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File: b1b0f10de2d7c45⋯.jpg (343.61 KB,1299x1000,1299:1000,onions_greek_olympic.jpg)

File: 33eaedd57fa51b4⋯.png (519.41 KB,1035x706,1035:706,onion_shill.png)

File: 03ef3e3ad0e70e6⋯.png (1.53 MB,1852x1144,463:286,onionbro_test_results_coll….png)

File: 7ae18e47314f7bb⋯.png (754.26 KB,967x888,967:888,OH NO NO NO.png)

File: 7df4ca1a321d82a⋯.png (38.82 KB,480x332,120:83,almonds activating.png)

d165c3 No.135757 [Last50 Posts]

Alright /fit/, I got the onions.

Now, do I eat them raw? Blended? Or maybe steamed with some veggies/meat like any sane person would do?

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d2dd62 No.135758

Cooking ruins their properties. Bite into it like a fucking apple you pussy.

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69765c No.135759

File: b4c9b088d2006dd⋯.png (938.74 KB,905x836,905:836,love the onion.PNG)

So is there any consensus on this not being total bullshit?

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784682 No.135765


This, I want an excuse for eating copious amounts of onions.

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70d3b0 No.135766


Just cut them and have them amongst your vegetables.

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28f4bc No.135770

>like any sane person would do

I guess you have to ask yourself if you want to be the "sane" dyel or do you want to leave humanity behind?

Alternatively you could just make morcilla and eat it that way. Sure its cooked but you're literally eating blood soaked onions so thats gotta be good for your T levels.

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869d26 No.135773


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c17881 No.135774


This is a slow board. The thread can go for days with anyone posting and still be relevant.

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d2dd62 No.135777



Try it and see. I know there's a lot of onions in russian cooking because onions are hardy and grow anywhere, and russians are usually crazy manly motherfuckers. Then you have that anon's screencap, and also my grandfather ate onions like apples and was probably the manliest guy I've known. Days before he died of cancer he was out in the garage rebuilding an engine with an oxygen tank attached to his face.

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1ef668 No.135781


The thing I'm taking away from this is to inject onions.

How many onions guys. HOW MANY. 10 ONIONS A DAY?!

ON THAT NOTE: Spice tea. Take your 21 seasonings blend, your turmeric, your curry powder, your red pepper, your mountain salt, your olive/coconut/avocado oil, and put that shit in a big mug of hot water and down it. Just put every spice in your cupboard into the water. Hot spices go well together, cool herbal spices go well together, oil of some strong flavor helps mediate a lot of it and absorb it better (I'm guessing), and BLACK PEPPER can increase absorbancy of nutrients by 1000%. GET ALL OF YOUR FUCKING MICRO NUTRIENTS.

I've also read of the absolute potent WONDERS of mushrooms. The big ones, not the shitty small timers. There's mushroom blends online, I saw a Several Sacred Mushrooms blend that looked really fucking good. I have no money right now though.


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1ef668 No.135783


How the fuck did cancer kill your ogre pa. Maybe he pushed himself too hard? Suffered some emotional wounding?

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3c28b7 No.135784

File: 190b17ecfc2679e⋯.jpg (312.49 KB,832x981,832:981,StopUsingAluminumFoil.jpg)

They also help with reversing the affects of Aluminum apparently.

>Foods that remove heavy metals naturally: Onions, Garlic, Carrot Juice, Green Tea, etc.

Also have avoided the Flu for a couple of seasons by putting cut in half onions on a small plate or dish around my house.

Whether it's the reason I haven't had the Flu for over 7 years idk.

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9c989a No.135787


Deep fry them in trans fats and soy. Eat with lots of fatty sauces like ranch dressing.

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566652 No.135788


Fuck off, Beth.

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388601 No.135789


>Bite into it like a fucking apple you pussy

Have you actually tried?

I ate 1/8 of onion, then had to stop because almost threw up.

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1ef668 No.135790


Then take an hour or more to eat it, until you have non-pussy mouth (disgusting).

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24ab59 No.135791


Dice it up, and mix it raw with something to balance it out such as meat. Be sure to mix the onions with salt and pepper, it helps. I eat spoonfuls of onion and when I cant bear the acidity any longer I start chewing on slices of orange then continue.

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1bc01e No.135796


> this amount of sperging


>So is there any consensus on this not being total bullshit?

there is no doubt that onions are a important supplement on a healthy diet,

question is how to ingest them, like other mentioned cooking or boiling

I like to include them on my stews, since they not only add flavor but soften the meat a lot

regardless of that, this is not a magic pill, don't go expecting to lose humanity like if you were taking raw roids

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56dea4 No.135804


raw onions are good?

I had heard of raw eggs, but not of raw onions

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4624d4 No.135807

File: 29644ee6211b6d0⋯.png (139.83 KB,1512x1538,756:769,cowtism.png)

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28f4bc No.135812


Not even memeing its not that bad. I don't usually eat it like that but my gf hates raw onions so to mess with her I'll do it now and then while we're cooking or whatever. Just take a large bite and be like hey babe you want some? The look on her face is always good for a laugh.

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5a4862 No.135825


Sounds like a pretty wild shake. I'd try it shortly before my insides exploded.

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22d13a No.135828


It was lung cancer from years of being an aircraft mechanic with no mask, plus smoking. And he was like 85. Don't breathe engine fumes, kids.

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388601 No.135829


>its not that bad

Just wondering, what kind of onions do you usually buy?

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c1eed2 No.135831

File: 32ea0158ae89893⋯.jpg (56.61 KB,480x480,1:1,TEARS OF VIRILITY.jpg)


The cheap shit ones that make me cry.

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70ec6a No.135832


All onions have that effect though

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c1eed2 No.135835


Usually not the white nor red ones. Typically yellow or vidalia (I forget which) do, at least for me.

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1ef668 No.135863


Roid status begins at 10 onions. TEN. THAT'S TEN ONES, AND THAT'S TERRIFYING.

Once you have tolerance to onions, mentally increase the pain and spread the onion throughout your body like a shaman smoking herb, drink or food. After a while you are dying, crying, confronting all the things someone with regrets would on their death bed, and finally you yawn when you realize that THIS IS THE LIMIT OF THE ONION. THIS IS THE LIMIT OF DEATH.

Then you eat 10 onions a day just to something stir under that thick green ogre skin.

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1ef668 No.135864


So much feels I couldn't bear to type the word.

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322dc0 No.135901


You shouldn't buy onions. You should grow them yourself. Shop onions taste like watered down onions and I can eat them for days. Home grown onions are the real deal, that makes you cry in a matter of seconds. Also those green straws that grow from onions are tasty af and are one of the best food additives. Don't know the name of them.

>t. anon that actually grew up in a post-soviet countryside.

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88f045 No.135912


They're called onion leaves I believe and yeah they're tasty.

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388601 No.135915


>Shop onions taste like watered down

Maybe yours, because mine are so fucking strong to be spicy.

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998b2e No.135948


Are there any test differences between types of onions?

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30c966 No.135950

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7fc142 No.135989


This, tiny cube shaped slices of onion and tomatoes, add tuna and some real olive oil (extra virgin or whatever you guys call it)

I really like this whole eating onions meme, considering introducing it to my retarded nephews, good test subjects I suppose.

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a2f8e7 No.136068


just eat it slowly and have some water with you , I eat onions like apples every now and then . I prefer to cook them with my steaks tho ( I add them late just to give them a nice sear and avoid destroying all the nutrients)

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4624d4 No.136069


>tiny cube shaped slices

Kind of like little dice? Would you say there were dice-like or even DICED?

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388601 No.136075


I don' know man… the ones I had in the kitchen were spicy as fuck. Maybe mine were bio or some shit.

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21152e No.136080

File: 21db9fd86604e51⋯.jpg (208.02 KB,1600x1327,1600:1327,tmp_28658-buff_sonic_and_t….jpg)


I believe every meme I see on /fit/

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7ce360 No.136140


I like to put sliced onions on bread or add sliced onions into salad (tomatoes + onion and bit of black pepper is good).


Onions are healthy, but I am not sure whether they actually make you more masculine. Onions are good for your immune system, as >>135784 said.


Boiling onions reduces the amount of vitamins.


I think the white ones are superior. Red onions don't taste as powerful.

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9ea3b0 No.136147

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de877c No.136165



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81af37 No.136166


>Eric Judenhagen


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c1eed2 No.136178


I just tried to blend a diced vidalia onion with a diced lemon (with peel) and a few garlic cloves. It was tasty but holy fucking shit the adic reflux / heartburn combo.

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b8406d No.136179

What about garlic?

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c1eed2 No.136180


Howabout we design a morning super-juice? Each containing…

<1 onion

<1 garlic clove

<2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

<1 tbsp raw honey

<1 tbsp maca root powder

<1 tbsp coffee grounds

<however much raw/whole milk needed to make it drinkable

Anything else?

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82e905 No.136188

I make tuna and chicken salad a lot. Just a can or two of either one, and then just whatever you want. Basics usually some mayonnaise and Italian dressing, and then just toss in every vegetable in your house, it's all good in there. Spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, garlic, celery, sweet peppers, jalapenos, just whatever you've got. And then spice it up with any combo of cayenne, black pepper, balsamic vinegar, mustard, hot sauce, whatever. Experiment. But anyway point is that you can put a shitload of onions in there and it still tastes great. Haven't tried grating a whole one though, guess I'll go give that a shot right now.

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82e905 No.136196


Well I grated a whole white onion in there. It was tasty, but also pretty spicy. Also my burps burn my eyes now.

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4624d4 No.136198


Cayenne pepper to open up the bloodvessels and increase circulation.

Also just make super tonic and mix it in with coffee milk. Shit is great for you.


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366ff9 No.136202


I will suggest a recipe for you:

* with 1 chicken bouillon cube make a hot broth

* mince an onion, using a cheap food processor,

* pour the broth into a bowl

* drop the onions in, with a proportion only you can discover. You may find more or less is appropriate.

If still encountering difficulty, add bacon bits, or slices of wienies/sausage to the broth, let them get quite hot before pouring.

It's also possible that you may simply hate onions. If so, this isn't for you.

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c17881 No.136213


Raw honey is a meme.

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1ef668 No.136222


Include my suggestion.



Your estrogen is too high. You can have high test but if your estrogen is also high, your body will be in chaos and reject the ogre.

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c1eed2 No.136230

File: 290cb60c95d08c4⋯.jpg (398.92 KB,1944x1961,1944:1961,fake hippy quotes calendar.jpg)


But it's delicious and nutritious, at least compared to other sugars.

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8d2f5e No.136232


Onions are very healthy and I enjoy it on buttered bread but there is little proof that it will make you more masculine directly as a result.

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c1eed2 No.136236


Even if onion = test is a meme, onions like you say are healthy as fuck anyway.


>Master Tonic

Oh my. Dropping my ass-pull "morning super-juice" and I'm gonna make that instead. Shopping list time; I don't have either mason nor amber jars but the local grocer has milk in glass amber jugs that'll work great. Maybe I can also find pickles or whatever in big glass jars too! (Better than ordering 1/2-gallon mason jars from Amazon for $10-15 each.)

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878402 No.136240


Yeah that's pretty much it. I wouldn't go in eating something I hate if with no scientific backing some asperger on a imageboard tells me it will make me more masculine. I still highly recommend eating onion and garlic, just don't go in chomping them whole and throwing them back up minutes later with delusions of it instantly increasing T.

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932aaa No.136248


just put in a salad and eat with cabbage

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c1eed2 No.136256

File: 396218d7017cf51⋯.jpg (835.09 KB,3456x1944,16:9,2018-04-05 08.12.22.jpg)

File: 29076ddf6f7a40f⋯.jpg (752.02 KB,1944x3456,9:16,2018-04-05 09.04.31.jpg)

File: 5d887b75f22bb63⋯.jpg (721.9 KB,1944x3456,9:16,2018-04-05 09.09.14.jpg)

File: 356d903a12cfdfa⋯.jpg (754.58 KB,3456x1944,16:9,2018-04-05 09.15.04.jpg)

I've begun making that 'Master Tonic'. Saved some money by buying a $7 tub of pickles, then used that to store the tonic – and now I have a bunch of pickles, too. Also needed amber jars, but I just bought the ACVs in the amber jars and I'm gonna use those; two birds in one stone. Second photo is after 1 lb of each ingredient, first diced and/or tenderized with a hammer then minced in my food proccessor. Third photo is after about half a gallon of AVC; I would've used them all eventually anyway. Fourth is how I'm storing it without light bothering it, and I've put it on the counter right in front of where I make my morning oats and evening yogurt so I'm always reminded to shake it up twice a day. Date is when I'm allowed to open my gift, and yes all this made a terrible mess.

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c1eed2 No.136257


Forgot to mention: those garlic cloves are TOUGH. Since it would've been too much a pain to dice each clove with a knife, I mashed each with my tenderizing hammer, squished the result with my fingers to make sure, THEN dropped in my food processor. When I just threw them in my processor almost broke.

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4624d4 No.136262


Use tape or something to wrap up the jars. I remember when my uncle used to make this shit and he said light causes it to degrade, so he covered al his jars in duct tape.

It's fucking good, no joke. When ever I would get sick he would make me guzzle that god forsaken shit down and I would start felling better immediately and be well the same day. Good god damned does it burn though. It will take you a while to get used to it, but if you are drinking a shot every morning it will gorw on you until you look forward to it.

Also I don't know why the bitch from that webpage calls it master tonic. It's super tonic SUPER. Some roastie cunt probably stole the recipe and renamed it so she could feel like she made something.

fucking gashes

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4624d4 No.136265


Also also

If you want to learn how to make our own homemade apple cider vinagar I can help you with that famalamadingdong. I got four gallons on my counter right now and I am making some cider this weekend and the first step is the exact god damned same.

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8e0f0d No.136270


Not that anon but please share your knowledge. I already do homegrown kombucha and that is the cream.

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4624d4 No.136285


It's the same damn thing you just make cider and ferment it before you add you mother of vinegar.

All anons should work towards making their own cheese, pickled vegetables, and vinegar. Disconnect yourself as much as you can from chemical laced corporate crap. Even if you are trapped in some urban hellscape you can still practice for when you escape.

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c1eed2 No.136291


That anon and please share your knowledge as making your own > overpriced organic > chemical laced corporate crap. Oh wait you did: >>136285

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c1eed2 No.136293

File: 6b992137fc07b23⋯.png (382.97 KB,438x600,73:100,murakami nutcracker.png)

Here's how I'm doing it:

>make tea, fresh-brewed, left to steep 'til lukewarm or room temp

>blend with tea, with a garlic clove

>since I'm not yet ready to leave humanity behind, I also add 1/2 cup stevia

>sip as much as I can at a time so I don't make pic related >mfw

Do this until I slowly but surely progress to making it, bro.

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582621 No.136319




While there is some variance due to growing conditions and whatnot, generally weakest to strongest is:


yellow spanish


yellow storage

Red onions won't make me shed a tear, but those cheap yellow storage onions are the strongest. Google it if you don't believe me. They will often have me opening windows to get a away from the eye searing fumes. Those are the ones you want.

Also, for those of you having stomach trouble from raw onion, the thing that helps the most is fat of some kind. I recommend a little butter or olive oil before you start eating the onions, then eat some more fat as needed to keep your stomach from knotting up.

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388601 No.136320

File: 20889a0b967e0b1⋯.png (89.14 KB,312x516,26:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a0170a8292afee⋯.png (82.84 KB,310x484,155:242,ClipboardImage.png)


Yellow and white onions are always used cooked, only red onions are eaten raw.

Simply because the formers taste awful. Besides, the difference in nutrients/vitamins is minimum and not worth the agony.

And actually, red onions appear to have more antioxidants.

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582621 No.136330


>Yellow and white onions are always used cooked, only red onions are eaten raw.

>Simply because the formers taste awful

Maybe in Spaghettistan, that's definitely not true in the USA.

Yes, red onions might have slightly more antioxidants due to the red pigments (anthocyanins) and slightly higher vit C, but that's not what is believed to cause the T boost. It's believed to be due to the sulfur compounds like allicin, and those are highest in the 'agonizing' onions. Antioxidant value is not the be all end all of nutrition. If anthocyanins and vitamin C raised testosterone so much, studies would have shown it already. Both of those compounds have been researched in depth.

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c1eed2 No.136358


>red onions might have slightly more antioxidants due to the red pigments (anthocyanins) and slightly higher vit C

That's not enough for me to switch to reds because they're fucking disgusting. I'll take my ~10% nutrition hit for ~90% flavor, thank you. [/bitching]

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1fec3b No.136364


Dice it up with some Cilantro and throw the mix into all your dishes.

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388601 No.136368


>Maybe in Spaghettistan, that's definitely not true in the USA.

I'm not an expert of Amerimutt cuisine, but as far as I recall, I remember red-onions being used raw in Subway sandwiches and McDonald's burgers, not whites or yellows.


Au contraire, John.

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9a537b No.136370


White/yellow onion are often in burgers, hot dogs, tacos and salads.

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388601 No.136371

File: 9aee5c736f733aa⋯.png (828.68 KB,1000x688,125:86,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35b34ffeb51c701⋯.png (3.15 MB,2020x1589,2020:1589,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12f5e537c94049d⋯.png (254.25 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>McDonald's burger with yellow/white onions grilled

>McDonald's burger with red onions raw

>Subways' sandwich with red onions raw

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582621 No.136379


Yeah, the vast majority of burgers are made with raw white onions. Congratulations, you found the one fancy McDonalds burger that uses red. Subway is for fags. You know jack shit about Americlap cuisine. Go back to /leftypol/, if you're lucky, your BO will suck you off.

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388601 No.136381


>doesn't bring arguments

>says to go back to /leftypol/

wew, >>>/nupol/, everyone!

Most recipes that include raw onions, specify red ones.

FYI, I voted for Casapound last elections.

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9a537b No.136385

File: b646db3ee90af19⋯.png (4.24 MB,1609x1522,1609:1522,white fucking onions.png)


I'm actually going to ignore the hilarity of trying to use McDonalds ad pics to prove to a native that they don't have the food they know they have and just post this picture of the first 8 burgers that come up when I googled the mcdonalds menu in America.

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4624d4 No.136387


Nigger you are dumb as fuck. Like literally those are promotional pics. No one actually puts red onions on burgs outside of ads or some retarded hipster whose resturant will go under in less than a month.

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a8112b No.136424


I thought the meme was that it was americans who think the rest of the world is like their hometown.

Way to present your race in the most retarded light.

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c1eed2 No.137180

File: 94c7604e4cc02c2⋯.jpg (702.31 KB,3456x1944,16:9,2018-04-25 04.06.59.jpg)

File: 786e8d958f00388⋯.jpg (739.51 KB,1944x3456,9:16,2018-04-25 04.07.34.jpg)

File: 7cc5e555fb827dd⋯.jpg (567.23 KB,3456x1944,16:9,2018-04-25 04.22.18.jpg)


It is done. Gave it a third week, and got about 72 oz (or ~2-1/2 quart bottles). Taste wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. I hope that's because I'm already used to daily morning 2 tbsp of ACV-espresso (this >>>/ck/13617 but with ACV: soak 1/3 ground dark coffee to 2/3 ACV in sealed container for 24-48 hours, shake, filter out grounds, drink) + maca powder, and not because I didn't let it all soak long enough. Once the gallon pickle jar dries I plan to duct tape it as per friend anon here: >>136262

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c1eed2 No.137181


But it had quite the aftertaste, and plenty of low-chest / upper-belly afterburn for about 15 minutes. Great for awakening! Methinks I'll make fire-tonic espresso (kept in a tiny jar on my night stand) for augmenting my alarm clock…

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eb9875 No.137201



Going to try this. Cheers anon

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c1eed2 No.137210

File: 19fc7624a699793⋯.jpg (692.52 KB,3456x1944,16:9,2018-04-17 22.37.23.jpg)

File: 22b591568e7ed58⋯.jpg (760.69 KB,3456x1944,16:9,2018-04-19 00.04.43.jpg)



What a coincidence, I'm planning to make chicken salad for the first time for lunch today (spoiler for blogposting; pics unrelated but suggested for any home cooks for quick cleanup) with grilled portobello mushroom caps as low-kcal-sub "burger buns". I've ~1-1/4 lb organic chicken breast from nearby Amish farmers, a crisper drawer full of assorted onions, and a food processor at the ready.

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82e905 No.137223


Looks good, how was it?

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c1eed2 No.137226

File: cca7a980c28b5bc⋯.jpg (854.36 KB,3456x1944,16:9,2018-04-26 02.06.48.jpg)

File: 08c4cda6a55fbf6⋯.jpg (737.91 KB,3456x1944,16:9,2018-04-26 02.06.41.jpg)

File: 84d69e479942994⋯.jpg (745.8 KB,3456x1944,16:9,2018-04-26 02.03.09.jpg)


Polite sage for off-topic and crosspost from /ck/ . Very nice, very nice indeed. About 1,400 calories for one meal (210g protein, 65g fat, 10g net-carbs) but worth it.

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c1eed2 No.137228

File: f6a943d5fe14ea9⋯.png (810.95 KB,1280x720,16:9,meme-player-4-cucks_00004.png)


>polite sage

At least I intended to.

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1c8146 No.137231

File: 2572565af309966⋯.jpg (185.66 KB,800x1000,4:5,onion-knight-1.jpg)

>1: Can of tuna

>2: Whole red onion Chopped

>3: dash it with some lemon juice

>4: add Mayonaise (optional)

Litterally GOAT onion meal

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0a7eba No.137260


Onion Soup goes really good on Beef.

And you could have French Onion Soup.

And Onions in my salad are basically unnoticeable when mixed thoroughly with the lettuce.

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c17881 No.137263

File: 07e07d266f0cba6⋯.png (396.81 KB,660x629,660:629,d29fe009c3ce85df927ec13c54….png)


The word that comes from my mind when looking at your appetizing, well-made, and clever dish is: aids. Good job, friend. I hoped it tasted good.

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545274 No.137301

Its all about the Salsa, bros. Easy delivery method.

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e09c3e No.138132

I hope there weren't any people not already eating and cooking with onions before it became a meme here.

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6833ee No.139570

File: 1955d83bd0198c6⋯.jpg (19 KB,500x338,250:169,eb1bfc98127f25d8e29074300f….jpg)

I have just eaten half an onion and feel as if I was born again. Is this the power of the onion?

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d9c13f No.139626


Chill it in your fridge before you cut it. No more tears

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eed7ad No.139628

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723db2 No.139629

File: b32fa0c9d91b8cb⋯.jpg (96.29 KB,1280x720,16:9,14123456789.jpg)

Thanks for bumping this, almost forgot to get my daily dose

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a7f1f8 No.140760

Which type of onions are best? Red, White or Yellow? I usually eat white onions, but if the others have better nutrients, it's an easy switch. Also, while reading the thread about boiling, some were for it and some were against it. I slow boil my onions with diced tomatoes and garlic. But is it a good idea to boil onions even if it is a slow boil? How much onion must be consumed, 1/4 lb. a day or more?

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f30d05 No.140761

What's the active ingredient for onion powers? Sorry for not getting on the hype train but surely there's science on this topic and not just broscience

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0a8f2a No.140793

Has anyone mentioned Salsa yet?

Been having a bowl of some mild Salsa almost every night.

Been feeling more energetic, less sluggish, and haven't gotten ill for a few months now.

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830851 No.140797


All I know is whenever I eat at least half of a raw onion, on that day I feel amazing. And this was before I ever heard of /fit/ promoting it.

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830851 No.140798


If you cook them they become worthless. I mix raw slices into random meals after they've been cooked.

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830851 No.140799

When I committed to 1 raw onion per day I became the most fit I've ever been in my life by far and I was already fit. During that 6 month period random men would just come up to me simply to say how awesome my physique was.

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79d518 No.140800


>Aluminium is a neuro toxic blah blah blah

Yeah, if you're retarded enough to eat it.

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cb6c63 No.140805


Or if you wear deodorant that contains it

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a7f1f8 No.140806


No answers about this? I'm curious about the details about this post. Also in regards to >>140793 Salsa is pretty fucking delicious anyways. But do you go for the mild, medium or hot types? Are spicy foods good for fitness?

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5fe66b No.140807

File: d3f75a8c92aeb7e⋯.jpg (64.33 KB,630x420,3:2,5389463004_88a6d41fda_o1.jpg)

File: 9c939b75c0adc7a⋯.jpg (79.75 KB,1200x531,400:177,Cast-Iron-Tacos_website-he….jpg)

File: 4d6279e8e7ac420⋯.jpg (445.83 KB,2996x1685,2996:1685,maxresdefault_BwHFrJa.jpg)

File: 6c6aaf00c72dd4d⋯.jpg (118.59 KB,1550x1150,31:23,4-2-4-8-9_large.1604090309.jpg)

Luckily for you /fit/izens, 8chan users come from all walks of life and different cultures, and I'm from one that eats a lot of onions.

Chopped raw onion is a staple in Hispanic households, and we usually garnish all of our meals with a healthy spoonful. Onions gets diced every morning to go with breakfast tacos, and are readily available in the fridge the rest of the day. My family probably goes through a dozen a week, and by myself I eat at least 1/2 of one a day. Additionally onions get sauteed with all our meats, and grilled onion is sometimes even eaten by itself on a stick. If you go to certain Mexican restaurants, they will actually give you half a grilled onion with your meal if you ask for it.

My favorite way to eat onions is Pico de Gallo. Its a salsa made out of diced tomatoes, onions, peppers, and cilantro with a squeeze of lime. Usually its eaten with chips, but shrimp or fish can be added to the mix to make it into a meal by itself.

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d9f332 No.140889

File: 53b63c5deedb17f⋯.jpg (134.48 KB,715x1013,715:1013,danberu nan kiro the squat.jpg)

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d9f332 No.140890

File: eec6fb8511778d1⋯.jpg (157.31 KB,1200x900,4:3,watermelon benifts.jpg)

File: c886e6dd451004a⋯.png (592.88 KB,720x528,15:11,watermelon-health-benefits.png)

File: 4a5f891d889774c⋯.png (184 KB,518x400,259:200,Watermelon-pill.png)

File: c0e511f7b6fcc5f⋯.jpg (191.01 KB,719x720,719:720,watermelon asuka 152815019….jpg)


Have you taken the Watermelon pill yet /fit/?

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44c7dd No.140926


Post actual studies.

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053288 No.140929


Why does she advise against going parallel to beginners? Is she gay or something?

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451130 No.140940


Yeah that shit is soccer mom health and fitness magazine hype. Watermelon is ok for boners if you eat a lot because it is relatively high in citrulline, which your body turns into arginine, which helps give you boners and pumps. Pink watermelon is one of the few decent sources of lycopene outside tomatoes.

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cae313 No.140960


That's good to know because I can't stand tomatoes

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8045ac No.140974

I eat them raw, mixed with my veggies. And I fry some when I'm eating fried chicken.

It tastes nice.

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068c95 No.140976

Would consumption of raw onion be good for a developing 16 yr old? I know it would be beneficial but would the benefits be negligible or would they be enough to see improvement in how i develop?

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58b8b8 No.140977


This is a cool post, I like it

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2d816b No.140978

File: 9b43ea5a88acf1b⋯.png (132.44 KB,374x347,374:347,confused 2d slut.png)


Why would it not be fine to eat raw onions as a 16 year old?

Why do so many people not eat onion in the first place?

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068c95 No.140979


I'm a little bitch and onions aren't my favorite thing to eat raw is all. I'm assuming the taste is the reason people don't eat them raw

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ca7a14 No.140991


Become one with the ogre, little youngfag.

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82aeee No.141024

File: 2bf225edbd1529b⋯.jpg (36.84 KB,670x496,335:248,2bf225edbd1529b2785d37d299….jpg)


Capsicum, the active ingredient (the thing that makes spicy food spicy) in hot foods is anti-inflammatory and supposedly helps to metabolise fat, though I don't know the actual science behind this. It also helps fight infections I believe. The spicier the better because that's where the benefits come from.

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6ae740 No.141045




Do you even know your onions or are you trying to kill him?

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451130 No.141052


It works well in rats, but the effect is pretty weak in humans.

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ca7a14 No.141057


>He doesn't eat a banana and drinks a glass of water for easy fasting.

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ca7a14 No.141058


>Not drinking Tabasco until you get an ulcer.

Speaking of spicy foods, what about whatever makes mint minty? What does it do to you?

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9d16bd No.141068


Wouldn't that be bad for muscle mass though?

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451130 No.141102


It's not fasting if you eat something.


It actually seems to give a decent boost to some of the topical fat burners, but that's all anecdotal evidence.


Your body is not so stupid as to immediately go for muscle. One of the things it does go for is broken proteins and malfunctioning cellular organelles. This is called autophagy. You should look into it. Dr. Joseph Fung has written an excellent book on fasting. He's a nephrologist that put his diabetic patients on keto, but found they had major compliance issues. Many just plain didn't understand it, and many had trouble giving up their favorite carb heavy foods. He discovered intermittent fasting, and found his patients had much better compliance, and still got great results. They lost weight, fixed many of their health problems, and most importantly, stopped the degeneration of their kidneys. Keto is tough for some people, and can seem intimidating, but being told you can eat what you want, but just every other day is simple and easy.

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972761 No.141160


Menthol. It's gabaergic. Your GABA increases. I hear it's not very good for Testosterone, increases Estrogen. Spicy shit should be good for testosterone though. It's like the ant-men say, Yang = Hot, Yin = Cold. If it burns it's good for masculine shit. Agony is god.

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451130 No.141169


>Agony is god.

Are you David Goggins?

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fca0f5 No.141201


You forgot ginger.

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93b933 No.141221


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a59237 No.141269


Chop one large onion, mix with one pound ground beef and diced potato. Fry in skillet with salt. Add pepper.

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ed706c No.141791


put it on a sandwich you dumb nigger

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972761 No.141793


His feats are impressive, but it's all endurance. I'd be interested in seeing him switch to strength training or even MMA. The agony is different. You must maximize agony with variation.

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aa855e No.141797


Take the SHREK pill. Eat them layer by layer, or like an apple like real swamp ogres do.

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4e81dd No.141977


Onion and pickled fish. Nom

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a8f010 No.141978

File: b6080e31c7ab088⋯.gif (2 MB,245x245,1:1,br7.gif)

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cd467b No.142049

Because I like to actually try things for myself instead of getting mired in theory and pseudo-academics, I have tried simply eating small, raw, whole onions. When I manage to eat at least one a day I feel fucking fantastic and recover faster. I also used onions to actually kill a tooth infection as well. I didn't go to the dentist, I just ate two huge onions, and the infection that had caused my gums to sprout a grape sized sack disappeared overnight. This was months ago too, so don't give me any bullshit about it coming back. The easiest and quickest way to eat them is to just slather them in peanut butter and eat them like an apple. The peanut butter tastes good, is compatible with keto, and masks the intensity of the onion perfectly. I seriously recommend Anons at least try this, onions are cheap, they won't fuck you up like a lot of supplements can, and, in my opinion are so effective that it feels like cheating. Just don't cook them, because whatever causes the beneficial effects seems to mostly get cooked out of them.

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629d8e No.142178

Even if baking, frying, or whatever cooking you're doing takes away 90% of an onion's nutrition, in that case just eat ten times what you would. If you can't stand the taste of raw onion, POOAM is still an option.

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0a4036 No.142188


Fuck it. I'm doing it. One onion a day for a week.

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b7078a No.142191

Lads, I discovered an easy and pleasant way to eat raw garlic directly. I assume this could be done with onions too.

It's very easy:

1.- Obtain garlic clove.

2.- Chew garlic 3 times inside your mouth.

3.- Take a sip or swig of tonic water.

4.- Repeat.

Is this the schweppes-garlic alliance I just made?

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0a4036 No.142196


Okay maybe not. Eating an onion is easy until you get to the inner layers. It becomes extremely intense at that point. The peanut butter works if you can lather on a lot of it, but I'm cutting so not for me. I managed to eat over half a raw onion, and it did make me feel pretty buzzed for the next hour.

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4acc0c No.142198

You fucking faggots. You don't even have to eat it like an apple, just dice it and put it into your food raw after you've finished cooking so that the onion itself isn't actually cooked. I do the same with garlic too.

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985507 No.142199

All you primitives are relying on a plant for gains. You should be pointing an LED grow light at your balls. High tech Astronaut beats malnourished caveman.


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5db2b9 No.142217


Just make a salad with tomatoes and olive oil, some salt and you're golden.

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5db2b9 No.142218


That has ruined many of my shirts

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881bef No.142224


Dice finely and put on top of your salad, beef, soup, etc.

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4acc0c No.142227


Today I just bought my cheap mass gainers from a discount store (some cheap cereal bars with high calories, carb count and protein), and it was only when I examined the ingredients more closely that I noticed that it contained fucking SOYA LECITHIN. I'm doing my daily onions so I don't know if I'm going to become soy incarnate, but now I'm scared. What do /fit/?

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a566f3 No.142334


Don't eat those fag shakes. Get some ground beef.

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629d8e No.142533

File: 21bc3d1c74e83ed⋯.jpg (105.64 KB,640x589,640:589,1437528581092.jpg)

Bamp stamp.

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a566f3 No.142552



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0fa8f8 No.144289

just ate 2 organic raw onions after relapsing 90 days of no-fap. In hindsight I might assume this is some form of oral self-flaggelation.

Anywho I buy them in sizes so that I can eat them whole.

I pretend I am eating an apple and any time the urge to vomit comes up I scream inside my mind how tast it is.

gonna eat another 2 now, a bit worried about the acid in stomach.

On a sidenote can anybody enlighten me on hairgrowth/testosteron relation, because I don't have anything growing on my chest but I see soyboys with lot's of facial and bodyhair.

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cc669e No.144330

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05e4bb No.144359

File: 7dd2da2bb32165f⋯.jpg (12.41 KB,284x276,71:69,1451040212259.jpg)


>I pretend I am eating an apple and any time the urge to vomit comes up I scream inside my mind how tast it is.

Thanks for the good laugh.

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e2304d No.144502

File: 03779a455e62e57⋯.gif (988.02 KB,500x500,1:1,TdGFjlt.gif)




Ok serious fucking question, been eating 4 onions a day for a week since one anon said it was basically roids and I figured fuck it.

So I have no problem eating raw onions anymore, it takes me about 1 minute to eat a 50g-70g onion.

Here's the technique the moment I put the thing in my mouth my mind goes "oh shit", and the moment it does that I go fuck you and I chomp on it, with each bite I sing a song in my mind like accentuating each syllable " HMMM-SO-TA-STY-HMMM-SOO-GOOD"

>repeat until onion has been defeated

( writing this down this reminded my of frank yangs projecting a desire into food for it to be eaten by you for his 10000 calorie diet )


>inb4 why bother with the smell when you are going to leave humanity behind.

How do I deal with the smell?

Also the acid burns the inside of my mouth so that my mouth was shedding it's skin from the inside.


>Can eat raw onions now no problem but underestimated smell

>Onion acid burns my mouth

P.S. the onion acid is also good at cleaning the tongue

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e2304d No.144503

File: 0ce981affa8e08f⋯.jpg (27.16 KB,720x833,720:833,1544910968077.jpg)


I am become onion destroyer of world somebody answer please!

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c74e74 No.144504

File: 0da6c4d8e6e6727⋯.jpg (25.58 KB,308x302,154:151,bait.jpg)


>he fell for the onion bait

>he can't take 1 minute without replies

please niggah, I don't know whether the onion pill works for real or not, but you shouldn't eating freaking 4 a day,

just the acidity you mention is reason enough not to,

do you mean the smell it exhales from your body, that's something new but I would imagine it happens so

and anyway, you will need to keep at it for some time, even roids will take time and effort to take effect

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67e643 No.144513


Can't you cook them? or eat them in a salad? eating onions as if they were apples is pretty fucking autistic.

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99b1aa No.144550


Dial it down to 1 a day. Give it a month. Eat peppermints, brush your teeth before going to sleep, drink and swish salt water with a little baking soda in it (!!), and SCRUB with a wet, cold rag every morning and night. You'll start sweating this shit out along with whatever funk. Change your sheets and pillow case every week – change the pillow case every night, in fact.

Get some eucalyptus oil and dab your neck, wrists and chest with it before heading out. Put a few drops in some water and swish then spit, actually. It's a strong scent that's sorta similar to onion and should help make it less offensive.

The baking soda and eucalyptus oil are probably your best bet. Baking soda is also extremely alkaline so it should help with the acid.

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d398db No.144614

Did the master tonic ever get opened anon? Is it good?

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517d77 No.144720


you need to dial it dude down, asap. at least put them on a sandwich instead

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222883 No.144722


I'll put you on my sammich

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8104ad No.144746

File: 8c46084592f9750⋯.png (27.31 KB,417x403,417:403,a5b4cb01e51861035555d76ecd….png)

Just ate my first raw onion like an apple. That was fucking intense. Many more to go.

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9a1fcd No.144753


>I create the onion meme

>I spread it

>this OP uses every image except the ones I made

I am enraged. I am livid

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a179b2 No.144760

File: 59f1a8b9483c476⋯.png (245.04 KB,471x552,157:184,edb9ada2a2c3c12a816a04e346….png)


>not posting them

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17f7ee No.147173


So bumping up this old thread because of something I've found out.

I'm doing a strict diet period for this couple of months, and at night I'll restrict to just eat some vegetables, so I started steam cooking carrots, onions, and a few other things.

I included onion just cause they can be very tasty, and not to mention very good nutrient values.

10 minutes of steam cooking, is enough to take out most of the acidic taste, but not all of it, enough to get some strange side effects. Like for example, I've noticed really bad farts, sore stomach breath and possibly even more smelly from the skin, but the biggest surprise was that it literally woke my dick, I was in a nofap rut and couldn't get aroused by nearly anything, but literally the next day I started having morning wood a pump of motivation again.

This is a pretty good sign, I didn't even remember the onion meme, but I'm pretty sure it does have a strong effect, and this offers a nice way, not as drastic as straight raw eating them. Just keep in mind this does give some noticeable body odor, the same way garlic does.

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042e7b No.147182

File: b7bc307f725f964⋯.png (61.88 KB,648x208,81:26,ClipboardImage.png)


3 months onion mode here. Can confirm that my ropes are much thicker than previous with an overactive libido in kind. Doesn't seem to correlate to bigger lifts or gains, however. Instead of having them raw and other silly suggestions, just buy desiccated chopped onions or even just onion powder and put it in all your salty foods. Burgers, soups, stews, rice, pasta, pizza, etc. Only in huge quantities does it actually effect taste, to the point of making foods spicier and more acidic. Best of luck, brethren.

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792943 No.147293

Onions are so hardcore I have to take AI to stop my 50000mg of testosterone in my bloodstream to turn me into a woman.

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d70797 No.147298


You're missing out on the JUICE. There's a reason they call steroids juice my dried up husk of a friend.

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17f7ee No.147309


>my ropes are much thicker


>I have to take AI to stop my 50000mg of testosterone in my bloodstream to turn me into a woman


>replying with completely unrelated content

When did people in this board become such illiterates retards?

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792943 No.147322

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7b56ed No.147323

File: 1a6ef4ea8274954⋯.jpg (50.41 KB,500x500,1:1,never_surrender.jpg)


Actually, I started the onion meme that received all the attention. I read years ago on a forum that eating onions increased free testosterone levels but didn't appreciate the information at the time until I discovered how magical garlic is and yes, I say magical. This was before the famous Iranian study as well. Then I began looking at other alliums for their benefits. Some anon made the original post on /fit/. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-onion-pill I was discussing what I had discovered in an irc channel. I have to remind you all that you are doing this shit absolutely wrong. I have researched this extensively and I can tell you that you can not heat, freeze or pickle the onions and expect the testosterone benefits. I have seen recipes online where individuals advise warming onion juice on a stove, this does not work as the heat destroys the quercetin and allicin which are what I suspect is the reason for the elevated free testosterone levels. Garlic works as well, but is not as effective for this as onions. Red onions work best, but I do suspect that red garlic such as Red Russian garlic might work as well as red onions. Red Russian garlic is the same garlic that Rasputin would eat raw which I believe was a source of his great physical strength and charisma. I also would like to point out that the onions the Roman gladiators were eating were also red onions. I have tested other onion, and they work but they don't seem to work as well. I also admit that I don't have a scientific way to test this. I have been wanting to post a sticky for over a year now on this topic, but I'm short on actual data and I keep discovering benefits. The only way I have discovered to easily down onions while maintaining the benefits is put them into a salad. I do this by dicing them up into very fine pieces and adding honey and a dressing to mask the bite. I also keep the skin and finely ground them into a powder for the antioxidants. If you want to experience the benefits, then try this recipe, one diced red onion, one diced celery stick, one tbsp of parsley flakes, one tsp of finely ground black pepper, one-two tbsp of honey, 1-2 tbsp of your preferred salad dressing, one tbsp of balsamic vinegar and you can add four cloves or one entire bulb of diced garlic. I would advise you not to eat large amounts of garlic everyday though. Not because of the supposed smell which I have no experienced or the fear of thinning your blood too much, but I've read that eating garlic too often damages your liver which I'm not entirely sure if that's accurate. The list of benefits are too long to share here, I'll have to gather my notes and post an infographic or something soon. I shared this info to helps robots and I did not expect the backlash I received, especially from the media. I am literally trying to save western civilization by trying to develop a super soldier serum to make white men strong again and decided that during /pol/'s obsession after the 2016 election would be the perfect time, but my work was unfinished. so I released a snippet. My information was so groundbreaking that many anon became obsessed and the meme arose. When my reasoning came out, I was attacked by leftypol anons from 8ch and then the meme hit the media. Many of you will not believe me because I know there is so much health nonsense out there especially with all the crazy newage vegans and shit, but an onion a day will truly keep the doctor away and will bestow on you a virility unmatched by gym rats. Everyone will notice you when you walk into a room regardless of your physical condition. If you combine this with garlic, women will literally swoon over you. Celery and parsley augment this effect. It's all because of their effects on the endocrine system which release ectohormones. Don't argue my ignorance, I am not a scientist, just try it and see if you don't immediately notice changes in how you feel and how people treat you. Also I would advise to take a tbsp of olive oil and a few tbsps of coconut oil. Just not all at once unless you want to shit yourself. These two oils are so beneficial to your health that they could essentially be prescribed as medicine and recently the media began to try and attack coconut oil based entirely out of ignorance. I believe it's a disinformation campaign because they are afraid of men discovering how beneficial coconut is to their health and want us all on pills.

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042e7b No.147327

File: f2fc5be8269d6d1⋯.png (70.75 KB,678x430,339:215,ClipboardImage.png)

>>147322 (checked)



More cum, macaque. Don't fall for the shills, jews don't want you to have high testosterone.


>pee-u flag

>wall of text


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042e7b No.147328

File: 0760b46ad8e69ce⋯.png (159.78 KB,1371x531,457:177,ClipboardImage.png)


Bigger version.

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792943 No.147342




Archived it too, before they shut it down.


>I was attacked by leftypol anons from 8ch

There truly is something with /leftypol/. I sometimes visit them, but everytime the topic of masculinity comes up they try to act as if working out, bettering yourself is all homosexual, they then post pictures of statues with homosexual sexual lingo, because get it:

statue with muscles = gay you poopoo head.

Signed, progressives, lmao.

>Everyone will notice you when you walk into a room regardless of your physical condition. If you combine this with garlic, women will literally swoon over you.

They won’t swoon over you but they will pick up your (now) high quality pheromones.


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0a723e No.147351

I decided to eat a whole red onion raw every day. Now I have onion taste in my mouth 24/7 no matter what I am eating. I'm not sure if I can recommend.

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042e7b No.147390


Simple answer: Shove them up your ass instead and kill yourself.

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17f7ee No.147394

Talking about hormone improving methods, and btw, we already have an 'hormone thread' in the catalog that is more suitable to this discussion.



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042e7b No.147494

anti-slide bump

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5bddd4 No.147727

File: 9dde5c7dfc94e82⋯.png (980.68 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20180412-221412.png)






Well this is new.

I had no idea the onionhad made it to 8ch.

Onion bro here.

The guy who performed blood tests.

Going back to my first and best results

I had

1 red onion a day.

30ml pomegranate concebtrate (if you can get the fruit its better.

400mg long Jack

(See pic)

I am doing another one.

Hormone optimising protocol.

I have put this together based on prior research.

First and foremost

Eat well

Train hard

Schedule sleep as if it was a workout

It involves.

Studies linked

Raw onion




Organic Black Cumin Seeds (Nigella Sativa),


So i am going to test it as a stack again.

Join me.

If we can get more fit/bro to do it it will help validate the data.

Dosage will be per day

1 red oinion raw

5g seeds

50ml pomegranate juice

I have sent off my blood 12 march.

Here are the results

I have specifically been off the oinion for a bit so that it does not mess with results.

I will retest in 4 plus weeks.

If you want to test with me i use


Uk based

We are all gonna make it bros>135781

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042e7b No.148337


Good to know, someone really doesn't like this thread being up.

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9ac782 No.148364



guy on halfchan got his bloodwork done, I never saved the pictures but he was right

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dfee8b No.148389


thanks onionfag, you're alright

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614221 No.148443

File: 19f81a423b6089d⋯.jpg (312.75 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20190510-152326….jpg)

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fe607a No.148444

File: f172cdeee3c1b0f⋯.jpg (106.08 KB,637x317,637:317,lord is an onion.jpg)

>Will any amount of onions or juice thereof give you superpowers?

Of course not.

>Do onions contain a variety of nutrients generally conductive to good health?


>Can you feasibly eat enough onions that you cause yourself problems.



Feel free to eat as many onions as you like but also don't feel like if you don't eat 12+ a day you're never gonna make it. Personally I fucking love onions and sauteed onions in particular along with garlic, salt and pepper are the backbone of pretty much everything I cook.

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db0863 No.148445

I cut up the onion into squares, then add it to my food raw. example, beans and brown rice with 1 whole cut onion added. Also I drink pinebark tea for extra testosterone.

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a2c069 No.148449


>post that contributes nothing

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dfee8b No.148462


Just to act as a control, keep in mind that test may fluctuate a great deal over time all on its own even with a standardized diet. Some guy took a testosterone test and found it was 212 for him, then without changing anything, he retested a month later and had 364 or something. Naturally it's tough to nail down the result of something to a single cause in the human body, but this is a factor to be aware of.

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dfee8b No.148463


also it's fucking wack they're using moles and liters as units. I mean that's totally understandable in a chem class or something, and it is coming out of a lab, but you check charts anywhere online and it's always measurements of ng/dl or pg/ml, not mole per liter.

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5d6e78 No.148469

File: ed3c274370e1240⋯.jpg (87.39 KB,960x540,16:9,1142813-960x720-mettbroetc….jpg)


>question is how to ingest them

Mett Brötchen

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93a3c9 No.148475


I understand what you're saying, but as long as he takes the test in the morning, in the 7th day (or start of a new testosterone cycle) and keeps doing the same things plus the new thing, I guess it's a nice measurement.

I took a test back in March. I intend to take a new one by the end of the year. Let's see if I go from 364 to 1000.

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960f99 No.148479



I tested between

7.45 and 8.05 in the morning.

The units they use are not too good either.

Ill have to convert them.

I do have to say the black cumin seeds had quite the impact

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93a3c9 No.148482


Oh, I got 7.79 ng/dL in my free test. one. I don't know why they use such units in Europe.

I wanted to test my DHT and SHBG levels too, but that would cost half of my salary, so I stuck with the total T and free T ones. I took it in the middle of the afternoon and in comparison with the other anons, it's rather high. But I feel bad because my father is /fit/ and tested 580 total T.

Anyway, /fit/izens, take zinc everyday and take cold showers. Exercise like a bull and run a lot too. Don't fap. This way, your testosterone will skyrocket.

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d70797 No.148484


On top of what you posted, Anons make sure you are getting sun exposure. Don't have the study linked but having your genitals exposed to the sun raised test by 200% and the increase went down the further away from the genitals the body was exposed. For example, 170% lower back, 150% upper back etc. Not just taking vitamin D but actually stripping down as much as you can and getting out in the sun. Ideally during solar peak and only for about 10-15 mins a day so you don't burn.

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c193a2 No.148647

File: 42edbf97bb9b715⋯.jpeg (97.93 KB,480x664,60:83,9E008BBD-7E5C-437A-950B-2….jpeg)


Rate my sandwich /fit/

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a163f9 No.148648


It's shit. Replace the bread and tomatoes with meat.

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9a884d No.148997


No just slice them up and eat them with corned beef and mustard, at least try to make them taste good.

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9a884d No.148998

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9a884d No.148999


Also, use red/purple onions, they just taste better.

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9a884d No.149002


Garlic is probably better than onions for increasing test if you can stand it.

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9a884d No.149003


It is known that garlic will increase testosterone and onions are somewhat related, but then again you could just eat a clove of garlic or two per day if you can stand the smell.

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1b352b No.149004


add (olive oil)tuna, thyme and black pepper

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b6c3a0 No.149005

Srila prabhupada said that eating onions and garlic will make your body strong like a demons but it will make your mind miserable like a demons as well. Onions and garlic are for medicinal purposes.

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629d8e No.149006

Soak raw onions in water overnight for dat onion drank?

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321db9 No.149008

File: 247949843d69e06⋯.png (360.41 KB,512x599,512:599,E6DC7112-EF94-442D-BB16-A5….png)

let’s check out some superfoods:




sourdough bread

anything else?

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f8f300 No.149009


MEAT. Red, juicy meat.

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9d039d No.149011


>wooteremlon so helathy 92% water


>Onions for infection

Cleared a sinus infection over night. I woke up nasty and for whatever reason NEEDED a fucking onion. I was compelled.

Gargled a bit and tried to get those juices where they needed to be. Dunno if the onion killed it or just helped my sinus's drain what my body had already killed, but I'd had it for at least 2 days at that point.

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9d039d No.149012


>red onions

And a side of raw soybeans? you disgust me.

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f79cc2 No.149013


not at all. Especially local honey if you've got allergy issues. And if you're going to ingest a sugar, unprocessed is best. That doesn't mean you should eat spoonfuls of honey all time or anything, but that's just common sense.

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b6db02 No.149014


He killed the cancer. But then followed it into the afterlife to kill it again.

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2b7e9c No.149026


>Also those green straws that grow from onions are tasty af and are one of the best food additives. Don't know the name of them.

For someone that suggests growing your own food, this is a pretty funny sentence.

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d68e76 No.149031


Drop the raw onions in the raw eggs. Then drop that into boiling soybean oil. Cool and eat them up.

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9d74ec No.149032

don't know how you can manage to eat an onion straight and on its own, will just adding onions to most of my meals be enough?

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8b12cc No.149033


Better than the raw egg meme.

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8b12cc No.149034


>what are sweet onions

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e57da6 No.149035


Do that its fine.

Don't eat like an apple

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de4df4 No.149036


You could always eat them raw in this romanian style eggplant spread. Grill the eggplants well. Strain the eggplant juice well. Dont be a pussy and do it.


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de4df4 No.149037


No adding onion to soy. It destroys the soy

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de4df4 No.149038


This is how the wife feels when i try to go at her

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de4df4 No.149039


Still better than eating cock

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de4df4 No.149040


Maybe onion is one of those adaptogenics. Venezuealns deink a tea called YERBA MATE, the way we drink cofffee. Adaptoggenic is not soy. Adaptogen also meakes you sex more


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14ce06 No.149042




>Banihani SA

>Jordan University of Science and Technology

You low test niggers will believe anyone that confirms your latest fad diet.

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1406d5 No.149051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d70797 No.149053



Dudes, you can obtain local, extra-virgin olive oil from your country's olive groves, and you're drinking TONIC WATER with your garlic?


Get a garlic press. Press directly into olive oil. Put on toast, pasta, meats, add spices. Don't heat it at all. The act of crushing the cloves gives that activation of the sulfur compounds; cutting it doesn't do it as well. And send me some unfiltered sedimenty single-origin olive oil for the love of God!

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f447f6 No.149074

Recently got onion juice on a cut in my hand. The cut started burning like when hydrogen peroxide is used. But onions are relatively base. Onions probably help killing bacteria that would otherwise absorb some of your nutrients

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ad186d No.150071


Get some cilantro and put it into every meal. It helps you remove heavy metals from your body. I guess that also holds for aluminum.

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0640d3 No.150137


Don't do it at solar peak. It's not the UV, but the red wavelengths, which peak in the afternoon that stimulate test production. Be careful not to get your balls too hot though because this will lower test. You can also use red light therapy which can be a bit easier to pull of consistently.

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0640d3 No.150138



Forgot to mention, UV does still increase test through vitamin D, but the stimulation of Leydig cells is done by red light.

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cc0d41 No.150150

Isn't this a matter of nitrogen more than anything? It would seem as if high-nitrate foods tend to increase testosterone. Following this line of logic, one should see optimal results from drinking beet juice (actual beets not sugar beets) every day, red shits aside. I'll experiment with a mixture of 1100mg beet root extract and 1200mg powdered onion bulb over the next couple months for anon's sake. Right now the only three supps I take are pinoleic acid (pine nut oil), fish oil, and ZMC (Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium). Otherwise I get my vitamins from vegetables. Assuming the onion stuff works, I'll probably just juice my own onions.

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1affd8 No.150252

File: fa8e8a4af125823⋯.jpeg (278.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,1573529703383.jpeg)



My nitrate-testosterone theory seems to be applying quite accurately so far. My diet has involved less lean protein than I'd like for this experiment, but otherwise I've been taking 1200mg of full spectrum onion bulb and 1100mg of concentrated beet root (I will probably swap to powder here when my pills run out since powder is cheaper/can be mixed with water to make beet juice). I observed a fast before starting this diet. I had horrible onion farts the first week and had a day where I felt terribly sick, but since then my condition has improved extensively. I've been utilizing less caffeine to get through my day, and my sweat has begun taking on a much more "musky" stench akin to my high school days. My libido which has been gone for two years is gradually coming back to the point where I masturbate almost nightly, and I feel restless during the day. The only negative effect is that I tend to want to nap as soon as I get home. My urge to exercise is the only thing that hasn't come back and which I consider more of a chore than a hobby even though I used to love to exercise, but I imagine that will return in the coming weeks or when the weather warms up.

Following this idea of "high nitrate foods promote testosterone," I bought a 30 pack of instant dashi stock made of various fishes/kombu. I plan to start drinking one packet of warm dashi stock (~16oz) every morning instead of coffee for a month. Assuming my high nitrate theory holds up, this combination should make me a sex god feel like I'm 17 again. We'll see.

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a27ccd No.150254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Somehow I don't like the idea of onion powder, but I also can't stomach so much onion.

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c1cff6 No.150308


>none of the material used to store/cook food in seeps into the food

Oh (((you))).

So as long as I don't eat plastic tupperware that contains BPA then I'm fine?

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1de58d No.150340


when chopping an onion, leave the bulb intact. it won't make you cry or anything.

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1de58d No.150341


spicy food opens up your pores and allows better blood flow circulation. I'm sure there are other anons who know more science behind it, but off the top of my head I know those two facts I listed are true.

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752aa3 No.150377

File: 183727a049ab879⋯.jpg (584.34 KB,740x740,1:1,8367373785467.jpg)


So I too made this supertonic and today it was ready. And what should I say, it tasted absolutely rancid. Close to vomit inducing, but only really close, which makes it just more awful.

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120aca No.150378


no pain no gain

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77c1a2 No.150421


The problem with that is his T is still insanely low. Ignore the ranges given by the result sheet. Those include infants and 95 year olds.

For his age he should be 70-90 nmol/L [commonly given as nmol/dL so 700-900]

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77c1a2 No.150422


>Cayenne pepper to open up the bloodvessels and increase circulation.

It's called thermic effect. Spicy foods [capsaicin] cause it. It increases the body temperature, blood flow and helps a bit in the gym.

It also causes caloric burn. That end of it is called

N on

E xercise

A ctivity

T hermogenesis

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e66b08 No.150426


Yeah it's pretty low. The standard should go up a little higher even. 900 - 1100 nmol/dl

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8204f2 No.150427


That's for a 17 year old. 17 is peak T for a male. It all goes down from there.

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edc659 No.150509

Anybody else get extremely bloated when eating onions? Something about the FODMAPs

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7d5c0c No.150552

I'm allergic to onions. so how do i get the same gains from the from something my body rejects?

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87df41 No.150570

File: 88b03b0e2c44871⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,1000x750,4:3,the_secret_of_the_great_py….jpg)

I'm reading this book on the Great Pyramid's internal ramp and this page made me think of /fit/, imaging Egypt as some weight lifting cult. Then I see this thread and it reminded me how onions were a food for Egyptians, so I looked up onions in ancient Egypt and found from https://www.history101.com/ancient-egyptians-worship-onions/ :

>It might have been an ordinary food but the moment it arrived in Egypt, ancient Egyptians worshiped the onion because they believed that its spherical shape and concentric ring represented eternity.

>The onion is one of the most valuable funeral offerings for early Egyptians.

>Archaeologists have discovered that the onion is an important part of the mummification process.

>Egyptologists believed that early Egyptians considered onions as having magical powers that can bring the dead back to life.

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9d4adc No.151274


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30795630/ (Testosterone in Males as Enhanced by Onion)

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19384830/ (Evaluation of androgenic activity of onion on spermatogenesis in rats)

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24302558/ (Fresh onion juice enhanced copulatory behavior in male rats with and without paroxetine induced sexual dysfunction)

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22881190/ (effect of processing and cooking condition on onion induced antiplatelet activity and thiosulfinate content)

eat it raw

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