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File: fe73ae61a9090b6⋯.gif (1.51 MB,500x276,125:69,boobfeel.gif)

e48595 No.126193 [View All]

let try this once:

Pick Up / Dating / Relationships

hopefully, there are some more non-retards non-virgins around,

ITT lets discuess not only PUA in its oldie ways, but socializing and dating in general

let this be a place where you can get and give some true honest advice on meeting up people and improving your social life

/fit/ isn't the only thing you need to stop being a neet and start getting some action,

social life, relationships and feels are important for your mental health,

for guys, if you're a virgin, ask away and try not to sperg autistcally about other people's experiences

if you're anywhere between intermediate to advanced, share your stories and lets help each other

if god forbid there are women lurking this board, this thread may also interest you,

either by offering your redpills to poor virgins, or getting feedback from male on your own relationships

Sure, I know where we are, but lets try to keep the sperg shitposting under control

514 posts and 161 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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40640f No.148783


>You know why alphas, jocks and stereotypical assholes do so well sexually?

Because they look good.

There are no ugly alphas, jocks or assholes.

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f1c27e No.148784

File: eb73f66331a3c30⋯.jpg (773.84 KB,1596x5000,399:1250,ugly and ripped.jpg)


>There are no ugly alphas, jocks or assholes.

There are ugly assholes, but your point stands for the other two.

The fact is that these guys get cocky BECAUSE they're good looking, and no amount of PUA bullshit like holding frame and spinning plates will change your face.

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1f5b54 No.148835

I'm fairly certain I'll be asking something asked many times over, but how do I start? By that I mean, besides the gym, what kind of clubs or groups do I join? Do I go to the local church and volunteer, or something like that? I'm autistic so I'm worried about doing dumb shit without realizing it.

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666ddc No.148856


>Jason Blaha

>A shopped pic

>Some dude who never learned how to loose face fat

Anon I–

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e3e808 No.148858


Just approach random roasties on the street anon.

>hi you cute

>my place or your?

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33e63f No.148859


listen here dumbfuck


just fucking do it.

It's going to go horribly wrong.

Then you try again and it goes slightly less horribly wrong.

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857e3a No.148863


Anime. Girls get wet when you talk about who is the best girl of a given show.

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45a43f No.148865


>The fact is that these guys get cocky BECAUSE they're good looking

Correct, which is how the myth of "it's all looks" keeps getting perpetuated. Good looking guys develop confidence easily, which is the real crux of their draw for any guy under a 9 (and remember, ladies think literally 80% of men are average or below), and so when girls are attracted to a man mainly because of his confidence stemming from his own self perception, and not his looks inherently, you have this obfuscating factor. Any man with life experience has seen good looking dudes with no game shoot themselves in the foot when they've opened their mouth (their appearance gets them in the door but they quickly repel the chicks when they start talking), and vice versa.

>and no amount of PUA bullshit like holding frame and spinning plates will change your face.

That's also true, but if you're walking into learning game thinking "this will allow me to pick up a 9 or 10 for sure," you're a retard. That still totally holds even if you're an average guy (just as Tynan is wont to remind people), but game is about maximizing your success with the highest caliber of girl you can get your hands on. If you're an ugly guy and you have no experience, or it's all experience with 3s and 4s, game will help you develop and understand the things necessary to get 7s.

The real problem with game is that it isn't easy and it's not a silver bullet. It's not going to fix your issues on its own, it's going to take time, and it's going to take a whole lot of rejection and pain to really push through and get good at it. For this reason you have lots of guys who do the game equivalent of going to the gym for two weeks, complaining about not being swole and/or hurting themselves, and blaming lifting instead of themselves.

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45a43f No.148866


Yes there are and you're making excuses. Nobody's here to hold your hand, you can either deal with reality and try to change things or mope around in faggoty self pity going "oh woe is the man who isn't super good looking." Alphas and jocks aren't determined by how they look, those labels are determined by their behavior. You can become an alpha or beta through various circumstances.

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f7b34b No.148994



never helps knowing that russias military is mega gay.

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cda97e No.148996


The thing is, it IS quite possible for a butt-ugly dude to get a really hot girl. I see it more often than I want to. The problem is it’s so fucking random that there are no guarantees in dating. You could be a nerd in glasses, with acne and flab getting rejected by an average roastie and then score with a literal 10/10 girl five minutes later and even after years neither you nor she will be sble to adequately explain what she saw in you.

It’s the reason the dudes who score the most are ones who flirt with every girl they think is hot while not giving a shit.

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45a43f No.149059


>It’s the reason the dudes who score the most are ones who flirt with every girl they think is hot while not giving a shit.

You're exactly right; I mean there's a lot more to this, but this general framework is what produces results because 1) you're approaching a lot so your chances are much much higher and 2) you're not outcome dependent and are willing to walk away.

The one problem with thinking this general statement is all you actually need is that it produces a logical conclusion that is the antithesis of good game, which is the shotgun approach. Go up to grill, make your sexual interest obvious as shit immediately, as her if she's DTF in the first few minutes, if not then move on and try again. I hate that shit, but there are some people who do it because they think if the attraction isn't there initially it won't be there period.

It's like some guy playing chess by running Fool's Mate every time. He doesn't care about playing a solid game or the quality of his opponent or thinking about his moves, he only cares about winning games, and he doesn't even give a fuck about his win ratio. He thinks to himself "I only care about winning a game," and so he plays the same half dozen moves every game with the mentality that if he wins, great, if he doesn't, find another opponent.

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e28cf4 No.149241

polite sage for thread repair

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8edad8 No.149772


> David Deida - the Way of the Superior Man

Have been thoroughly enjoying this read. Since it has relatively short chapters I've made reading one of them part of my daily ritual.

10/10 would reccomend so far

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8edad8 No.149774



meant to reply here

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9a68cd No.149801

>Gave girl my phone #

>No reply in 6 days

Oh well…

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a5df03 No.150165


yes and ive lived 3 years of a shit relationship just to keep my dick wet

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a5df03 No.150166


i used to have this image as a poster

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a5df03 No.150167


> sweeden


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d78ec3 No.150189


>how can you become attractive despite looks


>women fucking do it all the time, its called make up, and it works good as hell

Only the ugliest women look better with makeup on. Everyone else just looks like a plastic bimbo with makeup on.

Also where is the advice in this thread? All I see is a bunch of seething virgins. I've got a nice face but I can't carry a conversation with a girl because the only shit that I think is interesting is the kind of stuff you find on 8chan. Women run for the hills as soon as they hear me say stuff like their favorite movies and tv shows are propaganda.

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2240be No.150196


Just listen to them and make some jokes about it, obviously don't talk about any serious stuff to begin with. It wouldn't hurt for you to have some more normalfag interests.

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db24a8 No.150198


>Women run for the hills as soon as they hear me say stuff like their favorite movies and tv shows are propaganda.

Why would you do that? To see a woman's political belief you don't have to talk to them, you simply have to watch their behavior.

How much make up does she use? Does she have any body modifications like died hair, tattoos or piercings? What kind of hair style does she have? How much time and money does she spend for beauty overall?

What kind of clothes does she wear? What does she wear more often pants or skirts?

How is her family and her parents? Does she come from a healthy household?

What does she do in her free time? Is she constantly going on parties and holidays to drink her brains out or does she actually do healthy activities as a hobby?

How much does she fall for topics the public media implant into her head? Does she ignore it, does she get carried away or is it actually enough to do some low level activism?

Before you can't answer these questions with a positive result, it is pointless of seeing a woman as a serious partner to talk politics with.

Also the problem you have should even be obvious to yourself, you are a terrible conversationalist because you lack interesting topics to talk about or at least you cannot present the stuff you do in an interesting way.

The first thing is fixed by go going out into the world and do something that is actually interesting for other people to hear, achieve something you can brag about. Read good books, have solid finances and a career plan for your life, see the wonders of the world however you define them.

The other thing can be fixed by learning how to be a Salesperson. How are people that sell stuff directly to some stranger they don't know successful? How do politicians behave to bullshit the people? Read classic philosophy.

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8322e9 No.150234


>girl mentions any mainstream movie

>but that's jewish anti-white propaganda

I can see how that doesn't work out unless she's a literal nazi. Maybe try some right wing dating site?

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d6f3b2 No.150269

Sort of in the same vein, but how do I stop being so boring? I've wasted my 20s being a sad sack of shit and am finally starting to feel normal. But of course during those years I have denied myself a healthy social life and I'm not sure how to turn that around. Theres probably not a while lot of older people on this board but I thought to give it a shot.

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fa801d No.150273


Find a hobby and/or normie friendly interests, start talking with random people, just saluting and a bit of smalltalk if possible, just practice it like any other thing.

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440630 No.150313


>normie friendly interests

So he should watch capeshit and CNN?

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c70b55 No.150323


>So he should watch capeshit and CNN?

Nah he means activities where you actually go outside your home to other places and do stuff with other people at those places. Like:

Sport Clubs

Dance courses

Language Tandem

Bars&Dance Clubs


Public swimming pool/water park


Cafés & Restaurants


Public parks in regions that are not crime invested slums

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fa801d No.150324


no, read >>150323 plus things like film, music and books, look for the good stuff, learn about it, show you know what you're talking about and know a lot. Sure most people will still not keep up normalfags knowledge of film not going far beyond capeshit and harry potter, but they'll respect the level of knowledge you have as long as it isn't autistic.

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32839d No.150330


Jesus fucking christ who gives a fuck about this shit

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535795 No.150331


Normies, Boomers, anybody pre Internet.

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24921f No.150349

File: 60f8a0c45feab69⋯.jpg (408.51 KB,828x979,828:979,Hypergamy101.jpg)

File: 0a0c9ea43a882cd⋯.png (730.05 KB,960x720,4:3,TheEternalHypergamy.png)

File: 7b7cd5001d4d6ed⋯.png (38.62 KB,545x400,109:80,OnlineDatingHypergamy.png)

File: 755d56c9d609508⋯.png (100.33 KB,500x695,100:139,HypergamyandItsConsequence….png)

Here is a massive redpill dump.

1-3 is ugly to unattractive.

A 1/10 is the ugliest person you see out of at least 200. They are either morbidly obese, or obese with some sort of major facial deformity. 2s are both obese with a minor facial deformity or severely obese. 3s are either obese or they have some sort of very noticeable facial deformity.

4-7 is attractive to fairly attractive.

None of these people stick out, and they are all pleasant to look at. 4s and 5s might not look too healthy and may be a bit skinny or even underweight, but at least they aren't obese and/or have any noticeable facial deformities, but they don't tend to put in any decent effort into looking attractive, with all 4s being what you would naturally consider below-average-looking, but not yet unattractive, possibly even slightly overweight. 6s and 7s all look healthy and look like they put some effort into keeping up with their looks to actively attract others, with 7s being on the cusp of being highly attractive, but not yet possessing any special qualities regarding their looks.

8-10 are highly attractive to shockingly stunning.

There is something special about their looks. They put in a lot of effort into fitness, and their faces are flawless. They are a rare type of attractive. A 10/10 is going to be the most stunning person out of at least 200 people if not much more. They look so close to perfect, that they tend to draw attention to themselves in a similar way to a Ferrari. There is some shockingly sexy quality about their looks that is extremely rare among people.

Obviously, how good someone looks is a bit difficult to quantify, but this should serve as a decent general guide. This guide should be good for people up to the age of 45, beyond that, most people won’t find you sexually attractive unless they have a specific fetish, or unless they’re after your money.

Women rate 80% of men as being unattractive and 20% of men as being attractive, while men rate 50% of women as being unattractive and 50% of women as being attractive. This doesn’t take into consideration what percentage of men or women would be interested in having sex with what percentage of women or men. I would imagine that men would be interested in having sex with 80% of women, while women would be interested in having sex with only the best men among the top 20% whom they can get their hands on.

Here are a few things to keep in mind with the rise of online hookup apps like Tinder.

>If you're an 8/10 college hunk, as long as you would put some effort into finding girls, you could realistically be able to have casual sex with a different girl every week, granted you would be interested in having sex with girls who are at least 4/10.

>If you're a 10/10 college hunk, as long as you would put some effort into finding girls, you could realistically be able to have casual sex with a different girl every other day, granted you would be interested in having sex with girls who are at least 4/10.

>An 8/10 college hunk who would only go with girls who are at least 7/10 would realistically be able to have sex with a different girl every month.

>An 10/10 college hunk who would only go with girls who are at least 7/10 would realistically be able to have sex with a different girl every week. (The reason why I say 7/10 is because I think that's how attractive you typical middle-class sorority girl is going to be.)

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24921f No.150350


The higher your standards are, the less frequently you will be able to have sex. Some Chads are hypersexual, and would even be even interested in having sex with a few 3/10s if they felt horny enough. You will never see that type of behavior mirrored in women. Women have smaller libidos than men, since the main hormone behind your sex drive is testosterone with dopamine right behind it. Dopamine is the reason why alcohol makes you so horny. Women who take certain strong anabolic steroids actually get much higher sex drives and are more interested in having sex with less attractive guys. You can also observe this in women who are transitioning into men.

Your sex drive isn’t only determined by your hormones, but also your brain structure. Women love to compare men to all of the other men around them and to all of the men in their life when determining the attractiveness of a man. Women also put things like wealth and status into consideration. Men don’t determine a woman’s level of attraction like that. As long as a girl has a semi-decent body, most men would be interested in having sex with her. The average woman with as much testosterone as a man will still be more selective of men than your average man is of women, even though she still gets an increased sex drive from the testosterone. I would imagine that a male level of testosterone in women would bring their 20/80 attraction ratio all the way up to 40/60, but nothing further than that unless you somehow managed to give a woman professional bodybuilder levels of trenbolone, the monster steroid that’s also know to give men unstoppable sex drives.

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820c19 No.150360


Fucking a prostitute is only belittled by females who are jelly.

…and walking up to girls on weekends only serves to pay those inofficial hookers' drinks if anything.

None of these bitches are there to actually get to know a guy. Not an average one at the very least.

The only thing you receive from those weekend errands you speak of is to lose the last shred of dignity you may have and to lose all leftover respect for women that may have been left.

Might as well just tell more men to pick up guns and go on amok runs. That's the only end-point that path leads towards.

Also all this bs talk about getting fit, increasing one's attractiveness and all that bullshit pisses me the fuck off. There is nothing true about it.

The most ugly and the most handsome guys end up with girls so it's not a matter of building muscle.

You can be rich as fuck too and nobody will care.

Also, there is no such thing as a good catch among women. They have no inherent drives and hobbies of their own and just copy-paste their ex's hobbies.

I had a girlfriend who claimed to like video games and she owned far more physical copies of games than me, so the evidence was even underlining what she said.

But when you talked to her she could barely touch the surface of any game she ever played. That's because as it turned out she never did play any of those games for more than 10 minutes.

She was a shopping addict, not actually someone who was into that hobby.

And that's how it is with women. They have hobbies for the sake of socializing, but that's it.

Also, relationships fucking suck if you're not "keeping your woman in check", it sounds like off-putting macho-talk but it's true. Women constantly test their partner trying to get them to do things or say stuff with rhetorical questions that, if you take them literally, mark you as loser cuck to these psycho bitches.

You have to somehow be the one that leads everything which also for some weirdass reason means you can't be a humane, nice person.

The more a woman gets the feeling that you need her or can't live without her, she'll try to exploit you. These egomaniacs want to be the ones that need you.

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820c19 No.150361


>If you're not getting women it isn't about the looks. It's about your attitude.

This is the worst copy-pasta bullshit in existence that every idiot who believes he's an alpha male echoes.

So what if it's not about the looks? You're literally saying "your personality is wrong", "you as a character suck".

And then you'll throw some retarded contradiction at the same person by spouting "be yourself, genuine".

Learn logic, that's something a man should at least be able to do, or kill yourself you waste product.

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b3eb82 No.150431

File: 8fcf5a4f904e69c⋯.png (139.08 KB,2202x542,1101:271,88ieh91zqwl41.png)




Update to this story. I have a new girlfriend, been with her for 6 months as of today. She was a kissless virgin when I met her and I know she wasn't lying about it, we were actually "friends" for a while before I felt any real attraction to her.

Honestly, my advice for young men struggling with retroactive jealousy in their love-life: Just bite the fucking bullet and find a better woman. You're not 30 years old yet and there's no reason to take a woman with a lot of baggage. Adult virgin women will certainly have a different personality than what you're used to, but it is definitely worth it. I don't "hate" my ex-girlfriend but I sincerely regret spending 16 months being in a mental hell trying to rationalize something that I'm against. She stills tries to contact me, apparently she has been fucking some guy who's already in a relationship and just wants her for sex. Dodged a bullet there.

Because my current girlfriend was completely inexperienced, that means I also have to make the first move on everything and "teach her" some things about being in a relationship, but to me that's part of the beauty of it.

For men who are struggling, breaking up over past events sounds like a real asshole move. Some people may even accuse you of being insecure. It's always for the best, though. You cannot undo the fact that she had more respect for a stranger within a few hours than she'll ever have for you, but you can undo your mistake of giving her your undivided love and attention. It is a "you" problem, and not "her" problem, but it's still a problem. There are plenty of men out there who don't give 2 fucks, you're just not one of them.

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fd0104 No.150435


>You're not 30 years old yet and there's no reason to take a woman with a lot of baggage.

Even in your 30s there is no reason to take such a woman.

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851892 No.150462

I need some advice on picking up ED pills and how to best go about it. I just got married and was completely unable to perform all weekend. I'm 32, not a virgin, but I've had performance problems since I was a teenager. I'm pretty sure it's a mental thing, but I figure ED pills couldn't hurt as long as I am careful with them. I've had 8 partners my whole life. Sometimes I can get hard, sometimes I can't.

I haven't fapped for at least 3 weeks. I go off and on, but I'm pretty resolute now to just quit the habit completely. I never really was an 'addict', I don't think. Never did it more than once a day. I'm relatively healthy. Probably about 20 pounds overweight. I have been lifting weights again. I've been pretty consistently lifting ~3 times a week for the past month. Diet is okay. Low carbs most days and IF. All fast food has been cut out for a while except for Taco Bell once every couple weeks or so.

What are y'alls opinions on picking up some ED pills? Could it hurt? I have been looking online. I figure I'll get some of the Indian knockoffs and just roll the dice that they're mostly clean. Any advice?

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d4fbba No.150656

It's been a while. I'm glad you faggots are back. Cuckchan was terrible. All I had was a /k/ bunker for so long.

I'm still alone. But I'm ok with it now. Ive had a few relationships since last time. I'm pretty good at picking up girls and making them fall in love with me. I just can't stop myself from fucking up the relationship somehow. I moved halfway across the country and have no real friends now but I'm ok with that. Loneliness isn't painful anymore. I hope you have all been doing well.

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e54a68 No.150657


How do you fuck up your relationships?

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8e7fc1 No.150661


Inexperienced showing and receiving affection/love , poor communication, and physical distance are more notable causes.

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e54a68 No.150662


So then shouldn't you work on yourself before dating? I thought you were supposed to be a stable person before you even considered dating. I mean it makes sense to not date when you can't even receive affection from the other party.

But hey what do I know. Anyway are you thinking of dating again when you are fit to date? Also would you recommend going to hobby places for picking up a girl or what?

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de6d7d No.150665

>I thought you were supposed to be a stable person before you even considered dating

Lol probably. But in my case true stability is not likely. I'm still working on myself. I will be for the rest of my life.

>Also would you recommend going to hobby places for picking up a girl or what?

Depends on how niche or lame your hobby is. If you are into painting model tanks/cars don't waste your time looking for a woman interested in your hobby let alone a hot one. Lots of places to meet weeb chicks but don't expect mental stability out of them. If you are into more like GW nerd shit it's gonna be a search but it's possible. Definitely don't do clubs or bars if you want something long term or serious. Unfortunate that nobody uses libraries anymore. But yeah women who share hobbies gives you a lot to talk about and is always a + for the relationship.

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e54a68 No.150675


I mean I do a bunch of metal and wood working as a hobbies and besides weight lifting i just put my bet on hobby meetups and local events.

I would ever touch a club or bar with a mile line pole. Heard too many stories from my friends about dating a bar girl.

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24d32c No.150683


no shit

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ca44e9 No.150754

File: e831d25f9bdcd19⋯.jpeg (160.67 KB,570x431,570:431,BC063338_4999_4412_8445_D….jpeg)

any advice you get is meaningless, the best thing you can do to improve your social life and relationships is to stop thinking and just trust your natural reactions and what you feel is best

even if you don’t get laid you will live a happier more fulfilling life, the idea that there is a “right” way to do things is retarded

>be me

>get girlfriend

>do all the things the virgins on this site screech about

>still empty and bored

>not happier in the slightest

waste of time

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ca44e9 No.150755

File: bc7ff1c7fd76295⋯.jpeg (134.59 KB,750x517,750:517,1C1FA6B8_AC9B_4BBC_905A_A….jpeg)


nofap is the most braindead retarded shit on this planet

as if ignoring your natural urges and suppressing them will lead to any sort of benefits

all it does is teach you not to trust yourself, not to act on harmless natural urges and listen to authority rather then be independent

theres a reason nofap is only popular with far right schizos

>Suppression of the natural sexuality in the child, particularly of its genital sexuality, makes the child apprehensive, shy, obedient, afraid of authority, good and adjusted in the authoritarian sense; it paralyzes the rebellious forces because any rebellion is laden with anxiety; it produces, by inhibiting sexual curiosity and sexual thinking in the child, a general inhibition of thinking and of critical faculties. In brief, the goal of sexual suppression is that of producing an individual who is adjusted to the authoritarian order and who will submit to it in spite of all misery and degradation. Initially, the child has to submit to the structure of the authoritarian miniature state, the family, which process makes it capable of later subordination to the general authoritarian system. The formation of the authoritarian structure takes place through the anchoring of sexual inhibition and anxiety.

“the pyschology of mass fascism”

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de1f42 No.150760

On dating sites, you can always find what interests you. There are even dating sites for seniors over 50-60. I never thought it was possible. It seemed to me that after 50 years of life, there is not much, but I was wrong. There is, and even some. You can check it yourself by visiting https://www.senior-datingsites.com/ .

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baf6aa No.150774

I date different girls. Don't get me wrong, it's not about polyamory. I don't like serious relationships and that's why I change girlfriends regularly. Here is a good site with reviews https://maturedatingsites.co.uk/ on other dating websites. Awesome resource for people like me IMHO.

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f6bb7b No.150797

I've been single for two years now.

Should I focus on getting swole before I try and go back in? I fucked one of my coworkers but I feel like with six months in the gym I can do better than her. I like her personality but she's kinda ugly, she's a 5-6 which is where I'm at now. I feel like in 6 months I could be a solid 7, maybe 7.5 with personality.

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4130c1 No.150802

Good info thx.! I suppose that it could be helpful for many people! You know, I would like to share my problem. I have some troubles because I'm alone. I want to find a mature girlfriend. Should I use this website https://www.spicylocals.com/bisexual-chat-rooms.html? Please share.

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