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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

You're gonna make it.

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File: 4254385a825d137⋯.gif (236 KB,500x500,1:1,1385269136992.gif)

8866e4 No.115774 [View All]

What was that final drive that made you start going to the gym on a regular basis?

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a22f39 No.136970


if you can't discern the difference between racism hate crime, and just regular crime

I don't know what to tell you, you might have real retardation

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482baa No.137005


you're right. Nobody hates black people more than other black people.

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18f227 No.137006

File: 24e84a90c57234d⋯.png (703.23 KB,1185x636,395:212,(((why_jews_hate_art_and_e….png)

When i heard everything bad is the jews fault

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cd52cc No.137027

File: 3b4618de282230f⋯.webm (1.08 MB,480x360,4:3,(((How to control normalf….webm)


Nice filename, autist.


Pic. Remember normalfags are not human like us, they are more like cattle or tools.

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b81dd7 No.137094

File: e7e00cdc23b9578⋯.jpg (466.57 KB,1024x819,1024:819,1505746855842.jpg)


Getting mogged into oblivion by my peers and unironically video games. Wanting to have the physique of doomguy or duke nukem has been a good motivator. Catching on to a primitive version of the nu-male meme and being annoyed by normalfag twinks also helped.

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bb3672 No.137101

The only reason I started working out was because this one time I dropped the Television remote on the floor next to my recliner. My 211 pound ass was prevented from reaching down and grabbing the remote, because of a large fat roll.

That was my revelation. Being fat is inconvenient.

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e995d1 No.137104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I needed to lose weight because I was morbidly obese and got diagnosed with diabetes. I'm normal weight now and have normal blood sugars.

I don't go to the gym or do much weightlifting though. I mostly do calisthenics because I'm fascinated with the idea of being able to control your own body, I like the well-rounded body types that calisthenics produces, and I save a lot of time by not having to drive to the gym when I want to work out .

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424686 No.137135

File: 67c05eb6dc0002c⋯.jpg (62.04 KB,640x960,2:3,U1vmUo1.jpg)

I basically came to the realization that I'm getting older and most of my no gf problems stem from being obese, and unless I got /fit/, I will be a wizard.

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d33228 No.140577

Fat people hate threads and posts on various sites.

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fe485a No.140578

File: 957eb1cdbcbf864⋯.png (881.5 KB,512x766,256:383,HMD101597692_A033176.png)

File: d5ba5050ccb8d53⋯.png (1.25 MB,1093x682,1093:682,beach.PNG)

File: 51a3d956a5d854e⋯.png (1.15 MB,1183x544,1183:544,german gymnastics.PNG)

File: ce7c4b2192263fd⋯.png (1.3 MB,834x700,417:350,lifts.PNG)

File: 4f00c6f55aeee72⋯.png (1.6 MB,1162x728,83:52,sports.PNG)


Looking for a pdf of this book btw

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89802b No.140584


>Nazi stronk

Is there any support for this? I know the Nazis subsidized fitness, but I have never before heard that their soldiers were particularly physically fit, only that they wanted to paint this image. So did Mussolini and we don't hear of his military successes, for certain reasons.

Kudos for acknowledging, though, that the Nazis had shitty tanks. They had like half the tanks the French had, but Blitzkrieg was a brilliant strategy that completely disrupted the French infrastructure and prevented an effective counterattack. Many people don't know that.

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4c598a No.140601


Your problem is that you think you can’t. It’s psychology bro. Start working out. Remind yourself why you’re trying to look good. For me, I realized the fatter I got the more damage it does to the body. I’m more /fit/ than I was back at 89 kilos but the scars remain. Stretch marks, mild gyno— but if I hadn’t stopped getting fatter it could do irreversible damage to knees, back, as well as self esteem.

If you get anything out of this post, just remember…

Fat is inconvenient.

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63691e No.140634


Anon, it takes more than fitness to be a good soldier.

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63691e No.140635


>tfw 106 kg fatty but barely gyno

Am I high T?

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0c3c2f No.140636

It's not fucking gyno you dumb fucks. It's just fat. It will go away when you lose weight just like you gut will. Gyno is a condition where you grow actual breast tissue. You can feel it under your skin. Your nipples get puffy and sensitive. You may even start fucking lactating.

Having moobs because you are a fat fuck is not gyno. It's just being a fat fuck.

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63691e No.140637


Thanks for making it clear, burgerbro.

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b4d4e2 No.140640

File: 928176d59350049⋯.jpg (1.54 MB,2304x3056,144:191,eddie-brock-lift.jpg)

because i wanted to be spider-man when i was young

but then i realized venom was cooler

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5d9820 No.140650

Worked out on machines a couple times during college and really liked the feeling of pushing my muscles to exhaustion.

That's it, really. I just realized I liked lifting.

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63691e No.140653

I just watched Kinnikuman and thought It was slick.

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9ef18f No.140715

Imminent race war

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9ef18f No.140717


What I fear the most. besides waking up and finding out that my whole life was a coma dream

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a69301 No.140718


>besides waking up and finding out that my whole life was a coma dream

I think you mean nightmare.

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d99851 No.140719


>Wake up

>28 days style, no one around for the next couple of blocks

>Loud chimp screeing

>A wild pack of niggers charge at you using stop signs as spears

>Realize you were in a coma while the race war happened and white people lost and were sent to Africa by new black kangz

>Realize your gains are gone

>What do /fit/?

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d30415 No.141572

Getting the fuck beat out of me randomly on the street.

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18f9b1 No.141574

File: e162254959571e2⋯.jpg (32.03 KB,400x260,20:13,400x260-ct.jpg)

been neet for too long, lost all my muscles and ended up looking like an Auschwitz survivor.

i was 5'10 116lbs.

also i used to be fit back in high school and get allot of female attention, i want that back.

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3cba2c No.142922

File: d5f7ce80cfd732c⋯.jpg (24.1 KB,500x331,500:331,workout.jpg)

>Because I didn't want to die while chasing some nigger

>Figure that most of my other colleagues are fat and they call in back up anytime they have more than one nog in the vehicle

>Most importantly, I saw how I was becoming more like my father, and wanted to be better than him.

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f09353 No.142924

Need to lift big and eat big in order to pass the Royal Navy fitness standards

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e68773 No.142925

File: d058eef90a88cdf⋯.jpg (347.47 KB,800x542,400:271,d058eef90a88cdf2a87010c22a….jpg)

Dad was in Soviet army and was really fit in his youth. I used to play football and hockey, and be active all the time, but I couldn't do more than 3 pull ups, while he could do multiple of them, muscle ups and other things, so he made fun of me all the time and here I am, several years later, lifting big. Thanks, dad.

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a3b76d No.142926

File: a65e9df7cb74563⋯.jpg (38.54 KB,1151x662,1151:662,1539284651864.jpg)

Health reason .

Especially lower back problem.

Deadlift is GOAT

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a69301 No.142927


>Get extremely light-headed when diddlylifting only 75kg

I could easily pull more, but my head won't let me. What do?

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cc18e8 No.142930

Hey fellas, I have a problem.

I'm severely underweight, but at the same time can't afford to get 2500-3000 calories a day, because I'm fucking poor as hell. What a lovely combination.. What should I do? Any advice?

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b8b58d No.142945

File: d57ac5ecd5d9934⋯.jpg (209.94 KB,633x823,633:823,1431922845850.jpg)


>I could easily pull more, but my head won't let me

pull more until you pass out, is this even a question?

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79d122 No.142948

My back started to hurt after two years of working an office job.

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09aa4a No.142962

80% of the reason i work out is to get my noodle wet, the 20% left is for my health

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09aa4a No.142963

is it normal that my hands are shaking after a hard workout ?

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79d122 No.143020


>Your nipples get puffy and sensitive

Like they hurt easily?

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139ad0 No.143021


maybe you need to get stronger forearms

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e70587 No.143101

>Junkie from 16 to 22

>Somehow earned a kick ass life, doing everything I want, fucking girls, playing music, programming computers, constantly doing cool shit

>Can't fucking breath going up stairs, hair falling out in clumps, cannot move furniture on my own, new people I'm meeting are in shape/healthy compared to old dope fiend crowd

>turns out I'm fucking deformed (knock kneed and spinal issues) and never found out because I never did anything physical in my life

you know what feels REALLY good? building it all up from rock bottom, especially when you've got great support. getting clean, eating clean (eggs, ground beef, kale, cheese, bananas, yogurt, water), and knowing that the great feeling you get from running/cycling/whatever is the feeling of your heart growing. feels good! good luck drug bros, know when your habits are the only bad thing in your life, because then it will be the easiest to leave them behind. get help if you're drinking a bunch, or at least be careful.

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43898d No.143118


Because I got a free membership.

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294c64 No.143230


Just got off the wagon myself, I was /fit/ for years, but then I became a dad and I've been forced to work a shit job for years to afford my families house, causing me to stop going to the gym. My job sucks, but having it while going to school is no excuse to let myself continue to fall down the slippery slope of drinking more and more often. I've started a home workout wherein I do bodyweight exercises so I can get swole again and I've switched drinking for light marijuana edible usage. I use it to stay focused, eat more food, and be more productive . You guys are my only true friends that I feel I can be open with, reading through this thread has only given me more motivation to keep working hard, we're all gonna make it.

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8c7371 No.146236


> have never before heard that their soldiers were particularly physically fit

They lost all their gains with Stalingrad.

But seriously they were chronicly starved by high command to the point where by the latter half of the war they spent most of their days forging for left behind food.

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c1e403 No.147153

File: 3711573db3d64e8⋯.jpg (127.42 KB,1200x1418,600:709,1543974849962.jpg)

I watched that ""/v/ goes to prison" video that someone posted somewhere sometime ago

I thought to myself, "Oh fuck, I would be bitch-made if I went to prison"

That, college life coming into frame, and the hope for military out of college is what really keeps me thinking about my health.

Then there's everything else, like FPBP, Conan-logic, qt3.14's, raw power, securing a future for our white children, race war, whatever.

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85a430 No.147163


>the hope for military out of college

If you're going to go ZOG at least go for military then college so they pay for it

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81cc5e No.147167

Realizing the only place I'd truly feel at home is in a war zone. Realizing fat people are bigger, slower targets, realizing I was too weak to comfortably wield a rifle, and realizing that my escapism had oonly lowered my tolerance for pain.

So far ive corrected all of those issues but id still like to become stronger.

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c1e403 No.147177


Do you really think the Montgomery GI Bill doesn't work for when you graduate first and then go in?

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c03fd3 No.147184


Go look it up

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f13de9 No.147185


>muh race war

>less upper body strength than a literal schoolgirl

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c1e403 No.147373

File: c08875c40199bf3⋯.png (387.2 KB,949x896,949:896,c08875c40199bf3394ca380f82….png)


I am, I have, and I'm not getting what I need to know I guess.

You're saying that I won't be able to use the GI Bill after enlistment/active duty to pay for the college I've already attended?

If that really is the case, then I might as well just pay for what I can while I'm in and use the 100 every month for the fist twelve months to qualify for an MGIB and use that MGIB when I'm out to go straight into MGIB-supported trainings. I might as well just learn how to be a pilot, take some language courses, you name it.

>or are you making pic related face at every little thing I say for the fun of it?

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f94218 No.147402


tfw once upon a time i thought this sculpture was jacked as fuck

now i just laugh when i see this shiet. boy does time fly. 5 years of lifting and never will i think of quitting

this my first post in like 2 years btw

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24c612 No.148205

>going to the gym

Unless you're so big that you NEED to go to a gym to be able to use the kind of equipment you can't keep in the 99%'s kind of household then you should just forget about the gym.

Gym culture is unavoidable, unless you're one of those lucky few who have access to some kind of private deal or whatever.

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