 74 days IIRC, and it's at least 17 days on average until your dopamine levels are back to normal. The superpowers are real. You just have to keep going.

This is a long term commitment, but you're worth the trial, right? You already know what it's like to exist while masturbating regularly.

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aae21d No.144554


Keep it strong brother, also keep away from the porn edging.


We're gonna make it!

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1b9882 No.144559


I don't really plan on going that long. It's just a whimsical test of discipline and I wanted to see if there's anything to the dopamine reset stuff.

Incidentally it'll be Christmas when I'm done so I'll probably have a good 'ol Christmas fap.


What about you? Holding out or still struggling?

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56ed28 No.144566

File: c4532b50992836a⋯.png (9.05 KB,323x162,323:162,i fap te.png)

I started it sometime in October.

Since then I've

>lost weight

>built muscle

>got a girlfriend

But the best part is my dreams are vivid again and I'm having them more often. The one place I can truly experience happiness.

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aae21d No.144568


> What about you? Holding out or still struggling?

Struggling somewhat, fell to porn on the weekend, today again I woke up way too early, so I blasted one off to get a coupe more hours of sleep.

I also think I'm just about starting to recover from the break up. Feeling better about my self, seeing hope again and shit.

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04e0df No.144611

File: 4111022483c56cc⋯.jpg (150.61 KB,1071x699,357:233,66dcf744c460b2541311e487ae….jpg)

NO NUT '19

Get ready

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1b9882 No.144637

File: f18e853c93871ea⋯.jpg (96.71 KB,629x548,629:548,mah balls.jpg)

My balls hurt now.

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aae21d No.144648


Netherbro, you're still up to it to this day, congratz.

I'm feeling strong urges to watch porn again, been fapping nearly daily though, it is fucking awful.

Been feeling pretty and relapse trying to contact my ex, just today because of holidays.

I don't think I can make it at this rate, the overwhelming bad feelings and absolute surplus of free time on my hands.

God, how I hate the end of year.

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04e0df No.144657


You can massage your balls to facilitate moving the semen back if you're experiencing blue balls. Don't masturbate though, this is for therapeutic purposes, not pleasure.

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a0516f No.144658

after 300ish days you pretty much ascend

just look up the effects of semen retention

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a0516f No.144659


ice pack wrapped in a towel

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04e0df No.144679

File: ffeaff1586ed625⋯.jpg (145.46 KB,624x950,312:475,ffeaff1586ed62547162054fcd….jpg)

I failed last night, failed very bad. None of my females came over despite my attempts, and then I was stuck in front of my computer for an hour with nothing to do, while I waited for my friend to return so we could continue gaming. It was the perfect storm, and then one thing led to another. At the very least I only lost a couple of drops of semen, my retention is getting pretty good. Now I just need to totally obliterate the hold that pornography evidently still has over my mind.

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1b9882 No.144700

Alright I managed the 3 week no-fap and after fapping a few times since then the biggest difference is that it doesn't feel all that special to me anymore. I expected to be slamming the salmon multiple times like a madman, but instead I just feel an "eh whatever" after the first and go on with my day, like I could easily do another three weeks if I wanted to.

Once I finally had it all out of my system porn didn't feel all that arousing anymore either, whereas even a day before my goal I'd be popping boners because of it.

So I guess the resetting dopamine thing has some truth to it, which is neat.

I'd think doing a ~3 week no-fap with a fap once a week after that is pretty doable to reach some level of normalcy for most people.

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aae21d No.144723


Good for you netherbro, and checked.

I still am failing horribly, just even remembering porn gets me a strong boner.

I guess that's the goal there, to free one's self from the clutches of this terrible addiction.

Seems like it didn't have that much of a hold on you either way, but be careful about falling into a routine again, I've guess if you don't feel like it just don't do it.

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1b9882 No.144731


>Seems like it didn't have that much of a hold on you either way,

Nah, it did. Still does, somewhat, since I know I'm not too serious about it all. I just got in the groove of abstaining at the start and after that I kept the mindset that I was too far in to break until the 3 week mark. Came plenty close to messing up near the end.

You gotta do it when you don't have other things weighing you down. Sounds to me you have plenty of other stuff to occupy your mind with besides some silly no-fapping. If you beat yourself up over failing then you're worse off than not trying at all.

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d66f54 No.144743

Some background:

I jacked off 3 to 5 times a day, watched porn to the extent it started to hamper my functioning. This was after an opiate addiction, I started lifting while in withdrawal.

After a couple of months jacking off became worse and worse. Also my choice of porn got hideous.

I seriously fucked my brain up.

So I decided to do no-fap, first six or seven times was difficult. I failed after every 7th day. Also I had problems not watching porn.

Now I can easily go for 2 weeks. I have rock hard erections, sometimes I wake up because of them. (I am 35, so was not expecting this). Also the deathgrip is gone, so I can have normal sex with my girlfriend.

I don't care about nofap that much anymore, but I am quite happy that I stopped the porn addiction. It was a substitute for opiates I feel. I think nofap is useful for stopping with porn. If you don't fap, porn becomes useless and a waste of time quickly.

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aae21d No.144769


>You gotta do it when you don't have other things weighing you down. Sounds to me you have plenty of other stuff to occupy your mind with besides some silly no-fapping. If you beat yourself up over failing then you're worse off than not trying at all.

Yeah, its being overwhelming, not only I'm feeling like crap still getting over my ex, being the end of the year and jobless I just have too little to occupy myself with.

Guess I crapped out on the opportunity when I actually had a gf.

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aae21d No.145787

How have you been anon?

I think I'm finally in a state where I can go nofap, but I'm feeling miserable though, going through just as you, so I can see if the are super powers at the end of this rainbow.

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e8ebc9 No.146836

I lost it.

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d608e4 No.146837


But what about the man that can not judge himself? What about the man that looks in the mirror and sees nothing, only a shadow resembling someone he never knew? How can he reveal what hides in the shadows and get to know it? How can the man not fear himself anymore? How can a man know what hides in his heart?

For a man looks to his reflection and fears neither angels nor devils. All he can see is a twisted version of what he thought was God's most perfect creation. But he was wrong and now he fell to his lowest. But this doesn't scare him, because this darkness he knew for long. It is not knowing himself that made him terrified. And he seeks shelter in the words of a wiser man.

I beg you. Please.

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e1b77e No.147062



Hey, original Brazilian anon here, managed a new break through, 21 days where supposedly we hit base line, and indeed I've the difference. However the most difference is largely changing the habits that trying nofap infers. That is, the tendency to choke your dick whenever, the tendency to resort to porn whenever bored or sad, or to even feel anxious and angry when getting backed up.

I still have to say I haven't best the porn monster, though I've regressed quite a few steps in degeneracy, back to reading manga. And also that what miss the most is the feeling of being aroused and horny, and of course intimacy, the last of which fapping won't solve anyway. So the biggest point getting over it, is realising PMO doesn't really have any real benefit.

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04eab3 No.147997


I failed as day 10 when the urge waves begin. May god be with me this time.

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5116e0 No.148000


The time period between day 10 and day 20 can be extremely challenging, but if you make it through, you're home free.

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9522df No.148026

File: ccb07c4dab66934⋯.jpg (103.02 KB,700x944,175:236,swedish mafia boss.jpg)


>Redpill me on nofap

Do NoFap if you want high T and no longer wish to be /beta/.

That is all.

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9522df No.148027

File: 2ff9b23c30b2564⋯.jpg (14.2 KB,282x400,141:200,LMAOing at your life.jpg)



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9522df No.148029

File: f80f20005b49ec4⋯.jpg (75.76 KB,640x994,320:497,NOFAP.jpg)

forgot to post this, if any of you phoneposters at the gym care to read this (assuming your data is good enough to download pic-related)

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5c9a7b No.148041

File: 36ed1f3b6e0fcc6⋯.png (394.54 KB,875x1217,875:1217,a fap a day keeps tfw-no-g….png)


A meme by /leftypol/ types to make you crave 3D to the point of marrying and perpetuating the system for your kike overlords. Don't fall for it.

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ed9bf2 No.148051


lol definitely not!

Left pol likes degeneracy and glorifies every kind of fetish possible, becoming a man and having a family is their worst nightmare.


I can attest to this, though you shouldn't do it in the hopes of getting a girl, because if you don't it will just be a justification for relapse. But you definitely get to be more outgoing and social, the biggest gain however is in will power and believing in yourself. Once the hardest period is over you get to see that PMO isn't really that enjoyable.

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719ca5 No.148052

File: 25d73bb9f03b961⋯.png (138.72 KB,744x324,62:27,will power.png)


>will power

Caralho, that is true. My will power is slowly, slowly, slowly increasing as time goes by while I am on NoFap.

>Once the hardest period is over you get to see that PMO isn't really that enjoyable.

I feel the same way about video games. Wasted so many hours on that trash, and I look back at the games I used to play and think "Why was that enjoyable to me? It's so boring and none of it is fun…" games in current year are diarrhea, possibly the worst games of all time. Seems like games get worse and worse every year, which is another deterrent for me and hopefully the rest of you bros who can see reason to stay away from video games.

Anyway, keep fighting your urges, everyone who is still on NoFap. Don't quit, either.

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329939 No.148053


I'm not the br you replied to.

I understand what you mean about games. I also feel like that when I'm busy with life. But when I have some time to play, it's kind of fun. But the moment I start raging again, I start wondering if it's worth it. I'm lacking some sort of personal project. I need so fucking much to find my purpose, but I can't

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7d0003 No.148099

if you never fap you get trapped

if you fap always you get weak

fap every now an then = bedder

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f72712 No.148128


>Is it fine to cum once every 3 days

Yes. You should cum from time to time. You don't need porn for that.

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e0d747 No.148244

I was a total antisocial virgin, changed immensely in first two weeks of nofap and got laid first try. Now I'm just antisocial

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1edf9e No.148252

File: 671799481976fd7⋯.png (232.26 KB,1287x768,429:256,obamo on nofap.png)

After about 3 or 4 days I notice that I feel a lot hornier, which makes me more assertive and willing to take risks since I've ruled out masturbation as an option. It feels good to actually have a visceral reaction to seeing an attractive woman, a heat in your groin telling you to talk to her, rather than just thinking to yourself "she's pretty hot" but not really feeling anything.

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