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File: 32199a2fc7a6dfb⋯.png (1.48 MB,1860x2760,31:46,b5fd2b37bf544ccf581477b825….png)

a6de01 No.140049 [View All]

Discuss running here.

How has your week been running so far?

Anything you do to help meet your expectations?

Have a running buddy?

Favorite places or times to run?

Use any music when running?

94 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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03d4e7 No.141658


>Sprints will do it. Compare a sprinter's legs to a marathon runner's.

I find myself puzzled as to why more people don't seem to know this. I can't explain the popularity of endurance running other than I get the impression that most people don't know sprinting exists much less what separates it from jogging. The concept of sprinting is too good to be true for most people, I guess. "Lazier runners get better health and physiques? Hogwash." Why would anyone choose masochistic self-flagellation for miles and ages when you can just do a few quick sprints and be done in 15 min while doing it 1-3 times per week. The body looks healthier and stronger from it too. Who wants to become a skeleton to win a marathon? The skeletons can have all for themselves.

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5dd367 No.141659



disregard, my murican goggles were still on

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d8f271 No.141660


Because most people seem to not care, I guess?

Or maybe because people don't know this simple fact: short and hard = strength, and long and low = endurance.

In Convict Conditioning, Wade talk extensively about how he could do so many pushups, and how that was a mistake regarding strength. Actually, you can train endurance, but it's better to do it as a special training AFTER training strength (or along), like you could train explosiveness with "clap pushup", but the core need to stay strength.

So yeah, if you want to develop strength, sprint, or if you don't want to sprint, do squats (if regular squats are too easy, just go gradually for one leg squat). Heels must touch ground btw. I actually have trouble doing close squat, because of how hard it is for me to stay stable and not fall down. I just switched to running again because I need, you know, to breath and take sun outside, rather than stay locked at home.

Leg Raise, btw, seems to really be the ultimate mid section exercise. I used, as a retard, to do abs…

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7f5a4e No.141737


You are a naive idiot if you think that running very fast in a straight line will give you jacked body.

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03d4e7 No.141738


What are you on about, dude? Are you trying to goad me into a debate or are you actually so triggered that sprinting gets better results than jogging that you lash out in pain with this post?

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d8a789 No.141855

/fit/, what happened?

A thread about running a couple of years ago would invite 20 replies of

>Doing cardio, ever.


>Cardio, I really hope you don't do this

meme replies. Maybe a couple of photos of Zyzz on top.

What the fuck happened? Answering cardio questions seriously without meming for a while at first? Preposterous!

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1e7254 No.141863

File: 076673f1b7ab31e⋯.jpg (418.82 KB,1200x900,4:3,1534337449880.jpg)


Anon, it's fitness. If there are men and women in their 60's and up who can run for 26 miles and beyond, then you better fucking believe that the benefits running has on the body and heart is fucking fitness related.

That no-cardio bullshit is a bunch of boomer trolling nonsense. Besides, you could have been the one to start the "Doing cardio, ever." bullshit but you decided to complain instead, as if you're the image board authority in these parts. Pull your head out of your own ass, you stretch-queen.

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03d4e7 No.141865


>That no-cardio bullshit is a bunch of boomer trolling nonsense.

The way it is often presented is nonsense, but there is a scientific point of view which makes endurance running or jogging look very unappealing.

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acd692 No.141867


It has been noted for the most part /fit/ died the only good thing about it anymore is that you can get advice from coaches for free instead of paying them for an hour now.

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d8f271 No.141868


Endurance is a problem in EVERY sports. If you 200 pushups, that's called endurance. Switching to one arm pushup, and you're training straight.

That's the same with running. You should be running fast, and on your toes. Not slowly, for a very long time.

Endurance should be trained as a "side training" to the regular strength training, like "clap pushup" is training explosivity.

Running can be replaced by Squats.

t. Convict conditioning

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d8f271 No.141869


>Switching to one arm pushup, and you're training straight.


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ae009c No.141870


What model fridge is that? Does it come in stainless steel?

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fc10ef No.143390

File: 547948f70c633af⋯.png (458.35 KB,720x1280,9:16,Screenshot_2018-11-03-14-0….png)


Brooks are good. Got mine for free perfect fit.

They use them in the military basic training for.army and marines

Pic related is standard issue.

Not saying running is fun but it makes u feel good and gives u endurance. Not that im gonna do madathons all the time or whatever but im proud to say that i run at least 10 miles a week.

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1e7254 No.143686


It's the equivalent to the starting companion you get in a game that levels up alongside yourself and that you grow attached to because you've molded its mind and abilities.

Its the blank canvas for everything you could every hope to become the perfect specimen for an older version of yourself.

That's a sex program </head>, <body>, </html>or whatever. It's the start of something great.

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4cd17b No.143731

File: e6bf1b7c3544b8f⋯.png (675.17 KB,569x802,569:802,f98e95559b3a4ea2d6bc44675d….png)

Might as well ask here, I did an 8 hour hike a few weeks ago and at the end of it had a dull pain in my right hip. It cleared up pretty quickly but now it flares up any time I walk/run after about a mile. I haven't been doing a huge amount of walking so dunno if it'll clear up by making walking more regular or if it needs seen too. Any suggestions?

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97cbf4 No.143733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Take riboflavin to "grease up" that hip joint:


Go easy on it while it heals, but get some blood flowing into it with something like the Yijin Jing:






There are some exercises in there that will help gently wake the hips up. If you keep them too sedentary during the entire healing process or engage in repetitive movements that lack range of motion, it may not heal fully and some function can be lost. Walking is good and can help recovery in some contexts but it lacks range of motion and may lock your hip into having less freedom if you let it heal while doing nothing but the repetitive movements of walking. Don't let the hip become too frozen, and don't let it become too inflamed.

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251dca No.143736


this looks great.

Wonder if I do this once a week, could it count for maintaining my joints that would otherwise be destroyed by sedentary lifestyle?

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54a2d8 No.143763

bump for being halfway through my running training.

look for the running infographic and read tim noakes' book "lore of running" to become a marathoner in 10 weeks.

make sure you rest properly and walk a LOT.

in 3-4 weeks I should be able to run 30-60 min every other day

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39de91 No.143859

I haven't run regularly in a year, should I just do couch to 5k again or could I skip a couple weeks.

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8af83b No.144150

burpees > running

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0470cc No.144163

I really enjoy running, is that momment of the day when I can focus on myself and can reorder my thoughts. Isn't boring, when I run I feel alive.

In general I run 5k to 10k. Music is a must, so I go for higer bpm songs, usually EDM or happy hardcore, but sometimes I listen to metal or rock songs.

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2b038c No.144226


People who can run the longest actually have shorter life spans.

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8e42d6 No.144377


>Actually thinking marathons are good for you

You're so fucking stupid. Even training for a marathon is shown to shorten your lifespan dramatically. Most champions drop dead at 50 because they've effectively stretched their hearts apart. The Marines had to pass a directive telling the entire chain of command to limit running to 30 miles a week, max, with 15 being the soft limit. Running a couple of 3/5ks a week doesn't kill as much gains as broscientist would like you to think, but it should always be done before lifting as a warmup unless you're literally in the military.

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27234c No.144419


The optimal run is at a 4-8 minute pace for 30 minutes to an hour.

To get to that pace takes a little bit of training, but worth it so you can burn anyone that fux with u.

Also it makes your sprints faster.

And endurance

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88f214 No.145912

<did a HIIT session on the treadmill the other day

<actually started dripping sweat


Doesn't happen when I jog normally. I kind of like it since sprinting is fun for short bursts. I'll see how this goea but at the same time will try to work as well on my overall running and endurance too.

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7fc0f9 No.145928

File: fdf7554bd8c8923⋯.jpg (48.03 KB,666x1200,111:200,DvzgSL6XcAY06ay.jpg)


I want more fit cuties.

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f9eb67 No.145930


I run fast for 2km and sprint 500. I drip like crazy

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3916d7 No.145933



why bother having the man run when the woman can do it for him?

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885e91 No.146020

File: f9dfb8380c727d7⋯.gif (446.32 KB,500x730,50:73,superior.gif)


>tfw no /fit/ qt to lift, run, and chase the kids around with

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b32f9e No.146043


>chasing kiddos


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bafc5f No.146060


He probably was talking about chasing kids in a parental way, like how parents play with their kids.

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9ac0ba No.146071


>TFWnogf posting

>Is a porn addicted soyboy closet faggot

Totally not mental illness and pedophilia which both T O T A L L Y have no connection at all

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885e91 No.146258



>playing outside with your hypothetical kids makes you a pedo

Fucking wew.

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1c435b No.147036

Finally started learning to run on my forefoot rather than with my heels. I guess that's a good thing but I feel it way more in my ankles, shins, and calves.

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9193a9 No.147083


I've been running in these shoes for a while, they feel much much better then the heavily padded running shoes that cost 100+ dollars and have held up fairly well. You have to actually run properly if you're going to wear them though, as in land on the front of your foot, and not your heel.

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b8d830 No.148199


>Calves - Good

>Shins - Eeehh

>Ankles - What

What kind of shoes and socks are running in? What are running on, and what's the incline like? Distances?

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40a648 No.149060

>be fat fuck

>decide to start running to be less of a fat fuck

>shortly after starting, feet start hurting like a bitch, like I was landing on a bruise with every step

>think I might have the wrong kind of shoes, so I buy a pair of running shoes from Salomon

>doesn't help whatsoever

>think I might be landing wrong, but quick searching seems to say I'm doing it right (landing with whole foot rather than just the heel)

What the fuck am I doing wrong then? Every time I go running, it quickly becomes a matter of pain tolerance – even though I have the energy to continue running, my feet start murdering me. Is it normal to have this bitch of a pain when you start running?

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eb35ba No.149061


Do you have high arches? Flat feet? Over pronate? Under pronate?

Need the right kind of shoes for your feet if your going to run on em.

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40a648 No.149062

File: 5dfe15112d1bb07⋯.png (248.38 KB,373x373,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Do you have high arches? Flat feet? Over pronate? Under pronate?

Sorry, I don't really know how any of those look like. How can I tell which one my foot is? Is there a chart or something?

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eb35ba No.149063

File: 3fca2d5147dcaea⋯.jpg (15.23 KB,600x301,600:301,Arch-types feet.jpg)

File: 15b1faf8da20101⋯.png (331.22 KB,760x646,20:17,feet 2342354.png)

File: 77a586bf80c5dc6⋯.png (61.85 KB,750x750,1:1,Different-Types-of-Foot-Ar….png)


These might help you. You can also look online for articles that go through how different feet are effected. I myself have high arches, which means there is a space between the inside my my foot and the ground.

I tend to need very stable shoes with support and not "running shoes" per se.

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40a648 No.149066


seems to me I have neutral pronation and normal arch.

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eb35ba No.149068


Strange, might want to see a podiatrist about the pain.

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40a648 No.149069


So the pain is not normal?

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40a648 No.149077

fucking hell, figured it out. Took a much shorter run today to figure out what causes the pain, and realised I was landing wrong after all. While I was landing with the mid of my foot like I should, I wasn't doing it fluidly, meaning every step was more of a stomp. When I focused on making a much more fluid landing today, the pain was many times smaller.

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76505f No.149691

Stupid question. How can I conveniently keep track of time for a couch to 5k without a cell phone? I dieted and went from 30 BMI to 23. I tried running while I was fat, and it was a terrible experience. But I tried a moment ago, while walking the dog, and it was fairly nice. So I'd like to try and get into running.

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498e5f No.149716


By getting a cell phone you paranoid /g/abber now uninstall gentoo

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b3395e No.149720


A stop watch, a wrist watch (most digitals have this feature for a reason!), a fucking hour glass made for the time you need, a tablet/old phone/media player, most of them have a time/clock application built in; maybe a sun dial if you're the biggest autist to ever exist. It's not complicated, just get something that measures time in a human readable format, it doesn't even have to be perfect, and follow the program.

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2a78d1 No.149816


I know this is an old post, but no, cardio bunnies are real it's just that their preferred habitat is the treadmill.

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5b6192 No.149823

>tfw running on gravel

>tfw running on sand

holy fuck I spent the last few weeks running about 2.8 miles on a loose gravel road. I felt like I had regressed to when I first started out running. Just the first mile felt more like 2 or 3 miles. It's a really great workout but damn is it frustrating. Running on a beach is similar, the sand just absorbs the force of your leg as you try to push off, so you end up going nowhere.

I'm going to run on solid pavement later today and see how different it feels now.


Glad to hear it, anon. If you haven't already tried it, there was some advice posted earlier in the thread about running barefoot through a grassy field or similar. I think that helps immensely to determine what your natural stride feels like. A lot of modern running shoes seem to interrupt our bodies' natural movements and I think that's what leads to many jogging injuries.

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d79c9c No.149826


>A lot of modern running shoes seem to interrupt our bodies' natural movements and I think that's what leads to many jogging injuries.

Yeah that's the marketing speech for "natural step" and "low drop" shoes. Reality for running injuries is simpler, it's that average runner is much fatter now than in the past. Bone and sinew can only take so much repetitive heavy impact before breaking.

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