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/femdom/ - Femdom

Those special girls and the guys who love them

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File: 3ef95544a3729f3⋯.jpg (16.73 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)

4677f2 No.9963



It's not fair lads, all I want is an ==ALPHA, HIGH ENERGY, DOMINANT SADIST== girlfriend to trample my cock and bollocks whilst sitting on my face but every """Domme""" I've come across is a narcissist only in it to be worshipped as well as having a little cuck paypig to pay for everything. These posers are not capable of giving me the connection I want. They're conniving, lazy parasites who want to drain my wallet dry and then have me wash the dishes. They're sadistic in every way except the ways that are actually enjoyable.

How about you, Anon? What are your experiences with dominant women?

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72c33f No.9975

File: 73d304707ef518c⋯.jpg (23.41 KB,394x291,394:291,1446898112964.jpg)

True. 90% of dommes are actually submissive behind closed doors, like all women, but are only pretending to be dominant for the money and attention. And the remaining 10% are in it because of daddy issues, they want to degrade men because they are bitter, broken women, not because they genuinely enjoy it.

Unfortunately women who are dominant because they enjoy being dominant are rare enough that we can consider them nonexistent.

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d2f276 No.9989



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ebd659 No.9992


stop confusing findommes with actual dommes retard. Actual dommes are hard to find online because whenever they show their presence they get dog piled by needy obnoxious fucking subs. Stop looking at dipshits trying to make easy money on twitter and go to a god damn munch where you at least have a chance of hanging out with a real domme.

t. dating a domme and have had encounters with a few (live in a city and went to events).

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ebd659 No.9993


Oh and the only reason findommes stick around despite the constant needy sub bullshit is because they are doing it for money.

That's it.

Hell, I used to run a porn blog that was clearly from a sub male perspective and I still got shit like "please crsuh my cock goddssess!?" all the time.

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c7a321 No.10002


>I still got shit like "please crsuh my cock goddssess!?" all the time. One of the many reasons I'm a misanthrope. men are scum,horny, sex-crazed idiots. Even "gamer girl" bathwater is being sold to thirsty cucks. give up, I'm ashamed of being a man, I can see why "dominant' women don't exist, aside from them being; spoiled, small, weak ,"FeMinInE" cowards, they are controlled by their biological programming just like men.

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81dad3 No.10011


Except, again dominant women do exist and its not a majority of men doing this. You are ignoring reality to be a sad loser.

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2481d8 No.10048


>Actual dommes are hard to find online because whenever they show their presence they get dog piled by needy obnoxious fucking subs.

There was a domme on 4/r9k/ a while ago for exactly that reason, she explained that she loved teasing thirsty betas (and we loved it too)

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47bc5d No.10064


Yeah I think I’m aware of the individual as she’s done that in multiple femdom related communities. Women who enjoy the constant bombardment exist but are rare and eventually get off and then get bored. I know/sort of know about 12 real life dommes and none them have big open online presences; in general, on fetlife they keep their location set to Antarctica, on twitter they don’t say they are dominant women and on tumblr they kept asks off and never posted selfies.

It turns out a big part of the answer to “why are dominant women hard to find?” is “because they don’t want to be found”

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dc1808 No.11262

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